# Commands covered:  coroutine, yield, [info coroutine]
# This file contains a collection of tests for experimental commands that are
# found in ::tcl::unsupported. The tests will migrate to normal test files
# if/when the commands find their way into the core.
# Copyright (c) 2008 by Miguel Sofer.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

testConstraint testnrelevels [llength [info commands testnrelevels]]
testConstraint memory [llength [info commands memory]]

set lambda [list {{start 0} {stop 10}} {
    # init
    set i    $start
    set imax $stop
    while {$i < $imax} {
	yield [expr {$i*$stop}]
	incr i
test coroutine-1.1 {coroutine basic} -setup {
    coroutine foo ::apply $lambda
    set res {}
} -body {
    for {set k 1} {$k < 4} {incr k} {
	lappend res [foo]
    set res
} -cleanup {
    rename foo {}
    unset res
} -result {0 10 20}
test coroutine-1.2 {coroutine basic} -setup {
    coroutine foo ::apply $lambda 2 8
    set res {}
} -body {
    for {set k 1} {$k < 4} {incr k} {
	lappend res [foo]
    set res
} -cleanup {
    rename foo {}
    unset res
} -result {16 24 32}
test coroutine-1.3 {yield returns new arg} -setup {
    set body {
	# init
	set i    $start
	set imax $stop
	while {$i < $imax} {
	    set stop [yield [expr {$i*$stop}]]
	    incr i
    coroutine foo ::apply [list {{start 2} {stop 10}} $body] 
    set res {}
} -body {
    for {set k 1} {$k < 4} {incr k} {
	lappend res [foo $k]
    set res
} -cleanup {
    rename foo {}
    unset res
} -result {20 6 12}
test coroutine-1.4 {yield in nested proc} -setup {
    proc moo {} {
	upvar 1 i i stop stop
	yield [expr {$i*$stop}]
    set body {
	# init
	set i    $start
	set imax $stop
	while {$i < $imax} {
	    incr i
    coroutine foo ::apply [list {{start 0} {stop 10}} $body]
    set res {}
} -body {
    for {set k 1} {$k < 4} {incr k} {
	lappend res [foo $k]
    set res
} -cleanup {
    rename foo {}
    rename moo {}
    unset body res
} -result {0 10 20}
test coroutine-1.5 {just yield} -body {
    coroutine foo yield
    list [foo] [catch foo msg] $msg
} -cleanup {
    unset msg
} -result {{} 1 {invalid command name "foo"}}
test coroutine-1.6 {just yield} -body {
    coroutine foo [list yield]
    list [foo] [catch foo msg] $msg
} -cleanup {
    unset msg
} -result {{} 1 {invalid command name "foo"}}
test coroutine-1.7 {yield in nested uplevel} -setup {
    set body {
	# init
	set i    $start
	set imax $stop
	while {$i < $imax} {
	    uplevel 0 [list yield [expr {$i*$stop}]]
	    incr i
    coroutine foo ::apply [list {{start 0} {stop 10}} $body]
    set res {}
} -body {
    for {set k 1} {$k < 4} {incr k} {
	lappend res [eval foo $k]
    set res
} -cleanup {
    rename foo {}
    unset body res
} -result {0 10 20}
test coroutine-1.8 {yield in nested uplevel} -setup {
    set body {
	# init
	set i    $start
	set imax $stop
	while {$i < $imax} {
	    uplevel 0 yield [expr {$i*$stop}]
	    incr i
    coroutine foo ::apply [list {{start 0} {stop 10}} $body]
    set res {}
} -body {
    for {set k 1} {$k < 4} {incr k} {
	lappend res [eval foo $k]
    set res
} -cleanup {
    rename foo {}
    unset body res
} -result {0 10 20}
test coroutine-1.9 {yield in nested eval} -setup {
    proc moo {} {
	upvar 1 i i stop stop
	yield [expr {$i*$stop}]
    set body {
	# init
	set i    $start
	set imax $stop
	while {$i < $imax} {
	    eval moo
	    incr i
    coroutine foo ::apply [list {{start 0} {stop 10}} $body]
    set res {}
} -body {
    for {set k 1} {$k < 4} {incr k} {
	lappend res [foo $k]
    set res
} -cleanup {
    rename moo {}
    unset body res
} -result {0 10 20}
test coroutine-1.10 {yield in nested eval} -setup {
    set body {
	# init
	set i    $start
	set imax $stop
	while {$i < $imax} {
	    eval yield [expr {$i*$stop}]
	    incr i
    coroutine foo ::apply [list {{start 0} {stop 10}} $body]
    set res {}
} -body {
    for {set k 1} {$k < 4} {incr k} {
	lappend res [eval foo $k]
    set res
} -cleanup {
    unset body res
} -result {0 10 20}
test coroutine-1.11 {yield outside coroutine} -setup {
    proc moo {} {
	upvar 1 i i stop stop
	yield [expr {$i*$stop}]
} -body {
    variable i 5 stop 6
} -cleanup {
    rename moo {}
    unset i stop
} -returnCodes error -result {yield can only be called in a coroutine}
test coroutine-1.12 {proc as coroutine} -setup {
    set body {
	# init
	set i    $start
	set imax $stop
	while {$i < $imax} {
	    uplevel 0 [list yield [expr {$i*$stop}]]
	    incr i
    proc moo {{start 0} {stop 10}} $body
    coroutine foo moo 2 8
} -body {
    list [foo] [foo]
} -cleanup {
    unset body
    rename moo {}
    rename foo {}
} -result {16 24}
test coroutine-1.13 {subst as coroutine: literal} {
    list [coroutine foo eval {subst {>>[yield a],[yield b]<<}}] [foo x] [foo y]
} {a b >>x,y<<}
test coroutine-1.14 {subst as coroutine: in variable} {
    set pattern {>>[yield c],[yield d]<<}
    list [coroutine foo eval {subst $pattern}] [foo p] [foo q]
} {c d >>p,q<<}

test coroutine-2.1 {self deletion on return} -body {
    coroutine foo set x 3
} -returnCodes error -result {invalid command name "foo"}
test coroutine-2.2 {self deletion on return} -body {
    coroutine foo ::apply [list {} {yield; yield 1; return 2}]
    list [foo] [foo] [catch foo msg] $msg
} -result {1 2 1 {invalid command name "foo"}}
test coroutine-2.3 {self deletion on error return} -body {
    coroutine foo ::apply [list {} {yield;yield 1; error ouch!}]
    list [foo] [catch foo msg] $msg [catch foo msg] $msg
} -result {1 1 ouch! 1 {invalid command name "foo"}}
test coroutine-2.4 {self deletion on other return} -body {
    coroutine foo ::apply [list {} {yield;yield 1; return -code 100 ouch!}]
    list [foo] [catch foo msg] $msg [catch foo msg] $msg
} -result {1 100 ouch! 1 {invalid command name "foo"}}
test coroutine-2.5 {deletion of suspended coroutine} -body {
    coroutine foo ::apply [list {} {yield; yield 1; return 2}]
    list [foo] [rename foo {}] [catch foo msg] $msg
} -result {1 {} 1 {invalid command name "foo"}}
test coroutine-2.6 {deletion of running coroutine} -body {
    coroutine foo ::apply [list {} {yield; rename foo {}; yield 1; return 2}]
    list [foo] [catch foo msg] $msg
} -result {1 1 {invalid command name "foo"}}

test coroutine-3.1 {info level computation} -setup {
    proc a {} {while 1 {yield [info level]}}
    proc b {} foo
} -body {
    # note that coroutines execute in uplevel #0
    set l0 [coroutine foo a]
    set l1 [foo]
    set l2 [b]
    list $l0 $l1 $l2
} -cleanup {
    rename a {}
    rename b {}
} -result {1 1 1}
test coroutine-3.2 {info frame computation} -setup {
    proc a {} {while 1 {yield [info frame]}}
    proc b {} foo
} -body {
    set l0 [coroutine foo a]
    set l1 [foo]
    set l2 [b]
    expr {$l2 - $l1}
} -cleanup {
    rename a {}
    rename b {}
} -result 1
test coroutine-3.3 {info coroutine} -setup {
    proc a {} {info coroutine}
    proc b {} a
} -body {
} -cleanup {
    rename a {}
    rename b {}
} -result {}
test coroutine-3.4 {info coroutine} -setup {
    proc a {} {info coroutine}
    proc b {} a
} -body {
    coroutine foo b
} -cleanup {
    rename a {}
    rename b {}
} -result ::foo
test coroutine-3.5 {info coroutine} -setup {
    proc a {} {info coroutine}
    proc b {} {rename [info coroutine] {}; a}
} -body {
    coroutine foo b
} -cleanup {
    rename a {}
    rename b {}
} -result {}
test coroutine-3.6 {info frame, bug #2910094} -setup {
    proc stack {} {
	set res [list "LEVEL:[set lev [info frame]]"]
	for {set i 1} {$i < $lev} {incr i} {
	    lappend res [info frame $i]
	set res
	# the precise command depends on line numbers and such, is likely not
	# to be stable: just check that the test completes!
    proc a {} stack
} -body {
    coroutine aa a
} -cleanup {
    rename stack {}
    rename a {}
} -result {}

test coroutine-4.1 {bug #2093188} -setup {
    proc foo {} {
	set v 1
	trace add variable v {write unset} bar
	set v 2
	set v 3
    proc bar args {lappend ::res $args}
    coroutine a foo
} -body {
    list [a] [a] $::res
} -cleanup {
    rename foo {}
    rename bar {}
    unset ::res
} -result {{} 3 {{v {} write} {v {} write} {v {} unset}}}
test coroutine-4.2 {bug #2093188} -setup {
    proc foo {} {
	set v 1
	trace add variable v {read unset} bar
	set v 2
	set v
	set v 3
    proc bar args {lappend ::res $args}
    coroutine a foo
} -body {
    list [a] [a] $::res
} -cleanup {
    rename foo {}
    rename bar {}
    unset ::res
} -result {{} 3 {{v {} read} {v {} unset}}}

test coroutine-4.3 {bug #2093947} -setup {
    proc foo {} {
	set v 1
	trace add variable v {write unset} bar
	set v 2
	set v 3
    proc bar args {lappend ::res $args}
} -body {
    coroutine a foo
    coroutine a foo
    rename a {}
    set ::res
} -cleanup {
    rename foo {}
    rename bar {}
    unset ::res
} -result {{v {} write} {v {} write} {v {} unset} {v {} write} {v {} unset}}

test coroutine-4.4 {bug #2917627: cmd resolution} -setup {
    proc a {} {return global}
    namespace eval b {proc a {} {return local}}
} -body {
    namespace eval b {coroutine foo a}
} -cleanup {
    rename a {}
    namespace delete b
} -result local

test coroutine-4.5 {bug #2724403} -constraints {memory} \
-setup {
    proc getbytes {} {
	set lines [split [memory info] "\n"]
	lindex $lines 3 3
} -body {
    set end [getbytes]
    for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
	set ns ::y$i
	namespace eval $ns {}
	proc ${ns}::start {} {yield; puts hello}
	coroutine ${ns}::run ${ns}::start
	namespace delete $ns
	set start $end
	set end [getbytes]
    set leakedBytes [expr {$end - $start}]
} -cleanup {
    rename getbytes {}
    unset i ns start end
} -result 0

test coroutine-4.6 {compile context, bug #3282869} -setup {
    unset ::x
    proc f x {
	coroutine D eval {yield X$x;yield Y}
} -body {
    f 12
} -cleanup {
    rename f {}
} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {can't read *}

test coroutine-4.7 {compile context, bug #3282869} -setup {
    proc f x {
	coroutine D eval {yield X$x;yield Y$x}
} -body {
    set ::x 15
    set ::x [f 12]
} -cleanup {
    unset ::x
    rename f {}
} -result YX15

test coroutine-5.1 {right numLevels on coro return} -constraints {testnrelevels} \
-setup {
    proc nestedYield {{val {}}} {
	yield $val
    proc getNumLevel {} {
	# remove the level for this proc's call
	expr {[lindex [testnrelevels] 1] - 1}
    proc relativeLevel base {
	# remove the level for this proc's call	
	expr {[getNumLevel] - $base - 1}
    proc foo {} {
	while 1 {
    set res {}
} -body {
    set base [getNumLevel]
    lappend res [relativeLevel $base]
    eval {coroutine a foo}
    # back to base level
    lappend res [relativeLevel $base]
    lappend res [relativeLevel $base]
    eval a
    lappend res [relativeLevel $base]
    eval {eval a}
    lappend res [relativeLevel $base]
    rename a {}
    lappend res [relativeLevel $base]
    set res
} -cleanup {
    rename foo {}
    rename nestedYield {}
    rename getNumLevel {}
    rename relativeLevel {}
    unset res
} -result {0 0 0 0 0 0}
test coroutine-5.2 {right numLevels within coro} -constraints {testnrelevels} \
-setup {
    proc nestedYield {{val {}}} {
	yield $val
    proc getNumLevel {} {
	# remove the level for this proc's call
	expr {[lindex [testnrelevels] 1] - 1}
    proc relativeLevel base {
	# remove the level for this proc's call	
	expr {[getNumLevel] - $base - 1}
    proc foo base {
	while 1 {
	    set base [nestedYield [relativeLevel $base]]
    set res {}
} -body {
    lappend res [eval {coroutine a foo [getNumLevel]}]
    lappend res [a [getNumLevel]]
    lappend res [eval {a [getNumLevel]}]
    lappend res [eval {eval {a [getNumLevel]}}]
    set base [lindex $res 0]
    foreach x $res[set res {}] {
	lappend res [expr {$x-$base}]
    set res
} -cleanup {
    rename a {}
    rename foo {}
    rename nestedYield {}
    rename getNumLevel {}
    rename relativeLevel {}
    unset res
} -result {0 0 0 0}

test coroutine-6.1 {coroutine nargs} -body {
    coroutine a ::apply $lambda
} -cleanup {
    rename a {}
} -result 0
test coroutine-6.2 {coroutine nargs} -body {
    coroutine a ::apply $lambda
    a a
} -cleanup {
    rename a {}
} -result 0
test coroutine-6.3 {coroutine nargs} -body {
    coroutine a ::apply $lambda
    a a a
} -cleanup {
    rename a {}
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "a ?arg?"}
test coroutine-6.4 {unsupported: multi-argument yield} -body {
    proc corobody {} {
	set a 1
	while 1 {
	    set a [yield $a]
	    set a [::tcl::unsupported::yieldm $a]
	    lappend a [llength $a]
    coroutine a corobody
    coroutine b corobody
    list [a x] [a y z] [a \{p] [a \{q r] [a] [a] [rename a {}] \
	[b ok] [rename b {}] 
} -cleanup {
    rename corobody {}
} -result {x {y z 2} \{p {\{q r 2} {} 0 {} ok {}}

test coroutine-7.1 {yieldTo} -body {
    coroutine c apply {{} {
	tcl::unsupported::yieldTo return -level 0 -code 1 quux
	return quuy
    set res [list [catch c msg] $msg]
    lappend res [catch c msg] $msg
    lappend res [catch c msg] $msg
} -cleanup {
    unset res
} -result [list 1 quux 0 quuy 1 {invalid command name "c"}]

# cleanup
unset lambda


# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# End: