'\" '\" Copyright (c) 2022 Eric Taylor. All rights reserved. '\" '\" See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution '\" of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. '\" .TH lseq n 8.7 Tcl "Tcl Built-In Commands" .so man.macros .BS '\" Note: do not modify the .SH NAME line immediately below! .SH NAME lseq \- Build a numeric sequence returned as a list .SH SYNOPSIS \fBlseq \fIstart \fR?(\fB..\fR|\fBto\fR)? \fIend\fR ??\fBby\fR? \fIstep\fR? \fBlseq \fIstart \fBcount\fR \fIcount\fR ??\fBby\fR? \fIstep\fR? \fBlseq \fIcount\fR ?\fBby \fIstep\fR? .BE .SH DESCRIPTION .PP The \fBlseq\fR command creates a sequence of numeric values using the given parameters \fIstart\fR, \fIend\fR, and \fIstep\fR. The \fIoperation\fR argument "\fB..\fR" or "\fBto\fR" defines the range. The "\fBcount\fR" option is used to define a count of the number of elements in the list. A short form use of the command, with a single count value, will create a range from 0 to count-1. The \fBlseq\fR command can produce both increasing and decreasing sequences. When both \fIstart\fR and \fIend\fR are provided without a \fIstep\fR value, then if \fIstart\fR <= \fIend\fR, the sequence will be increasing and if \fIstart\fR > \fIend\fR it will be decreasing. If a \fIstep\fR vale is included, it's sign should agree with the direction of the sequence (descending -> negative and ascending -> positive), otherwise an empty list is returned. For example: .CS \" % \fBlseq\fR 1 to 5 ;# increasing \fI\(-> 1 2 3 4 5 % \fBlseq\fR 5 to 1 ;# decreasing \fI\(-> 5 4 3 2 1 % \fBlseq\fR 6 to 1 by 2 ;# decreasing, step wrong sign, empty list % \fBlseq\fR 1 to 5 by 0 ;# all step sizes of 0 produce an empty list .\" .CE The numeric arguments, \fIstart\fR, \fIend\fR, \fIstep\fR, and \fIcount\fR, may also be a valid expression. The expression will be evaluated and the numeric result will be used. An expression that does not evaluate to a number will produce an invalid argument error. .PP \fIStart\fR defines the initial value and \fIend\fR defines the limit, not necessarily the last value. \fBlseq\fR produces a list with \fIcount\fR elements, and if \fIcount\fR is not supplied, it is computed as .CS \" \fIcount\fR = int( (\fIend\fR - \fIstart\fR + \fIstep\fR) / \fIstep\fR ) .\" .CE .PP The numeric arguments, \fIstart\fR, \fIend\fR, \fIstep\fR, and \fIcount\fR, can also be a valid expression. the \fBlseq\fR command will evaluate the expression (as if with \fBexpr\fR) and use the numeric result, or return an error as with any invalid argument value; a non-numeric expression result will result in an error. .SH EXAMPLES .CS .\" \fBlseq\fR 3 \fI\(-> 0 1 2\fR \fBlseq\fR 3 0 \fI\(-> 3 2 1 0\fR \fBlseq\fR 10 .. 1 by -2 \fI\(-> 10 8 6 4 2\fR set l [\fBlseq\fR 0 -5] \fI\(-> 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5\fR foreach i [\fBlseq\fR [llength $l]] { puts l($i)=[lindex $l $i] } \fI\(-> l(0)=0\fR \fI\(-> l(1)=-1\fR \fI\(-> l(2)=-2\fR \fI\(-> l(3)=-3\fR \fI\(-> l(4)=-4\fR \fI\(-> l(5)=-5\fR foreach i [\fBlseq\fR {[llength $l]-1} 0] { puts l($i)=[lindex $l $i] } \fI\(-> l(5)=-5\fR \fI\(-> l(4)=-4\fR \fI\(-> l(3)=-3\fR \fI\(-> l(2)=-2\fR \fI\(-> l(1)=-1\fR \fI\(-> l(0)=0\fR set i 17 \fI\(-> 17\fR if {$i in [\fBlseq\fR 0 50]} { # equivalent to: (0 <= $i && $i <= 50) puts "Ok" } else { puts "outside :(" } \fI\(-> Ok\fR set sqrs [lmap i [\fBlseq\fR 1 10] { expr {$i*$i} }] \fI\(-> 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100\fR .\" .CE .SH "SEE ALSO" foreach(n), list(n), lappend(n), lassign(n), lindex(n), linsert(n), llength(n), lmap(n), lpop(n), lrange(n), lremove(n), lreplace(n), lreverse(n), lsearch(n), lset(n), lsort(n) .SH KEYWORDS element, index, list '\" Local Variables: '\" mode: nroff '\" fill-column: 78 '\" End: