# Test file for:
#   auto_mkindex
# This file provides example cases for testing the Tcl autoloading
# facility.  Things are much more complicated with namespaces and classes.
# The "auto_mkindex" facility can no longer be built on top of a simple
# regular expression parser.  It must recognize constructs like this:
#   namespace eval foo {
#       proc test {x y} { ... }
#       namespace eval bar {
#           proc another {args} { ... }
#       }
#   }
# Note that procedures and itcl class definitions can be nested inside
# of namespaces.
# Copyright (c) 1993-1998  Lucent Technologies, Inc.

# This shouldn't cause any problems
namespace import -force blt::*

# Should be able to handle "proc" definitions, even if they are
# preceded by white space.

proc normal {x y} {return [expr $x+$y]}
  proc indented {x y} {return [expr $x+$y]}

# Should be able to handle proc declarations within namespaces,
# even if they have explicit namespace paths.
namespace eval buried {
    proc inside {args} {return "inside: $args"}

    namespace export pub_*
    proc pub_one {args} {return "one: $args"}
    proc pub_two {args} {return "two: $args"}
proc buried::within {args} {return "within: $args"}

namespace eval buried {
    namespace eval under {
        proc neath {args} {return "neath: $args"}
    namespace eval ::buried {
        proc relative {args} {return "relative: $args"}
        proc ::top {args} {return "top: $args"}
        proc ::buried::explicit {args} {return "explicit: $args"}

# With proper hooks, we should be able to support other commands
# that create procedures

proc buried::myproc {name body args} {
    ::proc $name $body $args
namespace eval ::buried {
    proc mycmd1 args {return "mycmd"}
    myproc mycmd2 args {return "mycmd"}
::buried::myproc mycmd3 args {return "another"}

proc {buried::my proc} {name body args} {
    ::proc $name $body $args
namespace eval ::buried {
    proc mycmd4 args {return "mycmd"}
    {my proc} mycmd5 args {return "mycmd"}
{::buried::my proc} mycmd6 args {return "another"}

# A correctly functioning [auto_import] won't choke when a child
# namespace [namespace import]s from its parent.
namespace eval ::parent::child {
    namespace import ::parent::*
proc ::parent::child::test {} {}