path: root/tools
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
2 files changed, 232 insertions, 166 deletions
diff --git a/tools/tcltk-man2html-utils.tcl b/tools/tcltk-man2html-utils.tcl
index e1a91a9..16e9a93 100644
--- a/tools/tcltk-man2html-utils.tcl
+++ b/tools/tcltk-man2html-utils.tcl
@@ -489,6 +489,16 @@ proc output-IP-list {context code rest} {
man-puts <P>
set dl "<DL class=\"[string tolower $manual(section)]\">"
+ set enddl "</DL>"
+ if {$code eq ".IP"} {
+ if {[regexp {^\[[\da-f]+\]$} $rest]} {
+ set dl "<OL class=\"[string tolower $manual(section)]\">"
+ set enddl "</OL>"
+ } elseif {"&#8226;" eq $rest} {
+ set dl "<UL class=\"[string tolower $manual(section)]\">"
+ set enddl "</UL>"
+ }
+ }
man-puts $dl
lappend manual(section-toc) $dl
backup-text 1
@@ -504,11 +514,12 @@ proc output-IP-list {context code rest} {
output-IP-list .IP $code $rest
- if {$manual(section) eq "ARGUMENTS" || \
- [regexp {^\[\d+\]$} $rest]} {
+ if {$manual(section) eq "ARGUMENTS"} {
man-puts "$para<DT>$rest<DD>"
+ } elseif {[regexp {^\[([\da-f]+)\]$} $rest -> value]} {
+ man-puts "$para<LI value=\"$value\">"
} elseif {"&#8226;" eq $rest} {
- man-puts "$para<DT><DD>$rest&nbsp;"
+ man-puts "$para<LI>"
} else {
man-puts "$para<DT>[long-toc $rest]<DD>"
@@ -542,14 +553,13 @@ proc output-IP-list {context code rest} {
} elseif {[match-text @rest .RE]} {
# gad, this is getting ridiculous
if {!$accept_RE} {
- man-puts "</DL><P>$rest<DL>"
+ man-puts "$enddl<P>$rest$dl"
backup-text 1
set para {}
- } else {
- man-puts "<P>$rest"
- incr accept_RE -1
+ man-puts "<P>$rest"
+ incr accept_RE -1
} elseif {$accept_RE} {
output-directive $line
} else {
@@ -574,8 +584,8 @@ proc output-IP-list {context code rest} {
set para <P>
- man-puts "$para</DL>"
- lappend manual(section-toc) </DL>
+ man-puts "$para$enddl"
+ lappend manual(section-toc) $enddl
if {$accept_RE} {
manerror "missing .RE in output-IP-list"
@@ -611,31 +621,44 @@ proc output-name {line} {
proc cross-reference {ref} {
global manual remap_link_target
global ensemble_commands exclude_refs_map exclude_when_followed_by_map
- set lref [string tolower $ref]
+ set manname $manual(name)
+ set mantail $manual(tail)
if {[string match "Tcl_*" $ref] || [string match "Tk_*" $ref]} {
set lref $ref
+ ##
+ ## apply a link remapping if available
+ ##
+ if {[info exists remap_link_target($lref)]} {
+ set lref $remap_link_target($lref)
+ }
} elseif {$ref eq "Tcl"} {
set lref $ref
} elseif {
[regexp {^[A-Z0-9 ?!]+$} $ref]
- && [info exists manual($manual(name)-id-$ref)]
+ && [info exists manual($manname-id-$ref)]
} {
- return "<A HREF=\"#$manual($manual(name)-id-$ref)\">$ref</A>"
- }
- ##
- ## apply a link remapping if available
- ##
- if {[info exists remap_link_target($lref)]} {
- set lref $remap_link_target($lref)
+ return "<A HREF=\"#$manual($manname-id-$ref)\">$ref</A>"
+ } else {
+ set lref [string tolower $ref]
+ ##
+ ## apply a link remapping if available
+ ##
+ if {[info exists remap_link_target($lref)]} {
+ set lref $remap_link_target($lref)
+ }
## nothing to reference
if {![info exists manual(name-$lref)]} {
foreach name $ensemble_commands {
- if {[regexp "^$name \[a-z0-9]*\$" $lref] && \
- [info exists manual(name-$name)] && \
- $manual(tail) ne "$name.n"} {
+ if {
+ [regexp "^$name \[a-z0-9]*\$" $lref] &&
+ [info exists manual(name-$name)] &&
+ $mantail ne "$name.n" &&
+ (![info exists exclude_refs_map($mantail)] ||
+ $manual(name-$name) ni $exclude_refs_map($mantail))
+ } {
return "<A HREF=\"../$manual(name-$name).htm\">$ref</A>"
@@ -644,43 +667,45 @@ proc cross-reference {ref} {
return $ref
+ set manref $manual(name-$lref)
## would be a self reference
- foreach name $manual(name-$lref) {
- if {"$manual(wing-file)/$manual(name)" in $name} {
+ foreach name $manref {
+ if {"$manual(wing-file)/$manname" in $name} {
return $ref
## multiple choices for reference
- if {[llength $manual(name-$lref)] > 1} {
- set tcl_i [lsearch -glob $manual(name-$lref) *TclCmd*]
- set tcl_ref [lindex $manual(name-$lref) $tcl_i]
- set tk_i [lsearch -glob $manual(name-$lref) *TkCmd*]
- set tk_ref [lindex $manual(name-$lref) $tk_i]
+ if {[llength $manref] > 1} {
+ set tcl_i [lsearch -glob $manref *TclCmd*]
if {$tcl_i >= 0 && $manual(wing-file) eq "TclCmd"
|| $manual(wing-file) eq "TclLib"} {
+ set tcl_ref [lindex $manref $tcl_i]
return "<A HREF=\"../$tcl_ref.htm\">$ref</A>"
+ set tk_i [lsearch -glob $manref *TkCmd*]
if {$tk_i >= 0 && $manual(wing-file) eq "TkCmd"
|| $manual(wing-file) eq "TkLib"} {
+ set tk_ref [lindex $manref $tk_i]
return "<A HREF=\"../$tk_ref.htm\">$ref</A>"
- if {$lref eq "exit" && $manual(tail) eq "tclsh.1" && $tcl_i >= 0} {
+ if {$lref eq "exit" && $mantail eq "tclsh.1" && $tcl_i >= 0} {
+ set tcl_ref [lindex $manref $tcl_i]
return "<A HREF=\"../$tcl_ref.htm\">$ref</A>"
- puts stderr "multiple cross reference to $ref in $manual(name-$lref) from $manual(wing-file)/$manual(tail)"
+ puts stderr "multiple cross reference to $ref in $manref from $manual(wing-file)/$mantail"
return $ref
## exceptions, sigh, to the rule
- if {[info exists exclude_when_followed_by_map($manual(tail))]} {
+ if {[info exists exclude_when_followed_by_map($mantail)]} {
upvar 1 tail tail
set following_word [lindex [regexp -inline {\S+} $tail] 0]
- foreach {this that} $exclude_when_followed_by_map($manual(tail)) {
+ foreach {this that} $exclude_when_followed_by_map($mantail) {
# only a ref if $this is not followed by $that
if {$lref eq $this && [string match $that* $following_word]} {
return $ref
@@ -688,15 +713,15 @@ proc cross-reference {ref} {
if {
- [info exists exclude_refs_map($manual(tail))]
- && $lref in $exclude_refs_map($manual(tail))
+ [info exists exclude_refs_map($mantail)]
+ && $lref in $exclude_refs_map($mantail)
} {
return $ref
## return the cross reference
- return "<A HREF=\"../$manual(name-$lref).htm\">$ref</A>"
+ return "<A HREF=\"../$manref.htm\">$ref</A>"
## reference generation errors
@@ -711,148 +736,170 @@ proc reference-error {msg text} {
proc insert-cross-references {text} {
global manual
- ##
- ## we identify cross references by:
- ## ``quotation''
- ## <B>emboldening</B>
- ## Tcl_ prefix
- ## Tk_ prefix
- ## [a-zA-Z0-9]+ manual entry
- ## and we avoid messing with already anchored text
- ##
- ##
- ## find where each item lives
- ##
- array set offset [list \
- anchor [string first {<A } $text] \
- end-anchor [string first {</A>} $text] \
- quote [string first {``} $text] \
- end-quote [string first {''} $text] \
- bold [string first {<B>} $text] \
- end-bold [string first {</B>} $text] \
- tcl [string first {Tcl_} $text] \
- tk [string first {Tk_} $text] \
- Tcl1 [string first {Tcl manual entry} $text] \
- Tcl2 [string first {Tcl overview manual entry} $text] \
- ]
- ##
- ## accumulate a list
- ##
- foreach name [array names offset] {
- if {$offset($name) >= 0} {
- set invert($offset($name)) $name
- lappend offsets $offset($name)
- }
- }
- ##
- ## if nothing, then we're done.
- ##
- if {![info exists offsets]} {
- return $text
- }
- ##
- ## sort the offsets
- ##
- set offsets [lsort -integer $offsets]
- ##
- ## see which we want to use
- ##
- switch -exact -- $invert([lindex $offsets 0]) {
- anchor {
- if {$offset(end-anchor) < 0} {
- return [reference-error {Missing end anchor} $text]
+ set result ""
+ while 1 {
+ ##
+ ## we identify cross references by:
+ ## ``quotation''
+ ## <B>emboldening</B>
+ ## Tcl_ prefix
+ ## Tk_ prefix
+ ## [a-zA-Z0-9]+ manual entry
+ ## and we avoid messing with already anchored text
+ ##
+ ##
+ ## find where each item lives - EXPENSIVE - and accumulate a list
+ ##
+ unset -nocomplain offsets
+ foreach {name pattern} {
+ anchor {<A } end-anchor {</A>}
+ quote {``} end-quote {''}
+ bold {<B>} end-bold {</B>}
+ tcl {Tcl_}
+ tk {Tk_}
+ Tcl1 {Tcl manual entry}
+ Tcl2 {Tcl overview manual entry}
+ url {http://}
+ } {
+ set o [string first $pattern $text]
+ if {[set offset($name) $o] >= 0} {
+ set invert($o) $name
+ lappend offsets $o
- set head [string range $text 0 $offset(end-anchor)]
- set tail [string range $text [expr {$offset(end-anchor)+1}] end]
- return $head[insert-cross-references $tail]
- quote {
- if {$offset(end-quote) < 0} {
- return [reference-error "Missing end quote" $text]
- }
- if {$invert([lindex $offsets 1]) eq "tk"} {
- set offsets [lreplace $offsets 1 1]
- }
- if {$invert([lindex $offsets 1]) eq "tcl"} {
- set offsets [lreplace $offsets 1 1]
+ ##
+ ## if nothing, then we're done.
+ ##
+ if {![info exists offsets]} {
+ return [append result $text]
+ }
+ ##
+ ## sort the offsets
+ ##
+ set offsets [lsort -integer $offsets]
+ ##
+ ## see which we want to use
+ ##
+ switch -exact -- $invert([lindex $offsets 0]) {
+ anchor {
+ if {$offset(end-anchor) < 0} {
+ return [reference-error {Missing end anchor} $text]
+ }
+ append result [string range $text 0 $offset(end-anchor)]
+ set text [string range $text[set text ""] \
+ [expr {$offset(end-anchor)+1}] end]
+ continue
- switch -exact -- $invert([lindex $offsets 1]) {
- end-quote {
- set head [string range $text 0 [expr {$offset(quote)-1}]]
- set body [string range $text [expr {$offset(quote)+2}] \
- [expr {$offset(end-quote)-1}]]
- set tail [string range $text \
- [expr {$offset(end-quote)+2}] end]
- return "$head``[cross-reference $body]''[insert-cross-references $tail]"
+ quote {
+ if {$offset(end-quote) < 0} {
+ return [reference-error "Missing end quote" $text]
- bold -
- anchor {
- set head [string range $text \
- 0 [expr {$offset(end-quote)+1}]]
- set tail [string range $text \
- [expr {$offset(end-quote)+2}] end]
- return "$head[insert-cross-references $tail]"
+ if {$invert([lindex $offsets 1]) in {tcl tk}} {
+ set offsets [lreplace $offsets 1 1]
+ switch -exact -- $invert([lindex $offsets 1]) {
+ end-quote {
+ append result [string range $text 0 [expr {$offset(quote)-1}]]
+ set body [string range $text [expr {$offset(quote)+2}] \
+ [expr {$offset(end-quote)-1}]]
+ set text [string range $text[set text ""] \
+ [expr {$offset(end-quote)+2}] end]
+ set tail $text
+ append result `` [cross-reference $body] ''
+ continue
+ }
+ bold -
+ anchor {
+ append result [string range $text \
+ 0 [expr {$offset(end-quote)+1}]]
+ set text [string range $text[set text ""] \
+ [expr {$offset(end-quote)+2}] end]
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ return [reference-error "Uncaught quote case" $text]
- return [reference-error "Uncaught quote case" $text]
- }
- bold {
- if {$offset(end-bold) < 0} {
- return $text
- }
- if {$invert([lindex $offsets 1]) eq "tk"} {
- set offsets [lreplace $offsets 1 1]
- }
- if {$invert([lindex $offsets 1]) eq "tcl"} {
- set offsets [lreplace $offsets 1 1]
+ bold {
+ if {$offset(end-bold) < 0} {
+ return [append result $text]
+ }
+ if {$invert([lindex $offsets 1]) in {tcl tk}} {
+ set offsets [lreplace $offsets 1 1]
+ }
+ switch -exact -- $invert([lindex $offsets 1]) {
+ url - end-bold {
+ append result \
+ [string range $text 0 [expr {$offset(bold)-1}]]
+ set body [string range $text [expr {$offset(bold)+3}] \
+ [expr {$offset(end-bold)-1}]]
+ set text [string range $text[set text ""] \
+ [expr {$offset(end-bold)+4}] end]
+ set tail $text
+ regsub {http://[\w/.]+} $body {<A HREF="&">&</A>} body
+ append result <B> [cross-reference $body] </B>
+ continue
+ }
+ anchor {
+ append result \
+ [string range $text 0 [expr {$offset(end-bold)+3}]]
+ set text [string range $text[set text ""] \
+ [expr {$offset(end-bold)+4}] end]
+ continue
+ }
+ default {
+ return [reference-error "Uncaught bold case" $text]
+ }
+ }
- switch -exact -- $invert([lindex $offsets 1]) {
- end-bold {
- set head [string range $text 0 [expr {$offset(bold)-1}]]
- set body [string range $text [expr {$offset(bold)+3}] \
- [expr {$offset(end-bold)-1}]]
- set tail [string range $text \
- [expr {$offset(end-bold)+4}] end]
- return "$head<B>[cross-reference $body]</B>[insert-cross-references $tail]"
+ tk {
+ append result [string range $text 0 [expr {$offset(tk)-1}]]
+ if {![regexp -indices -start $offset(tk) {Tk_\w+} $text range]} {
+ return [reference-error "Tk regexp failed" $text]
- anchor {
- set head [string range $text \
- 0 [expr {$offset(end-bold)+3}]]
- set tail [string range $text \
- [expr {$offset(end-bold)+4}] end]
- return "$head[insert-cross-references $tail]"
+ set body [string range $text {*}$range]
+ set text [string range $text[set text ""] \
+ [expr {[lindex $range 1]+1}] end]
+ set tail $text
+ append result [cross-reference $body]
+ continue
+ }
+ tcl {
+ append result [string range $text 0 [expr {$offset(tcl)-1}]]
+ if {![regexp -indices -start $offset(tcl) {Tcl_\w+} $text range]} {
+ return [reference-error "Tcl regexp failed" $text]
+ set body [string range $text {*}$range]
+ set text [string range $text[set text ""] \
+ [expr {[lindex $range 1]+1}] end]
+ set tail $text
+ append result [cross-reference $body]
+ continue
- return [reference-error "Uncaught bold case" $text]
- }
- tk {
- set head [string range $text 0 [expr {$offset(tk)-1}]]
- set tail [string range $text $offset(tk) end]
- if {![regexp {^(Tk_\w+)(.*)$} $tail all body tail]} {
- return [reference-error "Tk regexp failed" $text]
+ Tcl1 -
+ Tcl2 {
+ set off [lindex $offsets 0]
+ append result [string range $text 0 [expr {$off-1}]]
+ set text [string range $text[set text ""] [expr {$off+3}] end]
+ set tail $text
+ append result [cross-reference Tcl]
+ continue
- return $head[cross-reference $body][insert-cross-references $tail]
- }
- tcl {
- set head [string range $text 0 [expr {$offset(tcl)-1}]]
- set tail [string range $text $offset(tcl) end]
- if {![regexp {^(Tcl_\w+)(.*)$} $tail all body tail]} {
- return [reference-error {Tcl regexp failed} $text]
+ url {
+ set off [lindex $offsets 0]
+ append result [string range $text 0 [expr {$off-1}]]
+ regexp -indices -start $off {http://[\w/.]+} $text range
+ set url [string range $text {*}$range]
+ append result "<A HREF=\"$url\">" $url "</A>"
+ set text [string range $text[set text ""] \
+ [expr {[lindex $range 1]+1}] end]
+ continue
+ }
+ end-anchor -
+ end-bold -
+ end-quote {
+ return [reference-error "Out of place $invert([lindex $offsets 0])" $text]
- return $head[cross-reference $body][insert-cross-references $tail]
- }
- Tcl1 -
- Tcl2 {
- set off [lindex $offsets 0]
- set head [string range $text 0 [expr {$off-1}]]
- set body Tcl
- set tail [string range $text [expr {$off+3}] end]
- return $head[cross-reference $body][insert-cross-references $tail]
- }
- end-anchor -
- end-bold -
- end-quote {
- return [reference-error "Out of place $invert([lindex $offsets 0])" $text]
diff --git a/tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl b/tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl
index c528153..33d9ff9 100755
--- a/tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl
+++ b/tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl
@@ -810,11 +810,27 @@ array set remap_link_target {
stdin Tcl_GetStdChannel
stdout Tcl_GetStdChannel
stderr Tcl_GetStdChannel
- safe {Safe&nbsp;Base}
style ttk::style
{style map} ttk::style
+ {tk busy} busy
+ library auto_execok
+ safe-tcl safe
+ tclvars env
+ tcl_break catch
+ tcl_continue catch
+ tcl_error catch
+ tcl_ok catch
+ tcl_return catch
+ int() mathfunc
+ wide() mathfunc
+ packagens pkg::create
+ pkgMkIndex pkg_mkIndex
+ pkg_mkIndex pkg_mkIndex
+ Tcl_Obj Tcl_NewObj
+ Tcl_ObjType Tcl_RegisterObjType
array set exclude_refs_map {
+ bind.n {button destroy option}
clock.n {next}
history.n {exec}
next.n {unknown}
@@ -822,13 +838,16 @@ array set exclude_refs_map {
canvas.n {bitmap text}
checkbutton.n {image}
clipboard.n {string}
+ interp.n {time}
menu.n {checkbutton radiobutton}
options.n {bitmap image set}
radiobutton.n {image}
+ safe.n {join split}
scrollbar.n {set}
selection.n {string}
tcltest.n {error}
tkvars.n {tk}
+ tm.n {exec}
ttk_checkbutton.n {variable}
ttk_combobox.n {selection}
ttk_entry.n {focus variable}