From ef0b541994832ec80dd874d09c0887d2f55716aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dgp <>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 23:38:14 +0000
Subject:         * tests/basic.test:     Made several tests more robust to the
         * tests/cmdMZ.test:     list-quoting of path names that might        
 * tests/exec.test:      contain Tcl-special chars like { or [.         *
 tests/io.test:        Should help us sort out Tcl Bug 554068.         *
 tests/pid.test:         * tests/socket.test:         * tests/source.test:    
     * tests/unixInit.test:

 ChangeLog           | 11 +++++++
 tests/basic.test    | 60 +++++++++++++++++++----------------
 tests/cmdMZ.test    | 27 ++++++++++++----
 tests/exec.test     | 17 +++++-----
 tests/io.test       | 90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 tests/pid.test      |  4 +--
 tests/socket.test   | 32 ++++++++++++-------
 tests/source.test   | 23 +++++++++++---
 tests/unixInit.test |  8 ++---
 9 files changed, 170 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index c87f02f..84920be 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+2004-02-25  Don Porter	<>
+	* tests/basic.test:	Made several tests more robust to the
+	* tests/cmdMZ.test:	list-quoting of path names that might
+	* tests/exec.test:	contain Tcl-special chars like { or [.
+	* tests/io.test:	Should help us sort out Tcl Bug 554068.
+	* tests/pid.test:
+	* tests/socket.test:
+	* tests/source.test:
+	* tests/unixInit.test:
 2004-02-25  Donal K. Fellows  <>
 	* unix/tclUnixChan.c (TcpGetOptionProc): Stop memory leak with
diff --git a/tests/basic.test b/tests/basic.test
index 11b7bed..c86111c 100644
--- a/tests/basic.test
+++ b/tests/basic.test
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
 # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# RCS: @(#) $Id: basic.test,v 2003/05/05 16:52:33 dkf Exp $
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: basic.test,v 2004/02/25 23:38:15 dgp Exp $
 package require tcltest 2
@@ -580,63 +580,71 @@ test basic-46.1 {Tcl_AllowExceptions: exception return not allowed} {stdio} {
-test basic-46.2 {Tcl_AllowExceptions: exception return not allowed} {exec} {
+test basic-46.2 {Tcl_AllowExceptions: exception return not allowed} -setup {
     set fName [makeFile {
 	puts hello
     } BREAKtest]
-    set res [list [catch {exec [interpreter] $fName} msg] $msg]
+} -constraints {
+    exec
+} -body {
+    exec [interpreter] $fName
+} -cleanup {
     removeFile BREAKtest
-    regsub {file ".*BREAKtest"} $res {file "BREAKtest"} res
-    set res
-} {1 {hello
+} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {hello
 invoked "break" outside of a loop
     while executing
-    (file "BREAKtest" line 3)}}    
+    (file "*BREAKtest" line 3)}    
-test basic-46.3 {Tcl_AllowExceptions: exception return not allowed} {exec} {
+test basic-46.3 {Tcl_AllowExceptions: exception return not allowed} -setup {
     set fName [makeFile {
 	interp alias {} patch {} info patchlevel
     } BREAKtest]
-    set res [list [catch {exec [interpreter] $fName} msg] $msg]
+} -constraints {
+    exec
+} -body {
+    exec [interpreter] $fName
+} -cleanup {
     removeFile BREAKtest
-    regsub {file ".*BREAKtest"} $res {file "BREAKtest"} res
-    set res
-} {1 {invoked "break" outside of a loop
+} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {invoked "break" outside of a loop
     while executing
-    (file "BREAKtest" line 4)}}    
+    (file "*BREAKtest" line 4)}    
-test basic-46.4 {Tcl_AllowExceptions: exception return not allowed} {exec} {
+test basic-46.4 {Tcl_AllowExceptions: exception return not allowed} -setup {
     set fName [makeFile {
 	foo [set a 1] [break]
     } BREAKtest]
-    set res [list [catch {exec [interpreter] $fName} msg] $msg]
+} -constraints {
+    exec
+} -body {
+    exec [interpreter] $fName
+} -cleanup {
