# Commands covered: none (tests environment variable implementation) # # This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl built-in # commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output # for errors. No output means no errors were found. # # Copyright (c) 1991-1993 The Regents of the University of California. # Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation. # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of # this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} { package require tcltest 2.5 namespace import -force ::tcltest::* } package require tcltests # [exec] is required here to see the actual environment received by child # processes. proc getenv {} { global printenvScript catch {exec [interpreter] $printenvScript} out if {$out eq "child process exited abnormally"} { set out {} } return $out } proc envrestore {} { # Restore the environment variables at the end of the test. global env variable env2 foreach name [array names env] { unset env($name) } array set env $env2 return } proc envprep {} { # Save the current environment variables at the start of the test. global env variable keep variable env2 set env2 [array get env] foreach name [array names env] { # Keep some environment variables that support operation of the tcltest # package. if {[string toupper $name] ni [string toupper $keep]} { unset env($name) } } return } proc encodingrestore {} { variable sysenc encoding system $sysenc return } proc encodingswitch encoding { variable sysenc # Need to run [getenv] in known encoding, so save the current one here... set sysenc [encoding system] encoding system $encoding return } proc setup1 {} { global env envprep encodingswitch iso8859-1 } proc setup2 {} { global env setup1 set env(NAME1) {test string} set env(NAME2) {new value} set env(XYZZY) {garbage} } proc cleanup1 {} { encodingrestore envrestore } variable keep { TCL_LIBRARY PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH LIBPATH PURE_PROG_NAME DISPLAY SHLIB_PATH SYSTEMDRIVE SYSTEMROOT DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH DYLD_NEW_LOCAL_SHARED_REGIONS DYLD_NO_FIX_PREBINDING MSYSTEM __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING SECURITYSESSIONID LANG WINDIR TERM CommonProgramFiles ProgramFiles CommonProgramW6432 ProgramW6432 } variable printenvScript [makeFile [string map [list @keep@ [list $keep]] { encoding system iso8859-1 proc lrem {listname name} { upvar $listname list set i [lsearch -nocase $list $name] if {$i >= 0} { set list [lreplace $list $i $i] } return $list } proc mangle s { regsub -all {\[|\\|\]} $s {\\&} s regsub -all "\[\u0000-\u001f\u007f-\uffff\]" $s {[manglechar {&}]} s return [subst -novariables $s] } proc manglechar c { return [format {\u%04x} [scan $c %c]] } set names [lsort [array names env]] if {$tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} { lrem names HOME lrem names COMSPEC lrem names ComSpec lrem names "" } foreach name @keep@ { lrem names $name } foreach p $names { puts [mangle $p]=[mangle $env($p)] } exit }] printenv] test env-1.1 {propagation of env values to child interpreters} -setup { catch {interp delete child} catch {unset env(test)} } -body { interp create child set env(test) garbage child eval {set env(test)} } -cleanup { interp delete child unset env(test) } -result {garbage} # This one crashed on Solaris under Tcl8.0, so we only want to make sure it # runs. test env-1.2 {lappend to env value} -setup { catch {unset env(test)} } -body { set env(test) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa append env(test) bbbbbbbbbbbbbb unset env(test) } test env-1.3 {reflection of env by "array names"} -setup { catch {interp delete child} catch {unset env(test)} } -body { interp create child child eval {set env(test) garbage} expr {"test" in [array names env]} } -cleanup { interp delete child catch {unset env(test)} } -result 1 test env-2.1 { adding environment variables } -constraints exec -setup setup1 -body { getenv } -cleanup cleanup1 -result {} test env-2.2 { adding environment variables } -constraints exec -setup setup1 -body { set env(NAME1) "test string" getenv } -cleanup cleanup1 -result {NAME1=test string} test env-2.3 {adding environment variables} -constraints exec -setup { setup1 set env(NAME1) "test string" } -body { set env(NAME2) "more" getenv } -cleanup cleanup1 -result {NAME1=test string NAME2=more} test env-2.4 { adding environment variables } -constraints exec -setup { setup1 set env(NAME1) "test string" set env(NAME2) "more" } -body { set env(XYZZY) "garbage" getenv } -cleanup { cleanup1 } -result {NAME1=test string NAME2=more XYZZY=garbage} test env-2.5 {different encoding (wide chars)} -constraints {win exec} -setup { # be sure set of (unicode) environment occurs if single-byte encoding is used: encodingswitch cp1252 # german (cp1252) and russian (cp1251) characters together encoded as utf-8: set val 2d2dc3a4c3b6c3bcc39f2dd182d0b5d181d1822d2d set env(XYZZY) [encoding convertfrom utf-8 [binary decode hex $val]] # now switch to utf-8 (to see correct values from test): encoding system utf-8 } -body { exec [interpreter] << [string map [list \$val $val] { encoding system utf-8; fconfigure stdout -encoding utf-8 set test [encoding convertfrom utf-8 [binary decode hex $val]] puts "[expr {$env(XYZZY) eq $test}] \ngot:\t\ $env(XYZZY) ([binary encode hex [encoding convertto $env(XYZZY)]]) \nexp:\t\ $test ([binary encode hex [encoding convertto $test]])" }] } -cleanup { encodingrestore unset -nocomplain val f env(XYZZY) } -match glob -result {1 *} test env-3.1 { changing environment variables } -constraints exec -setup setup2 -body { set result [getenv] unset env(NAME2) set result } -cleanup { cleanup1 } -result {NAME1=test string NAME2=new value XYZZY=garbage} test env-4.1 { unsetting environment variables } -constraints exec -setup setup2 -body { unset -nocomplain env(NAME2) getenv } -cleanup cleanup1 -result {NAME1=test string XYZZY=garbage} # env-4.2 is deleted test env-4.3 { setting international environment variables } -constraints exec -setup setup1 -body { set env(\ua7) \ub6 getenv } -cleanup cleanup1 -result {\u00a7=\u00b6} test env-4.4 { changing international environment variables } -constraints exec -setup setup1 -body { set env(\ua7) \ua7 getenv } -cleanup cleanup1 -result {\u00a7=\u00a7} test env-4.5 { unsetting international environment variables } -constraints exec -setup { setup1 set env(\ua7) \ua7 } -body { set env(\ub6) \ua7 unset env(\ua7) getenv } -cleanup cleanup1 -result {\u00b6=\u00a7} test env-5.0 { corner cases - set a value, it should exist } -setup setup1 -body { set env(temp) a set env(temp) } -cleanup cleanup1 -result a test env-5.1 { corner cases - remove one elem at a time } -setup setup1 -body { # When no environment variables exist, the env var will contain no # entries. The "array names" call synchs up the C-level environ array with # the Tcl level env array. Make sure an empty Tcl array is created. foreach e [array names env] { unset env($e) } array size env } -cleanup cleanup1 -result 0 test env-5.2 {corner cases - unset the env array} -setup { interp create i } -body { # Unsetting a variable in an interp detaches the C-level traces from the # Tcl "env" variable. i eval { unset env set env(THIS_SHOULDNT_EXIST) a } info exists env(THIS_SHOULDNT_EXIST) } -cleanup { interp delete i } -result {0} test env-5.3 {corner cases: unset the env in parent should unset child} -setup { setup1 interp create i } -body { # Variables deleted in a parent interp should be deleted in child interp # too. i eval {set env(THIS_SHOULD_EXIST) a} set result [set env(THIS_SHOULD_EXIST)] unset env(THIS_SHOULD_EXIST) lappend result [i eval {catch {set env(THIS_SHOULD_EXIST)}}] } -cleanup { cleanup1 interp delete i } -result {a 1} test env-5.4 {corner cases - unset the env array} -setup { setup1 interp create i } -body { # The info exists command should be in synch with the env array. # Know Bug: 1737 i eval {set env(THIS_SHOULD_EXIST) a} set result [info exists env(THIS_SHOULD_EXIST)] lappend result [set env(THIS_SHOULD_EXIST)] lappend result [info exists env(THIS_SHOULD_EXIST)] } -cleanup { cleanup1 interp delete i } -result {1 a 1} test env-5.5 { corner cases - cannot have null entries on Windows } -constraints win -body { set env() a catch {set env()} } -cleanup cleanup1 -result 1 test env-6.1 {corner cases - add lots of env variables} -setup setup1 -body { set size [array size env] for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} { set env(BOGUS$i) $i } expr {[array size env] - $size} } -cleanup cleanup1 -result 100 test env-7.1 {[219226]: whole env array should not be unset by read} -body { set n [array size env] set s [array startsearch env] while {[array anymore env $s]} { array nextelement env $s incr n -1 } array donesearch env $s return $n } -result 0 test env-7.2 { [219226]: links to env elements should not be removed by read } -setup setup1 -body { apply {{} { set ::env(test7_2) ok upvar env(test7_2) elem set ::env(PATH) return $elem }} } -cleanup cleanup1 -result ok test env-7.3 { [9b4702]: testing existence of env(some_thing) should not destroy trace } -setup setup1 -body { apply {{} { catch {unset ::env(test7_3)} proc foo args { set ::env(test7_3) ok } trace add variable ::env(not_yet_existent) write foo info exists ::env(not_yet_existent) set ::env(not_yet_existent) "Now I'm here"; return [info exists ::env(test7_3)] }} } -cleanup cleanup1 -result 1 test env-8.0 { memory usage - valgrind does not report reachable memory } -body { set res [set env(__DUMMY__) {i'm with dummy}] unset env(__DUMMY__) return $res } -result {i'm with dummy} # cleanup rename getenv {} rename envrestore {} rename envprep {} rename encodingrestore {} rename encodingswitch {} removeFile $printenvScript ::tcltest::cleanupTests return # Local Variables: # mode: tcl # End: