# Commands covered:  http::config, http::geturl, http::wait, http::reset
# This file contains a collection of tests for the http script library.
# Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for errors.
# No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1991-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
    package require tcltest 2.5
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

if {[catch {package require http 2} version]} {
    if {[info exists http2]} {
	catch {puts "Cannot load http 2.* package"}
    } else {
	catch {puts "Running http 2.* tests in child interp"}
	set interp [interp create http2]
	$interp eval [list set http2 "running"]
	$interp eval [list set argv $argv]
	$interp eval [list source [info script]]
	interp delete $interp

proc bgerror {args} {
    global errorInfo
    puts stderr "http.test bgerror"
    puts stderr [join $args]
    puts stderr $errorInfo

# Do not use [info hostname].
# Name resolution is often a problem on OSX; not focus of HTTP package anyway.
# Also a problem on other platforms for http-4.14 (test with bad port number).
set HOST localhost
set port 8010
set bindata "This is binary data\x0d\x0amore\x0dmore\x0amore\x00null"
catch {unset data}

# Ensure httpd file exists

set origFile [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]] httpd]
set httpdFile [file join [temporaryDirectory] httpd_[pid]]
if {![file exists $httpdFile]} {
    makeFile "" $httpdFile
    file delete $httpdFile
    file copy $origFile $httpdFile
    set removeHttpd 1

catch {package require Thread 2.7-}
if {[catch {package present Thread}] == 0 && [file exists $httpdFile]} {
    set httpthread [thread::create -preserved]
    thread::send $httpthread [list source $httpdFile]
    thread::send $httpthread [list set port $port]
    thread::send $httpthread [list set bindata $bindata]
    thread::send $httpthread {httpd_init $port}
    puts "Running httpd in thread $httpthread"
} else {
    if {![file exists $httpdFile]} {
	puts "Cannot read $httpdFile script, http test skipped"
	unset port
    source $httpdFile
    # Let the OS pick the port; that's much more flexible
    if {[catch {httpd_init 0} listen]} {
	puts "Cannot start http server, http test skipped"
	unset port
    } else {
	# Running httpd in the current thread overwrites the values of port
	# (here) and HOST (in the sourced server file).
	set port [lindex [fconfigure $listen -sockname] 2]
test http-1.1 {http::config} {
    http::config -useragent UserAgent
} [list -accept */* -pipeline 1 -postfresh 0 -proxyfilter http::ProxyRequired -proxyhost {} -proxyport {} -repost 0 -urlencoding utf-8 -useragent UserAgent -zip 1]
test http-1.2 {http::config} {
    http::config -proxyfilter
} http::ProxyRequired
test http-1.3 {http::config} {
    catch {http::config -junk}
} 1
test http-1.4 {http::config} {
    set savedconf [http::config]
    http::config -proxyhost nowhere.come -proxyport 8080 \
	-proxyfilter myFilter -useragent "Tcl Test Suite" \
	-urlencoding iso8859-1
    set x [http::config]
    http::config {*}$savedconf
    set x
} {-accept */* -pipeline 1 -postfresh 0 -proxyfilter myFilter -proxyhost nowhere.come -proxyport 8080 -repost 0 -urlencoding iso8859-1 -useragent {Tcl Test Suite} -zip 1}
test http-1.5 {http::config} -returnCodes error -body {
    http::config -proxyhost {} -junk 8080
} -result {Unknown option -junk, must be: -accept, -pipeline, -postfresh, -proxyfilter, -proxyhost, -proxyport, -repost, -urlencoding, -useragent, -zip}
test http-1.6 {http::config} -setup {
    set oldenc [http::config -urlencoding]
} -body {
    set enc [list [http::config -urlencoding]]
    http::config -urlencoding iso8859-1
    lappend enc [http::config -urlencoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::config -urlencoding $oldenc
} -result {utf-8 iso8859-1}

test http-2.1 {http::reset} {
    catch {http::reset http#1}
} 0

test http-3.1 {http::geturl} -returnCodes error -body {
    http::geturl -bogus flag
} -result {Unknown option flag, can be: -binary, -blocksize, -channel, -command, -handler, -headers, -keepalive, -method, -myaddr, -progress, -protocol, -query, -queryblocksize, -querychannel, -queryprogress, -strict, -timeout, -type, -validate}
test http-3.2 {http::geturl} -returnCodes error -body {
    http::geturl http:junk
} -result {Unsupported URL: http:junk}
set url //${::HOST}:$port
set badurl //${::HOST}:[expr {$port+1}]
test http-3.3 {http::geturl} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url]
    http::data $token
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -result "<html><head><title>HTTP/1.0 TEST</title></head><body>
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<h2>GET /</h2>
set tail /a/b/c
set url //${::HOST}:$port/a/b/c
set fullurl HTTP://user:pass@${::HOST}:$port/a/b/c
set binurl //${::HOST}:$port/binary
set xmlurl //${::HOST}:$port/xml
set posturl //${::HOST}:$port/post
set badposturl //${::HOST}:$port/droppost
set authorityurl //${::HOST}:$port
set ipv6url http://\[::1\]:$port/
test http-3.4 {http::geturl} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url]
    http::data $token
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -result "<html><head><title>HTTP/1.0 TEST</title></head><body>
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<h2>GET $tail</h2>
proc selfproxy {host} {
    global port
    return [list ${::HOST} $port]
test http-3.5 {http::geturl} -body {
    http::config -proxyfilter selfproxy
    set token [http::geturl $url]
    http::data $token
} -cleanup {
    http::config -proxyfilter http::ProxyRequired
    http::cleanup $token
} -result "<html><head><title>HTTP/1.0 TEST</title></head><body>
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<h2>GET http:$url</h2>
test http-3.6 {http::geturl} -body {
    http::config -proxyfilter bogus
    set token [http::geturl $url]
    http::data $token
} -cleanup {
    http::config -proxyfilter http::ProxyRequired
    http::cleanup $token
} -result "<html><head><title>HTTP/1.0 TEST</title></head><body>
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<h2>GET $tail</h2>
test http-3.7 {http::geturl} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url -headers {Pragma no-cache}]
    http::data $token
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -result "<html><head><title>HTTP/1.0 TEST</title></head><body>
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<h2>GET $tail</h2>
test http-3.8 {http::geturl} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url -query Name=Value&Foo=Bar -timeout 3000]
    http::data $token
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -result "<html><head><title>HTTP/1.0 TEST</title></head><body>
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<h2>POST $tail</h2>
test http-3.9 {http::geturl} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url -validate 1]
    http::code $token
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -result "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
test http-3.10 {http::geturl queryprogress} -setup {
    set query foo=bar
    set sep ""
    set i 0
    # Create about 120K of query data
    while {$i < 14} {
	incr i
	append query $sep$query
	set sep &
} -body {
    proc postProgress {token x y} {
	global postProgress
	lappend postProgress $y
    set postProgress {}
    set t [http::geturl $posturl -keepalive 0 -query $query \
	    -queryprogress postProgress -queryblocksize 16384]
    http::wait $t
    list [http::status $t] [string length $query] $postProgress [http::data $t]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $t
} -result {ok 122879 {16384 32768 49152 65536 81920 98304 114688 122879} {Got 122879 bytes}}
test http-3.11 {http::geturl querychannel with -command} -setup {
    set query foo=bar
    set sep ""
    set i 0
    # Create about 120K of query data
    while {$i < 14} {
	incr i
	append query $sep$query
	set sep &
    set file [makeFile $query outdata]
} -body {
    set fp [open $file]
    proc asyncCB {token} {
	global postResult
	lappend postResult [http::data $token]
    set postResult [list ]
    set t [http::geturl $posturl -querychannel $fp]
    http::wait $t
    set testRes [list [http::status $t] [string length $query] [http::data $t]]
    # Now do async
    http::cleanup $t
    close $fp
    set fp [open $file]
    set t [http::geturl $posturl -querychannel $fp -command asyncCB]
    set postResult [list PostStart]
    http::wait $t
    close $fp
    lappend testRes [http::status $t] $postResult
} -cleanup {
    removeFile outdata
    http::cleanup $t
} -result {ok 122879 {Got 122880 bytes} ok {PostStart {Got 122880 bytes}}}
# On Linux platforms when the client and server are on the same host, the
# client is unable to read the server's response one it hits the write error.
# The status is "eof".
# On Windows, the http::wait procedure gets a "connection reset by peer" error
# while reading the reply.
test http-3.12 {http::geturl querychannel with aborted request} -setup {
    set query foo=bar
    set sep ""
    set i 0
    # Create about 120K of query data
    while {$i < 14} {
	incr i
	append query $sep$query
	set sep &
    set file [makeFile $query outdata]
} -constraints {nonPortable} -body {
    set fp [open $file]
    proc asyncCB {token} {
	global postResult
	lappend postResult [http::data $token]
    proc postProgress {token x y} {
	global postProgress
	lappend postProgress $y
    set postProgress {}
    # Now do async
    set postResult [list PostStart]
    if {[catch {
	set t [http::geturl $badposturl -querychannel $fp -command asyncCB \
		-queryprogress postProgress]
	http::wait $t
	upvar #0 $t state
    } err]} {
	puts $::errorInfo
	error $err
    list [http::status $t] [http::code $t]
} -cleanup {
    removeFile outdata
    http::cleanup $t
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.0 200 Data follows}}
test http-3.13 {http::geturl socket leak test} {
    set chanCount [llength [file channels]]
    for {set i 0} {$i < 3} {incr i} {
	catch {http::geturl $badurl -timeout 5000}
    # No extra channels should be taken
    expr {[llength [file channels]] == $chanCount}
} 1
test http-3.14 "http::geturl $fullurl" -body {
    set token [http::geturl $fullurl -validate 1]
    http::code $token
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -result "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
test http-3.15 {http::geturl parse failures} -body {
    http::geturl "{invalid}:url"
} -returnCodes error -result {Unsupported URL: {invalid}:url}
test http-3.16 {http::geturl parse failures} -body {
    http::geturl http:relative/url
} -returnCodes error -result {Unsupported URL: http:relative/url}
test http-3.17 {http::geturl parse failures} -body {
    http::geturl /absolute/url
} -returnCodes error -result {Missing host part: /absolute/url}
test http-3.18 {http::geturl parse failures} -body {
    http::geturl http://somewhere:123456789/
} -returnCodes error -result {Invalid port number: 123456789}
test http-3.19 {http::geturl parse failures} -body {
    http::geturl http://{user}@somewhere
} -returnCodes error -result {Illegal characters in URL user}
test http-3.20 {http::geturl parse failures} -body {
    http::geturl http://%user@somewhere
} -returnCodes error -result {Illegal encoding character usage "%us" in URL user}
test http-3.21 {http::geturl parse failures} -body {
    http::geturl http://somewhere/{path}
} -returnCodes error -result {Illegal characters in URL path}
test http-3.22 {http::geturl parse failures} -body {
    http::geturl http://somewhere/%path
} -returnCodes error -result {Illegal encoding character usage "%pa" in URL path}
test http-3.23 {http::geturl parse failures} -body {
    http::geturl http://somewhere/path?{query}?
} -returnCodes error -result {Illegal characters in URL path}
test http-3.24 {http::geturl parse failures} -body {
    http::geturl http://somewhere/path?%query
} -returnCodes error -result {Illegal encoding character usage "%qu" in URL path}
test http-3.25 {http::meta} -setup {
    unset -nocomplain m token
} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url -timeout 3000]
    array set m [http::meta $token]
    lsort [array names m]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
    unset -nocomplain m token
} -result {Content-Length Content-Type Date}
test http-3.26 {http::meta} -setup {
    unset -nocomplain m token
} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url -headers {X-Check 1} -timeout 3000]
    array set m [http::meta $token]
    lsort [array names m]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
    unset -nocomplain m token
} -result {Content-Length Content-Type Date X-Check}
test http-3.27 {http::geturl: -headers override -type} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url/headers -type "text/plain" -query dummy \
	    -headers [list "Content-Type" "text/plain;charset=utf-8"]]
    http::data $token
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -match regexp -result {(?n)Host .*
User-Agent .*
Connection close
Content-Type {text/plain;charset=utf-8}
Accept \*/\*
Accept-Encoding .*
Content-Length 5}
test http-3.28 {http::geturl: -headers override -type default} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url/headers -query dummy \
	    -headers [list "Content-Type" "text/plain;charset=utf-8"]]
    http::data $token
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -match regexp -result {(?n)Host .*
User-Agent .*
Connection close
Content-Type {text/plain;charset=utf-8}
Accept \*/\*
Accept-Encoding .*
Content-Length 5}
test http-3.29 {http::geturl IPv6 address} -body {
    # We only want to see if the URL gets parsed correctly. This is
    # the case if http::geturl succeeds or returns a socket related
    # error. If the parsing is wrong, we'll get a parse error.
    # It'd be better to separate the URL parser from http::geturl, so
    # that it can be tested without also trying to make a connection.
    set error [catch {http::geturl $ipv6url -validate 1} token]
    if {$error && [string match "couldn't open socket: *" $token]} {
            set error 0
    set error
} -cleanup {
    catch { http::cleanup $token }
} -result 0
test http-3.30 {http::geturl query without path} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $authorityurl?var=val]
    http::ncode $token
} -cleanup {
    catch { http::cleanup $token }
} -result 200
test http-3.31 {http::geturl fragment without path} -body {
    set token [http::geturl "$authorityurl#fragment42"]
    http::ncode $token
} -cleanup {
    catch { http::cleanup $token }
} -result 200
# Bug c11a51c482
test http-3.32 {http::geturl: -headers override -accept default} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url/headers -query dummy \
	    -headers [list "Accept" "text/plain,application/tcl-test-value"]]
    http::data $token
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -match regexp -result {(?n)Host .*
User-Agent .*
Connection close
Accept text/plain,application/tcl-test-value
Accept-Encoding .*
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length 5}
# Bug 838e99a76d
test http-3.33 {http::geturl application/xml is text} -body {
    set token [http::geturl "$xmlurl"]
    scan [http::data $token] "<%\[^>]>%c<%\[^>]>"
} -cleanup {
    catch { http::cleanup $token }
} -result {test 4660 /test}
test http-3.34 {http::geturl -headers not a dict} -returnCodes error -body {
    http::geturl http://test/t -headers NoDict
} -result {Bad value for -headers (NoDict), must be dict}

test http-4.1 {http::Event} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url -keepalive 0]
    upvar #0 $token data
    array set meta $data(meta)
    expr {($data(totalsize) == $meta(Content-Length))}
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -result 1
test http-4.2 {http::Event} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url]
    upvar #0 $token data
    array set meta $data(meta)
    string compare $data(type) [string trim $meta(Content-Type)]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -result 0
test http-4.3 {http::Event} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url]
    http::code $token
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -result {HTTP/1.0 200 Data follows}
test http-4.4 {http::Event} -setup {
    set testfile [makeFile "" testfile]
} -body {
    set out [open $testfile w]
    set token [http::geturl $url -channel $out]
    close $out
    set in [open $testfile]
    set x [read $in]
} -cleanup {
    catch {close $in}
    catch {close $out}
    removeFile $testfile
    http::cleanup $token
} -result "<html><head><title>HTTP/1.0 TEST</title></head><body>
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<h2>GET $tail</h2>
test http-4.5 {http::Event} -setup {
    set testfile [makeFile "" testfile]
} -body {
    set out [open $testfile w]
    fconfigure $out -translation lf
    set token [http::geturl $url -channel $out]
    close $out
    upvar #0 $token data
    expr {$data(currentsize) == $data(totalsize)}
} -cleanup {
    removeFile $testfile
    http::cleanup $token
} -result 1
test http-4.6 {http::Event} -setup {
    set testfile [makeFile "" testfile]
} -body {
    set out [open $testfile w]
    set token [http::geturl $binurl -channel $out]
    close $out
    set in [open $testfile]
    fconfigure $in -translation binary
    read $in
} -cleanup {
    catch {close $in}
    catch {close $out}
    removeFile $testfile
    http::cleanup $token
} -result "$bindata[string trimleft $binurl /]"
proc myProgress {token total current} {
    global progress httpLog
    if {[info exists httpLog] && $httpLog} {
	puts "progress $total $current"
    set progress [list $total $current]
test http-4.6.1 {http::Event} knownBug {
    set token [http::geturl $url -blocksize 50 -progress myProgress]
    return $progress
} {111 111}
test http-4.7 {http::Event} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url -keepalive 0 -progress myProgress]
    return $progress
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -result {111 111}
test http-4.8 {http::Event} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url]
    http::status $token
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -result {ok}
test http-4.9 {http::Event} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url -progress myProgress]
    http::code $token
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -result {HTTP/1.0 200 Data follows}
test http-4.10 {http::Event} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url -progress myProgress]
    http::size $token
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -result {111}
# Timeout cases
#	Short timeout to working server (the test server). This lets us try a
#	reset during the connection.
test http-4.11 {http::Event} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url -timeout 1 -keepalive 0 -command \#]
    http::reset $token
    http::status $token
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -result {reset}
#	Longer timeout with reset.
test http-4.12 {http::Event} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url/?timeout=10 -keepalive 0 -command \#]
    http::reset $token
    http::status $token
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -result {reset}
#	Medium timeout to working server that waits even longer. The timeout
#	hits while waiting for a reply.
test http-4.13 {http::Event} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $url?timeout=30 -keepalive 0 -timeout 10 -command \#]
    http::wait $token
    http::status $token
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $token
} -result {timeout}
#	Longer timeout to good host, bad port, gets an error after the
#	connection "completes" but the socket is bad.
test http-4.14 {http::Event} -body {
    set token [http::geturl $badurl/?timeout=10 -timeout 10000 -command \#]
    if {$token eq ""} {
	error "bogus return from http::geturl"
    http::wait $token
    lindex [http::error $token] 0
} -cleanup {
    catch {http::cleanup $token}
} -result {connect failed connection refused}
# Bogus host
test http-4.15 {http::Event} -body {
    # This test may fail if you use a proxy server. That is to be
    # expected and is not a problem with Tcl.
    set token [http::geturl //not_a_host.tcl.tk -timeout 3000 -command \#]
    http::wait $token
    http::status $token
    # error codes vary among platforms.
} -cleanup {
    catch {http::cleanup $token}
} -returnCodes 1 -match glob -result "couldn't open socket*"
test http-4.16 {Leak with Close vs Keepalive (bug [6ca52aec14]} -setup {
    proc list-difference {l1 l2} {
	lmap item $l2 {if {$item in $l1} continue; set item}
} -body {
    set before [chan names]
    set token [http::geturl $url -headers {X-Connection keep-alive}]
    http::cleanup $token
    # Compute what channels have been unexpectedly leaked past cleanup
    list-difference $before [chan names]
} -cleanup {
    rename list-difference {}
} -result {}

test http-5.1 {http::formatQuery} {
    http::formatQuery name1 value1 name2 "value two"
} {name1=value1&name2=value%20two}
# test http-5.2 obsoleted by 5.4 and 5.5 with http 2.5
test http-5.3 {http::formatQuery} {
    http::formatQuery lines "line1\nline2\nline3"
} {lines=line1%0D%0Aline2%0D%0Aline3}
test http-5.4 {http::formatQuery} {
    http::formatQuery name1 ~bwelch name2 \xa1\xa2\xa2
} {name1=~bwelch&name2=%C2%A1%C2%A2%C2%A2}
test http-5.5 {http::formatQuery} {
    set enc [http::config -urlencoding]
    http::config -urlencoding iso8859-1
    set res [http::formatQuery name1 ~bwelch name2 \xa1\xa2\xa2]
    http::config -urlencoding $enc
    set res
} {name1=~bwelch&name2=%A1%A2%A2}

test http-6.1 {http::ProxyRequired} -body {
    http::config -proxyhost ${::HOST} -proxyport $port
    set token [http::geturl $url]
    http::wait $token
    upvar #0 $token data
    set data(body)
} -cleanup {
    http::config -proxyhost {} -proxyport {}
    http::cleanup $token
} -result "<html><head><title>HTTP/1.0 TEST</title></head><body>
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<h2>GET http:$url</h2>

test http-7.1 {http::mapReply} {
    http::mapReply "abc\$\[\]\"\\()\}\{"
} {abc%24%5B%5D%22%5C%28%29%7D%7B}
test http-7.2 {http::mapReply} {
    # RFC 2718 specifies that we pass urlencoding on utf-8 chars by default,
    # so make sure this gets converted to utf-8 then urlencoded.
    http::mapReply "\u2208"
} {%E2%88%88}
test http-7.3 {http::formatQuery} -setup {
    set enc [http::config -urlencoding]
} -returnCodes error -body {
    # this would be reverting to http <=2.4 behavior
    http::config -urlencoding ""
    http::mapReply "\u2208"
} -cleanup {
    http::config -urlencoding $enc
} -result "can't read \"formMap(\u2208)\": no such element in array"
test http-7.4 {http::formatQuery} -setup {
    set enc [http::config -urlencoding]
} -body {
    # this would be reverting to http <=2.4 behavior w/o errors
    # (unknown chars become '?')
    http::config -urlencoding "iso8859-1"
    http::mapReply "\u2208"
} -cleanup {
    http::config -urlencoding $enc
} -result {%3F}
# cleanup
catch {unset url}
catch {unset badurl}
catch {unset port}
catch {unset data}
if {[info exists httpthread]} {
    thread::release $httpthread
} else {
    close $listen

if {[info exists removeHttpd]} {
    removeFile $httpdFile

rename bgerror {}

# Local variables:
# mode: tcl
# End: