### # Installer actions built into tclsh and invoked # if the first command line argument is "install" ### if {[llength $argv] < 2} { exit 0 } namespace eval ::practcl {} ### # Installer tools ### proc ::practcl::_isdirectory name { return [file isdirectory $name] } ### # Return true if the pkgindex file contains # any statement other than "package ifneeded" # and/or if any package ifneeded loads a DLL ### proc ::practcl::_pkgindex_directory {path} { set buffer {} set pkgidxfile [file join $path pkgIndex.tcl] if {![file exists $pkgidxfile]} { # No pkgIndex file, read the source foreach file [glob -nocomplain $path/*.tm] { set file [file normalize $file] set fname [file rootname [file tail $file]] ### # We used to be able to ... Assume the package is correct in the filename # No hunt for a "package provides" ### set package [lindex [split $fname -] 0] set version [lindex [split $fname -] 1] ### # Read the file, and override assumptions as needed ### set fin [open $file r] set dat [read $fin] close $fin # Look for a teapot style Package statement foreach line [split $dat \n] { set line [string trim $line] if { [string range $line 0 9] != "# Package " } continue set package [lindex $line 2] set version [lindex $line 3] break } # Look for a package provide statement foreach line [split $dat \n] { set line [string trim $line] if { [string range $line 0 14] != "package provide" } continue set package [lindex $line 2] set version [lindex $line 3] break } append buffer "package ifneeded $package $version \[list source \[file join \$dir [file tail $file]\]\]" \n } foreach file [glob -nocomplain $path/*.tcl] { if { [file tail $file] == "version_info.tcl" } continue set fin [open $file r] set dat [read $fin] close $fin if {![regexp "package provide" $dat]} continue set fname [file rootname [file tail $file]] # Look for a package provide statement foreach line [split $dat \n] { set line [string trim $line] if { [string range $line 0 14] != "package provide" } continue set package [lindex $line 2] set version [lindex $line 3] if {[string index $package 0] in "\$ \[ @"} continue if {[string index $version 0] in "\$ \[ @"} continue append buffer "package ifneeded $package $version \[list source \[file join \$dir [file tail $file]\]\]" \n break } } return $buffer } set fin [open $pkgidxfile r] set dat [read $fin] close $fin set trace 0 #if {[file tail $path] eq "tool"} { # set trace 1 #} set thisline {} foreach line [split $dat \n] { append thisline $line \n if {![info complete $thisline]} continue set line [string trim $line] if {[string length $line]==0} { set thisline {} ; continue } if {[string index $line 0] eq "#"} { set thisline {} ; continue } if {[regexp "if.*catch.*package.*Tcl.*return" $thisline]} { if {$trace} {puts "[file dirname $pkgidxfile] Ignoring $thisline"} set thisline {} ; continue } if {[regexp "if.*package.*vsatisfies.*package.*provide.*return" $thisline]} { if {$trace} { puts "[file dirname $pkgidxfile] Ignoring $thisline" } set thisline {} ; continue } if {![regexp "package.*ifneeded" $thisline]} { # This package index contains arbitrary code # source instead of trying to add it to the master # package index if {$trace} { puts "[file dirname $pkgidxfile] Arbitrary code $thisline" } return {source [file join $dir pkgIndex.tcl]} } append buffer $thisline \n set thisline {} } if {$trace} {puts [list [file dirname $pkgidxfile] $buffer]} return $buffer } proc ::practcl::_pkgindex_path_subdir {path} { set result {} foreach subpath [glob -nocomplain [file join $path *]] { if {[file isdirectory $subpath]} { lappend result $subpath {*}[_pkgindex_path_subdir $subpath] } } return $result } ### # Index all paths given as though they will end up in the same # virtual file system ### proc ::practcl::pkgindex_path args { set stack {} set buffer { lappend ::PATHSTACK $dir } foreach base $args { set base [file normalize $base] set paths {} foreach dir [glob -nocomplain [file join $base *]] { if {[file tail $dir] eq "teapot"} continue lappend paths $dir {*}[::practcl::_pkgindex_path_subdir $dir] } set i [string length $base] # Build a list of all of the paths if {[llength $paths]} { foreach path $paths { if {$path eq $base} continue set path_indexed($path) 0 } } else { puts [list WARNING: NO PATHS FOUND IN $base] } set path_indexed($base) 1 set path_indexed([file join $base boot tcl]) 1 foreach teapath [glob -nocomplain [file join $base teapot *]] { set pkg [file tail $teapath] append buffer [list set pkg $pkg] append buffer { set pkginstall [file join $::g(HOME) teapot $pkg] if {![file exists $pkginstall]} { installDir [file join $dir teapot $pkg] $pkginstall } } } foreach path $paths { if {$path_indexed($path)} continue set thisdir [file_relative $base $path] set idxbuf [::practcl::_pkgindex_directory $path] if {[string length $idxbuf]} { incr path_indexed($path) append buffer "set dir \[set PKGDIR \[file join \[lindex \$::PATHSTACK end\] $thisdir\]\]" \n append buffer [string map {$dir $PKGDIR} [string trimright $idxbuf]] \n } } } append buffer { set dir [lindex $::PATHSTACK end] set ::PATHSTACK [lrange $::PATHSTACK 0 end-1] } return $buffer } ### # topic: 64319f4600fb63c82b2258d908f9d066 # description: Script to build the VFS file system ### proc ::practcl::installDir {d1 d2} { puts [format {%*sCreating %s} [expr {4 * [info level]}] {} [file tail $d2]] file delete -force -- $d2 file mkdir $d2 foreach ftail [glob -directory $d1 -nocomplain -tails *] { set f [file join $d1 $ftail] if {[file isdirectory $f] && [string compare CVS $ftail]} { installDir $f [file join $d2 $ftail] } elseif {[file isfile $f]} { file copy -force $f [file join $d2 $ftail] if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {unix}} { file attributes [file join $d2 $ftail] -permissions 0644 } else { file attributes [file join $d2 $ftail] -readonly 1 } } } if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {unix}} { file attributes $d2 -permissions 0755 } else { file attributes $d2 -readonly 1 } } proc ::practcl::copyDir {d1 d2 {toplevel 1}} { #if {$toplevel} { # puts [list ::practcl::copyDir $d1 -> $d2] #} #file delete -force -- $d2 file mkdir $d2 foreach ftail [glob -directory $d1 -nocomplain -tails *] { set f [file join $d1 $ftail] if {[file isdirectory $f] && [string compare CVS $ftail]} { copyDir $f [file join $d2 $ftail] 0 } elseif {[file isfile $f]} { file copy -force $f [file join $d2 $ftail] } } } switch [lindex $argv 1] { mkzip { zipfs mkzip {*}[lrange $argv 2 end] } mkzip { zipfs mkimg {*}[lrange $argv 2 end] } default { ::practcl::[lindex $argv 1] {*}[lrange $argv 2 end] } } exit 0