============================================= libunicows ------------------------------------- Import library for Microsoft Layer for Unicode (unicows.dll) http://libunicows.sourceforge.net ============================================= About ======= Traditionally, win32 Unicode API was only available on Windows NT or 2000. If you wanted to take advantage of Unicode in your application and support Windows 95/98 at the same time, your only option was to deploy two executables, one for NT and one for 9X. Fortunately, this changed in 2001 when MS (finally!) released MSLU runtime that allows Unicode applications to run under Windows 9X. See these pages for details: http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/handson/dev/mslu_announce.mspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/nettop.asp?page=/msdnmag/issues/01/10/MSLU/MSLU.asp&ad=ads.ddj.com/msdnmag/premium.htm Less fortunately, this solution requires that you use a special statically linked import library that decides at runtime whether to load symbols from system libraries like kernel32.dll or user32.dll (in case of Windows NT) or from unicows.dll (which provides Unicode emulation layer under 9X). This import library is only available for Microsoft Visual C++ and is only part of the new Platform SDK, which is rather huge package. This library contains independent implementation of the import library. It can be used with any C compiler (although it was only tested with Mingw32 and MSVC so far). Installing libunicows ======================= Mingw32 --------- Simply copy libunicows.a to the lib subdirectory of your Mingw32 installation (e.g. c:\mingw32\lib). Microsoft Visual C++ ---------------------- Copy unicows.lib to C:\Program Files\Visual Studio\VC98\Lib (assuming you installed MSVC into C:\Program Files\Visual Studio and that you have version 6.0, the path may vary otherwise). Note: This was tested only with MSVC++ 6.0, but should work with other versions as well. Borland C++ ------------- Copy unicows.lib to %BORLAND%\lib where %BORLAND% is where you installed BC++ (this directory should contain import32.lib). Watcom C/C++ ------------- Copy unicows.lib to %WATCOM%\lib386\nt where %WATCOM% is where you installed the compiler. Usage ======= 1) Add the unicows import library BEFORE other win32 libraries on your command line. For example, if your command line for Mingw32 was c++ foo.o bar.o -o foo -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 change it to c++ foo.o bar.o -o foo -lunicows -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 No other change is neccessary, you don't have to include any special headers in your source files. 2) Download Unicows runtime from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/release.asp?releaseid=30039 or http://download.microsoft.com/download/platformsdk/Redist/1.0/W9XMe/EN-US/unicows.exe Extract unicows.dll from the package and distribute it with your application. Do *not* install it to Windows system directory, always copy the DLL to your application's directory! (Nobody wants any more of DLL hell...). If your application uses Common Controls DLL (very likely) or Rich Edit control, make sure the installer installs new enough versions that fully support Unicode (Common Controls DLL version 5.80 and RichEdit 4.0). Compiling from sources ======================== 1) Download the source package (libunicows-$version-src.tar.gz) 2) [optional step] Run generate.py to create assembler stubs. You will need Python (http://www.python.org) to run it. You don't have to do this unless you modified symbols.txt or src\template.asm, because generated stubs are already included in source package (in src\gen_asm). 3) Change to 'src' subdirectory and compile the library. You will need NASM (http://nasm.sourceforge.net). Mingw32: run make -f makefile.mingw32 MSVC: run nmake -f makefile.vc6 If your compiler is not supported, you will have to create a makefile/project file for it. You can gen inspiration from existing makefiles. If you do so, please send the makefile (and if possible, compiled unicows.lib) to me, so that I can include it in the next release of libunicows. Thanks! Compiling and using unicows_wrapper.dll ========================================= If precompiled version of libunicows is not available for your compiler, you can use unicows_wrapper.dll (at the cost of marginally slower calls and the need to install unicows_wrapper.dll on NT/2k/XP boxes, too). Create an import library for it in the same way you would do for any other DLL and same the created import library as unicows.lib (or whatever name convention your compiler uses, the point is to not name it unicows_wrapper.lib). For example, this is how to do it with Borland C++ tools: implib unicows.lib unicows_wrapper.dll That is. Use the library as with other compilers, i.e. put unicows.lib as the first one on your command line, so that the symbols are found in unicows.lib and not in e.g. kernel32.lib. Unlike with the "native" import libraries, using unicows_wrapper.dll will make your application depend on unicows_wrapper.dll even when installed on Windows NT/2000/XP. Therefore, your installer must install following files in addition to your application's binary and data: 9x/ME: unicows.dll, unicows_wrapper.dll NT/2k/XP: unicows_wrapper.dll Contacting the author ======================= I can be reached at this email address: vslavik@fastmail.fm