# clock.tcl --
#	This file implements the portions of the [clock] ensemble that
#	are coded in Tcl.  Refer to the users' manual to see the description
#	of the [clock] command and its subcommands.
# Copyright (c) 2004 by Kevin B. Kenny.  All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: clock.tcl,v 1.19 2005/08/12 23:59:07 kennykb Exp $

# We must have message catalogs that support the root locale, and
# we need access to the Registry on Windows systems.  We also need
# Tcl 8.5 dictionaries.

uplevel \#0 {
    package require msgcat 1.4
    if { $::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows} } {
	if { [catch { package require registry 1.1 }] } {

	    # HIDEOUS KLUDGE: [package require registry 1.1] has failed.
	    # This failure likely means that we're running in Tcl's build
	    # directory instead of the install directory.  We recover by
	    # trying to load tclreg*.dll directly.

	    if { [catch { 
		load [lindex \
			  [glob -directory \
			       [file join \
				    [pwd] \
				    [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]] \
			       tclReg*.dll] \
			  0] registry
	    }] } {
		# Still no registry!
		namespace eval ::tcl::clock [list variable NoRegistry {}]

# Put the library directory into the namespace for the ensemble
# so that the library code can find message catalogs and time zone
# definition files.

namespace eval ::tcl::clock \
    [list variable LibDir [file dirname [info script]]]

# clock --
#	Manipulate times.
# The 'clock' command manipulates time.  Refer to the user documentation
# for the available subcommands and what they do.

namespace eval ::tcl::clock {

    # Export the subcommands

    namespace export format
    namespace export clicks
    namespace export microseconds
    namespace export milliseconds
    namespace export scan
    namespace export seconds
    namespace export add

    # Import the message catalog commands that we use.

    namespace import ::msgcat::mcload
    namespace import ::msgcat::mclocale


# ::tcl::clock::Initialize --
#	Finish initializing the 'clock' subsystem
# Results:
#	None.
# Side effects:
#	Namespace variable in the 'clock' subsystem are initialized.
# The '::tcl::clock::Initialize' procedure initializes the namespace
# variables and root locale message catalog for the 'clock' subsystem.
# It is broken into a procedure rather than simply evaluated as a script
# so that it will be able to use local variables, avoiding the dangers
# of 'creative writing' as in Bug 1185933.

proc ::tcl::clock::Initialize {} {

    rename ::tcl::clock::Initialize {}

    variable LibDir

    # Define the Greenwich time zone

    proc InitTZData {} {
	variable TZData
	array unset TZData
	set TZData(:Etc/GMT) {
	    {-9223372036854775808 0 0 GMT}
	set TZData(:GMT) $TZData(:Etc/GMT)
	set TZData(:Etc/UTC) {
	    {-9223372036854775808 0 0 UTC}
	set TZData(:UTC) $TZData(:Etc/UTC)

    # Define the message catalog for the root locale.

    ::msgcat::mcmset {} {
	AM {am}
	BCE {B.C.E.}
	CE {C.E.}
	DATE_FORMAT {%m/%d/%Y}
	DATE_TIME_FORMAT {%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y}
	    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
	    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
	    00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
	    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
	    20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
	    30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
	    40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
	    50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
	    60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
	    70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
	    80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
	    90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
	    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
	    	January		February	March
	    	April		May		June
	    	July		August		September
		October		November	December
	PM {pm}
	TIME_FORMAT_12 {%I:%M:%S %P}

    # Define a few Gregorian change dates for other locales.  In most cases
    # the change date follows a language, because a nation's colonies changed
    # at the same time as the nation itself.  In many cases, different
    # national boundaries existed; the dominating rule is to follow the
    # nation's capital.

    # Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland

    ::msgcat::mcset it GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2299161
    ::msgcat::mcset es GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2299161
    ::msgcat::mcset pt GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2299161
    ::msgcat::mcset pl GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2299161

    # France, Austria

    ::msgcat::mcset fr GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2299227

    # For Belgium, we follow Southern Netherlands; Liege Diocese
    # changed several weeks later.

    ::msgcat::mcset fr_BE GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2299238
    ::msgcat::mcset nl_BE GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2299238

    # Austria

    ::msgcat::mcset de_AT GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2299527

    # Hungary

    ::msgcat::mcset hu GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2301004

    # Germany, Norway, Denmark (Catholic Germany changed earlier)

    ::msgcat::mcset de_DE GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2342032
    ::msgcat::mcset nb GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2342032    
    ::msgcat::mcset nn GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2342032
    ::msgcat::mcset no GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2342032
    ::msgcat::mcset da GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2342032

    # Holland (Brabant, Gelderland, Flanders, Friesland, etc. changed
    # at various times)

    ::msgcat::mcset nl GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2342165

    # Protestant Switzerland (Catholic cantons changed earlier)

    ::msgcat::mcset fr_CH GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2361342
    ::msgcat::mcset it_CH GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2361342
    ::msgcat::mcset de_CH GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2361342

    # English speaking countries

    ::msgcat::mcset en GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2361222

    # Sweden (had several changes onto and off of the Gregorian calendar)

    ::msgcat::mcset sv GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2361390

    # Russia

    ::msgcat::mcset ru GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2421639

    # Romania (Transylvania changed earler - perhaps de_RO should show
    # the earlier date?)

    ::msgcat::mcset ro GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2422063

    # Greece

    ::msgcat::mcset el GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE 2423480
    #				CONSTANTS

    # Paths at which binary time zone data for the Olson libraries
    # are known to reside on various operating systems

    variable ZoneinfoPaths {}
    foreach path {
    } {
	if { [file isdirectory $path] } {
	    lappend ZoneinfoPaths $path

    # Define the directories for time zone data and message catalogs.

    variable DataDir [file join $LibDir tzdata]
    variable MsgDir [file join $LibDir msgs]

    # Number of days in the months, in common years and leap years.

    variable DaysInRomanMonthInCommonYear \
	{ 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 }
    variable DaysInRomanMonthInLeapYear \
	{ 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 }
    variable DaysInPriorMonthsInCommonYear [list 0]
    variable DaysInPriorMonthsInLeapYear [list 0]
    set i 0
    foreach j $DaysInRomanMonthInCommonYear {
	lappend DaysInPriorMonthsInCommonYear [incr i $j]
    set i 0
    foreach j $DaysInRomanMonthInLeapYear {
	lappend DaysInPriorMonthsInLeapYear [incr i $j]

    # Another epoch (Hi, Jeff!)

    variable Roddenberry 1946

    # Integer ranges

    variable MINWIDE -9223372036854775808
    variable MAXWIDE 9223372036854775807

    # Day before Leap Day

    variable FEB_28	       58

    # Translation table to map Windows TZI onto cities, so that
    # the Olson rules can apply.  In some cases the mapping is ambiguous,
    # so it's wise to specify $::env(TCL_TZ) rather than simply depending
    # on the system time zone.

    # The keys are long lists of values obtained from the time zone
    # information in the Registry.  In order, the list elements are:
    # 	Bias StandardBias DaylightBias
    #   StandardDate.wYear StandardDate.wMonth StandardDate.wDayOfWeek
    #   StandardDate.wDay StandardDate.wHour StandardDate.wMinute
    #   StandardDate.wSecond StandardDate.wMilliseconds
    #   DaylightDate.wYear DaylightDate.wMonth DaylightDate.wDayOfWeek
    #   DaylightDate.wDay DaylightDate.wHour DaylightDate.wMinute
    #   DaylightDate.wSecond DaylightDate.wMilliseconds
    # The values are the names of time zones where those rules apply.
    # There is considerable ambiguity in certain zones; an attempt has
    # been made to make a reasonable guess, but this table needs to be
    # taken with a grain of salt.

    variable WinZoneInfo [dict create \
	{-43200 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}  :Pacific/Kwajalein \
	{-39600 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}	 :Pacific/Midway \
	{-36000 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}  :Pacific/Honolulu \
	{-32400 0 3600 0 10 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 0 0} :America/Anchorage \
	{-28800 0 3600 0 10 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 0 0} :America/Los_Angeles \
	{-25200 0 3600 0 10 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 0 0} :America/Denver \
	{-25200 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}  :America/Phoenix \
	{-21600 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}  :America/Regina \
	{-21600 0 3600 0 10 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 0 0} :America/Chicago \
	{-18000 0 3600 0 10 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 0 0} :America/New_York \
	{-18000 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}  :America/Indianapolis \
	{-14400 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}  :America/Caracas \
	{-14400 0 3600 0 3 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 10 6 2 0 0 0 0} :America/Santiago \
	{-14400 0 3600 0 10 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 0 0} :America/Halifax \
	{-12600 0 3600 0 10 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 0 0} :America/St_Johns \
	{-10800 0 3600 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 10 0 3 2 0 0 0} :America/Sao_Paulo \
	{-10800 0 3600 0 10 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 0 0} :America/Godthab \
	{-10800 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}  :America/Buenos_Aires \
	{-7200 0 3600 0 9 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 2 0 0 0}   :America/Noronha \
	{-3600 0 3600 0 10 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 2 0 0 0}  :Atlantic/Azores \
	{-3600 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Atlantic/Cape_Verde \
	{0 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}       :UTC \
	{0 0 3600 0 10 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 1 0 0 0}      :Europe/London \
	{3600 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}    :Africa/Kinshasa \
	{3600 0 3600 0 10 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 2 0 0 0}   :CET \
	{7200 0 3600 0 9 3 5 2 0 0 0 0 5 5 1 2 0 0 0}    :Africa/Cairo \
	{7200 0 3600 0 10 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 3 0 0 0}   :Europe/Helsinki \
	{7200 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}    :Asia/Jerusalem \
	{7200 0 3600 0 9 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 0 0 0 0}    :Europe/Bucharest \
	{7200 0 3600 0 10 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 2 0 0 0}   :Europe/Athens \
	{10800 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Asia/Riyadh \
	{10800 0 3600 0 10 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 3 0 0 0}  :Asia/Baghdad \
	{10800 0 3600 0 10 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 2 0 0 0}  :Europe/Moscow \
	{12600 0 3600 0 9 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 2 0 0 0}   :Asia/Tehran \
	{14400 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Asia/Muscat \
	{14400 0 3600 0 10 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 2 0 0 0}  :Asia/Tbilisi \
	{16200 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Asia/Kabul \
	{18000 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Asia/Karachi \
	{18000 0 3600 0 10 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 2 0 0 0}  :Asia/Yekaterinburg \
	{19800 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Asia/Calcutta \
	{20700 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Asia/Katmandu \
	{21600 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Asia/Dhaka \
	{21600 0 3600 0 10 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 2 0 0 0}  :Asia/Novosibirsk \
	{23400 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Asia/Rangoon \
	{25200 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Asia/Bangkok \
	{25200 0 3600 0 10 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 2 0 0 0}  :Asia/Krasnoyarsk \
	{28800 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Asia/Chongqing \
	{28800 0 3600 0 10 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 2 0 0 0}  :Asia/Irkutsk \
	{32400 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Asia/Tokyo \
	{32400 0 3600 0 10 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 2 0 0 0}  :Asia/Yakutsk \
	{34200 0 3600 0 3 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 10 0 5 2 0 0 0}  :Australia/Adelaide \
	{34200 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Australia/Darwin \
	{36000 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Australia/Brisbane \
	{36000 0 3600 0 10 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 2 0 0 0}  :Asia/Vladivostok \
	{36000 0 3600 0 3 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 2 0 0 0}  :Australia/Hobart \
	{36000 0 3600 0 3 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 10 0 5 2 0 0 0}  :Australia/Sydney \
	{39600 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Pacific/Noumea \
	{43200 0 3600 0 3 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 2 0 0 0}  :Pacific/Auckland \
	{43200 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Pacific/Fiji \
	{46800 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}   :Pacific/Tongatapu]

    # Groups of fields that specify the date, priorities, and 
    # code bursts that determine Julian Day Number given those groups.
    # The code in [clock scan] will choose the highest priority
    # (lowest numbered) set of fields that determines the date.

    variable DateParseActions {

	{ seconds } 0 {}

	{ julianDay } 1 {}

	{ century yearOfCentury month dayOfMonth } 2 {
	    dict set date era CE
	    dict set date year [expr { 100 * [dict get $date century]
				       + [dict get $date yearOfCentury] }]
	    set date [GetJulianDayFromEraYearMonthDay $date[set date {}]]
	{ century yearOfCentury dayOfYear } 2 {
	    dict set date era CE
	    dict set date year [expr { 100 * [dict get $date century]
				       + [dict get $date yearOfCentury] }]
	    set date [GetJulianDayFromEraYearDay $date[set date {}]]
	{ iso8601Century iso8601YearOfCentury iso8601Week dayOfWeek } 2 {
	    dict set date era CE
	    dict set date iso8601Year \
		[expr { 100 * [dict get $date iso8601Century]
			+ [dict get $date iso8601YearOfCentury] }]
	    set date [GetJulianDayFromEraYearWeekDay $date[set date {}]]

	{ yearOfCentury month dayOfMonth } 3 {
	    set date [InterpretTwoDigitYear $date[set date {}] $baseTime]
	    dict set date era CE
	    set date [GetJulianDayFromEraYearMonthDay $date[set date {}]]
	{ yearOfCentury dayOfYear } 3 {
	    set date [InterpretTwoDigitYear $date[set date {}] $baseTime]
	    dict set date era CE
	    set date [GetJulianDayFromEraYearDay $date[set date {}]]
	{ iso8601YearOfCentury iso8601Week dayOfWeek } 3 {
	    set date [InterpretTwoDigitYear \
			  $date[set date {}] $baseTime \
			  iso8601YearOfCentury iso8601Year]
	    dict set date era CE
	    set date [GetJulianDayFromEraYearWeekDay $date[set date {}]]

	{ month dayOfMonth } 4 {
	    set date [AssignBaseYear $date[set date {}] \
			  $baseTime $timeZone]
	    set date [GetJulianDayFromEraYearMonthDay $date[set date {}]]
	{ dayOfYear } 4 {
	    set date [AssignBaseYear $date[set date {}] \
			  $baseTime $timeZone]
	    set date [GetJulianDayFromEraYearDay $date[set date {}]]
	{ iso8601Week dayOfWeek } 4 {
	    set date [AssignBaseIso8601Year $date[set date {}] \
			  $baseTime $timeZone]
	    set date [GetJulianDayFromEraYearWeekDay $date[set date {}]]

	{ dayOfMonth } 5 {
	    set date [AssignBaseMonth $date[set date {}] \
			  $baseTime $timeZone]
	    set date [GetJulianDayFromEraYearMonthDay $date[set date {}]]

	{ dayOfWeek } 6 {
	    set date [AssignBaseWeek $date[set date {}] \
			  $baseTime $timeZone]
	    set date [GetJulianDayFromEraYearWeekDay $date[set date {}]]

	{} 7 {
	    set date [AssignBaseJulianDay $date[set date {}] \
			  $baseTime $timeZone]

    # Groups of fields that specify time of day, priorities,
    # and code that processes them

    variable TimeParseActions {

	seconds 1 {}

	{ hourAMPM minute second amPmIndicator } 2 {
	    dict set date secondOfDay [InterpretHMSP $date]
	{ hour minute second } 2 {
	    dict set date secondOfDay [InterpretHMS $date]

	{ hourAMPM minute amPmIndicator } 3 {
	    dict set date second 0
	    dict set date secondOfDay [InterpretHMSP $date]
	{ hour minute } 3 {
	    dict set date second 0
	    dict set date secondOfDay [InterpretHMS $date]

	{ hourAMPM amPmIndicator } 4 {
	    dict set date minute 0
	    dict set date second 0
	    dict set date secondOfDay [InterpretHMSP $date]
	{ hour } 4 {
	    dict set date minute 0
	    dict set date second 0
	    dict set date secondOfDay [InterpretHMS $date]

	{ } 5 {
	    dict set date secondOfDay 0

    # Legacy time zones, used primarily for parsing RFC822 dates.

    variable LegacyTimeZone [dict create \
	gmt	+0000 \
	ut	+0000 \
	utc	+0000 \
	bst	+0100 \
	wet	+0000 \
	wat	-0100 \
	at	-0200 \
	nft	-0330 \
	nst	-0330 \
	ndt	-0230 \
	ast	-0400 \
	adt	-0300 \
	est	-0500 \
	edt	-0400 \
	cst	-0600 \
	cdt	-0500 \
	mst	-0700 \
	mdt	-0600 \
	pst	-0800 \
	pdt	-0700 \
	yst	-0900 \
	ydt	-0800 \
	hst	-1000 \
	hdt	-0900 \
	cat	-1000 \
	ahst	-1000 \
	nt	-1100 \
	idlw	-1200 \
	cet	+0100 \
	cest	+0200 \
	met	+0100 \
	mewt	+0100 \
	mest	+0200 \
	swt	+0100 \
	sst	+0200 \
	fwt	+0100 \
	fst	+0200 \
	eet	+0200 \
	eest	+0300 \
	bt	+0300 \
	it	+0330 \
	zp4	+0400 \
	zp5	+0500 \
	ist	+0530 \
	zp6	+0600 \
	wast	+0700 \
	wadt	+0800 \
	jt	+0730 \
	cct	+0800 \
	jst	+0900 \
	cast	+0930 \
	cadt	+1030 \
	east	+1000 \
	eadt	+1030 \
	gst	+1000 \
	nzt	+1200 \
	nzst	+1200 \
	nzdt	+1300 \
	idle	+1200 \
	a	+0100 \
	b	+0200 \
	c	+0300 \
	d	+0400 \
	e	+0500 \
	f	+0600 \
	g	+0700 \
	h	+0800 \
	i	+0900 \
	k	+1000 \
	l	+1100 \
	m	+1200 \
	n	-0100 \
	o	-0200 \
	p	-0300 \
	q	-0400 \
	r	-0500 \
	s	-0600 \
	t	-0700 \
	u	-0800 \
	v	-0900 \
	w	-1000 \
	x	-1100 \
	y	-1200 \
	z	+0000 \

    # Caches

    variable LocaleNumeralCache {};	# Dictionary whose keys are locale
					# names and whose values are pairs
					# comprising regexes matching numerals
					# in the given locales and dictionaries
					# mapping the numerals to their numeric
					# values.
    variable McLoaded {};		# Dictionary whose keys are locales
					# in which [mcload] has been executed
					# and whose values are second-level
    					# dictionaries indexed by message
    					# name and giving message text.
    # variable CachedSystemTimeZone;    # If 'CachedSystemTimeZone' exists,
					# it contains the value of the
					# system time zone, as determined from
					# the environment.
    variable TimeZoneBad {};	        # Dictionary whose keys are time zone
    					# names and whose values are 1 if
					# the time zone is unknown and 0
    					# if it is known.
    variable TZData;			# Array whose keys are time zone names
					# and whose values are lists of quads
					# comprising start time, UTC offset,
					# Daylight Saving Time indicator, and
					# time zone abbreviation.

# clock format --
#	Formats a count of seconds since the Posix Epoch as a time
#	of day.
# The 'clock format' command formats times of day for output.
# Refer to the user documentation to see what it does.

proc ::tcl::clock::format { args } {

    set format {}

    # Check the count of args

    if { [llength $args] < 1 || [llength $args] % 2 != 1 } {
	return -code error \
	    -errorcode [list CLOCK wrongNumArgs] \
	    "wrong \# args: should be\
             \"[lindex [info level 0] 0] clockval\
             ?-format string? ?-gmt boolean?\
             ?-locale LOCALE? ?-timezone ZONE?\""

    # Set defaults

    set clockval [lindex $args 0]
    set format {%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y}
    set gmt 0
    set locale C
    set timezone [GetSystemTimeZone]

    # Pick up command line options.

    foreach { flag value } [lreplace $args 0 0] {
	set saw($flag) {}
	switch -exact -- $flag {
	    -format {
		set format $value
	    -gmt {
		set gmt $value
	    -locale {
		set locale $value
	    -timezone {
		set timezone $value
	    default {
		return -code error \
		    -errorcode [list CLOCK badSwitch $flag] \
		    "bad switch \"$flag\",\
                     must be -format, -gmt, -locale or -timezone"

    # Check options for validity

    if { [info exists saw(-gmt)] && [info exists saw(-timezone)] } {
	return -code error \
	    -errorcode [list CLOCK gmtWithTimezone] \
	    "cannot use -gmt and -timezone in same call"
    if { [catch { expr { wide($clockval) } } result] } {
	return -code error \
	    "expected integer but got \"$clockval\"" 
    if { ![string is boolean $gmt] } {
	return -code error \
	    "expected boolean value but got \"$gmt\""
    } else {
	if { $gmt } {
	    set timezone :GMT

    EnterLocale $locale oldLocale

    # Change locale if a fresh locale has been given on the command line.

    set status [catch {

	# Map away the locale-dependent composite format groups

	set format [LocalizeFormat $locale $format]

	# Convert the given time to local time.
	set date [dict create seconds $clockval]
	set date [ConvertUTCToLocal $date[set date {}] $timezone]
	# Extract the fields of the date.
	set date [GetJulianDay $date[set date {}]]
	set date [GetGregorianEraYearDay $date[set date {}]]
	set date [GetMonthDay $date[set date {}]]
	set date [GetYearWeekDay $date[set date {}]]
	# Format the result
	set state {}
	set retval {}
	foreach char [split $format {}] {
	    switch -exact -- $state {
		{} {
		    if { [string equal % $char] } {
			set state percent
		    } else {
			append retval $char
		percent {		# Character following a '%' character
		    set state {}
		    switch -exact -- $char {
			% {		# A literal character, '%'
			    append retval %
			a {		# Day of week, abbreviated
			    set dow [expr { [dict get $date dayOfWeek] % 7 }]
			    append retval \
				[lindex [mc DAYS_OF_WEEK_ABBREV] $dow]
			A {		# Day of week, spelt out.
			    set dow [expr { [dict get $date dayOfWeek] % 7 }]
			    append retval [lindex [mc DAYS_OF_WEEK_FULL] $dow]
			b - h {		# Name of month, abbreviated.
			    set month [expr { [dict get $date month] - 1 }]
			    append retval [lindex [mc MONTHS_ABBREV] $month]
			B {		# Name of month, spelt out
			    set month [expr { [dict get $date month] - 1 }]
			    append retval [lindex [mc MONTHS_FULL] $month]
			C {		# Century number
			    set cent [expr { [dict get $date year] / 100 }]
			    append retval [::format %02d $cent]
			d {		# Day of month, with leading zero
			    append retval [::format %02d \
					       [dict get $date dayOfMonth]]
			e {		# Day of month, without leading zero
			    append retval [::format %2d \
					       [dict get $date dayOfMonth]]
			E {		# Format group in a locale-dependent
					# alternative era
			    set state percentE
			    if { ![dict exists $date localeEra] } {
				set date [GetLocaleEra $date[set date {}]]
			g {		# Two-digit year relative to ISO8601
					# week number
			    set year \
				[expr { [dict get $date iso8601Year] % 100 }]
			    append retval [::format %02d $year]
			G {		# Four-digit year relative to ISO8601
					# week number
			    append retval [::format %04d \
					       [dict get $date iso8601Year]]
			H {		# Hour in the 24-hour day, leading zero
			    append retval \
				[::format %02d \
				     [expr { [dict get $date localSeconds] 
					     / 3600
					     % 24 }]]
			I {		# Hour AM/PM, with leading zero
			    set hour12 \
				[expr { ( ( ( [dict get $date localSeconds]
					      % 86400 )
					    + 86400
					    - 3600 )
					  / 3600 )
					% 12 + 1 }]
			    append retval [::format %02d $hour12]
			j {		# Day of year (001-366)
			    append retval [::format %03d \
					       [dict get $date dayOfYear]]
			J {		# Julian Day Number
			    append retval [::format %07ld \
					       [dict get $date julianDay]]
			k {		# Hour (0-23), no leading zero
			    append retval \
				[::format %2d \
				     [expr { [dict get $date localSeconds] 
					     / 3600
					     % 24 }]]
			l {		# Hour (12-11), no leading zero
			    set hour12 \
				[expr { ( ( ( [dict get $date localSeconds]
					      % 86400 )
					    + 86400
					    - 3600 )
					  / 3600 )
					% 12 + 1 }]
			    append retval [::format %2d $hour12]
			m {		# Month number, leading zero
			    append retval [::format %02d \
					       [dict get $date month]]
			M {		# Minute of the hour, leading zero
			    append retval \
				[::format %02d \
				     [expr { [dict get $date localSeconds] 
					     / 60
					     % 60 }]]
			n {		# A literal newline
			    append retval \n
			N {		# Month number, no leading zero
			    append retval [::format %2d \
					       [dict get $date month]]
			O {		# A format group in the locale's
					# alternative numerals
			    set state percentO
			p {		# Localized 'AM' or 'PM' indicator
					# converted to uppercase
			    set tod [expr { [dict get $date localSeconds] 
					    % 86400 }]
			    if { $tod >= ( 86400 / 2 ) } {
				append retval [string toupper [mc PM]]
			    } else {
				append retval [string toupper [mc AM]]
			P {		# Localized 'AM' or 'PM' indicator
			    set tod [expr { [dict get $date localSeconds] 
					    % 86400 }]
			    if { $tod >= ( 86400 / 2 ) } {
				append retval [mc PM]
			    } else {
				append retval [mc AM]
			Q {			# Hi, Jeff!
			    append retval [FormatStarDate $date]
			s {		# Seconds from the Posix Epoch
			    append retval $clockval
			S {		# Second of the minute, with 
					# leading zero
			    append retval \
				[::format %02d \
				     [expr { [dict get $date localSeconds] 
					     % 60 }]]
			t {		# A literal tab character
			    append retval \t
			u {		# Day of the week (1-Monday, 7-Sunday)
			    append retval [dict get $date dayOfWeek]
			U {		# Week of the year (00-53). The
					# first Sunday of the year is the
					# first day of week 01
			    set dow [dict get $date dayOfWeek]
			    if { $dow == 7 } {
				set dow 0
			    incr dow
			    set weekNumber \
				[expr { ( [dict get $date dayOfYear] 
					  - $dow + 7 )
					/ 7 }]
			    append retval [::format %02d $weekNumber]
			V {		# The ISO8601 week number
			    append retval [::format %02d \
					       [dict get $date iso8601Week]]
			w {		# Day of the week (0-Sunday,
					# 6-Saturday)
			    append retval \
				[expr { [dict get $date dayOfWeek] % 7 }]
			W {		# Week of the year (00-53). The first
					# Monday of the year is the first day
					# of week 01.
			    set weekNumber \
				[expr { ( [dict get $date dayOfYear]
					  - [dict get $date dayOfWeek]
					  + 7 ) 
					/ 7 }]
			    append retval [::format %02d $weekNumber]
			y {		# The two-digit year of the century
			    append retval \
				[::format %02d \
				     [expr { [dict get $date year] % 100 }]]
			Y {		# The four-digit year
			    append retval [::format %04d \
					       [dict get $date year]]
			z {		# The time zone as hours and minutes
					# east (+) or west (-) of Greenwich
			    append retval [FormatNumericTimeZone \
					       [dict get $date tzOffset]]
			Z {		# The name of the time zone
			    append retval [dict get $date tzName]
			% {		# A literal percent character
			    append retval %
			default {	# An unknown escape sequence
			    append retval % $char
		percentE {		# Character following %E
		    set state {}
		    switch -exact -- $char {
			C {		# Locale-dependent era
			    append retval [dict get $date localeEra]
			y {		# Locale-dependent year of the era
			    set y [dict get $date localeYear]
			    if { $y >= 0 && $y < 100 } {
				append retval [lindex [mc LOCALE_NUMERALS] $y]
			    } else {
				append retval $y
			default {	# Unknown format group
			    append retval %E $char
		percentO {		# Character following %O
		    set state {}
		    switch -exact -- $char {
			d - e {		# Day of the month in alternative 
					# numerals
			    append retval [lindex \
					       [mc LOCALE_NUMERALS] \
					       [dict get $date dayOfMonth]]
			H - k {		# Hour of the day in alternative
					# numerals
			    set hour [expr { [dict get $date localSeconds] 
					     / 3600
					     % 24 }]
			    append retval [lindex [mc LOCALE_NUMERALS] $hour]
			I - l {		# Hour (12-11) AM/PM in alternative
					# numerals
			    set hour12 \
				[expr { ( ( ( [dict get $date localSeconds]
					      % 86400 )
					    + 86400
					    - 3600 )
					  / 3600 )
					% 12 + 1 }]
			    append retval [lindex [mc LOCALE_NUMERALS] $hour12]
			m {		# Month number in alternative numerals
			    append retval [lindex \
					       [mc LOCALE_NUMERALS] \
					       [dict get $date month]]
			M {		# Minute of the hour in alternative
					# numerals
			    set minute [expr { [dict get $date localSeconds] 
					       / 60
					       % 60 }]
			    append retval [lindex [mc LOCALE_NUMERALS] $minute]
			S {		# Second of the minute in alternative
					# numerals
			    set second [expr { [dict get $date localSeconds] 
					       % 60 }]
			    append retval [lindex [mc LOCALE_NUMERALS] $second]
			u {		# Day of the week (Monday=1,Sunday=7)
					# in alternative numerals
			    append retval [lindex \
					       [mc LOCALE_NUMERALS] \
					       [dict get $date dayOfWeek]]
			w {		# Day of the week (Sunday=0,Saturday=6)
					# in alternative numerals
			    append retval \
				[lindex \
				     [mc LOCALE_NUMERALS] \
				     [expr { [dict get $date dayOfWeek] % 7 }]]
			y {		# Year of the century in alternative
					# numerals
			    append retval \
				[lindex \
				     [mc LOCALE_NUMERALS] \
				     [expr { [dict get $date year] % 100 }]]
			default {	# Unknown format group
			    append retval %O $char
	# Clean up any improperly terminated groups
	switch -exact -- $state {
	    percent {
		append retval %
	    percentE {
		append retval %E
	    percentO {
		append retval %O

	set retval

    } result opts]

    # Restore the locale

    if { [info exists oldLocale] } {
	mclocale $oldLocale

    if { $status == 1 } {
	if { [lindex [dict get $opts -errorcode] 0] eq {clock} } {
	    return -code error $result
	} else {
	    return -options $opts $result
    } else {
	return $result


# clock scan --
#	Inputs a count of seconds since the Posix Epoch as a time
#	of day.
# The 'clock format' command scans times of day on input.
# Refer to the user documentation to see what it does.

proc ::tcl::clock::scan { args } {

    set format {}

    # Check the count of args

    if { [llength $args] < 1 || [llength $args] % 2 != 1 } {
	return -code error \
	    -errorcode [list CLOCK wrongNumArgs] \
	    "wrong \# args: should be\
             \"[lindex [info level 0] 0] string\
             ?-base seconds?\
             ?-format string? ?-gmt boolean?\
             ?-locale LOCALE? ?-timezone ZONE?\""

    # Set defaults

    set base [clock seconds]
    set string [lindex $args 0]
    set format {}
    set gmt 0
    set locale C
    set timezone [GetSystemTimeZone]

    # Pick up command line options.

    foreach { flag value } [lreplace $args 0 0] {
	set saw($flag) {}
	switch -exact -- $flag {
	    -base {
		set base $value
	    -format {
		set format $value
	    -gmt {
		set gmt $value
	    -locale {
		set locale $value
	    -timezone {
		set timezone $value
	    default {
		return -code error \
		    -errorcode [list CLOCK badSwitch $flag] \
		    "bad switch \"$flag\",\
                     must be -base, -format, -gmt, -locale or -timezone"

    # Check options for validity

    if { [info exists saw(-gmt)] && [info exists saw(-timezone)] } {
	return -code error \
	    -errorcode [list CLOCK gmtWithTimezone] \
	    "cannot use -gmt and -timezone in same call"
    if { [catch { expr { wide($base) } } result] } {
	return -code error \
	    "expected integer but got \"$base\"" 
    if { ![string is boolean $gmt] } {
	return -code error \
	    "expected boolean value but got \"$gmt\""
    } else {
	if { $gmt } {
	    set timezone :GMT

    if { ![info exists saw(-format)] } {
	# Perhaps someday we'll localize the legacy code. Right now,
	# it's not localized.
	if { [info exists saw(-locale)] } {
	    return -code error \
		-errorcode [list CLOCK flagWithLegacyFormat] \
		"legacy \[clock scan\] does not support -locale"

	return [FreeScan $string $base $timezone $locale]

    # Change locale if a fresh locale has been given on the command line.

    EnterLocale $locale oldLocale

    set status [catch {

	# Map away the locale-dependent composite format groups

	set format [LocalizeFormat $locale $format]
	set scanner [ParseClockScanFormat $format]
	$scanner $string $base $timezone

    } result opts]

    # Restore the locale

    if { [info exists oldLocale] } {
	mclocale $oldLocale

    if { $status == 1 } {
	if { [lindex [dict get $opts -errorcode] 0] eq {clock} } {
	    return -code error $result
	} else {
	    return -options $opts $result
    } else {
	return $result


# FreeScan --
#	Scans a time in free format
# Parameters:
#	string - String containing the time to scan
#	base - Base time, expressed in seconds from the Epoch
#	timezone - Default time zone in which the time will be expressed
#	locale - (Unused) Name of the locale where the time will be scanned.
# Results:
#	Returns the date and time extracted from the string in seconds
#	from the epoch

proc ::tcl::clock::FreeScan { string base timezone locale } {

    # Extract year, month and day from the base time for the
    # parser to use as defaults

    set date [GetMonthDay \
		  [GetGregorianEraYearDay \
		       [GetJulianDay \
			    [ConvertUTCToLocal \
				 [dict create seconds $base] \
    dict set date secondOfDay [expr { [dict get $date localSeconds] 
				      % 86400 }]

    # Parse the date.  The parser will return a list comprising
    # date, time, time zone, relative month/day/seconds, relative
    # weekday, ordinal month.

    set status [catch {
	Oldscan $string \
	    [dict get $date year] \
	    [dict get $date month] \
	    [dict get $date dayOfMonth]
    } result]
    if { $status != 0 } {
	return -code error "unable to convert date-time string \"$string\""

    foreach { parseDate parseTime parseZone parseRel
	      parseWeekday parseOrdinalMonth } $result break

    # If the caller supplied a date in the string, update the 'date' dict
    # with the value. If the caller didn't specify a time with the date,
    # default to midnight.

    if { [llength $parseDate] > 0 } {
	foreach { y m d } $parseDate break
	if { $y < 100 } {
	    if { $y >= 39 } {
		incr y 1900
	    } else {
		incr y 2000
	dict set date era CE
	dict set date year $y
	dict set date month $m
	dict set date dayOfMonth $d
	if { $parseTime eq {} } {
	    set parseTime 0

    # If the caller supplied a time zone in the string, it comes back
    # as a two-element list; the first element is the number of minutes
    # east of Greenwich, and the second is a Daylight Saving Time
    # indicator ( 1 == yes, 0 == no, -1 == unknown ). We make it into
    # a time zone indicator of +-hhmm.
    if { [llength $parseZone] > 0 } {
	foreach { minEast dstFlag } $parseZone break
	set timezone [FormatNumericTimeZone \
			  [expr { 60 * $minEast + 3600 * $dstFlag }]]
    dict set date tzName $timezone

    # Assemble date, time, zone into seconds-from-epoch

    set date [GetJulianDayFromEraYearMonthDay $date[set date {}]]
    if { $parseTime ne {} } {
	dict set date secondOfDay $parseTime
    } elseif { [llength $parseWeekday] != 0 
	       || [llength $parseOrdinalMonth] != 0 
	       || ( [llength $parseRel] != 0 
		    && ( [lindex $parseRel 0] != 0
			 || [lindex $parseRel 1] != 0 ) ) } {
	dict set date secondOfDay 0

    dict set date localSeconds \
	[expr { -210866803200
		+ ( 86400 * wide([dict get $date julianDay]) )
		+ [dict get $date secondOfDay] }]
    dict set date tzName $timezone
    set date [ConvertLocalToUTC $date[set date {}]]
    set seconds [dict get $date seconds]

    # Do relative times

    if { [llength $parseRel] > 0 } {
	foreach { relMonth relDay relSecond } $parseRel break
	set seconds [add $seconds \
			 $relMonth months $relDay days $relSecond seconds \
			 -timezone $timezone -locale $locale]

    # Do relative weekday
    if { [llength $parseWeekday] > 0 } {

	foreach {dayOrdinal dayOfWeek} $parseWeekday break
	set date2 [GetJulianDay \
		       [ConvertUTCToLocal \
			    [dict create seconds $seconds] \
	dict set date2 era CE
	set jdwkday [WeekdayOnOrBefore $dayOfWeek \
			 [expr { [dict get $date2 julianDay] 
				 + 6 }]]
	incr jdwkday [expr { 7 * $dayOrdinal }]
	if { $dayOrdinal > 0 } {
	    incr jdwkday -7
	dict set date2 secondOfDay \
	    [expr { [dict get $date2 localSeconds] % 86400 }]
	dict set date2 julianDay $jdwkday
	dict set date2 localSeconds \
	    [expr { -210866803200
		    + ( 86400 * wide([dict get $date2 julianDay]) )
		    + [dict get $date secondOfDay] }]
	dict set date2 tzName $timezone
	set date2 [ConvertLocalToUTC $date2[set date2 {}]]
	set seconds [dict get $date2 seconds]


    # Do relative month

    if { [llength $parseOrdinalMonth] > 0 } {

	foreach {monthOrdinal monthNumber} $parseOrdinalMonth break
	if { $monthOrdinal > 0 } {
	    set monthDiff [expr { $monthNumber - [dict get $date month] }]
	    if { $monthDiff <= 0 } {
		incr monthDiff 12
	    incr monthOrdinal -1
	} else {
	    set monthDiff [expr { [dict get $date month] - $monthNumber }]
	    if { $monthDiff >= 0 } {
		incr monthDiff -12
	    incr monthOrdinal
	set seconds [add $seconds $monthOrdinal years $monthDiff months \
			 -timezone $timezone -locale $locale]


    return $seconds

# ParseClockScanFormat --
#	Parses a format string given to [clock scan -format]
# Parameters:
#	None.
# Results:
#	Constructs and returns a procedure that accepts the
#	string being scanned, the base time, and the time zone.  
#	The procedure will either return the scanned time or
#	else throw an error that should be rethrown to the caller
#	of [clock scan]
# Side effects:
#	The given procedure is defined in the ::tcl::clock
#	namespace.  Scan procedures are not deleted once installed.
# Why do we parse dates by defining a procedure to parse them?
# The reason is that by doing so, we have one convenient place to
# cache all the information: the regular expressions that match the
# patterns (which will be compiled), the code that assembles the
# date information, everything lands in one place.  In this way,
# when a given format is reused at run time, all the information
# of how to apply it is available in a single place.

proc ::tcl::clock::ParseClockScanFormat { formatString } {

    variable DateParseActions
    variable TimeParseActions

    # Condense whitespace

    regsub -all {[[:space:]]+} $formatString { } formatString

    # Check whether the format has been parsed previously, and return
    # the existing recognizer if it has.

    set procName [namespace current]::scanproc'$formatString'[mclocale]
    if { [info procs $procName] != {} } {
	return $procName

    # Walk through the groups of the format string.  In this loop, we
    # accumulate:
    #	- a regular expression that matches the string,
    #   - the count of capturing brackets in the regexp
    #   - a set of code that post-processes the fields captured by the regexp,
    #   - a dictionary whose keys are the names of fields that are present
    #     in the format string.

    set re {^[[:space:]]*}
    set captureCount 0
    set postcode {}
    set fieldSet [dict create]
    set fieldCount 0
    set postSep {}
    set state {}

    foreach c [split $formatString {}] {
	switch -exact -- $state {
	    {} {
		if { $c eq "%" } {
		    set state %
		} elseif { $c eq " " } {
		    append re {[[:space:]]+}
		} else {
		    if { ! [string is alnum $c] } {
			append re \\
		    append re $c
	    % {
		set state {}
		switch -exact -- $c {
		    % {
			append re %
		    { } {
			append re "\[\[:space:\]\]*"
		    a - A { 		# Day of week, in words
			set l {}
			foreach \
			    i {7 1 2 3 4 5 6} \
			    abr [mc DAYS_OF_WEEK_ABBREV] \
			    full [mc DAYS_OF_WEEK_FULL] {
				dict set l $abr $i
				dict set l $full $i
				incr i
			foreach { regex lookup } [UniquePrefixRegexp $l] break
			append re ( $regex )
			dict set fieldSet dayOfWeek [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date dayOfWeek \[" \
			    "dict get " [list $lookup] " \$field" \
			    [incr captureCount] \
		    b - B - h {		# Name of month
			set i 0
			set l {}
			foreach \
			    abr [mc MONTHS_ABBREV] \
			    full [mc MONTHS_FULL] {
				incr i
				dict set l $abr $i
				dict set l $full $i
			foreach { regex lookup } [UniquePrefixRegexp $l] break
			append re ( $regex )
			dict set fieldSet month [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date month \[" \
			    "dict get " [list $lookup] " \$field" \
			    [incr captureCount] \
		    C {			# Gregorian century
			append re \\s*(\\d\\d?)
			dict set fieldSet century [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date century \[" \
			    "::scan \$field" [incr captureCount] " %d" \
		    d - e {		# Day of month
			append re \\s*(\\d\\d?)
			dict set fieldSet dayOfMonth [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date dayOfMonth \[" \
			    "::scan \$field" [incr captureCount] " %d" \
		    E {			# Prefix for locale-specific codes
			set state %E
		    g {			# ISO8601 2-digit year
			append re \\s*(\\d\\d)
			dict set fieldSet iso8601YearOfCentury \
			    [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode \
			    "dict set date iso8601YearOfCentury \[" \
			    "::scan \$field" [incr captureCount] " %d" \
		    G {			# ISO8601 4-digit year
			append re \\s*(\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)
			dict set fieldSet iso8601Century [incr fieldCount]
			dict set fieldSet iso8601YearOfCentury \
			    [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode \
			    "dict set date iso8601Century \[" \
			    "::scan \$field" [incr captureCount] " %d" \
			    "\]\n" \
			    "dict set date iso8601YearOfCentury \[" \
			    "::scan \$field" [incr captureCount] " %d" \
		    H - k {		# Hour of day
			append re \\s*(\\d\\d?)
			dict set fieldSet hour [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date hour \[" \
			    "::scan \$field" [incr captureCount] " %d" \
		    I - l {		# Hour, AM/PM
			append re \\s*(\\d\\d?)
			dict set fieldSet hourAMPM [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date hourAMPM \[" \
			    "::scan \$field" [incr captureCount] " %d" \
		    j {			# Day of year
			append re \\s*(\\d\\d?\\d?)
			dict set fieldSet dayOfYear [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date dayOfYear \[" \
			    "::scan \$field" [incr captureCount] " %d" \
		    J {			# Julian Day Number
			append re \\s*(\\d+)
			dict set fieldSet julianDay [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date julianDay \[" \
			    "::scan \$field" [incr captureCount] " %ld" \
		    m - N {			# Month number
			append re \\s*(\\d\\d?)
			dict set fieldSet month [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date month \[" \
			    "::scan \$field" [incr captureCount] " %d" \
		    M {			# Minute
			append re \\s*(\\d\\d?)
			dict set fieldSet minute [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date minute \[" \
			    "::scan \$field" [incr captureCount] " %d" \
		    n {			# Literal newline
			append re \\n
		    O {			# Prefix for locale numerics
			set state %O
		    p - P { 		# AM/PM indicator
			set l [list [mc AM] 0 [mc PM] 1]
			foreach { regex lookup } [UniquePrefixRegexp $l] break
			append re ( $regex )
			dict set fieldSet amPmIndicator [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date amPmIndicator \[" \
			    "dict get " [list $lookup] " \[string tolower " \
			    "\$field" \
			    [incr captureCount] \
		    Q {			# Hi, Jeff!
			append re {Stardate\s+([-+]?\d+)(\d\d\d)[.](\d)}
			incr captureCount
			dict set fieldSet seconds [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode {dict set date seconds } \[ \
			    {ParseStarDate $field} [incr captureCount] \
			    { $field} [incr captureCount] \
			    { $field} [incr captureCount] \
			    \] \n
		    s {			# Seconds from Posix Epoch
			# This next case is insanely difficult,
			# because it's problematic to determine
			# whether the field is actually within
			# the range of a wide integer.
			append re {\s*([-+]?\d+)}
			dict set fieldSet seconds [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode {dict set date seconds } \[ \
			    {ScanWide $field} [incr captureCount] \] \n
		    S {			# Second
			append re \\s*(\\d\\d?)
			dict set fieldSet second [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date second \[" \
			    "::scan \$field" [incr captureCount] " %d" \
		    t {			# Literal tab character
			append re \\t
		    u - w {		# Day number within week, 0 or 7 == Sun
					# 1=Mon, 6=Sat
			append re \\s*(\\d)
			dict set fieldSet dayOfWeek [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode {::scan $field} [incr captureCount] \
			    { %d dow} \n \
				if { $dow == 0 } {
				    set dow 7
				} elseif { $dow > 7 } {
				    return -code error \
					-errorcode [list CLOCK badDayOfWeek] \
					"day of week is greater than 7"
				dict set date dayOfWeek $dow
		    U {			# Week of year. The
					# first Sunday of the year is the
					# first day of week 01. No scan rule
					# uses this group.
			append re \\s*\\d\\d?
		    V {			# Week of ISO8601 year
			append re \\s*(\\d\\d?)
			dict set fieldSet iso8601Week [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date iso8601Week \[" \
			    "::scan \$field" [incr captureCount] " %d" \
		    W {			# Week of the year (00-53). The first
					# Monday of the year is the first day
					# of week 01. No scan rule uses this
					# group.
			append re \\s*\\d\\d?
		    y {			# Two-digit Gregorian year
			append re \\s*(\\d\\d?)
			dict set fieldSet yearOfCentury [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date yearOfCentury \[" \
			    "::scan \$field" [incr captureCount] " %d" \
		    Y {			# 4-digit Gregorian year
			append re \\s*(\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)
			dict set fieldSet century [incr fieldCount]
			dict set fieldSet yearOfCentury [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode \
			    "dict set date century \[" \
			    "::scan \$field" [incr captureCount] " %d" \
			    "\]\n" \
			    "dict set date yearOfCentury \[" \
			    "::scan \$field" [incr captureCount] " %d" \
		    z - Z {			# Time zone name
			append re {(?:([-+]\d\d(?::?\d\d(?::?\d\d)?)?)|([[:alnum:]]{1,4}))}
			dict set fieldSet tzName [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode \
			    {if } \{ { $field} [incr captureCount] \
			    { ne "" } \} { } \{ \n \
			    {dict set date tzName $field} \
			    $captureCount \n \
			    \} { else } \{ \n \
			    {dict set date tzName } \[ \
			    {ConvertLegacyTimeZone $field} \
			    [incr captureCount] \] \n \
			    \} \n \
		    % {			# Literal percent character
			append re %
		    default {
			append re %
			if { ! [string is alnum $c] } {
			    append re \\
			append re $c
	    %E {
		switch -exact -- $c {
		    C {			# Locale-dependent era
			set d {}
			foreach triple [mc LOCALE_ERAS] {
			    foreach {t symbol year} $triple break
			    dict set d $symbol $year
			foreach { regex lookup } [UniquePrefixRegexp $d] break
			append re (?: $regex )
		    y {			# Locale-dependent year of the era
			foreach {regex lookup} [LocaleNumeralMatcher] break
			append re $regex
			incr fieldCount
		    default {
			append re %E
			if { ! [string is alnum $c] } {
			    append re \\
			append re $c
		set state {}
	    %O {
		switch -exact -- $c {
		    d - e {
			foreach {regex lookup} [LocaleNumeralMatcher] break
			append re $regex
			dict set fieldSet dayOfMonth [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date dayOfMonth \[" \
			    "dict get " [list $lookup] " \$field" \
			    [incr captureCount] \
		    H - k {
			foreach {regex lookup} [LocaleNumeralMatcher] break
			append re $regex
			dict set fieldSet hour [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date hour \[" \
			    "dict get " [list $lookup] " \$field" \
			    [incr captureCount] \
		    I - l {
			foreach {regex lookup} [LocaleNumeralMatcher] break
			append re $regex
			dict set fieldSet hourAMPM [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date hourAMPM \[" \
			    "dict get " [list $lookup] " \$field" \
			    [incr captureCount] \
		    m {
			foreach {regex lookup} [LocaleNumeralMatcher] break
			append re $regex
			dict set fieldSet month [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date month \[" \
			    "dict get " [list $lookup] " \$field" \
			    [incr captureCount] \
		    M {
			foreach {regex lookup} [LocaleNumeralMatcher] break
			append re $regex
			dict set fieldSet minute [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date minute \[" \
			    "dict get " [list $lookup] " \$field" \
			    [incr captureCount] \
		    S {
			foreach {regex lookup} [LocaleNumeralMatcher] break
			append re $regex
			dict set fieldSet second [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "dict set date second \[" \
			    "dict get " [list $lookup] " \$field" \
			    [incr captureCount] \
		    u - w {
			foreach {regex lookup} [LocaleNumeralMatcher] break
			append re $regex
			dict set fieldSet dayOfWeek [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode "set dow \[dict get " [list $lookup] \
			    { $field} [incr captureCount] \] \n \
				if { $dow == 0 } {
				    set dow 7
				} elseif { $dow > 7 } {
				    return -code error \
					-errorcode [list CLOCK badDayOfWeek] \
					"day of week is greater than 7"
				dict set date dayOfWeek $dow
		    y {
			foreach {regex lookup} [LocaleNumeralMatcher] break
			append re $regex
			dict set fieldSet yearOfCentury [incr fieldCount]
			append postcode {dict set date yearOfCentury } \[ \
			    {dict get } [list $lookup] { $field} \
			    [incr captureCount] \] \n
		    default {
			append re %O
			if { ! [string is alnum $c] } {
			    append re \\
			append re $c
		set state {}

    # Clean up any unfinished format groups

    append re $state \\s*\$

    # Build the procedure

    set procBody {}
    append procBody "if \{ !\[ regexp -nocase [list $re] \$string ->"
    for { set i 1 } { $i <= $captureCount } { incr i } {
	append procBody " " field $i
    append procBody "\] \} \{" \n
    append procBody {
	return -code error -errorcode [list CLOCK badInputString] \
	    {input string does not match supplied format}
    append procBody \}\n
    append procBody "set date \[dict create\]" \n
    append procBody {dict set date tzName $timeZone} \n
    append procBody $postcode

    # Add code that gets Julian Day Number from the fields.

    append procBody [MakeParseCodeFromFields $fieldSet $DateParseActions]

    # Get time of day

    append procBody [MakeParseCodeFromFields $fieldSet $TimeParseActions]

    # Assemble seconds, and convert local nominal time to UTC.

    if { ![dict exists $fieldSet seconds] 
         && ![dict exists $fieldSet starDate] } {
	append procBody {
	    if { [dict get $date julianDay] > 5373484 } {
		return -code error -errorcode [list CLOCK dateTooLarge] \
		    "requested date too large to represent"
	    dict set date localSeconds \
		[expr { -210866803200
			+ ( 86400 * wide([dict get $date julianDay]) )
			+ [dict get $date secondOfDay] }]

    if { ![dict exists $fieldSet seconds] 
	 && ![dict exists $fieldSet starDate] } {
	append procBody {
	    set date [::tcl::clock::ConvertLocalToUTC $date[set date {}]]

    # Return result

    append procBody {return [dict get $date seconds]} \n

    proc $procName { string baseTime timeZone } $procBody

    # puts [list proc $procName [list string baseTime timeZone] $procBody]

    return $procName
# LocaleNumeralMatcher --
#	Composes a regexp that captures the numerals in the given
#	locale, and a dictionary to map them to conventional numerals.
# Parameters:
#	none.
# Results:
#	Returns a two-element list comprising the regexp and the
#	dictionary.
# Side effects:
#	Caches the result.

proc ::tcl::clock::LocaleNumeralMatcher {} {

    variable LocaleNumeralCache

    set l [mclocale]
    if { ![dict exists $LocaleNumeralCache $l] } {
	set d {}
	set i 0
	set sep \(
	foreach n [mc LOCALE_NUMERALS] {
	    dict set d $n $i
	    regsub -all {[^[:alnum:]]} $n \\\\& subex
	    append re $sep $subex
	    set sep |
	    incr i
	append re \)
	dict set LocaleNumeralCache $l [list $re $d]
    return [dict get $LocaleNumeralCache $l]

# UniquePrefixRegexp --
#	Composes a regexp that performs unique-prefix matching.  The
#	RE matches one of a supplied set of strings, or any unique
#	prefix thereof.
# Parameters:
#	data - List of alternating match-strings and values.
#	       Match-strings with distinct values are considered
#	       distinct.
# Results:
#	Returns a two-element list.  The first is a regexp that
#	matches any unique prefix of any of the strings.  The second
#	is a dictionary whose keys are match values from the regexp
#	and whose values are the corresponding values from 'data'.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::UniquePrefixRegexp { data } {

    # The 'successors' dictionary will contain, for each string that
    # is a prefix of any key, all characters that may follow that
    # prefix.  The 'prefixMapping' dictionary will have keys that
    # are prefixes of keys and values that correspond to the keys.

    set prefixMapping [dict create]
    set successors [dict create {} {}]

    # Walk the key-value pairs

    foreach { key value } $data {

	# Construct all prefixes of the key; 

	set prefix {}
	foreach char [split $key {}] {
	    set oldPrefix $prefix
	    dict set successors $oldPrefix $char {}
	    append prefix $char

	    # Put the prefixes in the 'prefixMapping' and 'successors'
	    # dictionaries

	    dict lappend prefixMapping $prefix $value
	    if { ![dict exists $successors $prefix] } {
		dict set successors $prefix {}

    # Identify those prefixes that designate unique values, and
    # those that are the full keys

    set uniquePrefixMapping {}
    dict for { key valueList } $prefixMapping {
	if { [llength $valueList] == 1 } {
	    dict set uniquePrefixMapping $key [lindex $valueList 0]
    foreach { key value } $data {
	dict set uniquePrefixMapping $key $value

    # Construct the re.

    return [list \
		[MakeUniquePrefixRegexp $successors $uniquePrefixMapping {}] \

# MakeUniquePrefixRegexp --
#	Service procedure for 'UniquePrefixRegexp' that constructs
#	a regular expresison that matches the unique prefixes.
# Parameters:
#	successors - Dictionary whose keys are all prefixes
#		     of keys passed to 'UniquePrefixRegexp' and whose
#		     values are dictionaries whose keys are the characters
#		     that may follow those prefixes.
#	uniquePrefixMapping - Dictionary whose keys are the unique
#			      prefixes and whose values are not examined.
#	prefixString - Current prefix being processed.
# Results:
#	Returns a constructed regular expression that matches the set
#	of unique prefixes beginning with the 'prefixString'.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::MakeUniquePrefixRegexp { successors 
					  prefixString } {

    # Get the characters that may follow the current prefix string

    set schars [lsort -ascii [dict keys [dict get $successors $prefixString]]]
    if { [llength $schars] == 0 } {
	return {}

    # If there is more than one successor character, or if the current
    # prefix is a unique prefix, surround the generated re with non-capturing
    # parentheses.

    set re {}
    if { [dict exists $uniquePrefixMapping $prefixString]
	 || [llength $schars] > 1 } {
	append re "(?:"

    # Generate a regexp that matches the successors.

    set sep ""
    foreach { c } $schars {
	set nextPrefix $prefixString$c
	regsub -all {[^[:alnum:]]} $c \\\\& rechar
	append re $sep $rechar \
	    [MakeUniquePrefixRegexp \
		 $successors $uniquePrefixMapping $nextPrefix]
	set sep |

    # If the current prefix is a unique prefix, make all following text
    # optional. Otherwise, if there is more than one successor character,
    # close the non-capturing parentheses.

    if { [dict exists $uniquePrefixMapping $prefixString] } {
	append re ")?"
    }  elseif { [llength $schars] > 1 } {
	append re ")"

    return $re

# MakeParseCodeFromFields --
#	Composes Tcl code to extract the Julian Day Number from a
#	dictionary containing date fields.
# Parameters:
#	dateFields -- Dictionary whose keys are fields of the date,
#	              and whose values are the rightmost positions
#		      at which those fields appear.
#	parseActions -- List of triples: field set, priority, and
#			code to emit.  Smaller priorities are better, and
#			the list must be in ascending order by priority
# Results:
#	Returns a burst of code that extracts the day number from the
#	given date.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::MakeParseCodeFromFields { dateFields parseActions } {

    set currPrio 999
    set currFieldPos [list]
    set currCodeBurst {
	error "in ::tcl::clock::MakeParseCodeFromFields: can't happen"

    foreach { fieldSet prio parseAction } $parseActions {

	# If we've found an answer that's better than any that follow,
	# quit now.

	if { $prio > $currPrio } {

	# Accumulate the field positions that are used in the current
	# field grouping.

	set fieldPos [list]
	set ok true
	foreach field $fieldSet {
	    if { ! [dict exists $dateFields $field] } {
		set ok 0
	    lappend fieldPos [dict get $dateFields $field]

	# Quit if we don't have a complete set of fields
	if { !$ok } {

	# Determine whether the current answer is better than the last.

	set fPos [lsort -integer -decreasing $fieldPos]

	if { $prio ==  $currPrio } {
	    foreach currPos $currFieldPos newPos $fPos {
		if { ![string is integer $newPos]
		     || ![string is integer $currPos]
		     || $newPos > $currPos } {
		if { $newPos < $currPos } {
		    set ok 0
	if { !$ok } {

	# Remember the best possibility for extracting date information

	set currPrio $prio
	set currFieldPos $fPos
	set currCodeBurst $parseAction

    return $currCodeBurst


# EnterLocale --
#	Switch [mclocale] to a given locale if necessary
# Parameters:
#	locale -- Desired locale
#	oldLocaleVar -- Name of a variable in caller's scope that
#		        tracks the previous locale name.
# Results:
#	Returns the locale that was previously current.
# Side effects:
#	Does [mclocale].  If necessary, uses [mcload] to load the
#	designated locale's files, and tracks that it has done so
#	in the 'McLoaded' variable.

proc ::tcl::clock::EnterLocale { locale oldLocaleVar } {

    upvar 1 $oldLocaleVar oldLocale

    variable MsgDir
    variable McLoaded

    set oldLocale [mclocale]
    if { $locale eq {system} } {

	if { $::tcl_platform(platform) ne {windows} } {

	    # On a non-windows platform, the 'system' locale is
	    # the same as the 'current' locale

	    set locale current
	} else {

	    # On a windows platform, the 'system' locale is
	    # adapted from the 'current' locale by applying the
	    # date and time formats from the Control Panel.
	    # First, load the 'current' locale if it's not yet loaded

	    if {![dict exists $McLoaded $oldLocale] } {
		mcload $MsgDir
		dict set McLoaded $oldLocale {}

	    # Make a new locale string for the system locale, and
	    # get the Control Panel information

	    set locale ${oldLocale}_windows
	    if { ![dict exists $McLoaded $locale] } {
		LoadWindowsDateTimeFormats $locale
		dict set mcloaded $locale {}
    if { $locale eq {current}} {
	set locale $oldLocale
	unset oldLocale
    } elseif { $locale eq $oldLocale } {
	unset oldLocale
    } else {
	mclocale $locale
    if { ![dict exists $McLoaded $locale] } {
	mcload $MsgDir
	dict set McLoaded $locale {}


# LoadWindowsDateTimeFormats --
#	Load the date/time formats from the Control Panel in Windows
#	and convert them so that they're usable by Tcl.
# Parameters:
#	locale - Name of the locale in whose message catalog
#	         the converted formats are to be stored.
# Results:
#	None.
# Side effects:
#	Updates the given message catalog with the locale strings.
# Presumes that on entry, [mclocale] is set to the current locale,
# so that default strings can be obtained if the Registry query
# fails.

proc ::tcl::clock::LoadWindowsDateTimeFormats { locale } {

    # Bail out if we can't find the Registry

    variable NoRegistry
    if { [info exists NoRegistry] } return

    if { ![catch {
	registry get "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\International" \
    } string] } {
	set quote {}
	set datefmt {}
	foreach { unquoted quoted } [split $string '] {
	    append datefmt $quote [string map {
		dddd %A
		ddd  %a
		dd   %d
		d    %e
		MMM  %b
		MM   %m
		M    %N
		yyyy %Y
		yy   %y
                y    %y
                gg   {}
	    } $unquoted]
	    if { $quoted eq {} } {
		set quote '
	    } else {
		set quote $quoted
	::msgcat::mcset $locale DATE_FORMAT $datefmt

    if { ![catch {
	registry get "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\International" \
    } string] } {
	set quote {}
	set ldatefmt {}
	foreach { unquoted quoted } [split $string '] {
	    append ldatefmt $quote [string map {
		dddd %A
		ddd  %a
		dd   %d
		d    %e
		MMM  %b
		MM   %m
		M    %N
		yyyy %Y
		yy   %y
                y    %y
                gg   {}
	    } $unquoted]
	    if { $quoted eq {} } {
		set quote '
	    } else {
		set quote $quoted
	::msgcat::mcset $locale LOCALE_DATE_FORMAT $ldatefmt

    if { ![catch {
	registry get "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\International" \
    } string] } {
	set quote {}
	set timefmt {}
	foreach { unquoted quoted } [split $string '] {
	    append timefmt $quote [string map {
		HH    %H
		H     %k
		hh    %I
		h     %l
		mm    %M
		m     %M
		ss    %S
		s     %S
		tt    %p
		t     %p
	    } $unquoted]
	    if { $quoted eq {} } {
		set quote '
	    } else {
		set quote $quoted
	::msgcat::mcset $locale TIME_FORMAT $timefmt

    catch {
	::msgcat::mcset $locale DATE_TIME_FORMAT "$datefmt $timefmt"
    catch {
	::msgcat::mcset $locale LOCALE_DATE_TIME_FORMAT "$ldatefmt $timefmt"



# LocalizeFormat --
#	Map away locale-dependent format groups in a clock format.
# Parameters:
#	locale -- Current [mclocale] locale, supplied to avoid
#		  an extra call
#	format -- Format supplied to [clock scan] or [clock format]
# Results:
#	Returns the string with locale-dependent composite format
#	groups substituted out.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::LocalizeFormat { locale format } {

    variable McLoaded

    if { [dict exists $McLoaded $locale FORMAT $format] } {
	return [dict get $McLoaded $locale FORMAT $format]
    set inFormat $format

    # Handle locale-dependent format groups by mapping them out of
    # the input string.  Note that the order of the [string map]
    # operations is significant because earlier formats can refer
    # to later ones; for example %c can refer to %X, which in turn
    # can refer to %T.
    set format [string map [list %c [mc DATE_TIME_FORMAT] \
				%Ec [mc LOCALE_DATE_TIME_FORMAT]] $format]
    set format [string map [list %x [mc DATE_FORMAT] \
				%X [mc TIME_FORMAT] \
				%EX [mc LOCALE_TIME_FORMAT]] $format]
    set format [string map [list %r [mc TIME_FORMAT_12] \
				%R [mc TIME_FORMAT_24] \
				%T [mc TIME_FORMAT_24_SECS]] $format]
    set format [string map [list %D %m/%d/%Y \
				%+ {%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y}] $format]

    dict set McLoaded $locale FORMAT $format $inFormat
    return $format

# FormatNumericTimeZone --
#	Formats a time zone as +hhmmss
# Parameters:
#	z - Time zone in seconds east of Greenwich
# Results:
#	Returns the time zone formatted in a numeric form
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::FormatNumericTimeZone { z } {

    if { $z < 0 } {
	set z [expr { - $z }]
	set retval -
    } else {
	set retval +
    append retval [::format %02d [expr { $z / 3600 }]]
    set z [expr { $z % 3600 }]
    append retval [::format %02d [expr { $z / 60 }]]
    set z [expr { $z % 60 }]
    if { $z != 0 } {
	append retval [::format %02d $z]
    return $retval


# FormatStarDate --
#	Formats a date as a StarDate.
# Parameters:
#	date - Dictionary containing 'year', 'dayOfYear', and
#	       'localSeconds' fields.
# Results:
#	Returns the given date formatted as a StarDate.
# Side effects:
#	None.
# Jeff Hobbs put this in to support an atrocious pun about Tcl being
# "Enterprise ready."  Now we're stuck with it.

proc ::tcl::clock::FormatStarDate { date } {

    variable Roddenberry

    # Get day of year, zero based

    set doy [expr { [dict get $date dayOfYear] - 1 }]

    # Determine whether the year is a leap year

    if { [dict get $date gregorian] } {
	set lp [IsGregorianLeapYear $date]
    } else {
	set lp [expr { [dict get $date year] % 4 == 0  }]

    # Convert day of year to a fractional year

    if { $lp } {
	set fractYear [expr { 1000 * $doy / 366 }]
    } else {
	set fractYear [expr { 1000 * $doy / 365 }]

    # Put together the StarDate

    return [::format "Stardate %02d%03d.%1d" \
		[expr { [dict get $date year] - $Roddenberry }] \
		$fractYear \
		[expr { [dict get $date localSeconds] % 86400
			/ ( 86400 / 10 ) }]]

# ParseStarDate --
#	Parses a StarDate
# Parameters:
#	year - Year from the Roddenberry epoch
#	fractYear - Fraction of a year specifiying the day of year.
#	fractDay - Fraction of a day
# Results:
#	Returns a count of seconds from the Posix epoch.
# Side effects:
#	None.
# Jeff Hobbs put this in to support an atrocious pun about Tcl being
# "Enterprise ready."  Now we're stuck with it.

proc ::tcl::clock::ParseStarDate { year fractYear fractDay } {

    variable Roddenberry

    # Build a tentative date from year and fraction.

    set date [dict create \
		  era CE \
		  year [expr { $year + $Roddenberry }] \
		  dayOfYear [expr { $fractYear * 365 / 1000 + 1 }]]
    set date [GetJulianDayFromGregorianEraYearDay $date[set date {}]]

    # Determine whether the given year is a leap year

    if { [dict get $date gregorian] } {
	set lp [IsGregorianLeapYear $date]
    } else {
	set lp [expr { [dict get $date year] % 4 == 0  }]

    # Reconvert the fractional year according to whether the given
    # year is a leap year

    if { $lp } {
	dict set date dayOfYear \
	    [expr { $fractYear * 366 / 1000 + 1 }]
    } else {
	dict set date dayOfYear \
	    [expr { $fractYear * 365 / 1000 + 1 }]
    dict unset date julianDay
    dict unset date gregorian
    set date [GetJulianDayFromGregorianEraYearDay $date[set date {}]]

    return [expr { 86400 * [dict get $date julianDay]
		   - 210866803200
		   + ( 86400 / 10 ) * $fractDay }]


# ScanWide --
#	Scans a wide integer from an input
# Parameters:
#	str - String containing a decimal wide integer
# Results:
#	Returns the string as a pure wide integer.  Throws an error if
#	the string is misformatted or out of range.

proc ::tcl::clock::ScanWide { str } {
    set count [::scan $str {%ld %c} result junk]
    if { $count != 1 } {
	return -code error -errorcode [list CLOCK notAnInteger $str] \
	    "\"$str\" is not an integer"
    if { [incr result 0] != $str } {
	return -code error -errorcode [list CLOCK integervalueTooLarge] \
	    "integer value too large to represent"
    return $result

# InterpretTwoDigitYear --
#	Given a date that contains only the year of the century,
#	determines the target value of a two-digit year.
# Parameters:
#	date - Dictionary containing fields of the date.
#	baseTime - Base time relative to which the date is expressed.
#	twoDigitField - Name of the field that stores the two-digit year.
#			Default is 'yearOfCentury'
#	fourDigitField - Name of the field that will receive the four-digit
#	                 year.  Default is 'year'
# Results:
#	Returns the dictionary augmented with the four-digit year, stored in
#	the given key.
# Side effects:
#	None.
# The current rule for interpreting a two-digit year is that the year
# shall be between 1937 and 2037, thus staying within the range of a
# 32-bit signed value for time.  This rule may change to a sliding
# window in future versions, so the 'baseTime' parameter (which is
# currently ignored) is provided in the procedure signature.

proc ::tcl::clock::InterpretTwoDigitYear { date baseTime 
					   { twoDigitField yearOfCentury }
					   { fourDigitField year } } {

    set yr [dict get $date $twoDigitField]
    if { $yr <= 37 } {
	dict set date $fourDigitField [expr { $yr + 2000 }]
    } else {
	dict set date $fourDigitField [expr { $yr + 1900 }]
    return $date


# AssignBaseYear --
#	Places the number of the current year into a dictionary.
# Parameters:
#	date - Dictionary value to update
#	baseTime - Base time from which to extract the year, expressed
#		   in seconds from the Posix epoch
# Results:
#	Returns the dictionary with the current year assigned.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::AssignBaseYear { date baseTime timeZone } {

    # Find the Julian Day Number corresponding to the base time, and
    # find the Gregorian year corresponding to that Julian Day.

    set date2 [dict create seconds $baseTime]
    set date2 [ConvertUTCToLocal $date2[set date2 {}] $timeZone]
    set date2 [GetJulianDay $date2[set date2 {}]]
    set date2 [GetGregorianEraYearDay $date2[set date2 {}]]

    # Store the converted year

    dict set date era [dict get $date2 era]
    dict set date year [dict get $date2 year]

    return $date


# AssignBaseIso8601Year --
#	Determines the base year in the ISO8601 fiscal calendar.
# Parameters:
#	date - Dictionary containing the fields of the date that
#	       is to be augmented with the base year.
#	baseTime - Base time expressed in seconds from the Posix epoch.
# Results:
#	Returns the given date with "iso8601Year" set to the
#	base year.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::AssignBaseIso8601Year { date baseTime timeZone } {

    # Find the Julian Day Number corresponding to the base time

    set date2 [dict create seconds $baseTime]
    set date2 [ConvertUTCToLocal $date2[set date2 {}] $timeZone]
    set date2 [GetJulianDay $date2[set date2 {}]]

    # Calculate the ISO8601 date and transfer the year

    set date2 [GetYearWeekDay $date2[set date2 {}]]
    dict set date era CE
    dict set date iso8601Year [dict get $date2 iso8601Year]
    return $date

# AssignBaseMonth --
#	Places the number of the current year and month into a 
#	dictionary.
# Parameters:
#	date - Dictionary value to update
#	baseTime - Time from which the year and month are to be
#	           obtained, expressed in seconds from the Posix epoch.
# Results:
#	Returns the dictionary with the base year and month assigned.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::AssignBaseMonth { date baseTime timeZone } {

    # Find the Julian Day Number corresponding to the base time

    set date2 [dict create seconds $baseTime]
    set date2 [ConvertUTCToLocal $date2[set date2 {}] $timeZone]
    set date2 [GetJulianDay $date2[set date2 {}]]

    # Find the Gregorian year corresponding to that Julian Day

    set date2 [GetGregorianEraYearDay $date2[set date2 {}]]
    set date2 [GetMonthDay $date2[set date2 {}]]
    dict set date era [dict get $date2 era]
    dict set date year [dict get $date2 year]
    dict set date month [dict get $date2 month]
    return $date


# AssignBaseWeek --
#	Determines the base year and week in the ISO8601 fiscal calendar.
# Parameters:
#	date - Dictionary containing the fields of the date that
#	       is to be augmented with the base year and week.
#	baseTime - Base time expressed in seconds from the Posix epoch.
# Results:
#	Returns the given date with "iso8601Year" set to the
#	base year and "iso8601Week" to the week number.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::AssignBaseWeek { date baseTime timeZone } {

    # Find the Julian Day Number corresponding to the base time

    set date2 [dict create seconds $baseTime]
    set date2 [ConvertUTCToLocal $date2[set date2 {}] $timeZone]
    set date2 [GetJulianDay $date2[set date2 {}]]

    # Calculate the ISO8601 date and transfer the year

    set date2 [GetYearWeekDay $date2[set date2 {}]]
    dict set date era CE
    dict set date iso8601Year [dict get $date2 iso8601Year]
    dict set date iso8601Week [dict get $date2 iso8601Week]
    return $date

# AssignBaseJulianDay --
#	Determines the base day for a time-of-day conversion.
# Parameters:
#	date - Dictionary that is to get the base day
#	baseTime - Base time expressed in seconds from the Posix epoch
# Results:
#	Returns the given dictionary augmented with a 'julianDay' field
#	that contains the base day.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::AssignBaseJulianDay { date baseTime timeZone } {

    # Find the Julian Day Number corresponding to the base time

    set date2 [dict create seconds $baseTime]
    set date2 [ConvertUTCToLocal $date2[set date2 {}] $timeZone]
    set date2 [GetJulianDay $date2[set date2 {}]]
    dict set date julianDay [dict get $date2 julianDay]

    return $date

# InterpretHMSP --
#	Interprets a time in the form "hh:mm:ss am".
# Parameters:
#	date -- Dictionary containing "hourAMPM", "minute", "second"
#	        and "amPmIndicator" fields.
# Results:
#	Returns the number of seconds from local midnight.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::InterpretHMSP { date } {

    set hr [dict get $date hourAMPM]
    if { $hr == 12 } {
	set hr 0
    if { [dict get $date amPmIndicator] } {
	incr hr 12
    dict set date hour $hr
    return [InterpretHMS $date[set date {}]]


# InterpretHMS --
#	Interprets a 24-hour time "hh:mm:ss"
# Parameters:
#	date -- Dictionary containing the "hour", "minute" and "second"
#	        fields.
# Results:
#	Returns the given dictionary augmented with a "secondOfDay"
#	field containing the number of seconds from local midnight.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::InterpretHMS { date } {

    return [expr { ( [dict get $date hour] * 60
		     + [dict get $date minute] ) * 60
		   + [dict get $date second] }]


# GetSystemTimeZone --
#	Determines the system time zone, which is the default for the
#	'clock' command if no other zone is supplied.
# Parameters:
#	None.
# Results:
#	Returns the system time zone.
# Side effects:
#	Stores the sustem time zone in the 'CachedSystemTimeZone'
#	variable, since determining it may be an expensive process.

proc ::tcl::clock::GetSystemTimeZone {} {

    variable CachedSystemTimeZone
    variable TimeZoneBad

    if { ![catch {getenv TCL_TZ} result] } {
	set timezone $result
    } elseif { ![catch {getenv TZ} result] } {
	set timezone $result
    } elseif { [info exists CachedSystemTimeZone] } {
	set timezone $CachedSystemTimeZone
    } elseif { $::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows} } {
	set timezone [GuessWindowsTimeZone]
    } elseif { [file exists /etc/localtime]
	       && ![catch {ReadZoneinfoFile \
			       Tcl/Localtime /etc/localtime}] } {
	set timezone :Tcl/Localtime
    } else {
	set timezone :localtime
    set CachedSystemTimeZone $timezone
    if { ![dict exists $TimeZoneBad $timezone] } {
	dict set TimeZoneBad $timezone [catch {SetupTimeZone $timezone}]
    if { [dict get $TimeZoneBad $timezone] } {
	return :localtime
    } else {
	return $timezone


# ConvertLegacyTimeZone --
#	Given an alphanumeric time zone identifier and the system
#	time zone, convert the alphanumeric identifier to an
#	unambiguous time zone.
# Parameters:
#	tzname - Name of the time zone to convert
# Results:
#	Returns a time zone name corresponding to tzname, but
#	in an unambiguous form, generally +hhmm.
# This procedure is implemented primarily to allow the parsing of
# RFC822 date/time strings.  Processing a time zone name on input
# is not recommended practice, because there is considerable room
# for ambiguity; for instance, is BST Brazilian Standard Time, or
# British Summer Time?

proc ::tcl::clock::ConvertLegacyTimeZone { tzname } {

    variable LegacyTimeZone

    set tzname [string tolower $tzname]
    if { ![dict exists $LegacyTimeZone $tzname] } {
	return -code error -errorcode [list CLOCK badTZName $tzname] \
	    "time zone \"$tzname\" not found"
    } else {
	return [dict get $LegacyTimeZone $tzname]


# ConvertLocalToUTC --
#	Given a time zone and nominal local seconds, compute seconds
#	of UTC time from the Posix epoch.
# Parameters:
#	date - Dictionary populated with the 'localSeconds' and
#	       'tzName' fields
# Results:
#	Returns the given dictionary augmented with a 'seconds' field.

proc ::tcl::clock::ConvertLocalToUTC { date } {

    variable TZData

    set timezone [dict get $date tzName]
    if { $timezone eq ":localtime" } {

	# Convert using the mktime function if possible

	if { [catch { 
	    ConvertLocalToUTCViaC [dict get $date localSeconds]
	} result opts] } {
	    dict unset opts -errorinfo
	    return -options $opts $result
	dict set date seconds $result
	return $date

    } else {

	# Get the time zone data

	if { [catch { SetupTimeZone $timezone } retval opts] } {
	    dict unset opts -errorinfo
	    return -options $opts $retval
	# Initially assume that local == UTC, and locate the last time
	# conversion prior to that time.  Get the offset from that,
	# and look up again.  If that lookup finds a different offset,
	# continue looking until we find an offset that we found
	# before.  The check for "any offset previously found" rather
	# than "the same offset" avoids an endless loop if we try to
	# convert a non-existent time, for example 2:30am during the
	# US spring DST change.
	set localseconds [dict get $date localSeconds]
	set utcseconds(0) $localseconds
	set seconds $localseconds
	while { 1 } {
	    set i [BSearch $TZData($timezone) $seconds]
	    set offset [lindex $TZData($timezone) $i 1]
	    if { [info exists utcseconds($offset)] } {
		dict set date seconds $utcseconds($offset)
		return $date
	    } else {
		set seconds [expr { $localseconds - $offset }]
		set utcseconds($offset) $seconds
	# In the absolute worst case, the loop above can visit each tzdata
	# row only once, so it's guaranteed to terminate.
	error "in ConvertLocalToUTC, can't happen"


# ConvertLocalToUTCViaC --
#	Given seconds of nominal local time, compute seconds from the
#	Posix epoch.	
# Parameters:
#	localSeconds - Seconds of nominal local time
# Results:
#	Returns the seconds from the epoch.  May throw an error if
#	the time is to large/small to represent, or if 'mktime' is
#	not present in the C library.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::ConvertLocalToUTCViaC { localSeconds } {

    set date [dict create localSeconds $localSeconds]
    set date [GetJulianDay $date[set date {}]]
    set date [GetGregorianEraYearDay $date[set date {}]]
    set date [GetMonthDay $date[set date {}]]
    set retval \
	[Mktime \
	     [dict get $date year] \
	     [dict get $date month] \
	     [dict get $date dayOfMonth] \
	     [expr { $localSeconds / 3600 % 24 }] \
	     [expr { $localSeconds / 60 % 60 }] \
	     [expr { $localSeconds % 60 }]]
    return $retval

# ConvertUTCToLocal --
#	Given the seconds from the Posix epoch, compute seconds of
#	nominal local time.
# Parameters:
#	date - Dictionary populated on entry with the 'seconds' field
# Results:
#	The given dictionary is returned, augmented with 'localSeconds',
#	'tzOffset', and 'tzName' fields.

proc ::tcl::clock::ConvertUTCToLocal { date timezone } {

    variable TZData

    # Get the data for time changes in the given zone

    if { [catch { SetupTimeZone $timezone } retval opts] } {
	dict unset opts -errorinfo
	return -options $opts $retval

    if { $timezone eq {:localtime} } {

	# Convert using the localtime function
	if { [catch {
	    ConvertUTCToLocalViaC $date
	} retval opts] } {
	    dict unset opts -errorinfo
	    return -options $opts $retval
	return $retval

    # Find the most recent transition in the time zone data

    set i [BSearch $TZData($timezone) [dict get $date seconds]]
    set row [lindex $TZData($timezone) $i]
    foreach { junk1 offset junk2 name } $row break

    # Add appropriate offset to convert Greenwich to local, and return
    # the local time

    dict set date localSeconds [expr { [dict get $date seconds] + $offset }]
    dict set date tzOffset $offset
    dict set date tzName $name

    return $date


# ConvertUTCToLocalViaC --
#	Convert local time using the C localtime function
# Parameters:
#	date - Dictionary populated on entry with the 'seconds'
#	       and 'timeZone' fields.
# Results:
#	The given dictionary is returned, augmented with 'localSeconds',
#	'tzOffset', and 'tzName' fields.

proc ::tcl::clock::ConvertUTCToLocalViaC { date } {

    # Get y-m-d-h-m-s from the C library

    set gmtSeconds [dict get $date seconds]
    set localFields [Localtime $gmtSeconds]
    set date2 [dict create]
    foreach key { 
	year month dayOfMonth hour minute second 
    } value $localFields {
	dict set date2 $key $value
    dict set date2 era CE

    # Convert to Julian Day

    set date2 [GetJulianDayFromEraYearMonthDay $date2[set date2 {}]]

    # Reconvert to seconds from the epoch in local time.

    set localSeconds [expr { ( ( ( wide([dict get $date2 julianDay]) 
				   * 24
				   + wide([dict get $date2 hour]) ) 
				 * 60
				 + wide([dict get $date2 minute]) )
			       * 60
			       + wide([dict get $date2 second]) )
			     - 210866803200 }]
    # Determine the name and offset of the timezone

    set diff [expr { $localSeconds - $gmtSeconds }]
    if { $diff <= 0 } {
	set signum -
	set delta [expr { - $diff }]
    } else {
	set signum +
	set delta $diff
    set hh [::format %02d [expr { $delta / 3600 }]]
    set mm [::format %02d [expr { ($delta / 60 )
				  % 60 }]]
    set ss [::format %02d [expr { $delta % 60 }]]

    set zoneName $signum$hh$mm
    if { $ss ne {00} } {
	append zoneName $ss

    # Fix the dictionary

    dict set date localSeconds $localSeconds
    dict set date tzOffset $diff
    dict set date tzName $zoneName
    return $date


# SetupTimeZone --
#	Given the name or specification of a time zone, sets up
#	its in-memory data.
# Parameters:
#	tzname - Name of a time zone
# Results:
#	Unless the time zone is ':localtime', sets the TZData array
#	to contain the lookup table for local<->UTC conversion.
#	Returns an error if the time zone cannot be parsed.

proc ::tcl::clock::SetupTimeZone { timezone } {

    variable TZData

    if {! [info exists TZData($timezone)] } {
	variable MINWIDE
	if { $timezone eq {:localtime} } {

	    # Nothing to do, we'll convert using the localtime function

	} elseif { [regexp {^([-+])(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d))?)?} $timezone \
		    -> s hh mm ss] } {

	    # Make a fixed offset

	    ::scan $hh %d hh
	    if { $mm eq {} } {
		set mm 0
	    } else {
		::scan $mm %d mm
	    if { $ss eq {} } {
		set ss 0
	    } else {
		::scan $ss %d ss
	    set offset [expr { ( $hh * 60 + $mm ) * 60 + $ss }]
	    if { $s eq {-} } {
		set offset [expr { - $offset }]
	    set TZData($timezone) [list [list $MINWIDE $offset -1 $timezone]]

	} elseif { [string index $timezone 0] eq {:} } {
	    # Convert using a time zone file

	    if { 
		[catch {
		    LoadTimeZoneFile [string range $timezone 1 end]
		&& [catch {
		    LoadZoneinfoFile [string range $timezone 1 end]
	    } {
		return -code error \
		    -errorcode [list CLOCK badTimeZone $timezone] \
		    "time zone \"$timezone\" not found"
	} elseif { ![catch {ParsePosixTimeZone $timezone} tzfields] } {
	    # This looks like a POSIX time zone - try to process it

	    if { [catch {ProcessPosixTimeZone $tzfields} data opts] } {
		if { [lindex [dict get $opts -errorcode] 0] eq {CLOCK} } {
		    dict unset opts -errorinfo
		return -options $opts $data
	    } else {
		set TZData($timezone) $data

	} else {

	    # We couldn't parse this as a POSIX time zone.  Try
	    # again with a time zone file - this time without a colon

	    if { [catch { LoadTimeZoneFile $timezone }]
		 && [catch { ZoneinfoFile $timezone } - opts] } {
		dict unset opts -errorinfo
		return -options $opts "time zone $timezone not found"
	    set TZData($timezone) $TZData(:$timezone)


# GuessWindowsTimeZone --
#	Determines the system time zone on windows.
# Parameters:
#	None.
# Results:
#	Returns a time zone specifier that corresponds to the system
#	time zone information found in the Registry.
# Bugs:
#	Fixed dates for DST change are unimplemented at present, because
#	no time zone information supplied with Windows actually uses
#	them!
# On a Windows system where neither $env(TCL_TZ) nor $env(TZ) is 
# specified, GuessWindowsTimeZone looks in the Registry for the
# system time zone information.  It then attempts to find an entry
# in WinZoneInfo for a time zone that uses the same rules.  If
# it finds one, it returns it; otherwise, it constructs a Posix-style
# time zone string and returns that.

proc ::tcl::clock::GuessWindowsTimeZone {} {

    variable WinZoneInfo
    variable NoRegistry
    variable TimeZoneBad

    if { [info exists NoRegistry] } {
	return :localtime

    # Dredge time zone information out of the registry

    if { [catch {
	set rpath HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\TimeZoneInformation
	set data [list \
		      [expr { -60
			      * [registry get $rpath Bias] }] \
		      [expr { -60
				  * [registry get $rpath StandardBias] }] \
		      [expr { -60 \
				  * [registry get $rpath DaylightBias] }]]
	set stdtzi [registry get $rpath StandardStart]
	foreach ind {0 2 14 4 6 8 10 12} {
	    binary scan $stdtzi @${ind}s val
	    lappend data $val
	set daytzi [registry get $rpath DaylightStart]
	foreach ind {0 2 14 4 6 8 10 12} {
	    binary scan $daytzi @${ind}s val
	    lappend data $val
    }] } {

	# Missing values in the Registry - bail out

	return :localtime

    # Make up a Posix time zone specifier if we can't find one.
    # Check here that the tzdata file exists, in case we're running
    # in an environment (e.g. starpack) where tzdata is incomplete.
    # (Bug 1237907)

    if { [dict exists $WinZoneInfo $data] } {
	set tzname [dict get $WinZoneInfo $data]
	if { ! [dict exists $TimeZoneBad $tzname] } {
	    dict set TimeZoneBad $tzname [catch {SetupTimeZone $tzname}]
    } else {
	set tzname {}
    if { $tzname eq {} || [dict get $TimeZoneBad $tzname] } {
	foreach {
	    bias stdBias dstBias
	    stdYear stdMonth stdDayOfWeek stdDayOfMonth
	    stdHour stdMinute stdSecond stdMillisec
	    dstYear dstMonth dstDayOfWeek dstDayOfMonth
	    dstHour dstMinute dstSecond dstMillisec
	} $data break
	set stdDelta [expr { $bias + $stdBias }]
	set dstDelta [expr { $bias + $dstBias }]
	if { $stdDelta <= 0 } {
	    set stdSignum +
	    set stdDelta [expr { - $stdDelta }]
	    set dispStdSignum -
	} else {
	    set stdSignum -
	    set dispStdSignum +
	set hh [::format %02d [expr { $stdDelta / 3600 }]]
	set mm [::format %02d [expr { ($stdDelta / 60 ) % 60 }]]
	set ss [::format %02d [expr { $stdDelta % 60 }]]
	set tzname {}
	append tzname < $dispStdSignum $hh $mm > $stdSignum $hh : $mm : $ss
	if { $stdMonth >= 0 } {
	    if { $dstDelta <= 0 } {
		set dstSignum +
		set dstDelta [expr { - $dstDelta }]
		set dispDstSignum -
	    } else {
		set dstSignum -
		set dispDstSignum +
	    set hh [::format %02d [expr { $dstDelta / 3600 }]]
	    set mm [::format %02d [expr { ($dstDelta / 60 ) % 60 }]]
	    set ss [::format %02d [expr { $dstDelta % 60 }]]
	    append tzname < $dispDstSignum $hh $mm > $dstSignum $hh : $mm : $ss
	    if { $dstYear == 0 } {
		append tzname ,M $dstMonth . $dstDayOfMonth . $dstDayOfWeek
	    } else {
		# I have not been able to find any locale on which
		# Windows converts time zone on a fixed day of the year,
		# hence don't know how to interpret the fields.
		# If someone can inform me, I'd be glad to code it up.
		# For right now, we bail out in such a case.
		return :localtime
	    append tzname / [::format %02d $dstHour] \
		: [::format %02d $dstMinute] \
		: [::format %02d $dstSecond]
	    if { $stdYear == 0 } {
		append tzname ,M $stdMonth . $stdDayOfMonth . $stdDayOfWeek
	    } else {
		# I have not been able to find any locale on which
		# Windows converts time zone on a fixed day of the year,
		# hence don't know how to interpret the fields.
		# If someone can inform me, I'd be glad to code it up.
		# For right now, we bail out in such a case.
		return :localtime
	    append tzname / [::format %02d $stdHour] \
		: [::format %02d $stdMinute] \
		: [::format %02d $stdSecond]
	dict set WinZoneInfo $data $tzname

    return [dict get $WinZoneInfo $data]


# LoadTimeZoneFile --
#	Load the data file that specifies the conversion between a
#	given time zone and Greenwich.
# Parameters:
#	fileName -- Name of the file to load
# Results:
#	None.
# Side effects:
#	TZData(:fileName) contains the time zone data

proc ::tcl::clock::LoadTimeZoneFile { fileName } {
    variable DataDir
    variable TZData

    if { [info exists TZData($fileName)] } {

    # Since an unsafe interp uses the [clock] command in the master,
    # this code is security sensitive.  Make sure that the path name
    # cannot escape the given directory.

    if { ![regexp {^[[.-.][:alpha:]_]+(?:/[[.-.][:alpha:]_]+)*$} $fileName] } {
	return -code error \
	    -errorcode [list CLOCK badTimeZone $:fileName] \
	    "time zone \":$fileName\" not valid"
    if { [catch {
	source -encoding utf-8 [file join $DataDir $fileName]
    }] } {
	return -code error \
	    -errorcode [list CLOCK badTimeZone :$fileName] \
	    "time zone \":$fileName\" not found"

# LoadZoneinfoFile --
#	Loads a binary time zone information file in Olson format.
# Parameters:
#	fileName - Relative path name of the file to load.
# Results:
#	Returns an empty result normally; returns an error if no
#	Olson file was found or the file was malformed in some way.
# Side effects:
#	TZData(:fileName) contains the time zone data

proc ::tcl::clock::LoadZoneinfoFile { fileName } {

    variable ZoneinfoPaths

    # Since an unsafe interp uses the [clock] command in the master,
    # this code is security sensitive.  Make sure that the path name
    # cannot escape the given directory.

    if { ![regexp {^[[.-.][:alpha:]_]+(?:/[[.-.][:alpha:]_]+)*$} $fileName] } {
	return -code error \
	    -errorcode [list CLOCK badTimeZone $:fileName] \
	    "time zone \":$fileName\" not valid"
    foreach d $ZoneinfoPaths {
	set fname [file join $d $fileName]
	if { [file readable $fname] && [file isfile $fname] } {
	unset fname
    ReadZoneinfoFile $fileName $fname

# LoadZoneinfoFile --
#	Loads a binary time zone information file in Olson format.
# Parameters:
#	fileName - Name of the time zone (relative path name of the
#		   file).
#	fname - Absolute path name of the file.
# Results:
#	Returns an empty result normally; returns an error if no
#	Olson file was found or the file was malformed in some way.
# Side effects:
#	TZData(:fileName) contains the time zone data

proc ReadZoneinfoFile {fileName fname} {
    variable MINWIDE
    variable TZData
    if { ![info exists fname] } {
	return -code error "$fileName not found"

    if { [file size $fname] > 262144 } {
	return -code error "$fileName too big"

    # Suck in all the data from the file

    set f [open $fname r]
    fconfigure $f -translation binary
    set d [read $f]
    close $f

    # The file begins with a magic number, sixteen reserved bytes,
    # and then six 4-byte integers giving counts of fileds in the file.

    binary scan $d a4x16IIIIII magic nIsGMT mIsStd nLeap nTime nType nChar
    set seek 44
    if { $magic != {TZif} } {
	return -code error "$fileName not a time zone information file"
    if { $nType > 255 } {
	return -code error "$fileName contains too many time types"
    if { $nLeap != 0 } {
	return -code error "$fileName contains leap seconds"

    # Next come ${nTime} transition times, followed by ${nTime} time type
    # codes.  The type codes are unsigned 1-byte quantities.  We insert an
    # arbitrary start time in front of the transitions.

    binary scan $d @${seek}I${nTime}c${nTime} times tempCodes
    incr seek [expr { 5 * $nTime }]
    set times [linsert $times 0 $MINWIDE]
    set codes {}
    foreach c $tempCodes {
	lappend codes [expr { $c & 0xff }]
    set codes [linsert $codes 0 0]

    # Next come ${nType} time type descriptions, each of which has an
    # offset (seconds east of GMT), a DST indicator, and an index into
    # the abbreviation text.

    for { set i 0 } { $i < $nType } { incr i } {
	binary scan $d @${seek}Icc gmtOff isDst abbrInd
	lappend types [list $gmtOff $isDst $abbrInd]
	incr seek 6

    # Next come $nChar characters of time zone name abbreviations,
    # which are null-terminated.
    # We build them up into a dictionary indexed by character index,
    # because that's what's in the indices above.

    binary scan $d @${seek}a${nChar} abbrs
    incr seek ${nChar}
    set abbrList [split $abbrs \0]
    set i 0
    set abbrevs {}
    foreach a $abbrList {
	dict set abbrevs $i $a
	incr i [expr { [string length $a] + 1 }]

    # The rest of the data in the file are not used at present.
    # Package up a list of tuples, each of which contains transition time,
    # seconds east of Greenwich, DST flag and time zone abbreviation.

    set r {}
    set lastTime $MINWIDE
    foreach t $times c $codes {
	if { $t < $lastTime } {
	    return -code error "$fileName has times out of order"
	set lastTime $t
	foreach { gmtoff isDst abbrInd } [lindex $types $c] break
	set abbrev [dict get $abbrevs $abbrInd]
	lappend r [list $t $gmtoff $isDst $abbrev]

    set TZData(:$fileName) $r

# ParsePosixTimeZone --
#	Parses the TZ environment variable in Posix form
# Parameters:
#	tz	Time zone specifier to be interpreted
# Results:
#	Returns a dictionary whose values contain the various pieces of
#	the time zone specification.
# Side effects:
#	None.
# Errors:
#	Throws an error if the syntax of the time zone is incorrect.
# The following keys are present in the dictionary:
#	stdName - Name of the time zone when Daylight Saving Time
#		  is not in effect.
#	stdSignum - Sign (+, -, or empty) of the offset from Greenwich 
#		    to the given (non-DST) time zone.  + and the empty
#		    string denote zones west of Greenwich, - denotes east
#		    of Greenwich; this is contrary to the ISO convention
#		    but follows Posix.
#	stdHours - Hours part of the offset from Greenwich to the given
#		   (non-DST) time zone.
#	stdMinutes - Minutes part of the offset from Greenwich to the
#		     given (non-DST) time zone. Empty denotes zero.
#	stdSeconds - Seconds part of the offset from Greenwich to the
#		     given (non-DST) time zone. Empty denotes zero.
#	dstName - Name of the time zone when DST is in effect, or the
#		  empty string if the time zone does not observe Daylight
#		  Saving Time.
#	dstSignum, dstHours, dstMinutes, dstSeconds -
#		Fields corresponding to stdSignum, stdHours, stdMinutes,
#		stdSeconds for the Daylight Saving Time version of the
#		time zone.  If dstHours is empty, it is presumed to be 1.
#	startDayOfYear - The ordinal number of the day of the year on which
#			 Daylight Saving Time begins.  If this field is
#			 empty, then DST begins on a given month-week-day,
#			 as below.
#	startJ - The letter J, or an empty string.  If a J is present in
#		 this field, then startDayOfYear does not count February 29
#		 even in leap years.
#	startMonth - The number of the month in which Daylight Saving Time
#		     begins, supplied if startDayOfYear is empty.  If both
#		     startDayOfYear and startMonth are empty, then US rules
#		     are presumed.
#	startWeekOfMonth - The number of the week in the month in which
#			   Daylight Saving Time begins, in the range 1-5.
#			   5 denotes the last week of the month even in a
#			   4-week month.
#	startDayOfWeek - The number of the day of the week (Sunday=0,
#			 Saturday=6) on which Daylight Saving Time begins.
#	startHours - The hours part of the time of day at which Daylight
#		     Saving Time begins. An empty string is presumed to be 2.
#	startMinutes - The minutes part of the time of day at which DST begins.
#		       An empty string is presumed zero.
#	startSeconds - The seconds part of the time of day at which DST begins.
#		       An empty string is presumed zero.
#	endDayOfYear, endJ, endMonth, endWeekOfMonth, endDayOfWeek,
#	endHours, endMinutes, endSeconds -
#		Specify the end of DST in the same way that the start* fields
#		specify the beginning of DST.
# This procedure serves only to break the time specifier into fields.
# No attempt is made to canonicalize the fields or supply default values.

proc ::tcl::clock::ParsePosixTimeZone { tz } {

    if {[regexp -expanded -nocase -- {
	# 1 - Standard time zone name
	([[:alpha:]]+ | <[-+[:alnum:]]+>)
	# 2 - Standard time zone offset, signum
	# 3 - Standard time zone offset, hours
	    # 4 - Standard time zone offset, minutes
	    : ([[:digit:]]{1,2}) 
	        # 5 - Standard time zone offset, seconds
		: ([[:digit:]]{1,2} )
	    # 6 - DST time zone name
	    ([[:alpha:]]+ | <[-+[:alnum:]]+>)
		    # 7 - DST time zone offset, signum
		    # 8 - DST time zone offset, hours
			# 9 - DST time zone offset, minutes
			: ([[:digit:]]{1,2}) 
		            # 10 - DST time zone offset, seconds
			    : ([[:digit:]]{1,2})
			# 11 - Optional J in n and Jn form 12 - Day of year
		        ( J ? )	( [[:digit:]]+ )
                        | M
			# 13 - Month number 14 - Week of month 15 - Day of week
			( [[:digit:]] + ) 
			[.] ( [[:digit:]] + ) 
			[.] ( [[:digit:]] + )
			# 16 - Start time of DST - hours
			/ ( [[:digit:]]{1,2} )
			    # 17 - Start time of DST - minutes
			    : ( [[:digit:]]{1,2} )
				# 18 - Start time of DST - seconds
				: ( [[:digit:]]{1,2} )
			# 19 - Optional J in n and Jn form 20 - Day of year
		        ( J ? )	( [[:digit:]]+ )
                        | M
			# 21 - Month number 22 - Week of month 23 - Day of week
			( [[:digit:]] + ) 
			[.] ( [[:digit:]] + ) 
			[.] ( [[:digit:]] + )
			# 24 - End time of DST - hours
			/ ( [[:digit:]]{1,2} )
			    # 25 - End time of DST - minutes
			    : ( [[:digit:]]{1,2} )
				# 26 - End time of DST - seconds
				: ( [[:digit:]]{1,2} )
    } $tz -> x(stdName) x(stdSignum) x(stdHours) x(stdMinutes) x(stdSeconds) \
	     x(dstName) x(dstSignum) x(dstHours) x(dstMinutes) x(dstSeconds) \
	     x(startJ) x(startDayOfYear) \
	     x(startMonth) x(startWeekOfMonth) x(startDayOfWeek) \
	     x(startHours) x(startMinutes) x(startSeconds) \
	     x(endJ) x(endDayOfYear) \
	     x(endMonth) x(endWeekOfMonth) x(endDayOfWeek) \
	     x(endHours) x(endMinutes) x(endSeconds)] } {

	# it's a good timezone

	return [array get x]

    } else {

	return -code error\
	    -errorcode [list CLOCK badTimeZone $tz] \
	    "unable to parse time zone specification \"$tz\""



# ProcessPosixTimeZone --
#	Handle a Posix time zone after it's been broken out into
#	fields.
# Parameters:
#	z - Dictionary returned from 'ParsePosixTimeZone'
# Results:
#	Returns time zone information for the 'TZData' array.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::ProcessPosixTimeZone { z } {

    variable MINWIDE
    variable TZData

    # Determine the standard time zone name and seconds east of Greenwich

    set stdName [dict get $z stdName]
    if { [string index $stdName 0] eq {<} } {
	set stdName [string range $stdName 1 end-1]
    if { [dict get $z stdSignum] eq {-} } {
	set stdSignum +1
    } else {
	set stdSignum -1
    set stdHours [lindex [::scan [dict get $z stdHours] %d] 0] 
    if { [dict get $z stdMinutes] ne {} } {
	set stdMinutes [lindex [::scan [dict get $z stdMinutes] %d] 0] 
    } else {
	set stdMinutes 0
    if { [dict get $z stdSeconds] ne {} } {
	set stdSeconds [lindex [::scan [dict get $z stdSeconds] %d] 0] 
    } else {
	set stdSeconds 0
    set stdOffset [expr { ( ( $stdHours * 60 + $stdMinutes )
			    * 60 + $stdSeconds )
			  * $stdSignum }]
    set data [list [list $MINWIDE $stdOffset 0 $stdName]]

    # If there's no daylight zone, we're done

    set dstName [dict get $z dstName]
    if { $dstName eq {} } {
	return $data
    if { [string index $dstName 0] eq {<} } {
	set dstName [string range $dstName 1 end-1]

    # Determine the daylight name

    if { [dict get $z dstSignum] eq {-} } {
	set dstSignum +1
    } else {
	set dstSignum -1
    if { [dict get $z dstHours] eq {} } {
	set dstOffset [expr { 3600 + $stdOffset }]
    } else {
	set dstHours [lindex [::scan [dict get $z dstHours] %d] 0] 
	if { [dict get $z dstMinutes] ne {} } {
	    set dstMinutes [lindex [::scan [dict get $z dstMinutes] %d] 0] 
	} else {
	    set dstMinutes 0
	if { [dict get $z dstSeconds] ne {} } {
	    set dstSeconds [lindex [::scan [dict get $z dstSeconds] %d] 0] 
	} else {
	    set dstSeconds 0
	set dstOffset [expr { ( ( $dstHours * 60 + $dstMinutes )
				* 60 + $dstSeconds )
			      * $dstSignum }]

    # Fill in defaults for US DST rules

    if { [dict get $z startDayOfYear] eq {} 
	 && [dict get $z startMonth] eq {} } {
	dict set z startMonth 4
	dict set z startWeekOfMonth 1
	dict set z startDayOfWeek 0
	dict set z startHours 2
	dict set z startMinutes 0
	dict set z startSeconds 0
    if { [dict get $z endDayOfYear] eq {} 
	 && [dict get $z endMonth] eq {} } {
	dict set z endMonth 10
	dict set z endWeekOfMonth 5
	dict set z endDayOfWeek 0
	dict set z endHours 2
	dict set z endMinutes 0
	dict set z endSeconds 0

    # Put DST in effect in all years from 1916 to 2099.

    for { set y 1916 } { $y < 2099 } { incr y } {
	set startTime [DeterminePosixDSTTime $z start $y]
	incr startTime [expr { - wide($stdOffset) }]
	set endTime [DeterminePosixDSTTime $z end $y]
	incr endTime [expr { - wide($dstOffset) }]
	if { $startTime < $endTime } {
	    lappend data \
		[list $startTime $dstOffset 1 $dstName] \
		[list $endTime $stdOffset 0 $stdName]
	} else {
	    lappend data \
		[list $endTime $stdOffset 0 $stdName] \
		[list $startTime $dstOffset 1 $dstName]

    return $data

# DeterminePosixDSTTime --
#	Determines the time that Daylight Saving Time starts or ends
#	from a Posix time zone specification.
# Parameters:
#	z - Time zone data returned from ParsePosixTimeZone.
#	    Missing fields are expected to be filled in with
#	    default values.
#	bound - The word 'start' or 'end'
#	y - The year for which the transition time is to be determined.
# Results:
#	Returns the transition time as a count of seconds from
#	the epoch.  The time is relative to the wall clock, not UTC.

proc ::tcl::clock::DeterminePosixDSTTime { z bound y } {

    variable FEB_28

    # Determine the start or end day of DST

    set date [dict create era CE year $y]
    set doy [dict get $z ${bound}DayOfYear]
    if { $doy ne {} } {

	# Time was specified as a day of the year

	if { [dict get $z ${bound}J] ne {}
	     && [IsGregorianLeapYear $y] 
	     && ( $doy > $FEB_28 ) } {
	    incr doy
	dict set date dayOfYear $doy
	set date [GetJulianDayFromEraYearDay $date[set date {}]]
    } else {

	# Time was specified as a day of the week within a month

	dict set date month [dict get $z ${bound}Month]
	dict set date dayOfWeekInMonth [dict get $z ${bound}WeekOfMonth]
	set dow [dict get $z ${bound}DayOfWeek]
	if { $dow >= 5 } {
	    set dow -1
	dict set date dayOfWeek $dow
	set date [GetJulianDayFromEraYearMonthWeekDay $date[set date {}]]


    set jd [dict get $date julianDay]
    set seconds [expr { wide($jd) * wide(86400)
			- wide(210866803200) }]

    set h [dict get $z ${bound}Hours]
    if { $h eq {} } {
	set h 2
    } else {
	set h [lindex [::scan $h %d] 0]
    set m [dict get $z ${bound}Minutes]
    if { $m eq {} } {
	set m 0
    } else {
	set m [lindex [::scan $m %d] 0]
    set s [dict get $z ${bound}Seconds]
    if { $s eq {} } {
	set s 0
    } else {
	set s [lindex [::scan $s %d] 0]
    set tod [expr { ( $h * 60 + $m ) * 60 + $s }]
    return [expr { $seconds + $tod }]


# GetLocaleEra --
#	Given local time expressed in seconds from the Posix epoch,
#	determine localized era and year within the era.
# Parameters:
#	date - Dictionary that must contain the keys, 'localSeconds',
#	       whose value is expressed as the appropriate local time;
#	       and 'year', whose value is the Gregorian year.
# Results:
#	Returns the dictionary, augmented with the keys, 'localeEra'
#	and 'localeYear'.

proc ::tcl::clock::GetLocaleEra { date } {

    set etable [mc LOCALE_ERAS]
    set index [BSearch $etable [dict get $date localSeconds]]
    if { $index < 0 } {
	dict set date localeEra \
	    [::format %02d [expr { [dict get $date year] / 100 }]]
	dict set date localeYear \
	    [expr { [dict get $date year] % 100 }]
    } else {
	dict set date localeEra [lindex $etable $index 1]
	dict set date localeYear [expr { [dict get $date year] 
					 - [lindex $etable $index 2] }]
    return $date

# GetJulianDay --
#	Given the seconds from the Posix epoch, derives the Julian
#	day number.
# Parameters:
#	date - Dictionary containing the date fields.  On input, 
#	       populated with a 'localSeconds' field that gives the
#	       nominal seconds from the epoch (in the local time zone,
#	       rather than UTC).
# Results:
#	Returns the given dictionary, augmented by a 'julianDay'
#	field that gives the Julian Day Number at noon of the current
#	date.

proc ::tcl::clock::GetJulianDay { date } {

    set secs [dict get $date localSeconds]

    return [dict set date julianDay \
		[expr { ( $secs + 210866803200 )
			/ 86400 }]]


# GetGregorianEraYearDay --
#	Given the time from the Posix epoch and the current time zone,
#	develops the era, year, and day of year in the Gregorian calendar.
# Parameters:
#	date - Dictionary containing the date fields. On input, populated
#	       with the 'julianDay' key whose value is the Julian Day Number.
# Results:
#	Returns the given dictionary with the 'gregorian', 'era', 
#	'year', and 'dayOfYear' populated.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::GetGregorianEraYearDay { date } {

    set jday [dict get $date julianDay]

    set changeover [mc GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE]

    if { $jday >= $changeover } {

	# Gregorian date

	dict set date gregorian 1

	# Calculate number of days since 1 January, 1 CE

	set day [expr { $jday - 1721425 - 1 }]

	# Calculate number of 400 year cycles

	set year 1
	set n [expr { $day / 146097 }]
	incr year [expr { 400 * $n }]
	set day [expr { $day % 146097 }]

	# Calculate number of centuries in the current cycle

	set n [expr { $day / 36524 }]
	set day [expr { $day % 36524 }]
	if { $n > 3 } {
	    set n 3		     ;  # 31 December 2000, for instance
	    incr day 36524	     ;	# is last day of 400 year cycle
	incr year [expr { 100 * $n }]

    } else {

	# Julian date

	dict set date gregorian 0

	# Calculate days since 0 January, 1 CE Julian

	set day [expr { $jday - 1721423 - 1 }]
	set year 1

    # Calculate number of 4-year cycles in current century (or in
    # the Common Era, if the calendar is Julian)

    set n [expr { $day / 1461 }]
    set day [expr { $day % 1461 }]
    incr year [expr { 4 * $n }]

    # Calculate number of years in current 4-year cycle

    set n [expr { $day / 365 }]
    set day [expr { $day % 365 }]
    if { $n > 3 } {
	set n 3				;# 31 December in a leap year
	incr day 365
    incr year $n

    # Calculate the era

    if { $year <= 0 } {
	dict set date year [expr { 1 - $year }]
	dict set date era BCE
    } else {
	dict set date year $year
	dict set date era CE

    # Return day of the year

    dict set date dayOfYear [expr { $day + 1 }]

    return $date


# GetMonthDay --
#	Given the ordinal number of the day within the year, determines
#	month and day of month in the Gregorian calendar.
# Parameters:
#	date - Dictionary containing the date fields. On input, populated
#	       with the 'era', 'gregorian', 'year' and 'dayOfYear' fields.
# Results:
#	Returns the given dictionary with the 'month' and 'dayOfMonth' 
#	fields populated.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::GetMonthDay { date } {

    variable DaysInRomanMonthInCommonYear
    variable DaysInRomanMonthInLeapYear

    set day [dict get $date dayOfYear]
    if { [IsGregorianLeapYear $date] } {
	set hath $DaysInRomanMonthInLeapYear
    } else {
	set hath $DaysInRomanMonthInCommonYear
    set month 1
    foreach n $hath {
	if { $day <= $n } {
	incr month
	incr day [expr { -$n }]
    dict set date month $month
    dict set date dayOfMonth $day

    return $date


# GetYearWeekDay
#	Given a julian day number, fiscal year, fiscal week,
#	and day of week in the ISO8601 calendar.
# Parameters:
#	date - Dictionary where the 'julianDay' field is populated.
#	daysInFirstWeek - (Optional) Parameter giving the minimum number
#			  of days in the first week of a year.  Default is 4.
# Results:
#	Returns the given dictionary with values filled in for the
#	three given keys.
# Side effects:
#	None.
# Bugs:
#	Since ISO8601 week numbering is defined only for the Gregorian
#	calendar, dates on the Julian calendar or before the Common
#	Era may yield unexpected results. In particular, the year of
#	the Julian-to-Gregorian change may be up to three weeks short.
#	The era is not managed separately, so if the Common Era begins
#	(or the period Before the Common Era ends) with a partial week,
#	the few days at the beginning or end of the era may show up
#	as incorrectly belonging to the year zero.

proc ::tcl::clock::GetYearWeekDay { date 
				    { keys { iso8601Year iso8601Week dayOfWeek } } } {

    set daysInFirstWeek 4
    set firstDayOfWeek 1

    # Determine the calendar year of $j - $daysInFirstWeek + 1.
    # Compute an upper bound of the fiscal year as being one year
    # past the day on which the current week begins. Find the start
    # of that year.
    set j [dict get $date julianDay]
    set jd [expr { $j - $daysInFirstWeek + 1 }]
    set date1 [GetGregorianEraYearDay [dict create julianDay $jd]]
    switch -exact -- [dict get $date1 era] {
	BCE {
	    dict set date1 fiscalYear [expr { [dict get $date1 year] - 1}]
	CE {
	    dict set date1 fiscalYear [expr { [dict get $date1 year] + 1}]
    dict unset date1 year
    dict unset date1 dayOfYear
    dict set date1 weekOfFiscalYear 1
    dict set date1 dayOfWeek $firstDayOfWeek

    set date1 [GetJulianDayFromEraYearWeekDay \
		   $date1[set date1 {}] \
		   $daysInFirstWeek \
		   $firstDayOfWeek \
		   { fiscalYear weekOfFiscalYear dayOfWeek }]
    set startOfFiscalYear [dict get $date1 julianDay]

    # If we guessed high, move one year earlier.
    if { $j < $startOfFiscalYear } {
	switch -exact -- [dict get $date1 era] {
	    BCE {
		dict incr date1 fiscalYear
	    CE {
		dict incr date1 fiscalYear -1
	set date1 [GetJulianDayFromEraYearWeekDay \
		       $date1[set date1 {}] \
		       $daysInFirstWeek \
		       $firstDayOfWeek \
		       {fiscalYear weekOfFiscalYear dayOfWeek }]
	set startOfFiscalYear [dict get $date1 julianDay]
    # Get the week number and the day within the week
    set fiscalYear [dict get $date1 fiscalYear]
    set dayOfFiscalYear [expr { $j - $startOfFiscalYear }]
    set weekOfFiscalYear [expr { ( $dayOfFiscalYear / 7 ) + 1 }]
    set dayOfWeek [expr { ( $dayOfFiscalYear + 1 ) % 7 }]
    if { $dayOfWeek < $firstDayOfWeek } {
	incr dayOfWeek 7
    # Store the fiscal year, week, and day in the given slots in the
    # given dictionary.

    foreach key $keys \
	value [list $fiscalYear $weekOfFiscalYear $dayOfWeek] {
	    dict set date $key $value

    return $date

# GetJulianDayFromEraYearWeekDay --
#	Finds the Julian Day Number corresponding to the given era,
#	year, week and day.
# Parameters:
#	date -- A dictionary populated with fields whose keys are given
#		by the 'keys' parameter below, plus the 'era' field.
#	daysInFirstWeek -- (Optional) The minimum number of days in
#			   the first week of the year.  Default is 4.
#	firstDayOfWeek -- (Optional) The ordinal number of the first
#			  day of the week. Default is 1 (Monday);
#			  0 (Sunday) is an alternative.
#	keys -- (Optional) Keys in the dictionary for looking up the
#		fiscal year, fiscal week, and day of week. The
#		default is { iso8601Year iso8601Week dayOfWeek }.
# Results:
#	Returns the dictionary augmented with a 'julianDay' field
#	that gives the Julian Day Number corresponding to the given
#	date.

proc ::tcl::clock::GetJulianDayFromEraYearWeekDay {
    { daysInFirstWeek 4 } 
    { firstDayOfWeek 1 }
    { keys { iso8601Year iso8601Week dayOfWeek } }
} {

    foreach var { fiscalYear fiscalWeek dayOfWeek } key $keys {
	set $var [dict get $date $key]

    # Find a day of the first week of the year.

    set date2 [dict create \
		   era [dict get $date era] \
		   year $fiscalYear \
		   month 1 \
		   dayOfMonth $daysInFirstWeek]
    set date2 [GetJulianDayFromEraYearMonthDay $date2[set date2 {}]]

    # Find the Julian Day Number of the start of that week.

    set jd [WeekdayOnOrBefore $firstDayOfWeek [dict get $date2 julianDay]]

    # Add the required number of weeks and days

    dict set date julianDay \
	[expr { $jd
		+ ( 7 * ( $fiscalWeek - 1 ) )
	        + $dayOfWeek - $firstDayOfWeek }]

    return $date


# GetJulianDayFromEraYearMonthDay --
#	Given a year, month and day on the Gregorian calendar, determines
#	the Julian Day Number beginning at noon on that date.
# Parameters:
#	date -- A dictionary in which the 'era', 'year', 'month', and
#		'dayOfMonth' slots are populated. The calendar in use
#		is determined by the date itself relative to
#		[mc GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE] in the current locale.
# Results:
#	Returns the given dictionary augmented with a 'julianDay' key
#	whose value is the desired Julian Day Number, and a 'gregorian'
#	key that specifies whether the calendar is Gregorian (1) or
#	Julian (0).
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::GetJulianDayFromEraYearMonthDay { date } {

    variable DaysInPriorMonthsInCommonYear
    variable DaysInPriorMonthsInLeapYear

    # Get absolute year number from the civil year

    switch -exact -- [dict get $date era] {
	BCE {
	    set year [expr { 1 - [dict get $date year] }]
	CE {
	    set year [dict get $date year]

    # If month is out of range, reduce modulo 12 and adjust year accordingly.

    set month [expr { [dict get $date month] - 1 }]
    incr year [expr { $month / 12 }]
    set month [expr { ( $month % 12 ) + 1 }]
    dict set date era CE; dict set date year $year; dict set date month $month

    set ym1 [expr { $year - 1 }]

    # Try the Gregorian calendar first.

    dict set date gregorian 1
    set jd [expr { 1721425
		   + [dict get $date dayOfMonth]
		   + ( [IsGregorianLeapYear $date] ?
		       [lindex $DaysInPriorMonthsInLeapYear \
			    [expr { $month - 1}]]
		       : [lindex $DaysInPriorMonthsInCommonYear \
			      [expr { $month - 1}]] )
		   + ( 365 * $ym1 )
		   + ( $ym1 / 4 )
		   - ( $ym1 / 100 )
		   + ( $ym1 / 400 ) }]
    # If the date is before the Gregorian change, use the Julian calendar.

    if { $jd < [mc GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE] } {

	dict set date gregorian 0
	set jd [expr { 1721423
		       + [dict get $date dayOfMonth]
		       + ( ( $year % 4 == 0 ) ?
		       [lindex $DaysInPriorMonthsInLeapYear \
			    [expr { $month - 1}]]
		       : [lindex $DaysInPriorMonthsInCommonYear \
			      [expr { $month - 1}]] )
		       + ( 365 * $ym1 )
		       + ( $ym1 / 4 ) }]

    dict set date julianDay $jd
    return $date


# GetJulianDayFromEraYearDay --
#	Given a year, month and day on the Gregorian calendar, determines
#	the Julian Day Number beginning at noon on that date.
# Parameters:
#	date -- A dictionary in which the 'era', 'year', and
#		'dayOfYear' slots are populated. The calendar in use
#		is determined by the date itself relative to
#		[mc GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE] in the current locale.
# Results:
#	Returns the given dictionary augmented with a 'julianDay' key
#	whose value is the desired Julian Day Number, and a 'gregorian'
#	key that specifies whether the calendar is Gregorian (1) or
#	Julian (0).
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::GetJulianDayFromEraYearDay { date } {

    # Get absolute year number from the civil year

    switch -exact -- [dict get $date era] {
	BCE {
	    set year [expr { 1 - [dict get $date year] }]
	CE {
	    set year [dict get $date year]
    set ym1 [expr { $year - 1 }]

    # Try the Gregorian calendar first.

    dict set date gregorian 1
    set jd [expr { 1721425
		   + [dict get $date dayOfYear]
		   + ( 365 * $ym1 )
		   + ( $ym1 / 4 )
		   - ( $ym1 / 100 )
		   + ( $ym1 / 400 ) }]
    # If the date is before the Gregorian change, use the Julian calendar.

    if { $jd < [mc GREGORIAN_CHANGE_DATE] } {
	dict set date gregorian 0
	set jd [expr { 1721423
		       + [dict get $date dayOfYear]
		       + ( 365 * $ym1 )
		       + ( $ym1 / 4 ) }]

    dict set date julianDay $jd
    return $date

# GetJulianDayFromEraYearMonthWeekDay --
#	Determines the Julian Day number corresponding to the nth
#	given day-of-the-week in a given month.
# Parameters:
#	date - Dictionary containing the keys, 'era', 'year', 'month'
#	       'weekOfMonth', 'dayOfWeek', and 'dayOfWeekInMonth'.
# Results:
#	Returns the given dictionary, augmented with a 'julianDay' key.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::GetJulianDayFromEraYearMonthWeekDay { date } {

    # Come up with a reference day; either the zeroeth day of the
    # given month (dayOfWeekInMonth >= 0) or the seventh day of the
    # following month (dayOfWeekInMonth < 0)

    set date2 $date
    set week [dict get $date dayOfWeekInMonth]
    if { $week >= 0 } {
	dict set date2 dayOfMonth 0
    } else {
	dict incr date2 month
	dict set date2 dayOfMonth 7
    set date2 [GetJulianDayFromEraYearMonthDay $date2[set date2 {}]]
    set wd0 [WeekdayOnOrBefore [dict get $date dayOfWeek] \
		 [dict get $date2 julianDay]]
    dict set date julianDay [expr { $wd0 + 7 * $week }]
    return $date


# IsGregorianLeapYear --
#	Determines whether a given date represents a leap year in the
#	Gregorian calendar.
# Parameters:
#	date -- The date to test.  The fields, 'era', 'year' and 'gregorian'
#	        must be set.
# Results:
#	Returns 1 if the year is a leap year, 0 otherwise.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::IsGregorianLeapYear { date } {

    switch -exact -- [dict get $date era] {
	BCE { 
	    set year [expr { 1 - [dict get $date year]}]
	CE {
	    set year [dict get $date year]
    if { $year % 4 != 0 } {
	return 0
    } elseif { ![dict get $date gregorian] } {
	return 1
    } elseif { $year % 400 == 0 } {
	return 1
    } elseif { $year % 100 == 0 } {
	return 0
    } else {
	return 1


# WeekdayOnOrBefore --
#	Determine the nearest day of week (given by the 'weekday'
#	parameter, Sunday==0) on or before a given Julian Day.
# Parameters:
#	weekday -- Day of the week
#	j -- Julian Day number
# Results:
#	Returns the Julian Day Number of the desired date.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::WeekdayOnOrBefore { weekday j } {

    set k [expr { ( $weekday + 6 )  % 7 }]
    return [expr { $j - ( $j - $k ) % 7 }]


# BSearch --
#	Service procedure that does binary search in several places
#	inside the 'clock' command.
# Parameters:
#	list - List of lists, sorted in ascending order by the
#	       first elements
#	key - Value to search for
# Results:
#	Returns the index of the greatest element in $list that is less
#	than or equal to $key.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::BSearch { list key } {

    if { $key < [lindex $list 0 0] } {
	return -1

    set l 0
    set u [expr { [llength $list] - 1 }]

    while { $l < $u } {

	# At this point, we know that
	#   $k >= [lindex $list $l 0]
	#   Either $u == [llength $list] or else $k < [lindex $list $u+1 0]
	# We find the midpoint of the interval {l,u} rounded UP, compare
	# against it, and set l or u to maintain the invariant.  Note
	# that the interval shrinks at each step, guaranteeing convergence.

	set m [expr { ( $l + $u + 1 ) / 2 }]
	if { $key >= [lindex $list $m 0] } {
	    set l $m
	} else {
	    set u [expr { $m - 1 }]

    return $l

# clock add --
#	Adds an offset to a given time.
# Syntax:
#	clock add clockval ?count unit?... ?-option value?
# Parameters:
#	clockval -- Starting time value
#	count -- Amount of a unit of time to add
#	unit -- Unit of time to add, must be one of:
#			years year months month weeks week
#			days day hours hour minutes minute
#			seconds second
# Options:
#	-gmt BOOLEAN
#		(Deprecated) Flag synonymous with '-timezone :GMT'
#	-timezone ZONE
#		Name of the time zone in which calculations are to be done.
#	-locale NAME
#		Name of the locale in which calculations are to be done.
#		Used to determine the Gregorian change date.
# Results:
#	Returns the given time adjusted by the given offset(s) in
#	order.
# Notes:
#	It is possible that adding a number of months or years will adjust
#	the day of the month as well.  For instance, the time at
#	one month after 31 January is either 28 or 29 February, because
#	February has fewer than 31 days.

proc ::tcl::clock::add { clockval args } {

    if { [llength $args] % 2 != 0 } {
	return -code error \
	    -errorcode [list CLOCK wrongNumArgs] \
	    "wrong \# args: should be\
             \"[lindex [info level 0] 0] clockval\
             ?number units?...\
             ?-gmt boolean? ?-locale LOCALE? ?-timezone ZONE?\""
    if { [catch { expr wide($clockval) } result] } {
	return -code error $result

    set offsets {}
    set gmt 0
    set locale C
    set timezone [GetSystemTimeZone]

    foreach { a b } $args {

	if { [string is integer -strict $a] } {

	    lappend offsets $a $b

	} else {

	    switch -exact -- $a {

		-gmt {
		    set gmt $b
		-locale {
		    set locale $b
		-timezone {
		    set timezone $b
		default {
		    return -code error \
			-errorcode [list CLOCK badSwitch $flag] \
			"bad switch \"$flag\",\
                         must be -gmt, -locale or -timezone"

    # Check options for validity

    if { [info exists saw(-gmt)] && [info exists saw(-timezone)] } {
	return -code error \
	    -errorcode [list CLOCK gmtWithTimezone] \
	    "cannot use -gmt and -timezone in same call"
    if { [catch { expr { wide($clockval) } } result] } {
	return -code error \
	    "expected integer but got \"$clockval\"" 
    if { ![string is boolean $gmt] } {
	return -code error \
	    "expected boolean value but got \"$gmt\""
    } else {
	if { $gmt } {
	    set timezone :GMT

    EnterLocale $locale oldLocale

    set status [catch {

	foreach { quantity unit } $offsets {

	    switch -exact -- $unit {

		years - year {
		    set clockval \
			[AddMonths [expr { 12 * $quantity }] \
			     $clockval $timezone]
		months - month {
		    set clockval [AddMonths $quantity $clockval $timezone]

		weeks - week {
		    set clockval [AddDays [expr { 7 * $quantity }] \
				      $clockval $timezone]
		days - day {
		    set clockval [AddDays $quantity $clockval $timezone]

		hours - hour {
		    set clockval [expr { 3600 * $quantity + $clockval }]
		minutes - minute {
		    set clockval [expr { 60 * $quantity + $clockval }]
		seconds - second {
		    set clockval [expr { $quantity + $clockval }]

		default {
		    error "unknown unit \"$unit\", must be \
                        years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes or seconds" \
			  "unknown unit \"$unit\", must be \
                        years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes or seconds" \
			[list CLOCK badUnit $unit]
    } result opts]

    # Restore the locale

    if { [info exists oldLocale] } {
	mclocale $oldLocale

    if { $status == 1 } {
	if { [lindex [dict get $opts -errorcode] 0] eq {CLOCK} } {
	    dict unset opts -errorinfo
	return -options $opts $result
    } else {
	return $clockval


# AddMonths --
#	Add a given number of months to a given clock value in a given
#	time zone.
# Parameters:
#	months - Number of months to add (may be negative)
#	clockval - Seconds since the epoch before the operation
#	timezone - Time zone in which the operation is to be performed
# Results:
#	Returns the new clock value as a number of seconds since
#	the epoch.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::AddMonths { months clockval timezone } {

    variable DaysInRomanMonthInCommonYear
    variable DaysInRomanMonthInLeapYear

    # Convert the time to year, month, day, and fraction of day.

    set date [GetMonthDay \
		  [GetGregorianEraYearDay \
		       [GetJulianDay \
			    [ConvertUTCToLocal \
				 [dict create seconds $clockval] \
    dict set date secondOfDay [expr { [dict get $date localSeconds]
				      % 86400 }]
    dict set date tzName $timezone

    # Add the requisite number of months

    set m [dict get $date month]
    incr m $months
    incr m -1
    set delta [expr { $m / 12 }]
    set mm [expr { $m % 12 }]
    dict set date month [expr { $mm + 1 }]
    dict incr date year $delta

    # If the date doesn't exist in the current month, repair it

    if { [IsGregorianLeapYear $date] } {
	set hath [lindex $DaysInRomanMonthInLeapYear $mm]
    } else {
	set hath [lindex $DaysInRomanMonthInCommonYear $mm]
    if { [dict get $date dayOfMonth] > $hath } {
	dict set date dayOfMonth $hath

    # Reconvert to a number of seconds

    set date [GetJulianDayFromEraYearMonthDay \
		  $date[set date {}]]
    dict set date localSeconds \
	[expr { -210866803200
		+ ( 86400 * wide([dict get $date julianDay]) )
		+ [dict get $date secondOfDay] }]
    set date [ConvertLocalToUTC $date[set date {}]]

    return [dict get $date seconds]


# AddDays --
#	Add a given number of days to a given clock value in a given
#	time zone.
# Parameters:
#	days - Number of days to add (may be negative)
#	clockval - Seconds since the epoch before the operation
#	timezone - Time zone in which the operation is to be performed
# Results:
#	Returns the new clock value as a number of seconds since
#	the epoch.
# Side effects:
#	None.

proc ::tcl::clock::AddDays { days clockval timezone } {

    # Convert the time to Julian Day

    set date [GetJulianDay \
		  [ConvertUTCToLocal \
		       [dict create seconds $clockval] \
    dict set date secondOfDay [expr { [dict get $date localSeconds]
				      % 86400 }]
    dict set date tzName $timezone

    # Add the requisite number of days

    dict incr date julianDay $days

    # Reconvert to a number of seconds

    dict set date localSeconds \
	[expr { -210866803200
		+ ( 86400 * wide([dict get $date julianDay]) )
		+ [dict get $date secondOfDay] }]
    set date [ConvertLocalToUTC $date[set date {}]]

    return [dict get $date seconds]


# mc --
#	Wrapper around ::msgcat::mc that caches the result according
#	to the locale.
# Parameters:
#	Accepts the name of the message to retrieve.
# Results:
#	Returns the message text.
# Side effects:
#	Caches the message text.
# Notes:
#	Only the single-argument version of [mc] is supported.

proc ::tcl::clock::mc { name } {
    variable McLoaded
    set Locale [mclocale]
    if { [dict exists $McLoaded $Locale $name] } {
	return [dict get $McLoaded $Locale $name]
    } else {
	set val [::msgcat::mc $name]
	dict set McLoaded $Locale $name $val
	return $val

# ClearCaches --
#	Clears all caches to reclaim the memory used in [clock]
# Parameters:
#	None.
# Results:
#	None.
# Side effects:
#	Caches are cleared.

proc ::tcl::clock::ClearCaches {} {

    variable LocaleNumeralCache
    variable McLoaded
    variable CachedSystemTimeZone
    variable TimeZoneBad

    foreach p [info procs [namespace current]::scanproc'*] {
	rename $p {}

    set LocaleNumeralCache {}
    set McLoaded {}
    catch {unset CachedSystemTimeZone}
    set TimeZoneBad {}
