/* * Utility functions for handling cvecs * This file is #included by regcomp.c. */ /* - newcvec - allocate a new cvec ^ static struct cvec *newcvec(int, int, int); */ static struct cvec * newcvec(nchrs, nranges, nmcces) int nchrs; /* to hold this many chrs... */ int nranges; /* ... and this many ranges... */ int nmcces; /* ... and this many MCCEs */ { size_t n; size_t nc; struct cvec *cv; nc = (size_t)nchrs + (size_t)nmcces*(MAXMCCE+1) + (size_t)nranges*2; n = sizeof(struct cvec) + (size_t)(nmcces-1)*sizeof(chr *) + nc*sizeof(chr); cv = (struct cvec *)MALLOC(n); if (cv == NULL) return NULL; cv->chrspace = nc; cv->chrs = (chr *)&cv->mcces[nmcces]; /* chrs just after MCCE ptrs */ cv->mccespace = nmcces; cv->ranges = cv->chrs + nchrs + nmcces*(MAXMCCE+1); cv->rangespace = nranges; return clearcvec(cv); } /* - clearcvec - clear a possibly-new cvec * Returns pointer as convenience. ^ static struct cvec *clearcvec(struct cvec *); */ static struct cvec * clearcvec(cv) struct cvec *cv; { int i; assert(cv != NULL); cv->nchrs = 0; assert(cv->chrs == (chr *)&cv->mcces[cv->mccespace]); cv->nmcces = 0; cv->nmccechrs = 0; cv->nranges = 0; for (i = 0; i < cv->mccespace; i++) cv->mcces[i] = NULL; return cv; } /* - addchr - add a chr to a cvec ^ static VOID addchr(struct cvec *, pchr); */ static VOID addchr(cv, c) struct cvec *cv; pchr c; { assert(cv->nchrs < cv->chrspace - cv->nmccechrs); cv->chrs[cv->nchrs++] = (chr)c; } /* - addrange - add a range to a cvec ^ static VOID addrange(struct cvec *, pchr, pchr); */ static VOID addrange(cv, from, to) struct cvec *cv; pchr from; pchr to; { assert(cv->nranges < cv->rangespace); cv->ranges[cv->nranges*2] = (chr)from; cv->ranges[cv->nranges*2 + 1] = (chr)to; cv->nranges++; } /* - addmcce - add an MCCE to a cvec ^ static VOID addmcce(struct cvec *, chr *, chr *); */ static VOID addmcce(cv, startp, endp) struct cvec *cv; chr *startp; /* beginning of text */ chr *endp; /* just past end of text */ { int n = endp - startp; int i; chr *s; chr *d; assert(n > 0); assert(cv->nchrs + n < cv->chrspace - cv->nmccechrs); assert(cv->nmcces < cv->mccespace); d = &cv->chrs[cv->chrspace - cv->nmccechrs - n - 1]; cv->mcces[cv->nmcces++] = d; for (s = startp, i = n; i > 0; s++, i--) *d++ = *s; *d++ = 0; /* endmarker */ assert(d == &cv->chrs[cv->chrspace - cv->nmccechrs]); cv->nmccechrs += n + 1; } /* - haschr - does a cvec contain this chr? ^ static int haschr(struct cvec *, pchr); */ static int /* predicate */ haschr(cv, c) struct cvec *cv; pchr c; { int i; chr *p; for (p = cv->chrs, i = cv->nchrs; i > 0; p++, i--) if (*p == c) return 1; for (p = cv->ranges, i = cv->nranges; i > 0; p += 2, i--) if (*p <= c && c <= *(p+1)) return 1; return 0; } /* - getcvec - get a cvec, remembering it as v->cv ^ static struct cvec *getcvec(struct vars *, int, int, int); */ static struct cvec * getcvec(v, nchrs, nranges, nmcces) struct vars *v; int nchrs; /* to hold this many chrs... */ int nranges; /* ... and this many ranges... */ int nmcces; /* ... and this many MCCEs */ { if (v->cv != NULL && nchrs <= v->cv->chrspace && nranges <= v->cv->rangespace && nmcces <= v->cv->mccespace) return clearcvec(v->cv); if (v->cv != NULL) freecvec(v->cv); v->cv = newcvec(nchrs, nranges, nmcces); if (v->cv == NULL) ERR(REG_ESPACE); return v->cv; } /* - freecvec - free a cvec ^ static VOID freecvec(struct cvec *); */ static VOID freecvec(cv) struct cvec *cv; { FREE(cv); }