# This file contains tests for the tclBasic.c source file. Tests appear in
# the same order as the C code that they test. The set of tests is
# currently incomplete since it currently includes only new tests for
# code changed for the addition of Tcl namespaces. Other variable-
# related tests appear in several other test files including
# assocd.test, cmdInfo.test, eval.test, expr.test, interp.test,
# and trace.test.
# Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for
# errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

package require tcltest 2
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

testConstraint testevalex [llength [info commands testevalex]]
testConstraint testcmdtoken [llength [info commands testcmdtoken]]
testConstraint testcreatecommand [llength [info commands testcreatecommand]]
testConstraint exec [llength [info commands exec]]

catch {namespace delete test_ns_basic}
catch {interp delete test_interp}
catch {rename p ""}
catch {rename q ""}
catch {rename cmd ""}
catch {unset x}

test basic-1.1 {Tcl_CreateInterp, creates interp's global namespace} {
    catch {interp delete test_interp}
    interp create test_interp
    interp eval test_interp {
        namespace eval test_ns_basic {
            proc p {} {
                return [namespace current]
    list [interp eval test_interp {test_ns_basic::p}] \
         [interp delete test_interp]
} {::test_ns_basic {}}

test basic-2.1 {TclHideUnsafeCommands} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-3.1 {Tcl_CallWhenDeleted: see dcall.test} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-4.1 {Tcl_DontCallWhenDeleted: see dcall.test} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-5.1 {Tcl_SetAssocData: see assoc.test} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-6.1 {Tcl_DeleteAssocData: see assoc.test} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-7.1 {Tcl_GetAssocData: see assoc.test} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-8.1 {Tcl_InterpDeleted} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-9.1 {Tcl_DeleteInterp: see interp.test} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-10.1 {DeleteInterpProc, destroys interp's global namespace} {
    catch {interp delete test_interp}
    interp create test_interp
    interp eval test_interp {
        namespace eval test_ns_basic {
            namespace export p
            proc p {} {
                return [namespace current]
        namespace eval test_ns_2 {
            namespace import ::test_ns_basic::p
            variable v 27
            proc q {} {
                variable v
                return "[p] $v"
    list [interp eval test_interp {test_ns_2::q}] \
         [interp eval test_interp {namespace delete ::}] \
         [catch {interp eval test_interp {set a 123}} msg] $msg \
         [interp delete test_interp]
} {{::test_ns_basic 27} {} 1 {invalid command name "set"} {}}

test basic-11.1 {HiddenCmdsDeleteProc, invalidate cached refs to deleted hidden cmd} {
    catch {interp delete test_interp}
    interp create test_interp
    interp eval test_interp {
        proc p {} {
            return 27
    interp alias {} localP test_interp p
    list [interp eval test_interp {p}] \
         [localP] \
         [test_interp hide p] \
         [catch {localP} msg] $msg \
         [interp delete test_interp] \
         [catch {localP} msg] $msg
} {27 27 {} 1 {invalid command name "p"} {} 1 {invalid command name "localP"}}

# NB: More tests about hide/expose are found in interp.test

test basic-12.1 {Tcl_HideCommand, names of hidden cmds can't have namespace qualifiers} {
    catch {interp delete test_interp}
    interp create test_interp
    interp eval test_interp {
        namespace eval test_ns_basic {
            proc p {} {
                return [namespace current]
    list [catch {test_interp hide test_ns_basic::p x} msg] $msg \
	 [catch {test_interp hide x test_ns_basic::p} msg1] $msg1 \
         [interp delete test_interp]
} {1 {can only hide global namespace commands (use rename then hide)} 1 {cannot use namespace qualifiers in hidden command token (rename)} {}}

test basic-12.2 {Tcl_HideCommand, a hidden cmd remembers its containing namespace} {
    catch {namespace delete test_ns_basic}
    catch {rename cmd ""}
    proc cmd {} {   ;# note that this is global
        return [namespace current]
    namespace eval test_ns_basic {
        proc hideCmd {} {
            interp hide {} cmd
        proc exposeCmd {} {
            interp expose {} cmd
        proc callCmd {} {
    list [test_ns_basic::callCmd] \
         [test_ns_basic::hideCmd] \
         [catch {cmd} msg] $msg \
         [test_ns_basic::exposeCmd] \
         [test_ns_basic::callCmd] \
         [namespace delete test_ns_basic]
} {:: {} 1 {invalid command name "cmd"} {} :: {}}

test basic-13.1 {Tcl_ExposeCommand, a command stays in the global namespace and cannot go to another namespace} {
    catch {namespace delete test_ns_basic}
    catch {rename cmd ""}
    proc cmd {} {   ;# note that this is global
        return [namespace current]
    namespace eval test_ns_basic {
        proc hideCmd {} {
            interp hide {} cmd
        proc exposeCmdFailing {} {
            interp expose {} cmd ::test_ns_basic::newCmd
        proc exposeCmdWorkAround {} {
            interp expose {} cmd;
	    rename cmd ::test_ns_basic::newCmd;
        proc callCmd {} {
    list [test_ns_basic::callCmd] \
         [test_ns_basic::hideCmd] \
         [catch {test_ns_basic::exposeCmdFailing} msg] $msg \
         [test_ns_basic::exposeCmdWorkAround] \
         [test_ns_basic::newCmd] \
         [namespace delete test_ns_basic]
} {:: {} 1 {cannot expose to a namespace (use expose to toplevel, then rename)} {} ::test_ns_basic {}}
test basic-13.2 {Tcl_ExposeCommand, invalidate cached refs to cmd now being exposed} {
    catch {rename p ""}
    catch {rename cmd ""}
    proc p {} {
    proc cmd {} {
        return 42
    list [p] \
         [interp hide {} cmd] \
         [proc cmd {} {return Hello}] \
         [cmd] \
         [rename cmd ""] \
         [interp expose {} cmd] \
} {42 {} {} Hello {} {} 42}

test basic-14.1 {Tcl_CreateCommand, new cmd goes into a namespace specified in its name, if any} {testcreatecommand} {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    list [testcreatecommand create] \
	 [test_ns_basic::createdcommand] \
	 [testcreatecommand delete]
} {{} {CreatedCommandProc in ::test_ns_basic} {}}
test basic-14.2 {Tcl_CreateCommand, namespace code ignore single ":"s in middle or end of names} {testcreatecommand} {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    catch {rename value:at: ""}
    list [testcreatecommand create2] \
	 [value:at:] \
	 [testcreatecommand delete2]
} {{} {CreatedCommandProc2 in ::} {}}

test basic-15.1 {Tcl_CreateObjCommand, new cmd goes into a namespace specified in its name, if any} {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    namespace eval test_ns_basic {}
    proc test_ns_basic::cmd {} {  ;# proc requires that ns already exist
        return [namespace current]
    list [test_ns_basic::cmd] \
         [namespace delete test_ns_basic]
} {::test_ns_basic {}}

test basic-16.1 {TclInvokeStringCommand} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-17.1 {TclInvokeObjCommand} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-18.1 {TclRenameCommand, name of existing cmd can have namespace qualifiers} {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    catch {rename cmd ""}
    namespace eval test_ns_basic {
        proc p {} {
            return "p in [namespace current]"
    list [test_ns_basic::p] \
         [rename test_ns_basic::p test_ns_basic::q] \
} {{p in ::test_ns_basic} {} {p in ::test_ns_basic}}
test basic-18.2 {TclRenameCommand, existing cmd must be found} {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    list [catch {rename test_ns_basic::p test_ns_basic::q} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't rename "test_ns_basic::p": command doesn't exist}}
test basic-18.3 {TclRenameCommand, delete cmd if new name is empty} {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    namespace eval test_ns_basic {
        proc p {} {
            return "p in [namespace current]"
    list [info commands test_ns_basic::*] \
         [rename test_ns_basic::p ""] \
         [info commands test_ns_basic::*]
} {::test_ns_basic::p {} {}}
test basic-18.4 {TclRenameCommand, bad new name} {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    namespace eval test_ns_basic {
        proc p {} {
            return "p in [namespace current]"
    rename test_ns_basic::p :::george::martha
} {}
test basic-18.5 {TclRenameCommand, new name must not already exist} {
    namespace eval test_ns_basic {
        proc q {} {
            return 42
    list [catch {rename test_ns_basic::q :::george::martha} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't rename to ":::george::martha": command already exists}}
test basic-18.6 {TclRenameCommand, check for command shadowing by newly renamed cmd} {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    catch {rename p ""}
    catch {rename q ""}
    proc p {} {
        return "p in [namespace current]"
    proc q {} {
        return "q in [namespace current]"
    namespace eval test_ns_basic {
        proc callP {} {
    list [test_ns_basic::callP] \
         [rename q test_ns_basic::p] \
} {{p in ::} {} {q in ::test_ns_basic}}

test basic-19.1 {Tcl_SetCommandInfo} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-20.1 {Tcl_GetCommandInfo, names for commands created inside namespaces} {testcmdtoken} {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    catch {rename p ""}
    catch {rename q ""}
    catch {unset x}
    set x [namespace eval test_ns_basic::test_ns_basic2 {
        # the following creates a cmd in the global namespace
        testcmdtoken create p
    list [testcmdtoken name $x] \
         [rename ::p q] \
         [testcmdtoken name $x]
} {{p ::p} {} {q ::q}}
test basic-20.2 {Tcl_GetCommandInfo, names for commands created outside namespaces} {testcmdtoken} {
    catch {rename q ""}
    set x [testcmdtoken create test_ns_basic::test_ns_basic2::p]
    list [testcmdtoken name $x] \
         [rename test_ns_basic::test_ns_basic2::p q] \
         [testcmdtoken name $x]
} {{p ::test_ns_basic::test_ns_basic2::p} {} {q ::q}}
test basic-20.3 {Tcl_GetCommandInfo, #-quoting} testcmdtoken {
    catch {rename \# ""}
    set x [testcmdtoken create \#]
    testcmdtoken name $x
} {{#} ::#}

test basic-21.1 {Tcl_GetCommandName} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-22.1 {Tcl_GetCommandFullName} {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    namespace eval test_ns_basic1 {
        namespace export cmd*
        proc cmd1 {} {}
        proc cmd2 {} {}
    namespace eval test_ns_basic2 {
        namespace export *
        namespace import ::test_ns_basic1::*
        proc p {} {}
    namespace eval test_ns_basic3 {
        namespace import ::test_ns_basic2::*
        proc q {} {}
        list [namespace which -command foreach] \
             [namespace which -command q] \
             [namespace which -command p] \
             [namespace which -command cmd1] \
             [namespace which -command ::test_ns_basic2::cmd2]
} {::foreach ::test_ns_basic3::q ::test_ns_basic3::p ::test_ns_basic3::cmd1 ::test_ns_basic2::cmd2}

test basic-23.1 {Tcl_DeleteCommand} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-24.1 {Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken, invalidate all compiled code if cmd has compile proc} {
    catch {interp delete test_interp}
    catch {unset x}
    interp create test_interp
    interp eval test_interp {
        proc useSet {} {
            return [set a 123]
    set x [interp eval test_interp {useSet}]
    interp eval test_interp {
        rename set ""
        proc set {args} {
            return "set called with $args"
    list $x \
         [interp eval test_interp {useSet}] \
         [interp delete test_interp]
} {123 {set called with a 123} {}}
test basic-24.2 {Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken, deleting commands changes command epoch} {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    catch {rename p ""}
    proc p {} {
        return "global p"
    namespace eval test_ns_basic {
        proc p {} {
            return "namespace p"
        proc callP {} {
    list [test_ns_basic::callP] \
         [rename test_ns_basic::p ""] \
} {{namespace p} {} {global p}}
test basic-24.3 {Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken, delete imported cmds that refer to a deleted cmd} {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    catch {rename p ""}
    namespace eval test_ns_basic {
        namespace export p
        proc p {} {return 42}
    namespace eval test_ns_basic2 {
        namespace import ::test_ns_basic::*
        proc callP {} {
    list [test_ns_basic2::callP] \
         [info commands test_ns_basic2::*] \
         [rename test_ns_basic::p ""] \
         [catch {test_ns_basic2::callP} msg] $msg \
         [info commands test_ns_basic2::*]
} {42 {::test_ns_basic2::callP ::test_ns_basic2::p} {} 1 {invalid command name "p"} ::test_ns_basic2::callP}

test basic-25.1 {TclCleanupCommand} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-26.1 {Tcl_EvalObj: preserve object while evaling it} -setup {
    proc myHandler {msg options} {
	set ::x [dict get $options -errorinfo]
    set handler [interp bgerror {}]
    interp bgerror {} [namespace which myHandler]
    set fName [makeFile {} test1]
} -body {
    # If object isn't preserved, errorInfo would be set to
    # "foo\n    while executing\n\"garbage bytes\"" because the object's
    # string would have been freed, leaving garbage bytes for the error
    # message.
    set f [open $fName w]
    fileevent $f writable "fileevent $f writable {}; error foo"
    set x {}
    vwait x
    close $f
    set x
} -cleanup {
    removeFile test1
    interp bgerror {} $handler
    rename myHandler {}
} -result "foo\n    while executing\n\"error foo\""

test basic-26.2 {Tcl_EvalObjEx, pure-list branch: preserve "objv"} -body {
    # Follow the pure-list branch in a manner that
    #   a - the pure-list internal rep is destroyed by shimmering
    #   b - the command returns an error
    # As the error code in Tcl_EvalObjv accesses the list elements, this will
    # cause a segfault if [Bug 1119369] has not been fixed. 
    # NOTE: a MEM_DEBUG build may be necessary to guarantee the segfault.

    set SRC [list foo 1] ;# pure-list command 
    proc foo str {
	# Shimmer pure-list to cmdName, cleanup and error
	proc $::SRC {} {}; $::SRC
	error "BAD CALL"
    catch {eval $SRC}
} -result 1 -cleanup {
    rename foo {}
    rename $::SRC {}
    unset ::SRC

test basic-26.3 {Tcl_EvalObjEx, pure-list branch: preserve "objv"} -body {
    # Follow the pure-list branch in a manner that
    #   a - the pure-list internal rep is destroyed by shimmering
    #   b - the command accesses its command line
    # This will cause a segfault if [Bug 1119369] has not been fixed. 
    # NOTE: a MEM_DEBUG build may be necessary to guarantee the segfault.

    set SRC [list foo 1] ;# pure-list command 
    proc foo str {
	# Shimmer pure-list to cmdName, cleanup and error
	proc $::SRC {} {}; $::SRC
	info level 0
    catch {eval $SRC}
} -result 0 -cleanup {
    rename foo {}
    rename $::SRC {}
    unset ::SRC

test basic-27.1 {Tcl_ExprLong} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-28.1 {Tcl_ExprDouble} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-29.1 {Tcl_ExprBoolean} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-30.1 {Tcl_ExprLongObj} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-31.1 {Tcl_ExprDoubleObj} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-32.1 {Tcl_ExprBooleanObj} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-36.1 {Tcl_EvalObjv, lookup of "unknown" command} {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    catch {interp delete test_interp}
    interp create test_interp
    interp eval test_interp {
        proc unknown {args} {
            return "global unknown"
        namespace eval test_ns_basic {
            proc unknown {args} {
                return "namespace unknown"
    list [interp alias test_interp newAlias test_interp doesntExist] \
         [catch {interp eval test_interp {newAlias}} msg] $msg \
         [interp delete test_interp]
} {newAlias 0 {global unknown} {}}

test basic-37.1 {Tcl_ExprString: see expr.test} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-38.1 {Tcl_ExprObj} {emptyTest} {
} {}

# Tests basic-39.* and basic-40.* refactored into trace.test

test basic-41.1 {Tcl_AddErrorInfo} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-42.1 {Tcl_AddObjErrorInfo} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-43.1 {Tcl_VarEval} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-44.1 {Tcl_GlobalEval} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-45.1 {Tcl_SetRecursionLimit: see interp.test} {emptyTest} {
} {}

test basic-46.1 {Tcl_AllowExceptions: exception return not allowed} {stdio} {
    catch {close $f}
    set res [catch {
	set f [open |[list [interpreter]] w+]
	fconfigure $f -buffering line
	puts $f {fconfigure stdout -buffering line}
	puts $f continue
	puts $f {puts $::errorInfo}
	puts $f {puts DONE}
	set newMsg {}
	set msg {}
	while {$newMsg != "DONE"} {
	    set newMsg [gets $f]
	    append msg "${newMsg}\n"
	close $f
    } error]
    list $res $msg
} {1 {invoked "continue" outside of a loop
    while executing

test basic-46.2 {Tcl_AllowExceptions: exception return not allowed} -setup {
    set fName [makeFile {
	puts hello
    } BREAKtest]
} -constraints {
} -body {
    exec [interpreter] $fName
} -cleanup {
    removeFile BREAKtest
} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {hello
invoked "break" outside of a loop
    while executing
    (file "*BREAKtest" line 3)}    

test basic-46.3 {Tcl_AllowExceptions: exception return not allowed} -setup {
    set fName [makeFile {
	interp alias {} patch {} info patchlevel
    } BREAKtest]
} -constraints {
} -body {
    exec [interpreter] $fName
} -cleanup {
    removeFile BREAKtest
} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {invoked "break" outside of a loop
    while executing
    (file "*BREAKtest" line 4)}    

test basic-46.4 {Tcl_AllowExceptions: exception return not allowed} -setup {
    set fName [makeFile {
	foo [set a 1] [break]
    } BREAKtest]
} -constraints {
} -body {
    exec [interpreter] $fName
} -cleanup {
    removeFile BREAKtest
} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {invoked "break" outside of a loop
    while executing*
"foo \[set a 1] \[break]"
    (file "*BREAKtest" line 2)}

test basic-46.5 {Tcl_AllowExceptions: exception return not allowed} -setup {
    set fName [makeFile {
	return -code return
    } BREAKtest]
} -constraints {
} -body {
    exec [interpreter] $fName
} -cleanup {
    removeFile BREAKtest
} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {command returned bad code: 2
    while executing
"return -code return"
    (file "*BREAKtest" line 2)}

test basic-47.1 {Tcl_EvalEx: check for missing close-bracket} -body {
    subst {a[set b [format cd]}
} -returnCodes error -result {missing close-bracket}

# Some lists for expansion tests to work with
set l1 [list a {b b} c d]
set l2 [list e f {g g} h]
proc l3 {} {
    list i j k {l l}

# Do all tests once byte compiled and once with direct string evaluation
for {set noComp 0} {$noComp <= 1} {incr noComp} {

if $noComp {
    interp alias {} run {} testevalex
    set constraints testevalex
} else {
    interp alias {} run {} if 1
    set constraints {}

test basic-47.2.$noComp {Tcl_EvalEx: error during word expansion} -body {
    run {{*}\{}
} -constraints $constraints -returnCodes error -result {unmatched open brace in list}

test basic-47.3.$noComp {Tcl_EvalEx, error during substitution} -body {
    run {{*}[error foo]}
} -constraints $constraints -returnCodes error -result foo

test basic-47.4.$noComp {Tcl_EvalEx: no expansion} $constraints {
    run {list {*} {*}	{*}}
} {* * *}

test basic-47.5.$noComp {Tcl_EvalEx: expansion} $constraints {
    run {list {*}{} {*}	{*}x {*}"y z"}
} {* x y z}

test basic-47.6.$noComp {Tcl_EvalEx: expansion to zero args} $constraints {
    run {list {*}{}}
} {}

test basic-47.7.$noComp {Tcl_EvalEx: expansion to one arg} $constraints {
    run {list {*}x}
} x

test basic-47.8.$noComp {Tcl_EvalEx: expansion to many args} $constraints {
    run {list {*}"y z"}
} {y z}

test basic-47.9.$noComp {Tcl_EvalEx: expansion and subst order} $constraints {
    set x 0
    run {list [incr x] {*}[incr x] [incr x] \
		{*}[list [incr x] [incr x]] [incr x]}
} {1 2 3 4 5 6}

test basic-47.10.$noComp {Tcl_EvalEx: expand and memory management} $constraints {
    run {concat {*}{} a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r}
} {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r}

test basic-47.11.$noComp {Tcl_EvalEx: expand and memory management} $constraints {
    run {concat {*}1 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r}
} {1 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r}

test basic-47.12.$noComp {Tcl_EvalEx: expand and memory management} $constraints {
    run {concat {*}{1 2} a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r}
} {1 2 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r}

test basic-47.13.$noComp {Tcl_EvalEx: expand and memory management} $constraints {
    run {concat {*}{} {*}{1 2} a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q}
} {1 2 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q}

test basic-47.14.$noComp {Tcl_EvalEx: expand and memory management} $constraints {
    run {concat {*}{} a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s}
} {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s}

test basic-47.15.$noComp {Tcl_EvalEx: expand and memory management} $constraints {
    run {concat {*}1 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s}
} {1 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s}

test basic-47.16.$noComp {Tcl_EvalEx: expand and memory management} $constraints {
    run {concat {*}{1 2} a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s}
} {1 2 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s}

test basic-47.17.$noComp {Tcl_EvalEx: expand and memory management} $constraints {
    run {concat {*}{} {*}{1 2} a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r}
} {1 2 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r}

test basic-48.1.$noComp {expansion: parsing} $constraints {
	run { # A comment

		# Another comment
		list 1  2\
			3   {*}$::l1
		# Comment again
} {1 2 3 a {b b} c d}

test basic-48.2.$noComp {no expansion} $constraints {
        run {list $::l1 $::l2 [l3]}
} {{a {b b} c d} {e f {g g} h} {i j k {l l}}}

test basic-48.3.$noComp {expansion} $constraints {
        run {list {*}$::l1 $::l2 {*}[l3]}
} {a {b b} c d {e f {g g} h} i j k {l l}}

test basic-48.4.$noComp {expansion: really long cmd} $constraints {
        set cmd [list list]
        for {set t 0} {$t < 500} {incr t} {
            lappend cmd {{*}$::l1}
        llength [run [join $cmd]]
} 2000

test basic-48.5.$noComp {expansion: error detection} -setup {
	set l "a {a b}x y"
} -constraints $constraints -body {
	run {list $::l1 {*}$l}
} -cleanup {
	unset l
} -returnCodes 1 -result {list element in braces followed by "x" instead of space}

test basic-48.6.$noComp {expansion: odd usage} $constraints {
        run {list {*}$::l1$::l2}
} {a {b b} c de f {g g} h}

test basic-48.7.$noComp {expansion: odd usage} -constraints $constraints -body {
        run {list {*}[l3]$::l1}
} -returnCodes 1 -result {list element in braces followed by "a" instead of space}

test basic-48.8.$noComp {expansion: odd usage} $constraints {
        run {list {*}hej$::l1}
} {heja {b b} c d}

test basic-48.9.$noComp {expansion: Not all {*} should trigger} $constraints {
	run {list {*}$::l1 \{*\}$::l2 "{*}$::l1" {{*} i j k}}
} {a {b b} c d {{*}e f {g g} h} {{*}a {b b} c d} {{*} i j k}}

test basic-48.10.$noComp {expansion: expansion of command word} -setup {
	set cmd [list string range jultomte]
} -constraints $constraints -body {
	run {{*}$cmd 2 6}
} -cleanup {
	unset cmd
} -result ltomt

test basic-48.11.$noComp {expansion: expansion into nothing} -setup {
        set cmd {}
        set bar {}
} -constraints $constraints -body {
        run {{*}$cmd {*}$bar}
} -cleanup {
	unset cmd bar
} -result {}

test basic-48.12.$noComp {expansion: odd usage} $constraints {
	run {list {*}$::l1 {*}"hej hopp" {*}$::l2}
} {a {b b} c d hej hopp e f {g g} h}

test basic-48.13.$noComp {expansion: odd usage} $constraints {
	run {list {*}$::l1 {*}{hej hopp} {*}$::l2}
} {a {b b} c d hej hopp e f {g g} h}

test basic-48.14.$noComp {expansion: hash command} -setup {
        catch {rename \# ""}
        set cmd "#"
    } -constraints $constraints -body { 
           run { {*}$cmd apa bepa }
    } -cleanup {
	unset cmd
} -returnCodes 1 -result {invalid command name "#"}

test basic-48.15.$noComp {expansion: complex words} -setup {
            set a(x) [list a {b c} d e]
            set b x
            set c [list {f\ g h\ i j k} x y]
            set d {0\ 1 2 3}
    } -constraints $constraints -body {
            run { lappend d {*}$a($b) {*}[lindex $c 0] }
    } -cleanup {
	unset a b c d
} -result {{0 1} 2 3 a {b c} d e {f g} {h i} j k}

testConstraint memory [llength [info commands memory]]
test basic-48.16.$noComp {expansion: testing for leaks} -setup {
        proc getbytes {} {
            set lines [split [memory info] "\n"]
            lindex [lindex $lines 3] 3
        # This test is made to stress the allocation, reallocation and
        # object reference management in Tcl_EvalEx.
        proc stress {} {
            set a x
            # Create free objects that should disappear
            set l [list 1$a 2$a 3$a 4$a 5$a 6$a 7$a]
            # A short number of words and a short result (8)
            set l [run {list {*}$l $a$a}]
            # A short number of words and a longer result (27)
            set l [run {list {*}$l $a$a {*}$l $a$a {*}$l $a$a}]
            # A short number of words and a longer result, with an error
            # This is to stress the cleanup in the error case
            if {![catch {run {_moo_ {*}$l $a$a {*}$l $a$a {*}$l}}]} {
                error "An error was expected in the previous statement"
            # Many words
            set l [run {list {*}$l $a$a {*}$l $a$a \
                                 {*}$l $a$a {*}$l $a$a \
                                 {*}$l $a$a {*}$l $a$a \
                                 {*}$l $a$a {*}$l $a$a \
                                 {*}$l $a$a {*}$l $a$a \
                                 {*}$l $a$a {*}$l $a$a \
                                 {*}$l $a$a {*}$l $a$a \
                                 {*}$l $a$a {*}$l $a$a \
                                 {*}$l $a$a {*}$l $a$a \
                                 {*}$l $a$a}]

            if {[llength $l] != 19*28} {
                error "Bad Length: [llength $l] should be [expr {19*28}]"
    } -constraints [linsert $constraints 0 memory] -body {
        set end [getbytes]
        for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
            set tmp $end
            set end [getbytes]
        set leak [expr {$end - $tmp}]
    } -cleanup {
	unset end i tmp
	rename getbytes {}
	rename stress {}
} -result 0

test basic-48.17.$noComp {expansion: object safety} -setup {
        set old_precision $::tcl_precision
        set ::tcl_precision 4
    } -constraints $constraints -body { 
            set third [expr {1.0/3.0}]
            set l [list $third $third]
            set x [run {list $third {*}$l $third}]
	    set res [list]
            foreach t $x {
                lappend res [expr {$t * 3.0}]
            set res
    } -cleanup {
        set ::tcl_precision $old_precision
        unset old_precision res t l x third
} -result {1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0}

test basic-48.18.$noComp {expansion: list semantics} -constraints $constraints -body {
        set badcmd {
            list a b
            set apa 10
        set apa 0
        list [llength [run { {*}$badcmd }]] $apa
    } -cleanup {
	unset apa badcmd
} -result {5 0}

test basic-48.19.$noComp {expansion: error checking order} -body {
        set badlist "a {}x y"
        set a 0
        set b 0
        catch {run {list [incr a] {*}$badlist [incr b]}}
        list $a $b
    } -constraints $constraints -cleanup {
	unset badlist a b
} -result {1 0}

test basic-48.20.$noComp {expansion: odd case with word boundaries} $constraints {
    run {list {*}$::l1 {*}"hej hopp" {*}$::l2}
} {a {b b} c d hej hopp e f {g g} h}

test basic-48.21.$noComp {expansion: odd case with word boundaries} $constraints {
    run {list {*}$::l1 {*}{hej hopp} {*}$::l2}
} {a {b b} c d hej hopp e f {g g} h}

test basic-48.22.$noComp {expansion: odd case with word boundaries} -body {
    run {list {*}$::l1 {*}"hej hopp {*}$::l2}
} -constraints $constraints -returnCodes error -result {missing "}

test basic-48.23.$noComp {expansion: handle return codes} -constraints $constraints -body {
        set res {}
        for {set t 0} {$t < 10} {incr t} {
            run { {*}break }
        lappend res $t

        for {set t 0} {$t < 10} {incr t} {
            run { {*}continue }
            set t 20
        lappend res $t

        lappend res [catch { run { {*}{error Hejsan} } } err]
        lappend res $err
    } -cleanup {
	unset res t
} -result {0 10 1 Hejsan}

} ;# End of noComp loop

test basic-49.1 {Tcl_EvalEx: verify TCL_EVAL_GLOBAL operation} testevalex {
    set ::x global
    namespace eval ns {
	variable x namespace
	testevalex {set x changed} global
	set ::result [list $::x $x]
    namespace delete ns
    set ::result
} {changed namespace}
test basic-49.2 {Tcl_EvalEx: verify TCL_EVAL_GLOBAL operation} testevalex {
    set ::x global
    namespace eval ns {
	variable x namespace
	testevalex {set ::context $x} global
    namespace delete ns
    set ::context
} {global}

# Clean up after expand tests
unset noComp l1 l2 constraints
rename l3 {}
rename run {}

catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
catch {namespace delete george}
catch {interp delete test_interp}
catch {rename p ""}
catch {rename q ""}
catch {rename cmd ""}
catch {rename value:at: ""}
catch {unset x}