path: root/doc/ParseArgs.3
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-'\" Copyright (c) 2008 Donal K. Fellows
-'\" See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
-'\" of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-'\" man.macros
-.TH Tcl_ParseArgsObjv 3 8.6 Tcl "Tcl Library Procedures"
-Tcl_ParseArgsObjv \- parse arguments according to a tabular description
-\fB#include <tcl.h>\fR
-\fBTcl_ParseArgsObjv\fR(\fIinterp, argTable, objcPtr, objv, remObjv\fR)
-.AS "const Tcl_ArgvInfo" ***remObjv in/out
-.AP Tcl_Interp *interp out
-Where to store error messages.
-.AP "const Tcl_ArgvInfo" *argTable in
-Pointer to array of option descriptors.
-.AP int *objcPtr in/out
-A pointer to variable holding number of arguments in \fIobjv\fR. Will be
-modified to hold number of arguments left in the unprocessed argument list
-stored in \fIremObjv\fR.
-.AP "Tcl_Obj *const" *objv in
-The array of arguments to be parsed.
-.AP Tcl_Obj ***remObjv out
-Pointer to a variable that will hold the array of unprocessed arguments.
-Should be NULL if no return of unprocessed arguments is required. If
-\fIobjcPtr\fR is updated to a non-zero value, the array returned through this
-must be deallocated using \fBckfree\fR.
-The \fBTcl_ParseArgsObjv\fR function provides a system for parsing argument
-lists of the form
-.QW "\fB\-someName \fIsomeValue\fR ..." .
-Such argument lists are commonly found both in the arguments to a program and
-in the arguments to an individual Tcl command. This parser assumes that the
-order of the arguments does not matter, other than in so far as later copies
-of a duplicated option overriding earlier ones.
-The argument array is described by the \fIobjcPtr\fR and \fIobjv\fR
-parameters, and an array of unprocessed arguments is returned through the
-\fIobjcPtr\fR and \fIremObjv\fR parameters; if no return of unprocessed
-arguments is desired, the \fIremObjv\fR parameter should be NULL. If any
-problems happen, including if the
-.QW "generate help"
-option is selected, an error message is left in the interpreter result and
-TCL_ERROR is returned. Otherwise, the interpreter result is left unchanged and
-TCL_OK is returned.
-The collection of arguments to be parsed is described by the \fIargTable\fR
-parameter. This points to a table of descriptor structures that is terminated
-by an entry with the \fItype\fR field set to TCL_ARGV_END. As convenience, the
-following prototypical entries are provided:
-Enables the argument processor to provide help when passed the argument
-.QW \fB\-help\fR .
-Instructs the argument processor that arguments after
-.QW \fB\-\-\fR
-are to be unprocessed.
-Marks the end of the table of argument descriptors.
-Each entry of the argument descriptor table must be a structure of type
-\fBTcl_ArgvInfo\fR. The structure is defined as this:
-typedef struct {
- int \fItype\fR;
- const char *\fIkeyStr\fR;
- void *\fIsrcPtr\fR;
- void *\fIdstPtr\fR;
- const char *\fIhelpStr\fR;
- ClientData \fIclientData\fR;
-} \fBTcl_ArgvInfo\fR;
-The \fIkeyStr\fR field contains the name of the option; by convention, this
-will normally begin with a
-.QW \fB\-\fR
-character. The \fItype\fR, \fIsrcPtr\fR, \fIdstPtr\fR and \fIclientData\fR
-fields describe the interpretation of the value of the argument, as described
-below. The \fIhelpStr\fR field gives some text that is used to provide help to
-users when they request it.
-As noted above, the \fItype\fR field is used to describe the interpretation of
-the argument's value. The following values are acceptable values for
-The argument does not take any following value argument. If this argument is
-present, the int pointed to by the \fIsrcPtr\fR field is copied to the
-\fIdstPtr\fR field. The \fIclientData\fR field is ignored.
-This value marks the end of all option descriptors in the table. All other
-fields are ignored.
-This argument takes a following floating point value argument. The value (once
-parsed by \fBTcl_GetDoubleFromObj\fR) will be stored as a double-precision
-value in the variable pointed to by the \fIdstPtr\fR field. The \fIsrcPtr\fR
-and \fIclientData\fR fields are ignored.
-This argument optionally takes a following value argument; it is up to the
-handler callback function passed in \fIsrcPtr\fR to decide. That function will
-have the following signature:
-typedef int (\fBTcl_ArgvFuncProc\fR)(
- ClientData \fIclientData\fR,
- Tcl_Obj *\fIobjPtr\fR,
- void *\fIdstPtr\fR);
-The result is a boolean value indicating whether to consume the following
-argument. The \fIclientData\fR is the value from the table entry, the
-\fIobjPtr\fR is the value that represents the following argument or NULL if
-there are no following arguments at all, and the \fIdstPtr\fR argument to the
-\fBTcl_ArgvFuncProc\fR is the location to write the parsed value to.
-This argument takes zero or more following arguments; the handler callback
-function passed in \fIsrcPtr\fR returns how many (or a negative number to
-signal an error, in which case it should also set the interpreter result). The
-function will have the following signature:
-typedef int (\fBTcl_ArgvGenFuncProc\fR)(
- ClientData \fIclientData\fR,
- Tcl_Interp *\fIinterp\fR,
- int \fIobjc\fR,
- Tcl_Obj *const *\fIobjv\fR,
- void *\fIdstPtr\fR);
-The \fIclientData\fR is the value from the table entry, the \fIinterp\fR is
-where to store any error messages, the \fIkeyStr\fR is the name of the
-argument, \fIobjc\fR and \fIobjv\fR describe an array of all the remaining
-arguments, and \fIdstPtr\fR argument to the \fBTcl_ArgvGenFuncProc\fR is the
-location to write the parsed value (or values) to.
-This special argument does not take any following value argument, but instead
-causes \fBTcl_ParseArgsObjv\fR to generate an error message describing the
-arguments supported. All other fields except the \fIhelpStr\fR field are
-This argument takes a following integer value argument. The value (once parsed
-by \fBTcl_GetIntFromObj\fR) will be stored as an int in the variable pointed
-to by the \fIdstPtr\fR field. The \fIsrcPtr\fR field is ignored.
-This special argument does not take any following value argument, but instead
-marks all following arguments to be left unprocessed. The \fIsrcPtr\fR,
-\fIdstPtr\fR and \fIclientData\fR fields are ignored.
-This argument takes a following string value argument. A pointer to the string
-will be stored at \fIdstPtr\fR; the string inside will have a lifetime linked
-to the lifetime of the string representation of the argument value that it
-came from, and so should be copied if it needs to be retained. The
-\fIsrcPtr\fR and \fIclientData\fR fields are ignored.
-Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(3), Tcl_Main(3), Tcl_CreateObjCommand(3)
-argument, parse
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