# This file contains tests for the files tclCompile.c, tclCompCmds.c
# and tclLiteral.c
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1997 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: compile.test,v 1.24 2003/01/08 00:34:59 dgp Exp $

package require tcltest 2
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

# The following tests are very incomplete, although the rest of the
# test suite covers this file fairly well.

catch {rename p ""}
catch {namespace delete test_ns_compile}
catch {unset x}
catch {unset y}
catch {unset a}

test compile-1.1 {TclCompileString: look up cmds in proc ns, not current ns} {
    catch {namespace delete test_ns_compile}
    catch {unset x}
    set x 123
    namespace eval test_ns_compile {
        proc set {args} {
            global x
            lappend x test_ns_compile::set
        proc p {} {
            set 0
    list [test_ns_compile::p] [set x]
} {{123 test_ns_compile::set} {123 test_ns_compile::set}}
test compile-1.2 {TclCompileString, error result is reset if TclGetLong determines word isn't an integer} {
    proc p {x} {info commands 3m}
    list [catch {p} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p x"}}
test compile-2.1 {TclCompileDollarVar: global scalar name with ::s} {
    catch {unset x}
    set x 123
    list $::x [expr {[lsearch -exact [info globals] x] != 0}]
} {123 1}
test compile-2.2 {TclCompileDollarVar: global scalar name with ::s} {
    catch {unset y}
    proc p {} {
        set ::y 789
        return $::y
    list [p] $::y [expr {[lsearch -exact [info globals] y] != 0}]
} {789 789 1}
test compile-2.3 {TclCompileDollarVar: global array name with ::s} {
    catch {unset a}
    set ::a(1) 2
    list $::a(1) [set ::a($::a(1)) 3] $::a(2) [expr {[lsearch -exact [info globals] a] != 0}]
} {2 3 3 1}
test compile-2.4 {TclCompileDollarVar: global scalar name with ::s} {
    catch {unset a}
    proc p {} {
        set ::a(1) 1
        return $::a($::a(1))
    list [p] $::a(1) [expr {[lsearch -exact [info globals] a] != 0}]
} {1 1 1}
test compile-2.5 {TclCompileDollarVar: global array, called as ${arrName(0)}} {
    catch {unset a}
    proc p {} {
	global a
        set a(1) 1
        return ${a(1)}$::a(1)$a(1)
    list [p] $::a(1) [expr {[lsearch -exact [info globals] a] != 0}]
} {111 1 1}

test compile-3.1 {TclCompileCatchCmd: only catch cmds with scalar vars are compiled inline} {
    catch {unset a}
    set a(1) xyzzyx
    proc p {} {
        global a
        catch {set x 123} a(1)
    list [p] $a(1)
} {0 123}
test compile-3.2 {TclCompileCatchCmd: non-local variables} {
    set ::foo 1
    proc catch-test {} {
	catch {set x 3} ::foo
    set ::foo
} 3
test compile-3.3 {TclCompileCatchCmd: overagressive compiling [bug 219184]} {
    proc catch-test {str} {
	catch [eval $str GOOD]
	error BAD
    catch {catch-test error} ::foo
    set ::foo
} {GOOD}
test compile-3.4 {TclCompileCatchCmd: bcc'ed [return] is caught} {
    proc foo {} {
	set fail [catch {
	    return 1
	}] ; # {}	
	return 2
} {2}

test compile-4.1 {TclCompileForCmd: command substituted test expression} {
    set i 0
    set j 0
    # Should be "forever"
    for {} [expr $i < 3] {} {
	set j [incr i]
	if {$j > 3} break
    set j
} {4}

test compile-5.1 {TclCompileForeachCmd: exception stack} {
    proc foreach-exception-test {} {
	foreach array(index) [list 1 2 3] break
	foreach array(index) [list 1 2 3] break
	foreach scalar [list 1 2 3] break
    list [catch foreach-exception-test result] $result
} {0 {}}
test compile-5.2 {TclCompileForeachCmd: non-local variables} {
    set ::foo 1
    proc foreach-test {} {
	foreach ::foo {1 2 3} {}
    set ::foo
} 3

