# httpd11.tcl -- -*- tcl -*- # # A simple httpd for testing HTTP/1.1 client features. # Not suitable for use on a internet connected port. # # Copyright © 2009 Pat Thoyts # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. package require Tcl proc ::tcl::dict::get? {dict key} { if {[dict exists $dict $key]} { return [dict get $dict $key] } return } namespace ensemble configure dict \ -map [linsert [namespace ensemble configure dict -map] end get? ::tcl::dict::get?] proc make-chunk-generator {data {size 4096}} { variable _chunk_gen_uid if {![info exists _chunk_gen_uid]} {set _chunk_gen_uid 0} set lambda {{data size} { set pos 0 yield while {1} { set payload [string range $data $pos [expr {$pos + $size - 1}]] incr pos $size set chunk [format %x [string length $payload]]\r\n$payload\r\n yield $chunk if {![string length $payload]} {return} } }} set name chunker[incr _chunk_gen_uid] coroutine $name ::apply $lambda $data $size return $name } proc get-chunks {data {compression gzip}} { switch -exact -- $compression { gzip { set data [zlib gzip $data] } deflate { set data [zlib deflate $data] } compress { set data [zlib compress $data] } } set data "" set chunker [make-chunk-generator $data 671] while {[string length [set chunk [$chunker]]]} { append data $chunk } return $data } proc blow-chunks {data {ochan stdout} {compression gzip}} { switch -exact -- $compression { gzip { set data [zlib gzip $data] } deflate { set data [zlib deflate $data] } compress { set data [zlib compress $data] } } set chunker [make-chunk-generator $data 671] while {[string length [set chunk [$chunker]]]} { puts -nonewline $ochan $chunk } return } proc mime-type {filename} { switch -exact -- [file extension $filename] { .htm - .html { return {text text/html}} .png { return {binary image/png} } .jpg { return {binary image/jpeg} } .gif { return {binary image/gif} } .css { return {text text/css} } .xml { return {text text/xml} } .xhtml {return {text application/xml+html} } .svg { return {text image/svg+xml} } .txt - .tcl - .c - .h { return {text text/plain}} } return {binary text/plain} } proc Puts {chan s} {puts $chan $s; puts $s} proc Service {chan addr port} { chan event $chan readable [info coroutine] while {1} { set meta {} chan configure $chan -buffering line -encoding iso8859-1 -translation crlf chan configure $chan -blocking 0 yield while {[gets $chan line] < 0} { if {[eof $chan]} {chan event $chan readable {}; close $chan; return} yield } if {[eof $chan]} {chan event $chan readable {}; close $chan; return} foreach {req url protocol} {GET {} HTTP/1.1} break regexp {^(\S+)\s+(.*)\s(\S+)?$} $line -> req url protocol puts $line while {[gets $chan line] > 0} { if {[regexp {^([^:]+):(.*)$} $line -> key val]} { puts [list $key [string trim $val]] lappend meta [string tolower $key] [string trim $val] } yield } set encoding identity set transfer "" set close 1 set type text/html set code "404 Not Found" set data "Error 404" append data "

Not Found

Try again.

" if {[scan $url {%[^?]?%s} path query] < 2} { set query "" } switch -exact -- $req { GET - HEAD { } POST { # Read the query. set qlen [dict get? $meta content-length] if {[string is integer -strict $qlen]} { chan configure $chan -buffering none -translation binary while {[string length $query] < $qlen} { append query [read $chan $qlen] if {[string length $query] < $qlen} {yield} } # Check for excess query bytes [Bug 2715421] if {[dict get? $meta x-check-query] eq "yes"} { chan configure $chan -blocking 0 append query [read $chan] } } } default { # invalid request error 5?? } } if {$query ne ""} {puts $query} set path [string trimleft $path /] set path [file join [pwd] $path] if {[file exists $path] && [file isfile $path]} { foreach {what type} [mime-type $path] break set f [open $path r] if {$what eq "binary"} {chan configure $f -translation binary} set data [read $f] close $f set code "200 OK" set close [expr {[dict get? $meta connection] eq "close"}] } if {$protocol eq "HTTP/1.1"} { foreach enc [split [dict get? $meta accept-encoding] ,] { set enc [string trim $enc] # The current implementation of "compress" appears to be # incorrect (bug [a13b9d0ce1]). Keep it here for # experimentation only. The tests that use it have the # constraint "badCompress". The client code in http has # been removed, but can be restored from comments if # experimentation is desired. if {$enc in {deflate gzip compress}} { set encoding $enc break } } set transfer chunked } else { set close 1 } set nosendclose 0 set msdeflate 0 foreach pair [split $query &] { if {[scan $pair {%[^=]=%s} key val] != 2} {set val ""} switch -exact -- $key { nosendclose {set nosendclose 1} close {set close 1 ; set transfer 0} transfer {set transfer $val} content-type {set type $val} msdeflate {set msdeflate $val} } } if {$protocol eq "HTTP/1.1"} { set nosendclose 0 } chan configure $chan -buffering line -encoding iso8859-1 -translation crlf Puts $chan "$protocol $code" Puts $chan "content-type: $type" Puts $chan [format "x-crc32: %08x" [zlib crc32 $data]] if {$req eq "POST"} { Puts $chan [format "x-query-length: %d" [string length $query]] } if {$close && (!$nosendclose)} { Puts $chan "connection: close" } Puts $chan "x-requested-encodings: [dict get? $meta accept-encoding]" if {$encoding eq "identity" && (!$nosendclose)} { Puts $chan "content-length: [string length $data]" } elseif {$encoding eq "identity"} { # This is a blatant attempt to confuse the client by sending neither # "Connection: close" nor "Content-Length" when in non-chunked mode. # See test http11-3.4. } else { Puts $chan "content-encoding: $encoding" } if {$transfer eq "chunked"} { Puts $chan "transfer-encoding: chunked" } puts $chan "" flush $chan chan configure $chan -buffering full -translation binary if {$encoding eq {deflate}} { # When http.tcl uses the correct decoder (bug [a13b9d0ce1]) for # "accept-encoding deflate", i.e. "zlib decompress", this choice of # encoding2 allows the tests to pass. It appears to do "deflate" # correctly, but this has not been verified with a non-Tcl client. set encoding2 compress } else { set encoding2 $encoding } if {$transfer eq "chunked"} { blow-chunks $data $chan $encoding2 } elseif {$encoding2 ne "identity" && $msdeflate eq {1}} { puts -nonewline $chan [string range [zlib $encoding2 $data] 2 end-4] # Used in some tests of "deflate" to produce the non-RFC-compliant # Microsoft version of "deflate". } elseif {$encoding2 ne "identity"} { puts -nonewline $chan [zlib $encoding2 $data] } else { puts -nonewline $chan $data } if {$close} { chan event $chan readable {} close $chan puts "close $chan" return } else { flush $chan } puts "pipeline $chan" } } proc Accept {chan addr port} { coroutine client$chan Service $chan $addr $port return } proc Control {chan} { if {[gets $chan line] >= 0} { if {[string trim $line] eq "quit"} { set ::forever 1 } } if {[eof $chan]} { chan event $chan readable {} } } proc Main {{port 0}} { set server [socket -server Accept -myaddr localhost $port] puts [chan configure $server -sockname] flush stdout chan event stdin readable [list Control stdin] vwait ::forever close $server return "done" } if {!$tcl_interactive} { set r [catch [linsert $argv 0 Main] err] if {$r} {puts stderr $errorInfo} elseif {[string length $err]} {puts $err} exit $r }