README -- Tcl test suite design document.

RCS: @(#) $Id: README,v 1.8 1999/08/31 21:49:27 jenn Exp $


    1. Introduction
    2. Incompatibilities with prior Tcl versions

1. Introduction:

This directory contains a set of validation tests for the Tcl commands
and C Library procedures for Tcl.  Each of the files whose name ends
in ".test" is intended to fully exercise the functions in the C source
file that corresponds to the file prefix.  The C functions and/or Tcl
commands tested by a given file are listed in the first line of the

You can run the tests in three ways:

    (a) type "make test" in ../unix; this will run all of the tests.

    (b) type "tcltest <testFile> ?<option> <value>?
	Command line options include:

	-help                display usage information

	-verbose <level>     set the level of verbosity to a substring
			     of "bps".  See the "Test output" section
			     of the tcltest man page for an
			     explanation of this option. 

	-match <matchList>   only run tests that match one or more of
			     the glob patterns in <matchList>

	-skip <skipList>     do not run tests that match one or more
			     of the glob patterns in <skipList>

	-file <globPatternList>  
		             only source test files that match one or
		             more of the glob patterns in
		             <globPatternList> (relative to the
		             "tests" directory).  This option only
		             applies when you run the test suite with
		             the "all.tcl" file.

	-notfile <globPatternList>  
	                     do not source test files that match one
	                     or more of the patterns in
	                     <globPatternList> (relative to the
	                     "tests" directory).  This option only
	                     applies when you run the test suite with
	                     the "all.tcl" file.

	-constraints <list>  tests with any constraints in <list> will
			     not be skipped.  Not that elements of
			     <list> must exactly match the existing

        -limitconstraints <bool>
                             If 1, limit test runs to those tests that
                             match the constraints listed using the
                             -constraints flag.  Use of this flag
                             requires use of the -constraints flag.
                             The default value is 0.

        -tmpdir <dirname>    put temporary files created by
                             ::tcltest::makeFile and
                             ::tcltest::makeDirectory in the named
                             directory.  The default location is

        -preservecore <level>
                             check for core files.  If level is 0,
                             check for core files only when
                             cleanupTests is called from an all.tcl
                             file.  If 1, also check at the end of
                             every test command.  If 2, also save core
                             files in ::tcltest::temporaryDirectory.
                             The default level is 0.
    (c) start up tcltest in this directory, then "source" the test
        file (for example, type "source parse.test").  To run all
	of the tests, type "source all.tcl".  To use the options in
	interactive mode, you can set their corresponding tcltest
	namespace variables after loading the tcltest package.
	For example, some of the tcltest variables are:

Please see the tcltest man page for more information regarding how to
write and run tests.

Please note that the all.tcl file will source your new test file if
the filename matches the tests/*.test pattern (as it should).  The
names of test files that contain regression (or glass-box) tests
should correspond to the Tcl or C code file that they are testing.
For example, the test file for the C file "tclCmdAH.c" is
"cmdAH.test".  Test files that contain black-box tests may not
correspond to any Tcl or C code file so they should match the pattern

Be sure your new test file can be run from any working directory.

Be sure no temporary files are left behind by your test file.

Be sure your tests can run cross-platform in both a build environment
as well as an installation environment.  If your test file contains
tests that should not be run in one or more of those cases, please use
the constraints mechanism to skip those tests.

2. Incompatibilities with prior Tcl versions:

1) Global variables such as VERBOSE, TESTS, and testConfig are now
   renamed to use the new "tcltest" namespace.

   old name   new name
   --------   --------
   VERBOSE    ::tcltest::verbose
   TESTS      ::tcltest::match
   testConfig ::tcltest::testConstraints

2) VERBOSE values are no longer numeric.  

3) When you run "make test", the working dir for the test suite is now
   the one from which you called "make test", rather than the "tests"
   directory.  This change allows for both unix and windows test
   suites to be run simultaneously without interference with each
   other or with existing files.  All tests must now run independently
   of their working directory.

4) The "all" and "visual" files are now called "all.tcl" and

5) The "defs" file no longer exists.

6) Instead of creating a doAllTests file in the tests directory, to
   run all nonPortable tests, just use the "-constraints nonPortable"
   command line flag.  If you are running interactively, you can set
   the ::tcltest::testConstraints(nonPortable) variable to 1 (after
   loading the tcltest package).