path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
13 files changed, 1015 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/tests/dict.test b/tests/dict.test
index 77bacf6..aa22c00 100644
--- a/tests/dict.test
+++ b/tests/dict.test
@@ -1521,6 +1521,268 @@ j
}} [linenumber]}}
} 5
rename linenumber {}
+test dict-24.1 {dict map command: syntax} -returnCodes error -body {
+ dict map
+} -result {wrong # args: should be "dict map {keyVar valueVar} dictionary script"}
+test dict-24.2 {dict map command: syntax} -returnCodes error -body {
+ dict map x
+} -result {wrong # args: should be "dict map {keyVar valueVar} dictionary script"}
+test dict-24.3 {dict map command: syntax} -returnCodes error -body {
+ dict map x x
+} -result {wrong # args: should be "dict map {keyVar valueVar} dictionary script"}
+test dict-24.4 {dict map command: syntax} -returnCodes error -body {
+ dict map x x x x
+} -result {wrong # args: should be "dict map {keyVar valueVar} dictionary script"}
+test dict-24.5 {dict map command: syntax} -returnCodes error -body {
+ dict map x x x
+} -result {must have exactly two variable names}
+test dict-24.6 {dict map command: syntax} -returnCodes error -body {
+ dict map {x x x} x x
+} -result {must have exactly two variable names}
+test dict-24.7 {dict map command: syntax} -returnCodes error -body {
+ dict map "\{x" x x
+} -result {unmatched open brace in list}
+test dict-24.8 {dict map command} -setup {
+ set values {}
+ set keys {}
+} -body {
+ # This test confirms that [dict keys], [dict values] and [dict map]
+ # all traverse a dictionary in the same order.
+ set dictv {a A b B c C}
+ dict map {k v} $dictv {
+ lappend keys $k
+ lappend values $v
+ }
+ set result [expr {
+ $keys eq [dict keys $dictv] && $values eq [dict values $dictv]
+ }]
+ expr {$result ? "YES" : [list "NO" $dictv $keys $values]}
+} -cleanup {
+ unset result keys values k v dictv
+} -result YES
+test dict-24.9 {dict map command} {
+ dict map {k v} {} {
+ error "unexpected execution of 'dict map' body"
+ }
+} {}
+test dict-24.10 {dict map command: script results} -body {
+ set times 0
+ dict map {k v} {a a b b} {
+ incr times
+ continue
+ error "shouldn't get here"
+ }
+ return $times
+} -cleanup {
+ unset times k v
+} -result 2
+test dict-24.11 {dict map command: script results} -body {
+ set times 0
+ dict map {k v} {a a b b} {
+ incr times
+ break
+ error "shouldn't get here"
+ }
+ return $times
+} -cleanup {
+ unset times k v
+} -result 1
+test dict-24.12 {dict map command: script results} -body {
+ set times 0
+ list [catch {
+ dict map {k v} {a a b b} {
+ incr times
+ error test
+ }
+ } msg] $msg $times $::errorInfo
+} -cleanup {
+ unset times k v msg
+} -result {1 test 1 {test
+ while executing
+"error test"
+ ("dict map" body line 3)
+ invoked from within
+"dict map {k v} {a a b b} {
+ incr times
+ error test
+ }"}}
+test dict-24.13 {dict map command: script results} {
+ apply {{} {
+ dict map {k v} {a b} {
+ return ok,$k,$v
+ error "skipped return completely"
+ }
+ error "return didn't go far enough"
+ }}
+} ok,a,b
+test dict-24.14 {dict map command: handle representation loss} -setup {
+ set keys {}
+ set values {}
+} -body {
+ set dictVar {a b c d e f g h}
+ list [dict size [dict map {k v} $dictVar {
+ if {[llength $dictVar]} {
+ lappend keys $k
+ lappend values $v
+ return -level 0 $k
+ }
+ }]] [lsort $keys] [lsort $values]
+} -cleanup {
+ unset dictVar keys values k v
+} -result {4 {a c e g} {b d f h}}
+test dict-24.14a {dict map command: handle representation loss} -body {
+ apply {{} {
+ set dictVar {a b c d e f g h}
+ list [dict size [dict map {k v} $dictVar {
+ if {[llength $dictVar]} {
+ lappend keys $k
+ lappend values $v
+ return -level 0 $k
+ }
+ }]] [lsort $keys] [lsort $values]
+ }}
+} -result {4 {a c e g} {b d f h}}
+test dict-24.15 {dict map command: keys are unique and iterated over once only} -setup {
+ unset -nocomplain accum
+ array set accum {}
+} -body {
+ set dictVar {a1 a a2 b b1 c b2 d foo bar bar foo}
+ dict map {k v} $dictVar {
+ append accum($k) $v,
+ }
+ set result [lsort [array names accum]]
+ lappend result :
+ foreach k $result {
+ catch {lappend result $accum($k)}
+ }
+ return $result
+} -cleanup {
+ unset dictVar k v result accum
+} -result {a1 a2 b1 b2 bar foo : a, b, c, d, foo, bar,}
+test dict-24.16 {dict map command in compilation context} {
+ apply {{} {
+ set res {x x x x x x}
+ dict map {k v} {a 0 b 1 c 2 d 3 e 4 f 5} {
+ lset res $v $k
+ continue
+ }
+ return $res
+ }}
+} {a b c d e f}
+test dict-24.17 {dict map command in compilation context} {
+ # Bug 1379349 (dict for)
+ apply {{} {
+ set d [dict create a 1] ;# Dict must be unshared!
+ dict map {k v} $d {
+ dict set d $k 0 ;# Any modification will do
+ }
+ return $d
+ }}
+} {a 0}
+test dict-24.17a {dict map command in compilation context} {
+ # Bug 1379349 (dict for)
+ apply {{} {
+ set d [dict create a 1] ;# Dict must be unshared!
