# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # test-performance.tcl -- # # This file provides common performance tests for comparison of tcl-speed # degradation or regression by switching between branches. # # To execute test case evaluate direct corresponding file "tests-perf\*.perf.tcl". # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Copyright (c) 2014 Serg G. Brester (aka sebres) # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file. # namespace eval ::tclTestPerf { # warm-up interpeter compiler env, calibrate timerate measurement functionality: # if no timerate here - import from unsupported: if {[namespace which -command timerate] eq {}} { namespace inscope ::tcl::unsupported {namespace export timerate} namespace import ::tcl::unsupported::timerate } # if not yet calibrated: if {[lindex [timerate {} 10] 6] >= (10-1)} { puts -nonewline "Calibration ... "; flush stdout puts "done: [lrange \ [timerate -calibrate {}] \ 0 1]" } proc {**STOP**} {args} { return -code error -level 4 "**STOP** in [info level [expr {[info level]-2}]] [join $args { }]" } proc _test_get_commands {lst} { regsub -all {(?:^|\n)[ \t]*(\#[^\n]*|\msetup\M[^\n]*|\mcleanup\M[^\n]*)(?=\n\s*(?:[\{\#]|setup|cleanup|$))} $lst "\n{\\1}" } proc _test_out_total {} { upvar _ _ set tcnt [llength $_(itm)] if {!$tcnt} { puts "" return } set mintm 0x7fffffff set maxtm 0 set nett 0 set wtm 0 set wcnt 0 set i 0 foreach tm $_(itm) { if {[llength $tm] > 6} { set nett [expr {$nett + [lindex $tm 6]}] } set wtm [expr {$wtm + [lindex $tm 0]}] set wcnt [expr {$wcnt + [lindex $tm 2]}] set tm [lindex $tm 0] if {$tm > $maxtm} {set maxtm $tm; set maxi $i} if {$tm < $mintm} {set mintm $tm; set mini $i} incr i } puts [string repeat ** 40] set s [format "%d cases in %.2f sec." $tcnt [expr {([clock milliseconds] - $_(starttime)) / 1000.0}]] if {$nett > 0} { append s [format " (%.2f nett-sec.)" [expr {$nett / 1000.0}]] } puts "Total $s:" lset _(m) 0 [format %.6f $wtm] lset _(m) 2 $wcnt lset _(m) 4 [format %.3f [expr {$wcnt / (($nett ? $nett : ($tcnt * [lindex $_(reptime) 0])) / 1000.0)}]] if {[llength $_(m)] > 6} { lset _(m) 6 [format %.3f $nett] } puts $_(m) puts "Average:" lset _(m) 0 [format %.6f [expr {[lindex $_(m) 0] / $tcnt}]] lset _(m) 2 [expr {[lindex $_(m) 2] / $tcnt}] if {[llength $_(m)] > 6} { lset _(m) 6 [format %.3f [expr {[lindex $_(m) 6] / $tcnt}]] lset _(m) 4 [format %.0f [expr {[lindex $_(m) 2] / [lindex $_(m) 6] * 1000}]] } puts $_(m) puts "Min:" puts [lindex $_(itm) $mini] puts "Max:" puts [lindex $_(itm) $maxi] puts [string repeat ** 40] puts "" } proc _test_run {args} { upvar _ _ # parse args: set _(out-result) 1 if {[lindex $args 0] eq "-no-result"} { set _(out-result) 0 set args [lrange $args 1 end] } if {[llength $args] < 2 || [llength $args] > 3} { return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"[lindex [info level [info level]] 0] ?-no-result? reptime lst ?outcmd?\"" } set outcmd {puts $_(r)} set args [lassign $args reptime lst] if {[llength $args]} { set outcmd [lindex $args 0] } # avoid output if only once: if {[lindex $reptime 0] <= 1 || ([llength $reptime] > 1 && [lindex $reptime 1] == 1)} { set _(out-result) 0 } array set _ [list itm {} reptime $reptime starttime [clock milliseconds]] # process measurement: foreach _(c) [_test_get_commands $lst] { puts "% [regsub -all {\n[ \t]*} $_(c) {; }]" if {[regexp {^\s*\#} $_(c)]} continue if {[regexp {^\s*(?:setup|cleanup)\s+} $_(c)]} { puts [if 1 [lindex $_(c) 1]] continue } # if output result (and not once): if {$_(out-result)} { set _(r) [if 1 $_(c)] if {$outcmd ne {}} $outcmd if {[llength $_(reptime)] > 1} { # decrement max-count lset _(reptime) 1 [expr {[lindex $_(reptime) 1] - 1}] } } puts [set _(m) [timerate $_(c) {*}$_(reptime)]] lappend _(itm) $_(m) puts "" } _test_out_total } }; # end of namespace ::tclTestPerf