#!/usr/bin/tclsh # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # chan.perf.tcl -- # # This file provides performance tests for comparison of tcl-speed # of channel subsystem. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Copyright (c) 2024 Serg G. Brester (aka sebres) # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file. # if {![namespace exists ::tclTestPerf]} { source [file join [file dirname [info script]] test-performance.tcl] } namespace eval ::tclTestPerf-Chan { namespace path {::tclTestPerf} proc _get_test_chan {{bufSize 4096}} { lassign [chan pipe] ch wch; fconfigure $ch -translation binary -encoding utf-8 -buffersize $bufSize -buffering full fconfigure $wch -translation binary -encoding utf-8 -buffersize $bufSize -buffering full exec [info nameofexecutable] -- $bufSize >@$wch << { set bufSize [lindex $::argv end] fconfigure stdout -translation binary -encoding utf-8 -buffersize $bufSize -buffering full set buf [string repeat test 1000]; # 4K # write ~ 10*1M + 10*2M + 10*10M + 1*20M: set i 0; while {$i < int((10*1e6 + 10*2e6 + 10*10e6 + 1*20e6)/4e3)} { #puts -nonewline stdout $i\t puts stdout $buf #flush stdout; # don't flush to use full buffer incr i } } & close $wch return $ch } # regression tests for [bug-da16d15574] (fix for [db4f2843cd]): proc test-read-regress {{reptime {50000 10}}} { _test_run -no-result $reptime { # with 4KB buffersize: setup { set ch [::tclTestPerf-Chan::_get_test_chan 4096]; fconfigure $ch -buffersize } # 10 * 1M: {read $ch [expr {int(1e6)}]} # 10 * 2M: {read $ch [expr {int(2e6)}]} # 10 * 10M: {read $ch [expr {int(10e6)}]} # 1 * 20M: {read $ch; break} cleanup { close $ch } # with 1MB buffersize: setup { set ch [::tclTestPerf-Chan::_get_test_chan 1048576]; fconfigure $ch -buffersize } # 10 * 1M: {read $ch [expr {int(1e6)}]} # 10 * 2M: {read $ch [expr {int(2e6)}]} # 10 * 10M: {read $ch [expr {int(10e6)}]} # 1 * 20M: {read $ch; break} cleanup { close $ch } } } proc test {{reptime 1000}} { test-read-regress puts \n**OK** } }; # end of ::tclTestPerf-Chan # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # if calling direct: if {[info exists ::argv0] && [file tail $::argv0] eq [file tail [info script]]} { array set in {-time 500} array set in $argv ::tclTestPerf-Chan::test $in(-time) }