path: root/tests/stringComp.test
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 801 deletions
diff --git a/tests/stringComp.test b/tests/stringComp.test
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aeb08e..0000000
--- a/tests/stringComp.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,801 +0,0 @@
-# Commands covered: string
-# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
-# built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
-# generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
-# This differs from the original string tests in that the tests call
-# things in procs, which uses the compiled string code instead of
-# the runtime parse string code. The tests of import should match
-# their equivalent number in string.test.
-# Copyright (c) 2001 by ActiveState Corporation.
-# Copyright (c) 2001 by Kevin B. Kenny. All rights reserved.
-# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
-# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
- package require tcltest
- namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
-catch [list package require -exact Tcltest [info patchlevel]]
-# Some tests require the testobj command
-testConstraint testobj [expr {[info commands testobj] != {}}]
-testConstraint memory [llength [info commands memory]]
-if {[testConstraint memory]} {
- proc getbytes {} {
- set lines [split [memory info] \n]
- return [lindex $lines 3 3]
- }
- proc leaktest {script {iterations 3}} {
- set end [getbytes]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $iterations} {incr i} {
- uplevel 1 $script
- set tmp $end
- set end [getbytes]
- }
- return [expr {$end - $tmp}]
- }
-test stringComp-1.1 {error conditions} {
- proc foo {} {string gorp a b}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} {1 {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "gorp": must be bytelength, cat, compare, equal, first, index, is, last, length, map, match, range, repeat, replace, reverse, tolower, totitle, toupper, trim, trimleft, trimright, wordend, or wordstart}}
-test stringComp-1.2 {error conditions} {
- proc foo {} {string}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string subcommand ?arg ...?"}}
-test stringComp-1.3 {error condition - undefined method during compile} {
- # We don't want this to complain about 'never' because it may never
- # be called, or string may get redefined. This must compile OK.
- proc foo {str i} {
- if {"yes" == "no"} { string never called but complains here }
- string index $str $i
- }
- foo abc 0
-} a
-## Test string compare|equal over equal constraints
-## Use result for string compare, and negate it for string equal
-## The body will be tested both in and outside a proc
-set i 0
-foreach {tname tbody tresult tcode} {
- {too few args} {
- string compare a
- } {wrong # args: should be "string compare ?-nocase? ?-length int? string1 string2"} {error}
- {bad args} {
- string compare a b c
- } {bad option "a": must be -nocase or -length} {error}
- {bad args} {
- string compare -length -nocase str1 str2
- } {expected integer but got "-nocase"} {error}
- {too many args} {
- string compare -length 10 -nocase str1 str2 str3
- } {wrong # args: should be "string compare ?-nocase? ?-length int? string1 string2"} {error}
- {compare with length unspecified} {
- string compare -length 10 10
- } {wrong # args: should be "string compare ?-nocase? ?-length int? string1 string2"} {error}
- {basic operation fail} {
- string compare abcde abdef
- } {-1} {}
- {basic operation success} {
- string compare abcde abcde
- } {0} {}
- {with length} {
- string compare -length 2 abcde abxyz
- } {0} {}
- {with special index} {
- string compare -length end-3 abcde abxyz
- } {expected integer but got "end-3"} {error}
- {unicode} {
- string compare ab\u7266 ab\u7267
- } {-1} {}
- {unicode} {string compare \334 \u00dc} 0 {}
- {unicode} {string compare \334 \u00fc} -1 {}
- {unicode} {string compare \334\334\334\374\374 \334\334\334\334\334} 1 {}
- {high bit} {
- # This test will fail if the underlying comparaison
- # is using signed chars instead of unsigned chars.
- # (like SunOS's default memcmp thus the compat/memcmp.c)
- string compare "\x80" "@"
- # Nb this tests works also in utf8 space because \x80 is
- # translated into a 2 or more bytelength but whose first byte has
- # the high bit set.
- } {1} {}
- {-nocase 1} {string compare -nocase abcde abdef} {-1} {}
- {-nocase 2} {string compare -nocase abcde Abdef} {-1} {}
- {-nocase 3} {string compare -nocase abcde ABCDE} {0} {}
- {-nocase 4} {string compare -nocase abcde abcde} {0} {}
- {-nocase unicode} {
- string compare -nocase \334 \u00dc
- } 0 {}
- {-nocase unicode} {
- string compare -nocase \334\334\334\374\u00fc \334\334\334\334\334
- } 0 {}
- {-nocase with length} {
- string compare -length 2 -nocase abcde Abxyz
- } {0} {}
- {-nocase with length} {
- string compare -nocase -length 3 abcde Abxyz
- } {-1} {}
- {-nocase with length <= 0} {
- string compare -nocase -length -1 abcde AbCdEf
- } {-1} {}
- {-nocase with excessive length} {
- string compare -nocase -length 50 AbCdEf abcde
- } {1} {}
- {-len unicode} {
- # These are strings that are 6 BYTELENGTH long, but the length
- # shouldn't make a different because there are actually 3 CHARS long
- string compare -len 5 \334\334\334 \334\334\374
- } -1 {}
- {-nocase with special index} {
- string compare -nocase -length end-3 Abcde abxyz
- } {expected integer but got "end-3"} error
- {null strings} {
- string compare "" ""
- } 0 {}
- {null strings} {
- string compare "" foo
- } -1 {}
- {null strings} {
- string compare foo ""
- } 1 {}
- {-nocase null strings} {
- string compare -nocase "" ""
- } 0 {}
- {-nocase null strings} {
- string compare -nocase "" foo
- } -1 {}
- {-nocase null strings} {
- string compare -nocase foo ""
- } 1 {}
- {with length, unequal strings} {
- string compare -length 2 abc abde
- } 0 {}
- {with length, unequal strings} {
- string compare -length 2 ab abde
- } 0 {}
- {with NUL character vs. other ASCII} {
- # Be careful here, since UTF-8 rep comparison with memcmp() of
- # these puts chars in the wrong order
- string compare \x00 \x01
- } -1 {}
- {high bit} {
- string compare "a\x80" "a@"
- } 1 {}
- {high bit} {
- string compare "a\x00" "a\x01"
- } -1 {}
- {high bit} {
- string compare "\x00\x00" "\x00\x01"
- } -1 {}
- {binary equal} {
- string compare [binary format a100 0] [binary format a100 0]
- } 0 {}
- {binary neq} {
- string compare [binary format a100a 0 1] [binary format a100a 0 0]
- } 1 {}
- {binary neq inequal length} {
- string compare [binary format a20a 0 1] [binary format a100a 0 0]
- } 1 {}
-} {
- if {$tname eq ""} { continue }
- if {$tcode eq ""} { set tcode ok }
- test stringComp-2.[incr i] "string compare, $tname" \
- -body [list eval $tbody] \
- -returnCodes $tcode -result $tresult
- test stringComp-2.[incr i] "string compare bc, $tname" \
- -body "[list proc foo {} $tbody];foo" \
- -returnCodes $tcode -result $tresult
- if {"error" ni $tcode} {
- set tresult [expr {!$tresult}]
- } else {
- set tresult [string map {compare equal} $tresult]
- }
- set tbody [string map {compare equal} $tbody]
- test stringComp-2.[incr i] "string equal, $tname" \
- -body [list eval $tbody] \
- -returnCodes $tcode -result $tresult
- test stringComp-2.[incr i] "string equal bc, $tname" \
- -body "[list proc foo {} $tbody];foo" \
- -returnCodes $tcode -result $tresult
-# need a few extra tests short abbr cmd
-test stringComp-3.1 {string compare, shortest method name} {
- proc foo {} {string co abcde ABCDE}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-3.2 {string equal, shortest method name} {
- proc foo {} {string e abcde ABCDE}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-3.3 {string equal -nocase} {
- proc foo {} {string eq -nocase abcde ABCDE}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-4.1 {string first, too few args} {
- proc foo {} {string first a}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string first needleString haystackString ?startIndex?"}}
-test stringComp-4.2 {string first, bad args} {
- proc foo {} {string first a b c}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} {1 {bad index "c": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
-test stringComp-4.3 {string first, too many args} {
- proc foo {} {string first a b 5 d}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string first needleString haystackString ?startIndex?"}}
-test stringComp-4.4 {string first} {
- proc foo {} {string first bq abcdefgbcefgbqrs}
- foo
-} 12
-test stringComp-4.5 {string first} {
- proc foo {} {string fir bcd abcdefgbcefgbqrs}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-4.6 {string first} {
- proc foo {} {string f b abcdefgbcefgbqrs}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-4.7 {string first} {
- proc foo {} {string first xxx x123xx345xxx789xxx012}
- foo
-} 9
-test stringComp-4.8 {string first} {
- proc foo {} {string first "" x123xx345xxx789xxx012}
- foo
-} -1
-test stringComp-4.9 {string first, unicode} {
- proc foo {} {string first x abc\u7266x}
- foo
-} 4
-test stringComp-4.10 {string first, unicode} {
- proc foo {} {string first \u7266 abc\u7266x}
- foo
-} 3
-test stringComp-4.11 {string first, start index} {
- proc foo {} {string first \u7266 abc\u7266x 3}
- foo
-} 3
-test stringComp-4.12 {string first, start index} {
- proc foo {} {string first \u7266 abc\u7266x 4}
- foo
-} -1
-test stringComp-4.13 {string first, start index} {
- proc foo {} {string first \u7266 abc\u7266x end-2}
- foo
-} 3
-test stringComp-4.14 {string first, negative start index} {
- proc foo {} {string first b abc -1}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-5.1 {string index} {
- proc foo {} {string index}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string index string charIndex"}}
-test stringComp-5.2 {string index} {
- proc foo {} {string index a b c}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string index string charIndex"}}
-test stringComp-5.3 {string index} {
- proc foo {} {string index abcde 0}
- foo
-} a
-test stringComp-5.4 {string index} {
- proc foo {} {string in abcde 4}
- foo
-} e
-test stringComp-5.5 {string index} {
- proc foo {} {string index abcde 5}
- foo
-} {}
-test stringComp-5.6 {string index} {
- proc foo {} {string index abcde -10}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} {0 {}}
-test stringComp-5.7 {string index} {
- proc foo {} {string index a xyz}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} {1 {bad index "xyz": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
-test stringComp-5.8 {string index} {
- proc foo {} {string index abc end}
- foo
-} c
-test stringComp-5.9 {string index} {
- proc foo {} {string index abc end-1}
- foo
-} b
-test stringComp-5.10 {string index, unicode} {
- proc foo {} {string index abc\u7266d 4}
- foo
-} d
-test stringComp-5.11 {string index, unicode} {
- proc foo {} {string index abc\u7266d 3}
- foo
-} \u7266
-test stringComp-5.12 {string index, unicode over char length, under byte length} {
- proc foo {} {string index \334\374\334\374 6}
- foo
-} {}
-test stringComp-5.13 {string index, bytearray object} {
- proc foo {} {string index [binary format a5 fuz] 0}
- foo
-} f
-test stringComp-5.14 {string index, bytearray object} {
- proc foo {} {string index [binary format I* {0x50515253 0x52}] 3}
- foo
-} S
-test stringComp-5.15 {string index, bytearray object} {
- proc foo {} {
- set b [binary format I* {0x50515253 0x52}]
- set i1 [string index $b end-6]
- set i2 [string index $b 1]
- string compare $i1 $i2
- }
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-5.16 {string index, bytearray object with string obj shimmering} {
- proc foo {} {
- set str "0123456789\x00 abcdedfghi"
- binary scan $str H* dump
- string compare [string index $str 10] \x00
- }
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-5.17 {string index, bad integer} -body {
- proc foo {} {string index "abc" 0o8}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} -match glob -result {1 {*invalid octal number*}}
-test stringComp-5.18 {string index, bad integer} -body {
- proc foo {} {string index "abc" end-0o0289}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} -match glob -result {1 {*invalid octal number*}}
-test stringComp-5.19 {string index, bytearray object out of bounds} {
- proc foo {} {string index [binary format I* {0x50515253 0x52}] -1}
- foo
-} {}
-test stringComp-5.20 {string index, bytearray object out of bounds} {
- proc foo {} {string index [binary format I* {0x50515253 0x52}] 20}
- foo
-} {}
-proc largest_int {} {
- # This will give us what the largest valid int on this machine is,
- # so we can test for overflow properly below on >32 bit systems
- set int 1
- set exp 7; # assume we get at least 8 bits
- while {$int > 0} { set int [expr {1 << [incr exp]}] }
- return [expr {$int-1}]
-## string is
-## not yet bc
-catch {rename largest_int {}}
-## string last
-## not yet bc
-## string length
-## not yet bc
-test stringComp-8.1 {string bytelength} {
- proc foo {} {string bytelength}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string bytelength string"}}
-test stringComp-8.2 {string bytelength} {
- proc foo {} {string bytelength a b}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string bytelength string"}}
-test stringComp-8.3 {string bytelength} {
- proc foo {} {string bytelength "\u00c7"}
- foo
-} 2
-test stringComp-8.4 {string bytelength} {
- proc foo {} {string b ""}
- foo
-} 0
-## string length
-test stringComp-9.1 {string length} {
- proc foo {} {string length}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string length string"}}
-test stringComp-9.2 {string length} {
- proc foo {} {string length a b}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string length string"}}
-test stringComp-9.3 {string length} {
- proc foo {} {string length "a little string"}
- foo
-} 15
-test stringComp-9.4 {string length} {
- proc foo {} {string le ""}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-9.5 {string length, unicode} {
- proc foo {} {string le "abcd\u7266"}
- foo
-} 5
-test stringComp-9.6 {string length, bytearray object} {
- proc foo {} {string length [binary format a5 foo]}
- foo
-} 5
-test stringComp-9.7 {string length, bytearray object} {
- proc foo {} {string length [binary format I* {0x50515253 0x52}]}
- foo
-} 8
-## string map
-## not yet bc
-## string match
-test stringComp-11.1 {string match, too few args} {
- proc foo {} {string match a}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string match ?-nocase? pattern string"}}
-test stringComp-11.2 {string match, too many args} {
- proc foo {} {string match a b c d}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string match ?-nocase? pattern string"}}
-test stringComp-11.3 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match abc abc}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.4 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string mat abc abd}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-11.5 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match ab*c abc}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.6 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match ab**c abc}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.7 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match ab* abcdef}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.8 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match *c abc}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.9 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match *3*6*9 0123456789}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.10 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match *3*6*9 01234567890}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-11.11 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match a?c abc}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.12 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match a??c abc}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-11.13 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match ?1??4???8? 0123456789}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.14 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match {[abc]bc} abc}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.15 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match {a[abc]c} abc}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.16 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match {a[xyz]c} abc}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-11.17 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match {12[2-7]45} 12345}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.18 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match {12[ab2-4cd]45} 12345}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.19 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match {12[ab2-4cd]45} 12b45}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.20 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match {12[ab2-4cd]45} 12d45}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.21 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match {12[ab2-4cd]45} 12145}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-11.22 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match {12[ab2-4cd]45} 12545}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-11.23 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match {a\*b} a*b}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.24 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match {a\*b} ab}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-11.25 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match {a\*\?\[\]\\\x} "a*?\[\]\\x"}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.26 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match ** ""}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.27 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match *. ""}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-11.28 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match "" ""}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.29 {string match} {
- proc foo {} {string match \[a a}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.30 {string match, bad args} {
- proc foo {} {string match - b c}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
-} {1 {bad option "-": must be -nocase}}
-test stringComp-11.31 {string match case} {
- proc foo {} {string match a A}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-11.32 {string match nocase} {
- proc foo {} {string match -n a A}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.33 {string match nocase} {
- proc foo {} {string match -nocase a\334 A\374}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.34 {string match nocase} {
- proc foo {} {string match -nocase a*f ABCDEf}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.35 {string match case, false hope} {
- # This is true because '_' lies between the A-Z and a-z ranges
- proc foo {} {string match {[A-z]} _}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.36 {string match nocase range} {
- # This is false because although '_' lies between the A-Z and a-z ranges,
- # we lower case the end points before checking the ranges.
- proc foo {} {string match -nocase {[A-z]} _}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-11.37 {string match nocase} {
- proc foo {} {string match -nocase {[A-fh-Z]} g}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-11.38 {string match case, reverse range} {
- proc foo {} {string match {[A-fh-Z]} g}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.39 {string match, *\ case} {
- proc foo {} {string match {*\abc} abc}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.40 {string match, *special case} {
- proc foo {} {string match {*[ab]} abc}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-11.41 {string match, *special case} {
- proc foo {} {string match {*[ab]*} abc}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.42 {string match, *special case} {
- proc foo {} {string match "*\\" "\\"}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-11.43 {string match, *special case} {
- proc foo {} {string match "*\\\\" "\\"}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.44 {string match, *special case} {
- proc foo {} {string match "*???" "12345"}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.45 {string match, *special case} {
- proc foo {} {string match "*???" "12"}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-11.46 {string match, *special case} {
- proc foo {} {string match "*\\*" "abc*"}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.47 {string match, *special case} {
- proc foo {} {string match "*\\*" "*"}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.48 {string match, *special case} {
- proc foo {} {string match "*\\*" "*abc"}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-11.49 {string match, *special case} {
- proc foo {} {string match "?\\*" "a*"}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.50 {string match, *special case} {
- proc foo {} {string match "\\" "\\"}
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-11.51 {string match; *, -nocase and UTF-8} {
- proc foo {} {string match -nocase [binary format I 717316707] \
- [binary format I 2028036707]}
- foo
-} 1
-test stringComp-11.52 {string match, null char in string} {
- proc foo {} {
- set ptn "*abc*"
- foreach elem [list "\u0000@abc" "@abc" "\u0000@abc\u0000" "blahabcblah"] {
- lappend out [string match $ptn $elem]
- }
- set out
- }
- foo
-} {1 1 1 1}
-test stringComp-11.53 {string match, null char in pattern} {
- proc foo {} {
- set out ""
- foreach {ptn elem} [list \
- "*\u0000abc\u0000" "\u0000abc\u0000" \
- "*\u0000abc\u0000" "\u0000abc\u0000ef" \
- "*\u0000abc\u0000*" "\u0000abc\u0000ef" \
- "*\u0000abc\u0000" "@\u0000abc\u0000ef" \
- "*\u0000abc\u0000*" "@\u0000abc\u0000ef" \
- ] {
- lappend out [string match $ptn $elem]
- }
- set out
- }
- foo
-} {1 0 1 0 1}
-test stringComp-11.54 {string match, failure} {
- proc foo {} {
- set longString ""
- for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
- append longString "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy\u0000z01234567890123"
- }
- list [string match *cba* $longString] \
- [string match *a*l*\u0000* $longString] \
- [string match *a*l*\u0000*123 $longString] \
- [string match *a*l*\u0000*123* $longString] \
- [string match *a*l*\u0000*cba* $longString] \
- [string match *===* $longString]
- }
- foo
-} {0 1 1 1 0 0}
-## string range
-test stringComp-12.1 {Bug 3588366: end-offsets before start} {
- apply {s {
- string range $s 0 end-5
- }} 12345
-} {}
-## string repeat
-## not yet bc
-## string replace
-test stringComp-14.1 {Bug 82e7f67325} {
- apply {x {
- set a [join $x {}]
- lappend b [string length [string replace ___! 0 2 $a]]
- lappend b [string length [string replace ___! 0 2 $a[unset a]]]
- }} {a b}
-} {3 3}
-test stringComp-14.2 {Bug 82e7f67325} memory {
- # As in stringComp-14.1, but make sure we don't retain too many refs
- leaktest {
- apply {x {
- set a [join $x {}]
- lappend b [string length [string replace ___! 0 2 $a]]
- lappend b [string length [string replace ___! 0 2 $a[unset a]]]
- }} {a b}
- }
-} {0}
-test stringComp-14.3 {Bug 0dca3bfa8f} {
- apply {arg {
- set argCopy $arg
- set arg [string replace $arg 1 2 aa]
- # Crashes in comparison before fix
- expr {$arg ne $argCopy}
- }} abcde
-} 1
-test stringComp-14.4 {Bug 1af8de570511} {
- apply {{x y} {
- # Generate an unshared string value
- set val ""
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $x } { incr i } {
- set val [format "0%s" $val]
- }
- string replace $val[unset val] 1 1 $y
- }} 4 x
-} 0x00
-test stringComp-14.5 {} {
- string length [string replace [string repeat a\u00fe 2] 3 end {}]
-} 3
-## string tolower
-## not yet bc
-## string toupper
-## not yet bc
-## string totitle
-## not yet bc
-## string trim*
-## not yet bc
-## string word*
-## not yet bc
-## string cat
-test stringComp-29.1 {string cat, no arg} {
- proc foo {} {string cat}
- foo
-} ""
-test stringComp-29.2 {string cat, single arg} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x FOO
- string compare $x [string cat $x]
- }
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-29.3 {string cat, two args} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x FOO
- string compare $x$x [string cat $x $x]
- }
- foo
-} 0
-test stringComp-29.4 {string cat, many args} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x FOO
- set n 260
- set xx [string repeat $x $n]
- set vv [string repeat {$x} $n]
- set vvs [string repeat {$x } $n]
- set r1 [string compare $xx [subst $vv]]
- set r2 [string compare $xx [eval "string cat $vvs"]]
- list $r1 $r2
- }
- foo
-} {0 0}
-# cleanup
-catch {rename foo {}}
-# Local Variables:
-# mode: tcl
-# End: