path: root/tools/man2html2.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/man2html2.tcl')
1 files changed, 871 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/man2html2.tcl b/tools/man2html2.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..789b4db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/man2html2.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,871 @@
+# man2html2.tcl --
+# This file defines procedures that are used during the second pass of the
+# man page to html conversion process. It is sourced by man2html.tcl.
+# Copyright (c) 1996 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# SCCS: @(#) man2html2.tcl 1.2 96/03/21 10:48:30
+# Global variables used by these scripts:
+# NAME_file - array indexed by NAME and containing file names used
+# for hyperlinks.
+# textState - state variable defining action of 'text' proc.
+# nestStk - stack oriented list containing currently active
+# HTML tags (UL, OL, DL). Local to 'nest' proc.
+# inDT - set by 'TPmacro', cleared by 'newline'. Used to insert
+# the <DT> tag while in a dictionary list <DL>.
+# curFont - Name of special font that is currently in
+# use. Null means the default paragraph font
+# is being used.
+# file - Where to output the generated HTML.
+# fontStart - Array to map font names to starting sequences.
+# fontEnd - Array to map font names to ending sequences.
+# noFillCount - Non-zero means don't fill the next $noFillCount
+# lines: force a line break at each newline. Zero
+# means filling is enabled, so don't output line
+# breaks for each newline.
+# footer - info inserted at bottom of each page. Normally read
+# from the xref.tcl file
+# initGlobals --
+# This procedure is invoked to set the initial values of all of the
+# global variables, before processing a man page.
+# Arguments:
+# None.
+proc initGlobals {} {
+ global file noFillCount textState
+ global fontStart fontEnd curFont inPRE charCnt
+ nest init
+ set inPRE 0
+ set textState 0
+ set curFont ""
+ set fontStart(Code) "<B>"
+ set fontStart(Emphasis) "<I>"
+ set fontEnd(Code) "</B>"
+ set fontEnd(Emphasis) "</I>"
+ set noFillCount 0
+ set charCnt 0
+ setTabs 0.5i
+# beginFont --
+# Arranges for future text to use a special font, rather than
+# the default paragraph font.
+# Arguments:
+# font - Name of new font to use.
+proc beginFont font {
+ global curFont file fontStart
+ if {$curFont == $font} {
+ return
+ }
+ endFont
+ puts -nonewline $file $fontStart($font)
+ set curFont $font
+# endFont --
+# Reverts to the default font for the paragraph type.
+# Arguments:
+# None.
+proc endFont {} {
+ global curFont file fontEnd
+ if {$curFont != ""} {
+ puts -nonewline $file $fontEnd($curFont)
+ set curFont ""
+ }
+# text --
+# This procedure adds text to the current paragraph. If this is
+# the first text in the paragraph then header information for the
+# paragraph is output before the text.
+# Arguments:
+# string - Text to output in the paragraph.
+proc text string {
+ global file textState inDT charCnt
+ set pos [string first "\t" $string]
+ if {$pos >= 0} {
+ text [string range $string 0 [expr $pos-1]]
+ tab
+ text [string range $string [expr $pos+1] end]
+ return
+ }
+ incr charCnt [string length $string]
+ regsub -all {&} $string {\&amp;} string
+ regsub -all {<} $string {\&lt;} string
+ regsub -all {>} $string {\&gt;} string
+ regsub -all {"} $string {\&quot;} string
+ switch $textState {
+ REF {
+ if {$inDT == {}} {
+ set string [insertRef $string]
+ }
+ }
+ SEE {
+ global NAME_file
+ foreach i [split $string] {
+ if ![regexp -nocase {^[a-z_]+} [string trim $i] i ] {
+# puts "Warning: $i in SEE ALSO not found"
+ continue
+ }
+ if ![catch {set ref $NAME_file($i)} ] {
+ regsub $i $string "<A HREF=\"$ref.html\">$i</A>" string
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file "$string"
+# insertRef --
+# Arguments:
+# string - Text to output in the paragraph.
+proc insertRef string {
+ global NAME_file self
+ set path {}
+ if ![catch {set ref $NAME_file([string trim $string])} ] {
+ if {"$ref.html" != $self} {
+ set string "<A HREF=\"${path}$ref.html\">$string</A>"
+# puts "insertRef: $self $ref.html ---$string--"
+ }
+ }
+ return $string
+# macro --
+# This procedure is invoked to process macro invocations that start
+# with "." (instead of ').
+# Arguments:
+# name - The name of the macro (without the ".").
+# args - Any additional arguments to the macro.
+proc macro {name args} {
+ switch $name {
+ AP {
+ if {[llength $args] != 3} {
+ puts stderr "Bad .AP macro: .$name [join $args " "]"
+ }
+ setTabs {1.25i 2.5i 3.75i}
+ TPmacro {}
+ font B
+ text "[lindex $args 0] "
+ font I
+ text "[lindex $args 1]"
+ font R
+ text " ([lindex $args 2])"
+ newline
+ }
+ AS {} ;# next page and previous page
+ br {
+ lineBreak
+ }
+ BS {}
+ BE {}
+ CE {
+ global file noFillCount inPRE
+ puts $file </PRE></BLOCKQUOTE>
+ set inPRE 0
+ }
+ CS { ;# code section
+ global file noFillCount inPRE
+ puts -nonewline $file <BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>
+ set inPRE 1
+ }
+ DE {
+ global file noFillCount inPRE
+ puts $file </PRE></BLOCKQUOTE>
+ set inPRE 0
+ set noFillCount 0
+ }
+ DS {
+ global file noFillCount inPRE
+ puts -nonewline $file <BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>
+ set noFillCount 10000000
+ set inPRE 1
+ }
+ fi {
+ global noFillCount
+ set noFillCount 0
+ }
+ IP {
+ IPmacro $args
+ }
+ LP {
+ nest decr
+ nest incr
+ newPara
+ }
+ ne {
+ }
+ nf {
+ global noFillCount
+ set noFillCount 1000000
+ }
+ OP {
+ global inDT file inPRE
+ if {[llength $args] != 3} {
+ puts stderr "Bad .OP macro: .$name [join $args " "]"
+ }
+ nest para DL DT
+ set inPRE 1
+ puts -nonewline $file <PRE>
+ setTabs 4c
+ text "Command-Line Name:"
+ tab
+ font B
+ set x [lindex $args 0]
+ regsub -all {\\-} $x - x
+ text $x
+ newline
+ font R
+ text "Database Name:"
+ tab
+ font B
+ text [lindex $args 1]
+ newline
+ font R
+ text "Database Class:"
+ tab
+ font B
+ text [lindex $args 2]
+ font R
+ puts -nonewline $file </PRE>
+ set inDT "\n<DD>" ;# next newline writes inDT
+ set inPRE 0
+ newline
+ }
+ PP {
+ nest decr
+ nest incr
+ newPara
+ }
+ RE {
+ nest decr
+ }
+ RS {
+ nest incr
+ }
+ SE {
+ global noFillCount textState inPRE file
+ font R
+ puts -nonewline $file </PRE>
+ set inPRE 0
+ set noFillCount 0
+ nest reset
+ newPara
+ text "See the "
+ font B
+ set temp $textState
+ set textState REF
+ text options
+ set textState $temp
+ font R
+ text " manual entry for detailed descriptions of the above options."
+ }
+ SH {
+ SHmacro $args
+ }
+ SO {
+ global noFillCount inPRE file
+ setTabs {4c 8c 12c}
+ set noFillCount 1000000
+ puts -nonewline $file <PRE>
+ set inPRE 1
+ font B
+ }
+ so {
+ if {$args != "man.macros"} {
+ puts stderr "Unknown macro: .$name [join $args " "]"
+ }
+ }
+ sp { ;# needs work
+ if {$args == ""} {
+ set count 1
+ } else {
+ set count [lindex $args 0]
+ }
+ while {$count > 0} {
+ lineBreak
+ incr count -1
+ }
+ }
+ ta {
+ setTabs $args
+ }
+ TH {
+ THmacro $args
+ }
+ TP {
+ TPmacro $args
+ }
+ UL { ;# underline
+ global file
+ puts -nonewline $file "<B><U>"
+ text [lindex $args 0]
+ puts -nonewline $file "</U></B>"
+ if {[llength $args] == 2} {
+ text [lindex $args 1]
+ }
+ }
+ VE {
+# global file
+# puts -nonewline $file "</FONT>"
+ }
+ VS {
+# global file
+# if {[llength $args] > 0} {
+# puts -nonewline $file "<BR>"
+# }
+# puts -nonewline $file "<FONT COLOR=\"GREEN\">"
+ }
+ default {
+ puts stderr "Unknown macro: .$name [join $args " "]"
+ }
+ }
+# global nestStk; puts "$name [format "%-20s" $args] $nestStk"
+# flush stdout; flush stderr
+# font --
+# This procedure is invoked to handle font changes in the text
+# being output.
+# Arguments:
+# type - Type of font: R, I, B, or S.
+proc font type {
+ global textState
+ switch $type {
+ P -
+ R {
+ endFont
+ if {$textState == "REF"} {
+ set textState INSERT
+ }
+ }
+ B {
+ beginFont Code
+ if {$textState == "INSERT"} {
+ set textState REF
+ }
+ }
+ I {
+ beginFont Emphasis
+ }
+ S {
+ }
+ default {
+ puts stderr "Unknown font: $type"
+ }
+ }
+# formattedText --
+# Insert a text string that may also have \fB-style font changes
+# and a few other backslash sequences in it.
+# Arguments:
+# text - Text to insert.
+proc formattedText text {
+# puts "formattedText: $text"
+ while {$text != ""} {
+ set index [string first \\ $text]
+ if {$index < 0} {
+ text $text
+ return
+ }
+ text [string range $text 0 [expr $index-1]]
+ set c [string index $text [expr $index+1]]
+ switch -- $c {
+ f {
+ font [string index $text [expr $index+2]]
+ set text [string range $text [expr $index+3] end]
+ }
+ e {
+ text \\
+ set text [string range $text [expr $index+2] end]
+ }
+ - {
+ dash
+ set text [string range $text [expr $index+2] end]
+ }
+ | {
+ set text [string range $text [expr $index+2] end]
+ }
+ default {
+ puts stderr "Unknown sequence: \\$c"
+ set text [string range $text [expr $index+2] end]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# dash --
+# This procedure is invoked to handle dash characters ("\-" in
+# troff). It outputs a special dash character.
+# Arguments:
+# None.
+proc dash {} {
+ global textState charCnt
+ if {$textState == "NAME"} {
+ set textState 0
+ }
+ incr charCnt
+ text "-"
+# tab --
+# This procedure is invoked to handle tabs in the troff input.
+# Right now it does nothing.
+# Arguments:
+# None.
+proc tab {} {
+ global inPRE charCnt tabString
+# ? charCnt
+ if {$inPRE == 1} {
+ set pos [expr $charCnt % [string length $tabString] ]
+ set spaces [string first "1" [string range $tabString $pos end] ]
+ text [format "%*s" [incr spaces] " "]
+ } else {
+# puts "tab: found tab outside of <PRE> block"
+ }
+# setTabs --
+# This procedure handles the ".ta" macro, which sets tab stops.
+# Arguments:
+# tabList - List of tab stops, each consisting of a number
+# followed by "i" (inch) or "c" (cm).
+proc setTabs {tabList} {
+ global file breakPending tabString
+# puts "setTabs: --$tabList--"
+ set last 0
+ set tabString {}
+ set charsPerInch 14.
+ set numTabs [llength $tabList]
+ foreach arg $tabList {
+ if {[scan $arg "%f%s" distance units] != 2} {
+ puts stderr "bad distance \"$arg\""
+ return 0
+ }
+ switch -- $units {
+ c {
+ set distance [expr $distance * $charsPerInch / 2.54 ]
+ }
+ i {
+ set distance [expr $distance * $charsPerInch]
+ }
+ default {
+ puts stderr "bad units in distance \"$arg\""
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+# ? distance
+ lappend tabString [format "%*s1" [expr round($distance-$last-1)] " "]
+ set last $distance
+ }
+ set tabString [join $tabString {}]
+# puts "setTabs: --$tabString--"
+# lineBreak --
+# Generates a line break in the HTML output.
+# Arguments:
+# None.
+proc lineBreak {} {
+ global file inPRE
+ puts $file "<BR>"
+# newline --
+# This procedure is invoked to handle newlines in the troff input.
+# It outputs either a space character or a newline character, depending
+# on fill mode.
+# Arguments:
+# None.
+proc newline {} {
+ global noFillCount file inDT inPRE charCnt
+ if {$inDT != {} } {
+ puts $file "\n$inDT"
+ set inDT {}
+ } elseif {$noFillCount == 0 || $inPRE == 1} {
+ puts $file {}
+ } else {
+ lineBreak
+ incr noFillCount -1
+ }
+ set charCnt 0
+# char --
+# This procedure is called to handle a special character.
+# Arguments:
+# name - Special character named in troff \x or \(xx construct.
+proc char name {
+ global file charCnt
+ incr charCnt
+# puts "char: $name"
+ switch -exact $name {
+ \\0 { ;# \0
+ puts -nonewline $file " "
+ }
+ \\\\ { ;# \
+ puts -nonewline $file "\\"
+ }
+ \\(+- { ;# +/-
+ puts -nonewline $file "&#177;"
+ }
+ \\% {} ;# \%
+ \\| { ;# \|
+ }
+ default {
+ puts stderr "Unknown character: $name"
+ }
+ }
+# macro2 --
+# This procedure handles macros that are invoked with a leading "'"
+# character instead of space. Right now it just generates an
+# error diagnostic.
+# Arguments:
+# name - The name of the macro (without the ".").
+# args - Any additional arguments to the macro.
+proc macro2 {name args} {
+ puts stderr "Unknown macro: '$name [join $args " "]"
+# SHmacro --
+# Subsection head; handles the .SH macro.
+# Arguments:
+# name - Section name.
+proc SHmacro argList {
+ global file noFillCount textState charCnt
+ set args [join $argList " "]
+ if {[llength $argList] < 1} {
+ puts stderr "Bad .SH macro: .$name $args"
+ }
+ set noFillCount 0
+ nest reset
+ puts -nonewline $file "<H3>"
+ text $args
+ puts $file "</H3>"
+# ? args textState
+ # control what the text proc does with text
+ switch $args {
+ NAME {set textState NAME}
+ DESCRIPTION {set textState INSERT}
+ "SEE ALSO" {set textState SEE}
+ KEYWORDS {set textState 0}
+ }
+ set charCnt 0
+# IPmacro --
+# This procedure is invoked to handle ".IP" macros, which may take any
+# of the following forms:
+# .IP [1] Translate to a "1Step" paragraph.
+# .IP [x] (x > 1) Translate to a "Step" paragraph.
+# .IP Translate to a "Bullet" paragraph.
+# .IP text count Translate to a FirstBody paragraph with special
+# indent and tab stop based on "count", and tab after
+# "text".
+# Arguments:
+# argList - List of arguments to the .IP macro.
+# HTML limitations: 'count' in '.IP text count' is ignored.
+proc IPmacro argList {
+ global file
+ setTabs 0.5i
+ set length [llength $argList]
+ if {$length == 0} {
+ nest para UL LI
+ return
+ }
+ if {$length == 1} {
+ nest para OL LI
+ return
+ }
+ if {$length > 1} {
+ nest para DL DT
+ formattedText [lindex $argList 0]
+ puts $file "\n<DD>"
+ return
+ }
+ puts stderr "Bad .IP macro: .IP [join $argList " "]"
+# TPmacro --
+# This procedure is invoked to handle ".TP" macros, which may take any
+# of the following forms:
+# .TP x Translate to an indented paragraph with the
+# specified indent (in 100 twip units).
+# .TP Translate to an indented paragraph with
+# default indent.
+# Arguments:
+# argList - List of arguments to the .IP macro.
+# HTML limitations: 'x' in '.TP x' is ignored.
+proc TPmacro {argList} {
+ global inDT
+ nest para DL DT
+ set inDT "\n<DD>" ;# next newline writes inDT
+ setTabs 0.5i
+# THmacro --
+# This procedure handles the .TH macro. It generates the non-scrolling
+# header section for a given man page, and enters information into the
+# table of contents. The .TH macro has the following form:
+# .TH name section date footer header
+# Arguments:
+# argList - List of arguments to the .TH macro.
+proc THmacro {argList} {
+ global file
+ if {[llength $argList] != 5} {
+ set args [join $argList " "]
+ puts stderr "Bad .TH macro: .$name $args"
+ }
+ set name [lindex $argList 0] ;# Tcl_UpVar
+ set page [lindex $argList 1] ;# 3
+ set vers [lindex $argList 2] ;# 7.4
+ set lib [lindex $argList 3] ;# Tcl
+ set pname [lindex $argList 4] ;# {Tcl Library Procedures}
+ puts -nonewline $file "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>"
+ text "$lib - $name ($page)"
+ puts $file "</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "<H1><CENTER>"
+ text $pname
+ puts $file "</CENTER></H1>\n"
+# newPara --
+# This procedure sets the left and hanging indents for a line.
+# Indents are specified in units of inches or centimeters, and are
+# relative to the current nesting level and left margin.
+# Arguments:
+# None
+proc newPara {} {
+ global file nestStk
+ if {[lindex $nestStk end] != "NEW" } {
+ nest decr
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file "<P>"
+# nest --
+# This procedure takes care of inserting the tags associated with the
+# IP, TP, RS, RE, LP and PP macros. Only 'nest para' takes arguments.
+# Arguments:
+# op - operation: para, incr, decr, reset, init
+# listStart - begin list tag: OL, UL, DL.
+# listItem - item tag: LI, LI, DT.
+proc nest {op {listStart "NEW"} {listItem {} } } {
+ global file nestStk inDT charCnt
+# puts "nest: $op $listStart $listItem"
+ switch $op {
+ para {
+ set top [lindex $nestStk end]
+ if {$top == "NEW" } {
+ set nestStk [lreplace $nestStk end end $listStart]
+ puts $file "<$listStart>"
+ } elseif {$top != $listStart} {
+ puts stderr "nest para: bad stack"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ puts $file "\n<$listItem>"
+ set charCnt 0
+ }
+ incr {
+ lappend nestStk NEW
+ }
+ decr {
+ if {[llength $nestStk] == 0} {
+ puts stderr "nest error: nest length is zero"
+ set nestStk NEW
+ }
+ set tag [lindex $nestStk end]
+ if {$tag != "NEW"} {
+ puts $file "</$tag>"
+ }
+ set nestStk [lreplace $nestStk end end]
+ }
+ reset {
+ while {[llength $nestStk] > 0} {
+ nest decr
+ }
+ set nestStk NEW
+ }
+ init {
+ set nestStk NEW
+ set inDT {}
+ }
+ }
+ set charCnt 0
+# do --
+# This is the toplevel procedure that translates a man page
+# to Frame. It runs the man2tcl program to turn the man page
+# into a script, then it evals that script.
+# Arguments:
+# fileName - Name of the file to translate.
+proc do fileName {
+ global file self html_dir package footer
+ set self "[file tail $fileName].html"
+ set file [open "$html_dir/$package/$self" w]
+ puts " Pass 2 -- $fileName"
+ flush stdout
+ initGlobals
+ if [catch {eval [exec man2tcl [glob $fileName]]} msg] {
+ global errorInfo
+ puts stderr $msg
+ puts "in"
+ puts stderr $errorInfo
+ exit 1
+ }
+ nest reset
+ puts $file $footer
+ puts $file "</BODY></HTML>"
+ close $file