# Test cases for large sized data # # Copyright © 2023 Ashok P. Nadkarni # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # These are very rudimentary tests for large size arguments to commands. # They do not exercise all possible code paths such as shared/unshared Tcl_Objs, # literal/variable arguments etc. # They do however test compiled and uncompiled execution. if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} { package require tcltest namespace import -force ::tcltest::* } ::tcltest::loadTestedCommands catch [list package require -exact tcl::test [info patchlevel]] source [file join [file dirname [info script]] tcltests.tcl] # # bigtest and bigtestRO (RO->read only) generate compiled and uncompiled # versions of the given test script. The difference between the two is # that bigtest generates separate test instances for the two cases while # bigtestRO generates a single test case covering both. The latter can # only be used when operands are not modified and when combining tests # does not consume too much additional memory. # Wrapper to generate compiled and uncompiled cases for a test. If $args does # not contain a -body key, $comment is treated as the test body proc bigtest {id comment result args} { if {[dict exists $args -body]} { set body [dict get $args -body] dict unset args -body } else { set body $comment } dict lappend args -constraints bigdata uplevel 1 [list test $id.uncompiled "$comment (uncompiled)" \ -body [list testevalex $body] \ -result $result \ {*}$args] uplevel 1 [list test $id.compiled-script "$comment (compiled script)" \ -body [list try $body] \ -result $result \ {*}$args] return # TODO - is this proc compilation required separately from the compile-script above? dict append args -setup \n[list proc testxproc {} $body] dict append args -cleanup "\nrename testxproc {}" uplevel 1 [list test $id.compiled-proc "$comment (compiled proc)" \ -body {testxproc} \ -result $result \ {*}$args] } # Like bigtest except that both compiled and uncompiled are combined into one # test using the same inout argument. This saves time but for obvious reasons # should only be used when the input argument is not modified. proc bigtestRO {id comment result args} { if {[dict exists $args -body]} { set body [dict get $args -body] dict unset args -body } else { set body $comment } dict lappend args -constraints bigdata set wrapper "" set body "{$body}" append wrapper "set uncompiled_result \[testevalex $body]" \n append wrapper "set compiled_result \[try $body]" \n append wrapper {list $uncompiled_result $compiled_result} uplevel 1 [list test $id.uncompiled,compiled {$comment} \ -body $wrapper \ -result [list $result $result] \ {*}$args] return } interp alias {} bigClean {} unset -nocomplain s s1 s2 bin bin1 bin2 l l1 l2 interp alias {} bigString {} testbigdata string interp alias {} bigBinary {} testbigdata bytearray interp alias {} bigList {} testbigdata list proc bigPatLen {} { proc bigPatLen {} "return [string length [testbigdata string]]" bigPatLen } # Returns list of expected elements at the indices specified proc bigStringIndices {indices} { set pat [testbigdata string] set patlen [string length $pat] lmap idx $indices { string index $pat [expr {$idx%$patlen}] } } # Returns the largest multiple of the pattern length that is less than $limit proc bigPatlenMultiple {limit} { set patlen [bigPatLen] return [expr {($limit/$patlen)*$patlen}] } set ::bigLengths(intmax) 0x7fffffff set ::bigLengths(uintmax) 0xffffffff # Some tests are more convenient if operands are multiple of pattern length if {[testConstraint bigdata]} { set ::bigLengths(patlenmultiple) [bigPatlenMultiple $::bigLengths(intmax)] set ::bigLengths(upatlenmultiple) [bigPatlenMultiple $::bigLengths(uintmax)] } # # script limits bigtestRO script-length-bigdata-1 {Test script length limit} b -body { try [string cat [string repeat " " 0x7ffffff7] "set a b"] } # TODO - different behaviour between compiled and uncompiled test script-length-bigdata-2.compiled {Test script length limit} -body { try [string cat [string repeat " " 0x7ffffff8] "set a b"] } -constraints { bigdata } -result {Script length 2147483647 exceeds max permitted length 2147483646.} -returnCodes error test script-length-bigdata-2.uncompiled {Test script length limit} -body { testevalex [string cat [string repeat " " 0x7ffffff8] "set a b"] } -constraints { bigdata } -result b test script-bytecode-length-bigdata-1 {Test bytecode length limit} -body { # Note we need to exceed bytecode limit without exceeding script char limit set s [string repeat {{*}$x;} [expr 0x7fffffff/6]] catch $s r e } -cleanup { bigClean } -constraints panic-in-EnterCmdStartData # # string cat bigtest string-cat-bigdata-1 "string cat large small result > INT_MAX" 1 -body { string equal \ [string cat [bigString $::bigLengths(patlenmultiple)] [bigString]] \ [bigString [expr {[bigPatLen]+$::bigLengths(patlenmultiple)}]] } bigtest string-cat-bigdata-2 "string cat small large result > INT_MAX" 1 -body { string equal \ [string cat [bigString] [bigString $::bigLengths(patlenmultiple)]] \ [bigString [expr {[bigPatLen]+$::bigLengths(patlenmultiple)}]] } bigtest string-cat-bigdata-3 "string cat result > UINT_MAX" 1 -body { set s [bigString $::bigLengths(patlenmultiple)] string equal \ [string cat $s [bigString] $s] \ [bigString [expr {[bigPatLen]+2*$::bigLengths(patlenmultiple)}]] } # # string compare/equal bigtestRO string-equal/compare-bigdata-1 "string compare/equal equal strings" {0 1} -body { list [string compare $s1 $s2] [string equal $s1 $s2] } -setup { set s1 [bigString 0x100000000] set s2 [bigString 0x100000000]; # Separate so Tcl_Obj is not the same } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtestRO string-equal/compare-bigdata-2 "string compare/equal -length unequal strings" {-1 0 0 1} -body { # Also tests lengths do not wrap set result {} lappend result [string compare $s1 $s2] lappend result [string equal $s1 $s2] # Check lengths > UINT_MAX # Also that lengths do not truncate to sizeof(int) lappend result [string compare -length 0x100000000 $s1 $s2] lappend result [string equal -length 0x100000000 $s1 $s2] } -setup { set s1 [bigString 0x100000001] set s2 [bigString 0x100000001 0x100000000]; # Differs in last char } -cleanup { bigClean } # # string first bigtestRO string-first-bigdata-1 "string first > INT_MAX" {2147483648 -1 2147483650 1} -body { list \ [string first X $s] \ [string first Y $s] \ [string first 0 $s 0x80000000] \ [string first 1 $s end-0x80000010] } -setup { set s [bigString 0x8000000a 0x80000000] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtestRO string-first-bigdata-2 "string first > UINT_MAX" {4294967296 -1 4294967300 1} -body { list \ [string first X $s] \ [string first Y $s] \ [string first 0 $s 0x100000000] \ [string first 1 $s end-0x100000010] } -setup { set s [bigString 0x10000000a 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtestRO string-first-bigdata-3 "string first - long needle" 10 -body { string first $needle $s } -setup { set s [bigString 0x10000000a 0] set needle [bigString 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean needle } # # string index bigtestRO string-index-bigdata-1 "string index" {6 7 5 {} 5 4 {} 9 {}} -body { list \ [string index $s 0x100000000] \ [string index $s 0x100000000+1] \ [string index $s 0x100000000-1] \ [string index $s 0x10000000a] \ [string index $s end] \ [string index $s end-1] \ [string index $s end+1] \ [string index $s end-0x100000000] \ [string index $s end-0x10000000a] } -setup { set s [bigString 0x10000000a] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # string insert bigtestRO string-insert-bigdata-1 "string insert" 1 -body { # Note insert at multiple of 10 to enable comparison against generated string string equal [string insert [bigString 4294967312] 4294967310 "0123456789"] [bigString 4294967322] } bigtestRO string-insert-bigdata-2 "string insert" 1 -body { string equal [string insert [bigString 4294967312] 10 "0123456789"] [bigString 4294967322] } # # string is bigtestRO string-is-bigdata-1 "string is" {1 0 0 4294967296} -body { # TODO - add the other "is" classes unset -nocomplain failat result lappend result [string is alnum -failindex failat $s] [info exists failat] lappend result [string is digit -failindex failat $s] $failat } -setup { set s [bigString 0x10000000a 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean failat } # # string last bigtestRO string-last-bigdata-1 "string last > INT_MAX" {2 -1 2147483640 11} -body { set s [bigString 0x80000010 2] list \ [string last X $s] \ [string last Y $s] \ [string last 0 $s 0x80000000] \ [string last 1 $s end-0x80000000] } -setup { set s [bigString 0x80000010 2] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtestRO string-last-bigdata-2 "string last > UINT_MAX" {4294967320 -1 4294967290 1} -body { list \ [string last 0 $s] \ [string last Y $s] \ [string last 0 $s 0x100000000] \ [string last 1 $s end-0x100000010] } -setup { set s [bigString 0x10000001a 2] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtestRO string-last-bigdata-3 "string last - long needle" 0 -body { string last $needle $s } -setup { set s [bigString 0x10000000a 0x10000000a] set needle [bigString 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean needle } # # string length bigtestRO string-length-bigdata-1 {string length $s} 4294967296 -setup { set s [bigString 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # string map bigtestRO string-map-bigdata-1 {string map} {5 0 0 5} -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain s2 set s2 [string map {0 5 5 0} $s] list \ [string index $s2 0] \ [string index $s2 5] \ [string index $s2 end] \ [string index $s2 end-5] } -setup { set s [bigString 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean } -constraints bug-takesTooLong # # string match bigtestRO string-match-bigdata-1 {string match} {1 0 1} -body { list \ [string match 0*5 $s] \ [string match 0*4 $s] \ [string match $s $s] } -setup { set s [bigString 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # string range bigtestRO string-range-bigdata-1 "string range" {6 7 5 {} 5 4 {} 9 {}} -body { list \ [string range $s 0x100000000 0x100000000] \ [string range $s 0x100000000+1 0x100000000+1] \ [string range $s 0x100000000-1 0x100000000-1] \ [string range $s 0x10000000a 0x10000000a] \ [string range $s end end] \ [string range $s end-1 end-1] \ [string range $s end+1 end+1] \ [string range $s end-0x100000000 end-0x100000000] \ [string range $s end-0x10000000a end-0x10000000a] } -setup { set s [bigString 0x10000000a] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtestRO string-range-bigdata-2 "bug ad9361fd20 case 1" aXaaaa -body { string range [string insert [string repeat a 0x80000000] end-0x7fffffff X] 0 5 } bigtestRO string-range-bigdata-3 "bug ad9361fd20 case 2" 2 -body { string length [string range $s end-0x7fffffff end-0x7ffffffe] } -setup { set s [string repeat a 0xffffffff] } -cleanup { bigClean } # TODO - add tests for large result range # # string repeat - use bigtest, not bigtestRO !! bigtest string-repeat-bigdata-1 "string repeat single char length > UINT_MAX" 4294967296 -body { string length [string repeat x 0x100000000] } bigtest string-repeat-bigdata-2 "string repeat multiple char" {4294967296 0123456789abcdef 0123456789abcdef} -body { set s [string repeat 0123456789abcdef [expr 0x100000000/16]] list \ [string length $s] \ [string range $s 0 15] \ [string range $s end-15 end] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # string replace bigtestRO string-replace-bigdata-1 "string replace" {789012345 012345678 XYZ789012345 012345678XYZ} -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain result lappend result [string replace $s 0 0x100000000] lappend result [string replace $s end-0x100000000 end] lappend result [string replace $s 0 0x100000000 XYZ] lappend result [string replace $s end-0x100000000 end XYZ] } -setup { set s [bigString 0x10000000a] } -cleanup { bigClean } # TODO - # - replacements string is large # - replace in the middle - string length grows, shrinks # - last < first # # string reverse bigtestRO string-reverse-bigdata-1 "string reverse" {5432109876 9876543210} -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain s2 result set s2 [string reverse $s] list [string range $s2 0 9] [string range $s2 end-9 end] } -setup { set s [bigString 0x10000000a] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # string tolower bigtestRO string-tolower-bigdata-1 "string tolower" 1 -body { string equal [string tolower $s] [string repeat abcd $repts] } -setup { set repts [expr 0x100000010/4] set s [string repeat ABCD $repts] } -cleanup { bigClean repts } bigtestRO string-tolower-bigdata-2 "string tolower first last" {4294967312 ABCDabcdABCD 4294967312 ABCDabcdABCD 4294967312 ABCDabcdABCD} -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain s2 result set s2 [string tolower $s 4 7] lappend result [string length $s2] [string range $s2 0 11] unset s2; #Explicit free to reduce total memory set s2 [string tolower $s 0x100000008 0x10000000b] lappend result [string length $s2] [string range $s2 0x100000004 end] unset s2; #Explicit free to reduce total memory set s2 [string tolower $s end-7 end-4] lappend result [string length $s2] [string range $s2 0x100000004 end] } -setup { set repts [expr 0x100000010/4] set s [string repeat ABCD $repts] } -cleanup { bigClean repts } # # string totitle bigtestRO string-totitle-bigdata-1 "string totitle first last" {4294967312 aBcDAbcdaBcD 4294967312 aBcDAbcdaBcD 4294967312 aBcDAbcdaBcD} -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain s2 result set s2 [string totitle $s 4 7] lappend result [string length $s2] [string range $s2 0 11] unset s2; #Explicit free to reduce total memory set s2 [string totitle $s 0x100000008 0x10000000b] lappend result [string length $s2] [string range $s2 0x100000004 0x10000000f] unset s2; #Explicit free to reduce total memory set s2 [string totitle $s end-7 end-4] lappend result [string length $s2] [string range $s2 0x100000004 0x10000000f] } -setup { set repts [expr 0x100000010/4] set s [string repeat aBcD $repts] } -cleanup { bigClean repts } # # string toupper bigtestRO string-toupper-bigdata-1 "string toupper" 1 -body { string equal [string toupper $s] [string repeat ABCD $repts] } -setup { set repts [expr 0x100000010/4] set s [string repeat abcd $repts] } -cleanup { bigClean repts } bigtestRO string-toupper-bigdata-2 "string toupper first last" {4294967312 abcdABCDabcd 4294967312 abcdABCDabcd 4294967312 abcdABCDabcd} -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain s2 result set s2 [string toupper $s 4 7] lappend result [string length $s2] [string range $s2 0 11] unset s2; #Explicit free to reduce total memory set s2 [string toupper $s 0x100000008 0x10000000b] lappend result [string length $s2] [string range $s2 0x100000004 0x10000000f] unset s2; #Explicit free to reduce total memory set s2 [string toupper $s end-7 end-4] lappend result [string length $s2] [string range $s2 0x100000004 0x10000000f] } -setup { set repts [expr 0x100000010/4] set s [string repeat abcd $repts] } -cleanup { bigClean repts } # # string trim bigtestRO string-trim-bigdata-1 "string trim" {abcdyxxy yxxyabcd} -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain s2 set s2 [string trim $s xy] list [string range $s2 0 7] [string range $s2 end-7 end] } -setup { set repts [expr 0x100000010/8] set s [string repeat xyabcdyx $repts] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # string trimleft bigtestRO string-trimleft-bigdata-1 "string trimleft" {abcdyxxy xyabcdyx} -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain s2 set s2 [string trimleft $s xy] list [string range $s2 0 7] [string range $s2 end-7 end] } -setup { set repts [expr 0x100000010/8] set s [string repeat xyabcdyx $repts] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # string trimright bigtestRO string-trimright-bigdata-1 "string trimright" {xyabcdyx yxxyabcd} -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain s2 set s2 [string trimright $s xy] list [string range $s2 0 7] [string range $s2 end-7 end] } -setup { set repts [expr 0x100000010/8] set s [string repeat xyabcdyx $repts] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # append bigtestRO append-bigdata-1 "append large to small" 1 -body { set s 0123456789 append s [bigString 0x100000000] string equal $s [bigString 0x10000000a] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtest append-bigdata-2 "append small to cross UINT_MAX boundary" 1 -body { append s 0123456789 string equal $s [bigString 4294967300] } -setup { set s [bigString 4294967290] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtest append-bigdata-3 "append small to cross UINT_MAX boundary" 1 -body { set s2 "" append s2 $s $s $s $s string equal $s2 [bigString 4294967320] } -setup { # Make length multiple of 4 AND 10 since the bigString pattern length is 10 set len [expr 4294967320/4] set s [bigString $len] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # format bigtestRO format-bigdata-1 "format %s" 1 -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain s2 set s2 [format %s $s] string equal $s $s2 } -setup { set s [bigString 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtest format-bigdata-2 "format bigstring%s" 1 -body { set s [format $s X] string equal $s [bigString 0x100000001 0x100000000] } -setup { set s [bigString 0x100000000] append s %s } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtest format-bigdata-3 "format big width" {4294967300 { } { a}} -body { set s [format %4294967300s a] list [string length $s] [string range $s 0 3] [string range $s end-3 end] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtest format-bigdata-4 "format big negative width" {4294967300 {a } { }} -body { set s [format %-4294967300s a] list [string length $s] [string range $s 0 3] [string range $s end-3 end] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtest format-bigdata-5 "format big * width" {4294967300 { } { a}} -body { set s [format %*s 4294967300 a] list [string length $s] [string range $s 0 3] [string range $s end-3 end] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtest format-bigdata-6 "format big negative * width" {4294967300 {a } { }} -body { set s [format %*s -4294967300 a] list [string length $s] [string range $s 0 3] [string range $s end-3 end] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtestRO format-bigdata-7 "format big precision" {4294967300 0123 6789} -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain s2 set s2 [format %.4294967300s $s] list [string length $s2] [string range $s2 0 3] [string range $s2 end-3 end] } -setup { set s [testbigdata string 4294967310] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtestRO format-bigdata-8 "format big * precision" {4294967300 0123 6789} -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain s2 set s2 [format %.*s 4294967300 $s] list [string length $s2] [string range $s2 0 3] [string range $s2 end-3 end] } -setup { set s [testbigdata string 4294967310] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # scan bigtestRO scan-bigdata-1 "scan %s" {1 1 2 X 1 2 4294967300 01234X} -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain result digits x lappend result [string equal [scan $s %s] $s] lappend result [string equal [scan $s {%[0-9X]}] $s] lappend result [scan $s {%[0-9]%s} digits x] $x lappend result [string equal $digits [bigString 0x100000009]] lappend result [scan $s %4294967300s%s x y] lappend result [string length $x] $y } -setup { set s [bigString 0x10000000a 0x100000009] } -cleanup { bigClean digits } # # regexp bigtestRO regexp-bigdata-1 "regexp" 1 -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain result digits lappend result [regexp {[[:digit:]]*X} $s] } -setup { set s [bigString 0x100000000 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean digits } bigtestRO regexp-bigdata-2 "regexp with capture" 1 -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain result digits match lappend result [regexp {([[:digit:]])*X} $s match digits] [string equal $match $s] puts B unset match; # Free up memory lappend result [string equal $digits [bigString 0x100000009]] } -setup { set s [bigString 0x10000000a 0x100000009] } -cleanup { bigClean digits match } -constraints bug-takesTooLong # # regsub bigtestRO regsub-bigdata-1 "regsub" X -body { regsub -all \\d $s {} } -setup { set s [bigString 0x100000001 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean } -constraints bug-takesTooLong bigtestRO regsub-bigdata-2 "regsub" 1 -body { string equal [regsub -all \\d $s x] [string cat [string repeat x 0x100000000] X] } -setup { set s [bigString 0x100000001 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean } -constraints bug-takesTooLong # # subst bigtestRO subst-bigdata-1 "subst" {1 1} -body { unset -nocomplain result lappend result [string equal [subst $s] $s] lappend result [string equal [subst {$s}] $s] } -setup { set s [bigString 0x10000000a] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # binary format bigtestRO binary-format-bigdata-1 "binary format aN" [list 4294967296 X\0\0\0 \0\0\0\0] -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain bin set bin [binary format a4294967296 X] list [string length $bin] [string range $bin 0 3] [string range $bin end-3 end] } -cleanup { bigClean } # TODO - do string compare and add other format specifiers bigtestRO binary-format-bigdata-2 "binary format a*" 1 -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain bin2 set bin2 [binary format a* $bin] string equal $bin $bin2 } -setup { set bin [bigBinary 4294967296] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # binary scan bigtestRO binary-scan-bigdata-1 "binary scan aN" {4294967296 0123 2345} -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain bin2 binary scan $bin a4294967296 bin2 list [string length $bin2] [string range $bin2 0 3] [string range $bin2 end-3 end] } -setup { set bin [bigBinary 4294967296] } -cleanup { bigClean } # TODO - do string compare and add other format specifiers once above bug is fixed bigtestRO binary-scan-bigdata-2 "binary scan a*" 1 -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain bin2 binary scan $bin a* bin2 string equal $bin $bin2 } -setup { set bin [bigBinary 4294967296] } -cleanup { bigClean } # TODO - do string compare and add other format specifiers once above bug is fixed # # binary encode / decode base64 bigtestRO binary-encode/decode-base64-bigdata-1 "binary encode/decode base64" 1 -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. string equal $bin [binary decode base64 [binary encode base64 $bin]] } -setup { set bin [bigBinary 4294967296] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # binary encode / decode hex bigtestRO binary-encode/decode-hex-bigdata-1 "binary encode/decode hex" 1 -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. string equal $bin [binary decode hex [binary encode hex $bin]] } -setup { set bin [bigBinary 4294967296] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # binary encode / decode uuencode bigtestRO binary-encode/decode-uuencode-bigdata-1 "binary encode/decode uuencode" 1 -body { string equal $bin [binary decode uuencode [binary encode uuencode $bin]] } -setup { set bin [bigBinary 4294967296] } -cleanup { bigClean } ################################################################ # List commands # # foreach bigtestRO foreach-bigdata-1 "foreach" 1 -body { # Unset explicitly before setting as bigtestRO runs the script twice. unset -nocomplain l2 foreach x $l { lappend l2 $x } testlutil equal $l $l2 } -setup { set l [bigList 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # lappend bigtest lappend-bigdata-1 "lappend" {4294967300 4294967300 {1 2 3 4 5 a b c d}} -body { # Do NOT initialize l in a -setup block. That requires more memory and fails. # Do not have enough memory for a full compare. # Just check end set l [bigList 0x100000000] list [llength [lappend l a b c d]] [llength $l] [lrange $l end-8 end] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # lassign bigtestRO lassign-bigdata-1 "lassign" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 {9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} {6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5}} -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain l2 set l2 [lassign $l a b c d e f g h i] list $a $b $c $d $e $f $g $h $i [lrange $l2 0 9] [lrange $l2 end-9 end] } -setup { set l [bigList 0x10000000a] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # ledit bigtest ledit-bigdata-1 "ledit - small result" {{0 X Y Z 8} {0 X Y Z 8}} -body { list [ledit l 1 0x100000001 X Y Z] $l } -setup { set l [bigList 0x100000003] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtest ledit-bigdata-2 "ledit - large result" {4294967304 4294967304 {a b c d e f g 7}} -body { # Do NOT initialize l in a -setup block. That requires more memory and fails. set l [bigList 0x100000002] list [llength [ledit l 0x100000000 0x100000000 a b c d e f g]] [llength $l] [lrange $l 0x100000000 end] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtest ledit-bigdata-3 "ledit - small -> large result" {2147483650 2147483650 {a b 0 1 2 3 4 5} {0 1 e f g h i j}} -body { set l2 {a b c d e f g h i j} list [llength [ledit l2 2 3 {*}$l]] [llength $l2] [lrange $l2 0 7] [lrange $l2 end-7 end] } -setup { # Note total number of arguments has to be less than INT_MAX set l [bigList 2147483642] } -cleanup { bigClean } -constraints memory-allocation-panic # # lindex bigtestRO lindex-bigdata-1 "lindex" {6 7 5 {} 5 4 {} 9 {}} -body { list \ [lindex $l 0x100000000] \ [lindex $l 0x100000000+1] \ [lindex $l 0x100000000-1] \ [lindex $l 0x10000000a] \ [lindex $l end] \ [lindex $l end-1] \ [lindex $l end+1] \ [lindex $l end-0x100000000] \ [lindex $l end-0x10000000a] } -setup { set l [bigList 0x10000000a] } -cleanup { bigClean } # TODO nested index # # linsert # Cannot use bigtestRO here because 16GB memory not enough to have two 4G sized lists # Have to throw away source list every time. Also means we cannot compare entire lists # and instead just compare the affected range bigtest linsert-bigdata-1 "linsert" {4294967330 1} -body { # Note insert at multiple of 10 to enable comparison against generated string set ins [split abcdefghij ""] set pat [split 0123456789 ""] set insidx 2000000000 set l [linsert [bigList 4294967320] $insidx {*}$ins] list \ [llength $l] \ [testlutil equal [lrange $l $insidx-10 $insidx+19] [concat $pat $ins $pat]] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # list and {*} # TODO - compiled and uncompiled behave differently so tested separately test list-bigdata-1.compiled {list {*}} -body { set l [bigList 0x100000000] set l2 [list {*}$l] unset l list [llength $l2] [lindex $l2 0] [lindex $l2 end] } -cleanup { bigClean } -constraints { bigdata } -result {4294967296 0 5} test list-bigdata-1.uncompiled {list {*}} -body { set l [bigList 0x7fffffff] testevalex {set l2 [list {*}$l]} } -cleanup { bigClean } -constraints { bigdata } -result {Number of words in command exceeds limit 2147483647.} -returnCodes error # # llength bigtestRO llength-bigdata-1 {llength} 4294967296 -body { llength $l } -setup { set l [bigList 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # lmap bigtestRO lmap-bigdata-1 "lmap" 4294967296 -body { set n 0 if {0} { # TODO - This is the right test but runs out of memory testlutil equal $l [lmap e $l {set e}] } else { lmap e $l {incr n; continue} } set n } -setup { set l [bigList 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean puts "" } # # lrange bigtestRO lrange-bigdata-1 "lrange" {6 {6 7} 7 5 {} 5 4 {} 9 {8 9} {}} -body { list \ [lrange $l 0x100000000 0x100000000] \ [lrange $l 0x100000000 0x100000001] \ [lrange $l 0x100000000+1 0x100000000+1] \ [lrange $l 0x100000000-1 0x100000000-1] \ [lrange $l 0x10000000a 0x10000000a] \ [lrange $l end end] \ [lrange $l end-1 end-1] \ [lrange $l end+1 end+1] \ [lrange $l end-0x100000000 end-0x100000000] \ [lrange $l end-0x100000001 end-0x100000000] \ [lrange $l end-0x10000000a end-0x10000000a] } -setup { set l [bigList 0x10000000a] } -cleanup { bigClean } # TODO - add tests for large result range # # lrepeat - use bigtest, not bigtestRO !! bigtest lrepeat-bigdata-1 "lrepeat single element length > UINT_MAX" 4294967296 -body { # Just to test long lengths are accepted as arguments llength [lrepeat 0x100000000 x] } bigtest lrepeat-bigdata-2 "string repeat multiple char" {4294967400 {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7}} -body { set len [expr 4294967400/8] set l [lrepeat $len 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] list [llength $l] [lrange $l end-7 end] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # lreplace bigtestRO lreplace-bigdata-1 "lreplace - small result" [list \ [split 789012345 ""] \ [split 012345678 ""] \ [split XYZ789012345 ""] \ [split 012345678XYZ ""] \ ] -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain result lappend result [lreplace $l 0 0x100000000] lappend result [lreplace $l end-0x100000000 end] lappend result [lreplace $l 0 0x100000000 X Y Z] lappend result [lreplace $l end-0x100000000 end X Y Z] } -setup { set l [bigList 0x10000000a] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtest lreplace-bigdata-2 "lreplace - large result" {4294967301 {a b c d e 0 1 2 3 4 5 6}} -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain l2 set l2 [lreplace [bigList 4294967296] 4294967290 0 a b c d e] lrange $l2 4294967290 end } -setup { #set l [bigList 4294967296] } -cleanup { bigClean } -constraints bug-outofmemorypanic # # lsearch bigtestRO lsearch-bigdata-1 "lsearch" {4294967300 4294967310 -1} -body { list \ [lsearch -exact $l X] \ [lsearch -exact -start 4294967291 $l 0] \ [lsearch -exact $l Y] } -setup { set l [bigList 0x100000010 4294967300] } -cleanup { bigClean } # TODO - stride, inline, all # # lseq bigtest lseq-bigdata-1 "lseq" {4294967297 4294967296} -body { list [llength $l] [lindex $l 0x100000000] } -setup { set l [lseq 0x100000001] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtest lseq-bigdata-2 "lseq" {9223372036854775807 9223372036854775799} -body { list [llength $l] [lindex $l 9223372036854775800] } -setup { set l [lseq 0x7fffffffffffffff]; llength $l } -cleanup { bigClean } -constraints bug-fa00fbbbab # # lset bigtest lset-bigdata-1 "lset" {4294967297 4294967297 {1 2 3 4 5 X}} -body { # Do NOT initialize l in a -setup block. That requires more memory and fails. set l [bigList 0x100000001] list [llength [lset l 0x100000000 X]] [llength $l] [lrange $l end-5 end] } -cleanup { bigClean } # # lsort bigtestRO lsort-bigdata-1 "lsort" [list 4294967296 [lrepeat 10 0] [lrepeat 10 9]] -body { # Unset explicitly before setting to save memory as bigtestRO runs the # script below twice. unset -nocomplain l2 set l2 [lsort $l] list [llength $l2] [lrange $l2 0 9] [lrange $l2 end-9 end] } -setup { set l [bigList 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean } -constraints notenoughmemoryexception # # join bigtestRO join-bigdata-1 "join" [list 0123456789 6789012345] -body { set s [join $l ""] list [string range $s 0 9] [string range $s end-9 end] } -setup { set l [bigList 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean } bigtest split-bigdata-1 "split" {4294967296 {0 1 2 3 4} {1 2 3 4 5}} -body { # Fill list compare needs too much memory set l [split $s ""] list [llength $l] [lrange 0 4] [lrange end-4 end] } -setup { set s [bigString 0x100000000] } -cleanup { bigClean } -constraints bug-takesTooLong bigtestRO concat-bigdata-1 "concat" {4294967296 {0 1 2 3 4} {6 7 0 1 2} {3 4 5 6 7}} -body { unset -nocomplain l2 set l2 [concat $l $l] list [llength $l2] [lrange $l2 0 4] [lrange $l2 0x80000000-2 0x80000000+2] [lrange $l2 end-4 end] } -setup { set l [bigList 0x80000000] } test puts-bigdata-1 "puts" -setup { set fpath [makeFile {} bug-0306a5563.data] } -constraints { bigdata } -body { set fd [open $fpath w] puts -nonewline $fd [testbigdata string 0x80000001] close $fd set fd [open $fpath] seek $fd 0x7FFFFFFA set written [read $fd] close $fd set written } -result {2345678} test puts-bigdata-2 "puts" -setup { set fpath [tcltest::makeFile {} bug-0306a5563.data] } -constraints { bigdata } -body { set fd [open $fpath w] set s [testbigdata string 0x7FFFFFFE] # The character to append in the next line is —, EM DASH, # code point 0x2014 (decimal 8212, UTF-8 #xE2 #x80 #x94) append s \u2014 puts -nonewline $fd $s close $fd set fd [open $fpath] seek $fd 0x7FFFFFFA set written [read $fd] close $fd set written } -result {2345—} test source-bigdata-1 "source" -setup { # This test crashes because the frame linenumber tracking # wraps around at INT_MAX set fpath [tcltest::makeFile {} source-bigdata-1.tcl] set fd [open $fpath w] fconfigure $fd -translation lf puts -nonewline $fd [string repeat \n 4294967296] puts $fd {dict get [info frame 0] line} close $fd } -constraints { bigdata knownBug } -body { set line [source $fpath] } -result 4294967297 # # TODO # lremove # lreverse # encoding convertfrom # encoding convertto # dict * # cleanup ::tcltest::cleanupTests return # Local Variables: # mode: tcl # fill-column: 78 # End: