#!/usr/bin/env lua --[[ This file is part of MXE. See index.html for further information. build-pkg, Build binary packages from MXE packages Instructions: http://mxe.redjohn.tk Requirements: MXE, lua, tsort, fakeroot, dpkg-deb. Usage: lua tools/build-pkg.lua Packages are written to `*.tar.xz` files. Debian packages are written to `*.deb` files. Build in directory /usr/lib/mxe This directory can not be changed in .deb packages To change this directory, set environment variable MXE_DIR to other directory. To prevent build-pkg from creating deb packages, set environment variable MXE_NO_DEBS to 1 In this case fakeroot and dpkg-deb are not needed. To limit number of packages being built to x, set environment variable MXE_MAX_ITEMS to x, The following error: > fakeroot, while creating message channels: Invalid argument > This may be due to a lack of SYSV IPC support. > fakeroot: error while starting the `faked' daemon. can be caused by leaked ipc resources originating in fakeroot. How to remove them: http://stackoverflow.com/a/4262545 ]] local max_items = tonumber(os.getenv('MXE_MAX_ITEMS')) local no_debs = os.getenv('MXE_NO_DEBS') local TODAY = os.date("%Y%m%d") local MXE_DIR = os.getenv('MXE_DIR') or '/usr/lib/mxe' local GIT = 'git --work-tree=./usr/ --git-dir=./usr/.git ' local BLACKLIST = { '^usr/installed/check%-requirements$', -- usr/share/cmake is useful '^usr/share/doc/', '^usr/share/info/', '^usr/share/man/', '^usr/share/gcc', '^usr/lib/nonetwork.so', '^usr/[^/]+/share/doc/', '^usr/[^/]+/share/info/', } local TARGETS = { 'i686-w64-mingw32.static', 'x86_64-w64-mingw32.static', 'i686-w64-mingw32.shared', 'x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared', } local function echo(fmt, ...) print(fmt:format(...)) end local function log(fmt, ...) echo('[build-pkg]\t' .. fmt, ...) end -- based on http://lua-users.org/wiki/SplitJoin local function split(self, sep, nMax, plain) if not sep then sep = '%s+' end assert(sep ~= '') assert(nMax == nil or nMax >= 1) local aRecord = {} if self:len() > 0 then nMax = nMax or -1 local nField = 1 local nStart = 1 local nFirst, nLast = self:find(sep, nStart, plain) while nFirst and nMax ~= 0 do aRecord[nField] = self:sub(nStart, nFirst - 1) nField = nField + 1 nStart = nLast + 1 nFirst, nLast = self:find(sep, nStart, plain) nMax = nMax - 1 end aRecord[nField] = self:sub(nStart) end return aRecord end local function trim(str) local text = str:gsub("%s+$", "") text = text:gsub("^%s+", "") return text end local function isInArray(element, array) for _, member in ipairs(array) do if member == element then return true end end return false end local function sliceArray(list, nelements) nelements = nelements or #list local new_list = {} for i = 1, nelements do new_list[i] = list[i] end return new_list end local function concatArrays(...) local result = {} for _, array in ipairs({...}) do for _, elem in ipairs(array) do table.insert(result, elem) end end return result end local function isInString(substring, string) return string:find(substring, 1, true) end local function shell(cmd) local f = io.popen(cmd, 'r') local text = f:read('*all') f:close() return text end local function execute(cmd) if _VERSION == 'Lua 5.1' then return os.execute(cmd) == 0 else -- Lua >= 5.2 return os.execute(cmd) end end -- for tar, try gtar and gnutar first local tools = {} local function tool(name) if tools[name] then return tools[name] end if execute(("g%s --help > /dev/null 2>&1"):format(name)) then tools[name] = 'g' .. name elseif execute(("gnu%s --help > /dev/null 2>&1"):format(name)) then tools[name] = 'gnu' .. name else tools[name] = name end return tools[name] end local function fileExists(name) local f = io.open(name, "r") if f ~= nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end local function writeFile(filename, data) local file = io.open(filename, 'w') file:write(data) file:close() end local NATIVE_TARGET = trim(shell("ext/config.guess")) local function isCross(target) return target ~= NATIVE_TARGET end local cmd = "dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH 2> /dev/null" local ARCH = trim(shell(cmd)) -- return target and package from item name local function parseItem(item) return item:match("([^~]+)~([^~]+)") end -- return several tables describing packages for all targets -- * list of items -- * map from item to list of deps (which are also items) -- * map from item to version -- Item is a string like "target~pkg" local function getItems() local items = {} local item2deps = {} local item2ver = {} local cmd = '%s print-deps-for-build-pkg MXE_TARGETS=%q' cmd = cmd:format(tool 'make', table.concat(TARGETS, ' ')) local make = io.popen(cmd) for line in make:lines() do local deps = split(trim(line)) if deps[1] == 'for-build-pkg' then -- first value is marker 'for-build-pkg' table.remove(deps, 1) -- first value is name of package which depends on local item = table.remove(deps, 1) -- second value is version of package local ver = table.remove(deps, 1) table.insert(items, item) item2deps[item] = deps item2ver[item] = ver local target, _ = parseItem(item) for _, dep_item in ipairs(deps) do local target2, _ = parseItem(dep_item) if isCross(target2) and target2 ~= target then log("Cross-target dependency %s -> %s", target2, target) end end end end make:close() return items, item2deps, item2ver end -- return items ordered in build order -- this means, if item depends on item2, then -- item2 preceeds item1 in the list local function sortForBuild(items, item2deps) -- use sommand tsort local tsort_input_fname = os.tmpname() local tsort_input = io.open(tsort_input_fname, 'w') for _, item1 in ipairs(items) do for _, item2 in ipairs(item2deps[item1]) do tsort_input:write(item2 .. ' ' .. item1 .. '\n') end end tsort_input:close() -- local build_list = {} local tsort = io.popen('tsort ' .. tsort_input_fname, 'r') for line in tsort:lines() do local item = trim(line) table.insert(build_list, item) end tsort:close() os.remove(tsort_input_fname) return build_list end local function isListed(file, list) for _, pattern in ipairs(list) do if file:match(pattern) then return true end end return false end local function isBlacklisted(file) return isListed(file, BLACKLIST) end -- creates git repo in ./usr local function gitInit() os.execute('mkdir -p ./usr') os.execute(GIT .. 'init --quiet') end local function gitAdd() os.execute(GIT .. 'add .') end -- return two lists of filepaths under ./usr/ -- 1. new files -- 2. changed files local function gitStatus() local new_files = {} local changed_files = {} local git_st = io.popen(GIT .. 'status --porcelain', 'r') for line in git_st:lines() do local status, file = line:match('(..) (.*)') status = trim(status) if file:sub(1, 1) == '"' then -- filename with a space is quoted by git file = file:sub(2, -2) end file = 'usr/' .. file if not fileExists(file) then log('Missing file: %q', file) elseif not isBlacklisted(file) then if status == 'A' then table.insert(new_files, file) elseif status == 'M' then table.insert(changed_files, file) else log('Strange git status: %q of %q', status, file) end end end git_st:close() return new_files, changed_files end -- git commits changes in ./usr local function gitCommit(message) local cmd = GIT .. '-c user.name="build-pkg" ' .. '-c user.email="build-pkg@mxe" ' .. 'commit -a -m %q --quiet' os.execute(cmd:format(message)) end local function isValidBinary(target, file) local cmd = './usr/bin/%s-objdump -t %s > /dev/null 2>&1' return execute(cmd:format(target, file)) end local function checkFile(file, item) local target, _ = parseItem(item) -- if it is PE32 file, it must have '.exe' in name local ext = file:sub(-4):lower() local cmd = 'file --dereference --brief %q' local file_type = trim(shell(cmd:format(file))) if ext == '.bin' then -- can be an executable or something else (font) elseif ext == '.exe' then if not file_type:match('PE32') then log('File %s (%s) is %q. Remove .exe', file, item, file_type) end elseif ext == '.dll' then if not file_type:match('PE32.*DLL') then log('File %s (%s) is %q. Remove .dll', file, item, file_type) end else if file_type:match('PE32') then log('File %s (%s) is %q. Add exe or dll', file, item, file_type) end end for _, t in ipairs(TARGETS) do if t ~= target and isInString(t, file) then log('File %s (%s): other target %s in name', file, item, t) end end if file:match('/lib/.*%.dll$') then log('File %s (%s): DLL in /lib/', file, item) end if file:match('%.dll$') or file:match('%.a$') then if isInString(target, file) and isCross(target) then -- cross-compiled if not isValidBinary(target, file) then log('File %s (%s): not recognized library', file, item) end end end end local function checkFileList(files, item) local target, _ = parseItem(item) if target:match('shared') then local has_a, has_dll for _, file in ipairs(files) do file = file:lower() if file:match('%.a') then has_a = true end if file:match('%.dll') then has_dll = true end end if has_a and not has_dll then log('Shared item %s installs .a file ' .. 'but no .dll', item) end end end -- builds package, returns list of new files local function buildItem(item, item2deps, file2item) local target, pkg = parseItem(item) local cmd = '%s %s MXE_TARGETS=%s --jobs=1' os.execute(cmd:format(tool 'make', pkg, target)) gitAdd() local new_files, changed_files = gitStatus() gitCommit(("Build %s"):format(item)) for _, file in ipairs(new_files) do checkFile(file, item) file2item[file] = item end for _, file in ipairs(changed_files) do checkFile(file, item) -- add a dependency on a package created this file local creator_item = assert(file2item[file]) if not isInArray(creator_item, item2deps[item]) then table.insert(item2deps[item], creator_item) end log('Item %s changes %s, created by %s', item, file, creator_item) end checkFileList(concatArrays(new_files, changed_files), item) return new_files end local function nameToDebian(item) item = item:gsub('[~_]', '-') local name = 'mxe-%s' return name:format(item) end local function protectVersion(ver) ver = ver:gsub('_', '.') if ver:sub(1, 1):match('%d') then return ver else -- version number does not start with digit return '0.' .. ver end end local CONTROL = [[Package: %s Version: %s Section: devel Priority: optional Architecture: %s Depends: %s Maintainer: Boris Nagaev Homepage: http://mxe.cc Description: %s MXE (M cross environment) is a Makefile that compiles a cross compiler and cross compiles many free libraries such as SDL and Qt for various target platforms (MinGW). . %s ]] local function debianControl(options) local deb_deps_str = table.concat(options.deps, ', ') local version = options.version .. '-' .. TODAY return CONTROL:format( options.package, version, options.arch, deb_deps_str, options.description1, options.description2 ) end local function makePackage(name, files, deps, ver, d1, d2, dst) local dst = dst or '.' local dirname = ('%s/%s_%s'):format(dst, name, protectVersion(ver)) -- make .list file local list_path = ('%s/%s.list'):format(dst, name) writeFile(list_path, table.concat(files, "\n") .. "\n") -- make .tar.xz file local tar_name = dirname .. '.tar.xz' local cmd = '%s -T %s --owner=root --group=root -cJf %s' os.execute(cmd:format(tool 'tar', list_path, tar_name)) -- make DEBIAN/control file local control_text = debianControl { package = name, version = protectVersion(ver), arch = ARCH, deps = deps, description1 = d1, description2 = d2, } writeFile(dirname .. ".deb-control", control_text) if not no_debs then -- unpack .tar.xz to the path for Debian local usr = dirname .. MXE_DIR os.execute(('mkdir -p %s'):format(usr)) os.execute(('mkdir -p %s/DEBIAN'):format(dirname)) -- use tar to copy files with paths local cmd = '%s -C %s -xf %s' cmd = 'fakeroot -s deb.fakeroot ' .. cmd os.execute(cmd:format(tool 'tar', usr, tar_name)) -- make DEBIAN/control file local control_fname = dirname .. '/DEBIAN/control' writeFile(control_fname, control_text) -- make .deb file local cmd = 'fakeroot -i deb.fakeroot dpkg-deb -b %s' os.execute(cmd:format(dirname)) -- cleanup os.execute(('rm -fr %s deb.fakeroot'):format(dirname)) end end local D1 = "MXE package %s for %s" local D2 = "This package contains the files for MXE package %s" local function makeDeb(item, files, deps, ver) local target, pkg = parseItem(item) local deb_pkg = nameToDebian(item) local d1 = D1:format(pkg, target) local d2 = D2:format(pkg) local deb_deps = {'mxe-requirements', 'mxe-source'} for _, dep in ipairs(deps) do table.insert(deb_deps, nameToDebian(dep)) end makePackage(deb_pkg, files, deb_deps, ver, d1, d2) end local function isBuilt(item, files) local target, pkg = parseItem(item) local INSTALLED = 'usr/%s/installed/%s' local installed = INSTALLED:format(target, pkg) for _, file in ipairs(files) do if file == installed then return true end end return false end -- script building HUGE_TIMES from MXE main log -- https://gist.github.com/starius/3ea9d953b0c30df88aa7 local HUGE_TIMES = { [7] = {"ocaml-native", "ffmpeg", "boost"}, [9] = {"openssl", "qtdeclarative", "ossim", "wxwidgets"}, [12] = {"ocaml-core", "itk", "wt"}, [19] = {"gcc", "qtbase", "llvm"}, [24] = {"vtk", "vtk6", "openscenegraph"}, [36] = {"openblas", "pcl", "oce"}, [51] = {"qt"}, } local PROGRESS = "[%3d/%d] " .. "The build is expected to complete in %0.1f hours, " .. "on %s" local function progressPrinter(items) local pkg2time = {} for time, pkgs in pairs(HUGE_TIMES) do for _, pkg