 * tclNotify.c --
 *	This file implements the generic portion of the Tcl notifier.
 *	The notifier is lowest-level part of the event system.  It
 *	manages an event queue that holds Tcl_Event structures.  The
 *	platform specific portion of the notifier is defined in the
 *	tcl*Notify.c files in each platform directory.
 * Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * Copyright (c) 1998 by Scriptics Corporation.
 * Copyright (c) 2003 by Kevin B. Kenny.  All rights reserved.
 * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
 * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
 * RCS: @(#) $Id: tclNotify.c,v 2004/07/15 21:20:25 vasiljevic Exp $

#include "tclInt.h"
#include "tclPort.h"

extern TclStubs tclStubs;

 * For each event source (created with Tcl_CreateEventSource) there
 * is a structure of the following type:

typedef struct EventSource {
    Tcl_EventSetupProc *setupProc;
    Tcl_EventCheckProc *checkProc;
    ClientData clientData;
    struct EventSource *nextPtr;
} EventSource;

 * The following structure keeps track of the state of the notifier on a
 * per-thread basis. The first three elements keep track of the event queue.
 * In addition to the first (next to be serviced) and last events in the queue,
 * we keep track of a "marker" event.  This provides a simple priority
 * mechanism whereby events can be inserted at the front of the queue but
 * behind all other high-priority events already in the queue (this is used for
 * things like a sequence of Enter and Leave events generated during a grab in
 * Tk).  These elements are protected by the queueMutex so that any thread
 * can queue an event on any notifier.  Note that all of the values in this
 * structure will be initialized to 0.

typedef struct ThreadSpecificData {
    Tcl_Event *firstEventPtr;	/* First pending event, or NULL if none. */
    Tcl_Event *lastEventPtr;	/* Last pending event, or NULL if none. */
    Tcl_Event *markerEventPtr;	/* Last high-priority event in queue, or
				 * NULL if none. */
    Tcl_Mutex queueMutex;	/* Mutex to protect access to the previous
				 * three fields. */
    int serviceMode;		/* One of TCL_SERVICE_NONE or
				 * TCL_SERVICE_ALL. */
    int blockTimeSet;		/* 0 means there is no maximum block
				 * time:  block forever. */
    Tcl_Time blockTime;		/* If blockTimeSet is 1, gives the
				 * maximum elapsed time for the next block. */
    int inTraversal;		/* 1 if Tcl_SetMaxBlockTime is being
				 * called during an event source traversal. */
    EventSource *firstEventSourcePtr;
				/* Pointer to first event source in
				 * list of event sources for this thread. */
    Tcl_ThreadId threadId;	/* Thread that owns this notifier instance. */
    ClientData clientData;	/* Opaque handle for platform specific
				 * notifier. */
    struct ThreadSpecificData *nextPtr;
				/* Next notifier in global list of notifiers.
				 * Access is controlled by the listLock global
				 * mutex. */
} ThreadSpecificData;

static Tcl_ThreadDataKey dataKey;

 * Global list of notifiers.  Access to this list is controlled by the
 * listLock mutex.  If this becomes a performance bottleneck, this could
 * be replaced with a hashtable.

static ThreadSpecificData *firstNotifierPtr;

 * Declarations for routines used only in this file.

static void		QueueEvent _ANSI_ARGS_((ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr,
			    Tcl_Event* evPtr, Tcl_QueuePosition position));
 * TclInitNotifier --
 *	Initialize the thread local data structures for the notifier
 *	subsystem.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	Adds the current thread to the global list of notifiers.

    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);


    tsdPtr->threadId = Tcl_GetCurrentThread();
    tsdPtr->clientData = tclStubs.tcl_InitNotifier();
    tsdPtr->nextPtr = firstNotifierPtr;
    firstNotifierPtr = tsdPtr;

 * TclFinalizeNotifier --
 *	Finalize the thread local data structures for the notifier
 *	subsystem.
 * Results:
 *	None.	
 * Side effects:
 *	Removes the notifier associated with the current thread from
 *	the global notifier list. This is done only if the notifier
 *	was initialized for this thread by call to TclInitNotifier().
 *	This is always true for threads which have been seeded with
 *	an Tcl interpreter, since the call to Tcl_CreateInterp will,
 *	among other things, call TclInitializeSubsystems() and this
 *	one will, in turn, call the TclInitNotifier() for the thread.
 *	For threads created without the Tcl interpreter, though,
 *	nobody is explicitly nor implicitly calling the TclInitNotifier
 *	hence, TclFinalizeNotifier should not be performed at all.

    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);
    ThreadSpecificData **prevPtrPtr;
    Tcl_Event *evPtr, *hold;

    if (tsdPtr->threadId == (Tcl_ThreadId)0) {
        return; /* Notifier not initialized for the current thread */

    for (evPtr = tsdPtr->firstEventPtr; evPtr != (Tcl_Event *) NULL; ) {
	hold = evPtr;
	evPtr = evPtr->nextPtr;
	ckfree((char *) hold);
    tsdPtr->firstEventPtr = NULL;
    tsdPtr->lastEventPtr = NULL;


    if (tclStubs.tcl_FinalizeNotifier) {
    for (prevPtrPtr = &firstNotifierPtr; *prevPtrPtr != NULL;
	 prevPtrPtr = &((*prevPtrPtr)->nextPtr)) {
	if (*prevPtrPtr == tsdPtr) {
	    *prevPtrPtr = tsdPtr->nextPtr;

 * Tcl_SetNotifier --
 *	Install a set of alternate functions for use with the notifier.
 #	In particular, this can be used to install the Xt-based
 *	notifier for use with the Browser plugin.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	Overstomps part of the stub vector.  This relies on hooks
 *	added to the default procedures in case those are called
 *	directly (i.e., not through the stub table.)

    Tcl_NotifierProcs *notifierProcPtr;
#if !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(MAC_TCL) /* UNIX */
    tclStubs.tcl_CreateFileHandler = notifierProcPtr->createFileHandlerProc;
    tclStubs.tcl_DeleteFileHandler = notifierProcPtr->deleteFileHandlerProc;
    tclStubs.tcl_SetTimer = notifierProcPtr->setTimerProc;
    tclStubs.tcl_WaitForEvent = notifierProcPtr->waitForEventProc;
    tclStubs.tcl_InitNotifier = notifierProcPtr->initNotifierProc;
    tclStubs.tcl_FinalizeNotifier = notifierProcPtr->finalizeNotifierProc;
    tclStubs.tcl_AlertNotifier = notifierProcPtr->alertNotifierProc;
    tclStubs.tcl_ServiceModeHook = notifierProcPtr->serviceModeHookProc;
 * Tcl_CreateEventSource --
 *	This procedure is invoked to create a new source of events.
 *	The source is identified by a procedure that gets invoked
 *	during Tcl_DoOneEvent to check for events on that source
 *	and queue them.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	SetupProc and checkProc will be invoked each time that Tcl_DoOneEvent
 *	runs out of things to do.  SetupProc will be invoked before
 *	Tcl_DoOneEvent calls select or whatever else it uses to wait
 *	for events.  SetupProc typically calls functions like
 *	Tcl_SetMaxBlockTime to indicate what to wait for.
 *	CheckProc is called after select or whatever operation was actually
 *	used to wait.  It figures out whether anything interesting actually
 *	happened (e.g. by calling Tcl_AsyncReady), and then calls
 *	Tcl_QueueEvent to queue any events that are ready.
 *	Each of these procedures is passed two arguments, e.g.
 *		(*checkProc)(ClientData clientData, int flags));
 *	ClientData is the same as the clientData argument here, and flags
 *	is a combination of things like TCL_FILE_EVENTS that indicates
 *	what events are of interest:  setupProc and checkProc use flags
 *	to figure out whether their events are relevant or not.

Tcl_CreateEventSource(setupProc, checkProc, clientData)
    Tcl_EventSetupProc *setupProc;	/* Procedure to invoke to figure out
					 * what to wait for. */
    Tcl_EventCheckProc *checkProc;	/* Procedure to call after waiting
					 * to see what happened. */
    ClientData clientData;		/* One-word argument to pass to
					 * setupProc and checkProc. */
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);
    EventSource *sourcePtr = (EventSource *) ckalloc(sizeof(EventSource));

    sourcePtr->setupProc = setupProc;
    sourcePtr->checkProc = checkProc;
    sourcePtr->clientData = clientData;
    sourcePtr->nextPtr = tsdPtr->firstEventSourcePtr;
    tsdPtr->firstEventSourcePtr = sourcePtr;
 * Tcl_DeleteEventSource --
 *	This procedure is invoked to delete the source of events
 *	given by proc and clientData.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	The given event source is cancelled, so its procedure will
 *	never again be called.  If no such source exists, nothing
 *	happens.

Tcl_DeleteEventSource(setupProc, checkProc, clientData)
    Tcl_EventSetupProc *setupProc;	/* Procedure to invoke to figure out
					 * what to wait for. */
    Tcl_EventCheckProc *checkProc;	/* Procedure to call after waiting
					 * to see what happened. */
    ClientData clientData;		/* One-word argument to pass to
					 * setupProc and checkProc. */
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);
    EventSource *sourcePtr, *prevPtr;

    for (sourcePtr = tsdPtr->firstEventSourcePtr, prevPtr = NULL;
	    sourcePtr != NULL;
	    prevPtr = sourcePtr, sourcePtr = sourcePtr->nextPtr) {
	if ((sourcePtr->setupProc != setupProc)
		|| (sourcePtr->checkProc != checkProc)
		|| (sourcePtr->clientData != clientData)) {
	if (prevPtr == NULL) {
	    tsdPtr->firstEventSourcePtr = sourcePtr->nextPtr;
	} else {
	    prevPtr->nextPtr = sourcePtr->nextPtr;
	ckfree((char *) sourcePtr);
 * Tcl_QueueEvent --
 *	Queue an event on the event queue associated with the
 *	current thread.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

Tcl_QueueEvent(evPtr, position)
    Tcl_Event* evPtr;		/* Event to add to queue.  The storage
				 * space must have been allocated the caller
				 * with malloc (ckalloc), and it becomes
				 * the property of the event queue.  It
				 * will be freed after the event has been
				 * handled. */
    Tcl_QueuePosition position;	/* One of TCL_QUEUE_TAIL, TCL_QUEUE_HEAD,
				 * TCL_QUEUE_MARK. */
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);
    QueueEvent(tsdPtr, evPtr, position);
 * Tcl_ThreadQueueEvent --
 *	Queue an event on the specified thread's event queue.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

Tcl_ThreadQueueEvent(threadId, evPtr, position)
    Tcl_ThreadId threadId;	/* Identifier for thread to use. */
    Tcl_Event* evPtr;		/* Event to add to queue.  The storage
				 * space must have been allocated the caller
				 * with malloc (ckalloc), and it becomes
				 * the property of the event queue.  It
				 * will be freed after the event has been
				 * handled. */
    Tcl_QueuePosition position;	/* One of TCL_QUEUE_TAIL, TCL_QUEUE_HEAD,
				 * TCL_QUEUE_MARK. */
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr;

     * Find the notifier associated with the specified thread.

    for (tsdPtr = firstNotifierPtr; tsdPtr && tsdPtr->threadId != threadId;
	     tsdPtr = tsdPtr->nextPtr) {
	/* Empty loop body. */

     * Queue the event if there was a notifier associated with the thread.

    if (tsdPtr) {
	QueueEvent(tsdPtr, evPtr, position);
 * QueueEvent --
 *	Insert an event into the specified thread's event queue at one
 *	of three positions: the head, the tail, or before a floating
 *	marker. Events inserted before the marker will be processed in
 *	first-in-first-out order, but before any events inserted at
 *	the tail of the queue.  Events inserted at the head of the
 *	queue will be processed in last-in-first-out order.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

static void
QueueEvent(tsdPtr, evPtr, position)
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr;	/* Handle to thread local data that indicates
				 * which event queue to use. */
    Tcl_Event* evPtr;		/* Event to add to queue.  The storage
				 * space must have been allocated the caller
				 * with malloc (ckalloc), and it becomes
				 * the property of the event queue.  It
				 * will be freed after the event has been
				 * handled. */
    Tcl_QueuePosition position;	/* One of TCL_QUEUE_TAIL, TCL_QUEUE_HEAD,
				 * TCL_QUEUE_MARK. */
    if (position == TCL_QUEUE_TAIL) {
	 * Append the event on the end of the queue.

	evPtr->nextPtr = NULL;
	if (tsdPtr->firstEventPtr == NULL) {
	    tsdPtr->firstEventPtr = evPtr;
	} else {
	    tsdPtr->lastEventPtr->nextPtr = evPtr;
	tsdPtr->lastEventPtr = evPtr;
    } else if (position == TCL_QUEUE_HEAD) {
	 * Push the event on the head of the queue.

	evPtr->nextPtr = tsdPtr->firstEventPtr;
	if (tsdPtr->firstEventPtr == NULL) {
	    tsdPtr->lastEventPtr = evPtr;
	tsdPtr->firstEventPtr = evPtr;
    } else if (position == TCL_QUEUE_MARK) {
	 * Insert the event after the current marker event and advance
	 * the marker to the new event.

	if (tsdPtr->markerEventPtr == NULL) {
	    evPtr->nextPtr = tsdPtr->firstEventPtr;
	    tsdPtr->firstEventPtr = evPtr;
	} else {
	    evPtr->nextPtr = tsdPtr->markerEventPtr->nextPtr;
	    tsdPtr->markerEventPtr->nextPtr = evPtr;
	tsdPtr->markerEventPtr = evPtr;
	if (evPtr->nextPtr == NULL) {
	    tsdPtr->lastEventPtr = evPtr;
 * Tcl_DeleteEvents --
 *	Calls a procedure for each event in the queue and deletes those
 *	for which the procedure returns 1. Events for which the
 *	procedure returns 0 are left in the queue.  Operates on the
 *	queue associated with the current thread.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	Potentially removes one or more events from the event queue.

Tcl_DeleteEvents(proc, clientData)
    Tcl_EventDeleteProc *proc;		/* The procedure to call. */
    ClientData clientData;    		/* type-specific data. */
    Tcl_Event *evPtr, *prevPtr, *hold;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);

    for (prevPtr = (Tcl_Event *) NULL, evPtr = tsdPtr->firstEventPtr;
             evPtr != (Tcl_Event *) NULL;
             ) {
        if ((*proc) (evPtr, clientData) == 1) {
            if (tsdPtr->firstEventPtr == evPtr) {
                tsdPtr->firstEventPtr = evPtr->nextPtr;
            } else {
                prevPtr->nextPtr = evPtr->nextPtr;
            if (evPtr->nextPtr == (Tcl_Event *) NULL) {
                tsdPtr->lastEventPtr = prevPtr;
            if (tsdPtr->markerEventPtr == evPtr) {
                tsdPtr->markerEventPtr = prevPtr;
            hold = evPtr;
            evPtr = evPtr->nextPtr;
            ckfree((char *) hold);
        } else {
            prevPtr = evPtr;
            evPtr = evPtr->nextPtr;
 * Tcl_ServiceEvent --
 *	Process one event from the event queue, or invoke an
 *	asynchronous event handler.  Operates on event queue for
 *	current thread.
 * Results:
 *	The return value is 1 if the procedure actually found an event
 *	to process.  If no processing occurred, then 0 is returned.
 * Side effects:
 *	Invokes all of the event handlers for the highest priority
 *	event in the event queue.  May collapse some events into a
 *	single event or discard stale events.

    int flags;			/* Indicates what events should be processed.
				 * May be any combination of TCL_WINDOW_EVENTS
				 * flags defined elsewhere.  Events not
				 * matching this will be skipped for processing
				 * later. */
    Tcl_Event *evPtr, *prevPtr;
    Tcl_EventProc *proc;
    int result;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);

     * Asynchronous event handlers are considered to be the highest
     * priority events, and so must be invoked before we process events
     * on the event queue.
    if (Tcl_AsyncReady()) {
	(void) Tcl_AsyncInvoke((Tcl_Interp *) NULL, 0);
	return 1;

     * No event flags is equivalent to TCL_ALL_EVENTS.
    if ((flags & TCL_ALL_EVENTS) == 0) {
	flags |= TCL_ALL_EVENTS;

     * Loop through all the events in the queue until we find one
     * that can actually be handled.

    for (evPtr = tsdPtr->firstEventPtr; evPtr != NULL;
	 evPtr = evPtr->nextPtr) {
	 * Call the handler for the event.  If it actually handles the
	 * event then free the storage for the event.  There are two
	 * tricky things here, both stemming from the fact that the event
	 * code may be re-entered while servicing the event:
	 * 1. Set the "proc" field to NULL.  This is a signal to ourselves
	 *    that we shouldn't reexecute the handler if the event loop
	 *    is re-entered.
	 * 2. When freeing the event, must search the queue again from the
	 *    front to find it.  This is because the event queue could
	 *    change almost arbitrarily while handling the event, so we
	 *    can't depend on pointers found now still being valid when
	 *    the handler returns.

	proc = evPtr->proc;
	if (proc == NULL) {
	evPtr->proc = NULL;

	 * Release the lock before calling the event procedure.  This
	 * allows other threads to post events if we enter a recursive
	 * event loop in this thread.  Note that we are making the assumption
	 * that if the proc returns 0, the event is still in the list.

	result = (*proc)(evPtr, flags);

	if (result) {
	     * The event was processed, so remove it from the queue.

	    if (tsdPtr->firstEventPtr == evPtr) {
		tsdPtr->firstEventPtr = evPtr->nextPtr;
		if (evPtr->nextPtr == NULL) {
		    tsdPtr->lastEventPtr = NULL;
		if (tsdPtr->markerEventPtr == evPtr) {
		    tsdPtr->markerEventPtr = NULL;
	    } else {
		for (prevPtr = tsdPtr->firstEventPtr;
		     prevPtr && prevPtr->nextPtr != evPtr;
		     prevPtr = prevPtr->nextPtr) {
		    /* Empty loop body. */
		if (prevPtr) {
		    prevPtr->nextPtr = evPtr->nextPtr;
		    if (evPtr->nextPtr == NULL) {
			tsdPtr->lastEventPtr = prevPtr;
		    if (tsdPtr->markerEventPtr == evPtr) {
			tsdPtr->markerEventPtr = prevPtr;
		} else {
		    evPtr = NULL;
	    if (evPtr) {
		ckfree((char *) evPtr);
	    return 1;
	} else {
	     * The event wasn't actually handled, so we have to restore
	     * the proc field to allow the event to be attempted again.

	    evPtr->proc = proc;
    return 0;
 * Tcl_GetServiceMode --
 *	This routine returns the current service mode of the notifier.
 * Results:
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);

    return tsdPtr->serviceMode;
 * Tcl_SetServiceMode --
 *	This routine sets the current service mode of the tsdPtr->
 * Results:
 *	Returns the previous service mode.
 * Side effects:
 *	Invokes the notifier service mode hook procedure.

    int mode;			/* New service mode: TCL_SERVICE_ALL or
    int oldMode;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);

    oldMode = tsdPtr->serviceMode;
    tsdPtr->serviceMode = mode;
    if (tclStubs.tcl_ServiceModeHook) {
    return oldMode;
 * Tcl_SetMaxBlockTime --
 *	This procedure is invoked by event sources to tell the notifier
 *	how long it may block the next time it blocks.  The timePtr
 *	argument gives a maximum time;  the actual time may be less if
 *	some other event source requested a smaller time.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	May reduce the length of the next sleep in the tsdPtr->

