# httpTestScript.tcl # # Test HTTP/1.1 concurrent requests including # queueing, pipelining and retries. # # Copyright (C) 2018 Keith Nash <kjnash@users.sourceforge.net> # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # "Package" httpTestScript for executing test scripts written in a convenient # shorthand. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Documentation for "package" httpTestScript. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # To use the package: # (a) define URLs as the values of elements in the array ::httpTestScript # (b) define a script in terms of the commands # START STOP DELAY KEEPALIVE WAIT PIPELINE GET HEAD POST # referring to URLs by the name of the corresponding array element. The # script can include any other Tcl commands, and evaluates in the # httpTestScript namespace. # (c) Use the command httpTestScript::runHttpTestScript to evaluate the script. # (d) For tcltest tests, wrap the runHttpTestScript call in a suitable "test" # command. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # START # Must be the first command of the script. # # STOP # Must be present in the script to avoid waiting for client timeout. # Usually the last command, but can be elsewhere to end a script prematurely. # Subsequent httpTestScript commands will have no effect. # # DELAY ms # If there are no WAIT commands, this sets the delay in ms between subsequent # calls to http::geturl. Default 500ms. # # KEEPALIVE # Set the value passed to http::geturl for the -keepalive option. The command # applies to subsequent requests in the script. Default 1. # # WAIT ms # Pause for a time in ms before sending subsequent requests. # # PIPELINE boolean # Set the value of -pipeline using http::config. The last PIPELINE command # in the script applies to every request. Default 1. # # POSTFRESH boolean # Set the value of -postfresh using http::config. The last POSTFRESH command # in the script applies to every request. Default 0. # # REPOST boolean # Set the value of -repost using http::config. The last REPOST command # in the script applies to every request. Default 1 for httpTestScript. # (Default value in http is 0). # # GET uriCode ?arg ...? # Send a HTTP request using the GET method. # Arguments: # uriCode - the code for the base URI - the value must be stored in # ::httpTestScript::URL($uriCode). # args - strings that will be joined by "&" and appended to the query # string with a preceding "&". # # HEAD uriCode ?arg ...? # Send a HTTP request using the HEAD method. # Arguments: as for GET # # POST uriCode ?arg ...? # Send a HTTP request using the POST method. # Arguments: # uriCode - the code for the base URI - the value must be stored in # ::httpTestScript::URL($uriCode). # args - strings that will be joined by "&" and used as the request body. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace eval ::httpTestScript { namespace export runHttpTestScript cleanupHttpTestScript } # httpTestScript::START -- # Initialise, and create a long-stop timeout. proc httpTestScript::START {} { variable CountRequestedSoFar variable RequestsWhenStopped variable KeepAlive variable Delay variable TimeOutCode variable TimeOutDone variable StartDone variable StopDone variable CountFinishedSoFar variable RequestList variable RequestsMade variable ExtraTime variable ActualKeepAlive if {[info exists StartDone] && ($StartDone == 1)} { set msg {START has been called twice without an intervening STOP} return -code error $msg } set StartDone 1 set StopDone 0 set TimeOutDone 0 set CountFinishedSoFar 0 set CountRequestedSoFar 0 set RequestList {} set RequestsMade {} set ExtraTime 0 set ActualKeepAlive 1 # Undefined until a STOP command: unset -nocomplain RequestsWhenStopped # Default values: set KeepAlive 1 set Delay 500 # Default values for tests: KEEPALIVE 1 PIPELINE 1 POSTFRESH 0 REPOST 1 set TimeOutCode [after 30000 httpTestScript::TimeOutNow] # set TimeOutCode [after 4000 httpTestScript::TimeOutNow] return } # httpTestScript::STOP -- # Do not process any more commands. The commands will be executed but will # silently do nothing. proc httpTestScript::STOP {} { variable CountRequestedSoFar variable CountFinishedSoFar variable RequestsWhenStopped variable TimeOutCode variable StartDone variable StopDone variable RequestsMade if {$StopDone} { # Don't do anything on a second call. return } if {![info exists StartDone]} { return -code error {initialise the script by calling command START} } set StopDone 1 set StartDone 0 set RequestsWhenStopped $CountRequestedSoFar unset -nocomplain StartDone if {$CountFinishedSoFar == $RequestsWhenStopped} { if {[info exists TimeOutCode]} { after cancel $TimeOutCode } set ::httpTestScript::FOREVER 0 } return } # httpTestScript::DELAY -- # If there are no WAIT commands, this sets the delay in ms between subsequent # calls to http::geturl. Default 500ms. proc httpTestScript::DELAY {t} { variable StartDone variable StopDone if {$StopDone} { return } if {![info exists StartDone]} { return -code error {initialise the script by calling command START} } variable Delay set Delay $t return } # httpTestScript::KEEPALIVE -- # Set the value passed to http::geturl for the -keepalive option. Default 1. proc httpTestScript::KEEPALIVE {b} { variable StartDone variable StopDone if {$StopDone} { return } if {![info exists StartDone]} { return -code error {initialise the script by calling command START} } variable KeepAlive set KeepAlive $b return } # httpTestScript::WAIT -- # Pause for a time in ms before processing any more commands. proc httpTestScript::WAIT {t} { variable StartDone variable StopDone variable ExtraTime if {$StopDone} { return } if {![info exists StartDone]} { return -code error {initialise the script by calling command START} } if {(![string is integer -strict $t]) || $t < 0} { return -code error {argument to WAIT must be a non-negative integer} } incr ExtraTime $t return } # httpTestScript::PIPELINE -- # Pass a value to http::config -pipeline. proc httpTestScript::PIPELINE {b} { variable StartDone variable StopDone if {$StopDone} { return } if {![info exists StartDone]} { return -code error {initialise the script by calling command START} } ::http::config -pipeline $b ##::http::Log http(-pipeline) is now [::http::config -pipeline] return } # httpTestScript::POSTFRESH -- # Pass a value to http::config -postfresh. proc httpTestScript::POSTFRESH {b} { variable StartDone variable StopDone if {$StopDone} { return } if {![info exists StartDone]} { return -code error {initialise the script by calling command START} } ::http::config -postfresh $b ##::http::Log http(-postfresh) is now [::http::config -postfresh] return } # httpTestScript::REPOST -- # Pass a value to http::config -repost. proc httpTestScript::REPOST {b} { variable StartDone variable StopDone if {$StopDone} { return } if {![info exists StartDone]} { return -code error {initialise the script by calling command START} } ::http::config -repost $b ##::http::Log http(-repost) is now [::http::config -repost] return } # httpTestScript::GET -- # Send a HTTP request using the GET method. # Arguments: # uriCode - the code for the base URI - the value must be stored in # ::httpTestScript::URL($uriCode). # args - strings that will each be preceded by "&" and appended to the query # string. proc httpTestScript::GET {uriCode args} { variable RequestList lappend RequestList GET RequestAfter $uriCode 0 {} {*}$args return } # httpTestScript::HEAD -- # Send a HTTP request using the HEAD method. # Arguments: as for GET proc httpTestScript::HEAD {uriCode args} { variable RequestList lappend RequestList HEAD RequestAfter $uriCode 1 {} {*}$args return } # httpTestScript::POST -- # Send a HTTP request using the POST method. # Arguments: # uriCode - the code for the base URI - the value must be stored in # ::httpTestScript::URL($uriCode). # args - strings that will be joined by "&" and used as the request body. proc httpTestScript::POST {uriCode args} { variable RequestList lappend RequestList POST RequestAfter $uriCode 0 {use} {*}$args return } proc httpTestScript::RequestAfter {uriCode validate query args} { variable CountRequestedSoFar variable Delay variable ExtraTime variable StartDone variable StopDone variable KeepAlive if {$StopDone} { return } if {![info exists StartDone]} { return -code error {initialise the script by calling command START} } incr CountRequestedSoFar set idelay [expr {($CountRequestedSoFar - 1) * $Delay + 10 + $ExtraTime}] # Could pass values of -pipeline, -postfresh, -repost if it were # useful to change these mid-script. after $idelay [list httpTestScript::Requester $uriCode $KeepAlive $validate $query {*}$args] return } proc httpTestScript::Requester {uriCode keepAlive validate query args} { variable URL ::http::config -accept {*/*} set absUrl $URL($uriCode) if {$query eq {}} { if {$args ne {}} { append absUrl & [join $args &] } set queryArgs {} } elseif {$validate} { return -code error {cannot have both -validate (HEAD) and -query (POST)} } else { set queryArgs [list -query [join $args &]] } if {[catch { ::http::geturl $absUrl \ -validate $validate \ -timeout 10000 \ {*}$queryArgs \ -keepalive $keepAlive \ -command ::httpTestScript::WhenFinished } token]} { set msg $token catch {puts stdout "Error: $msg"} return } else { # Request will begin. } return } proc httpTestScript::TimeOutNow {} { variable TimeOutDone set TimeOutDone 1 set ::httpTestScript::FOREVER 0 return } proc httpTestScript::WhenFinished {hToken} { variable CountFinishedSoFar variable RequestsWhenStopped variable TimeOutCode variable StopDone variable RequestList variable RequestsMade variable ActualKeepAlive upvar #0 $hToken state if {[catch { if { [info exists state(transfer)] && ($state(transfer) eq "chunked") } { set Trans chunked } else { set Trans unchunked } if { [info exists ::httpTest::testOptions(-verbose)] && ($::httpTest::testOptions(-verbose) > 0) } { puts "Token $hToken Response $state(http) Status $state(status) Method $state(method) Transfer $Trans Size $state(currentsize) URL $state(url) " } if {!$state(-keepalive)} { set ActualKeepAlive 0 } if {[info exists state(method)]} { lappend RequestsMade $state(method) } else { lappend RequestsMade UNKNOWN } set tk [namespace tail $hToken] if { ($state(http) != {HTTP/1.1 200 OK}) || ($state(status) != {ok}) || (($state(currentsize) == 0) && ($state(method) ne "HEAD")) } { ::http::Log ^X$tk unexpected result Response $state(http) Status $state(status) Size $state(currentsize) - token $hToken } } err]} { ::http::Log ^X$tk httpTestScript::WhenFinished failed with error status: $err - token $hToken } incr CountFinishedSoFar if {$StopDone && ($CountFinishedSoFar == $RequestsWhenStopped)} { if {[info exists TimeOutCode]} { after cancel $TimeOutCode } if {$RequestsMade ne $RequestList && $ActualKeepAlive} { ::http::Log ^X$tk unexpected result - Script asked for "{$RequestList}" but got "{$RequestsMade}" - token $hToken } set ::httpTestScript::FOREVER 0 } return } proc httpTestScript::runHttpTestScript {scr} { variable TimeOutDone variable RequestsWhenStopped after idle [list namespace eval ::httpTestScript $scr] vwait ::httpTestScript::FOREVER # N.B. does not automatically execute in this namespace, unlike some other events. # Release when all requests have been served or have timed out. if {$TimeOutDone} { return -code error {test script timed out} } return $RequestsWhenStopped } proc httpTestScript::cleanupHttpTestScript {} { variable TimeOutDone variable RequestsWhenStopped if {![info exists RequestsWhenStopped]} { return -code error {Cleanup Failed: RequestsWhenStopped is undefined} } for {set i 1} {$i <= $RequestsWhenStopped} {incr i} { http::cleanup ::http::$i } return }