path: root/libtommath/demo/demo.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libtommath/demo/demo.c')
1 files changed, 515 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libtommath/demo/demo.c b/libtommath/demo/demo.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62615cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libtommath/demo/demo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+#include <time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#define SLEEP sleep(4)
+#define SLEEP
+#include "tommath.h"
+void ndraw(mp_int *a, char *name)
+ char buf[16000];
+ printf("%s: ", name);
+ mp_toradix(a, buf, 10);
+ printf("%s\n", buf);
+static void draw(mp_int *a)
+ ndraw(a, "");
+unsigned long lfsr = 0xAAAAAAAAUL;
+int lbit(void)
+ if (lfsr & 0x80000000UL) {
+ lfsr = ((lfsr << 1) ^ 0x8000001BUL) & 0xFFFFFFFFUL;
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ lfsr <<= 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+int myrng(unsigned char *dst, int len, void *dat)
+ int x;
+ for (x = 0; x < len; x++) dst[x] = rand() & 0xFF;
+ return len;
+ char cmd[4096], buf[4096];
+int main(void)
+ mp_int a, b, c, d, e, f;
+ unsigned long expt_n, add_n, sub_n, mul_n, div_n, sqr_n, mul2d_n, div2d_n, gcd_n, lcm_n, inv_n,
+ div2_n, mul2_n, add_d_n, sub_d_n, t;
+ unsigned rr;
+ int i, n, err, cnt, ix, old_kara_m, old_kara_s;
+ mp_init(&a);
+ mp_init(&b);
+ mp_init(&c);
+ mp_init(&d);
+ mp_init(&e);
+ mp_init(&f);
+ srand(time(NULL));
+#if 0
+ // test mp_get_int
+ printf("Testing: mp_get_int\n");
+ for(i=0;i<1000;++i) {
+ t = ((unsigned long)rand()*rand()+1)&0xFFFFFFFF;
+ mp_set_int(&a,t);
+ if (t!=mp_get_int(&a)) {
+ printf("mp_get_int() bad result!\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ mp_set_int(&a,0);
+ if (mp_get_int(&a)!=0)
+ { printf("mp_get_int() bad result!\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ mp_set_int(&a,0xffffffff);
+ if (mp_get_int(&a)!=0xffffffff)
+ { printf("mp_get_int() bad result!\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // test mp_sqrt
+ printf("Testing: mp_sqrt\n");
+ for (i=0;i<1000;++i) {
+ printf("%6d\r", i); fflush(stdout);
+ n = (rand()&15)+1;
+ mp_rand(&a,n);
+ if (mp_sqrt(&a,&b) != MP_OKAY)
+ { printf("mp_sqrt() error!\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ mp_n_root(&a,2,&a);
+ if (mp_cmp_mag(&b,&a) != MP_EQ)
+ { printf("mp_sqrt() bad result!\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\nTesting: mp_is_square\n");
+ for (i=0;i<1000;++i) {
+ printf("%6d\r", i); fflush(stdout);
+ /* test mp_is_square false negatives */
+ n = (rand()&7)+1;
+ mp_rand(&a,n);
+ mp_sqr(&a,&a);
+ if (mp_is_square(&a,&n)!=MP_OKAY) {
+ printf("fn:mp_is_square() error!\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (n==0) {
+ printf("fn:mp_is_square() bad result!\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* test for false positives */
+ mp_add_d(&a, 1, &a);
+ if (mp_is_square(&a,&n)!=MP_OKAY) {
+ printf("fp:mp_is_square() error!\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (n==1) {
+ printf("fp:mp_is_square() bad result!\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n\n");
+ /* test for size */
+ for (ix = 10; ix < 256; ix++) {
+ printf("Testing (not safe-prime): %9d bits \r", ix); fflush(stdout);
+ err = mp_prime_random_ex(&a, 8, ix, (rand()&1)?LTM_PRIME_2MSB_OFF:LTM_PRIME_2MSB_ON, myrng, NULL);
+ if (err != MP_OKAY) {
+ printf("failed with err code %d\n", err);
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ if (mp_count_bits(&a) != ix) {
+ printf("Prime is %d not %d bits!!!\n", mp_count_bits(&a), ix);
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ for (ix = 16; ix < 256; ix++) {
+ printf("Testing ( safe-prime): %9d bits \r", ix); fflush(stdout);
+ err = mp_prime_random_ex(&a, 8, ix, ((rand()&1)?LTM_PRIME_2MSB_OFF:LTM_PRIME_2MSB_ON)|LTM_PRIME_SAFE, myrng, NULL);
+ if (err != MP_OKAY) {
+ printf("failed with err code %d\n", err);
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ if (mp_count_bits(&a) != ix) {
+ printf("Prime is %d not %d bits!!!\n", mp_count_bits(&a), ix);
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ /* let's see if it's really a safe prime */
+ mp_sub_d(&a, 1, &a);
+ mp_div_2(&a, &a);
+ mp_prime_is_prime(&a, 8, &cnt);
+ if (cnt != MP_YES) {
+ printf("sub is not prime!\n");
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n\n");
+ mp_read_radix(&a, "123456", 10);
+ mp_toradix_n(&a, buf, 10, 3);
+ printf("a == %s\n", buf);
+ mp_toradix_n(&a, buf, 10, 4);
+ printf("a == %s\n", buf);
+ mp_toradix_n(&a, buf, 10, 30);
+ printf("a == %s\n", buf);
+#if 0
+ for (;;) {
+ fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin);
+ mp_read_radix(&a, buf, 10);
+ mp_prime_next_prime(&a, 5, 1);
+ mp_toradix(&a, buf, 10);
+ printf("%s, %lu\n", buf, a.dp[0] & 3);
+ }
+ /* test mp_cnt_lsb */
+ printf("testing mp_cnt_lsb...\n");
+ mp_set(&a, 1);
+ for (ix = 0; ix < 1024; ix++) {
+ if (mp_cnt_lsb(&a) != ix) {
+ printf("Failed at %d, %d\n", ix, mp_cnt_lsb(&a));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ mp_mul_2(&a, &a);
+ }
+/* test mp_reduce_2k */
+ printf("Testing mp_reduce_2k...\n");
+ for (cnt = 3; cnt <= 128; ++cnt) {
+ mp_digit tmp;
+ mp_2expt(&a, cnt);
+ mp_sub_d(&a, 2, &a); /* a = 2**cnt - 2 */
+ printf("\nTesting %4d bits", cnt);
+ printf("(%d)", mp_reduce_is_2k(&a));
+ mp_reduce_2k_setup(&a, &tmp);
+ printf("(%d)", tmp);
+ for (ix = 0; ix < 1000; ix++) {
+ if (!(ix & 127)) {printf("."); fflush(stdout); }
+ mp_rand(&b, (cnt/DIGIT_BIT + 1) * 2);
+ mp_copy(&c, &b);
+ mp_mod(&c, &a, &c);
+ mp_reduce_2k(&b, &a, 1);
+ if (mp_cmp(&c, &b)) {
+ printf("FAILED\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* test mp_div_3 */
+ printf("Testing mp_div_3...\n");
+ mp_set(&d, 3);
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < 10000; ) {
+ mp_digit r1, r2;
+ if (!(++cnt & 127)) printf("%9d\r", cnt);
+ mp_rand(&a, abs(rand()) % 128 + 1);
+ mp_div(&a, &d, &b, &e);
+ mp_div_3(&a, &c, &r2);
+ if (mp_cmp(&b, &c) || mp_cmp_d(&e, r2)) {
+ printf("\n\nmp_div_3 => Failure\n");
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n\nPassed div_3 testing\n");
+/* test the DR reduction */
+ printf("testing mp_dr_reduce...\n");
+ for (cnt = 2; cnt < 32; cnt++) {
+ printf("%d digit modulus\n", cnt);
+ mp_grow(&a, cnt);
+ mp_zero(&a);
+ for (ix = 1; ix < cnt; ix++) {
+ a.dp[ix] = MP_MASK;
+ }
+ a.used = cnt;
+ a.dp[0] = 3;
+ mp_rand(&b, cnt - 1);
+ mp_copy(&b, &c);
+ rr = 0;
+ do {
+ if (!(rr & 127)) { printf("%9lu\r", rr); fflush(stdout); }
+ mp_sqr(&b, &b); mp_add_d(&b, 1, &b);
+ mp_copy(&b, &c);
+ mp_mod(&b, &a, &b);
+ mp_dr_reduce(&c, &a, (((mp_digit)1)<<DIGIT_BIT)-a.dp[0]);
+ if (mp_cmp(&b, &c) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("Failed on trial %lu\n", rr); exit(-1);
+ }
+ } while (++rr < 500);
+ printf("Passed DR test for %d digits\n", cnt);
+ }
+ div2_n = mul2_n = inv_n = expt_n = lcm_n = gcd_n = add_n =
+ sub_n = mul_n = div_n = sqr_n = mul2d_n = div2d_n = cnt = add_d_n = sub_d_n= 0;
+ /* force KARA and TOOM to enable despite cutoffs */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* randomly clear and re-init one variable, this has the affect of triming the alloc space */
+ switch (abs(rand()) % 7) {
+ case 0: mp_clear(&a); mp_init(&a); break;
+ case 1: mp_clear(&b); mp_init(&b); break;
+ case 2: mp_clear(&c); mp_init(&c); break;
+ case 3: mp_clear(&d); mp_init(&d); break;
+ case 4: mp_clear(&e); mp_init(&e); break;
+ case 5: mp_clear(&f); mp_init(&f); break;
+ case 6: break; /* don't clear any */
+ }
+ printf("%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu/%4lu ", add_n, sub_n, mul_n, div_n, sqr_n, mul2d_n, div2d_n, gcd_n, lcm_n, expt_n, inv_n, div2_n, mul2_n, add_d_n, sub_d_n);
+ fgets(cmd, 4095, stdin);
+ cmd[strlen(cmd)-1] = 0;
+ printf("%s ]\r",cmd); fflush(stdout);
+ if (!strcmp(cmd, "mul2d")) { ++mul2d_n;
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); sscanf(buf, "%d", &rr);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+ mp_mul_2d(&a, rr, &a);
+ a.sign = b.sign;
+ if (mp_cmp(&a, &b) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("mul2d failed, rr == %d\n",rr);
+ draw(&a);
+ draw(&b);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "div2d")) { ++div2d_n;
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); sscanf(buf, "%d", &rr);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+ mp_div_2d(&a, rr, &a, &e);
+ a.sign = b.sign;
+ if (a.used == b.used && a.used == 0) { a.sign = b.sign = MP_ZPOS; }
+ if (mp_cmp(&a, &b) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("div2d failed, rr == %d\n",rr);
+ draw(&a);
+ draw(&b);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "add")) { ++add_n;
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&c, buf, 64);
+ mp_copy(&a, &d);
+ mp_add(&d, &b, &d);
+ if (mp_cmp(&c, &d) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("add %lu failure!\n", add_n);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* test the sign/unsigned storage functions */
+ rr = mp_signed_bin_size(&c);
+ mp_to_signed_bin(&c, (unsigned char *)cmd);
+ memset(cmd+rr, rand()&255, sizeof(cmd)-rr);
+ mp_read_signed_bin(&d, (unsigned char *)cmd, rr);
+ if (mp_cmp(&c, &d) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("mp_signed_bin failure!\n");
+ draw(&c);
+ draw(&d);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ rr = mp_unsigned_bin_size(&c);
+ mp_to_unsigned_bin(&c, (unsigned char *)cmd);
+ memset(cmd+rr, rand()&255, sizeof(cmd)-rr);
+ mp_read_unsigned_bin(&d, (unsigned char *)cmd, rr);
+ if (mp_cmp_mag(&c, &d) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("mp_unsigned_bin failure!\n");
+ draw(&c);
+ draw(&d);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "sub")) { ++sub_n;
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&c, buf, 64);
+ mp_copy(&a, &d);
+ mp_sub(&d, &b, &d);
+ if (mp_cmp(&c, &d) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("sub %lu failure!\n", sub_n);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "mul")) { ++mul_n;
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&c, buf, 64);
+ mp_copy(&a, &d);
+ mp_mul(&d, &b, &d);
+ if (mp_cmp(&c, &d) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("mul %lu failure!\n", mul_n);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "div")) { ++div_n;
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&c, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&d, buf, 64);
+ mp_div(&a, &b, &e, &f);
+ if (mp_cmp(&c, &e) != MP_EQ || mp_cmp(&d, &f) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("div %lu %d, %d, failure!\n", div_n, mp_cmp(&c, &e), mp_cmp(&d, &f));
+draw(&a);draw(&b);draw(&c);draw(&d); draw(&e); draw(&f);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "sqr")) { ++sqr_n;
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+ mp_copy(&a, &c);
+ mp_sqr(&c, &c);
+ if (mp_cmp(&b, &c) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("sqr %lu failure!\n", sqr_n);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "gcd")) { ++gcd_n;
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&c, buf, 64);
+ mp_copy(&a, &d);
+ mp_gcd(&d, &b, &d);
+ d.sign = c.sign;
+ if (mp_cmp(&c, &d) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("gcd %lu failure!\n", gcd_n);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "lcm")) { ++lcm_n;
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&c, buf, 64);
+ mp_copy(&a, &d);
+ mp_lcm(&d, &b, &d);
+ d.sign = c.sign;
+ if (mp_cmp(&c, &d) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("lcm %lu failure!\n", lcm_n);
+ draw(&a);draw(&b);draw(&c);draw(&d);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "expt")) { ++expt_n;
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&c, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&d, buf, 64);
+ mp_copy(&a, &e);
+ mp_exptmod(&e, &b, &c, &e);
+ if (mp_cmp(&d, &e) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("expt %lu failure!\n", expt_n);
+ draw(&a);draw(&b);draw(&c);draw(&d); draw(&e);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "invmod")) { ++inv_n;
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&c, buf, 64);
+ mp_invmod(&a, &b, &d);
+ mp_mulmod(&d,&a,&b,&e);
+ if (mp_cmp_d(&e, 1) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("inv [wrong value from MPI?!] failure\n");
+ draw(&a);draw(&b);draw(&c);draw(&d);
+ mp_gcd(&a, &b, &e);
+ draw(&e);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "div2")) { ++div2_n;
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+ mp_div_2(&a, &c);
+ if (mp_cmp(&c, &b) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("div_2 %lu failure\n", div2_n);
+ draw(&a);
+ draw(&b);
+ draw(&c);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "mul2")) { ++mul2_n;
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+ mp_mul_2(&a, &c);
+ if (mp_cmp(&c, &b) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("mul_2 %lu failure\n", mul2_n);
+ draw(&a);
+ draw(&b);
+ draw(&c);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "add_d")) { ++add_d_n;
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); sscanf(buf, "%d", &ix);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+ mp_add_d(&a, ix, &c);
+ if (mp_cmp(&b, &c) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("add_d %lu failure\n", add_d_n);
+ draw(&a);
+ draw(&b);
+ draw(&c);
+ printf("d == %d\n", ix);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "sub_d")) { ++sub_d_n;
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&a, buf, 64);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); sscanf(buf, "%d", &ix);
+ fgets(buf, 4095, stdin); mp_read_radix(&b, buf, 64);
+ mp_sub_d(&a, ix, &c);
+ if (mp_cmp(&b, &c) != MP_EQ) {
+ printf("sub_d %lu failure\n", sub_d_n);
+ draw(&a);
+ draw(&b);
+ draw(&c);
+ printf("d == %d\n", ix);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;