# Commands covered:  lindex
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1991-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# Copyright (c) 2001 by Kevin B. Kenny.  All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: lindex.test,v 1.14 2007/01/09 11:32:35 dkf Exp $

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

set minus -
testConstraint testevalex [llength [info commands testevalex]]

# Tests of Tcl_LindexObjCmd, NOT COMPILED

test lindex-1.1 {wrong # args} testevalex {
    list [catch {testevalex lindex} result] $result
} "1 {wrong # args: should be \"lindex list ?index...?\"}"

# Indices that are lists or convertible to lists

test lindex-2.1 {empty index list} testevalex {
    set x {}
    list [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}] [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}]
} {{a b c} {a b c}}
test lindex-2.2 {singleton index list} testevalex {
    set x { 1 }
    list [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}] [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}]
} {b b}
test lindex-2.3 {multiple indices in list} testevalex {
    set x {1 2}
    list [testevalex {lindex {{a b c} {d e f}} $x}] \
	[testevalex {lindex {{a b c} {d e f}} $x}]
} {f f}
test lindex-2.4 {malformed index list} testevalex {
    set x \{
    list [catch { testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x} } result] $result
} {1 bad\ index\ \"\{\":\ must\ be\ integer?\[+-\]integer?\ or\ end?\[+-\]integer?}

# Indices that are integers or convertible to integers

test lindex-3.1 {integer -1} testevalex {
    set x ${minus}1
    list [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}] [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}]
} {{} {}}
test lindex-3.2 {integer 0} testevalex {
    set x [string range 00 0 0]
    list [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}] [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}]
} {a a}
test lindex-3.3 {integer 2} testevalex {
    set x [string range 22 0 0]
    list [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}] [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}]
} {c c}
test lindex-3.4 {integer 3} testevalex {
    set x [string range 33 0 0]
    list [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}] [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}]
} {{} {}}
test lindex-3.5 {bad octal} testevalex {
    set x 08
    list [catch { testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x} } result] $result
} {1 {bad index "08": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer? (looks like invalid octal number)}}
test lindex-3.6 {bad octal} testevalex {
    set x -09
    list [catch { testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x} } result] $result
} {1 {bad index "-09": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer? (looks like invalid octal number)}}
test lindex-3.7 {indexes don't shimmer wide ints} {
    set x [expr {(wide(1)<<31) - 2}]
    list $x [lindex {1 2 3} $x] [incr x] [incr x]
} {2147483646 {} 2147483647 2147483648}

# Indices relative to end

test lindex-4.1 {index = end} testevalex {
    set x end
    list [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}] [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}]
} {c c}
test lindex-4.2 {index = end--1} testevalex {
    set x end--1
    list [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}] [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}]
} {{} {}}
test lindex-4.3 {index = end-0} testevalex {
    set x end-0
    list [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}] [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}]
} {c c}
test lindex-4.4 {index = end-2} testevalex {
    set x end-2
    list [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}] [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}]
} {a a}
test lindex-4.5 {index = end-3} testevalex {
    set x end-3
    list [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}] [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}]
} {{} {}}
test lindex-4.6 {bad octal} testevalex {
    set x end-08
    list [catch { testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x} } result] $result
} {1 {bad index "end-08": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer? (looks like invalid octal number)}}
test lindex-4.7 {bad octal} testevalex {
    set x end--09
    list [catch { testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x} } result] $result
} {1 {bad index "end--09": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test lindex-4.8 {bad integer, not octal} testevalex {
    set x end-0a2
    list [catch { testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x} } result] $result
} {1 {bad index "end-0a2": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test lindex-4.9 {obsolete test} testevalex {
    set x end
    list [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}] [testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x}]
} {c c}
test lindex-4.10 {incomplete end-} testevalex {
    set x end-
    list [catch { testevalex {lindex {a b c} $x} } result] $result
} {1 {bad index "end-": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}

test lindex-5.1 {bad second index} testevalex {
    list [catch { testevalex {lindex {a b c} 0 0a2} } result] $result
} {1 {bad index "0a2": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test lindex-5.2 {good second index} testevalex {
    testevalex {lindex {{a b c} {d e f} {g h i}} 1 2}
} f
test lindex-5.3 {three indices} testevalex {
    testevalex {lindex {{{a b} {c d}} {{e f} {g h}}} 1 0 1}
} f

test lindex-6.1 {error conditions in parsing list} testevalex {
    list [catch {testevalex {lindex "a \{" 2}} msg] $msg
} {1 {unmatched open brace in list}}
test lindex-6.2 {error conditions in parsing list} testevalex {
    list [catch {testevalex {lindex {a {b c}d e} 2}} msg] $msg
} {1 {list element in braces followed by "d" instead of space}}
test lindex-6.3 {error conditions in parsing list} testevalex {
    list [catch {testevalex {lindex {a "b c"def ghi} 2}} msg] $msg
} {1 {list element in quotes followed by "def" instead of space}}

test lindex-7.1 {quoted elements} testevalex {
    testevalex {lindex {a "b c" d} 1}
} {b c}
test lindex-7.2 {quoted elements} testevalex {
    testevalex {lindex {"{}" b c} 0}
} {{}}
test lindex-7.3 {quoted elements} testevalex {
    testevalex {lindex {ab "c d \" x" y} 1}
} {c d " x}
test lindex-7.4 {quoted elements} {
    lindex {a b {c d "e} {f g"}} 2
} {c d "e}

test lindex-8.1 {data reuse} testevalex {
    set x 0
    testevalex {lindex $x $x}
} {0}
test lindex-8.2 {data reuse} testevalex {
    set a 0
    testevalex {lindex $a $a $a}
} 0
test lindex-8.3 {data reuse} testevalex {
    set a 1
    testevalex {lindex $a $a $a}
} {}
test lindex-8.4 {data reuse} testevalex {
    set x [list 0 0]
    testevalex {lindex $x $x}
} {0}
test lindex-8.5 {data reuse} testevalex {
    set x 0
    testevalex {lindex $x [list $x $x]}
} {0}
test lindex-8.6 {data reuse} testevalex {
    set x [list 1 1]
    testevalex {lindex $x $x}
} {}
test lindex-8.7 {data reuse} testevalex {
    set x 1
    testevalex {lindex $x [list $x $x]}
} {}


# Compilation tests for lindex

test lindex-9.1 {wrong # args} {
    list [catch {lindex} result] $result
} "1 {wrong # args: should be \"lindex list ?index...?\"}"
test lindex-9.2 {ensure that compilation works in the right order} {
    proc foo {} {
	rename foo {}
	lindex 1 0
} 1

# Indices that are lists or convertible to lists

test lindex-10.1 {empty index list} {
    set x {}
    catch {
	list [lindex {a b c} $x] [lindex {a b c} $x]
    } result
    set result
} {{a b c} {a b c}}
test lindex-10.2 {singleton index list} {
    set x { 1 }
    catch {
	list [lindex {a b c} $x] [lindex {a b c} $x]
    } result
    set result
} {b b}
test lindex-10.3 {multiple indices in list} {
    set x {1 2}
    catch {
	list [lindex {{a b c} {d e f}} $x] [lindex {{a b c} {d e f}} $x]
    } result
    set result
} {f f}
test lindex-10.4 {malformed index list} {
    set x \{
    list [catch { lindex {a b c} $x } result] $result
} {1 bad\ index\ \"\{\":\ must\ be\ integer?\[+-\]integer?\ or\ end?\[+-\]integer?}

# Indices that are integers or convertible to integers

test lindex-11.1 {integer -1} {
    set x ${minus}1
    catch {
	list [lindex {a b c} $x] [lindex {a b c} $x]
    } result
    set result
} {{} {}}
test lindex-11.2 {integer 0} {
    set x [string range 00 0 0]
    catch {
	list [lindex {a b c} $x] [lindex {a b c} $x]
    } result
    set result
} {a a}
test lindex-11.3 {integer 2} {
    set x [string range 22 0 0]
    catch {
	list [lindex {a b c} $x] [lindex {a b c} $x]
    } result
    set result
} {c c}
test lindex-11.4 {integer 3} {
    set x [string range 33 0 0]
    catch {
	list [lindex {a b c} $x] [lindex {a b c} $x]
    } result
    set result
} {{} {}}
test lindex-11.5 {bad octal} {
    set x 08
    list [catch { lindex {a b c} $x } result] $result
} {1 {bad index "08": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer? (looks like invalid octal number)}}
test lindex-11.6 {bad octal} {
    set x -09
    list [catch { lindex {a b c} $x } result] $result
} {1 {bad index "-09": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer? (looks like invalid octal number)}}

# Indices relative to end

test lindex-12.1 {index = end} {
    set x end
    catch {
	list [lindex {a b c} $x] [lindex {a b c} $x]
    } result
    set result
} {c c}
test lindex-12.2 {index = end--1} {
    set x end--1
    catch {
	list [lindex {a b c} $x] [lindex {a b c} $x]
    } result
    set result
} {{} {}}
test lindex-12.3 {index = end-0} {
    set x end-0
    catch {
	list [lindex {a b c} $x] [lindex {a b c} $x]
    } result
    set result
} {c c}
test lindex-12.4 {index = end-2} {
    set x end-2
    catch {
	list [lindex {a b c} $x] [lindex {a b c} $x]
    } result
    set result
} {a a}
test lindex-12.5 {index = end-3} {
    set x end-3
    catch {
	list [lindex {a b c} $x] [lindex {a b c} $x]
    } result
    set result
} {{} {}}
test lindex-12.6 {bad octal} {
    set x end-08
    list [catch { lindex {a b c} $x } result] $result
} {1 {bad index "end-08": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer? (looks like invalid octal number)}}
test lindex-12.7 {bad octal} {
    set x end--09
    list [catch { lindex {a b c} $x } result] $result
} {1 {bad index "end--09": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test lindex-12.8 {bad integer, not octal} {
    set x end-0a2
    list [catch { lindex {a b c} $x } result] $result
} {1 {bad index "end-0a2": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test lindex-12.9 {obsolete test} {
    set x end
    catch {
	list [lindex {a b c} $x] [lindex {a b c} $x]
    } result
    set result
} {c c}
test lindex-12.10 {incomplete end-} {
    set x end-
    list [catch { lindex {a b c} $x } result] $result
} {1 {bad index "end-": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}

test lindex-13.1 {bad second index} {
    list [catch { lindex {a b c} 0 0a2 } result] $result
} {1 {bad index "0a2": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test lindex-13.2 {good second index} {
    catch {
	lindex {{a b c} {d e f} {g h i}} 1 2
    } result
    set result
} f
test lindex-13.3 {three indices} {
    catch {
	lindex {{{a b} {c d}} {{e f} {g h}}} 1 0 1
    } result
    set result
} f

test lindex-14.1 {error conditions in parsing list} {
    list [catch { lindex "a \{" 2 } msg] $msg
} {1 {unmatched open brace in list}}
test lindex-14.2 {error conditions in parsing list} {
    list [catch { lindex {a {b c}d e} 2 } msg] $msg
} {1 {list element in braces followed by "d" instead of space}}
test lindex-14.3 {error conditions in parsing list} {
    list [catch { lindex {a "b c"def ghi} 2 } msg] $msg
} {1 {list element in quotes followed by "def" instead of space}}

test lindex-15.1 {quoted elements} {
    catch {
	lindex {a "b c" d} 1
    } result
    set result
} {b c}
test lindex-15.2 {quoted elements} {
    catch {
	lindex {"{}" b c} 0
    } result
    set result
} {{}}
test lindex-15.3 {quoted elements} {
    catch {
	lindex {ab "c d \" x" y} 1
    } result
    set result
} {c d " x}
test lindex-15.4 {quoted elements} {
    catch {
	lindex {a b {c d "e} {f g"}} 2
    } result
    set result
} {c d "e}

test lindex-16.1 {data reuse} {
    set x 0
    catch {
	lindex $x $x
    } result
    set result
} {0}
test lindex-16.2 {data reuse} {
    set a 0
    catch {
	lindex $a $a $a
    } result
    set result
} 0
test lindex-16.3 {data reuse} {
    set a 1
    catch {
	lindex $a $a $a
    } result
    set result
} {}
test lindex-16.4 {data reuse} {
    set x [list 0 0]
    catch {
	lindex $x $x
    } result
    set result
} {0}
test lindex-16.5 {data reuse} {
    set x 0
    catch {
	lindex $x [list $x $x]
    } result
    set result
} {0}
test lindex-16.6 {data reuse} {
    set x [list 1 1]
    catch {
	lindex $x $x
    } result
    set result
} {}
test lindex-16.7 {data reuse} {
    set x 1
    catch {
	lindex $x [list $x $x]
    } result
    set result
} {}

catch { unset minus }

# cleanup