'\" -*- nroff -*- '\" '\" Copyright (c) 1993 The Regents of the University of California. '\" Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. '\" Copyright (c) 2001 Kevin B. Kenny. All rights reserved. '\" Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Donal K. Fellows. '\" '\" See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution '\" of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. '\" '\" RCS: @(#) $Id: lsearch.n,v 1.17 2004/04/28 10:28:00 dkf Exp $ '\" .so man.macros .TH lsearch n 8.5 Tcl "Tcl Built-In Commands" .BS '\" Note: do not modify the .SH NAME line immediately below! .SH NAME lsearch \- See if a list contains a particular element .SH SYNOPSIS \fBlsearch \fR?\fIoptions\fR? \fIlist pattern\fR .BE .SH DESCRIPTION .PP This command searches the elements of \fIlist\fR to see if one of them matches \fIpattern\fR. If so, the command returns the index of the first matching element (unless the options \fB\-all\fR or \fB\-inline\fR are specified.) If not, the command returns \fB\-1\fR. The \fIoption\fR arguments indicates how the elements of the list are to be matched against \fIpattern\fR and it must have one of the following values: .TP \fB\-all\fR Changes the result to be the list of all matching indices (or all matching values if \fB\-inline\fR is specified as well.) .TP \fB\-ascii\fR The list elements are to be examined as Unicode strings (the name is for backward-compatability reasons.) This option is only meaningful when used with \fB\-exact\fR or \fB\-sorted\fR. .TP \fB\-decreasing\fR The list elements are sorted in decreasing order. This option is only meaningful when used with \fB\-sorted\fR. .TP \fB\-dictionary\fR The list elements are to be compared using dictionary-style comparisons. This option is only meaningful when used with \fB\-exact\fR or \fB\-sorted\fR. .TP \fB\-exact\fR The list element must contain exactly the same string as \fIpattern\fR. .TP \fB\-glob\fR \fIPattern\fR is a glob-style pattern which is matched against each list element using the same rules as the \fBstring match\fR command. .TP \fB\-increasing\fR The list elements are sorted in increasing order. This option is only meaningful when used with \fB\-sorted\fR. .TP \fB\-index\fR\0\fIindexList\fR .VS 8.5 This option is designed for use when searching within nested lists. The \fIindexList\fR argument gives a path of indices (much as might be used with the \fBlindex\fR or \fBlset\fR commands) within each element to allow the location of the term being matched against. .VE 8.5 .TP \fB\-inline\fR The matching value is returned instead of its index (or an empty string if no value matches.) If \fB\-all\fR is also specified, then the result of the command is the list of all values that matched. .TP \fB\-integer\fR The list elements are to be compared as integers. This option is only meaningful when used with \fB\-exact\fR or \fB\-sorted\fR. .TP \fB\-not\fR This negates the sense of the match, returning the index of the first non-matching value in the list. .TP \fB\-real\fR The list elements are to be compared as floating-point values. This option is only meaningful when used with \fB\-exact\fR or \fB\-sorted\fR. .TP \fB\-regexp\fR \fIPattern\fR is treated as a regular expression and matched against each list element using the rules described in the \fBre_syntax\fR reference page. .TP \fB\-sorted\fR The list elements are in sorted order. If this option is specified, \fBlsearch\fR will use a more efficient searching algorithm to search \fIlist\fR. If no other options are specified, \fIlist\fR is assumed to be sorted in increasing order, and to contain ASCII strings. This option is mutually exclusive with \fB\-glob\fR and \fB\-regexp\fR, and is treated exactly like \fB-exact\fR when either \fB\-all\fR, or \fB\-not\fR is specified. .TP \fB\-start\fR\0\fIindex\fR The list is searched starting at position \fIindex\fR. If \fIindex\fR has the value \fBend\fR, it refers to the last element in the list, and \fBend\-\fIinteger\fR refers to the last element in the list minus the specified integer offset. .TP \fB\-subindices\fR .VS 8.5 If this option is given, the index result from this command (or every index result when \fB\-all\fR is also specified) will be a complete path (suitable for use with \fBlindex\fR or \fBlset\fR) within the overall list to the term found. This option has no effect unless the \fI\-index\fR is also specified, and is just a convenience short-cut. .VE 8.5 .PP If \fIoption\fR is omitted then it defaults to \fB\-glob\fR. If more than one of \fB\-exact\fR, \fB\-glob\fR, \fB\-regexp\fR, and \fB\-sorted\fR is specified, whichever option is specified last takes precedence. If more than one of \fB\-ascii\fR, \fB\-dictionary\fR, \fB\-integer\fR and \fB\-real\fR is specified, the option specified last takes precedence. If more than one of \fB\-increasing\fR and \fB\-decreasing\fR is specified, the option specified last takes precedence. .SH EXAMPLES .CS lsearch {a b c d e} c => 2 lsearch -all {a b c a b c} c => 2 5 \fI# Filtering examples\fR lsearch -inline {a20 b35 c47} b* => b35 lsearch -inline -not {a20 b35 c47} b* => a20 lsearch -all -inline -not {a20 b35 c47} b* => a20 c47 lsearch -all -not {a20 b35 c47} b* => 0 2 \fI# Simple set removal\fR lsearch -all -inline -not -exact {a b c a d e a f g a} a => b c d e f g \fI# Non-start based searches\fR lsearch -start 3 {a b c a b c} c => 5 \fI# Searching inside elements\fR lsearch -index 1 -all {{a abc} {b bcd} {c cde}} *bc* => {a abc} {b bcd} .CE .SH "SEE ALSO" foreach(n), list(n), lappend(n), lindex(n), linsert(n), llength(n), lset(n), lsort(n), lrange(n), lreplace(n) .SH KEYWORDS list, match, pattern, regular expression, search, string