in ipairs(pkgs) do pkg2time[pkg] = time end end -- local started_at = os.time() local sums = {} for i, item in ipairs(items) do local target, pkg = parseItem(item) local expected_time = pkg2time[pkg] or 1 sums[i] = (sums[i - 1] or 0) + expected_time end local total_time = sums[#sums] local time_done = 0 local pkgs_done = 0 local printer = {} -- function printer:advance(i) pkgs_done = i time_done = sums[i] end function printer:status() local now = os.time() local spent = now - started_at local predicted_duration = spent * total_time / time_done local predicted_end = started_at + predicted_duration local predicted_end_str = os.date("%c", predicted_end) local predicted_wait = predicted_end - now local predicted_wait_hours = predicted_wait / 3600.0 return PROGRESS:format(pkgs_done, #items, predicted_wait_hours, predicted_end_str) end return printer end local function isEmpty(item, files) return #files == 1 end -- build all packages, save filelist to list file local function buildPackages(items, item2deps) local broken = {} local unbroken = {} local file2item = {} local item2files = {} local function brokenDep(item) for _, dep in ipairs(item2deps[item]) do if broken[dep] then return dep end end return false end local progress_printer = progressPrinter(items) for i, item in ipairs(items) do if not brokenDep(item) then local files = buildItem(item, item2deps, file2item) if isBuilt(item, files) then item2files[item] = files table.insert(unbroken, item) else -- broken package broken[item] = true log('Item is broken: %s', item) end else broken[item] = true log('Item %s depends on broken item %s', item, brokenDep(item)) end progress_printer:advance(i) echo(progress_printer:status()) end return unbroken, item2files end local function makeDebs(items, item2deps, item2ver, item2files) for _, item in ipairs(items) do local deps = assert(item2deps[item], item) local ver = assert(item2ver[item], item) local files = assert(item2files[item], item) if not isEmpty(item, files) then for _, dep in ipairs(deps) do local dep_files = assert(item2files[dep], dep) if isEmpty(dep, dep_files) then log('Non-empty item %s depends on ' .. 'empty item %s', item, dep) end end makeDeb(item, files, deps, ver) end end end local function getMxeVersion() local index_html = io.open 'index.html' local text = index_html:read('*all') index_html:close() return text:match('Release ([^<]+)') end local MXE_REQUIREMENTS_DESCRIPTION2 = [[This package depends on all Debian dependencies of MXE. Other MXE packages depend on this package.]] local function makeMxeRequirementsPackage(release) os.execute(('mkdir -p %s'):format(release)) local name = 'mxe-requirements' local ver = getMxeVersion() .. release -- dependencies local deps = { 'autoconf', 'automake', 'autopoint', 'bash', 'bison', 'bzip2', 'cmake', 'flex', 'gettext', 'git', 'g++', 'gperf', 'intltool', 'libffi-dev', 'libtool', 'libltdl-dev', 'libssl-dev', 'libxml-parser-perl', 'make', 'openssl', 'patch', 'perl', 'p7zip-full', 'pkg-config', 'python', 'ruby', 'scons', 'sed', 'unzip', 'wget', 'xz-utils', 'g++-multilib', 'libc6-dev-i386', } if release ~= 'wheezy' then -- Jessie+ table.insert(deps, 'libtool-bin') end local files = {} local d1 = "MXE requirements package" local d2 = MXE_REQUIREMENTS_DESCRIPTION2 local dst = release makePackage(name, files, deps, ver, d1, d2, dst) end local MXE_SOURCE_DESCRIPTION2 = [[This package contains MXE source files. Other MXE packages depend on this package.]] local function makeMxeSourcePackage() local name = 'mxe-source' local ver = getMxeVersion() -- dependencies local deps = {} local files = { 'CNAME', 'LICENSE.md', 'Makefile', 'README.md', 'assets', 'doc', 'ext', 'index.html', 'src', 'tools', 'versions.json', } local d1 = "MXE source" local d2 = MXE_SOURCE_DESCRIPTION2 makePackage(name, files, deps, ver, d1, d2) end assert(trim(shell('pwd')) == MXE_DIR, "Clone MXE to " .. MXE_DIR) assert(execute(("%s check-requirements"):format(tool 'make'))) if not max_items then local cmd = ('%s download -j 6 -k'):format(tool 'make') while not execute(cmd) do end end gitInit() local items, item2deps, item2ver = getItems() local build_list = sortForBuild(items, item2deps) build_list = sliceArray(build_list, max_items) local unbroken, item2files = buildPackages(build_list, item2deps) makeDebs(unbroken, item2deps, item2ver, item2files) if not no_debs then makeMxeRequirementsPackage('wheezy') makeMxeRequirementsPackage('jessie') end makeMxeSourcePackage()