From f0c90cb3e57992ace7caa6e80973c7c5c9812ceb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dkf <>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 13:53:33 +0000
Subject: Cleanup and ANSIfy

 ChangeLog          |   40 +-
 tests/ioCmd.test   | 1417 +++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------
 win/tclWinSerial.c |  330 ++++++------
 3 files changed, 660 insertions(+), 1127 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index af4e5a5..515f488 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,38 +1,44 @@
+2005-10-31  Donal K. Fellows  <>
+	* win/tclWinSerial.c (SerialSetOptionProc): Cleaned up option parsing
+	to produce more informative error messages and separate error and
+	non-error code paths better.
+	* tests/ioCmd.test (iocmd-8-19): Updated.
 2005-10-29  Miguel Sofer <>
-	* generic/tclTrace.c (TraceVarProc): [Bug 1337229], partial
-	fix. Insure that a second call with TCL_TRACE_DESTROYED does not
-	lead to a second call to Tcl_EventuallyFree(). It is still true
-	that that second call should not happen, so the bug is not
-	completely fixed.
-	* tests/trace.test (test-18.3-4): added tests for bugs #1337229
-	and 1338280.
+	* generic/tclTrace.c (TraceVarProc): [Bug 1337229], partial fix.
+	Ensure that a second call with TCL_TRACE_DESTROYED does not lead to a
+	second call to Tcl_EventuallyFree(). It is still true that that second
+	call should not happen, so the bug is not completely fixed.
+	* tests/trace.test (test-18.3-4): added tests for [Bug 1337229] and
+	[Bug 1338280].
 2005-10-23  Vince Darley  <>
-	* generic/tclFileName.c: fix to memory leak in glob [Bug 1335006]
-	Obj leak detection and patch by Eric Melbardis.
+	* generic/tclFileName.c: fix to memory leak in glob [Bug 1335006] Obj
+	leak detection and patch by Eric Melbardis.
 	* tests/fCmd.test:
-	* win/tclWinFile.c: where appropriate windows API is available, try
-	to set 'nlink' and 'ino' stat fields (previously they were always 0).
+	* win/tclWinFile.c: where appropriate windows API is available, try to
+	set 'nlink' and 'ino' stat fields (previously they were always 0).
 	[Bug 1325803]
 2005-10-22  Miguel Sofer  <>
 	* tests/foreach.test (foreach-8.1): added test for [Bug 1189274]
 2005-10-22  Miguel Sofer  <>
-	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_INCR_*): fixed [Bug 1334570]. Obj
-	leak detection and patch by Eric Melbardis.
+	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_INCR_*): fixed [Bug 1334570]. Obj leak
+	detection and patch by Eric Melbardis.
 2005-10-21  Kevin B. Kenny  <>
 	* generic/tclStrToD.c (RefineApproximation): Plugged a memory leak
-	where two intermediate results were not freed on one return path.
-	[Bug 1334461]. Thanks to Eric Melbardis for the patch.
+	where two intermediate results were not freed on one return path. [Bug
+	1334461]. Thanks to Eric Melbardis for the patch.
 2005-10-21  Donal K. Fellows  <>
 	* doc/binary.n: Clarify that virtually all code that uses the 'h'
diff --git a/tests/ioCmd.test b/tests/ioCmd.test
index 2c95b13..7c018ae 100644
--- a/tests/ioCmd.test
+++ b/tests/ioCmd.test
@@ -13,14 +13,19 @@
 # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
 # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# RCS: @(#) $Id: ioCmd.test,v 1.24 2005/08/24 17:56:24 andreas_kupries Exp $
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: ioCmd.test,v 1.25 2005/10/31 13:53:33 dkf Exp $
 if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
-    package require tcltest
+    package require tcltest 2
     namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
-testConstraint fcopy [llength [info commands fcopy]]
+# Custom constraints used in this file
+testConstraint fcopy		[llength [info commands fcopy]]
+testConstraint testchannel	[llength [info commands testchannel]]
+testConstraint testthread	[llength [info commands testthread]]
 test iocmd-1.1 {puts command} {
    list [catch {puts} msg] $msg
@@ -62,7 +67,6 @@ test iocmd-1.8 {puts command} {
     file size $path(test1)
 } 9
 test iocmd-2.1 {flush command} {
    list [catch {flush} msg] $msg
 } {1 {wrong # args: should be "flush channelId"}}
@@ -250,14 +254,12 @@ test iocmd-8.11 {fconfigure command} {
     close $chan
     set res
 } {1 {bad option "-froboz": should be one of -blocking, -buffering, -buffersize, -encoding, -eofchar, or -translation}}
 test iocmd-8.12 {fconfigure command} {
     set chan [open $path(fconfigure.dummy) r]
     set res [list [catch {fconfigure $chan -b blarfo} msg] $msg]
     close $chan
     set res
 } {1 {bad option "-b": should be one of -blocking, -buffering, -buffersize, -encoding, -eofchar, or -translation}}
 test iocmd-8.13 {fconfigure command} {
     set chan [open $path(fconfigure.dummy) r]
     set res [list [catch {fconfigure $chan -buffer blarfo} msg] $msg]
@@ -270,62 +272,75 @@ removeFile fconfigure.dummy
 test iocmd-8.14 {fconfigure command} {
     fconfigure stdin -buffers
 } 4096
-proc iocmdSSETUP {} {
-    uplevel {
-	set srv [socket -server iocmdSRV 0]
-	set port [lindex [fconfigure $srv -sockname] 2]
-	proc iocmdSRV {sock ip port} {close $sock}
-	set cli [socket $port]
-    }
-proc iocmdSSHTDWN {} {
-    uplevel {
-	close $cli
-	close $srv
-	unset cli srv port
-	rename iocmdSRV {}
-    }
-test iocmd-8.15.1 {fconfigure command / tcp channel} {socket unixOrPc} {
-	iocmdSSETUP
-	set r [list [catch {fconfigure $cli -blah} msg] $msg]
-	iocmdSSHTDWN
-	set r
-} {1 {bad option "-blah": should be one of -blocking, -buffering, -buffersize, -encoding, -eofchar, -translation, -peername, or -sockname}}
-test iocmd-8.16 {fconfigure command / tcp channel} {socket} {
-	iocmdSSETUP
-	set r [expr [lindex [fconfigure $cli -peername] 2]==$port]
-	iocmdSSHTDWN
-	set r
-} 1
-test iocmd-8.17 {fconfigure command / tcp channel} {nonPortable} {
-	# It is possible that you don't get the connection reset by peer
-        # error but rather a valid answer. depends of the tcp implementation
-	iocmdSSETUP
-	update;
-	puts $cli "blah"; flush $cli; # that flush could/should fail too
-	update;
-	set r [catch {fconfigure $cli -peername} msg]
-	iocmdSSHTDWN
-	regsub -all {can([^:])+: } $r {} r;
-	set r
-} 1
-test iocmd-8.18 {fconfigure command / unix tty channel} {nonPortable unix} {
-	# might fail if /dev/ttya is unavailable
-	set tty [open /dev/ttya]
-	set r [list [catch {fconfigure $tty -blah blih} msg] $msg];
-	close $tty;
-	set r;
-} {1 {bad option "-blah": should be one of -blocking, -buffering, -buffersize, -encoding, -eofchar, -translation, or -mode}}
-test iocmd-8.19 {fconfigure command / win tty channel} {nonPortable win} {
-	# might fail if com1 is unavailable
-	set tty [open com1]
-	set r [list [catch {fconfigure $tty -blah blih} msg] $msg];
-	close $tty;
-	set r;
-} {1 {bad option "-blah": should be one of -blocking, -buffering, -buffersize, -encoding, -eofchar, -translation, -mode, or -pollinterval}}
+test iocmd-8.15.1 {fconfigure command / tcp channel} -constraints {socket unixOrPc} -setup {
+    set srv [socket -server iocmdSRV 0]
+    set port [lindex [fconfigure $srv -sockname] 2]
+    proc iocmdSRV {sock ip port} {close $sock}
+    set cli [socket $port]
+} -body {
+    fconfigure $cli -blah
+} -cleanup {
+    close $cli
+    close $srv
+    unset cli srv port
+    rename iocmdSRV {}
+} -returnCodes error -result {bad option "-blah": should be one of -blocking, -buffering, -buffersize, -encoding, -eofchar, -translation, -peername, or -sockname}
+test iocmd-8.16 {fconfigure command / tcp channel} -constraints socket -setup {
+    set srv [socket -server iocmdSRV 0]
+    set port [lindex [fconfigure $srv -sockname] 2]
+    proc iocmdSRV {sock ip port} {close $sock}
+    set cli [socket $port]
+} -body {
+    expr {[lindex [fconfigure $cli -peername] 2] == $port}
+} -cleanup {
+    close $cli
+    close $srv
+    unset cli srv port
+    rename iocmdSRV {}
+} -result 1
+test iocmd-8.17 {fconfigure command / tcp channel} -constraints nonPortable -setup {
+    set srv [socket -server iocmdSRV 0]
+    set port [lindex [fconfigure $srv -sockname] 2]
+    proc iocmdSRV {sock ip port} {close $sock}
+    set cli [socket $port]
+} -body {
+    # It is possible that you don't get the connection reset by peer
+    # error but rather a valid answer. Depends on the tcp implementation
+    update
+    puts $cli "blah"
+    flush $cli;			# that flush could/should fail too
+    update
+    regsub -all {can([^:])+: } [catch {fconfigure $cli -peername} msg] {}
+} -cleanup {
+    close $cli
+    close $srv
+    unset cli srv port
+    rename iocmdSRV {}
+} -result 1
+test iocmd-8.18 {fconfigure command / unix tty channel} -constraints {nonPortable unix} -setup {
+    set tty ""
+} -body {
+    # might fail if /dev/ttya is unavailable
+    set tty [open /dev/ttya]
+    fconfigure $tty -blah blih
+} -cleanup {
+    if {$tty ne ""} {
+	close $tty
+    }
+} -returnCodes error -result {bad option "-blah": should be one of -blocking, -buffering, -buffersize, -encoding, -eofchar, -translation, or -mode}
+test iocmd-8.19 {fconfigure command / win tty channel} -constraints {nonPortable win} -setup {
+    set tty ""
+} -body {
+    # might fail early if com1 is unavailable
+    set tty [open com1]
+    fconfigure $tty -blah blih
+} -cleanup {
+    if {$tty ne ""} {
+	close $tty
+    }
+} -returnCodes error -result {bad option "-blah": should be one of -blocking, -buffering, -buffersize, -encoding, -eofchar, -translation, -mode, -handshake, -pollinterval, -sysbuffer, -timeout, -ttycontrol, or -xchar}
+# TODO: Test parsing of serial channel options (nonportable, since requires an
+# open channel to work with).
 test iocmd-9.1 {eof command} {
     list [catch {eof} msg] $msg $errorCode
@@ -449,7 +464,7 @@ test iocmd-12.10 {POSIX open access modes: BINARY} {
 } 5
 test iocmd-12.11 {POSIX open access modes: BINARY} {
     set f [open $path(test1) {WRONLY BINARY TRUNC}]
-    puts $f \u0248	;# gets truncated to \u0048
+    puts $f \u0248		;# gets truncated to \u0048
     close $f
     set f [open $path(test1) r]
     fconfigure $f -translation binary
@@ -476,7 +491,7 @@ test iocmd-13.5 {errors in open command} {
 test iocmd-13.6 {errors in open command} {
     set msg [list [catch {open _non_existent_} msg] $msg $errorCode]
     regsub [file join {} _non_existent_] $msg "_non_existent_" msg
-	string tolower $msg
+    string tolower $msg
 } {1 {couldn't open "_non_existent_": no such file or directory} {posix enoent {no such file or directory}}}
 test iocmd-13.7 {errors in open command} {
     list [catch {open $path(test1) b} msg] $msg
@@ -541,10 +556,8 @@ test iocmd-15.5 {Tcl_FcopyObjCmd} {fcopy} {
 } {1 {wrong # args: should be "fcopy input output ?-size size? ?-command callback?"}}
 set path(test2) [makeFile {} test2]
 set f [open $path(test1) w]
 close $f
 set rfile [open $path(test1) r]
 set wfile [open $path(test2) w]
@@ -580,7 +593,6 @@ test iocmd-20.0 {chan, wrong#args} {
     catch {chan} msg
     set msg
 } {wrong # args: should be "chan subcommand ?argument ...?"}
 test iocmd-20.1 {chan, unknown method} {
     catch {chan foo} msg
     set msg
@@ -593,120 +605,102 @@ test iocmd-21.0 {chan create, wrong#args, not enough} {
     catch {chan create} msg
     set msg
 } {wrong # args: should be "chan create mode cmdprefix"}
 test iocmd-21.1 {chan create, wrong#args, too many} {
     catch {chan create a b c} msg
     set msg
 } {wrong # args: should be "chan create mode cmdprefix"}
 test iocmd-21.2 {chan create, invalid r/w mode, empty} {
     proc foo {} {}
     catch {chan create {} foo} msg
     rename foo {}
     set msg
 } {bad mode list: is empty}
 test iocmd-21.3 {chan create, invalid r/w mode, bad string} {
     proc foo {} {}
     catch {chan create {c} foo} msg
     rename foo {}
     set msg
 } {bad mode "c": must be read or write}
 test iocmd-21.4 {chan create, bad handler, not a list} {
     catch {chan create {r w} "foo \{"} msg
     set msg
 } {unmatched open brace in list}
 test iocmd-21.5 {chan create, bad handler, not a command} {
     catch {chan create {r w} foo} msg
     set msg
 } {Initialize failure: invalid command name "foo"}
 test iocmd-21.6 {chan create, initialize failed, bad signature} {
     proc foo {} {}
     catch {chan create {r w} foo} msg
     rename foo {}
     set msg
 } {Initialize failure: wrong # args: should be "foo"}
 test iocmd-21.7 {chan create, initialize failed, bad signature} {
     proc foo {} {}
     catch {chan create {r w} ::foo} msg
     rename foo {}
     set msg
 } {Initialize failure: wrong # args: should be "::foo"}
 test iocmd-21.8 {chan create, initialize failed, bad result, not a list} {
     proc foo {args} {return "\{"}
     catch {chan create {r w} foo} msg
     rename foo {}
     set msg
 } {Initialize failure: unmatched open brace in list}
 test iocmd-21.9 {chan create, initialize failed, bad result, not a list} {
     proc foo {args} {return \{\{\}}
     catch {chan create {r w} foo} msg
     rename foo {}
     set msg
 } {Initialize failure: unmatched open brace in list}
 test iocmd-21.10 {chan create, initialize failed, bad result, empty list} {
     proc foo {args} {}
     catch {chan create {r w} foo} msg
     rename foo {}
     set msg
 } {Initialize failure: Not all required methods supported}
 test iocmd-21.11 {chan create, initialize failed, bad result, bogus method name} {
     proc foo {args} {return 1}
     catch {chan create {r w} foo} msg
     rename foo {}
     set msg
 } {Initialize failure: bad method "1": must be blocking, cget, cgetall, configure, finalize, initialize, read, seek, watch, or write}
 test iocmd-21.12 {chan create, initialize failed, bad result, ambiguous method name} {
     proc foo {args} {return {a b c}}
     catch {chan create {r w} foo} msg
     rename foo {}
     set msg
 } {Initialize failure: ambiguous method "c": must be blocking, cget, cgetall, configure, finalize, initialize, read, seek, watch, or write}
 test iocmd-21.13 {chan create, initialize failed, bad result, required methods missing} {
     proc foo {args} {return {initialize finalize}}
     catch {chan create {r w} foo} msg
     rename foo {}
     set msg
 } {Initialize failure: Not all required methods supported}
 test iocmd-21.14 {chan create, initialize failed, bad result, mode/handler mismatch} {
     proc foo {args} {return {initialize finalize watch read}}
     catch {chan create {r w} foo} msg
     rename foo {}
     set msg
 } {Initialize failure: Writing not supported, but requested}
 test iocmd-21.15 {chan create, initialize failed, bad result, mode/handler mismatch} {
     proc foo {args} {return {initialize finalize watch write}}
     catch {chan create {r w} foo} msg
     rename foo {}
     set msg
 } {Initialize failure: Reading not supported, but requested}
 test iocmd-21.16 {chan create, initialize failed, bad result, cget(all) mismatch} {
     proc foo {args} {return {initialize finalize watch cget write read}}
     catch {chan create {r w} foo} msg
     rename foo {}
     set msg
 } {Initialize failure: 'cgetall' not supported, but should be, as 'cget' is}
 test iocmd-21.17 {chan create, initialize failed, bad result, cget(all) mismatch} {
     proc foo {args} {return {initialize finalize watch cgetall read write}}
     catch {chan create {r w} foo} msg
     rename foo {}
     set msg
 } {Initialize failure: 'cget' not supported, but should be, as 'cgetall' is}
 test iocmd-21.18 {chan create, initialize ok, creates channel} -match glob -body {
     proc foo {args} {
 	global  res
@@ -722,7 +716,6 @@ test iocmd-21.18 {chan create, initialize ok, creates channel} -match glob -body
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{} {initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} {} {}}
 test iocmd-21.19 {chan create, init failure -> no channel, no finalize} -match glob -body {
     proc foo {args} {
 	global  res
@@ -741,8 +734,8 @@ test iocmd-21.19 {chan create, init failure -> no channel, no finalize} -match g
 # --- --- --- --------- --------- ---------
 # Helper commands to record the arguments to handler methods.
-proc note  {item}  {global res ; lappend res $item ; return}
-proc track {}      {upvar args item ; note $item; return}
+proc note  {item}  {global res; lappend res $item; return}
+proc track {}      {upvar args item; note $item; return}
 proc notes {items} {foreach i $items {note $i}}
 # Helper command, canned result for 'initialize' method.
@@ -753,14 +746,12 @@ proc init {args} {
     lappend args initialize finalize watch read write
     return -code return $args
 proc oninit {args} {
     upvar args hargs
     if {[lindex $hargs 0] ne "initialize"} {return}
     lappend args initialize finalize watch read write
     return -code return $args
 proc onfinal {} {
     upvar args hargs
     if {[lindex $hargs 0] ne "finalize"} {return}
@@ -772,110 +763,81 @@ proc onfinal {} {
 test iocmd-22.1 {chan finalize, handler destruction has no effect on channel} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit; return}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; return}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
     rename foo {}
     note [file channels rc*]
-    note [catch {close $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {close $c} msg]; note $msg
     note [file channels rc*]
     set res
 } -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* rc* 1 {invalid command name "foo"} {}}
 test iocmd-22.2 {chan finalize, for close} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit ; return {}}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; return {}}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
     close $c
     # Close deleted the channel.
     note [file channels rc*]
     # Channel destruction does not kill handler command!
     note [info command foo]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} {} foo}
 test iocmd-22.3 {chan finalize, for close, error, close error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit ; return -code error 5}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; return -code error 5}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
-    note [catch {close $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {close $c} msg]; note $msg
     # Channel is gone despite error.
     note [file channels rc*]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} 1 5 {}}
 test iocmd-22.4 {chan finalize, for close, error, close error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit ; error FOO}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; error FOO}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
-    note [catch {close $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {close $c} msg]; note $msg
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} 1 FOO}
 test iocmd-22.5 {chan finalize, for close, arbitrary result, ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit ; return SOMETHING}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; return SOMETHING}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
     note [catch {close $c} msg]; note $msg
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} 0 {}}
 test iocmd-22.6 {chan finalize, for close, break, close error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit ; return -code 3}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; return -code 3}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
-    note [catch {close $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {close $c} msg]; note $msg
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} 1 {}}
 test iocmd-22.7 {chan finalize, for close, continue, close error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit ; return -code 4}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; return -code 4}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
-    note [catch {close $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {close $c} msg]; note $msg
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} 1 {}}
 test iocmd-22.8 {chan finalize, for close, custom code, close error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit ; return -code 777 BANG}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; return -code 777 BANG}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
-    note [catch {close $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {close $c} msg]; note $msg
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} 1 BANG}
 test iocmd-22.9 {chan finalize, for close, ignore level, close error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit ; return -level 5 -code 777 BANG}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; return -level 5 -code 777 BANG}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
-    note [catch {close $c} msg opt] ; note $msg ; note $opt
+    note [catch {close $c} msg opt]; note $msg; note $opt
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} 1 BANG {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BANG}}
@@ -886,114 +848,95 @@ test iocmd-22.9 {chan finalize, for close, ignore level, close error} -match glo
 test iocmd-23.1 {chan read, regular data return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	return snarf
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [read $c 10]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{read rc* 4096} {read rc* 4096} snarfsnarf}
 test iocmd-23.2 {chan read, bad data return, to much} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	return [string repeat snarf 1000]
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {read $c 2} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {read $c 2} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{read rc* 4096} 1 {read delivered more than requested}}
 test iocmd-23.3 {chan read, for non-readable channel} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN
     set c [chan create {w} foo]
-    note [catch {read $c 2} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {read $c 2} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {1 {channel "rc*" wasn't opened for reading}}
 test iocmd-23.4 {chan read, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	return -code error BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {read $c 2} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {read $c 2} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{read rc* 4096} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-23.5 {chan read, break return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	return -code break BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {read $c 2} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {read $c 2} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{read rc* 4096} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-23.6 {chan read, continue return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	return -code continue BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {read $c 2} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {read $c 2} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{read rc* 4096} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-23.7 {chan read, custom return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	return -code 777 BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {read $c 2} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {read $c 2} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{read rc* 4096} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-23.8 {chan read, level is squashed} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	return -level 55 -code 777 BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {read $c 2} msg opt] ; note $msg ; note $opt
+    note [catch {read $c 2} msg opt]; note $msg; note $opt
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{read rc* 4096} 1 BOOM! {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BOOM!}}
@@ -1004,174 +947,136 @@ test iocmd-23.8 {chan read, level is squashed} -match glob -body {
 test iocmd-24.1 {chan write, regular write} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	set     written [string length [lindex $args 2]]
 	note   $written
 	return $written
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    puts -nonewline $c snarf ; flush $c
+    puts -nonewline $c snarf; flush $c
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarf} 5}
 test iocmd-24.2 {chan write, partial write is ok} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	set     written [string length [lindex $args 2]]
 	if {$written > 10} {set written [expr {$written / 2}]}
 	note   $written
 	return $written
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c
+    puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} 7 {write rc* arfsnarf} 8}
 test iocmd-24.3 {chan write, failed write} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; note -1 ; return -1}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; note -1; return -1}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c
+    puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} -1}
 test iocmd-24.4 {chan write, non-writable channel} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN; return}
     set c [chan create {r} foo]
-    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {1 {channel "rc*" wasn't opened for writing}}
 test iocmd-24.5 {chan write, bad result, more written than data} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return 10000}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return 10000}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarf ; flush $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarf; flush $c} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarf} 1 {write wrote more than requested}}
 test iocmd-24.6 {chan write, bad result, zero-length write} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return 0}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return 0}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarf ; flush $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarf; flush $c} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarf} 1 {write wrote more than requested}}
 test iocmd-24.7 {chan write, failed write, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return -code error BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return -code error BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c} msg]
+    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c} msg]
     note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-24.8 {chan write, failed write, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; error BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; error BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    notes [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c} msg]
+    notes [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c} msg]
     note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-24.9 {chan write, failed write, break return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return -code break BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return -code break BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c} msg]
+    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c} msg]
     note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-24.10 {chan write, failed write, continue return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return -code continue BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return -code continue BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c} msg]
+    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c} msg]
     note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-24.11 {chan write, failed write, custom return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return -code 777 BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return -code 777 BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c} msg]
+    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c} msg]
     note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-24.12 {chan write, failed write, non-numeric return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return BANG}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return BANG}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c} msg]
+    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c} msg]
     note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} 1 {expected integer but got "BANG"}}
 test iocmd-24.13 {chan write, failed write, level is ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return -level 55 -code 777 BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return -level 55 -code 777 BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c} msg opt]
+    note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c} msg opt]
     note $msg
     note $opt
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} 1 BOOM! {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BOOM!}}
@@ -1181,144 +1086,115 @@ test iocmd-24.13 {chan write, failed write, level is ignored} -match glob -body
 test iocmd-25.1 {chan configure, cgetall, standard options} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fconfigure $c]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{-blocking 1 -buffering full -buffersize 4096 -encoding * -eofchar {{} {}} -translation {auto *}}}
 test iocmd-25.2 {chan configure, cgetall, no options} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track ; return ""}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track; return ""}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fconfigure $c]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cgetall rc*} {-blocking 1 -buffering full -buffersize 4096 -encoding * -eofchar {{} {}} -translation {auto *}}}
 test iocmd-25.3 {chan configure, cgetall, regular result} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return "-bar foo -snarf x"
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fconfigure $c]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cgetall rc*} {-blocking 1 -buffering full -buffersize 4096 -encoding * -eofchar {{} {}} -translation {auto *} -bar foo -snarf x}}
 test iocmd-25.4 {chan configure, cgetall, bad result, list of uneven length} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return "-bar"
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cgetall rc*} 1 {Expected list with even number of elements, got 1 element instead}}
 test iocmd-25.5 {chan configure, cgetall, bad result, not a list} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return "\{"
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cgetall rc*} 1 {unmatched open brace in list}}
 test iocmd-25.6 {chan configure, cgetall, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -code error BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cgetall rc*} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-25.7 {chan configure, cgetall, break return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -code break BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cgetall rc*} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-25.8 {chan configure, cgetall, continue return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -code continue BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cgetall rc*} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-25.9 {chan configure, cgetall, custom return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -code 777 BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cgetall rc*} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-25.10 {chan configure, cgetall, level is ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -level 55 -code 777 BANG
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg opt] ; note $msg ; note $opt
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg opt]; note $msg; note $opt
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cgetall rc*} 1 BANG {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BANG}}
@@ -1329,101 +1205,80 @@ test iocmd-25.10 {chan configure, cgetall, level is ignored} -match glob -body {
 test iocmd-26.1 {chan configure, set standard option} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit configure ; onfinal ; track ; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN
-	return
+	oninit configure; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN; return
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fconfigure $c -translation lf]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{}}
 test iocmd-26.2 {chan configure, set option, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit configure ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit configure; onfinal; track
 	return -code error BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{configure rc* -rc-foo bar} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-26.3 {chan configure, set option, ok return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit configure ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit configure; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{configure rc* -rc-foo bar} {}}
 test iocmd-26.4 {chan configure, set option, break return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit configure ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit configure; onfinal; track
 	return -code break BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{configure rc* -rc-foo bar} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-26.5 {chan configure, set option, continue return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit configure ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit configure; onfinal; track
 	return -code continue BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{configure rc* -rc-foo bar} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-26.6 {chan configure, set option, custom return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit configure ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit configure; onfinal; track
 	return -code 444 BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{configure rc* -rc-foo bar} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-26.7 {chan configure, set option, level is ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit configure ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit configure; onfinal; track
 	return -level 55 -code 444 BANG
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg opt] ; note $msg ; note $opt
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg opt]; note $msg; note $opt
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{configure rc* -rc-foo bar} 1 BANG {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BANG}}
@@ -1433,87 +1288,70 @@ test iocmd-26.7 {chan configure, set option, level is ignored} -match glob -body
 test iocmd-27.1 {chan configure, get option, ok return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track ; return foo}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track; return foo}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fconfigure $c -rc-foo]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cget rc* -rc-foo} foo}
 test iocmd-27.2 {chan configure, get option, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -code error BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cget rc* -rc-foo} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-27.3 {chan configure, get option, break return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -code error BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cget rc* -rc-foo} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-27.4 {chan configure, get option, continue return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -code continue BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cget rc* -rc-foo} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-27.5 {chan configure, get option, custom return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -code 333 BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cget rc* -rc-foo} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-27.6 {chan configure, get option, level is ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -level 77 -code 333 BANG
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg opt] ; note $msg ; note $opt
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg opt]; note $msg; note $opt
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cget rc* -rc-foo} 1 BANG {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BANG}}
@@ -1523,233 +1361,177 @@ test iocmd-27.6 {chan configure, get option, level is ignored} -match glob -body
 test iocmd-28.1 {chan tell, not supported by handler} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [tell $c]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {-1}
 test iocmd-28.2 {chan tell, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -code error BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -code error BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {tell $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {tell $c} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-28.3 {chan tell, break return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -code break BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -code break BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {tell $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {tell $c} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-28.4 {chan tell, continue return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -code continue BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -code continue BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {tell $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {tell $c} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-28.5 {chan tell, custom return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -code 222 BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -code 222 BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {tell $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {tell $c} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-28.6 {chan tell, level is ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -level 11 -code 222 BANG}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -level 11 -code 222 BANG}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {tell $c} msg opt] ; note $msg ; note $opt
+    note [catch {tell $c} msg opt]; note $msg; note $opt
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} 1 BANG {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BANG}}
 test iocmd-28.7 {chan tell, regular return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return 88}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return 88}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [tell $c]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} 88}
 test iocmd-28.8 {chan tell, negative return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -1}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -1}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {tell $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {tell $c} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} 1 {Tried to seek before origin}}
 test iocmd-28.9 {chan tell, string return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return BOGUS}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return BOGUS}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {tell $c} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {tell $c} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} 1 {expected integer but got "BOGUS"}}
 test iocmd-28.10 {chan seek, not supported by handler} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {1 {error during seek on "rc*": invalid argument}}
 test iocmd-28.11 {chan seek, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -code error BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -code error BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 start} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-28.12 {chan seek, break return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -code break BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -code break BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 start} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-28.13 {chan seek, continue return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -code continue BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -code continue BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 start} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-28.14 {chan seek, custom return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -code 99 BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -code 99 BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 start} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-28.15 {chan seek, level is ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -level 33 -code 99 BANG}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -level 33 -code 99 BANG}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg opt] ; note $msg ; note $opt
+    note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg opt]; note $msg; note $opt
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 start} 1 BANG {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BANG}}
 test iocmd-28.16 {chan seek, bogus return, negative location} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -45}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -45}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 start} 1 {Tried to seek before origin}}
 test iocmd-28.17 {chan seek, bogus return, string return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return BOGUS}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return BOGUS}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg]; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 start} 1 {expected integer but got "BOGUS"}}
 test iocmd-28.18 {chan seek, ok result} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return 23}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return 23}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [seek $c 0 current]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} {}}
-foreach {n code} {
-    0 start
-    1 current
-    2 end
+foreach {testname code} {
+    iocmd-28.19.0 start
+    iocmd-28.19.1 current
+    iocmd-28.19.2 end
 } {
-    test iocmd-28.19.$n "chan seek, base conversion, $code" -match glob -body {
+    test $testname "chan seek, base conversion, $code" -match glob -body {
 	set res {}
-	proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return 0}
+	proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return 0}
 	set c [chan create {r w} foo]
 	note [seek $c 0 $code]
 	close $c
 	rename foo {}
 	set res
     } -result [list [list seek rc* 0 $code] {}]
@@ -1760,136 +1542,103 @@ foreach {n code} {
 test iocmd-29.1 {chan blocking, no handler support} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fconfigure $c -blocking]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {1}
 test iocmd-29.2 {chan blocking, no handler support} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fconfigure $c -blocking 0]
     note [fconfigure $c -blocking]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{} 0}
 test iocmd-29.3 {chan blocking, retrieval, handler support} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fconfigure $c -blocking]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {1}
 test iocmd-29.4 {chan blocking, resetting, handler support} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fconfigure $c -blocking 0]
     note [fconfigure $c -blocking]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{blocking rc* 0} {} 0}
 test iocmd-29.5 {chan blocking, setting, handler support} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fconfigure $c -blocking 1]
     note [fconfigure $c -blocking]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{blocking rc* 1} {} 1}
 test iocmd-29.6 {chan blocking, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; error BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; error BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg]; note $msg
     # Catch the close. It changes blocking mode internally, and runs into the error result.
     catch {close $c}
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{blocking rc* 0} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-29.7 {chan blocking, break return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; return -code break BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; return -code break BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg]; note $msg
     catch {close $c}
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{blocking rc* 0} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-29.8 {chan blocking, continue return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; return -code continue BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; return -code continue BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg]; note $msg
     catch {close $c}
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{blocking rc* 0} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-29.9 {chan blocking, custom return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; return -code 44 BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; return -code 44 BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg]; note $msg
     catch {close $c}
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{blocking rc* 0} 1 BOOM!}
 test iocmd-29.10 {chan blocking, level is ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; return -level 99 -code 44 BANG}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; return -level 99 -code 44 BANG}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg opt] ; note $msg ; note $opt
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg opt]; note $msg; note $opt
     catch {close $c}
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{blocking rc* 0} 1 BANG {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BANG}}
 test iocmd-29.11 {chan blocking, regular return ok, value ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; return BOGUS}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; return BOGUS}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg] ; note $msg
+    note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg]; note $msg
     catch {close $c}
     rename foo {}
     set res
@@ -1900,54 +1649,43 @@ test iocmd-29.11 {chan blocking, regular return ok, value ignored} -match glob -
 test iocmd-30.1 {chan watch, read interest, some return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return IGNORED}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return IGNORED}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fileevent $c readable {set tick $tick}]
-    close $c     ;# 2nd watch, interest zero.
+    close $c			;# 2nd watch, interest zero.
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{watch rc* read} {} {watch rc* {}}}
 test iocmd-30.2 {chan watch, write interest, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return -code error BOOM!_IGNORED}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return -code error BOOM!_IGNORED}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fileevent $c writable {set tick $tick}]
     note [fileevent $c writable {}]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{watch rc* write} {} {watch rc* {}} {}}
 test iocmd-30.3 {chan watch, accumulated interests} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fileevent $c writable {set tick $tick}]
     note [fileevent $c readable {set tick $tick}]
     note [fileevent $c writable {}]
     note [fileevent $c readable {}]
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{watch rc* write} {} {watch rc* {read write}} {} {watch rc* read} {} {watch rc* {}} {}}
 test iocmd-30.4 {chan watch, unchanged interest not forwarded} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fileevent $c writable {set tick $tick}]
     note [fileevent $c readable {set tick $tick}] ;# Script is changing,
     note [fileevent $c readable {set tock $tock}] ;# interest does not.
-    close $c ;# 3rd and 4th watch, removing the event handlers.
+    close $c		;# 3rd and 4th watch, removing the event handlers.
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{watch rc* write} {} {watch rc* {read write}} {} {} {watch rc* write} {watch rc* {}}}
@@ -1957,92 +1695,70 @@ test iocmd-30.4 {chan watch, unchanged interest not forwarded} -match glob -body
 test iocmd-31.1 {chan postevent, restricted to reflected channels} -match glob -body {
     set c [open [makeFile {} goo] r]
     catch {chan postevent $c {r w}} msg
     close $c
     removeFile goo
     set msg
 } -result {channel "file*" is not a reflected channel}
 test iocmd-31.2 {chan postevent, unwanted events} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    catch {chan postevent $c {r w}} msg ; note $msg
+    catch {chan postevent $c {r w}} msg; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{tried to post events channel "rc*" is not interested in}}
 test iocmd-31.3 {chan postevent, bad input, empty list} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    catch {chan postevent $c {}} msg ; note $msg
+    catch {chan postevent $c {}} msg; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{bad event list: is empty}}
 test iocmd-31.4 {chan postevent, bad input, illlegal keyword} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    catch {chan postevent $c goo} msg ; note $msg
+    catch {chan postevent $c goo} msg; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{bad event "goo": must be read or write}}
 test iocmd-31.5 {chan postevent, bad input, not a list} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
-    catch {chan postevent $c "\{"} msg ; note $msg
+    catch {chan postevent $c "\{"} msg; note $msg
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{unmatched open brace in list}}
 test iocmd-31.6 {chan postevent, posted events do happen} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fileevent $c readable {note TOCK}]
     set stop [after 10000 {note TIMEOUT}]
     after  1000 {note [chan postevent $c r]}
     vwait ::res
     catch {after cancel $stop}
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{watch rc* read} {} TOCK {} {watch rc* {}}}
 test iocmd-31.7 {chan postevent, posted events do happen} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     note [fileevent $c writable {note TOCK}]
     set stop [after 10000 {note TIMEOUT}]
     after  1000 {note [chan postevent $c w]}
     vwait ::res
     catch {after cancel $stop}
     close $c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{watch rc* write} {} TOCK {} {watch rc* {}}}
@@ -2059,15 +1775,11 @@ test iocmd-31.7 {chan postevent, posted events do happen} -match glob -body {
 ## forwarding, and gaps due to tests not applicable to forwarding are
 ## left to keep this asociation.
-testConstraint testchannel [llength [info commands testchannel]]
 # Duplicate of code in "thread.test". Find a better way of doing this
 # without duplication. Maybe placement into a proc which transforms to
 # nop after the first call, and placement of its defintion in a
 # central location.
-testConstraint testthread [expr {[info commands testthread] != {}}]
 if {[testConstraint testthread]} {
     testthread errorproc ThreadError
@@ -2075,7 +1787,6 @@ if {[testConstraint testthread]} {
 	global threadError
 	set threadError $info
     proc ThreadNullError {id info} {
 	# ignore
@@ -2087,7 +1798,6 @@ if {[testConstraint testthread]} {
 ## configuation variables
 proc inthread {chan script args} {
     # Test thread.
     set tid [testthread create]
@@ -2103,10 +1813,10 @@ proc inthread {chan script args} {
     testthread send $tid [list set mid $tcltest::mainThread]
     testthread send $tid {
-	proc note {item} {global notes ; lappend notes $item}
-	proc notes {} {global notes ; return $notes}
+	proc note {item} {global notes; lappend notes $item}
+	proc notes {} {global notes; return $notes}
-    testthread send $tid [list proc s {} [list uplevel 1 $script]] ; # (*)
+    testthread send $tid [list proc s {} [list uplevel 1 $script]]; # (*)
     # Transfer channel (cut/splice aka detach/attach)
@@ -2121,7 +1831,7 @@ proc inthread {chan script args} {
     set ::tres ""
     testthread send -async $tid {
 	after 500
-	catch {s} res ; # This runs the script, 's' was defined at (*)
+	catch {s} res; # This runs the script, 's' was defined at (*)
 	testthread send -async $mid [list set ::tres $res]
     vwait ::tres
@@ -2137,121 +1847,97 @@ proc inthread {chan script args} {
 test {chan finalize, for close} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit ; return {}}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; return {}}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
     note [inthread $c {
 	close $c
 	# Close the deleted the channel.
 	file channels rc*
     } c]
     # Channel destruction does not kill handler command!
     note [info command foo]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} {} foo}
 test {chan finalize, for close, error, close error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit ; return -code error 5}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; return -code error 5}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {close $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {close $c} msg]; note $msg
 	# Channel is gone despite error.
 	note [file channels rc*]
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} 1 5 {}}
 test {chan finalize, for close, error, close errror} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit ; error FOO}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; error FOO}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {close $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {close $c} msg]; note $msg
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} 1 FOO}
 test {chan finalize, for close, arbitrary result} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit ; return SOMETHING}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; return SOMETHING}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [catch {close $c} msg]; note $msg
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} 0 {}}
 test {chan finalize, for close, break, close error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit ; return -code 3}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; return -code 3}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {close $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {close $c} msg]; note $msg
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} 1 {}} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan finalize, for close, continue, close error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit ; return -code 4}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; return -code 4}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {close $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {close $c} msg]; note $msg
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} 1 {}} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan finalize, for close, custom code, close error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit ; return -code 777 BANG}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; return -code 777 BANG}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {close $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {close $c} msg]; note $msg
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} 1 BANG} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan finalize, for close, ignore level, close error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {track ; oninit ; return -level 5 -code 777 BANG}
+    proc foo {args} {track; oninit; return -level 5 -code 777 BANG}
     note [set c [chan create {r w} foo]]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {close $c} msg opt] ; note $msg ; note $opt
+	note [catch {close $c} msg opt]; note $msg; note $opt
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{initialize rc* {read write}} rc* {finalize rc*} 1 BANG {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BANG}} \
@@ -2263,7 +1949,7 @@ test {chan finalize, for close, ignore level, close error} -match
 test {chan read, regular data return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	return snarf
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
@@ -2272,135 +1958,114 @@ test {chan read, regular data return} -match glob -body {
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{read rc* 4096} {read rc* 4096} snarfsnarf}
 test {chan read, bad data return, to much} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	return [string repeat snarf 1000]
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {[read $c 2]} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {[read $c 2]} msg]; note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{read rc* 4096} 1 {read delivered more than requested}}
 test {chan read, for non-readable channel} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN
     set c [chan create {w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {[read $c 2]} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {[read $c 2]} msg]; note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {1 {channel "rc*" wasn't opened for reading}}
 test {chan read, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	return -code error BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {read $c 2} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {read $c 2} msg]; note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{read rc* 4096} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan read, break return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	return -code break BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {read $c 2} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {read $c 2} msg]; note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{read rc* 4096} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan read, continue return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	return -code continue BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {read $c 2} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {read $c 2} msg]; note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{read rc* 4096} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan read, custom return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	return -code 777 BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {read $c 2} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {read $c 2} msg]; note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{read rc* 4096} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan read, level is squashed} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	return -level 55 -code 777 BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {read $c 2} msg opt] ; note $msg ; note $opt
+	note [catch {read $c 2} msg opt]; note $msg; note $opt
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{read rc* 4096} 1 BOOM! {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BOOM!}} \
@@ -2412,216 +2077,181 @@ test {chan read, level is squashed} -match glob -body {
 test {chan write, regular write} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	set     written [string length [lindex $args 2]]
 	note   $written
 	return $written
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     inthread $c {
-	puts -nonewline $c snarf ; flush $c
+	puts -nonewline $c snarf; flush $c
 	close $c
     } c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{write rc* snarf} 5}
 test {chan write, ack partial writes} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit; onfinal; track
 	set     written [string length [lindex $args 2]]
 	if {$written > 10} {set written [expr {$written / 2}]}
 	note   $written
 	return $written
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     inthread $c {
-	puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c
+	puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c
 	close $c
     } c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} 7 {write rc* arfsnarf} 8}
 test {chan write, failed write} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; note -1 ; return -1}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; note -1; return -1}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     inthread $c {
-	puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c
+	puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c
 	close $c
     } c
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} -1}
 test {chan write, non-writable channel} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN; return}
     set c [chan create {r} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {1 {channel "rc*" wasn't opened for writing}}
 test {chan write, bad result, more written than data} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ;  return 10000}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return 10000}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarf ; flush $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarf; flush $c} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{write rc* snarf} 1 {write wrote more than requested}}
 test {chan write, zero writes} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return 0}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return 0}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarf ; flush $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarf; flush $c} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{write rc* snarf} 1 {write wrote more than requested}}
 test {chan write, failed write, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return -code error BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return -code error BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c} msg]
+	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c} msg]
 	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan write, failed write, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; error BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; error BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c} msg]
+	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c} msg]
 	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan write, failed write, break return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return -code break BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return -code break BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c} msg]
+	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c} msg]
 	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan write, failed write, continue return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return -code continue BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return -code continue BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c} msg]
+	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c} msg]
 	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan write, failed write, custom return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return -code 777 BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return -code 777 BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c} msg]
+	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c} msg]
 	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan write, failed write, non-numeric return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return BANG}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return BANG}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c} msg]
+	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c} msg]
 	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} 1 {expected integer but got "BANG"}} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan write, failed write, level is ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return -level 55 -code 777 BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return -level 55 -code 777 BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf ; flush $c} msg opt]
+	note [catch {puts -nonewline $c snarfsnarfsnarf; flush $c} msg opt]
 	note $msg
 	note $opt
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{write rc* snarfsnarfsnarf} 1 BOOM! {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BOOM!}} \
@@ -2632,180 +2262,159 @@ test {chan write, failed write, level is ignored} -match glob -bo
 test {chan configure, cgetall, standard options} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [fconfigure $c]
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} \
     -result {{-blocking 1 -buffering full -buffersize 4096 -encoding * -eofchar {{} {}} -translation {auto *}}}
 test {chan configure, cgetall, no options} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track ; return ""}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track; return ""}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [fconfigure $c]
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} \
     -result {{cgetall rc*} {-blocking 1 -buffering full -buffersize 4096 -encoding * -eofchar {{} {}} -translation {auto *}}}
 test {chan configure, cgetall, regular result} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return "-bar foo -snarf x"
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [fconfigure $c]
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} \
     -result {{cgetall rc*} {-blocking 1 -buffering full -buffersize 4096 -encoding * -eofchar {{} {}} -translation {auto *} -bar foo -snarf x}}
 test {chan configure, cgetall, bad result, list of uneven length} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return "-bar"
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{cgetall rc*} 1 {Expected list with even number of elements, got 1 element instead}}
 test {chan configure, cgetall, bad result, not a list} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return "\{"
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{cgetall rc*} 1 {unmatched open brace in list}}
 test {chan configure, cgetall, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -code error BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{cgetall rc*} 1 BOOM!}
 test {chan configure, cgetall, break return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -code break BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cgetall rc*} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan configure, cgetall, continue return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -code continue BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cgetall rc*} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan configure, cgetall, custom return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -code 777 BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cgetall rc*} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan configure, cgetall, level is ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -level 55 -code 777 BANG
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg opt] ; note $msg ; note $opt
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c} msg opt]
+	note $msg
+	note $opt
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cgetall rc*} 1 BANG {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BANG}} \
@@ -2817,125 +2426,110 @@ test {chan configure, cgetall, level is ignored} -match glob -bod
 test {chan configure, set standard option} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit configure ; onfinal ; track ; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN
-	return
+	oninit configure; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN; return
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [fconfigure $c -translation lf]
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{}}
 test {chan configure, set option, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit configure ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit configure; onfinal; track
 	return -code error BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{configure rc* -rc-foo bar} 1 BOOM!}
 test {chan configure, set option, ok return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit configure ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit configure; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar]
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{configure rc* -rc-foo bar} {}}
 test {chan configure, set option, break return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit configure ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit configure; onfinal; track
 	return -code break BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{configure rc* -rc-foo bar} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan configure, set option, continue return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit configure ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit configure; onfinal; track
 	return -code continue BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{configure rc* -rc-foo bar} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan configure, set option, custom return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit configure ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit configure; onfinal; track
 	return -code 444 BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{configure rc* -rc-foo bar} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan configure, set option, level is ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit configure ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit configure; onfinal; track
 	return -level 55 -code 444 BANG
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg opt] ; note $msg ; note $opt
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo bar} msg opt]
+	note $msg
+	note $opt
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{configure rc* -rc-foo bar} 1 BANG {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BANG}} \
@@ -2946,108 +2540,97 @@ test {chan configure, set option, level is ignored} -match glob -b
 test {chan configure, get option, ok return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track ; return foo}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track; return foo}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [fconfigure $c -rc-foo]
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{cget rc* -rc-foo} foo}
 test {chan configure, get option, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -code error BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{cget rc* -rc-foo} 1 BOOM!}
 test {chan configure, get option, break return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -code error BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cget rc* -rc-foo} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan configure, get option, continue return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -code continue BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cget rc* -rc-foo} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan configure, get option, custom return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -code 333 BOOM!
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cget rc* -rc-foo} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan configure, get option, level is ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
     proc foo {args} {
-	oninit cget cgetall ; onfinal ; track
+	oninit cget cgetall; onfinal; track
 	return -level 77 -code 333 BANG
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg opt] ; note $msg ; note $opt
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c -rc-foo} msg opt]
+	note $msg
+	note $opt
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{cget rc* -rc-foo} 1 BANG {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BANG}} \
@@ -3058,308 +2641,269 @@ test {chan configure, get option, level is ignored} -match glob -b
 test {chan tell, not supported by handler} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [tell $c]
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {-1} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan tell, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -code error BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -code error BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {tell $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {tell $c} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan tell, break return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -code break BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -code break BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {tell $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {tell $c} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan tell, continue return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -code continue BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -code continue BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {tell $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {tell $c} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan tell, custom return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -code 222 BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -code 222 BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {tell $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {tell $c} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan tell, level is ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -level 11 -code 222 BANG}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -level 11 -code 222 BANG}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {tell $c} msg opt] ; note $msg ; note $opt
+	note [catch {tell $c} msg opt]
+	note $msg
+	note $opt
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} 1 BANG {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BANG}} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan tell, regular return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return 88}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return 88}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [tell $c]
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} 88} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan tell, negative return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -1}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -1}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {tell $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {tell $c} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} 1 {Tried to seek before origin}} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan tell, string return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return BOGUS}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return BOGUS}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {tell $c} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {tell $c} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} 1 {expected integer but got "BOGUS"}} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan seek, not supported by handler} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {1 {error during seek on "rc*": invalid argument}} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan seek, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -code error BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -code error BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 start} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan seek, break return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -code break BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -code break BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 start} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan seek, continue return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -code continue BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -code continue BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 start} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan seek, custom return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -code 99 BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -code 99 BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 start} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan seek, level is ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -level 33 -code 99 BANG}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -level 33 -code 99 BANG}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg opt] ; note $msg ; note $opt
+	note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg opt]
+	note $msg
+	note $opt
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 start} 1 BANG {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BANG}} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan seek, bogus return, negative location} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return -45}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return -45}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 start} 1 {Tried to seek before origin}} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan seek, bogus return, string return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return BOGUS}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return BOGUS}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {seek $c 0 start} msg]
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 start} 1 {expected integer but got "BOGUS"}} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan seek, ok result} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return 23}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return 23}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [seek $c 0 current]
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{seek rc* 0 current} {}} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
-foreach {n code} {
-    0 start
-    1 current
-    2 end
+foreach {testname code} {
+ start
+ current
+ end
 } {
-    test$n "chan seek, base conversion, $code" -match glob -body {
+    test $testname "chan seek, base conversion, $code" -match glob -body {
 	set res {}
-	proc foo {args} {oninit seek ; onfinal ; track ; return 0}
+	proc foo {args} {oninit seek; onfinal; track; return 0}
 	set c [chan create {r w} foo]
 	notes [inthread $c {
 	    note [seek $c 0 $code]
 	    close $c
 	} c code]
 	rename foo {}
 	set res
     } -result [list [list seek rc* 0 $code] {}] \
@@ -3371,180 +2915,154 @@ foreach {n code} {
 test {chan blocking, no handler support} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [fconfigure $c -blocking]
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {1} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan blocking, no handler support} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [fconfigure $c -blocking 0]
 	note [fconfigure $c -blocking]
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{} 0} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan blocking, retrieval, handler support} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; note MUST_NOT_HAPPEN; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [fconfigure $c -blocking]
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {1} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan blocking, resetting, handler support} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [fconfigure $c -blocking 0]
 	note [fconfigure $c -blocking]
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{blocking rc* 0} {} 0} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan blocking, setting, handler support} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [fconfigure $c -blocking 1]
 	note [fconfigure $c -blocking]
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{blocking rc* 1} {} 1} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan blocking, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; error BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; error BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg]
+	note $msg
 	# Catch the close. It changes blocking mode internally, and runs into the error result.
 	catch {close $c}
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{blocking rc* 0} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan blocking, break return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; return -code break BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; return -code break BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg]
+	note $msg
 	catch {close $c}
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{blocking rc* 0} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan blocking, continue return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; return -code continue BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; return -code continue BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg]
+	note $msg
 	catch {close $c}
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{blocking rc* 0} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan blocking, custom return is error} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; return -code 44 BOOM!}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; return -code 44 BOOM!}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg]
+	note $msg
 	catch {close $c}
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{blocking rc* 0} 1 BOOM!} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan blocking, level is ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; return -level 99 -code 44 BANG}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; return -level 99 -code 44 BANG}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg opt] ; note $msg ; note $opt
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg opt]
+	note $msg
+	note $opt
 	catch {close $c}
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{blocking rc* 0} 1 BANG {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE -errorline 1 -errorinfo BANG}} \
     -constraints {testchannel testthread}
 test {chan blocking, regular return ok, value ignored} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking ; onfinal ; track ; return BOGUS}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit blocking; onfinal; track; return BOGUS}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg] ; note $msg
+	note [catch {fconfigure $c -blocking 0} msg]
+	note $msg
 	catch {close $c}
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -result {{blocking rc* 0} 0 {}} \
@@ -3555,40 +3073,33 @@ test {chan blocking, regular return ok, value ignored} -match glo
 test {chan watch, read interest, some return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return IGNORED}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return IGNORED}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [fileevent $c readable {set tick $tick}]
-	close $c     ;# 2nd watch, interest zero.
+	close $c		;# 2nd watch, interest zero.
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{watch rc* read} {watch rc* {}} {}}
 test {chan watch, write interest, error return} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return -code error BOOM!_IGNORED}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return -code error BOOM!_IGNORED}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [fileevent $c writable {set tick $tick}]
 	note [fileevent $c writable {}]
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} -result {{watch rc* write} {watch rc* {}} {} {}}
 test {chan watch, accumulated interests} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [fileevent $c writable {set tick $tick}]
 	note [fileevent $c readable {set tick $tick}]
@@ -3597,25 +3108,21 @@ test {chan watch, accumulated interests} -match glob -body {
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} \
     -result {{watch rc* write} {watch rc* {read write}} {watch rc* read} {watch rc* {}} {} {} {} {}}
 test {chan watch, unchanged interest not forwarded} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
 	note [fileevent $c writable {set tick $tick}]
 	note [fileevent $c readable {set tick $tick}] ;# Script is changing,
 	note [fileevent $c readable {set tock $tock}] ;# interest does not.
-	close $c ;# 3rd and 4th watch, removing the event handlers.
+	close $c	;# 3rd and 4th watch, removing the event handlers.
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} \
@@ -3628,21 +3135,19 @@ test {chan watch, unchanged interest not forwarded} -match glob -b
 test {chan postevent, bad input} -match glob -body {
     set res {}
-    proc foo {args} {oninit ; onfinal ; track ; return}
+    proc foo {args} {oninit; onfinal; track; return}
     set c [chan create {r w} foo]
     notes [inthread $c {
-	catch {chan postevent $c r} msg ; note $msg
+	catch {chan postevent $c r} msg
+	note $msg
 	close $c
     } c]
     rename foo {}
     set res
 } -constraints {testchannel testthread} \
     -result {{postevent for channel "rc*" called from outside interpreter}}
 # ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
 # ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
diff --git a/win/tclWinSerial.c b/win/tclWinSerial.c
index 15fe869..a4557ee 100644
--- a/win/tclWinSerial.c
+++ b/win/tclWinSerial.c
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
  * Serial functionality implemented by
- * RCS: @(#) $Id: tclWinSerial.c,v 1.32 2005/10/05 06:34:04 hobbs Exp $
+ * RCS: @(#) $Id: tclWinSerial.c,v 1.33 2005/10/31 13:53:33 dkf Exp $
 #include "tclWinInt.h"
@@ -167,37 +167,36 @@ static COMMTIMEOUTS no_timeout = {
  * Declarations for functions used only in this file.
-static int			SerialBlockProc(ClientData instanceData,
-				    int mode);
-static void			SerialCheckProc(ClientData clientData,
-				    int flags);
-static int			SerialCloseProc(ClientData instanceData,
-				    Tcl_Interp *interp);
-static int			SerialEventProc(Tcl_Event *evPtr, int flags);
-static void			SerialExitHandler(ClientData clientData);
-static int			SerialGetHandleProc(ClientData instanceData,
-				    int direction, ClientData *handlePtr);
-static ThreadSpecificData *	SerialInit(void);
-static int			SerialInputProc(ClientData instanceData,
-				    char *buf, int toRead, int *errorCode);
-static int			SerialOutputProc(ClientData instanceData,
-				    CONST char *buf, int toWrite,
-				    int *errorCode);
-static void			SerialSetupProc(ClientData clientData,
-				    int flags);
-static void			SerialWatchProc(ClientData instanceData,
-				    int mask);
-static void			ProcExitHandler(ClientData clientData);
-static int			SerialGetOptionProc(ClientData instanceData,
-				    Tcl_Interp *interp, CONST char *optionName,
-				    Tcl_DString *dsPtr);
-static int			SerialSetOptionProc(ClientData instanceData,
-				    Tcl_Interp *interp, CONST char *optionName,
-				    CONST char *value);
-static DWORD WINAPI		SerialWriterThread(LPVOID arg);
-static void			SerialThreadActionProc(ClientData instanceData,
-				    int action);
+static int		SerialBlockProc(ClientData instanceData, int mode);
+static void		SerialCheckProc(ClientData clientData, int flags);
+static int		SerialCloseProc(ClientData instanceData,
+			    Tcl_Interp *interp);
+static int		SerialEventProc(Tcl_Event *evPtr, int flags);
+static void		SerialExitHandler(ClientData clientData);
+static int		SerialGetHandleProc(ClientData instanceData,
+			    int direction, ClientData *handlePtr);
+static ThreadSpecificData *SerialInit(void);
+static int		SerialInputProc(ClientData instanceData, char *buf,
+			    int toRead, int *errorCode);
+static int		SerialOutputProc(ClientData instanceData,
+			    CONST char *buf, int toWrite, int *errorCode);
+static void		SerialSetupProc(ClientData clientData, int flags);
+static void		SerialWatchProc(ClientData instanceData, int mask);
+static void		ProcExitHandler(ClientData clientData);
+static int		SerialGetOptionProc(ClientData instanceData,
+			    Tcl_Interp *interp, CONST char *optionName,
+			    Tcl_DString *dsPtr);
+static int		SerialSetOptionProc(ClientData instanceData,
+			    Tcl_Interp *interp, CONST char *optionName,
+			    CONST char *value);
+static DWORD WINAPI	SerialWriterThread(LPVOID arg);
+static void		SerialThreadActionProc(ClientData instanceData,
+			    int action);
+static int		SerialBlockingRead(SerialInfo *infoPtr, LPVOID buf,
+			    DWORD bufSize, LPDWORD lpRead, LPOVERLAPPED osPtr);
+static int		SerialBlockingWrite(SerialInfo *infoPtr, LPVOID buf,
+			    DWORD bufSize, LPDWORD lpWritten,
+			    LPOVERLAPPED osPtr);
  * This structure describes the channel type structure for command serial
@@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ static Tcl_ChannelType serialChannelType = {
 static ThreadSpecificData *
     ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr;
@@ -722,7 +721,7 @@ SerialCloseProc(
- * blockingRead --
+ * SerialBlockingRead --
  *	Perform a blocking read into the buffer given. Returns count of how
  *	many bytes were actually read, and an error indication.
@@ -738,12 +737,12 @@ SerialCloseProc(
 static int
     SerialInfo *infoPtr,	/* Serial info structure */
     LPVOID buf,			/* The input buffer pointer */
-    DWORD  bufSize,		/* The number of bytes to read */
-    LPDWORD  lpRead,		/* Returns number of bytes read */
-    LPOVERLAPPED osPtr )	/* OVERLAPPED structure */
+    DWORD bufSize,		/* The number of bytes to read */
+    LPDWORD lpRead,		/* Returns number of bytes read */
+    LPOVERLAPPED osPtr)		/* OVERLAPPED structure */
      *  Perform overlapped blocking read.
@@ -785,7 +784,7 @@ blockingRead(
- * blockingWrite --
+ * SerialBlockingWrite --
  *	Perform a blocking write from the buffer given. Returns count of how
  *	many bytes were actually written, and an error indication.
@@ -801,10 +800,10 @@ blockingRead(
 static int
     SerialInfo *infoPtr,	/* Serial info structure */
-    LPVOID  buf,		/* The output buffer pointer */
-    DWORD   bufSize,		/* The number of bytes to write */
+    LPVOID buf,			/* The output buffer pointer */
+    DWORD bufSize,		/* The number of bytes to write */
     LPDWORD lpWritten,		/* Returns number of bytes written */
     LPOVERLAPPED osPtr)		/* OVERLAPPED structure */
@@ -964,7 +963,7 @@ SerialInputProc(
      * checked the number of available bytes.
-    if (blockingRead(infoPtr, (LPVOID) buf, (DWORD) bufSize, &bytesRead,
+    if (SerialBlockingRead(infoPtr, (LPVOID) buf, (DWORD) bufSize, &bytesRead,
 	    &infoPtr->osRead) == FALSE) {
 	*errorCode = errno;
@@ -1090,7 +1089,7 @@ SerialOutputProc(
 	 * avoids an unnecessary copy.
-	if (!blockingWrite(infoPtr, (LPVOID) buf, (DWORD) toWrite,
+	if (!SerialBlockingWrite(infoPtr, (LPVOID) buf, (DWORD) toWrite,
 		&bytesWritten, &infoPtr->osWrite)) {
 	    goto writeError;
@@ -1147,9 +1146,9 @@ SerialOutputProc(
 static int
-    Tcl_Event *evPtr,	/* Event to service. */
-    int flags)		/* Flags that indicate what events to handle, such as
-			 * TCL_FILE_EVENTS. */
+    Tcl_Event *evPtr,		/* Event to service. */
+    int flags)			/* Flags that indicate what events to handle,
+				 * such as TCL_FILE_EVENTS. */
     SerialEvent *serialEvPtr = (SerialEvent *)evPtr;
     SerialInfo *infoPtr;
@@ -1257,8 +1256,7 @@ SerialWatchProc(
 	 * Remove the serial port from the list of watched serial ports.
-	for (nextPtrPtr=&(tsdPtr->firstSerialPtr), ptr=*nextPtrPtr;
-		ptr!=NULL;
+	for (nextPtrPtr=&(tsdPtr->firstSerialPtr), ptr=*nextPtrPtr; ptr!=NULL;
 		nextPtrPtr=&ptr->nextPtr, ptr=*nextPtrPtr) {
 	    if (infoPtr == ptr) {
 		*nextPtrPtr = ptr->nextPtr;
@@ -1316,7 +1314,8 @@ SerialGetHandleProc(
-SerialWriterThread(LPVOID arg)
+    LPVOID arg)
     SerialInfo *infoPtr = (SerialInfo *)arg;
     DWORD bytesWritten, toWrite, waitResult;
@@ -1365,7 +1364,7 @@ SerialWriterThread(LPVOID arg)
 	    if (infoPtr->writeError) {
-	    if (blockingWrite(infoPtr, (LPVOID) buf, (DWORD) toWrite,
+	    if (SerialBlockingWrite(infoPtr, (LPVOID) buf, (DWORD) toWrite,
 		    &bytesWritten, &myWrite) == FALSE) {
 		infoPtr->writeError = GetLastError();
@@ -1431,10 +1430,10 @@ SerialWriterThread(LPVOID arg)
-TclWinSerialReopen(handle, name, access)
-    HANDLE handle;
-    CONST TCHAR *name;
-    DWORD access;
+    HANDLE handle,
+    CONST TCHAR *name,
+    DWORD access)
     ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr;
@@ -1473,10 +1472,10 @@ TclWinSerialReopen(handle, name, access)
-TclWinOpenSerialChannel(handle, channelName, permissions)
-    HANDLE handle;
-    char *channelName;
-    int permissions;
+    HANDLE handle,
+    char *channelName,
+    int permissions)
     SerialInfo *infoPtr;
     DWORD id;
@@ -1565,9 +1564,9 @@ TclWinOpenSerialChannel(handle, channelName, permissions)
 static void
-SerialErrorStr(error, dsPtr)
-    DWORD error;		/* Win32 serial error code. */
-    Tcl_DString *dsPtr;		/* Where to store string. */
+    DWORD error,		/* Win32 serial error code. */
+    Tcl_DString *dsPtr)		/* Where to store string. */
     if (error & CE_RXOVER) {
 	Tcl_DStringAppendElement(dsPtr, "RXOVER");
@@ -1615,9 +1614,9 @@ SerialErrorStr(error, dsPtr)
 static void
-SerialModemStatusStr(status, dsPtr)
-    DWORD status;		/* Win32 modem status. */
-    Tcl_DString *dsPtr;		/* Where to store string. */
+    DWORD status,		/* Win32 modem status. */
+    Tcl_DString *dsPtr)		/* Where to store string. */
     Tcl_DStringAppendElement(dsPtr, "CTS");
     Tcl_DStringAppendElement(dsPtr, (status & MS_CTS_ON)  ?  "1" : "0");
@@ -1647,11 +1646,11 @@ SerialModemStatusStr(status, dsPtr)
 static int
-SerialSetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, value)
-    ClientData instanceData;	/* File state. */
-    Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* For error reporting - can be NULL. */
-    CONST char *optionName;	/* Which option to set? */
-    CONST char *value;		/* New value for option. */
+    ClientData instanceData,	/* File state. */
+    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* For error reporting - can be NULL. */
+    CONST char *optionName,	/* Which option to set? */
+    CONST char *value)		/* New value for option. */
     SerialInfo *infoPtr;
     DCB dcb;
@@ -1678,8 +1677,8 @@ SerialSetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, value)
     if ((len > 2) && (strncmp(optionName, "-mode", len) == 0)) {
 	if (!GetCommState(infoPtr->handle, &dcb)) {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't get comm state", (char *)NULL);
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't get comm state", NULL);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
@@ -1688,10 +1687,9 @@ SerialSetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, value)
 	if (result == FALSE) {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp,
-			"bad value for -mode: should be baud,parity,data,stop",
-			(char *) NULL);
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad value \"", value,
+			"\" for -mode: should be baud,parity,data,stop", NULL);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
@@ -1706,8 +1704,8 @@ SerialSetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, value)
 	dcb.fAbortOnError = FALSE;
 	if (!SetCommState(infoPtr->handle, &dcb)) {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't set comm state", (char *)NULL);
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't set comm state", NULL);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
@@ -1720,8 +1718,8 @@ SerialSetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, value)
     if ((len > 1) && (strncmp(optionName, "-handshake", len) == 0)) {
 	if (!GetCommState(infoPtr->handle, &dcb)) {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't get comm state", (char *)NULL);
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't get comm state", NULL);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
@@ -1757,17 +1755,17 @@ SerialSetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, value)
 	    dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = TRUE;
 	    dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE;
 	} else {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad value for -handshake: ",
-			"must be one of xonxoff, rtscts, dtrdsr or none",
-			(char *) NULL);
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad value \"", value,
+			"\" for -handshake: must be one of xonxoff, rtscts, ",
+			"dtrdsr or none", NULL);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
 	if (!SetCommState(infoPtr->handle, &dcb)) {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't set comm state", (char *)NULL);
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't set comm state", NULL);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
@@ -1780,8 +1778,8 @@ SerialSetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, value)
     if ((len > 1) && (strncmp(optionName, "-xchar", len) == 0)) {
 	if (!GetCommState(infoPtr->handle, &dcb)) {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't get comm state", (char *)NULL);
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't get comm state", NULL);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
@@ -1789,22 +1787,49 @@ SerialSetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, value)
 	if (Tcl_SplitList(interp, value, &argc, &argv) == TCL_ERROR) {
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
-	if (argc == 2) {
-	    dcb.XonChar  = argv[0][0];
-	    dcb.XoffChar = argv[1][0];
-	    ckfree((char *) argv);
-	} else {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad value for -xchar: ",
-			"should be a list of two elements", (char *) NULL);
+	if (argc != 2) {
+	badXchar:
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad value for -xchar: should be ",
+			"a list of two elements with each a single character",
+			NULL);
 	    ckfree((char *) argv);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
+	/*
+	 * These dereferences are safe, even in the zero-length string cases,
+	 * because that just makes the xon/xoff character into NUL. When the
+	 * character looks like it is UTF-8 encoded, decode it before casting
+	 * into the format required for the Win guts. Note that this does not
+	 * convert character sets; it is expected that when people set the
+	 * control characters to something large and custom, they'll know the
+	 * hex/octal value rather than the printable form.
+	 */
+	dcb.XonChar = argv[0][0];
+	dcb.XoffChar = argv[1][0];
+	if (argv[0][0] & 0x80 || argv[1][0] & 0x80) {
+	    Tcl_UniChar character;
+	    int charLen;
+	    charLen = Tcl_UtfToUniChar(argv[0], &character);
+	    if (argv[0][charLen]) {
+		goto badXchar;
+	    }
+	    dcb.XonChar = (char) character;
+	    charLen = Tcl_UtfToUniChar(argv[1], &character);
+	    if (argv[1][charLen]) {
+		goto badXchar;
+	    }
+	    dcb.XoffChar = (char) character;
+	}
+	ckfree((char *) argv);
 	if (!SetCommState(infoPtr->handle, &dcb)) {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't set comm state", (char *)NULL);
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't set comm state", NULL);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
@@ -1822,53 +1847,52 @@ SerialSetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, value)
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
 	if ((argc % 2) == 1) {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad value for -ttycontrol: ",
-			"should be a list of signal,value pairs",
-			(char *) NULL);
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad value \"", value,
+			"\" for -ttycontrol: should be a list of ",
+			"signal,value pairs", NULL);
 	    ckfree((char *) argv);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
 	for (i = 0; i < argc - 1; i += 2) {
 	    if (Tcl_GetBoolean(interp, argv[i+1], &flag) == TCL_ERROR) {
 		result = TCL_ERROR;
 	    if (strnicmp(argv[i], "DTR", strlen(argv[i])) == 0) {
-		if (!EscapeCommFunction(infoPtr->handle, flag ?
-		    if (interp) {
-			Tcl_AppendResult(interp,
-				"can't set DTR signal", (char *) NULL);
+		if (!EscapeCommFunction(infoPtr->handle,
+			(DWORD) (flag ? SETDTR : CLRDTR))) {
+		    if (interp != NULL) {
+			Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't set DTR signal", NULL);
 		    result = TCL_ERROR;
 	    } else if (strnicmp(argv[i], "RTS", strlen(argv[i])) == 0) {
-		if (!EscapeCommFunction(infoPtr->handle, flag ?
-		    if (interp) {
-			Tcl_AppendResult(interp,
-				"can't set RTS signal", (char *) NULL);
+		if (!EscapeCommFunction(infoPtr->handle,
+			(DWORD) (flag ? SETRTS : CLRRTS))) {
+		    if (interp != NULL) {
+			Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't set RTS signal", NULL);
 		    result = TCL_ERROR;
 	    } else if (strnicmp(argv[i], "BREAK", strlen(argv[i])) == 0) {
-		if (!EscapeCommFunction(infoPtr->handle, flag ?
-		    if (interp) {
-			Tcl_AppendResult(interp,
-				"can't set BREAK signal", (char *) NULL);
+		if (!EscapeCommFunction(infoPtr->handle,
+			(DWORD) (flag ? SETBREAK : CLRBREAK))) {
+		    if (interp != NULL) {
+			Tcl_AppendResult(interp,"can't set BREAK signal",NULL);
 		    result = TCL_ERROR;
 	    } else {
-		if (interp) {
-		    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad signal for -ttycontrol: ",
-			    "must be DTR, RTS or BREAK", (char *) NULL);
+		if (interp != NULL) {
+		    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad signal name \"", argv[i],
+			    "\" for -ttycontrol: must be DTR, RTS or BREAK",
+			    NULL);
 		result = TCL_ERROR;
@@ -1902,18 +1926,19 @@ SerialSetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, value)
 	    outSize = atoi(argv[1]);
 	ckfree((char *) argv);
-	if ((inSize <= 0) || (outSize <= 0)) {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad value for -sysbuffer: ",
-			"should be a list of one or two integers > 0",
-			(char *) NULL);
+	if ((argc < 1) || (argc > 2) || (inSize <= 0) || (outSize <= 0)) {
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad value \"", value,
+			"\" for -sysbuffer: should be a list of one or two ",
+			"integers > 0", NULL);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
 	if (!SetupComm(infoPtr->handle, inSize, outSize)) {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't setup comm buffers",
-			(char *) NULL);
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't setup comm buffers", NULL);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
@@ -1926,18 +1951,16 @@ SerialSetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, value)
 	if (!GetCommState(infoPtr->handle, &dcb)) {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't get comm state",
-			(char *) NULL);
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't get comm state", NULL);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
 	dcb.XonLim = (WORD) (infoPtr->sysBufRead*1/2);
 	dcb.XoffLim = (WORD) (infoPtr->sysBufRead*1/4);
 	if (!SetCommState(infoPtr->handle, &dcb)) {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't set comm state",
-			(char *) NULL);
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't set comm state", NULL);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
@@ -1949,7 +1972,7 @@ SerialSetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, value)
     if ((len > 1) && (strncmp(optionName, "-pollinterval", len) == 0)) {
-	if (Tcl_GetInt(interp, value, &(infoPtr->blockTime)) != TCL_OK ) {
+	if (Tcl_GetInt(interp, value, &(infoPtr->blockTime)) != TCL_OK) {
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
 	return TCL_OK;
@@ -1968,9 +1991,8 @@ SerialSetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, value)
 	tout.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = msec;
 	if (!SetCommTimeouts(infoPtr->handle, &tout)) {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't set comm timeouts",
-			(char *) NULL);
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't set comm timeouts", NULL);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
@@ -2004,11 +2026,11 @@ SerialSetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, value)
 static int
-SerialGetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, dsPtr)
-    ClientData instanceData;	/* File state. */
-    Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* For error reporting - can be NULL. */
-    CONST char *optionName;	/* Option to get. */
-    Tcl_DString *dsPtr;		/* Where to store value(s). */
+    ClientData instanceData,	/* File state. */
+    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* For error reporting - can be NULL. */
+    CONST char *optionName,	/* Option to get. */
+    Tcl_DString *dsPtr)		/* Where to store value(s). */
     SerialInfo *infoPtr;
     DCB dcb;
@@ -2036,8 +2058,8 @@ SerialGetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, dsPtr)
 	char buf[2 * TCL_INTEGER_SPACE + 16];
 	if (!GetCommState(infoPtr->handle, &dcb)) {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't get comm state", (char *)NULL);
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't get comm state", NULL);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
@@ -2104,8 +2126,8 @@ SerialGetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, dsPtr)
 	valid = 1;
 	if (!GetCommState(infoPtr->handle, &dcb)) {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't get comm state", (char *)NULL);
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't get comm state", NULL);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
@@ -2159,8 +2181,8 @@ SerialGetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, dsPtr)
-	ClearCommError( infoPtr->handle, &error, &cStat );
-	count = (int)cStat.cbOutQue + infoPtr->writeQueue;
+	ClearCommError(infoPtr->handle, &error, &cStat);
+	count = (int) cStat.cbOutQue + infoPtr->writeQueue;
 	wsprintfA(buf, "%d", inBuffered + cStat.cbInQue);
@@ -2180,8 +2202,8 @@ SerialGetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, dsPtr)
 	DWORD status;
 	if (!GetCommModemStatus(infoPtr->handle, &status)) {
-	    if (interp) {
-		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't get tty status", (char *)NULL);
+	    if (interp != NULL) {
+		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't get tty status", NULL);
 	    return TCL_ERROR;
@@ -2214,9 +2236,9 @@ SerialGetOptionProc(instanceData, interp, optionName, dsPtr)
 static void
-SerialThreadActionProc(instanceData, action)
-    ClientData instanceData;
-    int action;
+    ClientData instanceData,
+    int action)
     SerialInfo *infoPtr = (SerialInfo *) instanceData;
cgit v0.12