     removeFile BREAKtest
-    regsub {file ".*BREAKtest"} $res {file "BREAKtest"} res
-    set res
-} {1 {invoked "break" outside of a loop
+} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {invoked "break" outside of a loop
     while executing
     invoked from within
-"foo [set a 1] [break]"
-    (file "BREAKtest" line 2)}}
+"foo \[set a 1] \[break]"
+    (file "*BREAKtest" line 2)}
-test basic-46.5 {Tcl_AllowExceptions: exception return not allowed} {exec} {
+test basic-46.5 {Tcl_AllowExceptions: exception return not allowed} -setup {
     set fName [makeFile {
 	return -code return
     } BREAKtest]
-    set res [list [catch {exec [interpreter] $fName} msg] $msg]
+} -constraints {
+    exec
+} -body {
+    exec [interpreter] $fName
+} -cleanup {
     removeFile BREAKtest
-    regsub {file ".*BREAKtest"} $res {file "BREAKtest"} res
-    set res
-} {1 {command returned bad code: 2
+} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {command returned bad code: 2
     while executing
 "return -code return"
-    (file "BREAKtest" line 2)}}
+    (file "*BREAKtest" line 2)}
 test basic-47.1 {Tcl_EvalEx: check for missing close-bracket} -body {
     subst {a[set b [format cd]}
diff --git a/tests/cmdMZ.test b/tests/cmdMZ.test
index 8835764..1e9a58a 100644
--- a/tests/cmdMZ.test
+++ b/tests/cmdMZ.test
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
 # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
 # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# RCS: @(#) $Id: cmdMZ.test,v 2003/11/12 17:29:10 hobbs Exp $
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: cmdMZ.test,v 2004/02/25 23:38:16 dgp Exp $
 if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
-    package require tcltest 2
+    package require tcltest 2.1
     namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
@@ -84,16 +84,31 @@ test cmdMZ-3.3 {Tcl_SourceObjCmd: error conditions} {unixOrPc} {
 test cmdMZ-3.4 {Tcl_SourceObjCmd: error conditions} {unixOrPc} {
     list [catch {source a b} msg] $msg
 } {1 {wrong # args: should be "source fileName"}}
-test cmdMZ-3.5 {Tcl_SourceObjCmd: error in script} -body {
+proc ListGlobMatch {expected actual} {
+    if {[llength $expected] != [llength $actual]} {
+	return 0
+    }
+    foreach e $expected a $actual {
+	if {![string match $e $a]} {
+	    return 0
+	}
+    }
+    return 1
+customMatch listGlob ListGlobMatch
+test cmdMZ-3.5 {Tcl_SourceObjCmd: error in script} -setup {
     set file [makeFile {
 	set x 146
 	error "error in sourced file"
 	set y $x
     } source.file]
-    set result [list [catch {source $file} msg] $msg $errorInfo]
+} -body {
+    list [catch {source $file} msg] $msg $errorInfo
+} -cleanup {
     removeFile source.file
-    set result
-} -match glob -result {1 {error in sourced file} {error in sourced file
+} -match listGlob -result {1 {error in sourced file} {error in sourced file
     while executing
 "error "error in sourced file""
     (file "*" line 3)
diff --git a/tests/exec.test b/tests/exec.test
index c5223aa..2da0b7e 100644
--- a/tests/exec.test
+++ b/tests/exec.test
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
 # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# RCS: @(#) $Id: exec.test,v 2003/10/07 18:53:23 dgp Exp $
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: exec.test,v 2004/02/25 23:38:16 dgp Exp $
 package require tcltest 2
 namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ test exec-11.4 {commands in background} {exec stdio} {
 } 3
 test exec-11.5 {commands in background} {exec} {
     set f [open $path(gorp.file) w]
-    puts $f [format { catch { exec [info nameofexecutable] {%s} foo & } } $path(echo)]
+    puts $f [list catch [list exec [info nameofexecutable] $path(echo) foo &]]
     close $f
     string compare "foo" [exec [interpreter] $path(gorp.file)]
 } 0
@@ -567,12 +567,13 @@ set path(script) [makeFile {} script]
 test exec-17.1 { inheriting standard I/O } {exec} {
     set f [open $path(script) w]
-    puts $f [format {close stdout
-	set f [open {%s} w]
-	catch {exec [info nameofexecutable] {%s} foobar &}
-	exec [info nameofexecutable] {%s} 2
-	close $f
-    } $path(gorp.file) $path(echo) $path(sleep)]
+    puts -nonewline $f {close stdout
+	set f [}
+    puts $f [list open $path(gorp.file) w]]
+    puts $f [list catch \
+	    [list exec [info nameofexecutable] $path(echo) foobar &]]
+    puts $f [list exec [info nameofexecutable] $path(sleep) 2]
+    puts $f {close $f}
     close $f
     catch {exec [interpreter] $path(script)} result
     set f [open $path(gorp.file) r]
diff --git a/tests/io.test b/tests/io.test
index e9531e1..8ce7f4e 100644
--- a/tests/io.test
+++ b/tests/io.test
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
 # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# RCS: @(#) $Id: io.test,v 2003/10/07 21:37:48 dgp Exp $
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: io.test,v 2004/02/25 23:38:16 dgp Exp $
 if {[catch {package require tcltest 2}]} {
     puts stderr "Skipping tests in [info script].  tcltest 2 required."
@@ -1582,20 +1582,21 @@ set path(test3) [makeFile {} test3]
 test io-14.3 {Tcl_SetStdChannel & Tcl_GetStdChannel} {exec openpipe} {
     set f [open $path(test1) w]
-    puts $f [format {
+    puts -nonewline $f {
 	close stdin
 	close stdout
 	close stderr
-	set f  [open "%s" r]
-	set f2 [open "%s" w]
-	set f3 [open "%s" w]
-	puts stdout [gets stdin]
+	set f  [}
+    puts $f [list open $path(test1) r]]
+    puts $f "set f2 \[[list open $path(test2) w]]"
+    puts $f "set f3 \[[list open $path(test3) w]]"
+    puts $f {	puts stdout [gets stdin]
 	puts stdout out
 	puts stderr err
 	close $f
 	close $f2
 	close $f3
-    } $path(test1) $path(test2) $path(test3)]
+    }
     close $f
     set result [exec [interpreter] $path(test1)]
     set f  [open $path(test2) r]
@@ -1611,19 +1612,20 @@ out
 # This test relies on the fact that the smallest available fd is used first.
 test io-14.4 {Tcl_SetStdChannel & Tcl_GetStdChannel} {exec unixOnly} {
     set f [open $path(test1) w]
-    puts $f [format { close stdin
+    puts -nonewline $f { close stdin
 	close stdout
 	close stderr
-	set f  [open "%s" r]
-	set f2 [open "%s" w]
-	set f3 [open "%s" w]
-	puts stdout [gets stdin]
+	set f  [}
+    puts $f [list open $path(test1) r]]
+    puts $f "set f2 \[[list open $path(test2) w]]"
+    puts $f "set f3 \[[list open $path(test3) w]]"
+    puts $f {	puts stdout [gets stdin]
 	puts stdout $f2
 	puts stderr $f3
 	close $f
 	close $f2
 	close $f3
-    } $path(test1) $path(test2) $path(test3)]
+    }
     close $f
     set result [exec [interpreter] $path(test1)]
     set f  [open $path(test2) r]
@@ -1674,14 +1676,18 @@ test io-14.8 {reuse of stdio special channels} {stdio openpipe} {
     file delete $path(script)
     file delete $path(test1)
     set f [open $path(script) w]
-    puts $f [format {
+    puts -nonewline $f {
 	close stderr
-	set f [open "%s" w]
+	set f [}
+    puts $f [list open $path(test1) w]]
+    puts -nonewline $f {
 	puts stderr hello
 	close $f
-	set f [open "%s" r]
+	set f [}
+    puts $f [list open $path(test1) r]]
+    puts $f {
 	puts [gets $f]
-    } $path(test1) $path(test1)]
+    }
     close $f
     set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(script)]" r]
     set c [gets $f]
@@ -1876,12 +1882,14 @@ set path(stdout) [makeFile {} stdout]
 test io-20.5 {Tcl_CreateChannel: install channel in empty slot} {stdio openpipe} {
     set f [open $path(script) w]
-    puts $f [format {
+    puts -nonewline $f {
 	close stdout
-	set f1 [open "%s" w]
+	set f1 [}
+    puts $f [list open $path(stdout) w]]
+    puts $f {
 	fconfigure $f1 -buffersize 777
 	puts stderr [fconfigure stdout -buffersize]
-    } $path(stdout)]
+    }
     close $f
     set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(script)]"]
     catch {close $f} msg
@@ -2029,15 +2037,15 @@ test io-27.6 {FlushChannel, async flushing, async close} \
     file delete $path(pipe)
     file delete $path(output)
     set f [open $path(pipe) w]
-    puts $f [format {
-	set f [open "%s" w]
+    puts $f "set f \[[list open $path(output) w]]"
+    puts $f {
 	fconfigure $f -translation lf -buffering none -eofchar {}
 	while {![eof stdin]} {
 	    after 20
 	    puts -nonewline $f [read stdin 1024]
 	close $f
-    } $path(output)]
+    }
     close $f
     set x 01234567890123456789012345678901
     for {set i 0} {$i < 11} {incr i} {
@@ -2295,12 +2303,12 @@ test io-29.12 {Tcl_WriteChars on a pipe} {stdio openpipe} {
     file delete $path(test1)
     file delete $path(pipe)
     set f1 [open $path(pipe) w]
-    puts $f1 [format {
-	set f1 [open "%s" r]
+    puts $f1 "set f1 \[[list open $path(longfile) r]]"
+    puts $f1 {
 	for {set x 0} {$x < 10} {incr x} {
 	    puts [gets $f1]
-    } $path(longfile)]
+    }
     close $f1
     set f1 [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(pipe)]" r]
     set f2 [open $path(longfile) r]
@@ -2591,7 +2599,7 @@ test io-29.31 {Tcl_WriteChars, background flush} {stdio openpipe} {
     file delete $path(pipe)
     file delete $path(output)
     set f [open $path(pipe) w]
-    puts $f [format {set f [open "%s" w]} $path(output)]
+    puts $f "set f \[[list open $path(output)  w]]"
     puts $f {fconfigure $f -translation lf}
     set x [list while {![eof stdin]}]
     set x "$x {"
@@ -2628,7 +2636,7 @@ test io-29.32 {Tcl_WriteChars, background flush to slow reader} \
     file delete $path(pipe)
     file delete $path(output)
     set f [open $path(pipe) w]
-    puts $f [format {set f [open {%s} w]} $path(output)]
+    puts $f "set f \[[list open $path(output) w]]"
     puts $f {fconfigure $f -translation lf}
     set x [list while {![eof stdin]}]
     set x "$x \{"
@@ -2663,13 +2671,12 @@ test io-29.32 {Tcl_WriteChars, background flush to slow reader} \
 } ok
 test io-29.33 {Tcl_Flush, implicit flush on exit} {exec} {
     set f [open $path(script) w]
-    puts $f [format {
-	set f [open "%s" w]
-	fconfigure $f -translation lf
+    puts $f "set f \[[list open $path(test1) w]]"
+    puts $f {fconfigure $f -translation lf
 	puts $f hello
 	puts $f bye
 	puts $f strange
-    } $path(test1)]
+    }
     close $f
     exec [interpreter] $path(script)
     set f [open $path(test1) r]
@@ -5521,14 +5528,15 @@ testConstraint testfevent [llength [info commands testfevent]]
 test io-46.1 {Tcl event loop vs multiple interpreters} {testfevent fileevent} {
     testfevent create
-    testfevent cmd [format {
-	set f [open {%s} r]
+    set script "set f \[[list open $path(foo) r]]\n"
+    append script {
 	set x "no event"
 	fileevent $f readable [namespace code {
 	    set x "f triggered: [gets $f]"
 	    fileevent $f readable {}
-    } $path(foo)]
+    }
+    testfevent cmd $script
     after 1	;# We must delay because Windows takes a little time to notice
     testfevent cmd {close $f}
@@ -5756,8 +5764,8 @@ test io-48.3 {testing readability conditions} {stdio unixOnly nonBlockFiles open
     set l ""
     variable x not_done
-    puts $f [format {source {%s}}         $path(my_script)]
-    puts $f [format {set f [open {%s} r]} $path(bar)]
+    puts $f [list source $path(my_script)]
+    puts $f "set f \[[list open $path(bar) r]]"
     puts $f {copy_slowly $f}
     puts $f {exit}
     vwait [namespace which -variable x]
@@ -6659,16 +6667,18 @@ test io-53.3 {CopyData: background read underflow} {stdio unixOnly openpipe fcop
     file delete $path(test1)
     file delete $path(pipe)
     set f1 [open $path(pipe) w]
-    puts $f1 [format {
+    puts -nonewline $f1 {
 	puts ready
 	flush stdout				;# Don't assume line buffered!
 	fcopy stdin stdout -command { set x }
 	vwait x
-	set f [open "%s" w]
+	set f [}
+    puts $f1 [list open $path(test1) w]]
+    puts $f1 {
 	fconfigure $f -translation lf
 	puts $f "done"
 	close $f
-    } $path(test1)]
+    }
     close $f1
     set f1 [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(pipe)]" r+]
     set result [gets $f1]
diff --git a/tests/pid.test b/tests/pid.test
index 9e8fcce..45c1278 100644
--- a/tests/pid.test
+++ b/tests/pid.test
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
 # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# RCS: @(#) $Id: pid.test,v 2003/10/07 18:53:23 dgp Exp $
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: pid.test,v 2004/02/25 23:38:17 dgp Exp $
 if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
     package require tcltest 2
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ test pid-1.2 {pid command} -constraints {unixOrPc unixExecs} -setup {
     set path(test1) [makeFile {} test1]
     file delete $path(test1)
 } -body {
-    set f [open [format {| echo foo | cat {>%s}} $path(test1)] w]
+    set f [open |[list echo foo | cat >$path(test1)] w]
     set pids [pid $f]
     close $f
     list [llength $pids] [regexp {^[0-9]+$} [lindex $pids 0]] \
diff --git a/tests/socket.test b/tests/socket.test
index 61d461d..63e7a26 100644
--- a/tests/socket.test
+++ b/tests/socket.test
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
 # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# RCS: @(#) $Id: socket.test,v 2003/10/07 18:53:23 dgp Exp $
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: socket.test,v 2004/02/25 23:38:17 dgp Exp $
 # Running socket tests with a remote server:
 # ------------------------------------------
@@ -1415,17 +1415,19 @@ test socket-12.1 {testing inheritance of server sockets} {socket stdio exec} {
     set f [open $path(script2) w]
     puts $f [list set tcltest [interpreter]]
-    puts $f [format {
+    puts -nonewline $f {
 	set f [socket -server accept 0]
 	puts [lindex [fconfigure $f -sockname] 2]
 	proc accept { file addr port } {
 	    close $file
-	exec $tcltest "%s" &
+	exec $tcltest }
+    puts $f [list $path(script1) &]
+    puts $f {
 	close $f
 	after 1000 exit
 	vwait forever
-    } $path(script1)]
+    }
     close $f
     # Launch script2 and wait 5 seconds
@@ -1469,15 +1471,17 @@ test socket-12.2 {testing inheritance of client sockets} {socket stdio exec} {
     set f [open $path(script2) w]
     puts $f [list set tcltest [interpreter]]
-    puts $f [format {
+    puts -nonewline $f {
         gets stdin port
 	set f [socket $port]
-	exec $tcltest "%s" &
+        exec $tcltest }
+    puts $f [list $path(script1) &]
+    puts $f {
 	puts $f testing
 	flush $f
 	after 1000 exit
 	vwait forever
-    } $path(script1)]
+    }
     close $f
     # Create the server socket
@@ -1547,17 +1551,23 @@ test socket-12.3 {testing inheritance of accepted sockets} {socket stdio exec} {
     set f [open $path(script2) w]
     puts $f [list set tcltest [interpreter]]
-    puts $f [format {
+    puts -nonewline $f {
 	set server [socket -server accept 0]
 	puts stdout [lindex [fconfigure $server -sockname] 2]
-	proc accept { file host port } {
+	proc accept { file host port } }
+    puts $f \{
+    puts -nonewline $f {
 	    global tcltest
 	    puts $file {test data on socket}
-	    exec $tcltest "%s" &
+	    exec $tcltest }
+    puts $f [list $path(script1) &]
+    puts $f {
 	    after 1000 exit
+    puts $f \} 
+    puts $f {
 	vwait forever
-    } $path(script1)]
+    }
     close $f
     # Launch the script2 process and connect to it.  See how long
diff --git a/tests/source.test b/tests/source.test
index c603c1b..6417af7 100644
--- a/tests/source.test
+++ b/tests/source.test
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
 # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
 # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# RCS: @(#) $Id: source.test,v 2003/10/07 18:53:23 dgp Exp $
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: source.test,v 2004/02/25 23:38:17 dgp Exp $
-if {[catch {package require tcltest 2.0.2}]} {
-    puts stderr "Skipping tests in [info script]. tcltest 2.0.2 required."
+if {[catch {package require tcltest 2.1}]} {
+    puts stderr "Skipping tests in [info script]. tcltest 2.1 required."
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ namespace eval ::tcl::test::source {
     namespace import ::tcltest::cleanupTests
     namespace import ::tcltest::makeFile
     namespace import ::tcltest::removeFile
+    namespace import ::tcltest::customMatch
 test source-1.1 {source command} -setup {
     set x "old x value"
@@ -63,6 +64,18 @@ test source-1.3 {source command} -setup {
     removeFile source.file
 } -result {a b c d e f}
+proc ListGlobMatch {expected actual} {
+    if {[llength $expected] != [llength $actual]} {
+        return 0
+    }
+    foreach e $expected a $actual {
+        if {![string match $e $a]} {
+            return 0
+        }
+    }
+    return 1
+customMatch listGlob [namespace which ListGlobMatch]
 test source-2.3 {source error conditions} -setup {
     set sourcefile [makeFile {
@@ -74,7 +87,7 @@ test source-2.3 {source error conditions} -setup {
     list [catch {source $sourcefile} msg] $msg $::errorInfo
 } -cleanup {
     removeFile source.file
-} -match glob -result [list 1 {error in sourced file} \
+} -match listGlob -result [list 1 {error in sourced file} \
 	{error in sourced file
     while executing
 "error "error in sourced file""
@@ -103,7 +116,7 @@ test source-2.6 {source error conditions} -setup {
     removeFile _non_existent_
 } -body {
     list [catch {source $sourcefile} msg] $msg $::errorCode
-} -match glob -result [list 1 \
+} -match listGlob -result [list 1 \
 	{couldn't read file "*_non_existent_": no such file or directory} \
 	{POSIX ENOENT {no such file or directory}}]
diff --git a/tests/unixInit.test b/tests/unixInit.test
index 27f10b9..8560a1e 100644
--- a/tests/unixInit.test
+++ b/tests/unixInit.test
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
 # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# RCS: @(#) $Id: unixInit.test,v 2004/02/18 01:30:14 hobbs Exp $
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: unixInit.test,v 2004/02/25 23:38:17 dgp Exp $
 package require tcltest 2
 namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
@@ -359,10 +359,10 @@ test unixInit-7.1 {closed standard channel: Bug 772288} -constraints {
 } -body {
     set tclsh [interpreter]
     makeFile {puts [open /dev/null]} crash.tcl
-    makeFile [subst -nocommands {
+    makeFile "
 	close stdin
-	exec $tclsh crash.tcl
-    }] crashtest.tcl
+	[list exec $tclsh crash.tcl]
+    " crashtest.tcl
     exec $tclsh crashtest.tcl
 } -cleanup {
     removeFile crash.tcl
cgit v0.12