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2 files changed, 200 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/generic/tclTimer.c b/generic/tclTimer.c
index 074b61d..d22d326 100644
--- a/generic/tclTimer.c
+++ b/generic/tclTimer.c
@@ -943,9 +943,24 @@ TimerSetupProc(
if (timeOffs > 0) {
- blockTime.sec = (long) (timeOffs / 1000000);
- blockTime.usec = (unsigned long) (timeOffs % 1000000);
+ blockTime.sec = 0;
+ if (timeOffs >= 1000000) {
+ /*
+ * Note we use monotonic time by all wait functions, so to
+ * avoid too long wait by the absolute timers (to be able
+ * to trigger it) if time jumped to the expected time, just
+ * let block for maximal 1s if absolute timers available.
+ */
+ if (tsdPtr->absTimerList) {
+ /* we've some absolute timers - won't wait longer as 1s. */
+ timeOffs = 1000000;
+ }
+ blockTime.sec = (long) (timeOffs / 1000000);
+ blockTime.usec = (unsigned long)(timeOffs % 1000000);
+ } else {
+ blockTime.sec = 0;
+ blockTime.usec = (unsigned long)timeOffs;
+ }
} else {
blockTime.sec = 0;
blockTime.usec = 0;
@@ -1792,6 +1807,14 @@ AfterDelay(
diff = endTime - now;
+ if (absolute && diff >= 1000000) {
+ /*
+ * Note by absolute sleep we should avoid too long waits, to be
+ * able to process further if time jumped to the expected time, so
+ * just let wait maximal 1 second.
+ */
+ diff = 1000000;
+ }
if (iPtr->limit.timeEvent == NULL || diff < limOffs) {
if (diff > 0) {
diff --git a/tests/timer.test b/tests/timer.test
index 2dbcae3..0b20d71 100644
--- a/tests/timer.test
+++ b/tests/timer.test
@@ -581,6 +581,180 @@ test timer-11.3 {[after] correct timer ordering (insert ahead)} \
} \
-result {ev:0 ev:0.1 ev:0.25 ev:0.5 ev:0.75 ev:1}
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# timer-20.x --
+# Following test-cases cover event-driven functionality during time-jump's
+# Note: on some platforms it is only possible if the user has corresponding
+# privileges to change system date and time.
+# Ex.: sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./tclsh ../tests/timer.test -match timer-20.*
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+proc timejump {args} {
+ set tnow [clock clicks]
+ set tm [clock format [clock add [clock seconds] {*}$args] -format %H:%M:%S]
+ #puts -nonewline "***[format \[%04X\] [pid]]*** jump to $tm ($args) "
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
+ exec $::env(COMSPEC) /c time $tm
+ } else {
+ exec date +%T -s $tm
+ }
+ #puts "***[format \[%04X\] [pid]]*** [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}] =="
+testConstraint ChangeTimePrivilege [expr {![catch { timejump 0 minutes }]}]
+testConstraint NewVWaitAfter [expr {![catch { vwait 0 nothing }]}]
+# provide monotonic command, if "clock monotonic" not available (old core):
+if {![catch {::tcl::clock::monotonic}]} {
+ namespace inscope ::tcl::clock {namespace export monotonic}
+ namespace import ::tcl::clock::monotonic
+} else {
+ proc monotonic {} {
+ variable tickFactor
+ # warming-up:
+ clock clicks; clock microseconds
+ # calc tick2usec factor:
+ set tick [::tcl::clock::clicks]; set usec [::tcl::clock::microseconds]
+ after 100
+ set tickFactor [expr {double([::tcl::clock::clicks] - $tick) / ([::tcl::clock::microseconds] - $usec)}]
+ proc monotonic {} {
+ variable tickFactor
+ expr {wide([::tcl::clock::clicks] / $tickFactor)}
+ }
+ monotonic
+ }
+# asynchronous function doing 3 time jumps (+1 min, +1 min, -2 minutes) in 250-ms:
+proc delayedtimejump {delay {async 1} {startms {}}} {
+ # async code (executed in separate process):
+ if {$async} {
+ set code ""
+ foreach pr {timejump delayedtimejump} {
+ append code [list proc $pr [info args $pr] [info body $pr]] \n
+ }
+ append code "delayedtimejump $delay 0 [::tcl::clock::milliseconds]"
+ exec [info nameofexecutable] << $code &
+ return
+ }
+ # time-jumps (1st in 250-ms, 2nd and 3rd in given delay):
+ set delay1 250
+ if {$startms ne {}} {
+ set delay1 [expr {250 - ([::tcl::clock::milliseconds] - $startms)}]
+ if {$delay1 < 0} { set delay1 0 }
+ }
+ after $delay1; timejump +1 minutes
+ after $delay; timejump +1 minutes
+ after $delay; timejump -2 minutes
+proc test-timer-with-jump {code maxCount expMT {maxOffs 100}} {
+ set mitm [set sttm [clock seconds]]
+ set stmt [monotonic]
+ set expMT [expr {$expMT * 1000}]
+ set maxOffs [expr {$maxOffs * 1000}]
+ set res {}
+ set jumped 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $maxCount} {incr i} {
+ set rt [::tcl::clock::microseconds]
+ set mt [monotonic]
+ # execute:
+ if 1 $code
+ # verify monotonic time:
+ set mt [expr {[monotonic] - $mt}]
+ set rt [expr {[::tcl::clock::microseconds] - $rt}]
+ # give +/- 100-ms for some slow or busy systems:
+ if {$mt < $expMT - $maxOffs || $mt > $expMT + $maxOffs} {
+ lappend res "$i. too large discrepancy mt: $mt ~ $expMT (rt: $rt)"
+ } else {
+ #lappend res "$i. debug, # mt: $mt, rt: $rt"
+ }
+ # be sure we are in the future and then comming back:
+ if {$jumped > 2} break; # we are already back
+ if {[clock seconds] - $mitm > 30 || [clock seconds] - $mitm < -30} {
+ set mitm [clock seconds]
+ incr jumped
+ }
+ }
+ # wait for time-jump back (from the future):
+ set future [clock add $sttm +30 seconds]
+ set aftto [after 10000 {set tout 1}]
+ while {[clock seconds] >= $future} {
+ if {[vwait 100 tout]} {
+ error "unexpected case: too long wait for time-reset."
+ }
+ }
+ after cancel $aftto
+ after 10
+ # result:
+ if {[llength $res]} {
+ return [join $res \n]
+ }
+ return $jumped
+test timer-20.1 {time jump: after relative} {ChangeTimePrivilege} {
+ delayedtimejump 250; # delayed time jump in 250-ms
+ test-timer-with-jump {
+ after 150 {set x 1}; vwait x
+ } 20 150
+} 3
+test timer-20.2 {time jump: vwait timeout} {ChangeTimePrivilege NewVWaitAfter} {
+ delayedtimejump 250; # delayed time jump in 250-ms
+ test-timer-with-jump {
+ vwait -timer 150 nothing; # we want listen timer only
+ } 20 150
+} 3
+test timer-20.3 {time jump: simple sleep} {ChangeTimePrivilege} {
+ delayedtimejump 250; # delayed time jump in 250-ms
+ test-timer-with-jump {
+ after 150
+ } 20 150
+} 3
+# Increase delay between time-jumps (1.5s) for possible retarded reaction of
+# the notifier by absolute timers (retarded recognition of the time-jump so
+# the time can jump again (also backwards) without recognition.
+# Note also we cannot test absolute timers by the backwards time-jump.
+test timer-20.4 {time jump: after absolute time - "after at real-time code"} {ChangeTimePrivilege NewVWaitAfter} {
+ set sttm [clock seconds]
+ set i 0
+ foreach tm [list \
+ [clock add $sttm +1 minute -2 second] \
+ [clock add $sttm +2 minute -2 second] \
+ ] {
+ after at $tm [list set x$i 1]
+ incr i
+ }
+ delayedtimejump 1500; # delayed time jump in 1.5s
+ test-timer-with-jump {
+ # we want listen timer only:
+ if {![vwait -timer 10000 x$i]} {
+ error "too long wait for \"x$i\" (should be maximal 1 second)"
+ }
+ } 2 250 3000; # max 3 seconds difference (compared to 1 minute)
+} 2
+test timer-20.5 {time jump: sleep to absolute time - "after at real-time"} {ChangeTimePrivilege NewVWaitAfter} {
+ set sttm [clock seconds]
+ set offsLst [list \
+ [clock add $sttm +1 minute] \
+ [clock add $sttm +2 minute] \
+ ]
+ delayedtimejump 1500; # delayed time jump in 1.5s
+ test-timer-with-jump {
+ upvar offsLst offsLst
+ after at [lindex $offsLst $i]
+ } 2 250 3000; # max 3 seconds difference (compared to 1 minute)
+} 2
# cleanup