Notes about the use of libmoto

@(#) libmoto.doc 1.1 96/07/17 14:29:48

First of all, libmoto is not required!  If you don't have it, you
can simply remove the library reference from the project file and
everything should compile just fine.

The libmoto library replaces certain functions in the MathLib and
ANSI libraries.  Motorola has optimized the functions in the library
to run very fast on the PowerPC.  As I said above, you don't need
this library, but it does make things faster.

Obtaining Libmoto:

	For more information about Libmoto and how to doanload
	it, visit the following URL:

	You will need to register for the library.  However, the
	library is free and you can use it in any commercial product
	you might have.

Installing Libmoto:

	Just follow the instructions provided by the Motorola 
	README file.  You need to make sure that the Libmoto
	library is before the ANSI and MathLib libraries in
	link order.  Also, you will get several warnings stateing
	that certain functions have already been defined in 
	Libmoto.  (These can safely be ignored.)

Finally, you can thank Kate Stewart of Motorola for twisting my
arm at the Tcl/Tk Conference to provide some support for Libmoto.

Ray Johnson