# This file is a -*- tcl -*- test script

# Commands covered: lset
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 2001 by Kevin B. Kenny.  All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id$

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

proc failTrace {name1 name2 op} {
    error "trace failed"

testConstraint testevalex [llength [info commands testevalex]]

set noRead {}
trace add variable noRead read failTrace
set noWrite {a b c}
trace add variable noWrite write failTrace

test lset-1.1 {lset, not compiled, arg count} testevalex {
    list [catch {testevalex lset} msg] $msg
} "1 {wrong \# args: should be \"lset listVar index ?index...? value\"}"
test lset-1.2 {lset, not compiled, no such var} testevalex {
    list [catch {testevalex {lset noSuchVar 0 {}}} msg] $msg
} "1 {can't read \"noSuchVar\": no such variable}"
test lset-1.3 {lset, not compiled, var not readable} testevalex {
    list [catch {testevalex {lset noRead 0 {}}} msg] $msg
} "1 {can't read \"noRead\": trace failed}"

test lset-2.1 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, second arg a plain index} testevalex {
    set x {0 1 2}
    list [testevalex {lset x 0 3}] $x
} {{3 1 2} {3 1 2}}
test lset-2.2 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, second arg neither index nor list} testevalex {
    set x {0 1 2}
    list [catch {
	testevalex {lset x {{bad}1} 3}
    } msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "{bad}1": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}

test lset-3.1 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, data duplicated} testevalex {
    set x {0 1 2}
    list [testevalex {lset x 0 $x}] $x
} {{{0 1 2} 1 2} {{0 1 2} 1 2}}
test lset-3.2 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, data duplicated} testevalex {
    set x {0 1}
    set y $x
    list [testevalex {lset x 0 2}] $x $y
} {{2 1} {2 1} {0 1}}
test lset-3.3 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, data duplicated} testevalex {
    set x {0 1}
    set y $x
    list [testevalex {lset x 0 $x}] $x $y
} {{{0 1} 1} {{0 1} 1} {0 1}}
test lset-3.4 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, data duplicated} testevalex {
    set x {0 1 2}
    list [testevalex {lset x [list 0] $x}] $x
} {{{0 1 2} 1 2} {{0 1 2} 1 2}}
test lset-3.5 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, data duplicated} testevalex {
    set x {0 1}
    set y $x
    list [testevalex {lset x [list 0] 2}] $x $y
} {{2 1} {2 1} {0 1}}
test lset-3.6 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, data duplicated} testevalex {
    set x {0 1}
    set y $x
    list [testevalex {lset x [list 0] $x}] $x $y
} {{{0 1} 1} {{0 1} 1} {0 1}}

test lset-4.1 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, not a list} testevalex {
    set a "x \{"
    list [catch {
	testevalex {lset a [list 0] y}
    } msg] $msg
} {1 {unmatched open brace in list}}
test lset-4.2 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, bad index} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [catch {
	testevalex {lset a [list 2a2] w}
    } msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "2a2": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test lset-4.3 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, index out of range} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [catch {
	testevalex {lset a [list -1] w}
    } msg] $msg
} {1 {list index out of range}}
test lset-4.4 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, index out of range} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [catch {
	testevalex {lset a [list 3] w}
    } msg] $msg
} {1 {list index out of range}}
test lset-4.5 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, index out of range} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [catch {
	testevalex {lset a [list end--1] w}
    } msg] $msg
} {1 {list index out of range}}
test lset-4.6 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, index out of range} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [catch {
	testevalex {lset a [list end-3] w}
    } msg] $msg
} {1 {list index out of range}}
test lset-4.7 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, not a list} testevalex {
    set a "x \{"
    list [catch {
	testevalex {lset a 0 y}
    } msg] $msg
} {1 {unmatched open brace in list}}
test lset-4.8 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, bad index} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [catch {
	testevalex {lset a 2a2 w}
    } msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "2a2": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test lset-4.9 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, index out of range} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [catch {
	testevalex {lset a -1 w}
    } msg] $msg
} {1 {list index out of range}}
test lset-4.10 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, index out of range} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [catch {
	testevalex {lset a 3 w}
    } msg] $msg
} {1 {list index out of range}}
test lset-4.11 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, index out of range} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [catch {
	testevalex {lset a end--1 w}
    } msg] $msg
} {1 {list index out of range}}
test lset-4.12 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, index out of range} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [catch {
	testevalex {lset a end-3 w}
    } msg] $msg
} {1 {list index out of range}}

test lset-5.1 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, can't set variable} testevalex {
    list [catch {
	testevalex {lset noWrite 0 d}
    } msg] $msg $noWrite
} {1 {can't set "noWrite": trace failed} {d b c}}
test lset-5.2 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, can't set variable} testevalex {
    list [catch {
	testevalex {lset noWrite [list 0] d}
    } msg] $msg $noWrite
} {1 {can't set "noWrite": trace failed} {d b c}}

test lset-6.1 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, 1-d list basics} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [testevalex {lset a 0 a}] $a
} {{a y z} {a y z}}
test lset-6.2 {lset, not compiled, 3 args, 1-d list basics} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [testevalex {lset a [list 0] a}] $a
} {{a y z} {a y z}}
test lset-6.3 {lset, not compiled, 1-d list basics} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [testevalex {lset a 2 a}] $a
} {{x y a} {x y a}}
test lset-6.4 {lset, not compiled, 1-d list basics} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [testevalex {lset a [list 2] a}] $a
} {{x y a} {x y a}}
test lset-6.5 {lset, not compiled, 1-d list basics} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [testevalex {lset a end a}] $a
} {{x y a} {x y a}}
test lset-6.6 {lset, not compiled, 1-d list basics} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [testevalex {lset a [list end] a}] $a
} {{x y a} {x y a}}
test lset-6.7 {lset, not compiled, 1-d list basics} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [testevalex {lset a end-0 a}] $a
} {{x y a} {x y a}}
test lset-6.8 {lset, not compiled, 1-d list basics} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [testevalex {lset a [list end-0] a}] $a
} {{x y a} {x y a}}
test lset-6.9 {lset, not compiled, 1-d list basics} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [testevalex {lset a end-2 a}] $a
} {{a y z} {a y z}}
test lset-6.10 {lset, not compiled, 1-d list basics} testevalex {
    set a {x y z}
    list [testevalex {lset a [list end-2] a}] $a
} {{a y z} {a y z}}

test lset-7.1 {lset, not compiled, data sharing} testevalex {
    set a 0
    list [testevalex {lset a $a {gag me}}] $a
} {{{gag me}} {{gag me}}}
test lset-7.2 {lset, not compiled, data sharing} testevalex {
    set a [list 0]
    list [testevalex {lset a $a {gag me}}] $a
} {{{gag me}} {{gag me}}}
test lset-7.3 {lset, not compiled, data sharing} testevalex {
    set a {x y}
    list [testevalex {lset a 0 $a}] $a
} {{{x y} y} {{x y} y}}
test lset-7.4 {lset, not compiled, data sharing} testevalex {
    set a {x y}
    list [testevalex {lset a [list 0] $a}] $a
} {{{x y} y} {{x y} y}}
test lset-7.5 {lset, not compiled, data sharing} testevalex {
    set n 0
    set a {x y}
    list [testevalex {lset a $n $n}] $a $n
} {{0 y} {0 y} 0}
test lset-7.6 {lset, not compiled, data sharing} testevalex {
    set n [list 0]
    set a {x y}
    list [testevalex {lset a $n $n}] $a $n
} {{0 y} {0 y} 0}
test lset-7.7 {lset, not compiled, data sharing} testevalex {
    set n 0
    set a [list $n $n]
    list [testevalex {lset a $n 1}] $a $n
} {{1 0} {1 0} 0}
test lset-7.8 {lset, not compiled, data sharing} testevalex {
    set n [list 0]
    set a [list $n $n]
    list [testevalex {lset a $n 1}] $a $n
} {{1 0} {1 0} 0}
test lset-7.9 {lset, not compiled, data sharing} testevalex {
    set a 0
    list [testevalex {lset a $a $a}] $a
} {0 0}
test lset-7.10 {lset, not compiled, data sharing} testevalex {
    set a [list 0]
    list [testevalex {lset a $a $a}] $a
} {0 0}

test lset-8.1 {lset, not compiled, malformed sublist} testevalex {
    set a [list "a \{" b]
    list [catch {testevalex {lset a 0 1 c}} msg] $msg
} {1 {unmatched open brace in list}}
test lset-8.2 {lset, not compiled, malformed sublist} testevalex {
    set a [list "a \{" b]
    list [catch {testevalex {lset a {0 1} c}} msg] $msg
} {1 {unmatched open brace in list}}
test lset-8.3 {lset, not compiled, bad second index} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e}}
    list [catch {testevalex {lset a 0 2a2 f}} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "2a2": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test lset-8.4 {lset, not compiled, bad second index} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e}}
    list [catch {testevalex {lset a {0 2a2} f}} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "2a2": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test lset-8.5 {lset, not compiled, second index out of range} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e} {f g}}
    list [catch {testevalex {lset a 2 -1 h}} msg] $msg
} {1 {list index out of range}}
test lset-8.6 {lset, not compiled, second index out of range} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e} {f g}}
    list [catch {testevalex {lset a {2 -1} h}} msg] $msg
} {1 {list index out of range}}
test lset-8.7 {lset, not compiled, second index out of range} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e} {f g}}
    list [catch {testevalex {lset a 2 2 h}} msg] $msg
} {1 {list index out of range}}
test lset-8.8 {lset, not compiled, second index out of range} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e} {f g}}
    list [catch {testevalex {lset a {2 2} h}} msg] $msg
} {1 {list index out of range}}
test lset-8.9 {lset, not compiled, second index out of range} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e} {f g}}
    list [catch {testevalex {lset a 2 end--1 h}} msg] $msg
} {1 {list index out of range}}
test lset-8.10 {lset, not compiled, second index out of range} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e} {f g}}
    list [catch {testevalex {lset a {2 end--1} h}} msg] $msg
} {1 {list index out of range}}
test lset-8.11 {lset, not compiled, second index out of range} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e} {f g}}
    list [catch {testevalex {lset a 2 end-2 h}} msg] $msg
} {1 {list index out of range}}
test lset-8.12 {lset, not compiled, second index out of range} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e} {f g}}
    list [catch {testevalex {lset a {2 end-2} h}} msg] $msg
} {1 {list index out of range}}

test lset-9.1 {lset, not compiled, entire variable} testevalex {
    set a x
    list [testevalex {lset a y}] $a
} {y y}
test lset-9.2 {lset, not compiled, entire variable} testevalex {
    set a x
    list [testevalex {lset a {} y}] $a
} {y y}

test lset-10.1 {lset, not compiled, shared data} testevalex {
    set row {p q}
    set a [list $row $row]
    list [testevalex {lset a 0 0 x}] $a
} {{{x q} {p q}} {{x q} {p q}}}
test lset-10.2 {lset, not compiled, shared data} testevalex {
    set row {p q}
    set a [list $row $row]
    list [testevalex {lset a {0 0} x}] $a
} {{{x q} {p q}} {{x q} {p q}}}
test lset-10.3 {lset, not compiled, shared data, [Bug 1333036]} testevalex {
    set a [list [list p q] [list r s]]
    set b $a
    list [testevalex {lset b {0 0} x}] $a
} {{{x q} {r s}} {{p q} {r s}}}

test lset-11.1 {lset, not compiled, 2-d basics} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e}}
    list [testevalex {lset a 0 0 f}] $a
} {{{f c} {d e}} {{f c} {d e}}}
test lset-11.2 {lset, not compiled, 2-d basics} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e}}
    list [testevalex {lset a {0 0} f}] $a
} {{{f c} {d e}} {{f c} {d e}}}
test lset-11.3 {lset, not compiled, 2-d basics} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e}}
    list [testevalex {lset a 0 1 f}] $a
} {{{b f} {d e}} {{b f} {d e}}}
test lset-11.4 {lset, not compiled, 2-d basics} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e}}
    list [testevalex {lset a {0 1} f}] $a
} {{{b f} {d e}} {{b f} {d e}}}
test lset-11.5 {lset, not compiled, 2-d basics} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e}}
    list [testevalex {lset a 1 0 f}] $a
} {{{b c} {f e}} {{b c} {f e}}}
test lset-11.6 {lset, not compiled, 2-d basics} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e}}
    list [testevalex {lset a {1 0} f}] $a
} {{{b c} {f e}} {{b c} {f e}}}
test lset-11.7 {lset, not compiled, 2-d basics} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e}}
    list [testevalex {lset a 1 1 f}] $a
} {{{b c} {d f}} {{b c} {d f}}}
test lset-11.8 {lset, not compiled, 2-d basics} testevalex {
    set a {{b c} {d e}}
    list [testevalex {lset a {1 1} f}] $a
} {{{b c} {d f}} {{b c} {d f}}}

test lset-12.0 {lset, not compiled, typical sharing pattern} testevalex {
    set zero 0
    set row [list $zero $zero $zero $zero]
    set ident [list $row $row $row $row]
    for { set i 0 } { $i < 4 } { incr i } {
	testevalex {lset ident $i $i 1}
    set ident
} {{1 0 0 0} {0 1 0 0} {0 0 1 0} {0 0 0 1}}

test lset-13.0 {lset, not compiled, shimmering hell} testevalex {
    set a 0
    list [testevalex {lset a $a $a $a $a {gag me}}] $a
} {{{{{{gag me}}}}} {{{{{gag me}}}}}}
test lset-13.1 {lset, not compiled, shimmering hell} testevalex {
    set a [list 0]
    list [testevalex {lset a $a $a $a $a {gag me}}] $a
} {{{{{{gag me}}}}} {{{{{gag me}}}}}}
test lset-13.2 {lset, not compiled, shimmering hell} testevalex {
    set a [list 0 0 0 0]
    list [testevalex {lset a $a {gag me}}] $a
} {{{{{{gag me}}}} 0 0 0} {{{{{gag me}}}} 0 0 0}}

test lset-14.1 {lset, not compiled, list args, is string rep preserved?} testevalex {
    set a { { 1 2 } { 3 4 } }
    catch { testevalex {lset a {1 5} 5} }
    list $a [lindex $a 1]
} "{ { 1 2 } { 3 4 } } { 3 4 }"
test lset-14.2 {lset, not compiled, flat args, is string rep preserved?} testevalex {
    set a { { 1 2 } { 3 4 } }
    catch { testevalex {lset a 1 5 5} }
    list $a [lindex $a 1]
} "{ { 1 2 } { 3 4 } } { 3 4 }"

catch {unset noRead}
catch {unset noWrite}
catch {rename failTrace {}}
catch {unset ::x}
catch {unset ::y}

# cleanup