diff options
authorsebres <>2020-04-02 14:12:30 (GMT)
committersebres <>2020-04-02 14:12:30 (GMT)
commit39859a5acab91f11ddc915d73ff85b92674d0b8f (patch)
parentf394d8c0d4ef97cd0aebf1ce7de1ecb86a50ba9d (diff)
parent5f991db594f3bb66eca2729ce8862a8e06d68bf7 (diff)
merge bug-f583715154-v2: added tests covering [f583715154] and few other RC similar situations around socket thread transfer (note thread constraint)
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/socket.test b/tests/socket.test
index 1c77f06..55b4f2f 100644
--- a/tests/socket.test
+++ b/tests/socket.test
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
package require tcltest 2
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
if {[expr {[info exists ::env(TRAVIS_OSX_IMAGE)] && [string match xcode* $::env(TRAVIS_OSX_IMAGE)]}]} {
@@ -1816,6 +1817,105 @@ test socket_$af-13.1 {Testing use of shared socket between two threads} -body {
thread::release $serverthread
append result " " [llength [thread::names]]
} -result {hello 1} -constraints [list socket supported_$af thread]
+proc transf_test {{testmode transfer} {maxIter 1000} {maxTime 10000}} {
+ try {
+ set ::count 0
+ set ::testmode $testmode
+ set port 0
+ set srvsock {}
+ # if binding on port 0 is not possible (system related, blocked on ISPs etc):
+ if {[catch {close [socket -async $::localhost $port]}]} {
+ # simplest server on random port (immediatelly closing a connect):
+ set port [randport]
+ set srvsock [socket -server {apply {{ch args} {close $ch}}} -myaddr $::localhost $port]
+ # socket on windows has some issues yet (e. g. bug [b6d0d8cc2c]), so we simply decrease iteration count (to 1/4):
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows" && $maxIter > 50} {
+ set ::count [expr {$maxIter / 4 * 3 - 1}]; # bypass 3/4 iterations
+ }
+ }
+ tcltest::DebugPuts 1 "== test \[$::localhost\]:$port $testmode =="
+ set ::master [thread::id]
+ # helper thread creating async connection and initiating transfer (detach) to master:
+ set ::helper [thread::create]
+ thread::send -async $::helper [list \
+ lassign [list $::master $::localhost $port $testmode] \
+ ::master ::localhost ::port ::testmode
+ ]
+ thread::send -async $::helper {
+ set ::helper [thread::id]
+ proc iteration {args} {
+ set fd [socket -async $::localhost $::port]
+ if {"helper-writable" in $::testmode} {;# to test both sides during connect
+ fileevent $fd writable [list apply {{fd} {
+ if {[thread::id] ne $::helper} {
+ thread::send -async $::master {set ::count "ERROR: invalid thread, $::helper is expecting"}
+ close $fd
+ return
+ }
+ }} $fd]
+ };#
+ thread::detach $fd
+ thread::send -async $::master [list transf_master $fd {*}$args]
+ }
+ iteration first
+ }
+ # master proc commiting transfer attempt (attach) and checking acquire was successful:
+ proc transf_master {fd args} {
+ tcltest::DebugPuts 1 "** trma / $::count ** $args **"
+ thread::attach $fd
+ if {"master-close" in $::testmode} {;# to test close during connect
+ set ::count $::count
+ close $fd
+ return
+ };#
+ fileevent $fd writable [list apply {{fd} {
+ if {[thread::id] ne $::master} {
+ thread::send -async $::master {set ::count "ERROR: invalid thread, $::master is expecting"}
+ close $fd
+ return
+ }
+ set ::count $::count
+ close $fd
+ }} $fd]
+ }
+ # repeat maxIter times (up to maxTime ms as timeout):
+ set tout [after $maxTime {set ::count "TIMEOUT"}]
+ while 1 {
+ vwait ::count
+ if {![string is integer $::count]} {
+ # if timeout just skip (test was successful until now):
+ if {$::count eq "TIMEOUT"} {::tcltest::Skip "timing issue"}
+ break
+ }
+ if {[incr ::count] >= $maxIter} break
+ tcltest::DebugPuts 1 "** iter / $::count **"
+ thread::send -async $::helper [list iteration nr $::count]
+ }
+ update
+ set ::count
+ } finally {
+ catch {after cancel $tout}
+ if {$srvsock ne {}} {close $srvsock}
+ if {[info exists ::helper]} {thread::release -wait $::helper}
+ tcltest::DebugPuts 1 "== stop / $::count =="
+ unset -nocomplain ::count ::testmode ::master ::helper
+ }
+test socket_$af-13.2.tr1 {Testing socket transfer between threads during async connect} -body {
+ transf_test {transfer} 1000
+} -result 1000 -constraints [list socket supported_$af thread]
+test socket_$af-13.2.tr2 {Testing socket transfer between threads during async connect} -body {
+ transf_test {transfer helper-writable} 100
+} -result 100 -constraints [list socket supported_$af thread]
+test socket_$af-13.2.cl1 {Testing socket transfer between threads during async connect} -body {
+ transf_test {master-close} 100
+} -result 100 -constraints [list socket supported_$af thread]
+test socket_$af-13.2.cl2 {Testing socket transfer between threads during async connect} -body {
+ transf_test {master-close helper-writable} 100
+} -result 100 -constraints [list socket supported_$af thread]
+catch {rename transf_master {}}
+rename transf_test {}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------