# This file tests the filesystem and vfs internals.
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 2002 Vincent Darley.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

package require tcltest
namespace eval ::tcl::test::fileSystem {

    catch {
	namespace import ::tcltest::cleanupTests
	namespace import ::tcltest::makeDirectory
	namespace import ::tcltest::makeFile
	namespace import ::tcltest::removeDirectory
	namespace import ::tcltest::removeFile
	namespace import ::tcltest::test
    catch {
	file delete -force link.file
	file delete -force dir.link
	file delete -force [file join dir.file linkinside.file]

makeFile "test file" gorp.file
makeDirectory dir.file
makeFile "test file in directory" [file join dir.file inside.file]

if {[catch {
    file link link.file gorp.file 
    file link \
      [file join dir.file linkinside.file] \
      [file join dir.file inside.file]
    file link dir.link dir.file
}]} {
    tcltest::testConstraint hasLinks 0
} else {
    tcltest::testConstraint hasLinks 1

test filesystem-1.0 {link normalisation} {hasLinks} {
   string equal [file normalize gorp.file] [file normalize link.file]
} {0}

test filesystem-1.1 {link normalisation} {hasLinks} {
   string equal [file normalize dir.file] [file normalize dir.link]
} {0}

test filesystem-1.2 {link normalisation} {hasLinks macOrUnix} {
   string equal [file normalize [file join gorp.file foo]] \
     [file normalize [file join link.file foo]]
} {1}

test filesystem-1.3 {link normalisation} {hasLinks} {
   string equal [file normalize [file join dir.file foo]] \
     [file normalize [file join dir.link foo]]
} {1}

test filesystem-1.4 {link normalisation} {hasLinks} {
   string equal [file normalize [file join dir.file inside.file]] \
     [file normalize [file join dir.link inside.file]]
} {1}

test filesystem-1.5 {link normalisation} {hasLinks} {
   string equal [file normalize [file join dir.file linkinside.file]] \
     [file normalize [file join dir.file linkinside.file]]
} {1}

test filesystem-1.6 {link normalisation} {hasLinks} {
   string equal [file normalize [file join dir.file linkinside.file]] \
     [file normalize [file join dir.link inside.file]]
} {0}

test filesystem-1.7 {link normalisation} {hasLinks macOrUnix} {
   string equal [file normalize [file join dir.link linkinside.file foo]] \
     [file normalize [file join dir.file inside.file foo]]
} {1}

test filesystem-1.8 {link normalisation} {hasLinks} {
   string equal [file normalize [file join dir.file linkinside.filefoo]] \
     [file normalize [file join dir.link inside.filefoo]]
} {0}

test filesystem-1.9 {link normalisation} {macOrUnix hasLinks} {
    file delete -force dir.link
    file link dir.link [file nativename dir.file]
    string equal [file normalize [file join dir.file linkinside.file foo]] \
      [file normalize [file join dir.link inside.file foo]]
} {1}

test filesystem-1.10 {link normalisation: double link} {macOrUnix hasLinks} {
    file link dir2.link dir.link
    string equal [file normalize [file join dir.file linkinside.file foo]] \
      [file normalize [file join dir2.link inside.file foo]]
} {1}

makeDirectory dir2.file

test filesystem-1.11 {link normalisation: double link, back in tree} {macOrUnix hasLinks} {
    file link [file join dir2.file dir2.link] dir2.link
    string equal [file normalize [file join dir.file linkinside.file foo]] \
      [file normalize [file join dir2.file dir2.link inside.file foo]]
} {1}

test filesystem-1.12 {file new native path} {} {
    for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
	foreach f [lsort [glob -nocomplain -type l *]] {
	    catch {file readlink $f}
    # If we reach here we've succeeded. We used to crash above.
    expr 1
} {1}

test filesystem-1.13 {file normalisation} {winOnly} {
    # This used to be broken
    file normalize C:/thislongnamedoesntexist
} {C:/thislongnamedoesntexist}

test filesystem-1.14 {file normalisation} {winOnly} {
    # This used to be broken
    file normalize c:/
} {C:/}

file delete -force dir2.file
file delete -force dir2.link
file delete -force link.file dir.link
removeFile [file join dir.file inside.file]
removeDirectory dir.file

test filesystem-2.0 {new native path} {unixOnly} {
   foreach f [lsort [glob -nocomplain /usr/bin/c*]] {
       catch {file readlink $f}
   # If we reach here we've succeeded. We used to crash above.
   expr 1
} {1}

if {[catch {package require tcltest 2}]} {
    puts stderr "Skipping tests filesystem-{3,4}.*: tcltest 2 required."
} else {
    namespace import ::tcltest::testConstraint

    # Is the Tcltest package loaded?
    #   - that is, the special C-coded testing commands in tclTest.c
    #   - tests use testing commands introduced in Tcltest 8.4
    testConstraint Tcltest [expr {
        [llength [package provide Tcltest]]
        && [package vsatisfies [package provide Tcltest] 8.4]}]

# Make sure the testfilesystem hasn't been registered.
while {![catch {testfilesystem 0}]} {}

test filesystem-3.0 {Tcl_FSRegister} Tcltest {
    testfilesystem 1
} {registered}

test filesystem-3.1 {Tcl_FSUnregister} Tcltest {
    testfilesystem 0
} {unregistered}

test filesystem-3.2 {Tcl_FSUnregister} Tcltest {
    list [catch {testfilesystem 0} err] $err
} {1 failed}

test filesystem-3.3 {Tcl_FSRegister} Tcltest {
    testfilesystem 1
    testfilesystem 1
    testfilesystem 0
    testfilesystem 0
} {unregistered}

test filesystem-3.4 {Tcl_FSRegister} Tcltest {
    testfilesystem 1
    file system bar
} {reporting}

test filesystem-3.5 {Tcl_FSUnregister} Tcltest {
    testfilesystem 0
    lindex [file system bar] 0
} {native}

test filesystem-4.0 {testfilesystem} {
    -constraints Tcltest
    -match glob
    -body {
	testfilesystem 1
	set filesystemReport {}
	file exists foo
	testfilesystem 0
	set filesystemReport
    -result {* {access foo}}

test filesystem-4.1 {testfilesystem} {
    -constraints Tcltest
    -match glob
    -body {
	testfilesystem 1
	set filesystemReport {}
	catch {file stat foo bar}
	testfilesystem 0
	set filesystemReport
    -result {* {stat foo}}

test filesystem-4.2 {testfilesystem} {
    -constraints Tcltest
    -match glob
    -body {
	testfilesystem 1
	set filesystemReport {}
	catch {file lstat foo bar}
	testfilesystem 0
	set filesystemReport
    -result {* {lstat foo}}

test filesystem-4.3 {testfilesystem} {
    -constraints Tcltest
    -match glob
    -body {
	testfilesystem 1
	set filesystemReport {}
	catch {glob *}
	testfilesystem 0
	set filesystemReport
    -result {* {matchindirectory *}*}

test filesystem-5.1 {cache and ~} {
    -constraints Tcltest
    -match regexp
    -body {
	set orig $env(HOME)
	set ::env(HOME) /foo/bar/blah
	set testdir ~
	set res1 "Parent of ~ (/foo/bar/blah) is [file dirname $testdir]"
	set ::env(HOME) /a/b/c
	set res2 "Parent of ~ (/a/b/c) is [file dirname $testdir]"
	set ::env(HOME) $orig
	list $res1 $res2
    -result {{Parent of ~ \(/foo/bar/blah\) is (/foo/bar|foo:bar)} {Parent of ~ \(/a/b/c\) is (/a/b|a:b)}}

test filesystem-6.1 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {open ""} msg] $msg
} {1 {couldn't open "": no such file or directory}}

test filesystem-6.2 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file stat "" arr} msg] $msg
} {1 {could not read "": no such file or directory}}

test filesystem-6.3 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file atime ""} msg] $msg
} {1 {could not read "": no such file or directory}}

test filesystem-6.4 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file attributes ""} msg] $msg
} {1 {could not read "": no such file or directory}}

test filesystem-6.5 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file copy "" ""} msg] $msg
} {1 {error copying "": no such file or directory}}

test filesystem-6.6 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file delete ""} msg] $msg
} {0 {}}

test filesystem-6.7 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file dirname ""} msg] $msg
} {0 .}

test filesystem-6.8 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file executable ""} msg] $msg
} {0 0}

test filesystem-6.9 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file exists ""} msg] $msg
} {0 0}

test filesystem-6.10 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file extension ""} msg] $msg
} {0 {}}

test filesystem-6.11 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file isdirectory ""} msg] $msg
} {0 0}

test filesystem-6.12 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file isfile ""} msg] $msg
} {0 0}

test filesystem-6.13 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file join ""} msg] $msg
} {0 {}}

test filesystem-6.14 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file link ""} msg] $msg
} {1 {could not read link "": no such file or directory}}

test filesystem-6.15 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file lstat "" arr} msg] $msg
} {1 {could not read "": no such file or directory}}

test filesystem-6.16 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file mtime ""} msg] $msg
} {1 {could not read "": no such file or directory}}

test filesystem-6.17 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file mtime "" 0} msg] $msg
} {1 {could not read "": no such file or directory}}

test filesystem-6.18 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file mkdir ""} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't create directory "": no such file or directory}}

test filesystem-6.19 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file nativename ""} msg] $msg
} {0 {}}

test filesystem-6.20 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file normalize ""} msg] $msg
} {0 {}}

test filesystem-6.21 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file owned ""} msg] $msg
} {0 0}

test filesystem-6.22 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file pathtype ""} msg] $msg
} {0 relative}

test filesystem-6.23 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file readable ""} msg] $msg
} {0 0}

test filesystem-6.24 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file readlink ""} msg] $msg
} {1 {could not readlink "": no such file or directory}}

test filesystem-6.25 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file rename "" ""} msg] $msg
} {1 {error renaming "": no such file or directory}}

test filesystem-6.26 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file rootname ""} msg] $msg
} {0 {}}

test filesystem-6.27 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file separator ""} msg] $msg
} {1 {Unrecognised path}}

test filesystem-6.28 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file size ""} msg] $msg
} {1 {could not read "": no such file or directory}}

test filesystem-6.29 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file split ""} msg] $msg
} {0 {}}

test filesystem-6.30 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file system ""} msg] $msg
} {1 {Unrecognised path}}

test filesystem-6.31 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file tail ""} msg] $msg
} {0 {}}

test filesystem-6.32 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file type ""} msg] $msg
} {1 {could not read "": no such file or directory}}

test filesystem-6.33 {empty file name} {
    list [catch {file writable ""} msg] $msg
} {0 0}

# Make sure the testfilesystem hasn't been registered.
while {![catch {testfilesystem 0}]} {}

test filesystem-7.1 {load from vfs} {win} {
    # This may cause a crash on exit
    set dir [pwd]
    cd [file dirname [info nameof]]
    set dde [lindex [glob *dde*[info sharedlib]] 0]
    testsimplefilesystem 1
    # This loads dde via a complex copy-to-temp operation
    load simplefs:/$dde dde
    testsimplefilesystem 0
    cd $dir
    set res "ok"
    # The real result of this test is what happens when Tcl exits.
} {ok}

test filesystem-7.2 {cross-filesystem copy from vfs maintains mtime} {
    set dir [pwd]
    cd [tcltest::temporaryDirectory]
    # We created this file several tests ago.
    set origtime [file mtime gorp.file]
    testsimplefilesystem 1
    file delete -force theCopy
    file copy simplefs:/gorp.file theCopy
    testsimplefilesystem 0
    set newtime [file mtime theCopy]
    file delete theCopy
    cd $dir
    expr {$origtime == $newtime}
} {1}

removeFile gorp.file

test filesystem-8.1 {relative path objects and caching of pwd} {
    set dir [pwd]
    cd [tcltest::temporaryDirectory]
    makeDirectory abc
    makeDirectory def
    makeFile "contents" [file join abc foo]
    cd abc
    set f "foo"
    set res {}
    lappend res [file exists $f]
    lappend res [file exists $f]
    cd ..
    cd def
    # If we haven't cleared the object's cwd cache, Tcl 
    # will think it still exists.
    lappend res [file exists $f]
    lappend res [file exists $f]
    removeFile [file join abc foo]
    removeDirectory abc
    removeDirectory def
    cd $dir
    set res
} {1 1 0 0}

test filesystem-8.2 {relative path objects and use of pwd} {
    set origdir [pwd]
    cd [tcltest::temporaryDirectory]
    set dir "abc"
    makeDirectory $dir
    makeFile "contents" [file join abc foo]
    cd $dir
    set res [file exists [lindex [glob *] 0]]
    cd ..
    removeFile [file join abc foo]
    removeDirectory abc
    removeDirectory def
    cd $origdir
    set res
} {1}

test filesystem-8.3 {path objects and empty string} {
    set anchor ""
    set dst foo
    set res $dst

    set yyy [file split $anchor]
    set dst [file join  $anchor $dst]
    lappend res $dst $yyy
} {foo foo {}}

namespace delete ::tcl::test::fileSystem