README -- Tcl test suite design document. RCS: @(#) $Id: README,v 1.4 1999/04/20 18:12:18 hershey Exp $ Contents: --------- 1. Introduction 2. Definitions file 3. Writing a new test 4. Constraints 5. Adding a New Test File 6. Test output 7. Selecting tests for execution within a file 8. Selecting files to be sourced by all.tcl 9. Incompatibilities with prior Tcl versions 1. Introduction: ---------------- This directory contains a set of validation tests for the Tcl commands and C Library procedures for Tcl. Each of the files whose name ends in ".test" is intended to fully exercise the functions in the C source file that corresponds to the file prefix. The C functions and/or Tcl commands tested by a given file are listed in the first line of the file. You can run the tests in three ways: (a) type "make test" in ../unix; this will run all of the tests. (b) type "tcltest ?