# Commands covered: ::tcl::mathop::... # # This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl built-in # commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output # for errors. No output means no errors were found. # # Copyright (c) 2006 Donal K. Fellows # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of # this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: mathop.test,v 1.1 2006/11/26 12:52:55 dkf Exp $ if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} { package require tcltest 2.1 namespace import -force ::tcltest::* } # start of tests namespace eval ::testmathop { namespace path ::tcl::mathop test mathop-1.1 {compiled +} { + } 0 test mathop-1.2 {compiled +} { + 1 } 1 test mathop-1.3 {compiled +} { + 1 2 } 3 test mathop-1.4 {compiled +} { + 1 2 3 } 6 test mathop-1.5 {compiled +} { + 1.0 2 3 } 6.0 test mathop-1.6 {compiled +} { + 1 2 3.0 } 6.0 test mathop-1.7 {compiled +} { + 100000000000 2 3 } 100000000005 test mathop-1.8 {compiled +} { + 1 2 300000000000 } 300000000003 test mathop-1.9 {compiled +} { + 1000000000000000000000 2 3 } 1000000000000000000005 test mathop-1.10 {compiled +} { + 1 2 3000000000000000000000 } 3000000000000000000003 test mathop-1.11 {compiled +: errors} -returnCodes error -body { + x 0 } -result {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "+"} test mathop-1.12 {compiled +: errors} -returnCodes error -body { + nan 0 } -result {can't use non-numeric floating-point value as operand of "+"} test mathop-1.13 {compiled +: errors} -returnCodes error -body { + 0 x } -result {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "+"} test mathop-1.14 {compiled +: errors} -returnCodes error -body { + 0 nan } -result {can't use non-numeric floating-point value as operand of "+"} test mathop-1.15 {compiled +: errors} -returnCodes error -body { + 08 0 } -result {can't use invalid octal number as operand of "+"} test mathop-1.16 {compiled +: errors} -returnCodes error -body { + 0 08 } -result {can't use invalid octal number as operand of "+"} test mathop-1.17 {compiled +: errors} -returnCodes error -body { + 0 [error expectedError] } -result expectedError test mathop-1.18 {compiled +: argument processing order} -body { # Bytecode compilation known buggy for 3+ arguments list [catch { + [set x 0] [incr x] NaN [incr x] [error expected] [incr x] } msg] $msg $x } -result {1 expected 2} -constraints knownBug set op + test mathop-1.19 {interpreted +} { $op } 0 test mathop-1.20 {interpreted +} { $op 1 } 1 test mathop-1.21 {interpreted +} { $op 1 2 } 3 test mathop-1.22 {interpreted +} { $op 1 2 3 } 6 test mathop-1.23 {interpreted +} { $op 1.0 2 3 } 6.0 test mathop-1.24 {interpreted +} { $op 1 2 3.0 } 6.0 test mathop-1.25 {interpreted +} { $op 100000000000 2 3 } 100000000005 test mathop-1.26 {interpreted +} { $op 1 2 300000000000 } 300000000003 test mathop-1.27 {interpreted +} { $op 1000000000000000000000 2 3 } 1000000000000000000005 test mathop-1.28 {interpreted +} { $op 1 2 3000000000000000000000 } 3000000000000000000003 test mathop-1.29 {interpreted +: errors} -returnCodes error -body { $op x 0 } -result {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "+"} test mathop-1.30 {interpreted +: errors} -returnCodes error -body { $op nan 0 } -result {can't use non-numeric floating-point value as operand of "+"} test mathop-1.31 {interpreted +: errors} -returnCodes error -body { $op 0 x } -result {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "+"} test mathop-1.32 {interpreted +: errors} -returnCodes error -body { $op 0 nan } -result {can't use non-numeric floating-point value as operand of "+"} test mathop-1.33 {interpreted +: errors} -returnCodes error -body { $op 08 0 } -result {can't use invalid octal number as operand of "+"} test mathop-1.34 {interpreted +: errors} -returnCodes error -body { $op 0 08 } -result {can't use invalid octal number as operand of "+"} test mathop-1.35 {interpreted +: errors} -returnCodes error -body { $op 0 [error expectedError] } -result expectedError test mathop-1.36 {interpreted +: argument processing order} -body { list [catch { $op [set x 0] [incr x] NaN [incr x] [error expected] [incr x] } msg] $msg $x } -result {1 expected 2} test mathop-2.1 {compiled *} { * } 1 test mathop-2.2 {compiled *} { * 2 } 2 test mathop-2.3 {compiled *} { * 2 3 } 6 test mathop-2.4 {compiled *} { * 2 3 4 } 24 test mathop-2.5 {compiled *} { * 1.0 2 3 } 6.0 test mathop-2.6 {compiled *} { * 1 2 3.0 } 6.0 test mathop-2.7 {compiled *} { * 100000000000 2 3 } 600000000000 test mathop-2.8 {compiled *} { * 1 2 300000000000 } 600000000000 test mathop-2.9 {compiled *} { * 1000000000000000000000 2 3 } 6000000000000000000000 test mathop-2.10 {compiled *} { * 1 2 3000000000000000000000 } 6000000000000000000000 test mathop-2.11 {compiled *: errors} -returnCodes error -body { * x 0 } -result {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "*"} test mathop-2.12 {compiled *: errors} -returnCodes error -body { * nan 0 } -result {can't use non-numeric floating-point value as operand of "*"} test mathop-2.13 {compiled *: errors} -returnCodes error -body { * 0 x } -result {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "*"} test mathop-2.14 {compiled *: errors} -returnCodes error -body { * 0 nan } -result {can't use non-numeric floating-point value as operand of "*"} test mathop-2.15 {compiled *: errors} -returnCodes error -body { * 08 0 } -result {can't use invalid octal number as operand of "*"} test mathop-2.16 {compiled *: errors} -returnCodes error -body { * 0 08 } -result {can't use invalid octal number as operand of "*"} test mathop-2.17 {compiled *: errors} -returnCodes error -body { * 0 [error expectedError] } -result expectedError test mathop-2.18 {compiled *: argument processing order} -body { # Bytecode compilation known buggy for 3+ arguments list [catch { * [set x 0] [incr x] NaN [incr x] [error expected] [incr x] } msg] $msg $x } -result {1 expected 2} -constraints knownBug set op * test mathop-2.19 {interpreted *} { $op } 1 test mathop-2.20 {interpreted *} { $op 2 } 2 test mathop-2.21 {interpreted *} { $op 2 3 } 6 test mathop-2.22 {interpreted *} { $op 2 3 4 } 24 test mathop-2.23 {interpreted *} { $op 1.0 2 3 } 6.0 test mathop-2.24 {interpreted *} { $op 1 2 3.0 } 6.0 test mathop-2.25 {interpreted *} { $op 100000000000 2 3 } 600000000000 test mathop-2.26 {interpreted *} { $op 1 2 300000000000 } 600000000000 test mathop-2.27 {interpreted *} { $op 1000000000000000000000 2 3 } 6000000000000000000000 test mathop-2.28 {interpreted *} { $op 1 2 3000000000000000000000 } 6000000000000000000000 test mathop-2.29 {interpreted *: errors} -returnCodes error -body { $op x 0 } -result {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "*"} test mathop-2.30 {interpreted *: errors} -returnCodes error -body { $op nan 0 } -result {can't use non-numeric floating-point value as operand of "*"} test mathop-2.31 {interpreted *: errors} -returnCodes error -body { $op 0 x } -result {can't use non-numeric string as operand of "*"} test mathop-2.32 {interpreted *: errors} -returnCodes error -body { $op 0 nan } -result {can't use non-numeric floating-point value as operand of "*"} test mathop-2.33 {interpreted *: errors} -returnCodes error -body { $op 08 0 } -result {can't use invalid octal number as operand of "*"} test mathop-2.34 {interpreted *: errors} -returnCodes error -body { $op 0 08 } -result {can't use invalid octal number as operand of "*"} test mathop-2.35 {interpreted *: errors} -returnCodes error -body { $op 0 [error expectedError] } -result expectedError test mathop-2.36 {interpreted *: argument processing order} -body { list [catch { $op [set x 0] [incr x] NaN [incr x] [error expected] [incr x] } msg] $msg $x } -result {1 expected 2} # TODO: ! ~ & | ^ % ** << >> - / == != < <= > >= eq ne in ni } # cleanup namespace delete ::testmathop ::tcltest::cleanupTests return # Local Variables: # mode: tcl # End: