# This file contains a collection of tests for generic/tclMain.c.

if {[catch {package require tcltest 2.0.2}]} {
    puts stderr "Skipping tests in [info script]. tcltest 2.0.2 required."

namespace eval ::tcl::test::main {
    namespace import ::tcltest::*

    # Is [exec] defined?
    testConstraint exec [llength [info commands exec]]

    # Is the Tcltest package loaded?
    #	- that is, the special C-coded testing commands in tclTest.c
    #   - tests use testing commands introduced in Tcltest 8.4
    testConstraint Tcltest [expr {
	[llength [package provide Tcltest]]
	&& [package vsatisfies [package provide Tcltest] 8.4]}]

    # Procedure to simulate interactive typing of commands, line by line
    proc type {chan script} {
	foreach line [split $script \n] {
	    if {[catch {
	        puts $chan $line
	        flush $chan
	    }]} {
	    # Grrr... Behavior depends on this value.
	    after 1000

    cd [temporaryDirectory]
    # Tests Tcl_Main-1.*: variable initializations

    test Tcl_Main-1.1 {
	Tcl_Main: startup script - normal
    } -constraints {
    } -setup {
	makeFile {puts [list $argv0 $argv $tcl_interactive]} script
	catch {set f [open "|[list [interpreter] script]" r]}
    } -body {
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	removeFile script
    } -result [list script {} 0]\n

    test Tcl_Main-1.2 {
	Tcl_Main: startup script - can't begin with '-'
    } -constraints {
    } -setup {
	makeFile {puts [list $argv0 $argv $tcl_interactive]} -script
	catch {set f [open "|[list [interpreter] -script]" w+]}
    } -body {
	puts $f {puts [list $argv0 $argv $tcl_interactive]; exit}
	flush $f
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	removeFile -script
    } -result [list [interpreter] -script 0]\n

    test Tcl_Main-1.3 {
	Tcl_Main: encoding of arguments: done by system encoding
	Note the shortcoming explained in Tcl Feature Request 491789
    } -constraints {
    } -setup {
	makeFile {puts [list $argv0 $argv $tcl_interactive]} script
	catch {set f [open "|[list [interpreter] script \u00c0]" r]}
    } -body {
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	removeFile script
    } -result [list script [list [encoding convertfrom [encoding system] \
	[encoding convertto [encoding system] \u00c0]]] 0]\n

    test Tcl_Main-1.4 {
	Tcl_Main: encoding of arguments: done by system encoding
	Note the shortcoming explained in Tcl Feature Request 491789
    } -constraints {
	stdio tempNotWin
    } -setup {
	makeFile {puts [list $argv0 $argv $tcl_interactive]} script
	catch {set f [open "|[list [interpreter] script \u20ac]" r]}
    } -body {
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	removeFile script
    } -result [list script [list [encoding convertfrom [encoding system] \
	[encoding convertto [encoding system] \u20ac]]] 0]\n

    test Tcl_Main-1.5 {
	Tcl_Main: encoding of script name: system encoding loss
	Note the shortcoming explained in Tcl Feature Request 491789
    } -constraints {
    } -setup {
	makeFile {puts [list $argv0 $argv $tcl_interactive]} \u00c0
	catch {set f [open "|[list [interpreter] \u00c0]" r]}
    } -body {
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	removeFile \u00c0
    } -result [list [list [encoding convertfrom [encoding system] \
	[encoding convertto [encoding system] \u00c0]]] {} 0]\n

    test Tcl_Main-1.6 {
	Tcl_Main: encoding of script name: system encoding loss
	Note the shortcoming explained in Tcl Feature Request 491789
    } -constraints {
	stdio tempNotWin
    } -setup {
	makeFile {puts [list $argv0 $argv $tcl_interactive]} \u20ac
	catch {set f [open "|[list [interpreter] \u20ac]" r]}
    } -body {
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	removeFile \u20ac
    } -result [list [list [encoding convertfrom [encoding system] \
	[encoding convertto [encoding system] \u20ac]]] {} 0]\n

    test Tcl_Main-1.7 {
	Tcl_Main: startup script - -encoding option
    } -constraints {
    } -setup {
	set script [makeFile {} script]
	file delete $script
	set f [open $script w]
	fconfigure $f -encoding utf-8
	puts $f {puts [list $argv0 $argv $tcl_interactive]}
	puts -nonewline $f {puts [string equal \u20ac }
	puts $f "\u20ac]"
	close $f
	catch {set f [open "|[list [interpreter] -encoding utf-8 script]" r]}
    } -body {
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	removeFile script
    } -result [list script {} 0]\n1\n

    test Tcl_Main-1.8 {
	Tcl_Main: startup script - -encoding option - mismatched encodings
    } -constraints {
    } -setup {
	set script [makeFile {} script]
	file delete $script
	set f [open $script w]
	fconfigure $f -encoding utf-8
	puts $f {puts [list $argv0 $argv $tcl_interactive]}
	puts -nonewline $f {puts [string equal \u20ac }
	puts $f "\u20ac]"
	close $f
	catch {set f [open "|[list [interpreter] -encoding ascii script]" r]}
    } -body {
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	removeFile script
    } -result [list script {} 0]\n0\n

    test Tcl_Main-1.9 {
	Tcl_Main: startup script - -encoding option - no abbrevation
    } -constraints {
    } -setup {
	set script [makeFile {} script]
	file delete $script
	set f [open $script w]
	fconfigure $f -encoding utf-8
	puts $f {puts [list $argv0 $argv $tcl_interactive]}
	puts -nonewline $f {puts [string equal \u20ac }
	puts $f "\u20ac]"
	close $f
	catch {set f [open "|[list [interpreter] -enc utf-8 script]" r+]}
    } -body {
	type $f {
	    puts $argv
	list [catch {gets $f} line] $line
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	removeFile script
    } -result {0 {-enc utf-8 script}}

    # Tests Tcl_Main-2.*: application-initialization procedure

    test Tcl_Main-2.1 {
	Tcl_Main: appInitProc returns error
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -setup {
	makeFile {puts "In script"} script
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] script -appinitprocerror >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
	removeFile script
    } -result "application-specific initialization failed: \nIn script\n"

    test Tcl_Main-2.2 {
	Tcl_Main: appInitProc returns error
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {puts "In script"} -appinitprocerror >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "application-specific initialization failed: \nIn script\n"

    test Tcl_Main-2.3 {
	Tcl_Main: appInitProc deletes interp
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -setup {
	makeFile {puts "In script"} script
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] script -appinitprocdeleteinterp >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
	removeFile script
    } -result "application-specific initialization failed: \n"

    test Tcl_Main-2.4 {
	Tcl_Main: appInitProc deletes interp
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {puts "In script"} \
		-appinitprocdeleteinterp >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "application-specific initialization failed: \n"

    test Tcl_Main-2.5 {
	Tcl_Main: appInitProc closes stderr
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {puts "In script"} \
		-appinitprocclosestderr >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "In script\n"

    # Tests Tcl_Main-3.*: startup script evaluation

    test Tcl_Main-3.1 {
	Tcl_Main: startup script does not exist
    } -constraints {
    } -setup {
	if {[file exists no-such-file]} {
	    error "Can't run test Tcl_Main-3.1\
		    where a file named \"no-such-file\" exists"
    } -body {
	set code [catch {exec [interpreter] no-such-file >& result} result]
	set f [open result]
	list $code $result [read $f]
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -match glob -result [list 1 {child process exited abnormally} \
	{couldn't read file "no-such-file":*}]

    test Tcl_Main-3.2 {
	Tcl_Main: startup script raises error
    } -constraints {
    } -setup {
	makeFile {error ERROR} script
    } -body {
	set code [catch {exec [interpreter] script >& result} result]
	set f [open result]
	list $code $result [read $f]
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
	removeFile script
    } -match glob -result [list 1 {child process exited abnormally} \
	"ERROR\n    while executing*"]

    test Tcl_Main-3.3 {
	Tcl_Main: startup script closes stderr
    } -constraints {
    } -setup {
	makeFile {close stderr; error ERROR} script
    } -body {
	set code [catch {exec [interpreter] script >& result} result]
	set f [open result]
	list $code $result [read $f]
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
	removeFile script
    } -result [list 1 {child process exited abnormally} {}]

    test Tcl_Main-3.4 {
	Tcl_Main: startup script holds incomplete script
    } -constraints {
    } -setup {
	makeFile "if 1 \{" script
    } -body {
	set code [catch {exec [interpreter] script >& result} result]
	set f [open result]
	join [list $code $result [read $f]] \n
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
	removeFile script
    } -match glob -result [join [list 1 {child process exited abnormally}\
	"missing close-brace\n    while executing*"] \n]

    test Tcl_Main-3.5 {
	Tcl_Main: startup script sets main loop
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -setup {
	makeFile {
		rename exit _exit
		proc exit {code} {
		    puts "In exit"
		    _exit $code
		after 0 {
			puts event
		testexithandler create 0
	} script
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] script >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
	removeFile script
    } -result "event\nExit MainLoop\nIn exit\neven 0\n"

    test Tcl_Main-3.6 {
	Tcl_Main: startup script sets main loop and closes stdin
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -setup {
	makeFile {
		close stdin
		rename exit _exit
		proc exit {code} {
		    puts "In exit"
		    _exit $code
		after 0 {
			puts event
		testexithandler create 0
	} script
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] script >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
	removeFile script
    } -result "event\nExit MainLoop\nIn exit\neven 0\n"

    test Tcl_Main-3.7 {
	Tcl_Main: startup script deletes interp
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -setup {
	makeFile {
		rename exit _exit
		proc exit {code} {
		    puts "In exit"
		    _exit $code
		testexithandler create 0
		testinterpdelete {}
	} script
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] script >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
	removeFile script
    } -result "even 0\n"

    test Tcl_Main-3.8 {
	Tcl_Main: startup script deletes interp and sets mainloop
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -setup {
	makeFile {
		rename exit _exit
		proc exit {code} {
		    puts "In exit"
		    _exit $code
		testexithandler create 0
		testinterpdelete {}
	} script
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] script >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
	removeFile script
    } -result "Exit MainLoop\neven 0\n"

    test Tcl_Main-3.9 {
	Tcl_Main: startup script can set tcl_interactive without limit
    } -constraints {
    } -setup {
	makeFile {set tcl_interactive foo} script
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] script >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
	removeFile script
    } -result {}

    # Tests Tcl_Main-4.*: rc file evaluation

    test Tcl_Main-4.1 {
	Tcl_Main: rcFile evaluation deletes interp
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -setup {
	set rc [makeFile {testinterpdelete {}} rc]
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {puts "In script"} \
		-appinitprocsetrcfile $rc >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
	removeFile rc
    } -result "application-specific initialization failed: \n"

    test Tcl_Main-4.2 {
	Tcl_Main: rcFile evaluation closes stdin
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -setup {
	set rc [makeFile {close stdin} rc]
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {puts "In script"} \
		-appinitprocsetrcfile $rc >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
	removeFile rc
    } -result "application-specific initialization failed: \n"

    test Tcl_Main-4.3 {
	Tcl_Main: rcFile evaluation closes stdin and sets main loop
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -setup {
	set rc [makeFile {
		close stdin
		after 0 testexitmainloop
		testexithandler create 0
		rename exit _exit
		proc exit code {
		    puts "In exit"
		    _exit $code
	} rc]
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {puts "In script"} \
		-appinitprocsetrcfile $rc >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
	removeFile rc
    } -result "application-specific initialization failed:\
	\nExit MainLoop\nIn exit\neven 0\n"

    test Tcl_Main-4.4 {
	Tcl_Main: rcFile evaluation sets main loop
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -setup {
	set rc [makeFile {
		after 0 testexitmainloop
		testexithandler create 0
		rename exit _exit
		proc exit code {
		    puts "In exit"
		    _exit $code
	} rc]
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {} \
		-appinitprocsetrcfile $rc >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
	removeFile rc
    } -result "application-specific initialization failed:\
	\nExit MainLoop\nIn exit\neven 0\n"

    test Tcl_Main-4.5 {
        Tcl_Main: Bug 1481986
    } -constraints {
        exec Tcltest
    } -setup {
        set rc [makeFile {
                after 0 {puts "Event callback"}
        } rc]
    } -body {
        set f [open "|[list [interpreter] -appinitprocsetrcfile $rc]" w+]
        after 1000
        type $f {puts {Interactive output}
        read $f
    } -cleanup {
        catch {close $f}
        removeFile rc
    } -result "Event callback\nInteractive output\n"

    # Tests Tcl_Main-5.*: interactive operations

    test Tcl_Main-5.1 {
	Tcl_Main: tcl_interactive must be boolean
    } -constraints {
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {set tcl_interactive foo} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "can't set \"tcl_interactive\":\
	     variable must have boolean value\n"

    test Tcl_Main-5.2 {
	Tcl_Main able to handle non-blocking stdin
    } -constraints {
    } -setup {
	catch {set f [open "|[list [interpreter]]" w+]}
    } -body {
	type $f {
	    fconfigure stdin -blocking 0
	    puts SUCCESS
	list [catch {gets $f} line] $line
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
    } -result [list 0 SUCCESS]

    test Tcl_Main-5.3 {
	Tcl_Main handles stdin EOF in mid-command
    } -constraints {
    } -setup {
	catch {set f [open "|[list [interpreter]]" w+]}
	catch {fconfigure $f -blocking 0}
    } -body {
	type $f "fconfigure stdin -eofchar \\032
	    if 1 \{\n\032"
	variable wait
	fileevent $f readable \
		[list set [namespace which -variable wait] "child exit"]
	set id [after 2000 [list set [namespace which -variable wait] timeout]]
	vwait [namespace which -variable wait]
	after cancel $id
	set wait
    } -cleanup {
	if {[string equal timeout $wait] && [testConstraint unix]} {
	    exec kill [pid $f]
	close $f
    } -result {child exit}

    test Tcl_Main-5.4 {
	Tcl_Main handles stdin EOF in mid-command
    } -constraints {
    } -setup {
	set cmd {makeFile "if 1 \{" script}
	catch {set f [open "|[list [interpreter]] < [list [eval $cmd]]" r]}
	catch {fconfigure $f -blocking 0}
    } -body {
	variable wait
	fileevent $f readable \
		[list set [namespace which -variable wait] "child exit"]
	set id [after 2000 [list set [namespace which -variable wait] timeout]]
	vwait [namespace which -variable wait]
	after cancel $id
	set wait
    } -cleanup {
	if {[string equal timeout $wait] && [testConstraint unix]} {
	    exec kill [pid $f]
	close $f
	removeFile script
    } -result {child exit}

    test Tcl_Main-5.5 {
	Tcl_Main: error raised in interactive mode
    } -constraints {
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {error foo} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "foo\n"

    test Tcl_Main-5.6 {
	Tcl_Main: interactive mode: errors don't stop command loop
    } -constraints {
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		error foo
		puts bar
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "foo\nbar\n"

    test Tcl_Main-5.7 {
	Tcl_Main: interactive mode: closed stderr
    } -constraints {
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		close stderr
		error foo
		puts bar
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "bar\n"

    test Tcl_Main-5.8 {
	Tcl_Main: interactive mode: close stdin
		-> main loop & [exit] & exit handlers
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		rename exit _exit
		proc exit code {
		    puts "In exit"
		    _exit $code
		testexithandler create 0
		close stdin
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "Exit MainLoop\nIn exit\neven 0\n"

    test Tcl_Main-5.9 {
	Tcl_Main: interactive mode: delete interp 
		-> main loop & exit handlers, but no [exit]
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		rename exit _exit
		proc exit code {
		    puts "In exit"
		    _exit $code
		testexithandler create 0
		testinterpdelete {}
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "Exit MainLoop\neven 0\n"

    test Tcl_Main-5.10 {
	Tcl_Main: exit main loop in mid-interactive command
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -setup {
	catch {set f [open "|[list [interpreter]]" w+]}
	catch {fconfigure $f -blocking 0}
    } -body {
	type $f "testsetmainloop
	         after 2000 testexitmainloop
	         puts \{1 2"
	after 4000
	type $f "3 4\}"
	set code1 [catch {gets $f} line1]
	set code2 [catch {gets $f} line2]
	set code3 [catch {gets $f} line3]
	list $code1 $line1 $code2 $line2 $code3 $line3
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
    } -result [list 0 {Exit MainLoop} 0 {1 2} 0 {3 4}]

    test Tcl_Main-5.11 {
	Tcl_Main: EOF in interactive main loop
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		rename exit _exit
		proc exit code {
		    puts "In exit"
		    _exit $code
		testexithandler create 0
		after 0 testexitmainloop
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "Exit MainLoop\nIn exit\neven 0\n"

    test Tcl_Main-5.12 {
	Tcl_Main: close stdin in interactive main loop
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		rename exit _exit
		proc exit code {
		    puts "In exit"
		    _exit $code
		testexithandler create 0
		after 100 testexitmainloop
		close stdin
		puts "don't reach this"
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "Exit MainLoop\nIn exit\neven 0\n"

    test Tcl_Main-5.13 {
	Bug 1775878
    } -constraints {
    } -setup {
	catch {set f [open "|[list [interpreter]]" w+]}
    } -body {
	type $f "puts \\"
	type $f return
	list [catch {gets $f} line] $line
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
    } -result [list 0 return]

    # Tests Tcl_Main-6.*: interactive operations with prompts

    test Tcl_Main-6.1 {
	Tcl_Main: enable prompts with tcl_interactive
    } -constraints {
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {set tcl_interactive 1} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\n% "

    test Tcl_Main-6.2 {
	Tcl_Main: prompt deletes interp
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		set tcl_prompt1 {testinterpdelete {}}
		set tcl_interactive 1
		puts "not reached"
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\n"

    test Tcl_Main-6.3 {
	Tcl_Main: prompt closes stdin
    } -constraints {
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		set tcl_prompt1 {close stdin}
		set tcl_interactive 1
		puts "not reached"
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\n"

    test Tcl_Main-6.4 {
	Tcl_Main: interactive output, closed stdout
    } -constraints {
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		set tcl_interactive 1
		close stdout
		set a NO
		puts stderr YES
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\n% YES\n"

    test Tcl_Main-6.5 {
	Tcl_Main: interactive entry to main loop
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		set tcl_interactive 1
		testexitmainloop} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\n% % % Exit MainLoop\n"

    test Tcl_Main-6.6 {
	Tcl_Main: number of prompts during stdin close exit
    } -constraints {
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		set tcl_interactive 1
		close stdin} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\n% "

    test Tcl_Main-6.7 {
	[unknown]: interactive auto-completion.
    } -constraints {
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		proc foo\{ x {}
		set ::auto_noexec xxx
		set tcl_interactive 1
		foo y} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\n% % "

    # Tests Tcl_Main-7.*: exiting

    test Tcl_Main-7.1 {
	Tcl_Main: [exit] defined as no-op -> still have exithandlers
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		proc exit args {}
		testexithandler create 0
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "even 0\n"

    test Tcl_Main-7.2 {
	Tcl_Main: [exit] defined as no-op -> still have exithandlers
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		proc exit args {}
		testexithandler create 0
		after 0 testexitmainloop
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "Exit MainLoop\neven 0\n"

    # Tests Tcl_Main-8.*: StdinProc operations

    test Tcl_Main-8.1 {
	StdinProc: handles non-blocking stdin
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		fconfigure stdin -blocking 0
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "Exit MainLoop\n"

    test Tcl_Main-8.2 {
	StdinProc: handles stdin EOF
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		testexithandler create 0
		rename exit _exit
		proc exit code {
		    puts "In exit"
		    _exit $code
		after 100 testexitmainloop
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "Exit MainLoop\nIn exit\neven 0\n"

    test Tcl_Main-8.3 {
	StdinProc: handles interactive stdin EOF
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		testexithandler create 0
		rename exit _exit
		proc exit code {
		    puts "In exit"
		    _exit $code
		set tcl_interactive 1} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\n% even 0\n"

    test Tcl_Main-8.4 {
	StdinProc: handles stdin close
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		rename exit _exit
		proc exit code {
		    puts "In exit"
		    _exit $code
		after 100 testexitmainloop
		after 0 puts 1
		close stdin
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\nExit MainLoop\nIn exit\n"

    test Tcl_Main-8.5 {
	StdinProc: handles interactive stdin close
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		set tcl_interactive 1
		rename exit _exit
		proc exit code {
		    puts "In exit"
		    _exit $code
		after 100 testexitmainloop
		after 0 puts 1
		close stdin
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\n% % % after#0\n% after#1\n% 1\nExit MainLoop\nIn exit\n"

    test Tcl_Main-8.6 {
	StdinProc: handles event loop re-entry
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		after 100 {puts 1; set delay 1}
		vwait delay
		puts 2
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\n2\nExit MainLoop\n"

    test Tcl_Main-8.7 {
	StdinProc: handling of errors
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		error foo
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "foo\nExit MainLoop\n"

    test Tcl_Main-8.8 {
	StdinProc: handling of errors, closed stderr
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		close stderr
		error foo
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "Exit MainLoop\n"

    test Tcl_Main-8.9 {
	StdinProc: interactive output
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		set tcl_interactive 1
		testexitmainloop} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\n% % Exit MainLoop\n"

    test Tcl_Main-8.10 {
	StdinProc: interactive output, closed stdout
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		close stdout
		set tcl_interactive 1
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result {}

    test Tcl_Main-8.11 {
	StdinProc: prompt deletes interp
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		set tcl_prompt1 {testinterpdelete {}}
		set tcl_interactive 1} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\n"

    test Tcl_Main-8.12 {
	StdinProc: prompt closes stdin
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		set tcl_prompt1 {close stdin}
		after 100 testexitmainloop
		set tcl_interactive 1
		puts "not reached"
	} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\nExit MainLoop\n"

    test Tcl_Main-8.13 {
	Bug 1775878
    } -constraints {
	exec Tcltest
    } -setup {
	catch {set f [open "|[list [interpreter]]" w+]}
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << "testsetmainloop\nputs \\\npwd\ntestexitmainloop" >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "pwd\nExit MainLoop\n"

    # Tests Tcl_Main-9.*: Prompt operations

    test Tcl_Main-9.1 {
	Prompt: custom prompt variables
    } -constraints {
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		set tcl_prompt1 {puts -nonewline stdout "one "}
		set tcl_prompt2 {puts -nonewline stdout "two "}
		set tcl_interactive 1
		puts {This is
		a test}} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\none two This is\n\t\ta test\none "

    test Tcl_Main-9.2 {
	Prompt: error in custom prompt variables
    } -constraints {
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		set tcl_prompt1 {error foo}
		set tcl_interactive 1
		set errorInfo} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\nfoo\n% foo\n    while executing\n\"error foo\"\n    (script\
	that generates prompt)\nfoo\n% "

    test Tcl_Main-9.3 {
	Prompt: error in custom prompt variables, closed stderr
    } -constraints {
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		set tcl_prompt1 {close stderr; error foo}
		set tcl_interactive 1} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\n% "

    test Tcl_Main-9.4 {
	Prompt: error in custom prompt variables, closed stdout
    } -constraints {
    } -body {
	exec [interpreter] << {
		set tcl_prompt1 {close stdout; error foo}
		set tcl_interactive 1} >& result
	set f [open result]
	read $f
    } -cleanup {
	close $f
	file delete result
    } -result "1\nfoo\n"

    cd [workingDirectory]


namespace delete ::tcl::test::main