# This file contains a collection of tests for tclEncoding.c
# Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for
# errors.  No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: encoding.test,v 1.8 2000/04/10 17:18:58 ericm Exp $

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

proc toutf {args} {
    global x
    lappend x "toutf $args"
proc fromutf {args} {
    global x
    lappend x "fromutf $args"

# Some tests require the testencoding command

set ::tcltest::testConstraints(testencoding) \
	[expr {[info commands testencoding] != {}}]

# TclInitEncodingSubsystem is tested by the rest of this file
# TclFinalizeEncodingSubsystem is not currently tested

test encoding-1.1 {Tcl_GetEncoding: system encoding} {testencoding} {
    testencoding create foo toutf fromutf
    set old [encoding system]
    encoding system foo
    set x {}
    encoding convertto abcd
    encoding system $old
    testencoding delete foo
    set x
} {{fromutf }}
test encoding-1.2 {Tcl_GetEncoding: existing encoding} {testencoding} {
    testencoding create foo toutf fromutf
    set x {}
    encoding convertto foo abcd
    testencoding delete foo
    set x
} {{fromutf }}
test encoding-1.3 {Tcl_GetEncoding: load encoding} {
    list [encoding convertto jis0208 \u4e4e] \
	[encoding convertfrom jis0208 8C]
} "8C \u4e4e"

test encoding-2.1 {Tcl_FreeEncoding: refcount == 0} {
    encoding convertto jis0208 \u4e4e
} {8C}
test encoding-2.2 {Tcl_FreeEncoding: refcount != 0} {testencoding} {
    set system [encoding system]
    set path [testencoding path]
    encoding system shiftjis		;# incr ref count
    testencoding path [list [pwd]]
    set x [encoding convertto shiftjis \u4e4e]	;# old one found   
    encoding system identity
    lappend x [catch {encoding convertto shiftjis \u4e4e} msg] $msg
    encoding system identity
    testencoding path $path
    encoding system $system
    set x
} "\u008c\u00c1 1 {unknown encoding \"shiftjis\"}"

test encoding-3.1 {Tcl_GetEncodingName, NULL} {
    set old [encoding system]
    encoding system shiftjis
    set x [encoding system]
    encoding system $old
    set x
} {shiftjis}
test encoding-3.2 {Tcl_GetEncodingName, non-null} {
    set old [fconfigure stdout -encoding]
    fconfigure stdout -encoding jis0208
    set x [fconfigure stdout -encoding]
    fconfigure stdout -encoding $old
    set x
} {jis0208}

test encoding-4.1 {Tcl_GetEncodingNames} {testencoding} {
    file mkdir tmp/encoding
    close [open tmp/encoding/junk.enc w]
    close [open tmp/encoding/junk2.enc w]
    cd tmp
    set path [testencoding path]
    testencoding path {}
    catch {unset encodings}
    catch {unset x}
    foreach encoding [encoding names] {
	set encodings($encoding) 1
    testencoding path [list [pwd]]
    foreach encoding [encoding names] {
	if {![info exists encodings($encoding)]} {
	    lappend x $encoding
    testencoding path $path
    cd ..
    file delete -force tmp
    lsort $x
} {junk junk2}

test encoding-5.1 {Tcl_SetSystemEncoding} {
    set old [encoding system]
    encoding system jis0208
    set x [encoding convertto \u4e4e]
    encoding system identity
    encoding system $old
    set x
} {8C}
test encoding-5.2 {Tcl_SetSystemEncoding: test ref count} {
    set old [encoding system]
    encoding system $old
    string compare $old [encoding system]
} {0}

test encoding-6.1 {Tcl_CreateEncoding: new} {testencoding} {
    testencoding create foo {toutf 1} {fromutf 2}
    set x {}
    encoding convertfrom foo abcd
    encoding convertto foo abcd
    testencoding delete foo
    set x
} {{toutf 1} {fromutf 2}}
test encoding-6.2 {Tcl_CreateEncoding: replace encoding} {testencoding} {
    testencoding create foo {toutf a} {fromutf b}
    set x {}
    encoding convertfrom foo abcd
    encoding convertto foo abcd
    testencoding delete foo
    set x
} {{toutf a} {fromutf b}}

test encoding-7.1 {Tcl_ExternalToUtfDString: small buffer} {
    encoding convertfrom jis0208 8c8c8c8c
} "\u543e\u543e\u543e\u543e"
test encoding-7.2 {Tcl_UtfToExternalDString: big buffer} {
    set a 8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C
    append a $a
    append a $a
    append a $a
    append a $a
    set x [encoding convertfrom jis0208 $a]
    list [string length $x] [string index $x 0]
} "512 \u4e4e"

test encoding-8.1 {Tcl_ExternalToUtf} {
    set f [open dummy w]
    fconfigure $f -translation binary -encoding iso8859-1
    puts -nonewline $f "ab\x8c\xc1g"
    close $f
    set f [open dummy r]
    fconfigure $f -translation binary -encoding shiftjis    
    set x [read $f]
    close $f
    file delete dummy
    set x
} "ab\u4e4eg"

test encoding-9.1 {Tcl_UtfToExternalDString: small buffer} {
    encoding convertto jis0208 "\u543e\u543e\u543e\u543e"
} {8c8c8c8c}
test encoding-9.2 {Tcl_UtfToExternalDString: big buffer} {
    set a \u4e4e\u4e4e\u4e4e\u4e4e\u4e4e\u4e4e\u4e4e\u4e4e
    append a $a
    append a $a
    append a $a
    append a $a
    append a $a
    append a $a
    set x [encoding convertto jis0208 $a]
    list [string length $x] [string range $x 0 1]
} "1024 8C"

test encoding-10.1 {Tcl_UtfToExternal} {
    set f [open dummy w]
    fconfigure $f -translation binary -encoding shiftjis
    puts -nonewline $f "ab\u4e4eg"
    close $f
    set f [open dummy r]
    fconfigure $f -translation binary -encoding iso8859-1
    set x [read $f]
    close $f
    file delete dummy
    set x
} "ab\x8c\xc1g"

test encoding-11.1 {LoadEncodingFile: unknown encoding} {testencoding} {
    set system [encoding system]
    set path [testencoding path]
    encoding system iso8859-1
    testencoding path {}
    set x [list [catch {encoding convertto jis0208 \u4e4e} msg] $msg]
    testencoding path $path
    encoding system $system
    lappend x [encoding convertto jis0208 \u4e4e]
} {1 {unknown encoding "jis0208"} 8C}
test encoding-11.2 {LoadEncodingFile: single-byte} {
    encoding convertfrom jis0201 \xa1
} "\uff61"
test encoding-11.3 {LoadEncodingFile: double-byte} {
    encoding convertfrom jis0208 8C
} "\u4e4e"
test encoding-11.4 {LoadEncodingFile: multi-byte} {
    encoding convertfrom shiftjis \x8c\xc1
} "\u4e4e"
test encoding-11.5 {LoadEncodingFile: escape file} {
    encoding convertto iso2022 \u4e4e
} "\x1b(B\x1b$@8C"
test encoding-11.6 {LoadEncodingFile: invalid file} {testencoding} {
    set system [encoding system]
    set path [testencoding path]
    encoding system identity
    testencoding path tmp
    file mkdir tmp/encoding
    set f [open tmp/encoding/splat.enc w]
    fconfigure $f -translation binary 
    puts $f "abcdefghijklmnop"
    close $f
    set x [list [catch {encoding convertto splat \u4e4e} msg] $msg]
    file delete -force tmp
    catch {file delete encoding}
    testencoding path $path
    encoding system $system
    set x
} {1 {invalid encoding file "splat"}}

# OpenEncodingFile is fully tested by the rest of the tests in this file.

test encoding-12.1 {LoadTableEncoding: normal encoding} {
    set x [encoding convertto iso8859-3 \u120]
    append x [encoding convertto iso8859-3 \ud5]
    append x [encoding convertfrom iso8859-3 \xd5]
} "\xd5?\u120"
test encoding-12.2 {LoadTableEncoding: single-byte encoding} {
    set x [encoding convertto iso8859-3 ab\u0120g] 
    append x [encoding convertfrom iso8859-3 ab\xd5g]
} "ab\xd5gab\u120g"
test encoding-12.3 {LoadTableEncoding: multi-byte encoding} {
    set x [encoding convertto shiftjis ab\u4e4eg] 
    append x [encoding convertfrom shiftjis ab\x8c\xc1g]
} "ab\x8c\xc1gab\u4e4eg"
test encoding-12.4 {LoadTableEncoding: double-byte encoding} {
    set x [encoding convertto jis0208 \u4e4e\u3b1]
    append x [encoding convertfrom jis0208 8C&A]
} "8C&A\u4e4e\u3b1"
test encoding-12.5 {LoadTableEncoding: symbol encoding} {
    set x [encoding convertto symbol \u3b3]
    append x [encoding convertto symbol \u67]
    append x [encoding convertfrom symbol \x67]
} "\x67\x67\u3b3"

test encoding-13.1 {LoadEscapeTable} {
    set x [encoding convertto iso2022 ab\u4e4e\u68d9g]
} "\x1b(Bab\x1b$@8C\x1b$\(DD%\x1b(Bg"

test encoding-14.1 {BinaryProc} {
    encoding convertto identity \x12\x34\x56\xff\x69
} "\x12\x34\x56\xc3\xbf\x69"

test encoding-15.1 {UtfToUtfProc} {
    encoding convertto utf-8 \xa3
} "\xc2\xa3"

test encoding-16.1 {UnicodeToUtfProc} {
    encoding convertfrom unicode NN
} "\u4e4e"

test encoding-17.1 {UtfToUnicodeProc} {
} {}

test encoding-18.1 {TableToUtfProc} {
} {}

test encoding-19.1 {TableFromUtfProc} {
} {}

test encoding-20.1 {TableFreefProc} {
} {}

test encoding-21.1 {EscapeToUtfProc} {
} {}

test encoding-22.1 {EscapeFromUtfProc} {
} {}

# EscapeFreeProc, GetTableEncoding, unilen
# are fully tested by the rest of this file

# cleanup