# Functionality covered: this file contains a collection of tests for the
# auto loading and namespaces.
# Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for
# errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: init.test,v 1.5 1999/06/26 20:55:07 rjohnson Exp $

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import ::tcltest::*

# Clear out any namespaces called test_ns_*
catch {eval namespace delete [namespace children :: test_ns_*]}

# Six cases - white box testing

test init-1.1 {auto_qualify - absolute cmd - namespace} {
    auto_qualify ::foo::bar ::blue
} ::foo::bar

test init-1.2 {auto_qualify - absolute cmd - global} {
    auto_qualify ::global ::sub
} global

test init-1.3 {auto_qualify - no colons cmd - global} {
    auto_qualify nocolons ::
} nocolons 

test init-1.4 {auto_qualify - no colons cmd - namespace} {
    auto_qualify nocolons ::sub
} {::sub::nocolons nocolons}

test init-1.5 {auto_qualify - colons in cmd - global} {
    auto_qualify foo::bar ::
} ::foo::bar

test init-1.6 {auto_qualify - colons in cmd - namespace} {
    auto_qualify foo::bar ::sub
} {::sub::foo::bar ::foo::bar}

# Some additional tests

test init-1.7 {auto_qualify - multiples colons 1} {
    auto_qualify :::foo::::bar ::blue
} ::foo::bar

test init-1.8 {auto_qualify - multiple colons 2} {
    auto_qualify :::foo ::bar
} foo

# we use a sub interp and auto_reset and double the tests because there is 2
# places where auto_loading occur (before loading the indexes files and after)

set testInterp [interp create]
interp eval $testInterp [list set argv $argv]
interp eval $testInterp [list package require tcltest]
interp eval $testInterp [list namespace import ::tcltest::*]

interp eval $testInterp {

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest

catch {rename parray {}}

test init-2.0 {load parray - stage 1} {
    set ret [catch {namespace eval ::tcltest {parray}} error]
    rename parray {} ; # remove it, for the next test - that should not fail.
    list $ret $error
} {1 {no value given for parameter "a" to "parray"}}

test init-2.1 {load parray - stage 2} {
    set ret [catch {namespace eval ::tcltest {parray}} error]
    list $ret $error
} {1 {no value given for parameter "a" to "parray"}}

catch {rename ::safe::setLogCmd {}}
#unset auto_index(::safe::setLogCmd)
#unset auto_oldpath

test init-2.2 {load ::safe::setLogCmd - stage 1} {
    rename ::safe::setLogCmd {} ; # should not fail
} {}

test init-2.3 {load ::safe::setLogCmd - stage 2} {
    rename ::safe::setLogCmd {} ; # should not fail
} {}

catch {rename ::safe::setLogCmd {}}

test init-2.4 {load safe:::setLogCmd - stage 1} {
    safe:::setLogCmd ; # intentionally 3 :
    rename ::safe::setLogCmd {} ; # should not fail
} {}

test init-2.5 {load safe:::setLogCmd - stage 2} {
    safe:::setLogCmd ; # intentionally 3 :
    rename ::safe::setLogCmd {} ; # should not fail
} {}

catch {rename ::safe::setLogCmd {}}

test init-2.6 {load setLogCmd from safe:: - stage 1} {
    namespace eval safe setLogCmd 
    rename ::safe::setLogCmd {} ; # should not fail
} {}

test init-2.7 {oad setLogCmd from safe::  - stage 2} {
    namespace eval safe setLogCmd 
    rename ::safe::setLogCmd {} ; # should not fail
} {}

package require http 2.0
catch {rename ::http::geturl {}}

test init-2.8 {load http::geturl (package)} {
    # 3 ':' on purpose
    set ret [catch {namespace eval ::tcltest {http:::geturl}} error]
    # removing it, for the next test. should not fail.
    rename ::http::geturl {} ; 
    list $ret $error
} {1 {no value given for parameter "url" to "http:::geturl"}}

test init-3.0 {random stuff in the auto_index, should still work} {
    set auto_index(foo:::bar::blah) {
        namespace eval foo {namespace eval bar {proc blah {} {return 1}}}
} 1


# cleanup
interp delete $testInterp