# msgcat.tcl -- # # This file defines various procedures which implement a # message catalog facility for Tcl programs. It should be # loaded with the command "package require msgcat". # # Copyright (c) 1998 by Scriptics Corporation. # Copyright (c) 1998 by Mark Harrison. # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: msgcat.tcl,v 2001/08/09 01:00:56 dgp Exp $ package require Tcl 8.2 package provide msgcat 1.1.1 namespace eval msgcat { namespace export mc mcset mclocale mcpreferences mcunknown # Records the current locale as passed to mclocale variable locale "" # Records the list of locales to search variable loclist {} # Records the mapping between source strings and translated strings. The # array key is of the form ",," and the value is # the translated string. array set msgs {} } # msgcat::mc -- # # Find the translation for the given string based on the current # locale setting. Check the local namespace first, then look in each # parent namespace until the source is found. If additional args are # specified, use the format command to work them into the traslated # string. # # Arguments: # src The string to translate. # args Args to pass to the format command # # Results: # Returns the translatd string. Propagates errors thrown by the # format command. proc msgcat::mc {src args} { # Check for the src in each namespace starting from the local and # ending in the global. set ns [uplevel 1 [list ::namespace current]] while {$ns != ""} { foreach loc $::msgcat::loclist { if {[info exists ::msgcat::msgs($loc,$ns,$src)]} { if {[llength $args] == 0} { return $::msgcat::msgs($loc,$ns,$src) } else { return [eval \ [list format $::msgcat::msgs($loc,$ns,$src)] \ $args] } } } set ns [namespace parent $ns] } # we have not found the translation return [uplevel 1 [list [::namespace origin mcunknown] \ $::msgcat::locale $src] $args] } # msgcat::mclocale -- # # Query or set the current locale. # # Arguments: # newLocale (Optional) The new locale string. Locale strings # should be composed of one or more sublocale parts # separated by underscores (e.g. en_US). # # Results: # Returns the current locale. proc msgcat::mclocale {args} { set len [llength $args] if {$len > 1} { error {wrong # args: should be "mclocale ?newLocale?"} } set args [string tolower $args] if {$len == 1} { set ::msgcat::locale $args set ::msgcat::loclist {} set word "" foreach part [split $args _] { set word [string trimleft "${word}_${part}" _] set ::msgcat::loclist [linsert $::msgcat::loclist 0 $word] } } return $::msgcat::locale } # msgcat::mcpreferences -- # # Fetch the list of locales used to look up strings, ordered from # most preferred to least preferred. # # Arguments: # None. # # Results: # Returns an ordered list of the locales preferred by the user. proc msgcat::mcpreferences {} { return $::msgcat::loclist } # msgcat::mcload -- # # Attempt to load message catalogs for each locale in the # preference list from the specified directory. # # Arguments: # langdir The directory to search. # # Results: # Returns the number of message catalogs that were loaded. proc msgcat::mcload {langdir} { set x 0 foreach p [::msgcat::mcpreferences] { set langfile [file join $langdir $p.msg] if {[file exists $langfile]} { incr x set fid [open $langfile "r"] fconfigure $fid -encoding utf-8 uplevel 1 [read $fid] close $fid } } return $x } # msgcat::mcset -- # # Set the translation for a given string in a specified locale. # # Arguments: # locale The locale to use. # src The source string. # dest (Optional) The translated string. If omitted, # the source string is used. # # Results: # Returns the new locale. proc msgcat::mcset {locale src {dest ""}} { if {[string equal $dest ""]} { set dest $src } set ns [uplevel 1 [list ::namespace current]] set ::msgcat::msgs([string tolower $locale],$ns,$src) $dest return $dest } # msgcat::mcunknown -- # # This routine is called by msgcat::mc if a translation cannot # be found for a string. This routine is intended to be replaced # by an application specific routine for error reporting # purposes. The default behavior is to return the source string. # If additional args are specified, the format command will be used # to work them into the traslated string. # # Arguments: # locale The current locale. # src The string to be translated. # args Args to pass to the format command # # Results: # Returns the translated value. proc msgcat::mcunknown {locale src args} { if {[llength $args]} { return [eval [list format $src] $args] } else { return $src } } # Initialize the default locale namespace eval msgcat { # set default locale, try to get from environment if {[info exists ::env(LANG)]} { mclocale $::env(LANG) } else { mclocale "C" } }