test compile-6.1 {TclCompileSetCmd: global scalar names with ::s} {
    catch {unset x}
    catch {unset y}
    set x 123
    proc p {} {
        set ::y 789
        return $::y
    list $::x [expr {[lsearch -exact [info globals] x] != 0}] \
         [p] $::y [expr {[lsearch -exact [info globals] y] != 0}]
} {123 1 789 789 1}
test compile-6.2 {TclCompileSetCmd: global array names with ::s} {
    catch {unset a}
    set ::a(1) 2
    proc p {} {
        set ::a(1) 1
        return $::a($::a(1))
    list $::a(1) [p] [set ::a($::a(1)) 3] $::a(1) [expr {[lsearch -exact [info globals] a] != 0}]
} {2 1 3 3 1}
test compile-6.3 {TclCompileSetCmd: namespace var names with ::s} {
    catch {namespace delete test_ns_compile}
    catch {unset x}
    namespace eval test_ns_compile {
        variable v hello
        variable arr
        set ::x $::test_ns_compile::v
	set ::test_ns_compile::arr(1) 123
    list $::x $::test_ns_compile::arr(1)
} {hello 123}

test compile-7.1 {TclCompileWhileCmd: command substituted test expression} {
    set i 0
    set j 0
    # Should be "forever"
    while [expr $i < 3] {
	set j [incr i]
	if {$j > 3} break
    set j
} {4}

test compile-8.1 {CollectArgInfo: binary data} {
    list [catch "string length \000foo" msg] $msg
} {0 4}
test compile-8.2 {CollectArgInfo: binary data} {
    list [catch "string length foo\000" msg] $msg
} {0 4}
test compile-8.3 {CollectArgInfo: handle "]" at end of command properly} {
    set x ]
} {]}

test compile-9.1 {UpdateStringOfByteCode: called for duplicate of compiled empty object} {
    proc p {} {
        set x {}
        eval $x
        append x { }
        eval $x
} {}

test compile-10.1 {BLACKBOX: exception stack overflow} {
    set x {{0}}
    set y 0
    while {$y < 100} {
	if !$x {incr y}
} {}

test compile-11.1 {Tcl_Append*: ensure Tcl_ResetResult is used properly} {
    proc p {} {
	# shared object - Interp result && Var 'r'
	set r [list foobar]
	# command that will add error to result
	lindex a bogus
    list [catch {p} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "bogus": must be integer or end?-integer?}}
test compile-11.2 {Tcl_Append*: ensure Tcl_ResetResult is used properly} {
    proc p {} { set r [list foobar] ; string index a bogus }
    list [catch {p} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "bogus": must be integer or end?-integer?}}
test compile-11.3 {Tcl_Append*: ensure Tcl_ResetResult is used properly} {
    proc p {} { set r [list foobar] ; string index a 09 }
    list [catch {p} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "09": must be integer or end?-integer? (looks like invalid octal number)}}
test compile-11.4 {Tcl_Append*: ensure Tcl_ResetResult is used properly} {
    proc p {} { set r [list foobar] ; array set var {one two many} }
    list [catch {p} msg] $msg
} {1 {list must have an even number of elements}}
test compile-11.5 {Tcl_Append*: ensure Tcl_ResetResult is used properly} {
    proc p {} { set r [list foobar] ; incr foo }
    list [catch {p} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't read "foo": no such variable}}
test compile-11.6 {Tcl_Append*: ensure Tcl_ResetResult is used properly} {
    proc p {} { set r [list foobar] ; incr foo bogus }
    list [catch {p} msg] $msg
} {1 {expected integer but got "bogus"}}
test compile-11.7 {Tcl_Append*: ensure Tcl_ResetResult is used properly} {
    proc p {} { set r [list foobar] ; expr !a }
    list [catch {p} msg] $msg
} {1 {syntax error in expression "!a": variable references require preceding $}}
test compile-11.8 {Tcl_Append*: ensure Tcl_ResetResult is used properly} {
    proc p {} { set r [list foobar] ; expr {!a} }
    list [catch {p} msg] $msg
} {1 {syntax error in expression "!a": variable references require preceding $}}
test compile-11.9 {Tcl_Append*: ensure Tcl_ResetResult is used properly} {
    proc p {} { set r [list foobar] ; llength "\{" }
    list [catch {p} msg] $msg
} {1 {unmatched open brace in list}}

# Special section for tests of tclLiteral.c
# The following tests check for incorrect memory handling in
# TclReleaseLiteral. They are only effective when tcl is compiled 
# Special test for leak on interp delete [Bug 467523]. 
::tcltest::testConstraint exec [llength [info commands exec]]
::tcltest::testConstraint memDebug [llength [info commands memory]]

test compile-12.1 {testing literal leak on interp delete} {memDebug} {
    proc getbytes {} {
	set lines [split [memory info] "\n"]
	lindex [lindex $lines 3] 3
    set end [getbytes]
    for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
	interp create foo 
	foo eval { 
	    namespace eval bar {}
	interp delete foo
	set tmp $end
	set end [getbytes]
    rename getbytes {}
    set leak [expr {$end - $tmp}]
} 0
# Special test for a memory error in a preliminary fix of [Bug 467523]. 
# It requires executing a helpfile.  Presumably the child process is
# used because when this test fails, it crashes.
test compile-12.2 {testing error on literal deletion} {memDebug exec} {
    makeFile {
	for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
	    namespace eval bar {}
	    namespace delete bar
	puts 0
    } source.file
    set res [catch {
	exec [interpreter] source.file 
    catch {removeFile source.file}
    set res
} 0
# Test to catch buffer overrun in TclCompileTokens from buf 530320
test compile-12.3 {check for a buffer overrun} {
    proc crash {} {
	puts $array([expr {a+2}])
    list [catch crash msg] $msg
} {1 {syntax error in expression "a+2": variable references require preceding $}}

# Special test for underestimating the maxStackSize required for a
# compiled command. A failure will cause a segfault in the child 
# process.
test compile-13.1 {testing underestimate of maxStackSize in list cmd} {exec} {
    set body {set x [list}
    for {set i 0} {$i < 3000} {incr i} {
	append body " $i"
    append body {]; puts OK}
    regsub BODY {proc crash {} {BODY}; crash} $body script
    list [catch {exec [interpreter] << $script} msg] $msg
} {0 OK}

# Special test for compiling tokens from a copy of the source
# string [Bug #599788]
test compile-14.1 {testing errors in element name; segfault?} {} {
     catch {set a([error])} msg1
     catch {set bubba([join $abba $jubba]) $vol} msg2
     list $msg1 $msg2
} {{wrong # args: should be "error message ?errorInfo? ?errorCode?"} {can't read "abba": no such variable}}

# Next 4 tests cover Tcl Bug 633204
test compile-15.1 {proper TCL_RETURN code from [return]} {
    proc p {} {catch return}
    set result [p]
    rename p {}
    set result
} 2
test compile-15.2 {proper TCL_RETURN code from [return]} {
    proc p {} {catch {return foo}}
    set result [p]
    rename p {}
    set result
} 2
test compile-15.3 {proper TCL_RETURN code from [return]} {
    proc p {} {catch {return $::tcl_library}}
    set result [p]
    rename p {}
    set result
} 2
test compile-15.4 {proper TCL_RETURN code from [return]} {
    proc p {} {catch {return [info library]}}
    set result [p]
    rename p {}
    set result
} 2
test compile-15.5 {proper TCL_RETURN code from [return]} {
    proc p {} {catch {set a 1}; return}
    set result [p]
    rename p {}
    set result
} ""

# cleanup
catch {rename p ""}
catch {namespace delete test_ns_compile}
catch {unset x}
catch {unset y}
catch {unset a}