path: root/macosx/Tcl.pbproj/project.pbxproj
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macosx/Tcl.pbproj/project.pbxproj')
1 files changed, 1308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macosx/Tcl.pbproj/project.pbxproj b/macosx/Tcl.pbproj/project.pbxproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..931bf73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macosx/Tcl.pbproj/project.pbxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,1308 @@
+// !$*UTF8*$!
+ archiveVersion = 1;
+ classes = {
+ };
+ objectVersion = 38;
+ objects = {
+ 00530A0D0173C8270ACA28DC = {
+ buildActionMask = 12;
+ files = (
+ );
+ generatedFileNames = (
+ );
+ isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
+ neededFileNames = (
+ );
+ runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
+ shellPath = /bin/sh;
+ shellScript = "# install to ${INSTALL_ROOT} with optional stripping\ncd ${TEMP_DIR}/..\nif test \"${INSTALL_STRIP}\" = \"YES\"; then\nexport INSTALL_PROGRAM='${INSTALL} ${INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM}'\nexport INSTALL_LIBRARY='${INSTALL} ${INSTALL_STRIP_LIBRARY}'\nelse\nexport INSTALL_PROGRAM='${INSTALL}'\nexport INSTALL_LIBRARY='${INSTALL}'\nfi\ngnumake install-binaries install-libraries TCL_LIBRARY=\"@TCL_IN_FRAMEWORK@\" INSTALL_ROOT=\"${INSTALL_ROOT}\" SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR=\"${INSTALL_ROOT}${LIBDIR}/Resources/Scripts\" INSTALL_PROGRAM=\"${INSTALL_PROGRAM}\" INSTALL_LIBRARY=\"${INSTALL_LIBRARY}\"";
+ };
+ 00530A0E0173CC960ACA28DC = {
+ buildActionMask = 12;
+ files = (
+ );
+ generatedFileNames = (
+ );
+ isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
+ neededFileNames = (
+ );
+ runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
+ shellPath = /bin/sh;
+ shellScript = "# fixup Framework structure\ncd \"${INSTALL_ROOT}${LIBDIR}\"\nln -fs Versions/Current/Headers ../..\nmv -f Resources\nif [ \"${BUILD_STYLE}\" = \"Development\" ]; then\n\t# keep copy of debug library around, so that\n\t# Deployment build can be installed on top\n\t# of Development build without overwriting\n\t# the debuglibrary\n\tcp -fp \"${PRODUCT_NAME}\" \"${PRODUCT_NAME}_debug\"\nfi";
+ };
+ 00E2F845016E82EB0ACA28DC = {
+ buildStyles = (
+ 00E2F847016E82EB0ACA28DC,
+ 00E2F848016E82EB0ACA28DC,
+ );
+ isa = PBXProject;
+ mainGroup = 00E2F846016E82EB0ACA28DC;
+ productRefGroup = 00E2F84A016E8A830ACA28DC;
+ projectDirPath = "";
+ targets = (
+ 00E2F84E016E92110ACA28DC,
+ 00E2F84B016E8A830ACA28DC,
+ 00E2F84C016E8B780ACA28DC,
+ );
+ };
+ 00E2F846016E82EB0ACA28DC = {
+ children = (
+ F5C88655017D604601DC9062,
+ F5F24FEE016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ 00E2F855016E922C0ACA28DC,
+ 00E2F857016E92B00ACA28DC,
+ 00E2F85A016E92B00ACA28DC,
+ 00E2F84A016E8A830ACA28DC,
+ );
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ refType = 4;
+ };
+ 00E2F847016E82EB0ACA28DC = {
+ buildRules = (
+ );
+ buildSettings = {
+ EXTRA_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = "--enable-symbols";
+ };
+ isa = PBXBuildStyle;
+ name = Development;
+ };
+ 00E2F848016E82EB0ACA28DC = {
+ buildRules = (
+ );
+ buildSettings = {
+ };
+ isa = PBXBuildStyle;
+ name = Deployment;
+ };
+ 00E2F84A016E8A830ACA28DC = {
+ children = (
+ 00E2F84D016E92110ACA28DC,
+ F53ACC5C031D9D11016F146B,
+ F53ACC73031DA405016F146B,
+ );
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ name = Products;
+ refType = 4;
+ };
+ 00E2F84B016E8A830ACA28DC = {
+ buildArgumentsString = "-c \"if [ \\\"${ACTION}\\\" != \\\"clean\\\" ]; then if [ -z \\\"`find . -name Makefile -newer \\\"${SRCROOT}/../unix/configure\\\"`\\\" ]; then \\\"${SRCROOT}/../unix/configure\\\" --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --libdir=\\\"${LIBDIR}\\\" --includedir=\\\"${LIBDIR}/Headers\\\" --enable-threads --enable-framework ${EXTRA_CONFIGURE_FLAGS}; mkdir -p Tcl.framework; ln -fs ../Tcl Tcl.framework/Tcl; fi; else rm -f Makefile; fi\"";
+ buildPhases = (
+ );
+ buildSettings = {
+ INSTALL_PATH = /Library/Frameworks;
+ };
+ buildToolPath = /bin/sh;
+ buildWorkingDirectory = "${TEMP_DIR}/..";
+ dependencies = (
+ );
+ isa = PBXLegacyTarget;
+ name = Configure;
+ productName = Configure;
+ settingsToExpand = 6;
+ settingsToPassInEnvironment = 287;
+ settingsToPassOnCommandLine = 280;
+ shouldUseHeadermap = 0;
+ };
+ 00E2F84C016E8B780ACA28DC = {
+ buildArgumentsString = "-c \"if [ \\\"${ACTION}\\\" != \\\"clean\\\" ]; then make tclsh tcltest TCL_LIBRARY=\\\"@TCL_IN_FRAMEWORK@\\\" ${EXTRA_MAKE_FLAGS} TCL_PACKAGE_PATH=\\\"~/Library/Tcl /Library/Tcl /Network/Library/Tcl /System/Library/Tcl\\\"; else make clean; fi\"";
+ buildPhases = (
+ );
+ buildSettings = {
+ };
+ buildToolPath = /bin/sh;
+ buildWorkingDirectory = "${TEMP_DIR}/..";
+ dependencies = (
+ F5877EB5031F7997016F146B,
+ );
+ isa = PBXLegacyTarget;
+ name = Make;
+ productName = Make;
+ settingsToExpand = 6;
+ settingsToPassInEnvironment = 287;
+ settingsToPassOnCommandLine = 280;
+ shouldUseHeadermap = 0;
+ };
+ 00E2F84D016E92110ACA28DC = {
+ isa = PBXFrameworkReference;
+ path = Tcl.framework;
+ refType = 3;
+ };
+ 00E2F84E016E92110ACA28DC = {
+ buildPhases = (
+ F5877FB6031F97AF016F146B,
+ F50DC36A01703B7301DC9062,
+ F50DC367017033D701DC9062,
+ F50DC3680170344801DC9062,
+ 00E2F84F016E92110ACA28DC,
+ F5BE9BBF02FB5974016F146B,
+ 00530A0D0173C8270ACA28DC,
+ 00530A0E0173CC960ACA28DC,
+ F5877FBB031FA90A016F146B,
+ F59AE5E3017AC67A01DC9062,
+ );
+ buildSettings = {
+ INSTALL_PATH = /Library/Frameworks;
+ WRAPPER_EXTENSION = framework;
+ };
+ dependencies = (
+ F5877EB6031F79A4016F146B,
+ );
+ isa = PBXFrameworkTarget;
+ name = Tcl;
+ productInstallPath = /Library/Frameworks;
+ productName = TclLibrary;
+ productReference = 00E2F84D016E92110ACA28DC;
+ productSettingsXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\">
+<plist version=\"1.0\">
+ <key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>
+ <string>English</string>
+ <key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
+ <string>Tcl</string>
+ <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
+ <string>Tcl Library</string>
+ <key>CFBundleIconFile</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
+ <string>com.tcltk.tcllibrary</string>
+ <key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>
+ <string>6.0</string>
+ <key>CFBundleName</key>
+ <string>Tcl Library 8.4b3</string>
+ <key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
+ <string>FMWK</string>
+ <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
+ <string>libtcl8.4b3</string>
+ <key>CFBundleSignature</key>
+ <string>Tcl </string>
+ <key>CFBundleVersion</key>
+ <string>8.4b3</string>
+ shouldUseHeadermap = 0;
+ };
+ 00E2F84F016E92110ACA28DC = {
+ buildActionMask = 2147483647;
+ files = (
+ );
+ isa = PBXHeadersBuildPhase;
+ runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
+ };
+ 00E2F854016E922C0ACA28DC = {
+ children = (
+ F5F24F87016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F88016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F89016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F8A016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F8B016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F8C016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F8D016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F8E016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F8F016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F90016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F91016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F92016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F93016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F94016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F95016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F96016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F97016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F98016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F99016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F9A016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F9B016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F9C016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F9D016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F9E016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24F9F016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FA0016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FA1016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FA2016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FA3016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FA4016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FA5016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FA6016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FA7016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FA8016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FA9016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FAA016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FAB016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FAC016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FAD016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FAE016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FAF016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FB0016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FB1016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FB2016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FB3016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FB4016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FB5016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FB6016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FB7016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FB8016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FB9016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FBA016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FBB016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FD3016ECB4901DC9062,
+ F5F24FBC016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FBD016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FBE016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FBF016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FC0016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FC1016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FC2016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FC3016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FC4016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FC5016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FC6016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FC7016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FC8016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FC9016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FCA016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FCB016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FCC016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FCD016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FCE016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FCF016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ F5F24FD0016ECAFC01DC9062,
+ );
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ name = Sources;
+ path = "";
+ refType = 4;
+ };
+ 00E2F855016E922C0ACA28DC = {
+ children = (
+ 00E2F856016E92B00ACA28DC,
+ 00E2F854016E922C0ACA28DC,
+ );
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ name = generic;
+ refType = 4;
+ };
+ 00E2F856016E92B00ACA28DC = {
+ children = (
+ F5F24F6B016ECAA401DC9062,
+ F5F24F6C016ECAA401DC9062,
+ F5F24F6D016ECAA401DC9062,
+ F5F24F6E016ECAA401DC9062,
+ F5F24F6F016ECAA401DC9062,
+ F5F24F70016ECAA401DC9062,
+ F5F24F71016ECAA401DC9062,
+ F5F24F72016ECAA401DC9062,
+ F5F24F73016ECAA401DC9062,
+ F5F24F74016ECAA401DC9062,
+ F5F24F75016ECAA401DC9062,
+ F5F24F76016ECAA401DC9062,
+ F5F24F77016ECAA401DC9062,
+ F5F24F78016ECAA401DC9062,
+ F5F24FD1016ECB1E01DC9062,
+ F5F24FD2016ECB1E01DC9062,
+ );
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ name = Headers;
+ refType = 4;
+ };
+ 00E2F857016E92B00ACA28DC = {
+ children = (
+ 00E2F858016E92B00ACA28DC,
+ 00E2F859016E92B00ACA28DC,
+ );
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ name = macosx;
+ refType = 4;
+ };
+ 00E2F858016E92B00ACA28DC = {
+ children = (
+ );
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ name = Headers;
+ refType = 4;
+ };
+ 00E2F859016E92B00ACA28DC = {
+ children = (
+ F5A1836F018242A501DC9062,
+ );
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ name = Sources;
+ refType = 4;
+ };
+ 00E2F85A016E92B00ACA28DC = {
+ children = (
+ 00E2F85B016E92B00ACA28DC,
+ 00E2F85C016E92B00ACA28DC,
+ );
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ name = unix;
+ refType = 4;
+ };
+ 00E2F85B016E92B00ACA28DC = {
+ children = (
+ F5F24FD6016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ F5F24FD7016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ );
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ name = Headers;
+ refType = 4;
+ };
+ 00E2F85C016E92B00ACA28DC = {
+ children = (
+ F5F24FD8016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ F5F24FD9016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ F5F24FDB016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ F5F24FDC016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ F5F24FDD016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ F5F24FDE016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ F5F24FDF016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ F5F24FE0016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ F5F24FE1016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ F5F24FE2016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ F5F24FE3016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ F5F24FE4016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ F5F24FE5016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ F5F24FE6016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ F5F24FE7016ECC0F01DC9062,
+ );
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ name = Sources;
+ refType = 4;
+ };
+ F50DC367017033D701DC9062 = {
+ buildActionMask = 2147483647;
+ files = (
+ );
+ isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;
+ runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
+ };
+ F50DC3680170344801DC9062 = {
+ buildActionMask = 2147483647;
+ files = (
+ );
+ isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase;
+ runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
+ };
+ F50DC36A01703B7301DC9062 = {
+ buildActionMask = 2147483647;
+ files = (
+ );
+ isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;
+ runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
+ };
+ F53ACC5C031D9D11016F146B = {
+ isa = PBXExecutableFileReference;
+ name = tclsh8.4;
+ path = ../../build/tclsh8.4;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F53ACC73031DA405016F146B = {
+ isa = PBXExecutableFileReference;
+ name = tcltest;
+ path = ../../build/tcltest;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5877EB5031F7997016F146B = {
+ isa = PBXTargetDependency;
+ target = 00E2F84B016E8A830ACA28DC;
+ };
+ F5877EB6031F79A4016F146B = {
+ isa = PBXTargetDependency;
+ target = 00E2F84C016E8B780ACA28DC;
+ };
+ F5877FB6031F97AF016F146B = {
+ buildActionMask = 8;
+ files = (
+ );
+ generatedFileNames = (
+ );
+ isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
+ neededFileNames = (
+ );
+ runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 1;
+ shellPath = /bin/sh;
+ shellScript = "# ensure we can overwrite a previous install\nif [ -d \"${INSTALL_ROOT}${INSTALL_PATH}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.${WRAPPER_EXTENSION}\" ]; then\n chmod -RH u+w \"${INSTALL_ROOT}${INSTALL_PATH}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.${WRAPPER_EXTENSION}\"\nfi";
+ };
+ F5877FBB031FA90A016F146B = {
+ buildActionMask = 8;
+ files = (
+ );
+ generatedFileNames = (
+ );
+ isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
+ neededFileNames = (
+ );
+ runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 1;
+ shellPath = /bin/sh;
+ shellScript = "# redo prebinding\nif [ ! -d \"${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr/lib\" ]; then ln -fs /usr/lib \"${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr/\"; RM_USRLIB=1; fi\nif [ ! -d \"${INSTALL_ROOT}/System\" ]; then ln -fs /System \"${INSTALL_ROOT}/\"; RM_SYSTEM=1; fi\nredo_prebinding -r \"${INSTALL_ROOT}\" \"${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr/bin/tclsh${FRAMEWORK_VERSION}\"\nif [ -n \"${RM_USRLIB:-}\" ]; then rm -f \"${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr/lib\"; fi\nif [ -n \"${RM_SYSTEM:-}\" ]; then rm -r ${INSTALL_ROOT}/System; fi";
+ };
+ F59AE5E3017AC67A01DC9062 = {
+ buildActionMask = 8;
+ files = (
+ );
+ generatedFileNames = (
+ );
+ isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
+ neededFileNames = (
+ );
+ runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 1;
+ shellPath = /bin/sh;
+ shellScript = "# build html documentation\nif [ \"${BUILD_STYLE}\" = \"Deployment\" ]; then\n cd \"${TEMP_DIR}/..\"\n make html DISTDIR=\"${INSTALL_ROOT}${LIBDIR}/Resources/English.lproj/Documentation/Reference\"\n cd \"${INSTALL_ROOT}${LIBDIR}/Resources/English.lproj/Documentation/Reference\"\n ln -fs contents.htm html/index.html\n rm -f \"${PRODUCT_NAME}\"; ln -fs html \"${PRODUCT_NAME}\"\nfi";
+ };
+ F5A1836F018242A501DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ path = tclMacOSXBundle.c;
+ refType = 4;
+ };
+ F5BE9BBF02FB5974016F146B = {
+ buildActionMask = 2147483647;
+ files = (
+ );
+ generatedFileNames = (
+ );
+ isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
+ neededFileNames = (
+ );
+ runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
+ shellPath = /bin/sh;
+ shellScript = "# symolic link hackery to trick\n# 'make install INSTALL_ROOT=${TEMP_DIR}'\n# into building Tcl.framework and tclsh in ${SYMROOT}\ncd \"${TEMP_DIR}\"\nmkdir -p Library\nmkdir -p usr\nrm -f Library/Frameworks; ln -fs \"${SYMROOT}\" Library/Frameworks\nrm -f usr/bin; ln -fs \"${SYMROOT}\" usr/bin\nln -fs \"${TEMP_DIR}/../tcltest\" \"${SYMROOT}\"";
+ };
+ F5C88655017D604601DC9062 = {
+ children = (
+ F5C88656017D604601DC9062,
+ F5C88657017D60C901DC9062,
+ F5C88658017D60C901DC9062,
+ );
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ name = "Header Tools";
+ refType = 4;
+ };
+ F5C88656017D604601DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = genStubs.tcl;
+ path = ../tools/genStubs.tcl;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5C88657017D60C901DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tcl.decls;
+ path = ../generic/tcl.decls;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5C88658017D60C901DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclInt.decls;
+ path = ../generic/tclInt.decls;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F6B016ECAA401DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = regcustom.h;
+ path = ../generic/regcustom.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F6C016ECAA401DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = regerrs.h;
+ path = ../generic/regerrs.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F6D016ECAA401DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = regguts.h;
+ path = ../generic/regguts.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F6E016ECAA401DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tcl.h;
+ path = ../generic/tcl.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F6F016ECAA401DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclCompile.h;
+ path = ../generic/tclCompile.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F70016ECAA401DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclDecls.h;
+ path = ../generic/tclDecls.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F71016ECAA401DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclInitScript.h;
+ path = ../generic/tclInitScript.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F72016ECAA401DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclInt.h;
+ path = ../generic/tclInt.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F73016ECAA401DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclIntDecls.h;
+ path = ../generic/tclIntDecls.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F74016ECAA401DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclIntPlatDecls.h;
+ path = ../generic/tclIntPlatDecls.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F75016ECAA401DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclIO.h;
+ path = ../generic/tclIO.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F76016ECAA401DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclMath.h;
+ path = ../generic/tclMath.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F77016ECAA401DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclPlatDecls.h;
+ path = ../generic/tclPlatDecls.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F78016ECAA401DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclRegexp.h;
+ path = ../generic/tclRegexp.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F87016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = regc_color.c;
+ path = ../generic/regc_color.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F88016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = regc_cvec.c;
+ path = ../generic/regc_cvec.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F89016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = regc_lex.c;
+ path = ../generic/regc_lex.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F8A016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = regc_locale.c;
+ path = ../generic/regc_locale.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F8B016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = regc_nfa.c;
+ path = ../generic/regc_nfa.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F8C016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = regcomp.c;
+ path = ../generic/regcomp.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F8D016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = rege_dfa.c;
+ path = ../generic/rege_dfa.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F8E016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = regerror.c;
+ path = ../generic/regerror.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F8F016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = regexec.c;
+ path = ../generic/regexec.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F90016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = regfree.c;
+ path = ../generic/regfree.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F91016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = regfronts.c;
+ path = ../generic/regfronts.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F92016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclAlloc.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclAlloc.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F93016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclAsync.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclAsync.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F94016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclBasic.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclBasic.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F95016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclBinary.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclBinary.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F96016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclCkalloc.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclCkalloc.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F97016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclClock.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclClock.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F98016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclCmdAH.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclCmdAH.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F99016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclCmdIL.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclCmdIL.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F9A016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclCmdMZ.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclCmdMZ.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F9B016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclCompCmds.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclCompCmds.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F9C016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclCompExpr.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclCompExpr.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F9D016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclCompile.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclCompile.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F9E016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclDate.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclDate.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24F9F016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclEncoding.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclEncoding.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FA0016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclEnv.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclEnv.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FA1016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclEvent.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclEvent.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FA2016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclExecute.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclExecute.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FA3016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclFCmd.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclFCmd.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FA4016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclFileName.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclFileName.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FA5016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclGet.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclGet.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FA6016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclHash.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclHash.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FA7016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclHistory.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclHistory.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FA8016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclIndexObj.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclIndexObj.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FA9016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclInterp.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclInterp.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FAA016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclIO.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclIO.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FAB016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclIOCmd.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclIOCmd.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FAC016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclIOGT.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclIOGT.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FAD016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclIOSock.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclIOSock.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FAE016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclIOUtil.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclIOUtil.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FAF016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclLink.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclLink.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FB0016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclListObj.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclListObj.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FB1016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclLiteral.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclLiteral.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FB2016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclLoad.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclLoad.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FB3016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclLoadNone.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclLoadNone.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FB4016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclMain.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclMain.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FB5016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclNamesp.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclNamesp.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FB6016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclNotify.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclNotify.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FB7016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclObj.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclObj.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FB8016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclPanic.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclPanic.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FB9016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclParse.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclParse.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FBA016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclParseExpr.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclParseExpr.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FBB016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclPipe.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclPipe.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FBC016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclPosixStr.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclPosixStr.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FBD016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclPreserve.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclPreserve.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FBE016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclProc.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclProc.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FBF016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclRegexp.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclRegexp.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FC0016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclResolve.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclResolve.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FC1016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclResult.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclResult.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FC2016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclScan.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclScan.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FC3016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclStringObj.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclStringObj.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FC4016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclStubInit.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclStubInit.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FC5016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclStubLib.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclStubLib.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FC6016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclTest.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclTest.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FC7016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclTestObj.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclTestObj.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FC8016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclTestProcBodyObj.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclTestProcBodyObj.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FC9016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclThread.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclThread.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FCA016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclThreadJoin.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclThreadJoin.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FCB016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclThreadTest.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclThreadTest.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FCC016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclTimer.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclTimer.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FCD016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclUniData.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclUniData.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FCE016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclUtf.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclUtf.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FCF016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclUtil.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclUtil.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FD0016ECAFC01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclVar.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclVar.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FD1016ECB1E01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = regex.h;
+ path = ../generic/regex.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FD2016ECB1E01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclPort.h;
+ path = ../generic/tclPort.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FD3016ECB4901DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclPkg.c;
+ path = ../generic/tclPkg.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FD6016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclUnixPort.h;
+ path = ../unix/tclUnixPort.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FD7016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclUnixThrd.h;
+ path = ../unix/tclUnixThrd.h;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FD8016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclAppInit.c;
+ path = ../unix/tclAppInit.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FD9016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclLoadDyld.c;
+ path = ../unix/tclLoadDyld.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FDB016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclUnixChan.c;
+ path = ../unix/tclUnixChan.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FDC016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclUnixEvent.c;
+ path = ../unix/tclUnixEvent.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FDD016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclUnixFCmd.c;
+ path = ../unix/tclUnixFCmd.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FDE016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclUnixFile.c;
+ path = ../unix/tclUnixFile.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FDF016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclUnixInit.c;
+ path = ../unix/tclUnixInit.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FE0016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclUnixNotfy.c;
+ path = ../unix/tclUnixNotfy.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FE1016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclUnixPipe.c;
+ path = ../unix/tclUnixPipe.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FE2016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclUnixSock.c;
+ path = ../unix/tclUnixSock.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FE3016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclUnixTest.c;
+ path = ../unix/tclUnixTest.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FE4016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclUnixThrd.c;
+ path = ../unix/tclUnixThrd.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FE5016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclUnixTime.c;
+ path = ../unix/tclUnixTime.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FE6016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclXtNotify.c;
+ path = ../unix/tclXtNotify.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FE7016ECC0F01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclXtTest.c;
+ path = ../unix/tclXtTest.c;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FEE016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ children = (
+ F5F24FEF016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ F5F24FF0016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ F5F24FF3016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ F5F24FF4016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ F5F24FF5016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ F5F24FF6016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ F5F24FFA016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ F5F24FFB016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ F5F24FFC016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ F5F24FFE016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ F5F25001016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ F5F25002016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ F5F25003016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ F5F25005016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ F5F25007016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ F5F25008016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ F5F2500A016ED0DF01DC9062,
+ );
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ name = Scripts;
+ refType = 4;
+ };
+ F5F24FEF016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = auto.tcl;
+ path = ../library/auto.tcl;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FF0016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ includeInIndex = 0;
+ isa = PBXFolderReference;
+ name = dde;
+ path = ../library/dde;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FF3016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ includeInIndex = 0;
+ isa = PBXFolderReference;
+ name = encoding;
+ path = ../library/encoding;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FF4016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = history.tcl;
+ path = ../library/history.tcl;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FF5016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ includeInIndex = 0;
+ isa = PBXFolderReference;
+ name = http;
+ path = ../library/http;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FF6016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ includeInIndex = 0;
+ isa = PBXFolderReference;
+ name = http1.0;
+ path = ../library/http1.0;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FFA016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = init.tcl;
+ path = ../library/init.tcl;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FFB016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = ldAout.tcl;
+ path = ../library/ldAout.tcl;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FFC016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ includeInIndex = 0;
+ isa = PBXFolderReference;
+ name = msgcat;
+ path = ../library/msgcat;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F24FFE016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ includeInIndex = 0;
+ isa = PBXFolderReference;
+ name = opt;
+ path = ../library/opt;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F25001016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = package.tcl;
+ path = ../library/package.tcl;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F25002016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = parray.tcl;
+ path = ../library/parray.tcl;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F25003016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ includeInIndex = 0;
+ isa = PBXFolderReference;
+ name = reg;
+ path = ../library/reg;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F25005016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = safe.tcl;
+ path = ../library/safe.tcl;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F25007016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = tclIndex;
+ path = ../library/tclIndex;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F25008016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ includeInIndex = 0;
+ isa = PBXFolderReference;
+ name = tcltest;
+ path = ../library/tcltest;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ F5F2500A016ED0DF01DC9062 = {
+ isa = PBXFileReference;
+ name = word.tcl;
+ path = ../library/word.tcl;
+ refType = 2;
+ };
+ };
+ rootObject = 00E2F845016E82EB0ACA28DC;