# This file tests the tclMacOSXFCmd.c file.
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 2003 Tcl Core Team.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: macOSXFCmd.test,v 1.2 2004/05/19 20:15:32 dkf Exp $

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

# These tests really need to be run from a writable directory, which
# it is assumed [temporaryDirectory] is.
set oldcwd [pwd]
cd [temporaryDirectory]

# check whether macosx file attributes are supported
testConstraint macosxFileAttr 0
if {$tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix" && \
	$tcl_platform(os) eq "Darwin"} {
    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
    close [open foo.test w]
    catch {
	file attributes foo.test -creator
	testConstraint macosxFileAttr 1
    file delete -force -- foo.test

test macOSXFCmd-1.1 {MacOSXGetFileAttribute - file not found} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -creator} msg] $msg
} {1 {could not read "foo.test": no such file or directory}}
test macOSXFCmd-1.2 {MacOSXGetFileAttribute - creator} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
    close [open foo.test w]
    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -creator} msg] $msg \
	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
} {0 {} {}}
test macOSXFCmd-1.3 {MacOSXGetFileAttribute - type} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
    close [open foo.test w]
    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -type} msg] $msg \
	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
} {0 {} {}}
test macOSXFCmd-1.4 {MacOSXGetFileAttribute - hidden} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
    close [open foo.test w]
    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -hidden} msg] $msg \
	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
} {0 0 {}}
test macOSXFCmd-1.5 {MacOSXGetFileAttribute - rsrclength} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
    close [open foo.test w]
    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -rsrclength} msg] $msg \
	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
} {0 0 {}}

test macOSXFCmd-2.1 {MacOSXSetFileAttribute - file not found} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -creator FOOO} msg] $msg
} {1 {could not read "foo.test": no such file or directory}}
test macOSXFCmd-2.2 {MacOSXSetFileAttribute - creator} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
    close [open foo.test w]
    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -creator FOOO} msg] $msg \
	    [catch {file attributes foo.test -creator} msg] $msg \
	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
} {0 {} 0 FOOO {}}
test macOSXFCmd-2.3 {MacOSXSetFileAttribute - empty creator} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
    close [open foo.test w]
    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -creator {}} msg] $msg \
	    [catch {file attributes foo.test -creator} msg] $msg \
	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
} {0 {} 0 {} {}}
test macOSXFCmd-2.4 {MacOSXSetFileAttribute - type} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
    close [open foo.test w]
    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -type FOOO} msg] $msg \
	    [catch {file attributes foo.test -type} msg] $msg \
	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
} {0 {} 0 FOOO {}}
test macOSXFCmd-2.5 {MacOSXSetFileAttribute - empty type} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
    close [open foo.test w]
    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -type {}} msg] $msg \
	    [catch {file attributes foo.test -type} msg] $msg \
	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
} {0 {} 0 {} {}}
test macOSXFCmd-2.6 {MacOSXSetFileAttribute - hidden} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
    close [open foo.test w]
    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -hidden 1} msg] $msg \
	    [catch {file attributes foo.test -hidden} msg] $msg \
	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
} {0 {} 0 1 {}}
test macOSXFCmd-2.7 {MacOSXSetFileAttribute - rsrclength} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
    close [open foo.test w]
    catch {
	set f [open foo.test/rsrc w]
	fconfigure $f -translation lf -eofchar {}
	puts -nonewline $f "foo"
	close $f
    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -rsrclength} msg] $msg \
	    [catch {file attributes foo.test -rsrclength 0} msg] $msg \
	    [catch {file attributes foo.test -rsrclength} msg] $msg \
	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
} {0 3 0 {} 0 0 {}}

test macOSXFCmd-3.1 {MacOSXCopyFileAttributes} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
    catch {file delete -force -- bar.test}
    close [open foo.test w]
    catch {
	file attributes foo.test -creator FOOO -type FOOO -hidden 1
	set f [open foo.test/rsrc w]
	fconfigure $f -translation lf -eofchar {}
	puts -nonewline $f "foo"
	close $f
	file copy foo.test bar.test
    list [catch {file attributes bar.test -creator} msg] $msg \
	    [catch {file attributes bar.test -type} msg] $msg \
	    [catch {file attributes bar.test -hidden} msg] $msg \
	    [catch {file attributes bar.test -rsrclength} msg] $msg \
	    [file delete -force -- foo.test bar.test]
} {0 FOOO 0 FOOO 0 1 0 3 {}}

# cleanup
cd $oldcwd