# Commands covered:  none
# This file contains a collection of tests for Tcl's dynamic string library
# procedures. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output
# for errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1993 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

catch [list package require -exact Tcltest [info patchlevel]]

testConstraint testdstring [llength [info commands testdstring]]
if {[testConstraint testdstring]} {
    testdstring free
test dstring-1.1 {appending and retrieving} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append "abc" -1
    list [testdstring get] [testdstring length]
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {abc 3}
test dstring-1.2 {appending and retrieving} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append "abc" -1
    testdstring append " xyzzy" 3
    testdstring append " 12345" -1
    list [testdstring get] [testdstring length]
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {{abc xy 12345} 12}
test dstring-1.3 {appending and retrieving} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    foreach l {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p} {
	testdstring append $l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l\n -1
    list [testdstring get] [testdstring length]
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {{aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
} 352}

test dstring-2.1 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring element "abc"
    testdstring element "d e f"
    list [testdstring get] [testdstring length]
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {{abc {d e f}} 11}
test dstring-2.2 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring element "x"
    testdstring element "\{"
    testdstring element "ab\}"
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {x \{ ab\}}
test dstring-2.3 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    foreach l {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p} {
	testdstring element $l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ccccccccccccccccccccc ddddddddddddddddddddd eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fffffffffffffffffffff ggggggggggggggggggggg hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk lllllllllllllllllllll mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ooooooooooooooooooooo ppppppppppppppppppppp}
test dstring-2.4 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append "a\{" -1
    testdstring element abc
    testdstring append "	\{" -1
    testdstring element xyzzy
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result "a{ abc	{xyzzy"
test dstring-2.5 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append " \{" -1
    testdstring element abc
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result " {abc"
test dstring-2.6 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append " " -1
    testdstring element abc
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result { abc}
test dstring-2.7 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append "\\ " -1
    testdstring element abc
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result "\\  abc"
test dstring-2.8 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append "x " -1
    testdstring element abc
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {x abc}
test dstring-2.9 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring element #
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {{#}}
test dstring-2.10 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append " " -1
    testdstring element #
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result { {#}}
test dstring-2.11 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append \t -1
    testdstring element #
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result \t{#}
test dstring-2.12 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append x -1
    testdstring element #
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {x #}
test dstring-2.13 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -body {
    # This test shows lack of sophistication in Tcl_DStringAppendElement's
    # decision about whether #-quoting can be disabled.
    testdstring free
    testdstring append "x " -1
    testdstring element #
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {x {#}}

test dstring-3.1 {nested sublists} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring start
    testdstring element foo
    testdstring element bar
    testdstring end
    testdstring element another
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {{foo bar} another}
test dstring-3.2 {nested sublists} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring start
    testdstring start
    testdstring element abc
    testdstring element def
    testdstring end
    testdstring end
    testdstring element ghi
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {{{abc def}} ghi}
test dstring-3.3 {nested sublists} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring start
    testdstring start
    testdstring start
    testdstring element foo
    testdstring element foo2
    testdstring end
    testdstring end
    testdstring element foo3
    testdstring end
    testdstring element foo4
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {{{{foo foo2}} foo3} foo4}
test dstring-3.4 {nested sublists} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring element before
    testdstring start
    testdstring element during
    testdstring element more
    testdstring end
    testdstring element last
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {before {during more} last}
test dstring-3.5 {nested sublists} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring element "\{"
    testdstring start
    testdstring element first
    testdstring element second
    testdstring end
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {\{ {first second}}
test dstring-3.6 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append x -1
    testdstring start
    testdstring element #
    testdstring end
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {x {{#}}}
test dstring-3.7 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append x -1
    testdstring start
    testdstring append " " -1
    testdstring element #
    testdstring end
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {x { {#}}}
test dstring-3.8 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append x -1
    testdstring start
    testdstring append \t -1
    testdstring element #
    testdstring end
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result "x {\t{#}}"
test dstring-3.9 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append x -1
    testdstring start
    testdstring append x -1
    testdstring element #
    testdstring end
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {x {x #}}
test dstring-3.10 {appending list elements} -constraints testdstring -body {
    # This test shows lack of sophistication in Tcl_DStringAppendElement's
    # decision about whether #-quoting can be disabled.
    testdstring free
    testdstring append x -1
    testdstring start
    testdstring append "x " -1
    testdstring element #
    testdstring end
    testdstring get
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {x {x {#}}}

test dstring-4.1 {truncation} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append "abcdefg" -1
    testdstring trunc 3
    list [testdstring get] [testdstring length]
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {abc 3}
test dstring-4.2 {truncation} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append "xyzzy" -1
    testdstring trunc 0
    list [testdstring get] [testdstring length]
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {{} 0}

test dstring-5.1 {copying to result} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    testdstring append xyz -1
    testdstring result
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result xyz
test dstring-5.2 {copying to result} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
    unset -nocomplain a
} -body {
    foreach l {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p} {
	testdstring append $l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l\n -1
    set a [testdstring result]
    testdstring append abc -1
    list $a [testdstring get]
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {{aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
} abc}

test dstring-6.1 {Tcl_DStringGetResult} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    list [testdstring gresult staticsmall] [testdstring get]
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {{} short}
test dstring-6.2 {Tcl_DStringGetResult} -constraints testdstring -setup {
    testdstring free
} -body {
    foreach l {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p} {
	testdstring append $l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l$l\n -1
    list [testdstring gresult staticsmall] [testdstring get]
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {{} short}
test dstring-6.3 {Tcl_DStringGetResult} -constraints testdstring -body {
    set result {}
    lappend result [testdstring gresult staticlarge]
    testdstring append x 1
    lappend result [testdstring get]
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {{} {first0 first1 first2 first3 first4 first5 first6 first7 first8 first9
second0 second1 second2 second3 second4 second5 second6 second7 second8 second9
third0 third1 third2 third3 third4 third5 third6 third7 third8 third9
fourth0 fourth1 fourth2 fourth3 fourth4 fourth5 fourth6 fourth7 fourth8 fourth9
fifth0 fifth1 fifth2 fifth3 fifth4 fifth5 fifth6 fifth7 fifth8 fifth9
sixth0 sixth1 sixth2 sixth3 sixth4 sixth5 sixth6 sixth7 sixth8 sixth9
seventh0 seventh1 seventh2 seventh3 seventh4 seventh5 seventh6 seventh7 seventh8 seventh9
test dstring-6.4 {Tcl_DStringGetResult} -constraints testdstring -body {
    set result {}
    lappend result [testdstring gresult free]
    testdstring append y 1
    lappend result [testdstring get]
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {{} {This is a malloc-ed stringy}}
test dstring-6.5 {Tcl_DStringGetResult} -constraints testdstring -body {
    set result {}
    lappend result [testdstring gresult special]
    testdstring append z 1
    lappend result [testdstring get]
} -cleanup {
    testdstring free
} -result {{} {This is a specially-allocated stringz}}
# cleanup
if {[testConstraint testdstring]} {
    testdstring free

# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# fill-column: 78
# End: