# Commands covered:  none
# This file contains a collection of tests for Tcl_AsyncCreate and related
# library procedures.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1993 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

catch [list package require -exact Tcltest [info patchlevel]]

testConstraint testasync [llength [info commands testasync]]
testConstraint threaded [::tcl::pkgconfig get threaded]

proc async1 {result code} {
    global aresult acode
    set aresult $result
    set acode $code
    return "new result"
proc async2 {result code} {
    global aresult acode
    set aresult $result
    set acode $code
    return -code error "xyzzy"
proc async3 {result code} {
    global aresult
    set aresult "test pattern"
    return -code $code $result
proc \# {result code} {
    global aresult acode
    set aresult $result
    set acode $code
    return "comment quoting"

if {[testConstraint testasync]} {
    set handler1 [testasync create async1]
    set handler2 [testasync create async2]
    set handler3 [testasync create async3]
    set handler4 [testasync create \#]
test async-1.1 {basic async handlers} testasync {
    set aresult xxx
    set acode yyy
    list [catch {testasync mark $handler1 "original" 0} msg] $msg \
	   $acode $aresult
} {0 {new result} 0 original}
test async-1.2 {basic async handlers} testasync {
    set aresult xxx
    set acode yyy
    list [catch {testasync mark $handler1 "original" 1} msg] $msg \
	   $acode $aresult
} {0 {new result} 1 original}
test async-1.3 {basic async handlers} testasync {
    set aresult xxx
    set acode yyy
    list [catch {testasync mark $handler2 "old" 0} msg] $msg \
	   $acode $aresult
} {1 xyzzy 0 old}
test async-1.4 {basic async handlers} testasync {
    set aresult xxx
    set acode yyy
    list [catch {testasync mark $handler2 "old" 3} msg] $msg \
	   $acode $aresult
} {1 xyzzy 3 old}
test async-1.5 {basic async handlers} testasync {
    set aresult xxx
    list [catch {testasync mark $handler3 "foobar" 0} msg] $msg $aresult
} {0 foobar {test pattern}}
test async-1.6 {basic async handlers} testasync {
    set aresult xxx
    list [catch {testasync mark $handler3 "foobar" 1} msg] $msg $aresult
} {1 foobar {test pattern}}
test async-1.7 {basic async handlers} testasync {
    set aresult xxx
    set acode yyy
    list [catch {testasync mark $handler4 "original" 0} msg] $msg \
	   $acode $aresult
} {0 {comment quoting} 0 original}

proc mult1 {result code} {
    global x
    lappend x mult1
    return -code 7 mult1
proc mult2 {result code} {
    global x
    lappend x mult2
    return -code 9 mult2
proc mult3 {result code} {
    global x hm1 hm2
    lappend x [catch {testasync mark $hm2 serial2 0}]
    lappend x [catch {testasync mark $hm1 serial1 0}]
    lappend x mult3
    return -code 11 mult3
if {[testConstraint testasync]} {
    set hm1 [testasync create mult1]
    set hm2 [testasync create mult2]
    set hm3 [testasync create mult3]
test async-2.1 {multiple handlers} testasync {
    set x {}
    list [catch {testasync mark $hm3 "foobar" 5} msg] $msg $x
} {9 mult2 {0 0 mult3 mult1 mult2}}

proc del1 {result code} {
    global x hm1 hm2 hm3 hm4
    lappend x [catch {testasync mark $hm3 serial2 0}]
    lappend x [catch {testasync mark $hm1 serial1 0}]
    lappend x [catch {testasync mark $hm4 serial1 0}]
    testasync delete $hm1
    testasync delete $hm2
    testasync delete $hm3
    lappend x del1
    return -code 13 del1
proc del2 {result code} {
    global x
    lappend x del2
    return -code 3 del2
if {[testConstraint testasync]} {
    testasync delete $handler1
    testasync delete $hm2
    testasync delete $hm3
    set hm2 [testasync create del1]
    set hm3 [testasync create mult2]
    set hm4 [testasync create del2]

test async-3.1 {deleting handlers} testasync {
    set x {}
    list [catch {testasync mark $hm2 "foobar" 5} msg] $msg $x
} {3 del2 {0 0 0 del1 del2}}

test async-4.1 {async interrupting bytecode sequence} -constraints {
    testasync threaded
} -setup {
    set hm [testasync create async3]
    proc nothing {} {
	# empty proc
} -body {
    apply {{handle} {
	global aresult
	set aresult {Async event not delivered}
	testasync marklater $handle
	for {set i 0} {
	    $i < 2500000  &&  $aresult eq "Async event not delivered"
	} {incr i} {
	return $aresult
    }} $hm
} -result {test pattern} -cleanup {
    testasync delete $hm
test async-4.2 {async interrupting straight bytecode sequence} -constraints {
    testasync threaded
} -setup {
    set hm [testasync create async3]
} -body {
    apply {{handle} {
	global aresult
	set aresult {Async event not delivered}
	testasync marklater $handle
	for {set i 0} {
	    $i < 2500000  &&  $aresult eq "Async event not delivered"
	} {incr i} {}
	return $aresult
    }} $hm
} -result {test pattern} -cleanup {
    testasync delete $hm
test async-4.3 {async interrupting loop-less bytecode sequence} -constraints {
    testasync threaded
} -setup {
    set hm [testasync create async3]
} -body {
    apply [list {handle} [concat {
	global aresult
	set aresult {Async event not delivered}
	testasync marklater $handle
	set i 0
    } "[string repeat {;incr i;} 1500000]after 10;" {
	return $aresult
    }]] $hm
} -result {test pattern} -cleanup {
    testasync delete $hm

# cleanup
if {[testConstraint testasync]} {
    testasync delete

# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# End: