# cookiejar.tcl -- # # Implementation of IDNA (Internationalized Domain Names for # Applications) encoding/decoding system, built on a punycode engine # developed directly from the code in RFC 3492, Appendix C (with # substantial modifications). # # This implementation includes code from that RFC, translated to Tcl; the # other parts are: # Copyright © 2014 Donal K. Fellows # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of # this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. namespace eval ::tcl::idna { namespace ensemble create -command puny -map { encode punyencode decode punydecode } namespace ensemble create -command ::tcl::idna -map { encode IDNAencode decode IDNAdecode puny puny version {::apply {{} {package present tcl::idna} ::}} } proc IDNAencode hostname { set parts {} # Split term from RFC 3490, Sec 3.1 foreach part [split $hostname "\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61"] { if {[regexp {[^-A-Za-z0-9]} $part]} { if {[regexp {[^-A-Za-z0-9\xA1-\uFFFF]} $part ch]} { scan $ch %c c if {$ch < "!" || $ch > "~"} { set ch [format "\\u%04x" $c] } throw [list IDNA INVALID_NAME_CHARACTER $ch] \ "bad character \"$ch\" in DNS name" } set part xn--[punyencode $part] # Length restriction from RFC 5890, Sec 2.3.1 if {[string length $part] > 63} { throw [list IDNA OVERLONG_PART $part] \ "hostname part too long" } } lappend parts $part } return [join $parts .] } proc IDNAdecode hostname { set parts {} # Split term from RFC 3490, Sec 3.1 foreach part [split $hostname "\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61"] { if {[string match -nocase "xn--*" $part]} { set part [punydecode [string range $part 4 end]] } lappend parts $part } return [join $parts .] } variable digits [split "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" ""] # Bootstring parameters for Punycode variable base 36 variable tmin 1 variable tmax 26 variable skew 38 variable damp 700 variable initial_bias 72 variable initial_n 0x80 variable max_codepoint 0x10FFFF proc adapt {delta first numchars} { variable base variable tmin variable tmax variable damp variable skew set delta [expr {$delta / ($first ? $damp : 2)}] incr delta [expr {$delta / $numchars}] set k 0 while {$delta > ($base - $tmin) * $tmax / 2} { set delta [expr {$delta / ($base-$tmin)}] incr k $base } return [expr {$k + ($base-$tmin+1) * $delta / ($delta+$skew)}] } # Main punycode encoding function proc punyencode {string {case ""}} { variable digits variable tmin variable tmax variable base variable initial_n variable initial_bias if {![string is boolean $case]} { return -code error "\"$case\" must be boolean" } set in {} foreach char [set string [split $string ""]] { scan $char "%c" ch lappend in $ch } set output {} # Initialize the state: set n $initial_n set delta 0 set bias $initial_bias # Handle the basic code points: foreach ch $string { if {$ch < "\x80"} { if {$case eq ""} { append output $ch } elseif {[string is true $case]} { append output [string toupper $ch] } elseif {[string is false $case]} { append output [string tolower $ch] } } } set b [string length $output] # h is the number of code points that have been handled, b is the # number of basic code points. if {$b > 0} { append output "-" } # Main encoding loop: for {set h $b} {$h < [llength $in]} {incr delta; incr n} { # All non-basic code points < n have been handled already. Find # the next larger one: set m inf foreach ch $in { if {$ch >= $n && $ch < $m} { set m $ch } } # Increase delta enough to advance the decoder's state to # , but guard against overflow: if {$m-$n > (0xFFFFFFFF-$delta)/($h+1)} { throw {PUNYCODE OVERFLOW} "overflow in delta computation" } incr delta [expr {($m-$n) * ($h+1)}] set n $m foreach ch $in { if {$ch < $n && ([incr delta] & 0xFFFFFFFF) == 0} { throw {PUNYCODE OVERFLOW} "overflow in delta computation" } if {$ch != $n} { continue } # Represent delta as a generalized variable-length integer: for {set q $delta; set k $base} true {incr k $base} { set t [expr {min(max($k-$bias, $tmin), $tmax)}] if {$q < $t} { break } append output \ [lindex $digits [expr {$t + ($q-$t)%($base-$t)}]] set q [expr {($q-$t) / ($base-$t)}] } append output [lindex $digits $q] set bias [adapt $delta [expr {$h==$b}] [expr {$h+1}]] set delta 0 incr h } } return $output } # Main punycode decode function proc punydecode {string {case ""}} { variable tmin variable tmax variable base variable initial_n variable initial_bias variable max_codepoint if {![string is boolean $case]} { return -code error "\"$case\" must be boolean" } # Initialize the state: set n $initial_n set i 0 set first 1 set bias $initial_bias # Split the string into the "real" ASCII characters and the ones to # feed into the main decoder. Note that we don't need to check the # result of [regexp] because that RE will technically match any string # at all. regexp {^(?:(.*)-)?([^-]*)$} $string -> pre post if {[string is true -strict $case]} { set pre [string toupper $pre] } elseif {[string is false -strict $case]} { set pre [string tolower $pre] } set output [split $pre ""] set out [llength $output] # Main decoding loop: for {set in 0} {$in < [string length $post]} {incr in} { # Decode a generalized variable-length integer into delta, which # gets added to i. The overflow checking is easier if we increase # i as we go, then subtract off its starting value at the end to # obtain delta. for {set oldi $i; set w 1; set k $base} 1 {incr in} { if {[set ch [string index $post $in]] eq ""} { throw {PUNYCODE BAD_INPUT LENGTH} "exceeded input data" } if {[string match -nocase {[a-z]} $ch]} { scan [string toupper $ch] %c digit incr digit -65 } elseif {[string match {[0-9]} $ch]} { set digit [expr {$ch + 26}] } else { throw {PUNYCODE BAD_INPUT CHAR} \ "bad decode character \"$ch\"" } incr i [expr {$digit * $w}] set t [expr {min(max($tmin, $k-$bias), $tmax)}] if {$digit < $t} { set bias [adapt [expr {$i-$oldi}] $first [incr out]] set first 0 break } if {[set w [expr {$w * ($base - $t)}]] > 0x7FFFFFFF} { throw {PUNYCODE OVERFLOW} \ "excessively large integer computed in digit decode" } incr k $base } # i was supposed to wrap around from out+1 to 0, incrementing n # each time, so we'll fix that now: if {[incr n [expr {$i / $out}]] > 0x7FFFFFFF} { throw {PUNYCODE OVERFLOW} \ "excessively large integer computed in character choice" } elseif {$n > $max_codepoint} { if {$n >= 0x00D800 && $n < 0x00E000} { # Bare surrogate?! throw {PUNYCODE NON_BMP} \ [format "unsupported character U+%06x" $n] } throw {PUNYCODE NON_UNICODE} "bad codepoint $n" } set i [expr {$i % $out}] # Insert n at position i of the output: set output [linsert $output $i [format "%c" $n]] incr i } return [join $output ""] } } package provide tcl::idna 1.0.1 # Local variables: # mode: tcl # fill-column: 78 # End: