# http11.test --                                                -*- tcl-*-
#	Test HTTP/1.1 features.
# Copyright (C) 2009 Pat Thoyts <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

package require tcltest 2
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

package require http 2.8

# start the server
variable httpd_output
proc create_httpd {} {
    proc httpd_read {chan} {
        variable httpd_output
        if {[gets $chan line] != -1} {
            #puts stderr "read '$line'"
            set httpd_output $line
        if {[eof $chan]} {
            puts stderr "eof from httpd"
            fileevent $chan readable {}
            close $chan
    variable httpd_output
    set httpd_script [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]] httpd11.tcl]
    set httpd [open "|[list [interpreter] -encoding utf-8 $httpd_script]" r+]
    fconfigure $httpd -buffering line -blocking 0
    fileevent $httpd readable [list httpd_read $httpd]
    vwait httpd_output
    variable httpd_port [lindex $httpd_output 2]
    return $httpd

proc halt_httpd {} {
    variable httpd_output
    variable httpd
    if {[info exists httpd]} {
        puts $httpd "quit"
        vwait httpd_output
        close $httpd
    unset -nocomplain httpd_output httpd

proc meta {tok {key ""}} {
    set meta [http::meta $tok]
    if {$key ne ""} {
        if {[dict exists $meta $key]} {
            return [dict get $meta $key]
        } else {
            return ""
    return $meta

proc check_crc {tok args} {
    set crc [meta $tok x-crc32]
    set data [expr {[llength $args] ? [lindex $args 0] : [http::data $tok]}]
    set chk [format %x [zlib crc32 $data]]
    if {$crc ne $chk} {
        return  "crc32 mismatch: $crc ne $chk"
    return "ok"

makeFile "<html><head><title>test</title></head><body><p>this is a test</p>\n[string repeat {<p>This is a tcl test file.</p>} 4192]\n</body></html>" testdoc.html
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

test http11-1.0 "normal request for document " -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html -timeout 10000]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok] [meta $tok connection]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok close}

test http11-1.1 "normal,gzip,non-chunked" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html?close=1 \
                 -timeout 10000 -headers {accept-encoding gzip}]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok] \
        [meta $tok content-encoding] [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok gzip {}}

test http11-1.2 "normal,deflated,non-chunked" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html?close=1 \
                 -timeout 10000 -headers {accept-encoding deflate}]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok] \
        [meta $tok content-encoding] [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok deflate {}}

test http11-1.3 "normal,compressed,non-chunked" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html?close=1 \
                 -timeout 10000 -headers {accept-encoding compress}]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok] \
        [meta $tok content-encoding] [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok compress {}}

test http11-1.4 "normal,identity,non-chunked" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html?close=1 \
                 -timeout 10000 -headers {accept-encoding identity}]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok] \
        [meta $tok content-encoding] [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok {} {}}

test http11-1.5 "normal request for document, unsupported coding" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -timeout 10000 -headers {accept-encoding unsupported}]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok] \
        [meta $tok content-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok {}}

test http11-1.6 "normal, specify 1.1 " -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -protocol 1.1 -timeout 10000]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok] \
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok close chunked}

test http11-1.7 "normal, 1.1 and keepalive " -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -protocol 1.1 -keepalive 1 -timeout 10000]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok] \
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok {} chunked}

test http11-1.8 "normal, 1.1 and keepalive, server close" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html?close=1 \
                 -protocol 1.1 -keepalive 1 -timeout 10000]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok] \
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok close {}}

test http11-1.9 "normal,gzip,chunked" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -timeout 10000 -headers {accept-encoding gzip}]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok] \
        [meta $tok content-encoding] [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok gzip chunked}

test http11-1.10 "normal,deflate,chunked" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -timeout 10000 -headers {accept-encoding deflate}]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok] \
        [meta $tok content-encoding] [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok deflate chunked}

test http11-1.11 "normal,compress,chunked" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -timeout 10000 -headers {accept-encoding compress}]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok] \
        [meta $tok content-encoding] [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok compress chunked}

test http11-1.12 "normal,identity,chunked" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -timeout 10000 -headers {accept-encoding identity}]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok] \
        [meta $tok content-encoding] [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok {} chunked}

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

test http11-2.0 "-channel" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set chan [open [makeFile {} testfile.tmp] wb+]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -timeout 5000 -channel $chan]
    http::wait $tok
    seek $chan 0
    set data [read $chan]
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $data]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    close $chan
    removeFile testfile.tmp
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok close chunked}

test http11-2.1 "-channel, encoding gzip" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set chan [open [makeFile {} testfile.tmp] wb+]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -timeout 5000 -channel $chan -headers {accept-encoding gzip}]
    http::wait $tok
    seek $chan 0
    set data [read $chan]
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $data]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok content-encoding]\
        [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    close $chan
    removeFile testfile.tmp
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok close gzip chunked}

test http11-2.2 "-channel, encoding deflate" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set chan [open [makeFile {} testfile.tmp] wb+]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -timeout 5000 -channel $chan -headers {accept-encoding deflate}]
    http::wait $tok
    seek $chan 0
    set data [read $chan]
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $data]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok content-encoding]\
        [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    close $chan
    removeFile testfile.tmp
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok close deflate chunked}

test http11-2.3 "-channel,encoding compress" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set chan [open [makeFile {} testfile.tmp] wb+]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -timeout 5000 -channel $chan \
                 -headers {accept-encoding compress}]
    http::wait $tok
    seek $chan 0
    set data [read $chan]
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $data]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok content-encoding]\
        [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    close $chan
    removeFile testfile.tmp
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok close compress chunked}

test http11-2.4 "-channel,encoding identity" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set chan [open [makeFile {} testfile.tmp] wb+]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -timeout 5000 -channel $chan \
                 -headers {accept-encoding identity}]
    http::wait $tok
    seek $chan 0
    set data [read $chan]
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $data]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok content-encoding]\
        [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    close $chan
    removeFile testfile.tmp
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok close {} chunked}

test http11-2.5 "-channel,encoding unsupported" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set chan [open [makeFile {} testfile.tmp] wb+]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -timeout 5000 -channel $chan \
                 -headers {accept-encoding unsupported}]
    http::wait $tok
    seek $chan 0
    set data [read $chan]
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $data]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok content-encoding]\
        [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    close $chan
    removeFile testfile.tmp
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok close {} chunked}

test http11-2.6 "-channel,encoding gzip,non-chunked" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set chan [open [makeFile {} testfile.tmp] wb+]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html?close=1 \
                 -timeout 5000 -channel $chan -headers {accept-encoding gzip}]
    http::wait $tok
    seek $chan 0
    set data [read $chan]
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $data]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok content-encoding]\
        [meta $tok transfer-encoding]\
        [expr {[file size testdoc.html]-[file size testfile.tmp]}]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    close $chan
    removeFile testfile.tmp
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok close gzip {} 0}

test http11-2.7 "-channel,encoding deflate,non-chunked" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set chan [open [makeFile {} testfile.tmp] wb+]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html?close=1 \
                 -timeout 5000 -channel $chan -headers {accept-encoding deflate}]
    http::wait $tok
    seek $chan 0
    set data [read $chan]
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $data]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok content-encoding]\
        [meta $tok transfer-encoding]\
        [expr {[file size testdoc.html]-[file size testfile.tmp]}]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    close $chan
    removeFile testfile.tmp
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok close deflate {} 0}

test http11-2.8 "-channel,encoding compress,non-chunked" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set chan [open [makeFile {} testfile.tmp] wb+]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html?close=1 \
                 -timeout 5000 -channel $chan -headers {accept-encoding compress}]
    http::wait $tok
    seek $chan 0
    set data [read $chan]
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $data]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok content-encoding]\
        [meta $tok transfer-encoding]\
        [expr {[file size testdoc.html]-[file size testfile.tmp]}]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    close $chan
    removeFile testfile.tmp
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok close compress {} 0}

test http11-2.9 "-channel,encoding identity,non-chunked" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set chan [open [makeFile {} testfile.tmp] wb+]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html?close=1 \
                 -timeout 5000 -channel $chan -headers {accept-encoding identity}]
    http::wait $tok
    seek $chan 0
    set data [read $chan]
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $data]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok content-encoding]\
        [meta $tok transfer-encoding]\
        [expr {[file size testdoc.html]-[file size testfile.tmp]}]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    close $chan
    removeFile testfile.tmp
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok close {} {} 0}

test http11-2.10 "-channel,deflate,keepalive" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set chan [open [makeFile {} testfile.tmp] wb+]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -timeout 5000 -channel $chan -keepalive 1 \
		 -headers {accept-encoding deflate}]
    http::wait $tok
    seek $chan 0
    set data [read $chan]
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $data]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok content-encoding]\
        [meta $tok transfer-encoding]\
        [expr {[file size testdoc.html]-[file size testfile.tmp]}]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    close $chan
    removeFile testfile.tmp
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok {} deflate chunked 0}

test http11-2.11 "-channel,identity,keepalive" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set chan [open [makeFile {} testfile.tmp] wb+]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -headers {accept-encoding identity} \
                 -timeout 5000 -channel $chan -keepalive 1]
    http::wait $tok
    seek $chan 0
    set data [read $chan]
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $data]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok content-encoding]\
        [meta $tok transfer-encoding]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    close $chan
    removeFile testfile.tmp
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok {} {} chunked}

test http11-2.12 "-channel,negotiate,keepalive" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set chan [open [makeFile {} testfile.tmp] wb+]
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -timeout 5000 -channel $chan -keepalive 1]
    http::wait $tok
    seek $chan 0
    set data [read $chan]
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $data]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok content-encoding]\
        [meta $tok transfer-encoding] [meta $tok x-requested-encodings]\
        [expr {[file size testdoc.html]-[file size testfile.tmp]}]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    close $chan
    removeFile testfile.tmp
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} ok {} gzip chunked gzip,deflate,compress 0}

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following tests for the -handler option will require changes in
# the future. At the moment we cannot handler chunked data with this
# option. Therefore we currently force HTTP/1.0 protocol version.
# Once this is solved, these tests should be fixed to assume chunked
# returns in 3.2 and 3.3 and HTTP/1.1 in all but test 3.1

proc handler {var sock token} {
    upvar #0 $var data
    set chunk [read $sock]
    append data $chunk
    #::http::Log "handler read [string length $chunk] ([chan configure $sock -buffersize])"
    return [string length $chunk]

test http11-3.0 "-handler,close,identity" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set testdata ""
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html?close=1 \
                 -timeout 10000 -handler [namespace code [list handler testdata]]]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $testdata]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok content-encoding] \
        [meta $tok transfer-encoding] \
        [expr {[file size testdoc.html]-[string length $testdata]}]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    unset -nocomplain testdata
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.0 200 OK} ok close {} {} 0}

test http11-3.1 "-handler,protocol1.0" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set testdata ""
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html?close=1 \
                 -timeout 10000 -protocol 1.0 \
                 -handler [namespace code [list handler testdata]]]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $testdata]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok content-encoding] \
        [meta $tok transfer-encoding] \
        [expr {[file size testdoc.html]-[string length $testdata]}]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    unset -nocomplain testdata
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.0 200 OK} ok close {} {} 0}

test http11-3.2 "-handler,close,chunked" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set testdata ""
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -timeout 10000 -keepalive 0 -binary 1\
                 -handler [namespace code [list handler testdata]]]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $testdata]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok content-encoding] \
        [meta $tok transfer-encoding] \
        [expr {[file size testdoc.html]-[string length $testdata]}]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    unset -nocomplain testdata
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.0 200 OK} ok close {} {} 0}

test http11-3.3 "-handler,keepalive,chunked" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set testdata ""
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -timeout 10000 -keepalive 1 -binary 1\
                 -handler [namespace code [list handler testdata]]]
    http::wait $tok
    list [http::status $tok] [http::code $tok] [check_crc $tok $testdata]\
        [meta $tok connection] [meta $tok content-encoding] \
        [meta $tok transfer-encoding] \
        [expr {[file size testdoc.html]-[string length $testdata]}]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    unset -nocomplain testdata
} -result {ok {HTTP/1.0 200 OK} ok close {} {} 0}

test http11-4.0 "normal post request" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
} -body {
    set query [http::formatQuery q 1 z 2]
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -query $query -timeout 10000]
    http::wait $tok
    list status [http::status $tok] code [http::code $tok]\
        crc [check_crc $tok]\
        connection [meta $tok connection]\
        query-length [meta $tok x-query-length]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
} -result {status ok code {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} crc ok connection close query-length 7}

test http11-4.1 "normal post request, check query length" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
} -body {
    set query [http::formatQuery q 1 z 2]
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html \
                 -headers [list x-check-query yes] \
                 -query $query -timeout 10000]
    http::wait $tok
    list status [http::status $tok] code [http::code $tok]\
        crc [check_crc $tok]\
        connection [meta $tok connection]\
        query-length [meta $tok x-query-length]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
} -result {status ok code {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} crc ok connection close query-length 7}

test http11-4.2 "normal post request, check long query length" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
} -body {
    set query [string repeat a 24576]
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html\
                 -headers [list x-check-query yes]\
                 -query $query -timeout 10000]
    http::wait $tok
    list status [http::status $tok] code [http::code $tok]\
        crc [check_crc $tok]\
        connection [meta $tok connection]\
        query-length [meta $tok x-query-length]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
} -result {status ok code {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} crc ok connection close query-length 24576}

test http11-4.3 "normal post request, check channel query length" -setup {
    variable httpd [create_httpd]
    set chan [open [makeFile {} testfile.tmp] wb+]
    puts -nonewline $chan [string repeat [encoding convertto utf-8 "This is a test\n"] 8192]
    flush $chan
    seek $chan 0
} -body {
    set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:$httpd_port/testdoc.html\
                 -headers [list x-check-query yes]\
                 -querychannel $chan -timeout 10000]
    http::wait $tok
    list status [http::status $tok] code [http::code $tok]\
        crc [check_crc $tok]\
        connection [meta $tok connection]\
        query-length [meta $tok x-query-length]
} -cleanup {
    http::cleanup $tok
    close $chan
    removeFile testfile.tmp
} -result {status ok code {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} crc ok connection close query-length 122880}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Eliminate valgrind "still reachable" reports on outstanding "Detached"
# structures in the detached list which stem from PipeClose2Proc not waiting
# around for background processes to complete, meaning that previous calls to
# Tcl_ReapDetachedProcs might not have had a chance to reap all processes.
after 10
exec [info nameofexecutable] << {}

foreach p {create_httpd httpd_read halt_httpd meta check_crc} {
    if {[llength [info proc $p]]} {rename $p {}}
removeFile testdoc.html
unset -nocomplain httpd_port httpd p