+ dict map {k v} $d {
+ dict set d $k 0 ;# Any modification will do
+ }
+ }}
+} {a {a 0}}
+test dict-24.18 {dict map command in compilation context} {
+ # Bug 1382528 (dict for)
+ apply {{} {
+ dict map {k v} {} {} ;# Note empty dict
+ catch { error foo } ;# Note compiled [catch]
+ }}
+} 1
+test dict-24.19 {dict map and invalid dicts: 'dict for' bug 1531184} -body {
+ di[list]ct map {k v} x {}
+} -returnCodes 1 -result {missing value to go with key}
+test dict-24.20 {dict map stack space compilation: 'dict for' bug 1903325} {
+ apply {{x y args} {
+ dict map {a b} $x {}
+ concat "c=$y,$args"
+ }} {} 1 2 3
+} {c=1,2 3}
+proc linenumber {} {
+ dict get [info frame -1] line
+test dict-24.20 {dict compilation crash: 'dict for' bug 3487626} {
+ apply {{} {apply {n {
+ set e {}
+ set k {}
+ dict map {a b} {c {d {e {f g}}}} {
+ ::tcl::dict::map {h i} $b {
+ dict update i e j {
+ ::tcl::dict::update j f k {
+ return [expr {$n - [linenumber]}]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }} [linenumber]}}
+} 5
+test dict-24.21 {dict compilation crash: 'dict for' bug 3487626} knownBug {
+ apply {{} {apply {n {
+ set e {}
+ set k {}
+ dict map {a {
+}} {c {d {e {f g}}}} {
+ ::tcl::dict::map {h {
+}} ${
+} {
+ dict update {
+} e {
+} {
+ ::tcl::dict::update {
+} f k {
+ return [expr {$n - [linenumber]}]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }} [linenumber]}}
+} 5
+rename linenumber {}
+test dict-24.22 {dict map results (non-compiled)} {
+ dict map {k v} [dict map {k v} {a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4} { list $v $k }] {
+ return -level 0 "$k,$v"
+ }
+} {a {a,1 a} b {b,2 b} c {c,3 c} d {d,4 d}}
+test dict-24.23 {dict map results (compiled)} {
+ apply {{} {
+ dict map {k v} [dict map {k v} {a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4} { list $v $k }] {
+ return -level 0 "$k,$v"
+ }
+ }}
+} {a {a,1 a} b {b,2 b} c {c,3 c} d {d,4 d}}
+test dict-24.23a {dict map results (compiled)} {
+ apply {{list} {
+ dict map {k v} [dict map {k v} $list { list $v $k }] {
+ return -level 0 "$k,$v"
+ }
+ }} {a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4}
+} {a {a,1 a} b {b,2 b} c {c,3 c} d {d,4 d}}
+test dict-24.24 {dict map with huge dict (non-compiled)} {
+ tcl::mathop::+ {*}[dict map {k v} [lsearch -all [lrepeat 100000 x] x] {
+ expr { $k * $v }
+ }]
+} 166666666600000
+test dict-24.25 {dict map with huge dict (compiled)} {
+ apply {{n} {
+ tcl::mathop::+ {*}[dict map {k v} [lsearch -all [lrepeat $n y] y] {
+ expr { $k * $v }
+ }]
+ }} 100000
+} 166666666600000
# cleanup
diff --git a/tests/fileName.test b/tests/fileName.test
index 19503f8..51f00d1 100644
--- a/tests/fileName.test
+++ b/tests/fileName.test
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ test filename-4.12 {Tcl_SplitPath: unix} {testsetplatform} {
test filename-4.13 {Tcl_SplitPath: unix} {testsetplatform} {
testsetplatform unix
file split //foo
-} "[file split //] foo"
+} "/ foo"
test filename-4.14 {Tcl_SplitPath: unix} {testsetplatform} {
testsetplatform unix
file split foo//bar
@@ -436,11 +436,11 @@ test filename-7.16 {Tcl_JoinPath: unix} {testsetplatform} {
test filename-7.17 {Tcl_JoinPath: unix} {testsetplatform} {
testsetplatform unix
file join //a b
-} "[file split //]a/b"
+} "/a/b"
test filename-7.18 {Tcl_JoinPath: unix} {testsetplatform} {
testsetplatform unix
file join /// a b
-} "[file split //]a/b"
+} "/a/b"
test filename-9.1 {Tcl_JoinPath: win} {testsetplatform} {
testsetplatform win
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ test filename-11.13 {Tcl_GlobCmd} {
} [file join $env(HOME)]
set oldpwd [pwd]
set oldhome $env(HOME)
-cd [temporaryDirectory]
+catch {cd [makeDirectory tcl[pid]]}
set env(HOME) [pwd]
file delete -force globTest
file mkdir globTest/a1/b1
@@ -1616,6 +1616,7 @@ catch {file delete -force C:/globTest}
cd [temporaryDirectory]
file delete -force globTest
cd $oldpwd
+catch {removeDirectory tcl[pid]}
set env(HOME) $oldhome
if {[testConstraint testsetplatform]} {
testsetplatform $platform
diff --git a/tests/fileSystem.test b/tests/fileSystem.test
index 38ecbee..b098f35 100644
--- a/tests/fileSystem.test
+++ b/tests/fileSystem.test
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ catch {
set ::ddelib [lindex [package ifneeded dde $::ddever] 1]
set ::regver [package require registry]
set ::reglib [lindex [package ifneeded registry $::regver] 1]
- testConstraint loaddll 0
+ testConstraint loaddll 1
# Test for commands defined in Tcltest executable
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ test filesystem-7.1.1 {load from vfs} -setup {
set dir [pwd]
} -constraints {win testsimplefilesystem loaddll} -body {
# This may cause a crash on exit
- cd [file dirname $::reglib]
+ cd [file dirname $::ddelib]
testsimplefilesystem 1
# This loads dde via a complex copy-to-temp operation
load simplefs:/[file tail $::ddelib] dde
diff --git a/tests/foreach.test b/tests/foreach.test
index a4b652a..6c69b29 100644
--- a/tests/foreach.test
+++ b/tests/foreach.test
@@ -266,6 +266,15 @@ test foreach-10.1 {foreach: [Bug 1671087]} -setup {
rename demo {}
} -result {}
+test foreach-11.1 {error then dereference loop var (dev bug)} {
+ catch { foreach a 0 b {1 2 3} { error x } }
+ set a
+} 0
+test foreach-11.2 {error then dereference loop var (dev bug)} {
+ catch { foreach a 0 b {1 2 3} { incr a $b; error x } }
+ set a
+} 1
# cleanup
catch {unset a}
catch {unset x}
diff --git a/tests/http.test b/tests/http.test
index fe44b47..bde5795 100644
--- a/tests/http.test
+++ b/tests/http.test
@@ -392,11 +392,19 @@ Content-Type {text/plain;charset=utf-8}
Accept-Encoding .*
Content-Length 5}
test http-3.29 "http::geturl $ipv6url" -body {
- set token [http::geturl $ipv6url -validate 1]
- http::code $token
+ # We only want to see if the URL gets parsed correctly. This is
+ # the case if http::geturl succeeds or returns a socket related
+ # error. If the parsing is wrong, we'll get a parse error.
+ # It'd be better to separate the URL parser from http::geturl, so
+ # that it can be tested without also trying to make a connection.
+ set error [catch {http::geturl $ipv6url -validate 1} token]
+ if {$error && [string match "couldn't open socket: *" $token]} {
+ set error 0
+ }
+ set error
} -cleanup {
- http::cleanup $token
-} -result "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
+ catch { http::cleanup $token }
+} -result 0
test http-4.1 {http::Event} -body {
set token [http::geturl $url -keepalive 0]
diff --git a/tests/ioTrans.test b/tests/ioTrans.test
index db9a2cb..7027ec1 100644
--- a/tests/ioTrans.test
+++ b/tests/ioTrans.test
@@ -283,6 +283,8 @@ test iortrans-3.1 {chan finalize, handler destruction has no effect on channel}
lappend res [catch {close $c} msg] $msg
lappend res [file channels file*]
lappend res [file channels rt*]
+} -cleanup {
+ tempdone
} -result {{initialize rt* {read write}} file* file* {} 1 {invalid command name "foo"} {} {}}
test iortrans-3.2 {chan finalize, for close} -setup {
set res {}
@@ -300,6 +302,7 @@ test iortrans-3.2 {chan finalize, for close} -setup {
lappend res [info command foo]
} -cleanup {
rename foo {}
+ tempdone
} -result {{initialize rt* {read write}} file* {finalize rt*} {} foo}
test iortrans-3.3 {chan finalize, for close, error, close error} -setup {
set res {}
@@ -315,6 +318,7 @@ test iortrans-3.3 {chan finalize, for close, error, close error} -setup {
lappend res [file channels rt*]
} -cleanup {
rename foo {}
+ tempdone
} -result {{initialize rt* {read write}} file* {finalize rt*} 1 5 {}}
test iortrans-3.4 {chan finalize, for close, error, close error} -setup {
set res {}
@@ -328,6 +332,7 @@ test iortrans-3.4 {chan finalize, for close, error, close error} -setup {
lappend res [catch {close $c} msg] $msg $::errorInfo
} -cleanup {
rename foo {}
+ tempdone
} -result {{initialize rt* {read write}} file* {finalize rt*} 1 FOO {FOO
*"close $c"}}
test iortrans-3.5 {chan finalize, for close, arbitrary result, ignored} -setup {
@@ -342,6 +347,7 @@ test iortrans-3.5 {chan finalize, for close, arbitrary result, ignored} -setup {
lappend res [catch {close $c} msg] $msg
} -cleanup {
rename foo {}
+ tempdone
} -result {{initialize rt* {read write}} file* {finalize rt*} 0 {}}
test iortrans-3.6 {chan finalize, for close, break, close error} -setup {
set res {}
@@ -355,6 +361,7 @@ test iortrans-3.6 {chan finalize, for close, break, close error} -setup {
lappend res [catch {close $c} msg] $msg
} -cleanup {
rename foo {}
+ tempdone
} -result {{initialize rt* {read write}} file* {finalize rt*} 1 *bad code*}
test iortrans-3.7 {chan finalize, for close, continue, close error} -setup {
set res {}
@@ -368,6 +375,7 @@ test iortrans-3.7 {chan finalize, for close, continue, close error} -setup {
lappend res [catch {close $c} msg] $msg
} -cleanup {
rename foo {}
+ tempdone
} -result {{initialize rt* {read write}} file* {finalize rt*} 1 *bad code*}
test iortrans-3.8 {chan finalize, for close, custom code, close error} -setup {
set res {}
@@ -381,6 +389,7 @@ test iortrans-3.8 {chan finalize, for close, custom code, close error} -setup {
lappend res [catch {close $c} msg] $msg
} -cleanup {
rename foo {}
+ tempdone
} -result {{initialize rt* {read write}} file* {finalize rt*} 1 *bad code*}
test iortrans-3.9 {chan finalize, for close, ignore level, close error} -setup {
set res {}
@@ -395,6 +404,7 @@ test iortrans-3.9 {chan finalize, for close, ignore level, close error} -setup {
noteOpts $opt
} -match glob -cleanup {
rename foo {}
+ tempdone
} -result {{initialize rt* {read write}} file* {finalize rt*} 1 *bad code* {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo *bad code*subcommand "finalize"*}}
# --- === *** ###########################
@@ -1036,6 +1046,8 @@ test iortrans-11.2 {delete interp of reflected transform} -setup {
chan event $c readable no-op
interp delete slave
+} -cleanup {
+ tempdone
} -result {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
diff --git a/tests/lmap.test b/tests/lmap.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7baa77b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lmap.test
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+# Commands covered: lmap, continue, break
+# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
+# built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
+# generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
+# Copyright (c) 1991-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
+# Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 2011 Trevor Davel
+# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: $
+if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
+ package require tcltest 2
+ namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
+unset -nocomplain a i x
+# ----- Non-compiled operation -----------------------------------------------
+# Basic "lmap" operation (non-compiled)
+test lmap-1.1 {basic lmap tests} {
+ set a {}
+ lmap i {a b c d} {
+ set a [concat $a $i]
+ }
+} {a {a b} {a b c} {a b c d}}
+test lmap-1.2 {basic lmap tests} {
+ lmap i {a b {{c d} e} {123 {{x}}}} {
+ set i
+ }
+} {a b {{c d} e} {123 {{x}}}}
+test lmap-1.2a {basic lmap tests} {
+ lmap i {a b {{c d} e} {123 {{x}}}} {
+ return -level 0 $i
+ }
+} {a b {{c d} e} {123 {{x}}}}
+test lmap-1.4 {basic lmap tests} -returnCodes error -body {
+ lmap
+} -result {wrong # args: should be "lmap varList list ?varList list ...? command"}
+test lmap-1.6 {basic lmap tests} -returnCodes error -body {
+ lmap i
+} -result {wrong # args: should be "lmap varList list ?varList list ...? command"}
+test lmap-1.8 {basic lmap tests} -returnCodes error -body {
+ lmap i j
+} -result {wrong # args: should be "lmap varList list ?varList list ...? command"}
+test lmap-1.10 {basic lmap tests} -returnCodes error -body {
+ lmap i j k l
+} -result {wrong # args: should be "lmap varList list ?varList list ...? command"}
+test lmap-1.11 {basic lmap tests} {
+ lmap i {} {
+ set i
+ }
+} {}
+test lmap-1.12 {basic lmap tests} {
+ lmap i {} {
+ return -level 0 x
+ }
+} {}
+test lmap-1.13 {lmap errors} -returnCodes error -body {
+ lmap {{a}{b}} {1 2 3} {}
+} -result {list element in braces followed by "{b}" instead of space}
+test lmap-1.14 {lmap errors} -returnCodes error -body {
+ lmap a {{1 2}3} {}
+} -result {list element in braces followed by "3" instead of space}
+unset -nocomplain a
+test lmap-1.15 {lmap errors} -setup {
+ unset -nocomplain a
+} -body {
+ set a(0) 44
+ list [catch {lmap a {1 2 3} {}} msg o] $msg $::errorInfo
+} -result {1 {can't set "a": variable is array} {can't set "a": variable is array
+ (setting lmap loop variable "a")
+ invoked from within
+"lmap a {1 2 3} {}"}}
+test lmap-1.16 {lmap errors} -returnCodes error -body {
+ lmap {} {} {}
+} -result {lmap varlist is empty}
+unset -nocomplain a
+# Parallel "lmap" operation (non-compiled)
+test lmap-2.1 {parallel lmap tests} {
+ lmap {a b} {1 2 3 4} {
+ list $b $a
+ }
+} {{2 1} {4 3}}
+test lmap-2.2 {parallel lmap tests} {
+ lmap {a b} {1 2 3 4 5} {
+ list $b $a
+ }
+} {{2 1} {4 3} {{} 5}}
+test lmap-2.3 {parallel lmap tests} {
+ lmap a {1 2 3} b {4 5 6} {
+ list $b $a
+ }
+} {{4 1} {5 2} {6 3}}
+test lmap-2.4 {parallel lmap tests} {
+ lmap a {1 2 3} b {4 5 6 7 8} {
+ list $b $a
+ }
+} {{4 1} {5 2} {6 3} {7 {}} {8 {}}}
+test lmap-2.5 {parallel lmap tests} {
+ lmap {a b} {a b A B aa bb} c {c C cc CC} {
+ list $a $b $c
+ }
+} {{a b c} {A B C} {aa bb cc} {{} {} CC}}
+test lmap-2.6 {parallel lmap tests} {
+ lmap a {1 2 3} b {1 2 3} c {1 2 3} d {1 2 3} e {1 2 3} {
+ list $a$b$c$d$e
+ }
+} {11111 22222 33333}
+test lmap-2.7 {parallel lmap tests} {
+ lmap a {} b {1 2 3} c {1 2} d {1 2 3 4} e {{1 2}} {
+ set x $a$b$c$d$e
+ }
+} {{1111 2} 222 33 4}
+test lmap-2.8 {parallel lmap tests} {
+ lmap a {} b {1 2 3} c {1 2} d {1 2 3 4} e {{1 2}} {
+ join [list $a $b $c $d $e] .
+ }
+} {{. 2} .2.2.2. .3..3. ...4.}
+test lmap-2.9 {lmap only sets vars if repeating loop} {
+ namespace eval ::lmap_test {
+ set rgb {65535 0 0}
+ lmap {r g b} [set rgb] {}
+ set ::x "r=$r, g=$g, b=$b"
+ }
+ namespace delete ::lmap_test
+ set x
+} {r=65535, g=0, b=0}
+test lmap-2.10 {lmap only supports local scalar variables} -setup {
+ unset -nocomplain a
+} -body {
+ lmap {a(3)} {1 2 3 4} {set {a(3)}}
+} -result {1 2 3 4}
+unset -nocomplain a
+# "lmap" with "continue" and "break" (non-compiled)
+test lmap-3.1 {continue tests} {
+ lmap i {a b c d} {
+ if {[string compare $i "b"] == 0} continue
+ set i
+ }
+} {a c d}
+test lmap-3.2 {continue tests} {
+ set x 0
+ list [lmap i {a b c d} {
+ incr x
+ if {[string compare $i "b"] != 0} continue
+ set i
+ }] $x
+} {b 4}
+test lmap-3.3 {break tests} {
+ set x 0
+ list [lmap i {a b c d} {
+ incr x
+ if {[string compare $i "c"] == 0} break
+ set i
+ }] $x
+} {{a b} 3}
+# Check for bug similar to #406709
+test lmap-3.4 {break tests} {
+ set a 1
+ lmap b b {list [concat a; break]; incr a}
+ incr a
+} {2}
+# ----- Compiled operation ---------------------------------------------------
+# Basic "lmap" operation (compiled)
+test lmap-4.1 {basic lmap tests} {
+ apply {{} {
+ set a {}
+ lmap i {a b c d} {
+ set a [concat $a $i]
+ }
+ }}
+} {a {a b} {a b c} {a b c d}}
+test lmap-4.2 {basic lmap tests} {
+ apply {{} {
+ lmap i {a b {{c d} e} {123 {{x}}}} {
+ set i
+ }
+ }}
+} {a b {{c d} e} {123 {{x}}}}
+test lmap-4.2a {basic lmap tests} {
+ apply {{} {
+ lmap i {a b {{c d} e} {123 {{x}}}} {
+ return -level 0 $i
+ }
+ }}
+} {a b {{c d} e} {123 {{x}}}}
+test lmap-4.4 {basic lmap tests} -returnCodes error -body {
+ apply {{} { lmap }}
+} -result {wrong # args: should be "lmap varList list ?varList list ...? command"}
+test lmap-4.6 {basic lmap tests} -returnCodes error -body {
+ apply {{} { lmap i }}
+} -result {wrong # args: should be "lmap varList list ?varList list ...? command"}
+test lmap-4.8 {basic lmap tests} -returnCodes error -body {
+ apply {{} { lmap i j }}
+} -result {wrong # args: should be "lmap varList list ?varList list ...? command"}
+test lmap-4.10 {basic lmap tests} -returnCodes error -body {
+ apply {{} { lmap i j k l }}
+} -result {wrong # args: should be "lmap varList list ?varList list ...? command"}
+test lmap-4.11 {basic lmap tests} {
+ apply {{} { lmap i {} { set i } }}
+} {}
+test lmap-4.12 {basic lmap tests} {
+ apply {{} { lmap i {} { return -level 0 x } }}
+} {}
+test lmap-4.13 {lmap errors} -returnCodes error -body {
+ apply {{} { lmap {{a}{b}} {1 2 3} {} }}
+} -result {list element in braces followed by "{b}" instead of space}
+test lmap-4.14 {lmap errors} -returnCodes error -body {
+ apply {{} { lmap a {{1 2}3} {} }}
+} -result {list element in braces followed by "3" instead of space}
+unset -nocomplain a
+test lmap-4.15 {lmap errors} {
+ apply {{} {
+ set a(0) 44
+ list [catch {lmap a {1 2 3} {}} msg o] $msg $::errorInfo
+ }}
+} {1 {can't set "a": variable is array} {can't set "a": variable is array
+ while executing
+"lmap a {1 2 3} {}"}}
+test lmap-4.16 {lmap errors} -returnCodes error -body {
+ apply {{} {
+ lmap {} {} {}
+ }}
+} -result {lmap varlist is empty}
+unset -nocomplain a
+# Parallel "lmap" operation (compiled)
+test lmap-5.1 {parallel lmap tests} {
+ apply {{} {
+ lmap {a b} {1 2 3 4} {
+ list $b $a
+ }
+ }}
+} {{2 1} {4 3}}
+test lmap-5.2 {parallel lmap tests} {
+ apply {{} {
+ lmap {a b} {1 2 3 4 5} {
+ list $b $a
+ }
+ }}
+} {{2 1} {4 3} {{} 5}}
+test lmap-5.3 {parallel lmap tests} {
+ apply {{} {
+ lmap a {1 2 3} b {4 5 6} {
+ list $b $a
+ }
+ }}
+} {{4 1} {5 2} {6 3}}
+test lmap-5.4 {parallel lmap tests} {
+ apply {{} {
+ lmap a {1 2 3} b {4 5 6 7 8} {
+ list $b $a
+ }
+ }}
+} {{4 1} {5 2} {6 3} {7 {}} {8 {}}}
+test lmap-5.5 {parallel lmap tests} {
+ apply {{} {
+ lmap {a b} {a b A B aa bb} c {c C cc CC} {
+ list $a $b $c
+ }
+ }}
+} {{a b c} {A B C} {aa bb cc} {{} {} CC}}
+test lmap-5.6 {parallel lmap tests} {
+ apply {{} {
+ lmap a {1 2 3} b {1 2 3} c {1 2 3} d {1 2 3} e {1 2 3} {
+ list $a$b$c$d$e
+ }
+ }}
+} {11111 22222 33333}
+test lmap-5.7 {parallel lmap tests} {
+ apply {{} {
+ lmap a {} b {1 2 3} c {1 2} d {1 2 3 4} e {{1 2}} {
+ set x $a$b$c$d$e
+ }
+ }}
+} {{1111 2} 222 33 4}
+test lmap-5.8 {parallel lmap tests} {
+ apply {{} {
+ lmap a {} b {1 2 3} c {1 2} d {1 2 3 4} e {{1 2}} {
+ join [list $a $b $c $d $e] .
+ }
+ }}
+} {{. 2} .2.2.2. .3..3. ...4.}
+test lmap-5.9 {lmap only sets vars if repeating loop} {
+ apply {{} {
+ set rgb {65535 0 0}
+ lmap {r g b} [set rgb] {}
+ return "r=$r, g=$g, b=$b"
+ }}
+} {r=65535, g=0, b=0}
+test lmap-5.10 {lmap only supports local scalar variables} {
+ apply {{} {
+ lmap {a(3)} {1 2 3 4} {set {a(3)}}
+ }}
+} {1 2 3 4}
+# "lmap" with "continue" and "break" (compiled)
+test lmap-6.1 {continue tests} {
+ apply {{} {
+ lmap i {a b c d} {
+ if {[string compare $i "b"] == 0} continue
+ set i
+ }
+ }}
+} {a c d}
+test lmap-6.2 {continue tests} {
+ apply {{} {
+ list [lmap i {a b c d} {
+ incr x
+ if {[string compare $i "b"] != 0} continue
+ set i
+ }] $x
+ }}
+} {b 4}
+test lmap-6.3 {break tests} {
+ apply {{} {
+ list [lmap i {a b c d} {
+ incr x
+ if {[string compare $i "c"] == 0} break
+ set i
+ }] $x
+ }}
+} {{a b} 3}
+# Check for bug similar to #406709
+test lmap-6.4 {break tests} {
+ apply {{} {
+ set a 1
+ lmap b b {list [concat a; break]; incr a}
+ incr a
+ }}
+} {2}
+# ----- Special cases and bugs -----------------------------------------------
+test lmap-7.1 {compiled lmap backward jump works correctly} -setup {
+ unset -nocomplain x
+} -body {
+ array set x {0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three}
+ lsort [apply {{arrayName} {
+ upvar 1 $arrayName a
+ lmap member [array names a] {
+ list $member [set a($member)]
+ }
+ }} x]
+} -result [lsort {{0 zero} {1 one} {2 two} {3 three}}]
+test lmap-7.2 {noncompiled lmap and shared variable or value list objects that are converted to another type} -setup {
+ unset -nocomplain x
+} -body {
+ lmap {12.0} {a b c} {
+ set x 12.0
+ set x [expr $x + 1]
+ }
+} -result {13.0 13.0 13.0}
+# Test for incorrect "double evaluation" semantics
+test lmap-7.3 {delayed substitution of body} {
+ apply {{} {
+ set a 0
+ lmap a [list 1 2 3] "
+ set x $a
+ "
+ return $x
+ }}
+} {0}
+# Related to "foreach" test for [Bug 1189274]; crash on failure
+test lmap-7.4 {empty list handling} {
+ proc crash {} {
+ rename crash {}
+ set a "x y z"
+ set b ""
+ lmap aa $a bb $b { set x "aa = $aa bb = $bb" }
+ }
+ crash
+} {{aa = x bb = } {aa = y bb = } {aa = z bb = }}
+# Related to [Bug 1671138]; infinite loop with empty var list in bytecompiled
+# version.
+test lmap-7.5 {compiled empty var list} -returnCodes error -body {
+ proc foo {} {
+ lmap {} x {
+ error "reached body"
+ }
+ }
+ foo
+} -cleanup {
+ catch {rename foo ""}
+} -result {lmap varlist is empty}
+test lmap-7.6 {lmap: related to "foreach" [Bug 1671087]} -setup {
+ proc demo {} {
+ set vals {1 2 3 4}
+ trace add variable x write {string length $vals ;# }
+ lmap {x y} $vals {format $y}
+ }
+} -body {
+ demo
+} -cleanup {
+ rename demo {}
+} -result {2 4}
+# Huge lists must not overflow the bytecode interpreter (development bug)
+test lmap-7.7 {huge list non-compiled} {
+ set x [lmap a [lrepeat 1000000 x] { set b y$a }]
+ list $b [llength $x] [string length $x]
+} {yx 1000000 2999999}
+test lmap-7.8 {huge list compiled} {
+ set x [apply {{times} { lmap a [lrepeat $times x] { set b y$a }}} 1000000]
+ list $b [llength $x] [string length $x]
+} {yx 1000000 2999999}
+test lmap-7.9 {error then dereference loop var (dev bug)} {
+ catch { lmap a 0 b {1 2 3} { error x } }
+ set a
+} 0
+test lmap-7.9a {error then dereference loop var (dev bug)} {
+ catch { lmap a 0 b {1 2 3} { incr a $b; error x } }
+ set a
+} 1
+# ----- Coroutines -----------------------------------------------------------
+test lmap-8.1 {lmap non-compiled with coroutines} -body {
+ coroutine coro apply {{} {
+ set values [yield [info coroutine]]
+ eval lmap i [list $values] {{ yield $i }}
+ }} ;# returns 'coro'
+ coro {a b c d e f} ;# -> a
+ coro 1 ;# -> b
+ coro 2 ;# -> c
+ coro 3 ;# -> d
+ coro 4 ;# -> e
+ coro 5 ;# -> f
+ list [coro 6] [info commands coro]
+} -cleanup {
+ catch {rename coro ""}
+} -result {{1 2 3 4 5 6} {}}
+test lmap-8.2 {lmap compiled with coroutines} -body {
+ coroutine coro apply {{} {
+ set values [yield [info coroutine]]
+ lmap i $values { yield $i }
+ }} ;# returns 'coro'
+ coro {a b c d e f} ;# -> a
+ coro 1 ;# -> b
+ coro 2 ;# -> c
+ coro 3 ;# -> d
+ coro 4 ;# -> e
+ coro 5 ;# -> f
+ list [coro 6] [info commands coro]
+} -cleanup {
+ catch {rename coro ""}
+} -result {{1 2 3 4 5 6} {}}
+# cleanup
+unset -nocomplain a x
+catch {rename foo {}}
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# End:
diff --git a/tests/msgcat.test b/tests/msgcat.test
index bbcd023..1522354 100644
--- a/tests/msgcat.test
+++ b/tests/msgcat.test
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ if {[catch {package require tcltest 2}]} {
puts stderr "Skipping tests in [info script]. tcltest 2 required."
-if {[catch {package require msgcat 1.4.5}]} {
- puts stderr "Skipping tests in [info script]. No msgcat 1.4.5 found to test."
+if {[catch {package require msgcat 1.5.0}]} {
+ puts stderr "Skipping tests in [info script]. No msgcat 1.5.0 found to test."
@@ -56,6 +56,13 @@ namespace eval ::msgcat::test {
set result [string tolower \
[msgcat::ConvertLocale $::tcl::mac::locale]]
} else {
+ if {([info sharedlibextension] == ".dll")
+ && ![catch {package require registry}]} {
+ # Windows and Cygwin have other ways to determine the
+ # locale when the environment variables are missing
+ # and the registry package is present
+ continue
+ }
set result c
@@ -611,6 +618,45 @@ namespace eval ::msgcat::test {
mc "this is a %s" "good test"
} -result "this is a good test"
+ # Tests msgcat-8.*: [mcflset]
+ set msgdir1 [makeDirectory msgdir1]
+ makeFile {::msgcat::mcflset k1 v1} l1.msg $msgdir1
+ test msgcat-8.1 {mcflset} -setup {
+ variable locale [mclocale]
+ mclocale l1
+ mcload $msgdir1
+ } -cleanup {
+ mclocale $locale
+ } -body {
+ mc k1
+ } -result v1
+ removeFile l1.msg $msgdir1
+ removeDirectory msgdir1
+ set msgdir2 [makeDirectory msgdir2]
+ set msgdir3 [makeDirectory msgdir3]
+ makeFile "::msgcat::mcflset k2 v2 ; ::msgcat::mcload [list $msgdir3]"\
+ l2.msg $msgdir2
+ makeFile {::msgcat::mcflset k3 v3} l2.msg $msgdir3
+ # chained mcload
+ test msgcat-8.2 {mcflset} -setup {
+ variable locale [mclocale]
+ mclocale l2
+ mcload $msgdir2
+ } -cleanup {
+ mclocale $locale
+ } -body {
+ return [mc k2][mc k3]
+ } -result v2v3
+ removeFile l2.msg $msgdir2
+ removeDirectory msgdir2
+ removeDirectory msgdir3
namespace delete ::msgcat::test
diff --git a/tests/oo.test b/tests/oo.test
index 00663e9..540cdf3 100644
--- a/tests/oo.test
+++ b/tests/oo.test
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
# Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for errors.
# No output means no errors were found.
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Donal K. Fellows
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Donal K. Fellows
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-package require -exact TclOO 0.6.3 ;# Must match value in generic/tclOO.h
+package require -exact TclOO 0.7 ;# Must match value in generic/tclOO.h
package require tcltest 2
if {"::tcltest" in [namespace children]} {
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
diff --git a/tests/ooNext2.test b/tests/ooNext2.test
index eeade11..e78e0d0 100644
--- a/tests/ooNext2.test
+++ b/tests/ooNext2.test
@@ -2,16 +2,14 @@
# Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for errors.
# No output means no errors were found.
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Donal K. Fellows
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Donal K. Fellows
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# RCS: @(#) $Id: oo.test,v 1.59 2011/01/18 16:10:48 dkf Exp $
-package require -exact TclOO 0.6.3 ;# Must match value in
-if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
- package require tcltest 2
+package require -exact TclOO 0.7 ;# Must match value in
+package require tcltest 2
+if {"::tcltest" in [namespace children]} {
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
diff --git a/tests/thread.test b/tests/thread.test
index f2735da..43222ac 100644
--- a/tests/thread.test
+++ b/tests/thread.test
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ if {[testConstraint thread]} {
if {[testConstraint testthread]} {
proc drainEventQueue {} {
while {[set x [testthread event]]} {
- puts "WARNING: drained $x event(s) on main thread"
+ #puts "WARNING: drained $x event(s) on main thread"
diff --git a/tests/winDde.test b/tests/winDde.test
index 01fb54c..9411c92 100644
--- a/tests/winDde.test
+++ b/tests/winDde.test
@@ -15,11 +15,12 @@ if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
+testConstraint debug [::tcl::pkgconfig get debug]
testConstraint dde 0
if {[testConstraint win]} {
if {![catch {
- set ::ddever [package require dde 1.4.0b1]
+ set ::ddever [package require dde 1.4.0b2]
set ::ddelib [lindex [package ifneeded dde $::ddever] 1]}]} {
testConstraint dde 1
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ proc createChildProcess {ddeServerName args} {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
test winDde-1.0 {check if we are testing the right dll} {win dde} {
set ::ddever
-} {1.4.0b1}
+} {1.4.0b2}
test winDde-1.1 {Settings the server's topic name} -constraints dde -body {
list [dde servername foobar] [dde servername] [dde servername self]
@@ -162,10 +163,20 @@ test winDde-3.6 {DDE request utf8} -constraints dde -body {
# Set variable a to A with diaeresis (unicode C4) using binary execute
# and compose utf-8 (e.g. "c3 84" ) manualy
test winDde-3.7 {DDE request binary} -constraints dde -body {
- set a "not set"
- dde execute -binary TclEval self [list set a \xc3\x84\x00]
- scan $a %c
+ set \xe1 "not set"
+ dde execute -binary TclEval self [list set \xc3\xa1 \xc3\x84\x00]
+ scan [set \xe1] %c
} -result 196
+test winDde-3.8 {DDE poke locally} -constraints {dde debug} -body {
+ set \xe1 ""
+ dde poke TclEval self \xe1 \xc4
+ dde request TclEval self \xe1
+} -result \xc4
+test winDde-3.9 {DDE poke -binary locally} -constraints {dde debug} -body {
+ set \xe1 ""
+ dde poke -binary TclEval self \xe1 \xc3\x84\x00
+ dde request TclEval self \xe1
+} -result \xc4
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -192,8 +203,8 @@ test winDde-4.3 {DDE request remotely} -constraints {dde stdio} -body {
set \xe1 ""
set name ch\xEDld-4.3
set child [createChildProcess $name]
- dde execute TclEval $name [list set a foo]
- set \xe1 [dde request TclEval $name a]
+ dde execute TclEval $name [list set \xe1 foo]
+ set \xe1 [dde request TclEval $name \xe1]
dde execute TclEval $name {set done 1}
set \xe1
@@ -202,11 +213,21 @@ test winDde-4.4 {DDE eval remotely} -constraints {dde stdio} -body {
set \xe1 ""
set name ch\xEDld-4.4
set child [createChildProcess $name]
- set \xe1 [dde eval $name set a foo]
+ set \xe1 [dde eval $name set \xe1 foo]
dde execute TclEval $name {set done 1}
set \xe1
} -result foo
+test winDde-4.5 {DDE poke remotely} -constraints {dde debug stdio} -body {
+ set \xe1 ""
+ set name ch\xEDld-4.5
+ set child [createChildProcess $name]
+ dde poke TclEval $name \xe1 foo
+ set \xe1 [dde request TclEval $name \xe1]
+ dde execute TclEval $name {set done 1}
+ update
+ set \xe1
+} -result foo
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/tests/zlib.test b/tests/zlib.test
index 8212082..5f1e5fc 100644
--- a/tests/zlib.test
+++ b/tests/zlib.test
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
+if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
package require tcltest 2.1
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ test zlib-1.1 {zlib basics} -constraints zlib -returnCodes error -body {
test zlib-1.2 {zlib basics} -constraints zlib -returnCodes error -body {
zlib ? {}
} -result {bad command "?": must be adler32, compress, crc32, decompress, deflate, gunzip, gzip, inflate, push, or stream}
+test zlib-1.3 {zlib basics} -constraints zlib -body {
+ zlib::pkgconfig list
+} -result zlibVersion
+test zlib-1.4 {zlib basics} -constraints zlib -body {
+ package present zlib
+} -result 2.0
test zlib-2.1 {zlib compress/decompress} zlib {
zlib decompress [zlib compress abcdefghijklm]
@@ -70,7 +76,7 @@ test zlib-7.0 {zlib stream} -constraints zlib -returnCodes error -setup {
$s ?
} -cleanup {
$s close
-} -result {bad option "?": must be add, checksum, close, eof, finalize, flush, fullflush, get, put, or reset}
+} -result {bad option "?": must be add, checksum, close, eof, finalize, flush, fullflush, get, header, put, or reset}
test zlib-7.1 {zlib stream} zlib {
set s [zlib stream compress]
$s put -finalize abcdeEDCBA
@@ -203,6 +209,163 @@ test zlib-8.5 {transformation and flushing and fileevents: Bug 3525907} -setup {
} -cleanup {
catch {close $r}
} -result {qwertyuiop MIDDLE asdfghjkl}
+test zlib-8.6 {transformation and fconfigure} -setup {
+ set file [makeFile {} test.z]
+ set fd [open $file wb]
+} -constraints zlib -body {
+ list [fconfigure $fd] [zlib push compress $fd; fconfigure $fd] \
+ [chan pop $fd; fconfigure $fd]
+} -cleanup {
+ catch {close $fd}
+ removeFile $file
+} -result {{-blocking 1 -buffering full -buffersize 4096 -encoding binary -eofchar {} -translation lf} {-blocking 1 -buffering full -buffersize 4096 -encoding binary -eofchar {} -translation lf -checksum 1 -dictionary {}} {-blocking 1 -buffering full -buffersize 4096 -encoding binary -eofchar {} -translation lf}}
+test zlib-8.7 {transformation and fconfigure} -setup {
+ set file [makeFile {} test.gz]
+ set fd [open $file wb]
+} -constraints zlib -body {
+ list [fconfigure $fd] [zlib push gzip $fd; fconfigure $fd] \
+ [chan pop $fd; fconfigure $fd]
+} -cleanup {
+ catch {close $fd}
+ removeFile $file
+} -result {{-blocking 1 -buffering full -buffersize 4096 -encoding binary -eofchar {} -translation lf} {-blocking 1 -buffering full -buffersize 4096 -encoding binary -eofchar {} -translation lf -checksum 0} {-blocking 1 -buffering full -buffersize 4096 -encoding binary -eofchar {} -translation lf}}
+# Input is headers from fetching SPDY draft
+# Dictionary is that which is proposed _in_ SPDY draft
+set spdyHeaders "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\nX-Robots-Tag: noarchive\r\nLast-Modified: Tue, 05 Jun 2012 02:43:25 GMT\r\nETag: \"1338864205129|#public|0|en|||0\"\r\nExpires: Tue, 05 Jun 2012 16:17:11 GMT\r\nDate: Tue, 05 Jun 2012 16:17:06 GMT\r\nCache-Control: public, max-age=5\r\nX-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\r\nX-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block\r\nServer: GSE\r\n"
+set spdyDict "optionsgetheadpostputdeletetraceacceptaccept-charsetaccept-encodingaccept-languageauthorizationexpectfromhostif-modified-sinceif-matchif-none-matchif-rangeif-unmodifiedsincemax-forwardsproxy-authorizationrangerefererteuser-agent100101200201202203204205206300301302303304305306307400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417500501502503504505accept-rangesageetaglocationproxy-authenticatepublicretry-afterservervarywarningwww-authenticateallowcontent-basecontent-encodingcache-controlconnectiondatetrailertransfer-encodingupgradeviawarningcontent-languagecontent-lengthcontent-locationcontent-md5content-rangecontent-typeetagexpireslast-modifiedset-cookieMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecchunkedtext/htmlimage/pngimage/jpgimage/gifapplication/xmlapplication/xhtmltext/plainpublicmax-agecharset=iso-8859-1utf-8gzipdeflateHTTP/1.1statusversionurl"
+test zlib-8.8 {transformtion and fconfigure} -setup {
+ lassign [chan pipe] inSide outSide
+} -constraints zlib -body {
+ zlib push compress $outSide -dictionary $spdyDict
+ fconfigure $outSide -blocking 0 -translation binary -buffering none
+ fconfigure $inSide -blocking 0 -translation binary
+ puts -nonewline $outSide $spdyHeaders
+ chan pop $outSide
+ set compressed [read $inSide]
+ catch {zlib decompress $compressed} err opt
+ list [string length [zlib compress $spdyHeaders]] \
+ [string length $compressed] \
+ $err [dict get $opt -errorcode] [zlib adler32 $spdyDict]
+} -cleanup {
+ catch {close $outSide}
+ catch {close $inSide}
+} -result {260 222 {need dictionary} {TCL ZLIB NEED_DICT 2381337010} 2381337010}
+test zlib-8.9 {transformtion and fconfigure} -setup {
+ lassign [chan pipe] inSide outSide
+ set strm [zlib stream decompress]
+} -constraints zlib -body {
+ zlib push compress $outSide -dictionary $spdyDict
+ fconfigure $outSide -blocking 0 -translation binary -buffering none
+ fconfigure $inSide -blocking 0 -translation binary
+ puts -nonewline $outSide $spdyHeaders
+ set result [fconfigure $outSide -checksum]
+ chan pop $outSide
+ $strm put -dictionary $spdyDict [read $inSide]
+ lappend result [string length $spdyHeaders] [string length [$strm get]]
+} -cleanup {
+ catch {close $outSide}
+ catch {close $inSide}
+ catch {$strm close}
+} -result {3064818174 358 358}
+test zlib-8.10 {transformtion and fconfigure} -setup {
+ lassign [chan pipe] inSide outSide
+} -constraints zlib -body {
+ zlib push deflate $outSide -dictionary $spdyDict
+ fconfigure $outSide -blocking 0 -translation binary -buffering none
+ fconfigure $inSide -blocking 0 -translation binary
+ puts -nonewline $outSide $spdyHeaders
+ chan pop $outSide
+ set compressed [read $inSide]
+ catch {zlib inflate $compressed} err opt
+ list [string length [zlib deflate $spdyHeaders]] \
+ [string length $compressed] \
+ $err [dict get $opt -errorcode]
+} -cleanup {
+ catch {close $outSide}
+ catch {close $inSide}
+} -result {254 212 {data error} {TCL ZLIB DATA}}
+test zlib-8.11 {transformtion and fconfigure} -setup {
+ lassign [chan pipe] inSide outSide
+ set strm [zlib stream inflate]
+} -constraints zlib -body {
+ zlib push deflate $outSide -dictionary $spdyDict
+ fconfigure $outSide -blocking 0 -translation binary -buffering none
+ fconfigure $inSide -blocking 0 -translation binary
+ puts -nonewline $outSide $spdyHeaders
+ chan pop $outSide
+ $strm put -dictionary $spdyDict [read $inSide]
+ list [string length $spdyHeaders] [string length [$strm get]]
+} -cleanup {
+ catch {close $outSide}
+ catch {close $inSide}
+ catch {$strm close}
+} -result {358 358}
+test zlib-8.12 {transformtion and fconfigure} -setup {
+ lassign [chan pipe] inSide outSide
+ set strm [zlib stream compress]
+} -constraints zlib -body {
+ $strm put -dictionary $spdyDict -finalize $spdyHeaders
+ zlib push decompress $inSide
+ fconfigure $outSide -blocking 0 -translation binary
+ fconfigure $inSide -translation binary -dictionary $spdyDict
+ puts -nonewline $outSide [$strm get]
+ close $outSide
+ list [string length $spdyHeaders] [string length [read $inSide]] \
+ [fconfigure $inSide -checksum]
+} -cleanup {
+ catch {close $outSide}
+ catch {close $inSide}
+ catch {$strm close}
+} -result {358 358 3064818174}
+test zlib-8.13 {transformtion and fconfigure} -setup {
+ lassign [chan pipe] inSide outSide
+ set strm [zlib stream compress]
+} -constraints zlib -body {
+ $strm put -dictionary $spdyDict -finalize $spdyHeaders
+ zlib push decompress $inSide -dictionary $spdyDict
+ fconfigure $outSide -blocking 0 -translation binary
+ fconfigure $inSide -translation binary
+ puts -nonewline $outSide [$strm get]
+ close $outSide
+ list [string length $spdyHeaders] [string length [read $inSide]] \
+ [fconfigure $inSide -checksum]
+} -cleanup {
+ catch {close $outSide}
+ catch {close $inSide}
+ catch {$strm close}
+} -result {358 358 3064818174}
+test zlib-8.14 {transformtion and fconfigure} -setup {
+ lassign [chan pipe] inSide outSide
+ set strm [zlib stream deflate]
+} -constraints zlib -body {
+ $strm put -finalize -dictionary $spdyDict $spdyHeaders
+ zlib push inflate $inSide
+ fconfigure $outSide -blocking 0 -buffering none -translation binary
+ fconfigure $inSide -translation binary -dictionary $spdyDict
+ puts -nonewline $outSide [$strm get]
+ close $outSide
+ list [string length $spdyHeaders] [string length [read $inSide]]
+} -cleanup {
+ catch {close $outSide}
+ catch {close $inSide}
+ catch {$strm close}
+} -result {358 358}
+test zlib-8.15 {transformtion and fconfigure} -setup {
+ lassign [chan pipe] inSide outSide
+ set strm [zlib stream deflate]
+} -constraints zlib -body {
+ $strm put -finalize -dictionary $spdyDict $spdyHeaders
+ zlib push inflate $inSide -dictionary $spdyDict
+ fconfigure $outSide -blocking 0 -buffering none -translation binary
+ fconfigure $inSide -translation binary
+ puts -nonewline $outSide [$strm get]
+ close $outSide
+ list [string length $spdyHeaders] [string length [read $inSide]]
+} -cleanup {
+ catch {close $outSide}
+ catch {close $inSide}
+ catch {$strm close}
+} -result {358 358}
test zlib-9.1 "check fcopy with push" -constraints zlib -setup {
set sfile [makeFile {} testsrc.gz]