path: root/library/tcltest1.0
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'library/tcltest1.0')
2 files changed, 3125 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/library/tcltest1.0/pkgIndex.tcl b/library/tcltest1.0/pkgIndex.tcl
index 7a58882..e3746e2 100644
--- a/library/tcltest1.0/pkgIndex.tcl
+++ b/library/tcltest1.0/pkgIndex.tcl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Tcl package index file, version 1.1
-# This file is generated by the "pkg_mkIndex" command
+# This file is generated by the "pkg_mkIndex -direct" command
# and sourced either when an application starts up or
# by a "package unknown" script. It invokes the
# "package ifneeded" command to set up package-related
@@ -8,11 +8,5 @@
# script is sourced, the variable $dir must contain the
# full path name of this file's directory.
-package ifneeded tcltest 1.0 [list tclPkgSetup $dir tcltest 1.0 \
- {{tcltest.tcl source {::tcltest::bytestring ::tcltest::cleanupTests \
- ::tcltest::makeDirectory ::tcltest::makeFile ::tcltest::normalizeMsg \
- ::tcltest::removeDirectory ::tcltest::removeFile \
- ::tcltest::restoreState ::tcltest::saveState ::tcltest::test \
- ::tcltest::threadReap ::tcltest::viewFile ::tcltest::grep \
- ::tcltest::getMatchingFiles ::tcltest::loadTestedCommands \
- ::tcltest::normalizePath }}}]
+package ifneeded tcltest 1.0 [list source [file join $dir tcltest.tcl]]
+package ifneeded tcltest 2.0 [list source [file join $dir tcltest2.tcl]]
diff --git a/library/tcltest1.0/tcltest2.tcl b/library/tcltest1.0/tcltest2.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9a6104e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/tcltest1.0/tcltest2.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,3122 @@
+# tcltest.tcl --
+# This file contains support code for the Tcl test suite. It
+# defines the tcltest namespace and finds and defines the output
+# directory, constraints available, output and error channels, etc. used
+# by Tcl tests. See the tcltest man page for more details.
+# This design was based on the Tcl testing approach designed and
+# initially implemented by Mary Ann May-Pumphrey of Sun Microsystems.
+# Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
+# Copyright (c) 2000 by Ajuba Solutions
+# All rights reserved.
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: tcltest2.tcl,v 1.1 2000/09/20 23:09:52 jenn Exp $
+package provide tcltest 2.0
+# create the "tcltest" namespace for all testing variables and procedures
+namespace eval tcltest {
+ # Export the public tcltest procs
+ set procList [list test cleanupTests saveState restoreState \
+ normalizeMsg makeFile removeFile makeDirectory removeDirectory \
+ viewFile bytestring threadReap debug testConstraint \
+ limitConstraints loadTestedCommands normalizePath verbose match \
+ skip matchFiles skipFiles preserveCore loadScript loadFile \
+ mainThread workingDirectory singleProcess interpreter runAllTests \
+ outputChannel outputFile errorChannel \
+ errorFile temporaryDirectory testsDirectory matchDirectories \
+ skipDirectories ]
+ foreach proc $procList {
+ namespace export $proc
+ }
+ # tcltest::verbose defaults to "b"
+ if {![info exists verbose]} {
+ variable verbose "b"
+ }
+ # Match and skip patterns default to the empty list, except for
+ # matchFiles, which defaults to all .test files in the testsDirectory and
+ # matchDirectories, which defaults to all directories.
+ if {![info exists match]} {
+ variable match {}
+ }
+ if {![info exists skip]} {
+ variable skip {}
+ }
+ if {![info exists matchFiles]} {
+ variable matchFiles {*.test}
+ }
+ if {![info exists skipFiles]} {
+ variable skipFiles {}
+ }
+ if {![info exists matchDirectories]} {
+ variable matchDirectories {*}
+ }
+ if {![info exists skipDirectories]} {
+ variable skipDirectories {}
+ }
+ # By default, don't save core files
+ if {![info exists preserveCore]} {
+ variable preserveCore 0
+ }
+ # output goes to stdout by default
+ if {![info exists outputChannel]} {
+ variable outputChannel stdout
+ }
+ if {![info exists outputFile]} {
+ variable outputFile stdout
+ }
+ # errors go to stderr by default
+ if {![info exists errorChannel]} {
+ variable errorChannel stderr
+ }
+ if {![info exists errorFile]} {
+ variable errorFile stderr
+ }
+ # debug output doesn't get printed by default; debug level 1 spits
+ # up only the tests that were skipped because they didn't match or were
+ # specifically skipped. A debug level of 2 would spit up the tcltest
+ # variables and flags provided; a debug level of 3 causes some additional
+ # output regarding operations of the test harness. The tcltest package
+ # currently implements only up to debug level 3.
+ if {![info exists debug]} {
+ variable debug 0
+ }
+ # Save any arguments that we might want to pass through to other programs.
+ # This is used by the -args flag.
+ if {![info exists parameters]} {
+ variable parameters {}
+ }
+ # Count the number of files tested (0 if all.tcl wasn't called).
+ # The all.tcl file will set testSingleFile to false, so stats will
+ # not be printed until all.tcl calls the cleanupTests proc.
+ # The currentFailure var stores the boolean value of whether the
+ # current test file has had any failures. The failFiles list
+ # stores the names of test files that had failures.
+ if {![info exists numTestFiles]} {
+ variable numTestFiles 0
+ }
+ if {![info exists testSingleFile]} {
+ variable testSingleFile true
+ }
+ if {![info exists currentFailure]} {
+ variable currentFailure false
+ }
+ if {![info exists failFiles]} {
+ variable failFiles {}
+ }
+ # Tests should remove all files they create. The test suite will
+ # check the current working dir for files created by the tests.
+ # tcltest::filesMade keeps track of such files created using the
+ # tcltest::makeFile and tcltest::makeDirectory procedures.
+ # tcltest::filesExisted stores the names of pre-existing files.
+ if {![info exists filesMade]} {
+ variable filesMade {}
+ }
+ if {![info exists filesExisted]} {
+ variable filesExisted {}
+ }
+ # tcltest::numTests will store test files as indices and the list
+ # of files (that should not have been) left behind by the test files.
+ if {![info exists createdNewFiles]} {
+ variable createdNewFiles
+ array set tcltest::createdNewFiles {}
+ }
+ # initialize tcltest::numTests array to keep track fo the number of
+ # tests that pass, fail, and are skipped.
+ if {![info exists numTests]} {
+ variable numTests
+ array set tcltest::numTests \
+ [list Total 0 Passed 0 Skipped 0 Failed 0]
+ }
+ # initialize tcltest::skippedBecause array to keep track of
+ # constraints that kept tests from running; a constraint name of
+ # "userSpecifiedSkip" means that the test appeared on the list of tests
+ # that matched the -skip value given to the flag; "userSpecifiedNonMatch"
+ # means that the test didn't match the argument given to the -match flag;
+ # both of these constraints are counted only if tcltest::debug is set to
+ # true.
+ if {![info exists skippedBecause]} {
+ variable skippedBecause
+ array set tcltest::skippedBecause {}
+ }
+ # initialize the tcltest::testConstraints array to keep track of valid
+ # predefined constraints (see the explanation for the
+ # tcltest::initConstraints proc for more details).
+ if {![info exists testConstraints]} {
+ variable testConstraints
+ array set tcltest::testConstraints {}
+ }
+ if {![info exists constraintsSpecified]} {
+ variable constraintsSpecified {}
+ }
+ # Don't run only the constrained tests by default
+ if {![info exists limitConstraints]} {
+ variable limitConstraints false
+ }
+ # A test application has to know how to load the tested commands into
+ # the interpreter.
+ if {![info exists loadScript]} {
+ variable loadScript {}
+ }
+ # and the filename of the script file, if it exists
+ if {![info exists loadFile]} {
+ variable loadFile {}
+ }
+ # tests that use threads need to know which is the main thread
+ if {![info exists mainThread]} {
+ variable mainThread 1
+ if {[info commands thread::id] != {}} {
+ set mainThread [thread::id]
+ } elseif {[info commands testthread] != {}} {
+ set mainThread [testthread id]
+ }
+ }
+ # save the original environment so that it can be restored later
+ if {![info exists originalEnv]} {
+ variable originalEnv
+ array set tcltest::originalEnv [array get ::env]
+ }
+ # Set tcltest::workingDirectory to [pwd]. The default output directory
+ # for Tcl tests is the working directory.
+ if {![info exists workingDirectory]} {
+ variable workingDirectory [pwd]
+ }
+ if {![info exists temporaryDirectory]} {
+ variable temporaryDirectory $workingDirectory
+ }
+ # Tests should not rely on the current working directory.
+ # Files that are part of the test suite should be accessed relative to
+ # tcltest::testsDirectory.
+ if {![info exists testsDirectory]} {
+ set oldpwd [pwd]
+ catch {cd [file join [file dirname [info script]] .. .. tests]}
+ variable testsDirectory [pwd]
+ cd $oldpwd
+ unset oldpwd
+ }
+ # Default is to run each test file in a separate process
+ if {![info exists singleProcess]} {
+ variable singleProcess 0
+ }
+ # the variables and procs that existed when tcltest::saveState was
+ # called are stored in a variable of the same name
+ if {![info exists saveState]} {
+ variable saveState {}
+ }
+ # Internationalization support
+ if {![info exists previousLocale]} {
+ variable previousLocale
+ }
+ if {![info exists isoLocale]} {
+ variable isoLocale fr
+ switch -- $tcl_platform(platform) {
+ "unix" {
+ # Try some 'known' values for some platforms:
+ switch -exact -- $tcl_platform(os) {
+ "FreeBSD" {
+ set tcltest::isoLocale fr_FR.ISO_8859-1
+ }
+ HP-UX {
+ set tcltest::isoLocale fr_FR.iso88591
+ }
+ Linux -
+ IRIX {
+ set tcltest::isoLocale fr
+ }
+ default {
+ # Works on SunOS 4 and Solaris, and maybe others...
+ # define it to something else on your system
+ #if you want to test those.
+ set tcltest::isoLocale iso_8859_1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "windows" {
+ set tcltest::isoLocale French
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Set the location of the execuatble
+ if {![info exists tcltest]} {
+ variable tcltest [info nameofexecutable]
+ }
+ # save the platform information so it can be restored later
+ if {![info exists originalTclPlatform]} {
+ variable originalTclPlatform [array get tcl_platform]
+ }
+ # If a core file exists, save its modification time.
+ if {![info exists coreModificationTime]} {
+ if {[file exists [file join $tcltest::workingDirectory core]]} {
+ variable coreModificationTime [file mtime [file join \
+ $tcltest::workingDirectory core]]
+ }
+ }
+ # Tcl version numbers
+ if {![info exists version]} {
+ variable version 8.4
+ }
+ if {![info exists patchLevel]} {
+ variable patchLevel 8.4a1
+ }
+ # stdout and stderr buffers for use when we want to store them
+ if {![info exists outData]} {
+ variable outData {}
+ }
+ if {![info exists errData]} {
+ variable errData {}
+ }
+ # keep track of test level for nested test commands
+ variable testLevel 0
+# tcltest::Debug* --
+# Internal helper procedures to write out debug information
+# dependent on the chosen level. A test shell may overide
+# them, f.e. to redirect the output into a different
+# channel, or even into a GUI.
+# tcltest::DebugPuts --
+# Prints the specified string if the current debug level is
+# higher than the provided level argument.
+# Arguments:
+# level The lowest debug level triggering the output
+# string The string to print out.
+# Results:
+# Prints the string. Nothing else is allowed.
+proc tcltest::DebugPuts {level string} {
+ variable debug
+ if {$debug >= $level} {
+ puts $string
+ }
+# tcltest::DebugPArray --
+# Prints the contents of the specified array if the current
+# debug level is higher than the provided level argument
+# Arguments:
+# level The lowest debug level triggering the output
+# arrayvar The name of the array to print out.
+# Results:
+# Prints the contents of the array. Nothing else is allowed.
+proc tcltest::DebugPArray {level arrayvar} {
+ variable debug
+ if {$debug >= $level} {
+ catch {upvar $arrayvar $arrayvar}
+ parray $arrayvar
+ }
+# tcltest::DebugDo --
+# Executes the script if the current debug level is greater than
+# the provided level argument
+# Arguments:
+# level The lowest debug level triggering the execution.
+# script The tcl script executed upon a debug level high enough.
+# Results:
+# Arbitrary side effects, dependent on the executed script.
+proc tcltest::DebugDo {level script} {
+ variable debug
+ if {$debug >= $level} {
+ uplevel $script
+ }
+# tcltest::CheckDirectory --
+# This procedure checks whether the specified path is a readable
+# and/or writable directory. If one of the conditions is not
+# satisfied an error is printed and the application aborted. The
+# procedure assumes that the caller already checked the existence
+# of the path.
+# Arguments
+# rw Information what attributes to check. Allowed values:
+# r, w, rw, wr. If 'r' is part of the value the directory
+# must be readable. 'w' associates to 'writable'.
+# dir The directory to check.
+# errMsg The string to prepend to the actual error message before
+# printing it.
+# Results
+# none
+proc tcltest::CheckDirectory {rw dir errMsg} {
+ # Allowed values for 'rw': r, w, rw, wr
+ if {![file isdir $dir]} {
+ set msg "$errMsg \"$dir\" is not a directory"
+ error $msg
+ } elseif {([string first w $rw] >= 0) && ![file writable $dir]} {
+ set msg "$errMsg \"$dir\" is not writeable"
+ error $msg
+ } elseif {([string first r $rw] >= 0) && ![file readable $dir]} {
+ set msg "$errMsg \"$dir\" is not readable"
+ error $msg
+ }
+ return
+# tcltest::normalizePath --
+# This procedure resolves any symlinks in the path thus creating a
+# path without internal redirection. It assumes that the incoming
+# path is absolute.
+# Arguments
+# pathVar contains the name of the variable containing the path to modify.
+# Results
+# The path is modified in place.
+proc tcltest::normalizePath {pathVar} {
+ upvar $pathVar path
+ set oldpwd [pwd]
+ catch {cd $path}
+ set path [pwd]
+ cd $oldpwd
+ return $path
+# tcltest::MakeAbsolutePath --
+# This procedure checks whether the incoming path is absolute or not.
+# Makes it absolute if it was not.
+# Arguments
+# pathVar contains the name of the variable containing the path to modify.
+# prefix is optional, contains the path to use to make the other an
+# absolute one. The current working directory is used if it was
+# not specified.
+# Results
+# The path is modified in place.
+proc tcltest::MakeAbsolutePath {pathVar {prefix {}}} {
+ upvar $pathVar path
+ if {![string equal [file pathtype $path] "absolute"]} {
+ if {$prefix == {}} {
+ set prefix [pwd]
+ }
+ set path [file join $prefix $path]
+ }
+ return $path
+# tcltest::<variableName>
+# Accessor functions for tcltest variables that can be modified externally.
+# These are vars that could otherwise be modified using command line
+# arguments to tcltest.
+# tcltest::verbose --
+# Set or return the verbosity level (tcltest::verbose) for tests. This
+# determines what gets printed to the screen and when, with regard to the
+# running of the tests. The proc does not check for invalid values.
+# Arguments:
+# A string containing any combination of 'pbst'.
+# p = print output whenever a test passes
+# b = print the body of the test when it fails
+# s = print when a test is skipped
+# t = print when a test starts
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::verbose
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::verbose { {level __QUERY} } {
+ if {$level == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::verbose
+ }
+ set tcltest::verbose $level
+# tcltest::match --
+# Set or return the match patterns (tcltest::match) that determine which
+# tests are run.
+# Arguments:
+# List containing match patterns (glob format)
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::match
+# Side effects:
+# none
+proc tcltest::match { {matchList __QUERY} } {
+ if {$matchList == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::match
+ }
+ set tcltest::match $matchList
+# tcltest::skip --
+# Set or return the skip patterns (tcltest::skip) that determine which
+# tests are skipped.
+# Arguments:
+# List containing skip patterns (glob format)
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::skip
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::skip { {skipList __QUERY} } {
+ if {$skipList == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::skip
+ }
+ set tcltest::skip $skipList
+# tcltest::matchFiles --
+# set or return the match patterns for file sourcing
+# Arguments:
+# list containing match file list (glob format)
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::matchFiles
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::matchFiles { {matchFileList __QUERY} } {
+ if {$matchFileList == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::matchFiles
+ }
+ set tcltest::matchFiles $matchFileList
+# tcltest::skipFiles --
+# set or return the skip patterns for file sourcing
+# Arguments:
+# list containing the skip file list (glob format)
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::skipFiles
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::skipFiles { {skipFileList __QUERY} } {
+ if {$skipFileList == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::skipFiles
+ }
+ set tcltest::skipFiles $skipFileList
+# tcltest::matchDirectories --
+# set or return the list of directories for matching (glob pattern list)
+# Arguments:
+# list of glob patterns matching subdirectories of
+# tcltest::testsDirectory
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::matchDirectories
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::matchDirectories { {dirlist __QUERY} } {
+ if {$dirlist == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::matchDirectories
+ }
+ set tcltest::matchDirectories $dirlist
+# tcltest::skipDirectories --
+# set or return the list of directories to skip (glob pattern list)
+# Arguments:
+# list of glob patterns matching directories to skip; these directories
+# are subdirectories of tcltest::testsDirectory
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::skipDirectories
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::skipDirectories { {dirlist __QUERY} } {
+ if {$dirlist == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::skipDirectories
+ }
+ set tcltest::skipDirectories $dirlist
+# tcltest::preserveCore --
+# set or return the core preservation level. This proc does not do any
+# error checking for invalid values.
+# Arguments:
+# core level:
+# '0' = don't do anything with core files (default)
+# '1' = notify the user if core files are created
+# '2' = save any core files produced during testing to
+# tcltest::temporaryDirectory
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::preserveCore
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::preserveCore { {coreLevel __QUERY} } {
+ if {$coreLevel == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::preserveCore
+ }
+ set tcltest::preserveCore $coreLevel
+# tcltest::outputChannel --
+# set or return the output file descriptor based on the supplied file
+# name (where tcltest puts all of its output)
+# Arguments:
+# output file descriptor
+# Results:
+# file descriptor corresponding to supplied file name (or currently set
+# file descriptor, if no new filename was supplied) - this is the content
+# of tcltest::outputChannel
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::outputChannel { {filename __QUERY} } {
+ if {$filename == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::outputChannel
+ }
+ if {($filename == "stderr") || ($filename == "stdout")} {
+ set tcltest::outputChannel $filename
+ } else {
+ set tcltest::outputChannel [open $filename w]
+ }
+ return $tcltest::outputChannel
+# tcltest::outputFile --
+# set or return the output file name (where tcltest puts all of its
+# output); calls tcltest::outputChannel to set the corresponding file
+# descriptor
+# Arguments:
+# output file name
+# Results:
+# file name corresponding to supplied file name (or currently set
+# file name, if no new filename was supplied) - this is the content
+# of tcltest::outputFile
+# Side effects:
+# if the file name supplied is relative, it will be made absolute with
+# respect to the predefined temporaryDirectory
+proc tcltest::outputFile { {filename __QUERY} } {
+ if {$filename == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::outputFile
+ }
+ if {($filename != "stderr") && ($filename != "stdout")} {
+ MakeAbsolutePath filename $tcltest::temporaryDirectory
+ }
+ tcltest::outputChannel $filename
+ set tcltest::outputFile $filename
+# tcltest::errorChannel --
+# set or return the error file descriptor based on the supplied file name
+# (where tcltest sends all its errors)
+# Arguments:
+# error file name
+# Results:
+# file descriptor corresponding to the supplied file name (or currently
+# set file descriptor, if no new filename was supplied) - this is the
+# content of tcltest::errorChannel
+# Side effects:
+# opens the descriptor in w mode unless the filename is set to stderr or
+# stdout
+proc tcltest::errorChannel { {filename __QUERY} } {
+ if {$filename == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::errorChannel
+ }
+ if {($filename == "stderr") || ($filename == "stdout")} {
+ set tcltest::errorChannel $filename
+ } else {
+ set tcltest::errorChannel [open $filename w]
+ }
+ return $tcltest::errorChannel
+# tcltest::errorFile --
+# set or return the error file name; calls tcltest::errorChannel to set
+# the corresponding file descriptor
+# Arguments:
+# error file name
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::errorFile
+# Side effects:
+# if the file name supplied is relative, it will be made absolute with
+# respect to the predefined temporaryDirectory
+proc tcltest::errorFile { {filename __QUERY} } {
+ if {$filename == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::errorFile
+ }
+ if {($filename != "stderr") && ($filename != "stdout")} {
+ MakeAbsolutePath filename $tcltest::temporaryDirectory
+ }
+ set tcltest::errorFile $filename
+ errorChannel $tcltest::errorFile
+ return $tcltest::errorFile
+# tcltest::debug --
+# set or return the debug level for tcltest; this proc does not check for
+# invalid values
+# Arguments:
+# debug level:
+# '0' = no debug output (default)
+# '1' = skipped tests
+# '2' = tcltest variables and supplied flags
+# '3' = harness operations
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::debug
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::debug { {debugLevel __QUERY} } {
+ if {$debugLevel == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::debug
+ }
+ set tcltest::debug $debugLevel
+# tcltest::testConstraint --
+# sets a test constraint to a value; to do multiple constraints, call
+# this proc multiple times. also returns the value of the named
+# constraint if no value was supplied.
+# Arguments:
+# constraint - name of the constraint
+# value - new value for constraint (should be boolean) - if not supplied,
+# this is a query
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::testConstraints($constraint)
+# Side effects:
+# appends the constraint name to tcltest::constraintsSpecified
+proc tcltest::testConstraint {constraint {value __QUERY}} {
+ DebugPuts 3 "entering testConstraint $constraint $value"
+ if {$value == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::testConstraints($constraint)
+ }
+ lappend tcltest::constraintsSpecified $constraint
+ set tcltest::testConstraints($constraint) $value
+# tcltest::constraintsSpecified --
+# returns a list of all the constraint names specified using
+# testConstraint
+# Arguments:
+# None.
+# Results:
+# list of the constraint names in tcltest::constraintsSpecified
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::constraintsSpecified {} {
+ return $tcltest::constraintsSpecified
+# tcltest::constraintList --
+# returns a list of all the constraint names
+# Arguments:
+# None.
+# Results:
+# list of the constraint names in tcltest::testConstraints
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::constraintList {} {
+ return [array names tcltest::testConstraints]
+# tcltest::limitConstraints --
+# sets the limited constraints to tcltest::limitConstraints
+# Arguments:
+# list of constraint names
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::limitConstraints
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::limitConstraints { {constraintList __QUERY} } {
+ DebugPuts 3 "entering limitConstraints $constraintList"
+ if {$constraintList == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::limitConstraints
+ }
+ set tcltest::limitConstraints $constraintList
+ foreach elt [tcltest::constraintList] {
+ if {[lsearch -exact [tcltest::constraintsSpecified] $elt] == -1} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint $elt 0
+ }
+ }
+ return $tcltest::limitConstraints
+# tcltest::loadScript --
+# sets the load script
+# Arguments:
+# script to be set
+# Results:
+# contents of tcltest::loadScript
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::loadScript { {script __QUERY} } {
+ if {$script == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::loadScript
+ }
+ set tcltest::loadScript $script
+# tcltest::loadFile --
+# set the load file (containing the load script);
+# put the content of the load file into loadScript
+# Arguments:
+# script's file name
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::loadFile
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::loadFile { {scriptFile __QUERY} } {
+ if {$scriptFile == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::loadFile
+ }
+ MakeAbsolutePath scriptFile $tcltest::temporaryDirectory
+ set tmp [open $scriptFile r]
+ tcltest::loadScript [read $tmp]
+ close $tmp
+ set tcltest::loadFile $scriptFile
+# tcltest::workingDirectory --
+# set workingDirectory to the given path.
+# If the path is relative, make it absolute.
+# change directory to the stated working directory, if resetting the
+# value
+# Arguments:
+# directory name
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::workingDirectory
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::workingDirectory { {dir __QUERY} } {
+ if {$dir == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::workingDirectory
+ }
+ set tcltest::workingDirectory $dir
+ MakeAbsolutePath tcltest::workingDirectory
+ cd $tcltest::workingDirectory
+ return $tcltest::workingDirectory
+# tcltest::temporaryDirectory --
+# Set tcltest::temporaryDirectory to the given path.
+# If the path is relative, make it absolute. If the file exists but
+# is not a dir, then return an error.
+# If tcltest::temporaryDirectory does not already exist, create it.
+# If you cannot create it, then return an error (the file mkdir isn't
+# caught and will propagate).
+# Arguments:
+# directory name
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::temporaryDirectory
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::temporaryDirectory { {dir __QUERY} } {
+ if {$dir == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::temporaryDirectory
+ }
+ set tcltest::temporaryDirectory $dir
+ MakeAbsolutePath tcltest::temporaryDirectory
+ set tmpDirError "bad argument for temporary directory: "
+ if {[file exists $tcltest::temporaryDirectory]} {
+ tcltest::CheckDirectory rw $tcltest::temporaryDirectory $tmpDirError
+ } else {
+ file mkdir $tcltest::temporaryDirectory
+ }
+ normalizePath tcltest::temporaryDirectory
+# tcltest::testsDirectory --
+# Set tcltest::testsDirectory to the given path.
+# If the path is relative, make it absolute. If the file exists but
+# is not a dir, then return an error.
+# If tcltest::testsDirectory does not already exist, return an error.
+# Arguments:
+# directory name
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::testsDirectory
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::testsDirectory { {dir __QUERY} } {
+ if {$dir == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::testsDirectory
+ }
+ set tcltest::testsDirectory $dir
+ MakeAbsolutePath tcltest::testsDirectory
+ set testDirError "bad argument for tests directory: "
+ if {[file exists $tcltest::testsDirectory]} {
+ tcltest::CheckDirectory r $tcltest::testsDirectory $testDirError
+ } else {
+ set msg "$testDirError \"$tcltest::testsDirectory\" does not exist"
+ error $msg
+ }
+ normalizePath tcltest::testsDirectory
+# tcltest::singleProcess --
+# sets tcltest::singleProcess to the value provided.
+# Arguments:
+# value for singleProcess:
+# 0 = source each test file
+# 1 = run each test file in its own process
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::singleProcess
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::singleProcess { {value __QUERY} } {
+ if {$value == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::singleProcess
+ }
+ set tcltest::singleProcess $value
+# tcltest::interpreter --
+# the interpreter name stored in tcltest::tcltest
+# Arguments:
+# executable name
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::tcltest
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::interpreter { {interp __QUERY} } {
+ if {$interp == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::tcltest
+ }
+ set tcltest::tcltest $interp
+# tcltest::mainThread --
+# sets or returns the thread id stored in tcltest::mainThread
+# Arguments:
+# thread id
+# Results:
+# content of tcltest::mainThread
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::mainThread { {threadid __QUERY} } {
+ if {$threadid == "__QUERY"} {
+ return $tcltest::mainThread
+ }
+ set tcltest::mainThread $threadid
+# tcltest::AddToSkippedBecause --
+# Increments the variable used to track how many tests were skipped
+# because of a particular constraint.
+# Arguments:
+# constraint The name of the constraint to be modified
+# Results:
+# Modifies tcltest::skippedBecause; sets the variable to 1 if didn't
+# previously exist - otherwise, it just increments it.
+proc tcltest::AddToSkippedBecause { constraint {value 1}} {
+ # add the constraint to the list of constraints that kept tests
+ # from running
+ if {[info exists tcltest::skippedBecause($constraint)]} {
+ incr tcltest::skippedBecause($constraint) $value
+ } else {
+ set tcltest::skippedBecause($constraint) $value
+ }
+ return
+# tcltest::PrintError --
+# Prints errors to tcltest::errorChannel and then flushes that
+# channel, making sure that all messages are < 80 characters per line.
+# Arguments:
+# errorMsg String containing the error to be printed
+proc tcltest::PrintError {errorMsg} {
+ set InitialMessage "Error: "
+ set InitialMsgLen [string length $InitialMessage]
+ puts -nonewline [errorChannel] $InitialMessage
+ # Keep track of where the end of the string is.
+ set endingIndex [string length $errorMsg]
+ if {$endingIndex < 80} {
+ puts [errorChannel] $errorMsg
+ } else {
+ # Print up to 80 characters on the first line, including the
+ # InitialMessage.
+ set beginningIndex [string last " " [string range $errorMsg 0 \
+ [expr {80 - $InitialMsgLen}]]]
+ puts [errorChannel] [string range $errorMsg 0 $beginningIndex]
+ while {$beginningIndex != "end"} {
+ puts -nonewline [errorChannel] \
+ [string repeat " " $InitialMsgLen]
+ if {[expr {$endingIndex - $beginningIndex}] < 72} {
+ puts [errorChannel] [string trim \
+ [string range $errorMsg $beginningIndex end]]
+ set beginningIndex end
+ } else {
+ set newEndingIndex [expr [string last " " [string range \
+ $errorMsg $beginningIndex \
+ [expr {$beginningIndex + 72}]]] + $beginningIndex]
+ if {($newEndingIndex <= 0) \
+ || ($newEndingIndex <= $beginningIndex)} {
+ set newEndingIndex end
+ }
+ puts [errorChannel] [string trim \
+ [string range $errorMsg \
+ $beginningIndex $newEndingIndex]]
+ set beginningIndex $newEndingIndex
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ flush [errorChannel]
+ return
+if {[namespace inscope tcltest info procs initConstraintsHook] == {}} {
+ proc tcltest::initConstraintsHook {} {}
+# tcltest::initConstraints --
+# Check constraint information that will determine which tests
+# to run. To do this, create an array tcltest::testConstraints. Each
+# element has a 0 or 1 value. If the element is "true" then tests
+# with that constraint will be run, otherwise tests with that constraint
+# will be skipped. See the tcltest man page for the list of built-in
+# constraints defined in this procedure.
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# The tcltest::testConstraints array is reset to have an index for
+# each built-in test constraint.
+proc tcltest::safeFetch {n1 n2 op} {
+ DebugPuts 3 "entering safeFetch $n1 $n2 $op"
+ if {($n2 != {}) && ([info exists tcltest::testConstraints($n2)] == 0)} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint $n2 0
+ }
+proc tcltest::initConstraints {} {
+ global tcl_platform tcl_interactive tk_version
+ # The following trace procedure makes it so that we can safely refer to
+ # non-existent members of the tcltest::testConstraints array without
+ # causing an error. Instead, reading a non-existent member will return 0.
+ # This is necessary because tests are allowed to use constraint "X" without
+ # ensuring that tcltest::testConstraints("X") is defined.
+ trace variable tcltest::testConstraints r tcltest::safeFetch
+ tcltest::initConstraintsHook
+ tcltest::testConstraint singleTestInterp [singleProcess]
+ tcltest::testConstraint unixOnly \
+ [string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "unix"]
+ tcltest::testConstraint macOnly \
+ [string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "macintosh"]
+ tcltest::testConstraint pcOnly \
+ [string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "windows"]
+ tcltest::testConstraint unix [tcltest::testConstraint unixOnly]
+ tcltest::testConstraint mac [tcltest::testConstraint macOnly]
+ tcltest::testConstraint pc [tcltest::testConstraint pcOnly]
+ tcltest::testConstraint unixOrPc \
+ [expr {[tcltest::testConstraint unix] \
+ || [tcltest::testConstraint pc]}]
+ tcltest::testConstraint macOrPc \
+ [expr {[tcltest::testConstraint mac] \
+ || [tcltest::testConstraint pc]}]
+ tcltest::testConstraint macOrUnix \
+ [expr {[tcltest::testConstraint mac] \
+ || [tcltest::testConstraint unix]}]
+ tcltest::testConstraint nt [string equal $tcl_platform(os) "Windows NT"]
+ tcltest::testConstraint 95 [string equal $tcl_platform(os) "Windows 95"]
+ tcltest::testConstraint 98 [string equal $tcl_platform(os) "Windows 98"]
+ # The following Constraints switches are used to mark tests that should
+ # work, but have been temporarily disabled on certain platforms because
+ # they don't and we haven't gotten around to fixing the underlying
+ # problem.
+ tcltest::testConstraint tempNotPc \
+ [expr {![tcltest::testConstraint pc]}]
+ tcltest::testConstraint tempNotMac \
+ [expr {![tcltest::testConstraint mac]}]
+ tcltest::testConstraint tempNotUnix \
+ [expr {![tcltest::testConstraint unix]}]
+ # The following Constraints switches are used to mark tests that crash on
+ # certain platforms, so that they can be reactivated again when the
+ # underlying problem is fixed.
+ tcltest::testConstraint pcCrash \
+ [expr {![tcltest::testConstraint pc]}]
+ tcltest::testConstraint macCrash \
+ [expr {![tcltest::testConstraint mac]}]
+ tcltest::testConstraint unixCrash \
+ [expr {![tcltest::testConstraint unix]}]
+ # Skip empty tests
+ tcltest::testConstraint emptyTest 0
+ # By default, tests that expose known bugs are skipped.
+ tcltest::testConstraint knownBug 0
+ # By default, non-portable tests are skipped.
+ tcltest::testConstraint nonPortable 0
+ # Some tests require user interaction.
+ tcltest::testConstraint userInteraction 0
+ # Some tests must be skipped if the interpreter is not in interactive mode
+ if {[info exists tcl_interactive]} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint interactive $::tcl_interactive
+ } else {
+ tcltest::testConstraint interactive 0
+ }
+ # Some tests can only be run if the installation came from a CD image
+ # instead of a web image
+ # Some tests must be skipped if you are running as root on Unix.
+ # Other tests can only be run if you are running as root on Unix.
+ tcltest::testConstraint root 0
+ tcltest::testConstraint notRoot 1
+ set user {}
+ if {[string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "unix"]} {
+ catch {set user [exec whoami]}
+ if {[string equal $user ""]} {
+ catch {regexp {^[^(]*\(([^)]*)\)} [exec id] dummy user}
+ }
+ if {([string equal $user "root"]) || ([string equal $user ""])} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint root 1
+ tcltest::testConstraint notRoot 0
+ }
+ }
+ # Set nonBlockFiles constraint: 1 means this platform supports
+ # ting files into nonblocking mode.
+ if {[catch {set f [open defs r]}]} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint nonBlockFiles 1
+ } else {
+ if {[catch {fconfigure $f -blocking off}] == 0} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint nonBlockFiles 1
+ } else {
+ tcltest::testConstraint nonBlockFiles 0
+ }
+ close $f
+ }
+ # Set asyncPipeClose constraint: 1 means this platform supports
+ # async flush and async close on a pipe.
+ #
+ # Test for SCO Unix - cannot run async flushing tests because a
+ # potential problem with select is apparently interfering.
+ # (Mark Diekhans).
+ if {[string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "unix"]} {
+ if {[catch {exec uname -X | fgrep {Release = 3.2v}}] == 0} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint asyncPipeClose 0
+ } else {
+ tcltest::testConstraint asyncPipeClose 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ tcltest::testConstraint asyncPipeClose 1
+ }
+ # Test to see if we have a broken version of sprintf with respect
+ # to the "e" format of floating-point numbers.
+ tcltest::testConstraint eformat 1
+ if {![string equal "[format %g 5e-5]" "5e-05"]} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint eformat 0
+ }
+ # Test to see if execed commands such as cat, echo, rm and so forth are
+ # present on this machine.
+ tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs 1
+ if {[string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "macintosh"]} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs 0
+ }
+ if {([tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs] == 1) && \
+ ([string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "windows"])} {
+ if {[catch {exec cat defs}] == 1} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs 0
+ }
+ if {([tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs] == 1) && \
+ ([catch {exec echo hello}] == 1)} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs 0
+ }
+ if {([tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs] == 1) && \
+ ([catch {exec sh -c echo hello}] == 1)} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs 0
+ }
+ if {([tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs] == 1) && \
+ ([catch {exec wc defs}] == 1)} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs 0
+ }
+ if {[tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs] == 1} {
+ exec echo hello > removeMe
+ if {[catch {exec rm removeMe}] == 1} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs 0
+ }
+ }
+ if {([tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs] == 1) && \
+ ([catch {exec sleep 1}] == 1)} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs 0
+ }
+ if {([tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs] == 1) && \
+ ([catch {exec fgrep unixExecs defs}] == 1)} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs 0
+ }
+ if {([tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs] == 1) && \
+ ([catch {exec ps}] == 1)} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs 0
+ }
+ if {([tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs] == 1) && \
+ ([catch {exec echo abc > removeMe}] == 0) && \
+ ([catch {exec chmod 644 removeMe}] == 1) && \
+ ([catch {exec rm removeMe}] == 0)} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs 0
+ } else {
+ catch {exec rm -f removeMe}
+ }
+ if {([tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs] == 1) && \
+ ([catch {exec mkdir removeMe}] == 1)} {
+ tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs 0
+ } else {
+ catch {exec rm -r removeMe}
+ }
+ }
+ # Locate tcltest executable
+ if {![info exists tk_version]} {
+ set tcltest::tcltest [info nameofexecutable]
+ if {$tcltest::tcltest == "{}"} {
+ set tcltest::tcltest {}
+ }
+ }
+ tcltest::testConstraint stdio 0
+ catch {
+ catch {file delete -force tmp}
+ set f [open tmp w]
+ puts $f {
+ exit
+ }
+ close $f
+ set f [open "|[list $tcltest tmp]" r]
+ close $f
+ tcltest::testConstraint stdio 1
+ }
+ catch {file delete -force tmp}
+ # Deliberately call socket with the wrong number of arguments. The error
+ # message you get will indicate whether sockets are available on this
+ # system.
+ catch {socket} msg
+ tcltest::testConstraint socket \
+ [expr {$msg != "sockets are not available on this system"}]
+ # Check for internationalization
+ if {[info commands testlocale] == ""} {
+ # No testlocale command, no tests...
+ tcltest::testConstraint hasIsoLocale 0
+ } else {
+ tcltest::testConstraint hasIsoLocale \
+ [string length [tcltest::set_iso8859_1_locale]]
+ tcltest::restore_locale
+ }
+# Handle command line arguments (from argv) and default arg settings
+# tcltest::PrintUsageInfoHook
+# Hook used for customization of display of usage information.
+if {[namespace inscope tcltest info procs PrintUsageInfoHook] == {}} {
+ proc tcltest::PrintUsageInfoHook {} {}
+# tcltest::PrintUsageInfo
+# Prints out the usage information for package tcltest. This can be
+# customized with the redefinition of tcltest::PrintUsageInfoHook.
+# Arguments:
+# none
+proc tcltest::PrintUsageInfo {} {
+ puts [format "Usage: [file tail [info nameofexecutable]] \
+ script ?-help? ?flag value? ... \n\
+ Available flags (and valid input values) are: \n\
+ -help \t Display this usage information. \n\
+ -verbose level \t Takes any combination of the values \n\
+ \t 'p', 's', 'b' and 't'. Test suite will \n\
+ \t display all passed tests if 'p' is \n\
+ \t specified, all skipped tests if 's' \n\
+ \t is specified, the bodies of \n\
+ \t failed tests if 'b' is specified, \n\
+ \t and when tests start if 't' is specified. \n\
+ \t The default value is 'b'. \n\
+ -constraints list\t Do not skip the listed constraints\n\
+ -limitconstraints bool\t Only run tests with the constraints\n\
+ \t listed in -constraints.\n\
+ -match pattern \t Run all tests within the specified \n\
+ \t files that match the glob pattern \n\
+ \t given. \n\
+ -skip pattern \t Skip all tests within the set of \n\
+ \t specified tests (via -match) and \n\
+ \t files that match the glob pattern \n\
+ \t given. \n\
+ -file pattern \t Run tests in all test files that \n\
+ \t match the glob pattern given. \n\
+ -notfile pattern\t Skip all test files that match the \n\
+ \t glob pattern given. \n\
+ -relateddir pattern\t Run tests in directories that match \n\
+ \t the glob pattern given. \n\
+ -asidefromdir pattern\t Skip tests in directories that match \n\
+ \t the glob pattern given.\n\
+ -preservecore level \t If 2, save any core files produced \n\
+ \t during testing in the directory \n\
+ \t specified by -tmpdir. If 1, notify the\n\
+ \t user if core files are created. The default \n\
+ \t is $tcltest::preserveCore. \n\
+ -tmpdir directory\t Save temporary files in the specified\n\
+ \t directory. The default value is \n\
+ \t $tcltest::temporaryDirectory. \n\
+ -testdir directories\t Search tests in the specified\n\
+ \t directories. The default value is \n\
+ \t $tcltest::testsDirectory. \n\
+ -outfile file \t Send output from test runs to the \n\
+ \t specified file. The default is \n\
+ \t stdout. \n\
+ -errfile file \t Send errors from test runs to the \n\
+ \t specified file. The default is \n\
+ \t stderr. \n\
+ -loadfile file \t Read the script to load the tested \n\
+ \t commands from the specified file. \n\
+ -load script \t Specifies the script to load the tested \n\
+ \t commands. \n\
+ -debug level \t Internal debug flag."]
+ tcltest::PrintUsageInfoHook
+ return
+# tcltest::processCmdLineArgsFlagsHook --
+# This hook is used to add to the list of command line arguments that are
+# processed by tcltest::ProcessFlags. It is called at the beginning of
+# ProcessFlags.
+if {[namespace inscope tcltest info procs processCmdLineArgsAddFlagsHook] == {}} {
+ proc tcltest::processCmdLineArgsAddFlagsHook {} {}
+# tcltest::processCmdLineArgsHook --
+# This hook is used to actually process the flags added by
+# tcltest::processCmdLineArgsAddFlagsHook. It is called at the end of
+# ProcessFlags.
+# Arguments:
+# flags The flags that have been pulled out of argv
+if {[namespace inscope tcltest info procs processCmdLineArgsHook] == {}} {
+ proc tcltest::processCmdLineArgsHook {flag} {}
+# tcltest::ProcessFlags --
+# process command line arguments supplied in the flagArray - this is
+# called by processCmdLineArgs
+# modifies tcltest variables according to the content of the flagArray.
+# Arguments:
+# flagArray - array containing name/value pairs of flags
+# Results:
+# sets tcltest variables according to their values as defined by
+# flagArray
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::ProcessFlags {flagArray} {
+ # Process -help first
+ if {[lsearch -exact $flagArray {-help}] != -1} {
+ tcltest::PrintUsageInfo
+ exit 1
+ }
+ catch {array set flag $flagArray}
+ # -help is not listed since it has already been processed
+ lappend defaultFlags -verbose -match -skip -constraints \
+ -outfile -errfile -debug -tmpdir -file -notfile \
+ -preservecore -limitconstraints -testdir \
+ -load -loadfile -asidefromdir \
+ -relateddir -singleproc
+ set defaultFlags [concat $defaultFlags \
+ [tcltest::processCmdLineArgsAddFlagsHook ]]
+ # Set tcltest::verbose to the arg of the -verbose flag, if given
+ if {[info exists flag(-verbose)]} {
+ tcltest::verbose $flag(-verbose)
+ }
+ # Set tcltest::match to the arg of the -match flag, if given.
+ if {[info exists flag(-match)]} {
+ tcltest::match $flag(-match)
+ }
+ # Set tcltest::skip to the arg of the -skip flag, if given
+ if {[info exists flag(-skip)]} {
+ tcltest::skip $flag(-skip)
+ }
+ # Handle the -file and -notfile flags
+ if {[info exists flag(-file)]} {
+ tcltest::matchFiles $flag(-file)
+ }
+ if {[info exists flag(-notfile)]} {
+ tcltest::skipFiles $flag(-notfile)
+ }
+ # Handle -relateddir and -asidefromdir flags
+ if {[info exists flag(-relateddir)]} {
+ tcltest::matchDirectories $flag(-relateddir)
+ }
+ if {[info exists flag(-asidefromdir)]} {
+ tcltest::skipDirectories $flag(-asidefromdir)
+ }
+ # Use the -constraints flag, if given, to turn on constraints that are
+ # turned off by default: userInteractive knownBug nonPortable. This
+ # code fragment must be run after constraints are initialized.
+ if {[info exists flag(-constraints)]} {
+ foreach elt $flag(-constraints) {
+ tcltest::testConstraint $elt 1
+ }
+ }
+ # Use the -limitconstraints flag, if given, to tell the harness to limit
+ # tests run to those that were specified using the -constraints flag. If
+ # the -constraints flag was not specified, print out an error and exit.
+ if {[info exists flag(-limitconstraints)]} {
+ if {![info exists flag(-constraints)]} {
+ set msg "-limitconstraints flag can only be used with -constraints"
+ error $msg
+ }
+ tcltest::limitConstraints $flag(-limitconstraints)
+ }
+ # Set the tcltest::temporaryDirectory to the arg of -tmpdir, if
+ # given.
+ if {[info exists flag(-tmpdir)]} {
+ tcltest::temporaryDirectory $flag(-tmpdir)
+ }
+ # Set the tcltest::testsDirectory to the arg of -testdir, if
+ # given.
+ if {[info exists flag(-testdir)]} {
+ tcltest::testsDirectory $flag(-testdir)
+ }
+ # If an alternate error or output files are specified, change the
+ # default channels.
+ if {[info exists flag(-outfile)]} {
+ tcltest::outputFile $flag(-outfile)
+ }
+ if {[info exists flag(-errfile)]} {
+ tcltest::errorFile $flag(-errfile)
+ }
+ # If a load script was specified, either directly or through
+ # a file, remember it for later usage.
+ if {[info exists flag(-load)] && \
+ ([lsearch -exact $flagArray -load] > \
+ [lsearch -exact $flagArray -loadfile])} {
+ tcltest::loadScript $flag(-load)
+ }
+ if {[info exists flag(-loadfile)] && \
+ ([lsearch -exact $flagArray -loadfile] > \
+ [lsearch -exact $flagArray -load]) } {
+ tcltest::loadFile $flag(-loadfile)
+ }
+ # If the user specifies debug testing, print out extra information during
+ # the run.
+ if {[info exists flag(-debug)]} {
+ tcltest::debug $flag(-debug)
+ }
+ # Handle -preservecore
+ if {[info exists flag(-preservecore)]} {
+ tcltest::preserveCore $flag(-preservecore)
+ }
+ # Handle -singleproc flag
+ if {[info exists flag(-singleproc)]} {
+ tcltest::singleProcess $flag(-singleproc)
+ }
+ # Call the hook
+ tcltest::processCmdLineArgsHook [array get flag]
+# tcltest::processCmdLineArgs --
+# Use command line args to set tcltest namespace variables.
+# This procedure must be run after constraints are initialized, because
+# some constraints can be overridden.
+# Set variables based on the contents of the environment variable
+# TCLTEST_OPTIONS first, then override with command-line options, if
+# specified.
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# Sets the above-named variables in the tcltest namespace.
+proc tcltest::processCmdLineArgs {} {
+ global argv
+ # If the TCLTEST_OPTIONS environment variable exists, parse it first, then
+ # the argv list. The command line argument parsing will be a two-pass
+ # affair from now on, so that TCLTEST_OPTIONS contain the default options.
+ # These can be overridden by the command line flags.
+ if {[info exists ::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS)]} {
+ tcltest::ProcessFlags $::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS)
+ }
+ # The "argv" var doesn't exist in some cases, so use {}.
+ if {(![info exists argv]) || ([llength $argv] < 1)} {
+ set flagArray {}
+ } else {
+ set flagArray $argv
+ }
+ tcltest::ProcessFlags $flagArray
+ # Spit out everything you know if we're at a debug level 2 or greater
+ DebugPuts 2 "Flags passed into tcltest:"
+ if {[info exists ::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS)]} {
+ DebugPuts 2 " ::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS): $::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS)"
+ }
+ if {[info exists argv]} {
+ DebugPuts 2 " argv: $argv"
+ }
+ DebugPuts 2 "tcltest::debug = [tcltest::debug]"
+ DebugPuts 2 "tcltest::testsDirectory = [tcltest::testsDirectory]"
+ DebugPuts 2 "tcltest::workingDirectory = [tcltest::workingDirectory]"
+ DebugPuts 2 "tcltest::temporaryDirectory = [tcltest::temporaryDirectory]"
+ DebugPuts 2 "tcltest::outputChannel = [outputChannel]"
+ DebugPuts 2 "tcltest::errorChannel = [errorChannel]"
+ DebugPuts 2 "Original environment (tcltest::originalEnv):"
+ DebugPArray 2 tcltest::originalEnv
+ DebugPuts 2 "Constraints:"
+ DebugPArray 2 tcltest::testConstraints
+# Code to run the tests goes here.
+# tcltest::testPuts --
+# Used to redefine puts in test environment.
+# Stores whatever goes out on stdout in tcltest::outData and stderr in
+# tcltest::errData before sending it on to the regular puts.
+# Arguments:
+# same as standard puts
+# Results:
+# none
+# Side effects:
+# Intercepts puts; data that would otherwise go to stdout, stderr, or
+# file channels specified in tcltest::outputChannel and errorChannel does
+# not get sent to the normal puts function.
+proc tcltest::testPuts {args} {
+ set len [llength $args]
+ if {$len == 1} {
+ # Only the string to be printed is specified
+ append tcltest::outData "[lindex $args 0]\n"
+ return
+# return [tcltest::normalPuts [lindex $args 0]]
+ } elseif {$len == 2} {
+ # Either -nonewline or channelId has been specified
+ if {[regexp {^-nonewline} [lindex $args 0]]} {
+ append tcltest::outData "[lindex $args end]"
+ return
+# return [tcltest::normalPuts -nonewline [lindex $args end]]
+ } else {
+ set channel [lindex $args 0]
+ }
+ } elseif {$len == 3} {
+ if {[lindex $args 0] == "-nonewline"} {
+ # Both -nonewline and channelId are specified, unless it's an
+ # error. -nonewline is supposed to be argv[0].
+ set channel [lindex $args 1]
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists channel]} {
+ if {($channel == [outputChannel]) || ($channel == "stdout")} {
+ append tcltest::outData "[lindex $args end]\n"
+ } elseif {($channel == [errorChannel]) || ($channel == "stderr")} {
+ append tcltest::errData "[lindex $args end]\n"
+ }
+ return
+ # return [tcltest::normalPuts [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args end]]
+ }
+ # If we haven't returned by now, we don't know how to handle the input.
+ # Let puts handle it.
+ eval tcltest::normalPuts $args
+# tcltest::testEval --
+# Evaluate the script in the test environment. If ignoreOutput is
+# false, store data sent to stderr and stdout in tcltest::outData and
+# tcltest::errData. Otherwise, ignore this output altogether.
+# Arguments:
+# script Script to evaluate
+# ?ignoreOutput? Indicates whether or not to ignore output sent to
+# stdout & stderr
+# Results:
+# result from running the script
+# Side effects:
+# Empties the contents of tcltest::outData and tcltest::errData before
+# running a test if ignoreOutput is set to 0.
+proc tcltest::testEval {script {ignoreOutput 1}} {
+ DebugPuts 3 "testEval called"
+ if {!$ignoreOutput} {
+ set tcltest::outData {}
+ set tcltest::errData {}
+ uplevel rename ::puts tcltest::normalPuts
+ uplevel rename tcltest::testPuts ::puts
+ }
+ set result [uplevel $script]
+ if {!$ignoreOutput} {
+ uplevel rename ::puts tcltest::testPuts
+ uplevel rename tcltest::normalPuts ::puts
+ }
+ return $result
+# compareStrings --
+# compares the expected answer to the actual answer, depending on the
+# mode provided. Mode determines whether a regexp, exact, or glob
+# comparison is done.
+# Arguments:
+# actual - string containing the actual result
+# expected - pattern to be matched against
+# mode - type of comparison to be done
+# subst - perform subst on the expected value if this is true
+# Results:
+# result of the match
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::compareStrings {actual expected mode {subst false}} {
+ if {$subst} {
+ switch -- $mode {
+ exact {
+ set expected [uplevel 2 subst \{$expected\}]
+ }
+ glob -
+ regexp {
+ set expected [uplevel 2 subst -nocommand -nobackslashes \{$expected\}]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch -- $mode {
+ exact {
+ set retval [string equal $actual $expected]
+ }
+ glob {
+ set retval [string match $expected $actual]
+ }
+ regexp {
+ set retval [regexp $expected $actual]
+ }
+ }
+ return $retval
+# test --
+# This procedure runs a test and prints an error message if the test fails.
+# If tcltest::verbose has been set, it also prints a message even if the
+# test succeeds. The test will be skipped if it doesn't match the
+# tcltest::match variable, if it matches an element in
+# tcltest::skip, or if one of the elements of "constraints" turns
+# out not to be true.
+# If testLevel is 1, then this is a top level test, and we record pass/fail
+# information; otherwise, this information is not logged and is not added to
+# running totals.
+# Attributes:
+# Only description is a required attribute. All others are optional.
+# Default values are indicated.
+# description - Short textual description of the test, to
+# help humans understand what it does.
+# constraints - A list of one or more keywords, each of
+# which must be the name of an element in
+# the array "tcltest::testConstraints". If any
+# of these elements is zero, the test is
+# skipped. This attribute is optional; default is {}
+# script - Script to run to carry out the test. It must
+# return a result that can be checked for
+# correctness. This attribute is optional;
+# default is {}
+# expect - Expected result from script. This attribute is
+# optional; default is {}.
+# expect_out - Expected output sent to stdout. This attribute
+# is optional; default is {}.
+# expect_err - Expected output sent to stderr. This attribute
+# is optional; default is {}.
+# expect_codes - Expected return codes. This attribute is
+# optional; default is {0 2}.
+# setup - Code to run before $script (above). This
+# attribute is optional; default is {}.
+# cleanup - Code to run after $script (above). This
+# attribute is optional; default is {}.
+# Arguments:
+# name - Name of test, in the form foo-1.2.
+# Results:
+# 0 if the command ran successfully; 1 otherwise.
+# Side effects:
+proc tcltest::test {name args} {
+ DebugPuts 3 "Test $name $args"
+ incr tcltest::testLevel
+ # Pre-define everything to null except expect_out and expect_err. We
+ # determine whether or not to trap output based on whether or not these
+ # variables (expect_out & expect_err) are defined.
+ foreach item {constraints setup cleanup description script \
+ expect expect_codes} {
+ set $item {}
+ }
+ # Set the default match mode
+ set expectMatch exact
+ set expect_outMatch exact
+ set expect_errMatch exact
+ # default test format is the old format (where we don't have to subst the
+ # expected answer
+ set substExpected false
+ # Set the default match values for return codes (0 is the standard expected
+ # return value if everything went well; 2 represents 'return' being used in
+ # the test script).
+ set expect_codes [list 0 2]
+ if {[llength $args] >= 3} {
+ # This is parsing for the old test command format; it is here for
+ # backward compatibility.
+ set description [lindex $args 0]
+ set expect [lindex $args end]
+ if {[llength $args] == 3} {
+ set script [lindex $args 1]
+ } else {
+ set constraints [lindex $args 1]
+ set script [lindex $args 2]
+ }
+ } else {
+ # we'll have to do a subst on the expected values later
+ set substExpected true
+ set testAttributes [lindex $args 0]
+ # These are attribute value pairs; there must be an even number in the
+ # list.
+ if {[expr {[llength $testAttributes] %2}] == 1} {
+ puts [errorChannel] "value for \"[lindex $testAttributes end]\" missing"
+ incr tcltest::testLevel -1
+ return 1
+ }
+ # store whatever the user gave us
+ foreach {item value} $testAttributes {
+ set $item $value
+ }
+ foreach mode {expect expect_out expect_err} {
+ if {[info exists $mode]} {
+ set expectedContent [subst $$mode]
+ set suffix Match
+ # Set the match mode and the content based on whether or not
+ # the exact, glob, or regexp flags are being used. If they
+ # are, set the appropriate match flag and reset the match
+ # pattern.
+ if {[llength $expectedContent] == 2} {
+ set flag [lindex $expectedContent 0]
+ if {[regexp -- {-(exact|glob|regexp)} $flag fullMatch \
+ $mode$suffix]} {
+ set $mode [lindex $expectedContent 1]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {($name == {}) || ($description == {})} {
+ puts [errorChannel] "one of: name, description empty"
+ incr tcltest::testLevel -1
+ return 1
+ }
+ set setupFailure 0
+ set cleanupFailure 0
+ # Run the setup script
+ if {[catch {uplevel $setup} setupMsg]} {
+ set setupFailure 1
+ }
+ # run the test script
+ set command [list tcltest::runTest $name $description $script \
+ $expect $constraints]
+ if {!$setupFailure} {
+ if {[info exists expect_out] || [info exists expect_err]} {
+ set testResult [uplevel tcltest::testEval [list $command] 0]
+ } else {
+ set testResult [uplevel tcltest::testEval [list $command] 1]
+ }
+ } else {
+ set testResult setupFailure
+ }
+ # Run the cleanup code
+ if {[catch {uplevel $cleanup} cleanupMsg]} {
+ set cleanupFailure 1
+ }
+ # If testResult is an empty list, then the test was skipped
+ if {$testResult != {}} {
+ set coreFailure 0
+ set coreMsg ""
+ # check for a core file first - if one was created by the test, then
+ # the test failed
+ if {$tcltest::preserveCore} {
+ puts "checking for core"
+ set currentTclPlatform [array get tcl_platform]
+ if {[file exists [file join [tcltest::workingDirectory] core]]} {
+ # There's only a test failure if there is a core file and (1)
+ # there previously wasn't one or (2) the new one is different
+ # from the old one.
+ if {[info exists coreModTime]} {
+ if {$coreModTime != [file mtime \
+ [file join [tcltest::workingDirectory] core]]} {
+ set coreFailure 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ set coreFailure 1
+ }
+ if {($tcltest::preserveCore > 1) && ($coreFailure)} {
+ puts "core failure (> 1)"
+ append coreMsg "\nMoving file to: [file join $tcltest::temporaryDirectory core-$name]"
+ catch {file rename -force \
+ [file join [tcltest::workingDirectory] core] \
+ [file join $tcltest::temporaryDirectory \
+ core-$name]} msg
+ if {[string length $msg] > 0} {
+ append coreMsg "\nError: Problem renaming core file: $msg"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ array set tcl_platform $currentTclPlatform
+ }
+ set expectedAnswer $expect
+ set actualAnswer [lindex $testResult 0]
+ set code [lindex $testResult end]
+ # If expected output/error strings exist, we have to compare
+ # them. If the comparison fails, then so did the test.
+ set outputFailure 0
+ set errorFailure 0
+ if {[info exists expect_out]} {
+ set outputFailure [expr ![compareStrings $tcltest::outData \
+ $expect_out $expect_outMatch $substExpected]]
+ }
+ if {[info exists expect_err]} {
+ set errorFailure [expr ![compareStrings $tcltest::errData \
+ $expect_err $expect_errMatch $substExpected]]
+ }
+ set testFailed 1
+ set codeFailure 0
+ if {!($setupFailure || $cleanupFailure || $coreFailure || \
+ $outputFailure || $errorFailure)} {
+ # if the strings compare properly, and we didn't experience a
+ # problem with setup or cleanup, we might have passed.
+ if {[compareStrings $actualAnswer $expectedAnswer $expectMatch $substExpected]} {
+ # if the return code matches the expected return codes, we
+ # definitely passed.
+ if {[lsearch -exact $code $expect_codes]} {
+ set codeFailure 0
+ if {$tcltest::testLevel == 1} {
+ incr tcltest::numTests(Passed)
+ if {[string first p $tcltest::verbose] != -1} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "++++ $name PASSED"
+ }
+ }
+ set testFailed 0
+ } else {
+ set codeFailure 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$testFailed} {
+ if {$tcltest::testLevel == 1} {
+ incr tcltest::numTests(Failed)
+ }
+ set tcltest::currentFailure true
+ if {[string first b $tcltest::verbose] == -1} {
+ set script ""
+ }
+ puts [outputChannel] "\n==== $name $description FAILED"
+ if {$script != ""} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "==== Contents of test case:"
+ puts [outputChannel] $script
+ }
+ if {$setupFailure} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "---- Test setup failed:\n$setupMsg"
+ } else {
+ puts [outputChannel] "---- Result should have been ($expectMatch matching):\n$expectedAnswer"
+ puts [outputChannel] "---- Result was:\n$actualAnswer"
+ }
+ if {$codeFailure} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "---- Return code should have been one of: $expect_codes"
+ switch -- $code {
+ 0 { set msg "Test completed normally" }
+ 1 { set msg "Test generated error" }
+ 2 { set msg "Test generated return exception" }
+ 3 { set msg "Test generated break exception" }
+ 4 { set msg "Test generated continue exception" }
+ default { set msg "Test generated exception" }
+ }
+ puts [outputChannel] "---- $msg; Return code was: $code"
+ }
+ if {$outputFailure} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "---- Output should have been ($expect_outMatch matching):\n$expect_out"
+ puts [outputChannel] "---- Output was:\n$tcltest::outData"
+ }
+ if {$errorFailure} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "---- Error output should have been ($expect_errMatch matching):\n$expect_err"
+ puts [outputChannel] "---- Error output was:\n$tcltest::errData"
+ }
+ if {$cleanupFailure} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "---- Test cleanup failed:\n$cleanupMsg"
+ }
+ if {$coreFailure} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "---- Core file produced while running test! $coreMsg"
+ }
+ puts [outputChannel] "==== $name FAILED\n"
+ }
+ }
+ incr tcltest::testLevel -1
+ return 0}
+# runTest --
+# This is the defnition of the version 1.0 test routine for tcltest. It is
+# provided here for backward compatibility. It is also used as the 'backbone'
+# of the test procedure, as in, this is where all the work really gets done.
+# This procedure runs a test and prints an error message if the test fails.
+# If tcltest::verbose has been set, it also prints a message even if the
+# test succeeds. The test will be skipped if it doesn't match the
+# tcltest::match variable, if it matches an element in
+# tcltest::skip, or if one of the elements of "constraints" turns
+# out not to be true.
+# Arguments:
+# name - Name of test, in the form foo-1.2.
+# description - Short textual description of the test, to
+# help humans understand what it does.
+# constraints - A list of one or more keywords, each of
+# which must be the name of an element in
+# the array "tcltest::testConstraints". If any of these
+# elements is zero, the test is skipped.
+# This argument may be omitted.
+# script - Script to run to carry out the test. It must
+# return a result that can be checked for
+# correctness.
+# expectedAnswer - Expected result from script.
+# Behavior depends on the value of testLevel; if testLevel is 1 (top level),
+# then events are logged and we track the number of tests run/skipped and why.
+# Otherwise, we don't track this information.
+# Returns:
+# empty list if test is skipped; otherwise returns list containing
+# actual returned value from the test and the return code.
+proc tcltest::runTest {name description script expectedAnswer constraints} {
+ if {$tcltest::testLevel == 1} {
+ incr tcltest::numTests(Total)
+ }
+ # skip the test if it's name matches an element of skip
+ foreach pattern $tcltest::skip {
+ if {[string match $pattern $name]} {
+ if {$tcltest::testLevel == 1} {
+ incr tcltest::numTests(Skipped)
+ DebugDo 1 {tcltest::AddToSkippedBecause userSpecifiedSkip}
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ # skip the test if it's name doesn't match any element of match
+ if {[llength $tcltest::match] > 0} {
+ set ok 0
+ foreach pattern $tcltest::match {
+ if {[string match $pattern $name]} {
+ set ok 1
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if {!$ok} {
+ if {$tcltest::testLevel == 1} {
+ incr tcltest::numTests(Skipped)
+ DebugDo 1 {tcltest::AddToSkippedBecause userSpecifiedNonMatch}
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ DebugPuts 3 "Running $name ($description) {$script} {$expectedAnswer} $constraints"
+ if {$constraints == {}} {
+ # If we're limited to the listed constraints and there aren't any
+ # listed, then we shouldn't run the test.
+ if {$tcltest::limitConstraints} {
+ tcltest::AddToSkippedBecause userSpecifiedLimitConstraint
+ if {$tcltest::testLevel == 1} {
+ incr tcltest::numTests(Skipped)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ # "constraints" argument exists;
+ # make sure that the constraints are satisfied.
+ set doTest 0
+ if {[string match {*[$\[]*} $constraints] != 0} {
+ # full expression, e.g. {$foo > [info tclversion]}
+ catch {set doTest [uplevel #0 expr $constraints]}
+ } elseif {[regexp {[^.a-zA-Z0-9 ]+} $constraints] != 0} {
+ # something like {a || b} should be turned into
+ # $tcltest::testConstraints(a) || $tcltest::testConstraints(b).
+ regsub -all {[.\w]+} $constraints \
+ {$tcltest::testConstraints(&)} c
+ catch {set doTest [eval expr $c]}
+ } else {
+ # just simple constraints such as {unixOnly fonts}.
+ set doTest 1
+ foreach constraint $constraints {
+ if {(![info exists tcltest::testConstraints($constraint)]) \
+ || (!$tcltest::testConstraints($constraint))} {
+ set doTest 0
+ # store the constraint that kept the test from running
+ set constraints $constraint
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$doTest == 0} {
+ if {[string first s $tcltest::verbose] != -1} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "++++ $name SKIPPED: $constraints"
+ }
+ if {$tcltest::testLevel == 1} {
+ incr tcltest::numTests(Skipped)
+ tcltest::AddToSkippedBecause $constraints
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ # Save information about the core file. You need to restore the original
+ # tcl_platform environment because some of the tests mess with
+ # tcl_platform.
+ if {$tcltest::preserveCore} {
+ puts "check for core 2"
+ set currentTclPlatform [array get tcl_platform]
+ array set tcl_platform $tcltest::originalTclPlatform
+ if {[file exists [file join [tcltest::workingDirectory] core]]} {
+ set coreModTime [file mtime [file join \
+ [tcltest::workingDirectory] core]]
+ }
+ array set tcl_platform $currentTclPlatform
+ }
+ # If there is no "memory" command (because memory debugging isn't
+ # enabled), then don't attempt to use the command.
+ if {[info commands memory] != {}} {
+ memory tag $name
+ }
+ if {[string first t $tcltest::verbose] != -1} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "---- $name start"
+ flush [outputChannel]
+ }
+ set code [catch {uplevel $script} actualAnswer]
+ return [list $actualAnswer $code]
+# tcltest::cleanupTestsHook --
+# This hook allows a harness that builds upon tcltest to specify
+# additional things that should be done at cleanup.
+if {[namespace inscope tcltest info procs cleanupTestsHook] == {}} {
+ proc tcltest::cleanupTestsHook {} {}
+# tcltest::cleanupTests --
+# Remove files and dirs created using the makeFile and makeDirectory
+# commands since the last time this proc was invoked.
+# Print the names of the files created without the makeFile command
+# since the tests were invoked.
+# Print the number tests (total, passed, failed, and skipped) since the
+# tests were invoked.
+# Restore original environment (as reported by special variable env).
+proc tcltest::cleanupTests {{calledFromAllFile 0}} {
+ set testFileName [file tail [info script]]
+ # Call the cleanup hook
+ tcltest::cleanupTestsHook
+ # Remove files and directories created by the :tcltest::makeFile and
+ # tcltest::makeDirectory procedures.
+ # Record the names of files in tcltest::workingDirectory that were not
+ # pre-existing, and associate them with the test file that created them.
+ if {!$calledFromAllFile} {
+ foreach file $tcltest::filesMade {
+ if {[file exists $file]} {
+ catch {file delete -force $file}
+ }
+ }
+ set currentFiles {}
+ foreach file [glob -nocomplain \
+ [file join $tcltest::temporaryDirectory *]] {
+ lappend currentFiles [file tail $file]
+ }
+ set newFiles {}
+ foreach file $currentFiles {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $tcltest::filesExisted $file] == -1} {
+ lappend newFiles $file
+ }
+ }
+ set tcltest::filesExisted $currentFiles
+ if {[llength $newFiles] > 0} {
+ set tcltest::createdNewFiles($testFileName) $newFiles
+ }
+ }
+ if {$calledFromAllFile || $tcltest::testSingleFile} {
+ # print stats
+ puts -nonewline [outputChannel] "$testFileName:"
+ foreach index [list "Total" "Passed" "Skipped" "Failed"] {
+ puts -nonewline [outputChannel] \
+ "\t$index\t$tcltest::numTests($index)"
+ }
+ puts [outputChannel] ""
+ # print number test files sourced
+ # print names of files that ran tests which failed
+ if {$calledFromAllFile} {
+ puts [outputChannel] \
+ "Sourced $tcltest::numTestFiles Test Files."
+ set tcltest::numTestFiles 0
+ if {[llength $tcltest::failFiles] > 0} {
+ puts [outputChannel] \
+ "Files with failing tests: $tcltest::failFiles"
+ set tcltest::failFiles {}
+ }
+ }
+ # if any tests were skipped, print the constraints that kept them
+ # from running.
+ set constraintList [array names tcltest::skippedBecause]
+ if {[llength $constraintList] > 0} {
+ puts [outputChannel] \
+ "Number of tests skipped for each constraint:"
+ foreach constraint [lsort $constraintList] {
+ puts [outputChannel] \
+ "\t$tcltest::skippedBecause($constraint)\t$constraint"
+ unset tcltest::skippedBecause($constraint)
+ }
+ }
+ # report the names of test files in tcltest::createdNewFiles, and
+ # reset the array to be empty.
+ set testFilesThatTurded [lsort [array names tcltest::createdNewFiles]]
+ if {[llength $testFilesThatTurded] > 0} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "Warning: files left behind:"
+ foreach testFile $testFilesThatTurded {
+ puts [outputChannel] \
+ "\t$testFile:\t$tcltest::createdNewFiles($testFile)"
+ unset tcltest::createdNewFiles($testFile)
+ }
+ }
+ # reset filesMade, filesExisted, and numTests
+ set tcltest::filesMade {}
+ foreach index [list "Total" "Passed" "Skipped" "Failed"] {
+ set tcltest::numTests($index) 0
+ }
+ # exit only if running Tk in non-interactive mode
+ global tk_version tcl_interactive
+ if {[info exists tk_version] && ![info exists tcl_interactive]} {
+ exit
+ }
+ } else {
+ # if we're deferring stat-reporting until all files are sourced,
+ # then add current file to failFile list if any tests in this file
+ # failed
+ incr tcltest::numTestFiles
+ if {($tcltest::currentFailure) && \
+ ([lsearch -exact $tcltest::failFiles $testFileName] == -1)} {
+ lappend tcltest::failFiles $testFileName
+ }
+ set tcltest::currentFailure false
+ # restore the environment to the state it was in before this package
+ # was loaded
+ set newEnv {}
+ set changedEnv {}
+ set removedEnv {}
+ foreach index [array names ::env] {
+ if {![info exists tcltest::originalEnv($index)]} {
+ lappend newEnv $index
+ unset ::env($index)
+ } else {
+ if {$::env($index) != $tcltest::originalEnv($index)} {
+ lappend changedEnv $index
+ set ::env($index) $tcltest::originalEnv($index)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach index [array names tcltest::originalEnv] {
+ if {![info exists ::env($index)]} {
+ lappend removedEnv $index
+ set ::env($index) $tcltest::originalEnv($index)
+ }
+ }
+ if {[llength $newEnv] > 0} {
+ puts [outputChannel] \
+ "env array elements created:\t$newEnv"
+ }
+ if {[llength $changedEnv] > 0} {
+ puts [outputChannel] \
+ "env array elements changed:\t$changedEnv"
+ }
+ if {[llength $removedEnv] > 0} {
+ puts [outputChannel] \
+ "env array elements removed:\t$removedEnv"
+ }
+ set changedTclPlatform {}
+ foreach index [array names tcltest::originalTclPlatform] {
+ if {$::tcl_platform($index) != \
+ $tcltest::originalTclPlatform($index)} {
+ lappend changedTclPlatform $index
+ set ::tcl_platform($index) \
+ $tcltest::originalTclPlatform($index)
+ }
+ }
+ if {[llength $changedTclPlatform] > 0} {
+ puts [outputChannel] \
+ "tcl_platform array elements changed:\t$changedTclPlatform"
+ }
+ if {[file exists [file join [tcltest::workingDirectory] core]]} {
+ if {$tcltest::preserveCore > 1} {
+ puts "rename core file (> 1)"
+ puts [outputChannel] "produced core file! \
+ Moving file to: \
+ [file join $tcltest::temporaryDirectory core-$name]"
+ catch {file rename -force \
+ [file join [tcltest::workingDirectory] core] \
+ [file join $tcltest::temporaryDirectory \
+ core-$name]} msg
+ if {[string length $msg] > 0} {
+ tcltest::PrintError "Problem renaming file: $msg"
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Print a message if there is a core file and (1) there
+ # previously wasn't one or (2) the new one is different from
+ # the old one.
+ if {[info exists tcltest::coreModificationTime]} {
+ if {$tcltest::coreModificationTime != [file mtime \
+ [file join [tcltest::workingDirectory] core]]} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "A core file was created!"
+ }
+ } else {
+ puts [outputChannel] "A core file was created!"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ flush [outputChannel]
+ flush [errorChannel]
+# Procs that determine which tests/test files to run
+# tcltest::getMatchingFiles
+# Looks at the patterns given to match and skip files
+# and uses them to put together a list of the tests that will be run.
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# The constructed list is returned to the user. This will primarily
+# be used in 'all.tcl' files.
+proc tcltest::getMatchingFiles {args} {
+ set matchingFiles {}
+ if {[llength $args]} {
+ set searchDirectory $args
+ } else {
+ set searchDirectory [list $tcltest::testsDirectory]
+ }
+ # Find the matching files in the list of directories and then remove the
+ # ones that match the skip pattern
+ foreach directory $searchDirectory {
+ set matchFileList {}
+ foreach match $tcltest::matchFiles {
+ set matchFileList [concat $matchFileList \
+ [glob -nocomplain [file join $directory $match]]]
+ }
+ if {[string compare {} $tcltest::skipFiles]} {
+ set skipFileList {}
+ foreach skip $tcltest::skipFiles {
+ set skipFileList [concat $skipFileList \
+ [glob -nocomplain [file join $directory $skip]]]
+ }
+ foreach file $matchFileList {
+ # Only include files that don't match the skip pattern and
+ # aren't SCCS lock files.
+ if {([lsearch -exact $skipFileList $file] == -1) && \
+ (![string match l.*.test [file tail $file]])} {
+ lappend matchingFiles $file
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set matchingFiles [concat $matchingFiles $matchFileList]
+ }
+ }
+ if {[string equal $matchingFiles {}]} {
+ tcltest::PrintError "No test files remain after applying \
+ your match and skip patterns!"
+ }
+ return $matchingFiles
+# tcltest::getMatchingDirectories --
+# Looks at the patterns given to match and skip directories and uses them
+# to put together a list of the test directories that we should attempt
+# to run. (Only subdirectories containing an "all.tcl" file are put into
+# the list.)
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# The constructed list is returned to the user. This is used in the
+# primary all.tcl file. Lower-level all.tcl files should use the
+# tcltest::testAllFiles proc instead.
+proc tcltest::getMatchingDirectories {rootdir} {
+ set matchingDirs {}
+ set matchDirList {}
+ # Find the matching directories in tcltest::testsDirectory and then
+ # remove the ones that match the skip pattern
+ foreach match $tcltest::matchDirectories {
+ foreach file [glob -nocomplain [file join $rootdir $match]] {
+ if {([file isdirectory $file]) && ($file != $rootdir)} {
+ set matchDirList [concat $matchDirList \
+ [tcltest::getMatchingDirectories $file]]
+ if {[file exists [file join $file all.tcl]]} {
+ set matchDirList [concat $matchDirList $file]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$tcltest::skipDirectories != {}} {
+ set skipDirs {}
+ foreach skip $tcltest::skipDirectories {
+ set skipDirs [concat $skipDirs \
+ [glob -nocomplain [file join $tcltest::testsDirectory \
+ $skip]]]
+ }
+ foreach dir $matchDirList {
+ # Only include directories that don't match the skip pattern
+ if {[lsearch -exact $skipDirs $dir] == -1} {
+ lappend matchingDirs $dir
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set matchingDirs [concat $matchingDirs $matchDirList]
+ }
+ if {$matchingDirs == {}} {
+ DebugPuts 1 "No test directories remain after applying match and skip patterns!"
+ }
+ return $matchingDirs
+# tcltest::runAllTests --
+# prints output and sources test files according to the match and skip
+# patterns provided. after sourcing test files, it goes on to source
+# all.tcl files in matching test subdirectories.
+# Arguments:
+# shell being tested
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side effects:
+# None.
+proc tcltest::runAllTests [list [list shell [tcltest::interpreter]]] {
+ global argv
+ set tcltest::testSingleFile false
+ puts [outputChannel] "Tests running in interp: $shell"
+ puts [outputChannel] "Tests located in: $tcltest::testsDirectory"
+ puts [outputChannel] "Tests running in: [tcltest::workingDirectory]"
+ puts [outputChannel] "Temporary files stored in $tcltest::temporaryDirectory"
+ if {[llength $tcltest::skip] > 0} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "Skipping tests that match: $tcltest::skip"
+ }
+ if {[llength $tcltest::match] > 0} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "Only running tests that match: $tcltest::match"
+ }
+ if {[llength $tcltest::skipFiles] > 0} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "Skipping test files that match: $tcltest::skipFiles"
+ }
+ if {[llength $tcltest::matchFiles] > 0} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "Only running test files that match: $tcltest::matchFiles"
+ }
+ set timeCmd {clock format [clock seconds]}
+ puts [outputChannel] "Tests began at [eval $timeCmd]"
+ # Run each of the specified tests
+ foreach file [lsort [tcltest::getMatchingFiles]] {
+ set tail [file tail $file]
+ puts [outputChannel] $tail
+ if {$tcltest::singleProcess} {
+ uplevel [list source $file]
+ } else {
+ # Change to the tests directory so the value of the following
+ # variable is set correctly when we spawn the child test processes
+ cd $tcltest::testsDirectory
+ set cmd [concat [list | $shell $file] [split $argv]]
+ if {[catch {
+ set pipeFd [open $cmd "r"]
+ while {[gets $pipeFd line] >= 0} {
+ if {[regexp {^([^:]+):\tTotal\t([0-9]+)\tPassed\t([0-9]+)\tSkipped\t([0-9]+)\tFailed\t([0-9]+)} $line null testFile Total Passed Skipped Failed]} {
+ foreach index [list "Total" "Passed" "Skipped" "Failed"] {
+ incr tcltest::numTests($index) [set $index]
+ }
+ incr tcltest::numTestFiles
+ if {$Failed > 0} {
+ lappend tcltest::failFiles $testFile
+ }
+ } elseif {[regexp {^Number of tests skipped for each constraint:|^\t(\d+)\t(.+)$} $line match skipped constraint]} {
+ if {$match != "Number of tests skipped for each constraint:"} {
+ tcltest::AddToSkippedBecause $constraint $skipped
+ }
+ } else {
+ puts [outputChannel] $line
+ }
+ }
+ close $pipeFd
+ } msg]} {
+ # Print results to tcltest::outputChannel.
+ puts [outputChannel] "Test file error: $msg"
+ # append the name of the test to a list to be reported later
+ lappend testFileFailures $file
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # cleanup
+ puts [outputChannel] "\nTests ended at [eval $timeCmd]"
+ tcltest::cleanupTests 1
+ if {[info exists testFileFailures]} {
+ puts [outputChannel] "\nTest files exiting with errors: \n"
+ foreach file $testFileFailures {
+ puts " [file tail $file]\n"
+ }
+ }
+ # Checking for subdirectories in which to run tests
+ foreach directory [tcltest::getMatchingDirectories $tcltest::testsDirectory] {
+ set dir [file tail $directory]
+ puts [outputChannel] "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
+ puts [outputChannel] "$dir test began at [eval $timeCmd]\n"
+ uplevel "source [file join $directory all.tcl]"
+ set endTime [eval $timeCmd]
+ puts [outputChannel] "\n$dir test ended at $endTime"
+ puts [outputChannel] "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
+ }
+# Test utility procs - not used in tcltest, but may be useful for testing.
+# tcltest::loadTestedCommands --
+# Uses the specified script to load the commands to test. Allowed to
+# be empty, as the tested commands could have been compiled into the
+# interpreter.
+# Arguments
+# none
+# Results
+# none
+proc tcltest::loadTestedCommands {} {
+ if {$tcltest::loadScript == {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ uplevel $tcltest::loadScript
+# The following two procs are used in the io tests.
+proc tcltest::openfiles {} {
+ if {[catch {testchannel open} result]} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ return $result
+proc tcltest::leakfiles {old} {
+ if {[catch {testchannel open} new]} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ set leak {}
+ foreach p $new {
+ if {[lsearch $old $p] < 0} {
+ lappend leak $p
+ }
+ }
+ return $leak
+# tcltest::saveState --
+# Save information regarding what procs and variables exist.
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# Modifies the variable tcltest::saveState
+proc tcltest::saveState {} {
+ uplevel {set tcltest::saveState [list [info procs] [info vars]]}
+ DebugPuts 2 "tcltest::saveState: $tcltest::saveState"
+# tcltest::restoreState --
+# Remove procs and variables that didn't exist before the call to
+# tcltest::saveState.
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# Removes procs and variables from your environment if they don't exist
+# in the tcltest::saveState variable.
+proc tcltest::restoreState {} {
+ foreach p [info procs] {
+ if {([lsearch [lindex $tcltest::saveState 0] $p] < 0) && \
+ (![string match "*tcltest::$p" [namespace origin $p]])} {
+ DebugPuts 2 "tcltest::restoreState: Removing proc $p"
+ rename $p {}
+ }
+ }
+ foreach p [uplevel {info vars}] {
+ if {[lsearch [lindex $tcltest::saveState 1] $p] < 0} {
+ DebugPuts 2 "tcltest::restoreState: Removing variable $p"
+ uplevel "catch {unset $p}"
+ }
+ }
+# tcltest::normalizeMsg --
+# Removes "extra" newlines from a string.
+# Arguments:
+# msg String to be modified
+proc tcltest::normalizeMsg {msg} {
+ regsub "\n$" [string tolower $msg] "" msg
+ regsub -all "\n\n" $msg "\n" msg
+ regsub -all "\n\}" $msg "\}" msg
+ return $msg
+# makeFile --
+# Create a new file with the name <name>, and write <contents> to it.
+# If this file hasn't been created via makeFile since the last time
+# cleanupTests was called, add it to the $filesMade list, so it will
+# be removed by the next call to cleanupTests.
+proc tcltest::makeFile {contents name} {
+ global tcl_platform
+ DebugPuts 3 "tcltest::makeFile: putting $contents into $name"
+ set fullName [file join $tcltest::temporaryDirectory $name]
+ set fd [open $fullName w]
+ fconfigure $fd -translation lf
+ if {[string equal [string index $contents end] "\n"]} {
+ puts -nonewline $fd $contents
+ } else {
+ puts $fd $contents
+ }
+ close $fd
+ if {[lsearch -exact $tcltest::filesMade $fullName] == -1} {
+ lappend tcltest::filesMade $fullName
+ }
+ return $fullName
+# tcltest::removeFile --
+# Removes the named file from the filesystem
+# Arguments:
+# name file to be removed
+proc tcltest::removeFile {name} {
+ DebugPuts 3 "tcltest::removeFile: removing $name"
+ file delete [file join $tcltest::temporaryDirectory $name]
+# makeDirectory --
+# Create a new dir with the name <name>.
+# If this dir hasn't been created via makeDirectory since the last time
+# cleanupTests was called, add it to the $directoriesMade list, so it will
+# be removed by the next call to cleanupTests.
+proc tcltest::makeDirectory {name} {
+ DebugPuts 3 "tcltest::makeDirectory: creating $name"
+ set fullName [file join $tcltest::temporaryDirectory $name]
+ file mkdir $fullName
+ if {[lsearch -exact $tcltest::filesMade $fullName] == -1} {
+ lappend tcltest::filesMade $fullName
+ }
+ return $fullName
+# tcltest::removeDirectory --
+# Removes a named directory from the file system.
+# Arguments:
+# name Name of the directory to remove
+proc tcltest::removeDirectory {name} {
+ DebugPuts 3 "tcltest::removeDirectory: deleting $name"
+ file delete -force [file join $tcltest::temporaryDirectory $name]
+proc tcltest::viewFile {name} {
+ global tcl_platform
+ if {([string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "macintosh"]) || \
+ ([tcltest::testConstraint unixExecs] == 0)} {
+ set f [open [file join $tcltest::temporaryDirectory $name]]
+ set data [read -nonewline $f]
+ close $f
+ return $data
+ } else {
+ exec cat [file join $tcltest::temporaryDirectory $name]
+ }
+# grep --
+# Evaluate a given expression against each element of a list and return all
+# elements for which the expression evaluates to true. For the purposes of
+# this proc, use of the keyword "CURRENT_ELEMENT" will flag the proc to use the
+# value of the current element within the expression. This is equivalent to
+# the perl grep command where CURRENT_ELEMENT would be the name for the special
+# variable $_.
+# Examples of usage would be:
+# set subList [grep {CURRENT_ELEMENT == 1} $listOfNumbers]
+# set subList [grep {regexp {abc} CURRENT_ELEMENT} $listOfStrings]
+# Use of the CURRENT_ELEMENT keyword is optional. If it is left out, it is
+# assumed to be the final argument to the expression provided.
+# Example:
+# grep {regexp a} $someList
+proc tcltest::grep { expression searchList } {
+ foreach element $searchList {
+ if {[regsub -all CURRENT_ELEMENT $expression $element \
+ newExpression] == 0} {
+ set newExpression "$expression {$element}"
+ }
+ if {[eval $newExpression] == 1} {
+ lappend returnList $element
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists returnList]} {
+ return $returnList
+ }
+ return
+# Construct a string that consists of the requested sequence of bytes,
+# as opposed to a string of properly formed UTF-8 characters.
+# This allows the tester to
+# 1. Create denormalized or improperly formed strings to pass to C procedures
+# that are supposed to accept strings with embedded NULL bytes.
+# 2. Confirm that a string result has a certain pattern of bytes, for instance
+# to confirm that "\xe0\0" in a Tcl script is stored internally in
+# UTF-8 as the sequence of bytes "\xc3\xa0\xc0\x80".
+# Generally, it's a bad idea to examine the bytes in a Tcl string or to
+# construct improperly formed strings in this manner, because it involves
+# exposing that Tcl uses UTF-8 internally.
+proc tcltest::bytestring {string} {
+ encoding convertfrom identity $string
+# Internationalization / ISO support procs -- dl
+proc tcltest::set_iso8859_1_locale {} {
+ if {[info commands testlocale] != ""} {
+ set tcltest::previousLocale [testlocale ctype]
+ testlocale ctype $tcltest::isoLocale
+ }
+ return
+proc tcltest::restore_locale {} {
+ if {[info commands testlocale] != ""} {
+ testlocale ctype $tcltest::previousLocale
+ }
+ return
+# threadReap --
+# Kill all threads except for the main thread.
+# Do nothing if testthread is not defined.
+# Arguments:
+# none.
+# Results:
+# Returns the number of existing threads.
+proc tcltest::threadReap {} {
+ if {[info commands testthread] != {}} {
+ # testthread built into tcltest
+ testthread errorproc ThreadNullError
+ while {[llength [testthread names]] > 1} {
+ foreach tid [testthread names] {
+ if {$tid != $tcltest::mainThread} {
+ catch {testthread send -async $tid {testthread exit}}
+ }
+ }
+ ## Enter a bit a sleep to give the threads enough breathing
+ ## room to kill themselves off, otherwise the end up with a
+ ## massive queue of repeated events
+ after 1
+ }
+ testthread errorproc ThreadError
+ return [llength [testthread names]]
+ } elseif {[info commands thread::id] != {}} {
+ # Thread extension
+ thread::errorproc ThreadNullError
+ while {[llength [thread::names]] > 1} {
+ foreach tid [thread::names] {
+ if {$tid != $tcltest::mainThread} {
+ catch {thread::send -async $tid {thread::exit}}
+ }
+ }
+ ## Enter a bit a sleep to give the threads enough breathing
+ ## room to kill themselves off, otherwise the end up with a
+ ## massive queue of repeated events
+ after 1
+ }
+ thread::errorproc ThreadError
+ return [llength [thread::names]]
+ } else {
+ return 1
+ }
+# Initialize the constraints and set up command line arguments
+namespace eval tcltest {
+ # Ensure that we have a minimal auto_path so we don't pick up extra junk.
+ set ::auto_path [list [info library]]
+ tcltest::initConstraints
+ if {[namespace children [namespace current]] == {}} {
+ tcltest::processCmdLineArgs
+ }
+ # Save the names of files that already exist in
+ # the output directory.
+ foreach file [glob -nocomplain \
+ [file join $tcltest::temporaryDirectory *]] {
+ lappend tcltest::filesExisted [file tail $file]
+ }