# Commands covered:  format
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1991-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: format.test,v 2005/06/17 23:26:20 dkf Exp $

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest 2
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

# The following code is needed because some versions of SCO Unix have
# a round-off error in sprintf which would cause some of the tests to
# fail.  Someday I hope this code shouldn't be necessary (code added
# 9/9/91).

set ::tcltest::testConstraints(roundOffBug) \
	[expr {"[format %7.1e  68.514]" != "6.8e+01"}]

test format-1.1 {integer formatting} {
    format "%*d %d %d %d" 6 34 16923 -12 -1
} {    34 16923 -12 -1}
test format-1.2 {integer formatting} {nonPortable} {
    format "%4d %4d %4d %4d %d %#x %#X" 6 34 16923 -12 -1 14 12
} {   6   34 16923  -12 -1 0xe 0XC}

# %u output depends on word length, so this test is not portable.

test format-1.3 {integer formatting} {nonPortable} {
    format "%4u %4u %4u %4u %d %#o" 6 34 16923 -12 -1 0
} {   6   34 16923 4294967284 -1 0}
test format-1.4 {integer formatting} {
    format "%-4d %-4i %-4d %-4ld" 6 34 16923 -12 -1
} {6    34   16923 -12 }
test format-1.5 {integer formatting} {
    format "%04d %04d %04d %04i" 6 34 16923 -12 -1
} {0006 0034 16923 -012}
test format-1.6 {integer formatting} {
    format "%00*d" 6 34
} {000034}

# Printing negative numbers in hex or octal format depends on word
# length, so these tests are not portable.

test format-1.7 {integer formatting} {nonPortable} {
    format "%4x %4x %4x %4x" 6 34 16923 -12 -1
} {   6   22 421b fffffff4}
test format-1.8 {integer formatting} {nonPortable} {
    format "%#x %#X %#X %#x" 6 34 16923 -12 -1
} {0x6 0X22 0X421B 0xfffffff4}
test format-1.9 {integer formatting} {nonPortable} {
    format "%#20x %#20x %#20x %#20x" 6 34 16923 -12 -1
} {                 0x6                 0x22               0x421b           0xfffffff4}
test format-1.10 {integer formatting} {nonPortable} {
    format "%-#20x %-#20x %-#20x %-#20x" 6 34 16923 -12 -1
} {0x6                  0x22                 0x421b               0xfffffff4          }
test format-1.11 {integer formatting} {nonPortable} {
    format "%-#20o %#-20o %#-20o %#-20o" 6 34 16923 -12 -1
} {06                   042                  041033               037777777764        }

test format-2.1 {string formatting} {
    format "%s %s %c %s" abcd {This is a very long test string.} 120 x
} {abcd This is a very long test string. x x}
test format-2.2 {string formatting} {
    format "%20s %20s %20c %20s" abcd {This is a very long test string.} 120 x
} {                abcd This is a very long test string.                    x                    x}
test format-2.3 {string formatting} {
    format "%.10s %.10s %c %.10s" abcd {This is a very long test string.} 120 x
} {abcd This is a  x x}
test format-2.4 {string formatting} {
    format "%s %s %% %c %s" abcd {This is a very long test string.} 120 x
} {abcd This is a very long test string. % x x}
test format-2.5 {string formatting, embedded nulls} {
    format "%10s" abc\0def
} "   abc\0def"
test format-2.6 {string formatting, international chars} {
    format "%10s" abc\ufeffdef
} "   abc\ufeffdef"
test format-2.7 {string formatting, international chars} {
    format "%.5s" abc\ufeffdef
} "abc\ufeffd"
test format-2.8 {string formatting, international chars} {
    format "foo\ufeffbar%s" baz
} "foo\ufeffbarbaz"
test format-2.9 {string formatting, width} {
    format "a%5sa" f
} "a    fa"
test format-2.10 {string formatting, width} {
    format "a%-5sa" f
} "af    a"
test format-2.11 {string formatting, width} {
    format "a%2sa" foo
} "afooa"
test format-2.12 {string formatting, width} {
    format "a%0sa" foo
} "afooa"
test format-2.13 {string formatting, precision} {
    format "a%.2sa" foobarbaz
} "afoa"
test format-2.14 {string formatting, precision} {
    format "a%.sa" foobarbaz
} "aa"
test format-2.15 {string formatting, precision} {
    list [catch {format "a%.-2sa" foobarbaz} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad field specifier "-"}}
test format-2.16 {string formatting, width and precision} {
    format "a%5.2sa" foobarbaz
} "a   foa"
test format-2.17 {string formatting, width and precision} {
    format "a%5.7sa" foobarbaz
} "afoobarba"

test format-3.1 {Tcl_FormatObjCmd: character formatting} {
    format "|%c|%0c|%-1c|%1c|%-6c|%6c|%*c|%*c|" 65 65 65 65 65 65 3 65 -4 65
} "|A|A|A|A|A     |     A|  A|A   |"
test format-3.2 {Tcl_FormatObjCmd: international character formatting} {
    format "|%c|%0c|%-1c|%1c|%-6c|%6c|%*c|%*c|" 0xa2 0x4e4e 0x25a 0xc3 0xff08 0 3 0x6575 -4 0x4e4f
} "|\ua2|\u4e4e|\u25a|\uc3|\uff08     |     \0|  \u6575|\u4e4f   |"

test format-4.1 {e and f formats} {eformat} {
    format "%e %e %e %e" 34.2e12 68.514 -.125 -16000. .000053
} {3.420000e+13 6.851400e+01 -1.250000e-01 -1.600000e+04}
test format-4.2 {e and f formats} {eformat} {
    format "%20e %20e %20e %20e" 34.2e12 68.514 -.125 -16000. .000053
} {        3.420000e+13         6.851400e+01        -1.250000e-01        -1.600000e+04}
test format-4.3 {e and f formats} {eformat roundOffBug} {
    format "%.1e %.1e %.1e %.1e" 34.2e12 68.514 -.126 -16000. .000053
} {3.4e+13 6.9e+01 -1.3e-01 -1.6e+04}
test format-4.4 {e and f formats} {eformat roundOffBug} {
    format "%020e %020e %020e %020e" 34.2e12 68.514 -.126 -16000. .000053
} {000000003.420000e+13 000000006.851400e+01 -00000001.260000e-01 -00000001.600000e+04}
test format-4.5 {e and f formats} {eformat roundOffBug} {
    format "%7.1e %7.1e %7.1e %7.1e" 34.2e12 68.514 -.126 -16000. .000053
} {3.4e+13 6.9e+01 -1.3e-01 -1.6e+04}
test format-4.6 {e and f formats roundOffBug} {
    format "%f %f %f %f" 34.2e12 68.514 -.125 -16000. .000053
} {34200000000000.000000 68.514000 -0.125000 -16000.000000}
test format-4.7 {e and f formats} {nonPortable} {
    format "%.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f" 34.2e12 68.514 -.125 -16000. .000053
} {34200000000000.0000 68.5140 -0.1250 -16000.0000 0.0001}
test format-4.8 {e and f formats} {eformat} {
    format "%.4e %.5e %.6e" -9.99996 -9.99996 9.99996
} {-1.0000e+01 -9.99996e+00 9.999960e+00}
test format-4.9 {e and f formats} {
    format "%.4f %.5f %.6f" -9.99996 -9.99996 9.99996
} {-10.0000 -9.99996 9.999960}
test format-4.10 {e and f formats} {
    format "%20f %-20f %020f" -9.99996 -9.99996 9.99996
} {           -9.999960 -9.999960            0000000000009.999960}
test format-4.11 {e and f formats} {
    format "%-020f %020f" -9.99996 -9.99996 9.99996
} {-9.999960            -000000000009.999960}
test format-4.12 {e and f formats} {eformat} {
    format "%.0e %#.0e" -9.99996 -9.99996 9.99996
} {-1e+01 -1.e+01}
test format-4.13 {e and f formats} {
    format "%.0f %#.0f" -9.99996 -9.99996 9.99996
} {-10 -10.}
test format-4.14 {e and f formats} {
    format "%.4f %.5f %.6f" -9.99996 -9.99996 9.99996
} {-10.0000 -9.99996 9.999960}
test format-4.15 {e and f formats} {
    format "%3.0f %3.0f %3.0f %3.0f" 1.0 1.1 1.01 1.001
} {  1   1   1   1}
test format-4.16 {e and f formats} {
    format "%3.1f %3.1f %3.1f %3.1f" 0.0 0.1 0.01 0.001
} {0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0}

test format-5.1 {g-format} {eformat} {
    format "%.3g" 12341.0
} {1.23e+04}
test format-5.2 {g-format} {eformat} {
    format "%.3G" 1234.12345
} {1.23E+03}
test format-5.3 {g-format} {
    format "%.3g" 123.412345
} {123}
test format-5.4 {g-format} {
    format "%.3g" 12.3412345
} {12.3}
test format-5.5 {g-format} {
    format "%.3g" 1.23412345
} {1.23}
test format-5.6 {g-format} {
    format "%.3g" 1.23412345
} {1.23}
test format-5.7 {g-format} {
    format "%.3g" .123412345
} {0.123}
test format-5.8 {g-format} {
    format "%.3g" .012341
} {0.0123}
test format-5.9 {g-format} {
    format "%.3g" .0012341
} {0.00123}
test format-5.10 {g-format} {
    format "%.3g" .00012341
} {0.000123}
test format-5.11 {g-format} {eformat} {
    format "%.3g" .00001234
} {1.23e-05}
test format-5.12 {g-format} {eformat} {
    format "%.4g" 9999.6
} {1e+04}
test format-5.13 {g-format} {
    format "%.4g" 999.96
} {1000}
test format-5.14 {g-format} {
    format "%.3g" 1.0
} {1}
test format-5.15 {g-format} {
    format "%.3g" .1
} {0.1}
test format-5.16 {g-format} {
    format "%.3g" .01
} {0.01}
test format-5.17 {g-format} {
    format "%.3g" .001
} {0.001}
test format-5.18 {g-format} {eformat} {
    format "%.3g" .00001
} {1e-05}
test format-5.19 {g-format} {eformat} {
    format "%#.3g" 1234.0
} {1.23e+03}
test format-5.20 {g-format} {eformat} {
    format "%#.3G" 9999.5
} {1.00E+04}

test format-6.1 {floating-point zeroes} {eformat} {
    format "%e %f %g" 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
} {0.000000e+00 0.000000 0}
test format-6.2 {floating-point zeroes} {eformat} {
    format "%.4e %.4f %.4g" 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
} {0.0000e+00 0.0000 0}
test format-6.3 {floating-point zeroes} {eformat} {
    format "%#.4e %#.4f %#.4g" 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
} {0.0000e+00 0.0000 0.000}
test format-6.4 {floating-point zeroes} {eformat} {
    format "%.0e %.0f %.0g" 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
} {0e+00 0 0}
test format-6.5 {floating-point zeroes} {eformat} {
    format "%#.0e %#.0f %#.0g" 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
} {0.e+00 0. 0.}
test format-6.6 {floating-point zeroes} {
    format "%3.0f %3.0f %3.0f %3.0f" 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
} {  0   0   0   0}
test format-6.7 {floating-point zeroes} {
    format "%3.0f %3.0f %3.0f %3.0f" 1.0 1.1 1.01 1.001
} {  1   1   1   1}
test format-6.8 {floating-point zeroes} {
    format "%3.1f %3.1f %3.1f %3.1f" 0.0 0.1 0.01 0.001
} {0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0}

test format-7.1 {various syntax features} {
    format "%*.*f" 12 3 12.345678901
} {      12.346}
test format-7.2 {various syntax features} {
    format "%0*.*f" 12 3 12.345678901
} {00000012.346}
test format-7.3 {various syntax features} {
    format "\*\t\\n"
} {*	\n}

test format-8.1 {error conditions} {
    catch format
} 1
test format-8.2 {error conditions} {
    catch format msg
    set msg
} {wrong # args: should be "format formatString ?arg arg ...?"}
test format-8.3 {error conditions} {
    catch {format %*d}
} 1
test format-8.4 {error conditions} {
    catch {format %*d} msg
    set msg
} {not enough arguments for all format specifiers}
test format-8.5 {error conditions} {
    catch {format %*.*f 12}
} 1
test format-8.6 {error conditions} {
    catch {format %*.*f 12} msg
    set msg
} {not enough arguments for all format specifiers}
test format-8.7 {error conditions} {
    catch {format %*.*f 12 3}
} 1
test format-8.8 {error conditions} {
    catch {format %*.*f 12 3} msg
    set msg
} {not enough arguments for all format specifiers}
test format-8.9 {error conditions} {
    list [catch {format %*d x 3} msg] $msg
} {1 {expected integer but got "x"}}
test format-8.10 {error conditions} {
    list [catch {format %*.*f 2 xyz 3} msg] $msg
} {1 {expected integer but got "xyz"}}
test format-8.11 {error conditions} {
    catch {format %d 2a}
} 1
test format-8.12 {error conditions} {
    catch {format %d 2a} msg
    set msg
} {expected integer but got "2a"}
test format-8.13 {error conditions} {
    catch {format %c 2x}
} 1
test format-8.14 {error conditions} {
    catch {format %c 2x} msg
    set msg
} {expected integer but got "2x"}
test format-8.15 {error conditions} {
    catch {format %f 2.1z}
} 1
test format-8.16 {error conditions} {
    catch {format %f 2.1z} msg
    set msg
} {expected floating-point number but got "2.1z"}
test format-8.17 {error conditions} {
    catch {format ab%}
} 1
test format-8.18 {error conditions} {
    catch {format ab% 12} msg
    set msg
} {format string ended in middle of field specifier}
test format-8.19 {error conditions} {
    catch {format %q x}
} 1
test format-8.20 {error conditions} {
    catch {format %q x} msg
    set msg
} {bad field specifier "q"}
test format-8.21 {error conditions} {
    catch {format %d}
} 1
test format-8.22 {error conditions} {
    catch {format %d} msg
    set msg
} {not enough arguments for all format specifiers}
test format-8.23 {error conditions} {
    catch {format "%d %d" 24 xyz} msg
    set msg
} {expected integer but got "xyz"}

test format-9.1 {long result} {
    set a {1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}
    format {1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777 8888 9999 aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr ssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz AAAA BBBB CCCC DDDD EEEE FFFF GGGG %s %s} $a $a
} {1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777 8888 9999 aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr ssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz AAAA BBBB CCCC DDDD EEEE FFFF GGGG 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}

test format-10.1 {"h" format specifier} {nonPortable} {
    format %hd 0xffff
} -1
test format-10.2 {"h" format specifier} {nonPortable} {
    format %hx 0x10fff
} fff
test format-10.3 {"h" format specifier} {nonPortable} {
    format %hd 0x10000
} 0
test format-10.4 {"h" format specifier} {
    # Bug 1154163: This is minimal behaviour for %hx specifier!
    format %hx 1
} 1

test format-11.1 {XPG3 %$n specifiers} {
    format {%2$d %1$d} 4 5
} {5 4}
test format-11.2 {XPG3 %$n specifiers} {
    format {%2$d %1$d %1$d %3$d} 4 5 6
} {5 4 4 6}
test format-11.3 {XPG3 %$n specifiers} {
    list [catch {format {%2$d %3$d} 4 5} msg] $msg
} {1 {"%n$" argument index out of range}}
test format-11.4 {XPG3 %$n specifiers} {
    list [catch {format {%2$d %0$d} 4 5 6} msg] $msg
} {1 {"%n$" argument index out of range}}
test format-11.5 {XPG3 %$n specifiers} {
    list [catch {format {%d %1$d} 4 5 6} msg] $msg
} {1 {cannot mix "%" and "%n$" conversion specifiers}}
test format-11.6 {XPG3 %$n specifiers} {
    list [catch {format {%2$d %d} 4 5 6} msg] $msg
} {1 {cannot mix "%" and "%n$" conversion specifiers}}
test format-11.7 {XPG3 %$n specifiers} {
    list [catch {format {%2$d %3d} 4 5 6} msg] $msg
} {1 {cannot mix "%" and "%n$" conversion specifiers}}
test format-11.8 {XPG3 %$n specifiers} {
    format {%2$*d %3$d} 1 10 4
} {         4 4}
test format-11.9 {XPG3 %$n specifiers} {
    format {%2$.*s %4$d} 1 5 abcdefghijklmnop 44
} {abcde 44}
test format-11.10 {XPG3 %$n specifiers} {
    list [catch {format {%2$*d} 4} msg] $msg
} {1 {"%n$" argument index out of range}}
test format-11.11 {XPG3 %$n specifiers} {
    list [catch {format {%2$*d} 4 5} msg] $msg
} {1 {"%n$" argument index out of range}}
test format-11.12 {XPG3 %$n specifiers} {
    list [catch {format {%2$*d} 4 5 6} msg] $msg
} {0 {    6}}

test format-12.1 {negative width specifiers} {
    format "%*d" -47 25
} {25                                             }
test format-13.1 {tcl_precision fuzzy comparison} {
    catch {unset a}
    catch {unset b}
    catch {unset c}
    catch {unset d}
    set a 0.0000000000001
    set b 0.00000000000001
    set c 0.00000000000000001
    set d [expr $a + $b + $c]
    format {%0.10f %0.12f %0.15f %0.17f} $d $d $d $d
} {0.0000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000110 0.00000000000011001}
test format-13.2 {tcl_precision fuzzy comparison} {
    catch {unset a}
    catch {unset b}
    catch {unset c}
    catch {unset d}
    set a 0.000000000001
    set b 0.000000000000005
    set c 0.0000000000000008
    set d [expr $a + $b + $c]
    format {%0.10f %0.12f %0.15f %0.17f} $d $d $d $d
} {0.0000000000 0.000000000001 0.000000000001006 0.00000000000100580}
test format-13.3 {tcl_precision fuzzy comparison} {
    catch {unset a}
    catch {unset b}
    catch {unset c}
    set a 0.00000000000099
    set b 0.000000000000011
    set c [expr $a + $b]
    format {%0.10f %0.12f %0.15f %0.17f} $c $c $c $c
} {0.0000000000 0.000000000001 0.000000000001001 0.00000000000100100}
test format-13.4 {tcl_precision fuzzy comparison} {
    catch {unset a}
    catch {unset b}
    catch {unset c}
    set a 0.444444444444
    set b 0.33333333333333
    set c [expr $a + $b]
    format {%0.10f %0.12f %0.15f %0.16f} $c $c $c $c
} {0.7777777778 0.777777777777 0.777777777777330 0.7777777777773300}
test format-13.5 {tcl_precision fuzzy comparison} {
    catch {unset a}
    catch {unset b}
    catch {unset c}
    set a 0.444444444444
    set b 0.99999999999999
    set c [expr $a + $b]
    format {%0.10f %0.12f %0.15f} $c $c $c
} {1.4444444444 1.444444444444 1.444444444443990}
test format-14.1 {testing MAX_FLOAT_SIZE for 0 and 1} {
    format {%s} ""
} {}
test format-14.2 {testing MAX_FLOAT_SIZE for 0 and 1} {
    format {%s} "a"
} {a}

test format-15.1 {testing %0..s 0 padding for chars/strings} {
    format %05s a
} {0000a}
test format-15.2 {testing %0..s 0 padding for chars/strings} {
    format "% 5s" a
} {    a}
test format-15.3 {testing %0..s 0 padding for chars/strings} {
    format %5s a
} {    a}
test format-15.4 {testing %0..s 0 padding for chars/strings} {
    format %05c 61
} {0000=}

set a "0123456789"
set b ""
for {set i 0} {$i < 290} {incr i} {
    append b $a
for {set i 290} {$i < 400} {incr i} {
    test format-16.[expr $i -289] {testing MAX_FLOAT_SIZE} {
        format {%s} $b    
    } $b
    append b "x"

::tcltest::testConstraint 64bitInts \
	[expr {0x80000000 > 0}]
::tcltest::testConstraint wideIntExpressions \
	[expr {wide(0x80000000) != int(0x80000000)}]

test format-17.1 {testing %d with wide} {64bitInts wideIntExpressions} {
    list [catch {format %d 7810179016327718216} msg] $msg
} {1 {integer value too large to represent}}
test format-17.2 {testing %ld with wide} {64bitInts} {
    format %ld 7810179016327718216
} 7810179016327718216
test format-17.3 {testing %ld with non-wide} {64bitInts} {
    format %ld 42
} 42
test format-17.4 {testing %l with non-integer} {
    format %lf 1
} 1.000000
test format-17.5 {type conversions with wides} {
    set a 0xAAAAAAAA ;# NB: Careful to make separate objects here!
    set b 0xAAAAAAA; append b A
    set result [expr {$a == $b}]
    format %x $a
    lappend result [expr {$a == $b}]
} {1 1}

test format-18.1 {do not demote existing numeric values} {
    set a 0xaaaaaaaa
    # Ensure $a and $b are separate objects
    set b 0xaaaa
    append b aaaa

    set result [expr {$a == $b}]
    format %08lx $b
    lappend result [expr {$a == $b}]

    set b 0xaaaa
    append b aaaa

    lappend result [expr {$a == $b}]
    format %08x $b
    lappend result [expr {$a == $b}]
} {1 1 1 1}
test format-18.2 {do not demote existing numeric values} {wideIntExpressions} {
    set a [expr {0xaaaaaaaaaa + 1}]
    set b 0xaaaaaaaaab
    list [catch {format %08x $a} msg] $msg [expr {$a == $b}]
} {1 {integer value too large to represent} 1}

test format-19.1 {
    regression test - tcl-core message by Brian Griffin on
    26 0ctober 2004
} -body {
    set x 0x8fedc654
    list [expr { ~ $x }] [format %08x [expr { ~$x }]]
} -match regexp -result {-2414724693 f*701239ab}

# cleanup
catch {unset a}
catch {unset b}
catch {unset c}
catch {unset d}