    Tcl_Time *timePtr;		/* Specifies a maximum elapsed time for
				 * the next blocking operation in the
				 * event tsdPtr-> */
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);

    if (!tsdPtr->blockTimeSet || (timePtr->sec < tsdPtr->blockTime.sec)
	    || ((timePtr->sec == tsdPtr->blockTime.sec)
	    && (timePtr->usec < tsdPtr->blockTime.usec))) {
	tsdPtr->blockTime = *timePtr;
	tsdPtr->blockTimeSet = 1;

     * If we are called outside an event source traversal, set the
     * timeout immediately.

    if (!tsdPtr->inTraversal) {
	if (tsdPtr->blockTimeSet) {
	} else {
 * Tcl_DoOneEvent --
 *	Process a single event of some sort.  If there's no work to
 *	do, wait for an event to occur, then process it.
 * Results:
 *	The return value is 1 if the procedure actually found an event
 *	to process.  If no processing occurred, then 0 is returned (this
 *	can happen if the TCL_DONT_WAIT flag is set or if there are no
 *	event handlers to wait for in the set specified by flags).
 * Side effects:
 *	May delay execution of process while waiting for an event,
 *	unless TCL_DONT_WAIT is set in the flags argument.  Event
 *	sources are invoked to check for and queue events.  Event
 *	handlers may produce arbitrary side effects.

    int flags;			/* Miscellaneous flag values:  may be any
				 * combination of TCL_DONT_WAIT,
				 * others defined by event sources. */
    int result = 0, oldMode;
    EventSource *sourcePtr;
    Tcl_Time *timePtr;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);

     * The first thing we do is to service any asynchronous event
     * handlers.
    if (Tcl_AsyncReady()) {
	(void) Tcl_AsyncInvoke((Tcl_Interp *) NULL, 0);
	return 1;

     * No event flags is equivalent to TCL_ALL_EVENTS.
    if ((flags & TCL_ALL_EVENTS) == 0) {
	flags |= TCL_ALL_EVENTS;

     * Set the service mode to none so notifier event routines won't
     * try to service events recursively.

    oldMode = tsdPtr->serviceMode;
    tsdPtr->serviceMode = TCL_SERVICE_NONE;

     * The core of this procedure is an infinite loop, even though
     * we only service one event.  The reason for this is that we
     * may be processing events that don't do anything inside of Tcl.

    while (1) {

	 * If idle events are the only things to service, skip the
	 * main part of the loop and go directly to handle idle
	 * events (i.e. don't wait even if TCL_DONT_WAIT isn't set).

	if ((flags & TCL_ALL_EVENTS) == TCL_IDLE_EVENTS) {
	    goto idleEvents;

	 * Ask Tcl to service a queued event, if there are any.

	if (Tcl_ServiceEvent(flags)) {
	    result = 1;	    

	 * If TCL_DONT_WAIT is set, be sure to poll rather than
	 * blocking, otherwise reset the block time to infinity.

	if (flags & TCL_DONT_WAIT) {
	    tsdPtr->blockTime.sec = 0;
	    tsdPtr->blockTime.usec = 0;
	    tsdPtr->blockTimeSet = 1;
	} else {
	    tsdPtr->blockTimeSet = 0;

	 * Set up all the event sources for new events.  This will
	 * cause the block time to be updated if necessary.

	tsdPtr->inTraversal = 1;
	for (sourcePtr = tsdPtr->firstEventSourcePtr; sourcePtr != NULL;
	     sourcePtr = sourcePtr->nextPtr) {
	    if (sourcePtr->setupProc) {
		(sourcePtr->setupProc)(sourcePtr->clientData, flags);
	tsdPtr->inTraversal = 0;

	if ((flags & TCL_DONT_WAIT) || tsdPtr->blockTimeSet) {
	    timePtr = &tsdPtr->blockTime;
	} else {
	    timePtr = NULL;

	 * Wait for a new event or a timeout.  If Tcl_WaitForEvent
	 * returns -1, we should abort Tcl_DoOneEvent.

	result = Tcl_WaitForEvent(timePtr);
	if (result < 0) {
	    result = 0;

	 * Check all the event sources for new events.

	for (sourcePtr = tsdPtr->firstEventSourcePtr; sourcePtr != NULL;
	     sourcePtr = sourcePtr->nextPtr) {
	    if (sourcePtr->checkProc) {
		(sourcePtr->checkProc)(sourcePtr->clientData, flags);

	 * Check for events queued by the notifier or event sources.

	if (Tcl_ServiceEvent(flags)) {
	    result = 1;

	 * We've tried everything at this point, but nobody we know
	 * about had anything to do.  Check for idle events.  If none,
	 * either quit or go back to the top and try again.

	if (flags & TCL_IDLE_EVENTS) {
	    if (TclServiceIdle()) {
		result = 1;
	if (flags & TCL_DONT_WAIT) {

	 * If Tcl_WaitForEvent has returned 1,
	 * indicating that one system event has been dispatched
	 * (and thus that some Tcl code might have been indirectly executed),
	 * we break out of the loop.
	 * We do this to give VwaitCmd for instance a chance to check 
	 * if that system event had the side effect of changing the 
	 * variable (so the vwait can return and unwind properly).
	 * NB: We will process idle events if any first, because
	 *     otherwise we might never do the idle events if the notifier
	 *     always gets system events.

	if (result) {


    tsdPtr->serviceMode = oldMode;
    return result;
 * Tcl_ServiceAll --
 *	This routine checks all of the event sources, processes
 *	events that are on the Tcl event queue, and then calls the
 *	any idle handlers.  Platform specific notifier callbacks that
 *	generate events should call this routine before returning to
 *	the system in order to ensure that Tcl gets a chance to
 *	process the new events.
 * Results:
 *	Returns 1 if an event or idle handler was invoked, else 0.
 * Side effects:
 *	Anything that an event or idle handler may do.

    int result = 0;
    EventSource *sourcePtr;
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);

    if (tsdPtr->serviceMode == TCL_SERVICE_NONE) {
	return result;

     * We need to turn off event servicing like we to in Tcl_DoOneEvent,
     * to avoid recursive calls.
    tsdPtr->serviceMode = TCL_SERVICE_NONE;

     * Check async handlers first.

    if (Tcl_AsyncReady()) {
	(void) Tcl_AsyncInvoke((Tcl_Interp *) NULL, 0);

     * Make a single pass through all event sources, queued events,
     * and idle handlers.  Note that we wait to update the notifier
     * timer until the end so we can avoid multiple changes.

    tsdPtr->inTraversal = 1;
    tsdPtr->blockTimeSet = 0;

    for (sourcePtr = tsdPtr->firstEventSourcePtr; sourcePtr != NULL;
	 sourcePtr = sourcePtr->nextPtr) {
	if (sourcePtr->setupProc) {
	    (sourcePtr->setupProc)(sourcePtr->clientData, TCL_ALL_EVENTS);
    for (sourcePtr = tsdPtr->firstEventSourcePtr; sourcePtr != NULL;
	 sourcePtr = sourcePtr->nextPtr) {
	if (sourcePtr->checkProc) {
	    (sourcePtr->checkProc)(sourcePtr->clientData, TCL_ALL_EVENTS);

    while (Tcl_ServiceEvent(0)) {
	result = 1;
    if (TclServiceIdle()) {
	result = 1;

    if (!tsdPtr->blockTimeSet) {
    } else {
    tsdPtr->inTraversal = 0;
    tsdPtr->serviceMode = TCL_SERVICE_ALL;
    return result;
 * Tcl_ThreadAlert --
 *	This function wakes up the notifier associated with the
 *	specified thread (if there is one).  
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.

    Tcl_ThreadId threadId;	/* Identifier for thread to use. */
    ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr;

     * Find the notifier associated with the specified thread.
     * Note that we need to hold the listLock while calling
     * Tcl_AlertNotifier to avoid a race condition where
     * the specified thread might destroy its notifier.

    for (tsdPtr = firstNotifierPtr; tsdPtr; tsdPtr = tsdPtr->nextPtr) {
	if (tsdPtr->threadId == threadId) {
	    if (tclStubs.tcl_AlertNotifier) {