# Commands covered:  auto_mkindex auto_import
# This file contains tests related to autoloading and generating
# the autoloading index.
# Copyright (c) 1998  Lucent Technologies, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: autoMkindex.test,v 1.6 1999/06/26 03:54:10 jenn Exp $

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import ::tcltest::*

# temporarily copy the autoMkindex.tcl file from testsDirectory to
# temporaryDirectory 
set origMkindexFile [file join $::tcltest::testsDirectory autoMkindex.tcl]
set newMkindexFile [file join $::tcltest::temporaryDirectory autoMkindex.tcl]
if {![catch {file copy $origMkindexFile $newMkindexFile}]} {
    set removeAutoMkindex 1

# Save initial state of auto_mkindex_parser

auto_load auto_mkindex
if {[info exist auto_mkindex_parser::initCommands]} {
    set saveCommands $auto_mkindex_parser::initCommands
proc AutoMkindexTestReset {} {
    global saveCommands
    if {[info exist saveCommands]} {
	set auto_mkindex_parser::initCommands $saveCommands
    } elseif {[info exist auto_mkindex_parser::initCommands]} {
	unset auto_mkindex_parser::initCommands

set result ""

test autoMkindex-1.1 {remove any existing tclIndex file} {
    file delete tclIndex
    file exists tclIndex
} {0}

test autoMkindex-1.2 {build tclIndex based on a test file} {
    auto_mkindex . autoMkindex.tcl
    file exists tclIndex
} {1}

set element "{source [file join . autoMkindex.tcl]}"

test autoMkindex-1.3 {examine tclIndex} {
    file delete tclIndex
    auto_mkindex . autoMkindex.tcl
    namespace eval tcl_autoMkindex_tmp {
        set dir "."
        variable auto_index
        source tclIndex
        set ::result ""
        foreach elem [lsort [array names auto_index]] {
            lappend ::result [list $elem $auto_index($elem)]
    namespace delete tcl_autoMkindex_tmp
    set ::result
} "{::buried::explicit $element} {::buried::inside $element} {{::buried::my proc} $element} {::buried::mycmd1 $element} {::buried::mycmd4 $element} {::buried::myproc $element} {::buried::pub_one $element} {::buried::pub_two $element} {::buried::relative $element} {::buried::under::neath $element} {::buried::within $element} {indented $element} {normal $element} {top $element}"

test autoMkindex-2.1 {commands on the autoload path can be imported} {
    file delete tclIndex
    auto_mkindex . autoMkindex.tcl
    set interp [interp create]
    set final [$interp eval {
        namespace eval blt {}
        set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 .]
        set info [list [catch {namespace import buried::*} result] $result]
        foreach name [lsort [info commands pub_*]] {
            lappend info $name [namespace origin $name]
        set info
    interp delete $interp
    set final
} "0 {} pub_one ::buried::pub_one pub_two ::buried::pub_two"

# Test auto_mkindex hooks

# Slave hook executes interesting code in the interp used to watch code.

test autoMkindex-3.1 {slaveHook} {
    auto_mkindex_parser::slavehook {
	_%@namespace eval ::blt {
	    proc foo {} {}
	    _%@namespace export foo
    auto_mkindex_parser::slavehook { _%@namespace import -force ::blt::* }
    file delete tclIndex
    auto_mkindex . autoMkindex.tcl
    # Reset initCommands to avoid trashing other tests

    file exists tclIndex
} 1 

# The auto_mkindex_parser::command is used to register commands
# that create new commands.

test autoMkindex-3.2 {auto_mkindex_parser::command} {
    auto_mkindex_parser::command buried::myproc {name args} {
	variable index
	variable scriptFile
	append index [list set auto_index([fullname $name])] \
		" \[list source \[file join \$dir [list $scriptFile]\]\]\n"
    file delete tclIndex
    auto_mkindex . autoMkindex.tcl
    namespace eval tcl_autoMkindex_tmp {
        set dir "."
        variable auto_index
        source tclIndex
        set ::result ""
        foreach elem [lsort [array names auto_index]] {
            lappend ::result [list $elem $auto_index($elem)]
    namespace delete tcl_autoMkindex_tmp

    # Reset initCommands to avoid trashing other tests

    set ::result
} "{::buried::explicit $element} {::buried::inside $element} {{::buried::my proc} $element} {::buried::mycmd1 $element} {::buried::mycmd2 $element} {::buried::mycmd4 $element} {::buried::myproc $element} {::buried::pub_one $element} {::buried::pub_two $element} {::buried::relative $element} {::buried::under::neath $element} {::buried::within $element} {indented $element} {mycmd3 $element} {normal $element} {top $element}"

test autoMkindex-3.3 {auto_mkindex_parser::command} {knownBug} {
    auto_mkindex_parser::command {buried::my proc} {name args} {
	variable index
	variable scriptFile
	puts "my proc $name"
	append index [list set auto_index([fullname $name])] \
		" \[list source \[file join \$dir [list $scriptFile]\]\]\n"
    file delete tclIndex
    auto_mkindex . autoMkindex.tcl
    namespace eval tcl_autoMkindex_tmp {
        set dir "."
        variable auto_index
        source tclIndex
        set ::result ""
        foreach elem [lsort [array names auto_index]] {
            lappend ::result [list $elem $auto_index($elem)]
    namespace delete tcl_autoMkindex_tmp

    # Reset initCommands to avoid trashing other tests

    proc lvalue {list pattern} {
	set ix [lsearch $list $pattern]
	if {$ix >= 0} {
	    return [lindex $list $ix]
	} else {
	    return {}
    list [lvalue $::result *mycmd4*] [lvalue $::result *mycmd5*] [lvalue $::result *mycmd6*]
} "{::buried::mycmd4 $element} {::buried::mycmd5 $element} {mycmd6 $element}"

# Clean up.

unset result
if {[info exist saveCommands]} {
    unset saveCommands
rename AutoMkindexTestReset ""

if {[info exists removeAutoMkindex]} {
    catch {file delete $newMkindexFile}
if {[file exists tclIndex]} {
    file delete -force tclIndex