# This file contains tests for the tclExecute.c source file. Tests appear in
# the same order as the C code that they test. The set of tests is currently
# incomplete since it currently includes only new tests for code changed for
# the addition of Tcl namespaces. Other execution-related tests appear in
# several other test files including namespace.test, basic.test, eval.test,
# for.test, etc.
# Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for errors.
# No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
    package require tcltest 2
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
catch {rename foo ""}
catch {unset x}
catch {unset y}
catch {unset msg}

testConstraint testobj [expr {
    [llength [info commands testobj]]
    && [llength [info commands testdoubleobj]]
    && [llength [info commands teststringobj]]

testConstraint longIs32bit [expr {int(0x80000000) < 0}]
testConstraint testexprlongobj [llength [info commands testexprlongobj]]
# Tests for the omnibus TclExecuteByteCode function:

# INST_DONE not tested
# INST_PUSH1 not tested
# INST_PUSH4 not tested
# INST_POP not tested
# INST_DUP not tested
# INST_INVOKE_STK4 not tested
# INST_INVOKE_STK1 not tested
# INST_EVAL_STK not tested
# INST_EXPR_STK not tested

test execute-1.1 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_LOAD_SCALAR1, small opnd} {
    proc foo {} {
	set x 1
	return $x
} 1
test execute-1.2 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_LOAD_SCALAR1, large opnd} {
    # Bug: 2243
    set body {}
    for {set i 0} {$i < 129} {incr i} {
	append body "set x$i x\n"
    append body {
	set y 1
	return $y
    proc foo {} $body
} 1
test execute-1.3 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_LOAD_SCALAR1, error} {
    proc foo {} {
	set x 1
	unset x
	return $x
    list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't read "x": no such variable}}

test execute-2.1 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_LOAD_SCALAR4, simple case} {
    set body {}
    for {set i 0} {$i < 256} {incr i} {
	append body "set x$i x\n"
    append body {
	set y 1
	return $y
    proc foo {} $body
} 1
test execute-2.2 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_LOAD_SCALAR4, error} {
    set body {}
    for {set i 0} {$i < 256} {incr i} {
	append body "set x$i x\n"
    append body {
	set y 1
	unset y
	return $y
    proc foo {} $body
    list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't read "y": no such variable}}

# INST_LOAD_ARRAY4 not tested
# INST_LOAD_ARRAY1 not tested
# INST_LOAD_ARRAY_STK not tested
# INST_LOAD_STK not tested
# INST_STORE_SCALAR4 not tested
# INST_STORE_SCALAR1 not tested
# INST_STORE_ARRAY4 not tested
# INST_STORE_ARRAY1 not tested
# INST_STORE_STK not tested
# INST_INCR_SCALAR1 not tested
# INST_INCR_STK not tested
# INST_INCR_ARRAY1 not tested
# INST_INCR_ARRAY_STK not tested
# INST_INCR_SCALAR1_IMM not tested
# INST_INCR_STK_IMM not tested
# INST_INCR_ARRAY1_IMM not tested
# INST_JUMP1 not tested
# INST_JUMP4 not tested
# INST_JUMP_TRUE4 not tested
# INST_JUMP_TRUE1 not tested
# INST_JUMP_FALSE4 not tested
# INST_JUMP_FALSE1 not tested
# INST_LOR not tested
# INST_LAND not tested
# INST_EQ not tested
# INST_NEQ not tested
# INST_LT not tested
# INST_GT not tested
# INST_LE not tested
# INST_GE not tested
# INST_MOD not tested
# INST_LSHIFT not tested
# INST_RSHIFT not tested
# INST_BITOR not tested
# INST_BITXOR not tested
# INST_BITAND not tested

# INST_ADD is partially tested:
test execute-3.1 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_ADD, op1 is int} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 0 1]
    expr {$x + 1}
} 2
test execute-3.2 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_ADD, op1 is double} {testobj} {
    set x [testdoubleobj set 0 1]
    expr {$x + 1}
} 2.0
test execute-3.3 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_ADD, op1 is double with string} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 0 1]
    testobj convert 0 double
    expr {$x + 1}
} 2
test execute-3.4 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_ADD, op1 is string int} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 0 1]
    expr {$x + 1}
} 2
test execute-3.5 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_ADD, op1 is string double} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 0 1.0]
    expr {$x + 1}
} 2.0
test execute-3.6 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_ADD, op1 is non-numeric} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 0 foo]
    list [catch {expr {$x + 1}} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "+"}}
test execute-3.7 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_ADD, op2 is int} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 0 1]
    expr {1 + $x}
} 2
test execute-3.8 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_ADD, op2 is double} {testobj} {
    set x [testdoubleobj set 0 1]
    expr {1 + $x}
} 2.0
test execute-3.9 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_ADD, op2 is double with string} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 0 1]
    testobj convert 0 double
    expr {1 + $x}
} 2
test execute-3.10 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_ADD, op2 is string int} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 0 1]
    expr {1 + $x}
} 2
test execute-3.11 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_ADD, op2 is string double} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 0 1.0]
    expr {1 + $x}
} 2.0
test execute-3.12 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_ADD, op2 is non-numeric} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 0 foo]
    list [catch {expr {1 + $x}} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "+"}}

# INST_SUB is partially tested:
test execute-3.13 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_SUB, op1 is int} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 0 1]
    expr {$x - 1}
} 0
test execute-3.14 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_SUB, op1 is double} {testobj} {
    set x [testdoubleobj set 0 1]
    expr {$x - 1}
} 0.0
test execute-3.15 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_SUB, op1 is double with string} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 0 1]
    testobj convert 0 double
    expr {$x - 1}
} 0
test execute-3.16 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_SUB, op1 is string int} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 0 1]
    expr {$x - 1}
} 0
test execute-3.17 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_SUB, op1 is string double} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 0 1.0]
    expr {$x - 1}
} 0.0
test execute-3.18 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_SUB, op1 is non-numeric} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 0 foo]
    list [catch {expr {$x - 1}} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "-"}}
test execute-3.19 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_SUB, op2 is int} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 0 1]
    expr {1 - $x}
} 0
test execute-3.20 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_SUB, op2 is double} {testobj} {
    set x [testdoubleobj set 0 1]
    expr {1 - $x}
} 0.0
test execute-3.21 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_SUB, op2 is double with string} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 0 1]
    testobj convert 0 double
    expr {1 - $x}
} 0
test execute-3.22 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_SUB, op2 is string int} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 0 1]
    expr {1 - $x}
} 0
test execute-3.23 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_SUB, op2 is string double} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 0 1.0]
    expr {1 - $x}
} 0.0
test execute-3.24 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_SUB, op2 is non-numeric} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 0 foo]
    list [catch {expr {1 - $x}} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "-"}}

# INST_MULT is partially tested:
test execute-3.25 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_MULT, op1 is int} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 1]
    expr {$x * 1}
} 1
test execute-3.26 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_MULT, op1 is double} {testobj} {
    set x [testdoubleobj set 1 2.0]
    expr {$x * 1}
} 2.0
test execute-3.27 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_MULT, op1 is double with string} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 2]
    testobj convert 1 double
    expr {$x * 1}
} 2
test execute-3.28 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_MULT, op1 is string int} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 1]
    expr {$x * 1}
} 1
test execute-3.29 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_MULT, op1 is string double} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 1.0]
    expr {$x * 1}
} 1.0
test execute-3.30 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_MULT, op1 is non-numeric} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 foo]
    list [catch {expr {$x * 1}} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "*"}}
test execute-3.31 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_MULT, op2 is int} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 1]
    expr {1 * $x}
} 1
test execute-3.32 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_MULT, op2 is double} {testobj} {
    set x [testdoubleobj set 1 2.0]
    expr {1 * $x}
} 2.0
test execute-3.33 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_MULT, op2 is double with string} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 2]
    testobj convert 1 double
    expr {1 * $x}
} 2
test execute-3.34 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_MULT, op2 is string int} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 1]
    expr {1 * $x}
} 1
test execute-3.35 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_MULT, op2 is string double} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 1.0]
    expr {1 * $x}
} 1.0
test execute-3.36 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_MULT, op2 is non-numeric} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 foo]
    list [catch {expr {1 * $x}} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "*"}}

# INST_DIV is partially tested:
test execute-3.37 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_DIV, op1 is int} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 1]
    expr {$x / 1}
} 1
test execute-3.38 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_DIV, op1 is double} {testobj} {
    set x [testdoubleobj set 1 2.0]
    expr {$x / 1}
} 2.0
test execute-3.39 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_DIV, op1 is double with string} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 2]
    testobj convert 1 double
    expr {$x / 1}
} 2
test execute-3.40 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_DIV, op1 is string int} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 1]
    expr {$x / 1}
} 1
test execute-3.41 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_DIV, op1 is string double} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 1.0]
    expr {$x / 1}
} 1.0
test execute-3.42 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_DIV, op1 is non-numeric} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 foo]
    list [catch {expr {$x / 1}} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "/"}}
test execute-3.43 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_DIV, op2 is int} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 1]
    expr {2 / $x}
} 2
test execute-3.44 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_DIV, op2 is double} {testobj} {
    set x [testdoubleobj set 1 1.0]
    expr {2 / $x}
} 2.0
test execute-3.45 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_DIV, op2 is double with string} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 1]
    testobj convert 1 double
    expr {2 / $x}
} 2
test execute-3.46 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_DIV, op2 is string int} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 1]
    expr {2 / $x}
} 2
test execute-3.47 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_DIV, op2 is string double} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 1.0]
    expr {2 / $x}
} 2.0
test execute-3.48 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_DIV, op2 is non-numeric} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 foo]
    list [catch {expr {1 / $x}} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "/"}}

# INST_UPLUS is partially tested:
test execute-3.49 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_UPLUS, op is int} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 1]
    expr {+ $x}
} 1
test execute-3.50 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_UPLUS, op is double} {testobj} {
    set x [testdoubleobj set 1 1.0]
    expr {+ $x}
} 1.0
test execute-3.51 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_UPLUS, op is double with string} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 1]
    testobj convert 1 double
    expr {+ $x}
} 1
test execute-3.52 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_UPLUS, op is string int} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 1]
    expr {+ $x}
} 1
test execute-3.53 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_UPLUS, op is string double} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 1.0]
    expr {+ $x}
} 1.0
test execute-3.54 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_UPLUS, op is non-numeric} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 foo]
    list [catch {expr {+ $x}} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "+"}}

# INST_UMINUS is partially tested:
test execute-3.55 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_UMINUS, op is int} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 1]
    expr {- $x}
} -1
test execute-3.56 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_UMINUS, op is double} {testobj} {
    set x [testdoubleobj set 1 1.0]
    expr {- $x}
} -1.0
test execute-3.57 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_UMINUS, op is double with string} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 1]
    testobj convert 1 double
    expr {- $x}
} -1
test execute-3.58 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_UMINUS, op is string int} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 1]
    expr {- $x}
} -1
test execute-3.59 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_UMINUS, op is string double} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 1.0]
    expr {- $x}
} -1.0
test execute-3.60 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_UMINUS, op is non-numeric} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 foo]
    list [catch {expr {- $x}} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "-"}}

# INST_LNOT is partially tested:
test execute-3.61 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_LNOT, op is int} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 2]
    expr {! $x}
} 0
test execute-3.62 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_LNOT, op is int} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 0]
    expr {! $x}
} 1
test execute-3.63 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_LNOT, op is double} {testobj} {
    set x [testdoubleobj set 1 1.0]
    expr {! $x}
} 0
test execute-3.64 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_LNOT, op is double} {testobj} {
    set x [testdoubleobj set 1 0.0]
    expr {! $x}
} 1
test execute-3.65 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_LNOT, op is double with string} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 1]
    testobj convert 1 double
    expr {! $x}
} 0
test execute-3.66 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_LNOT, op is double with string} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 0]
    testobj convert 1 double
    expr {! $x}
} 1
test execute-3.67 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_LNOT, op is string int} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 1]
    expr {! $x}
} 0
test execute-3.68 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_LNOT, op is string int} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 0]
    expr {! $x}
} 1
test execute-3.69 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_LNOT, op is string double} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 1.0]
    expr {! $x}
} 0
test execute-3.70 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_LNOT, op is string double} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 0.0]
    expr {! $x}
} 1
test execute-3.71 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_LNOT, op is non-numeric} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 foo]
    list [catch {expr {! $x}} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "!"}}

# INST_BITNOT not tested
# INST_CALL_FUNC1 not tested

# INST_TRY_CVT_TO_NUMERIC is partially tested:
test execute-3.72 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_TRY_CVT_TO_NUMERIC, op is int} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 1]
    expr {$x}
} 1
test execute-3.73 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_TRY_CVT_TO_NUMERIC, op is double} {testobj} {
    set x [testdoubleobj set 1 1.0]
    expr {$x}
} 1.0
test execute-3.74 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_TRY_CVT_TO_NUMERIC, op is double with string} {testobj} {
    set x [testintobj set 1 1]
    testobj convert 1 double
    expr {$x}
} 1
test execute-3.75 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_TRY_CVT_TO_NUMERIC, op is string int} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 1]
    expr {$x}
} 1
test execute-3.76 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_TRY_CVT_TO_NUMERIC, op is string double} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 1.0]
    expr {$x}
} 1.0
test execute-3.77 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_TRY_CVT_TO_NUMERIC, op is non-numeric} {testobj} {
    set x [teststringobj set 1 foo]
    expr {$x}
} foo

# INST_BREAK not tested
# INST_CONTINUE not tested
# INST_FOREACH_START4 not tested
# INST_FOREACH_STEP4 not tested
# INST_BEGIN_CATCH4 not tested
# INST_END_CATCH not tested
# INST_PUSH_RESULT not tested

test execute-4.1 {Tcl_GetCommandFromObj, convert to tclCmdNameType} -setup {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    unset -nocomplain x
    unset -nocomplain y
} -body {
    namespace eval test_ns_1 {
        namespace export cmd1
        proc cmd1 {args} {return "cmd1: $args"}
        proc cmd2 {args} {return "cmd2: $args"}
    namespace eval test_ns_1::test_ns_2 {
        namespace import ::test_ns_1::*
    set x "test_ns_1::"
    set y "test_ns_2::"
    list [namespace which -command ${x}${y}cmd1] \
         [catch {namespace which -command ${x}${y}cmd2} msg] $msg \
         [catch {namespace which -command ${x}${y}:cmd2} msg] $msg
} -result {::test_ns_1::test_ns_2::cmd1 0 {} 0 {}}
test execute-4.2 {Tcl_GetCommandFromObj, check if cached tclCmdNameType is invalid} -setup {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    catch {rename foo ""}
    unset -nocomplain l
} -body {
    proc foo {} {
        return "global foo"
    namespace eval test_ns_1 {
        proc whichFoo {} {
            return [namespace which -command foo]
    set l ""
    lappend l [test_ns_1::whichFoo]
    namespace eval test_ns_1 {
        proc foo {} {
            return "namespace foo"
    lappend l [test_ns_1::whichFoo]
} -result {::foo ::test_ns_1::foo}
test execute-4.3 {Tcl_GetCommandFromObj, command never found} -setup {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    catch {rename foo ""}
} -body {
    namespace eval test_ns_1 {
        proc foo {} {
            return "namespace foo"
    namespace eval test_ns_1 {
        proc foo {} {
            return "namespace foo"
    list [namespace eval test_ns_1 {namespace which -command foo}] \
         [rename test_ns_1::foo ""] \
         [catch {namespace eval test_ns_1 {namespace which -command foo}} msg] $msg
} -result {::test_ns_1::foo {} 0 {}}

test execute-5.1 {SetCmdNameFromAny, set cmd name to empty heap string if NULL} -setup {
    catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
    unset -nocomplain l
} -body {
    proc {} {} {return {}}
    set l {}
    lindex {} 0
} -result {}

test execute-6.1 {UpdateStringOfCmdName: called for duplicate of empty cmdName object} {
    proc {} {} {}
    proc { } {} {}
    proc p {} {
        set x {}
        append x { }
} {}
test execute-6.2 {Evaluate an expression in a variable; compile the first time, do not the second} {
    set w {3*5}
    proc a {obj} {expr $obj}
    set res "[a $w]:[a $w]"
} {15:15}
test execute-6.3 {Tcl_ExprObj: don't use cached script bytecode [Bug 1899164]} -setup {
    proc 0+0 {} {return SCRIPT}
} -body {
    set e { 0+0 }
    if 1 $e
    if 1 {expr $e}
} -cleanup {
    rename 0+0 {}
} -result 0
test execute-6.4 {TclCompEvalObj: don't use cached expr bytecode [Bug 1899164]} -setup {
    proc 0+0 {} {return SCRIPT}
} -body {
    set e { 0+0 }
    if 1 {expr $e}
    if 1 $e
} -cleanup {
    rename 0+0 {}
} -result SCRIPT
test execute-6.5 {TclCompEvalObj: bytecode epoch validation} -body {
    set script { llength {} }
    set result {}
    lappend result [if 1 $script]
    set origName [namespace which llength]
    rename $origName llength.orig
    proc $origName {args} {return AHA!}
    lappend result [if 1 $script]
} -cleanup {
    rename $origName {}
    rename llength.orig $origName
} -result {0 AHA!}
test execute-6.6 {TclCompEvalObj: proc-body bytecode invalid for script} -body {
    proc foo {} {set a 1}
    set a untouched
    set result {}
    lappend result [foo] $a
    lappend result [if 1 [info body foo]] $a
} -cleanup {
    rename foo {}
} -result {1 untouched 1 1}
test execute-6.7 {TclCompEvalObj: bytecode context validation} -setup {
    namespace eval foo {}
} -body {
    set script { llength {} }
    namespace eval foo {
	proc llength {args} {return AHA!}
    set result {}
    lappend result [if 1 $script]
    lappend result [namespace eval foo $script]
} -cleanup {
    namespace delete foo
} -result {0 AHA!}
test execute-6.8 {TclCompEvalObj: bytecode name resolution epoch validation} -setup {
    namespace eval foo {}
} -body {
    set script { llength {} }
    set result {}
    lappend result [namespace eval foo $script]
    namespace eval foo {
	proc llength {args} {return AHA!}
    lappend result [namespace eval foo $script]
} -cleanup {
    namespace delete foo
} -result {0 AHA!}
test execute-6.9 {TclCompEvalObj: bytecode interp validation} -setup {
    interp create slave
} -body {
    set script { llength {} }
    slave eval {proc llength args {return AHA!}}
    set result {}
    lappend result [if 1 $script]
    lappend result [slave eval $script]
} -cleanup {
    interp delete slave
} -result {0 AHA!}
test execute-6.10 {TclCompEvalObj: bytecode interp validation} -body {
    set script { llength {} }
    interp create slave
    set result {}
    lappend result [slave eval $script]
    interp delete slave
    interp create slave
    lappend result [slave eval $script]
} -cleanup {
    catch {interp delete slave}
} -result {0 0}
test execute-6.11 {Tcl_ExprObj: exprcode interp validation} -setup {
    interp create slave
} -constraints testexprlongobj -body {
    set e { [llength {}]+1 }
    set result {}
    load {} Tcltest slave
    interp alias {} e slave testexprlongobj
    lappend result [e $e]
    interp delete slave
    interp create slave
    load {} Tcltest slave
    interp alias {} e slave testexprlongobj
    lappend result [e $e]
} -cleanup {
    interp delete slave
} -result {{This is a result: 1} {This is a result: 1}}
test execute-6.12 {Tcl_ExprObj: exprcode interp validation} -setup {
    interp create slave
} -body {
    set e { [llength {}]+1 }
    set result {}
    interp alias {} e slave expr
    lappend result [e $e]
    interp delete slave
    interp create slave
    interp alias {} e slave expr 
    lappend result [e $e]
} -cleanup {
    interp delete slave
} -result {1 1}
test execute-6.13 {Tcl_ExprObj: exprcode epoch validation} -body {
    set e { [llength {}]+1 }
    set result {}
    lappend result [expr $e]
    set origName [namespace which llength]
    rename $origName llength.orig
    proc $origName {args} {return 1}
    lappend result [expr $e]
} -cleanup {
    rename $origName {}
    rename llength.orig $origName
} -result {1 2}
test execute-6.14 {Tcl_ExprObj: exprcode context validation} -setup {
    namespace eval foo {}
} -body {
    set e { [llength {}]+1 }
    namespace eval foo {
	proc llength {args} {return 1}
    set result {}
    lappend result [expr $e]
    lappend result [namespace eval foo {expr $e}]
} -cleanup {
    namespace delete foo
} -result {1 2}
test execute-6.15 {Tcl_ExprObj: exprcode name resolution epoch validation} -setup {
    namespace eval foo {}
} -body {
    set e { [llength {}]+1 }
    set result {}
    lappend result [namespace eval foo {expr $e}]
    namespace eval foo {
	proc llength {args} {return 1}
    lappend result [namespace eval foo {expr $e}]
} -cleanup {
    namespace delete foo
} -result {1 2}
test execute-6.16 {Tcl_ExprObj: exprcode interp validation} -setup {
    interp create slave
} -body {
    set e { [llength {}]+1 }
    interp alias {} e slave expr
    slave eval {proc llength args {return 1}}
    set result {}
    lappend result [expr $e]
    lappend result [e $e]
} -cleanup {
    interp delete slave
} -result {1 2}
test execute-6.17 {Tcl_ExprObj: exprcode context validation} -body {
    proc foo e {set v 0; expr $e}
    proc bar e {set v 1; expr $e}
    set e { $v }
    set result {}
    lappend result [foo $e]
    lappend result [bar $e]
} -cleanup {
    rename foo {}
    rename bar {}
} -result {0 1}
test execute-6.18 {Tcl_ExprObj: exprcode context validation} -body {
    proc foo e {set v {}; expr $e}
    proc bar e {set v v; expr $e}
    set e { [llength $v] }
    set result {}
    lappend result [foo $e]
    lappend result [bar $e]
} -cleanup {
    rename foo {}
    rename bar {}
} -result {0 1}

test execute-7.0 {Wide int handling in INST_JUMP_FALSE/LAND} {
    set x 0x100000000
    expr {$x && 1}
} 1
test execute-7.1 {Wide int handling in INST_JUMP_FALSE/LAND} {
    expr {0x100000000 && 1}
} 1
test execute-7.2 {Wide int handling in INST_JUMP_FALSE/LAND} {
    expr {1 && 0x100000000}
} 1
test execute-7.3 {Wide int handling in INST_JUMP_FALSE/LAND} {
    expr {wide(0x100000000) && 1}
} 1
test execute-7.4 {Wide int handling in INST_JUMP_FALSE/LAND} {
    expr {1 && wide(0x100000000)}
} 1
test execute-7.5 {Wide int handling in INST_EQ} {
    expr {4 == (wide(1)+wide(3))}
} 1
test execute-7.6 {Wide int handling in INST_EQ and [incr]} {
    set x 399999999999
    expr {400000000000 == [incr x]}
} 1
# wide ints have more bits of precision than doubles, but we convert anyway
test execute-7.7 {Wide int handling in INST_EQ and [incr]} {
    set x [expr {wide(1)<<62}]
    set y [expr {$x+1}]
    expr {double($x) == double($y)}
} 1
test execute-7.8 {Wide int conversions can change sign} longIs32bit {
    set x 0x80000000
    expr {int($x) < wide($x)}
} 1
test execute-7.9 {Wide int handling in INST_MOD} {
    expr {(wide(1)<<60) % ((wide(47)<<45)-1)}
} 316659348800185
test execute-7.10 {Wide int handling in INST_MOD} {
    expr {((wide(1)<<60)-1) % 0x400000000}
} 17179869183
test execute-7.11 {Wide int handling in INST_LSHIFT} {
    expr wide(42)<<30
} 45097156608
test execute-7.12 {Wide int handling in INST_LSHIFT} {
    expr 12345678901<<3
} 98765431208
test execute-7.13 {Wide int handling in INST_RSHIFT} {
    expr 0x543210febcda9876>>7
} 47397893236700464
test execute-7.14 {Wide int handling in INST_RSHIFT} {
    expr wide(0x9876543210febcda)>>7
} -58286587177206407
test execute-7.15 {Wide int handling in INST_BITOR} {
    expr wide(0x9876543210febcda) | 0x543210febcda9876
} -2560765885044310786
test execute-7.16 {Wide int handling in INST_BITXOR} {
    expr wide(0x9876543210febcda) ^ 0x543210febcda9876
} -3727778945703861076
test execute-7.17 {Wide int handling in INST_BITAND} {
    expr wide(0x9876543210febcda) & 0x543210febcda9876
} 1167013060659550290
test execute-7.18 {Wide int handling in INST_ADD} {
    expr wide(0x7fffffff)+wide(0x7fffffff)
} 4294967294
test execute-7.19 {Wide int handling in INST_ADD} {
    expr 0x7fffffff+wide(0x7fffffff)
} 4294967294
test execute-7.20 {Wide int handling in INST_ADD} {
    expr wide(0x7fffffff)+0x7fffffff
} 4294967294
test execute-7.21 {Wide int handling in INST_ADD} {
    expr double(0x7fffffff)+wide(0x7fffffff)
} 4294967294.0
test execute-7.22 {Wide int handling in INST_ADD} {
    expr wide(0x7fffffff)+double(0x7fffffff)
} 4294967294.0
test execute-7.23 {Wide int handling in INST_SUB} {
    expr 0x123456789a-0x20406080a
} 69530054800
test execute-7.24 {Wide int handling in INST_MULT} {
    expr 0x123456789a*193
} 15090186251290
test execute-7.25 {Wide int handling in INST_DIV} {
    expr 0x123456789a/193
} 405116546
test execute-7.26 {Wide int handling in INST_UPLUS} {
    set x 0x123456871234568
    expr {+ $x}
} 81985533099853160
test execute-7.27 {Wide int handling in INST_UMINUS} {
    set x 0x123456871234568
    expr {- $x}
} -81985533099853160
test execute-7.28 {Wide int handling in INST_LNOT} {
    set x 0x123456871234568
    expr {! $x}
} 0
test execute-7.29 {Wide int handling in INST_BITNOT} {
    set x 0x123456871234568
    expr {~ $x}
} -81985533099853161
test execute-7.30 {Wide int handling in function call} {
    set x 0x12345687123456
    incr x
    expr {log($x) == log(double($x))}
} 1
test execute-7.31 {Wide int handling in abs()} {
    set x 0xa23456871234568
    incr x
    set y 0x123456871234568
    concat [expr {abs($x)}] [expr {abs($y)}]
} {730503879441204585 81985533099853160}
test execute-7.32 {Wide int handling} longIs32bit {
    expr {int(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)}
} 0
test execute-7.33 {Wide int handling} longIs32bit {
    expr {int(0x1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)}
} 0
test execute-7.34 {Wide int handling} {
    expr {wide(0x1) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024}
} 1099511627776

test execute-8.1 {Stack protection} -setup {
    # If [Bug #804681] has not been properly taken care of, this should
    # segfault
    proc whatever args {llength $args}
    trace add variable ::errorInfo {write unset} whatever
} -body {
    expr {1+9/0}
} -cleanup {
    trace remove variable ::errorInfo {write unset} whatever
    rename whatever {}
} -returnCodes error -match glob -result *
test execute-8.2 {Stack restoration} -setup {
    # Avoid crashes when system stack size is limited (thread-enabled!)
    set limit [interp recursionlimit {}]
    interp recursionlimit {} 100
} -body {
    # Test for [Bug #816641], correct restoration of the stack top after the
    # stack is grown
    proc f {args} { f bee bop }
    catch f msg
    set msg
} -cleanup {
    interp recursionlimit {} $limit
} -result {too many nested evaluations (infinite loop?)}
test execute-8.3 {Stack restoration} -setup {
    # Avoid crashes when system stack size is limited (thread-enabled!)
    set limit [interp recursionlimit {}]
    interp recursionlimit {} 100
} -body {
    # Test for [Bug #1055676], correct restoration of the stack top after the
    # epoch is bumped and the stack is grown in a call from a nested
    # evaluation
    set arglst [string repeat "a " 1000]
    proc f {args} "f $arglst"
    proc run {} {
	# bump the interp's epoch
	rename ::set ::dummy
	rename ::dummy ::set
	catch f msg
	set msg
} -cleanup {
    interp recursionlimit {} $limit
} -result {too many nested evaluations (infinite loop?)}
test execute-8.4 {Compile epoch bump effect on stack trace} -setup {
    proc foo {} {
	error bar
    proc FOO {} {
	catch {error bar} m o
	rename ::set ::dummy
	rename ::dummy ::set
	return -options $o $m
} -body {
    catch foo m o
    set stack1 [dict get $o -errorinfo]
    catch FOO m o
    set stack2 [string map {FOO foo} [dict get $o -errorinfo]]
    expr {$stack1 eq $stack2 ? {} : "These differ:\n$stack1\n$stack2"}
} -cleanup {
    rename foo {}
    rename FOO {}
    unset -nocomplain m o stack1 stack2
} -result {}
test execute-8.5 {Bug 2038069} -setup {
    proc demo {} {
	catch [list error FOO] m o
	return $o
} -body {
} -cleanup {
    rename demo {}
} -match glob -result {-code 1 -level 0 -errorstack * -errorcode NONE -errorinfo {FOO
    while executing
"error FOO"
    invoked from within
"catch \[list error FOO\] m o"} -errorline 2}

test execute-9.1 {Interp result resetting [Bug 1522803]} {
    set c 0
    catch {
	catch {set foo}
	expr {1/$c}
    if {[string match *foo* $::errorInfo]} {
	set result "Bad errorInfo: $::errorInfo"
    } else {
	set result SUCCESS
    set result

test execute-10.1 {TclExecuteByteCode, INST_CONCAT1, bytearrays} {
    apply {s {binary scan $s c x; list $x [scan $s$s %c%c]}} \u0130
} {48 {304 304}}
test execute-10.2 {Bug 2802881} -setup {
    interp create slave
} -body {
    # If [Bug 2802881] is not fixed, this will segfault
    slave eval {
	trace add variable ::errorInfo write {expr {$foo} ;#}
	proc demo {} {a {}{}}
} -cleanup {
    interp delete slave
} -returnCodes error -match glob -result *
test execute-10.3 {Bug 3072640} -setup {
    proc generate {n} {
	for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
	    yield $i
    proc t {args} { 
	incr ::foo 
    trace add execution ::generate enterstep ::t
} -body {
    coroutine coro generate 5
    trace remove execution ::generate enterstep ::t
    set ::foo
} -cleanup {
    unset ::foo
    rename generate {}
    rename t {}
    rename coro {}
} -result 4

test execute-11.1 {Bug 3142026: GrowEvaluationStack off-by-one} -setup {
    interp create slave
} -body {
    slave eval {
	set x [lrepeat 1320 199]
	for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
	    lappend x $i
	    lsort -integer $x
	# Crashes on failure
	return ok
} -cleanup {
    interp delete slave
} -result ok
# cleanup
if {[info commands testobj] != {}} {
   testobj freeallvars
catch {namespace delete {*}[namespace children :: test_ns_*]}
catch {rename foo ""}
catch {rename p ""}
catch {rename {} ""}
catch {rename { } ""}
catch {unset x}
catch {unset y}
catch {unset msg}

# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# fill-column: 78
# End: